Excerpt from BETRAYED by Donnell Ann Bell

Hello, everyone! In my crazy life, guess what? I forgot that the wonderful Cynthia Woolf had invited me to blog. It’s nuts around my house, and I have company coming. The way I look at it, I could ask all of you wonderful people reading to come help me vacuum and dust or I could throw myself on the Court and Cindy’s mercy and do a book giveaway.

Betrayed_-_600x900x300_2I have a new book out; it’s called BETRAYED, and Irene Turner was amazingly fun to write—and in my mind should be every woman’s hero.

What would you do if you were a trap shooting/gun expert and the child you thought was stillborn was very much alive, and people you trusted help betray you? That’s the crux of BETRAYED. Irene gets in a lot of trouble in this book, but I promise she gets her happily ever after. And though it may not look at it, she’ll even get some help from this guy:

Excerpt from Betrayed:

“I’m looking for Mr. Peter Trevelle,” she said.


Irene let out a breath and rushed on. “Mr. Trevelle, my name is Irene Turner. It’s very important I see you. Unfortunately, I can’t come to you.” Her gaze wandered her four-star prison. “I’m prepared to pay handsomely for your time. If you’ll meet with me, I’d be happy to buy you dinner.”

“You’re not from around here, are you?”

Damn accent. She lifted her eyes to the ceiling. “No. Will you meet with me or not?”

“No can do. Does your call have anything to do with your husband’s murder, Mrs. Turner?”

Irene closed her eyes. “You read the paper?”

“Sure did. You kill him?”

“I did not.”

“That’s what I was thinking when I read The Post. I thought why would a trap shooting champion off her old man in Denver, when she could’ve easily disposed of him in her own state of Oklahoma?”

“The police hold your opinion, too, Mr. Trevelle,” Irene said dryly. “But that’s not the reason I’m calling.”

“Oh? What is the reason you’re calling?”

There was no way she was having this conversation over the phone. Up on the murder, he might not be somebody who was merely well read. He might be the scoundrel who had something to do with Stephen’s death.

Irene cleared her throat. “As I said, I’d feel better if we had this conversation in person.” And in front of witnesses.

“I repeat, ‘no can do.’ I’m in a wheelchair. Traveling’s a problem for me.”

Lord. “Would you meet with me if I came to you?”

“Are you still prepared to pay handsomely―and buy me dinner?”

“Are you still at the 869 Eagle Ridge address?”

“I am.”

“Well, then, I’m on my way.” Irene pushed end, gritting her teeth that her life had turned into one major pain in her backside.

The police had explained she should contact her insurance about her Mercedes, but what about Stephen’s SUV? How long would it be off limits?

She shuddered as Lieutenant Montoya’s warning of Stay Put went from nagging to screaming. She could call, explain what she wanted to do, but he’d nix her scheme in a Denver minute.

She rode the elevator back to her room, changed into a pair of capris and a light jacket, then she stopped at the front desk. “If anyone from the Denver Police Department calls or comes looking for me, and only the Denver PD,” she said to the clerk, “I need you to do two things.”

A fresh-faced young man, who reminded her of Danny, widened his gaze. “Yes’ ma’am?”

“You check his credentials, then you may give him my cell phone.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Irene sighed. She supposed she should face reality. She really did look like a ma’am. Outside, she spotted a waiting line of taxis and almost reconsidered meeting with Trevelle. Should she or shouldn’t she?

You try to stay put when someone’s kidnapped your daughter, murdered your husband, and tried to set you up with your own .38.

The shoulds won. Irene flagged a cab.

Did I mention BETRAYED takes place in Denver, Colorado? I hope you’ll check out BETRAYED along with my other releases from Bell Bridge Books. I’ll be doing a $25 Book Certificate form either Barnes and Noble or Amazon to one commenter and a book giveaway of BETRAYED to another. So here’s a question for Cindy’s readers: Have you ever been to Colorado, and, if so, what’s your favorite thing about living here or visiting. Thanks, Cindy!

Donnell_Author_Photo_reisize (1)_2Donnell Ann Bell is the author of three books, The Past Came Hunting, Deadly Recall, and her newest release, Betrayed. Her debut and sophomore releases have been e-book best sellers and Deadly Recall is a 2014 EPICON nominee for best thriller/suspense. Check out her webpage at www.donnellannbell.com

27 thoughts on “Excerpt from BETRAYED by Donnell Ann Bell

  1. I once visited Colorado (Boulder) to hang out with my best high school girl friend. She’d broken her neck again, which caused the pins and plates that were supposed to keep her neck fine to shift. They were pressing on her windpipe and she was trying to decide to die with dignity or fight. I was there to help her physically but also emotionally. It’s where I wrote my second book about hers and my hometown. <3 her drive because she decided to fight and while her life is forever changed, she's still sharing her light with so many!

