Visiting with Dianne Venetta

Please help me welcome Dianne Venetta to my blog today.

Ladd_Springs_2013_MED_2How did you get started writing?

About fifteen years ago, I was sitting at home watching television when images of a teenage girl bombarded me. She was riding her bike, interacting with her family. It was strange. I could see her with vivid detail and for some reason, felt compelled to begin writing what I saw. Call it divine intervention or sheer boredom, but once I hit the keyboard, I never looked back. That story remains in my computer and will be published. One day. I’ve been writing ever since, making writing my full-time pursuit for the last three years.

What is your writing routine like?

I drop the kids at school in the morning, come home and begin writing. Taking a few breaks for food and housecleaning duties, I continue writing until it’s time to pick them up. After school tennis practice? You’ll find me in the car writing. Weekend space of time? You’ll find me at the computer writing. Being a stay-at-home mom is my first priority so I try and squeeze as much writing in and around those duties whenever I can!

Where do you get the ideas for your stories?

I’d have to say I have an over-active imagination. Some days that’s a good thing. Other days it can wreak havoc. Anxiety, worry, watching too much news… it can be a challenge having all those crazy thoughts banging around up there! But for writing, it’s a definite plus. Writer’s block is NOT one of my issues.

What is your favorite part of writing?