    Thanks for asking!

    • Wow, Melissa, we get inspiration from all places. How fantastic that’s she’s survived and learned to live with her disability. I lost my dear friend who went through a crippling disease. I asked her how do you do it. She said, we’re all terminal. You do your best and love one another. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Betrayed sounds like a wonderful story with lots of twists, Donnell.
    I have been to Colorado many times over the years. Colorado Springs, Denver, Littleton and pretty much all over. I have family in Colorado mostly in Colorado Springs, and it’s a fun state to visit.

  3. I love the premise of the book. It was a great excerpt and it’s got a great cover. I love a good mystery as long as it’s not gory. (Shudder)

    Colorado? I was a child when I was there. But I have friends there and I’ve seen so many beautiful photos. Everyone talks about how clean the air smells even in the cities. And they say the menus in the restaurants are different – healthier food choices.

    I’m planning a vacation to the west. I want a teardrop RV and I will be on my way. Have toothbrush, camera and computer – can travel! I’m even hoping to visit Cindy. (Cindy has now been warned. He-he-he!)

  4. My daughter is a Concealed Handgun Instructor in Houston (where every woman should carry a gun). I was stationed in Denver long ago (Lowery AFB) and had a wonderful Aunt living in Aurora I visited. Aside from my wonderful Aunt, I enjoyed Summer camping above the tree line in the Indian Mountains, not far from Denver, with snow still on the ground outside the old Army Air Corp12 Man Tent I put up! (-;

    • Hi, Guy, I definitely believe in a woman’s right to protect herself. In Betrayed I have a mother who is pro gun, and a daughter she meets who doesn’t share that thinking. I try to present both sides of the issue and not intrude on my characters. As for Lowery Air Force Base I know it well. I myself live in beautiful Colorado Springs home of Schriever, Peterson, the US Air Force Academy and Fort Carson. We’re a big military city. Sleeping in a tent with snow on the ground had to be f-r-e-e-z-i-n-g. If you have an opportunity to read Betrayed, I hope you’ll enjoy!

  5. Great excerpt, Donnell. We’ve visited Colorado many times and what I love most are the mountains. They blend with the clouds so beautifully you can’t tell where the mountains end and the clouds begins. Awesome sight.

  6. Hi Donnell! Loved your other books! I don’t read many thrillers, but you are on my list. I can’t believe I haven’t read Betrayed yet. I will be fixing that soon :0). I love to visit Colorado for the views, and the white water rivers. We had a memorable trip just this past summer.

    • Hi, Christina! Thank you so much for the compliments on The Past Came Hunting and Deadly Recall. I’m honored. Betrayed has suspense but it does have some romantic elements. I hope you’ll check it out. Thanks for commenting!

  7. I lived in Denver for a year and have some wonderful memories. I loved the mountains and all the beautiful places to hike. I wasn’t crazy about all the snow and cold in the winter, but the summer was the best. Betrayed sounds like a great read.

  8. What a great excerpt, Donnell! And you sure up’d the stakes with the kidnapping of the daughter.

    My first trip to Colorado was many years ago for RWA’s National Conference in Denver. But I got the best look at the state last year in Colorado Springs for the Left Coast Crime Conference. The most memorable thing about the trip was the snow. Having lived in Southern California my whole life, I don’t see snow very often and it was fantastic. I did get to see Denver airport on that trip as well. What I saw of the state was beautiful.

    • Thank you, Kathy! That is a huge compliment coming from you, a retired LA police officer. Oh, wow, you did get a lot of imagery of Colorado. You saw the Rockies and Pikes Peak and SNOW 🙂

  9. I’m even later to the party. You book sounds great. (I didn’t get to read your ms as you left the mystery critique group about the time I joined.

    We drove through Colorado in one station wagon and a 9×9 tent for four adults and three tiny children – one our almost two-year old ( who is now over fifty). I don’t really remember much of that at all! (Surprise) Except that I’m pretty sure it wasn’t when I sat in a Jeep with a sleeping child on my lap while everyone else stood on the ground while the tour driver changed a flat amid grazing buffalo.

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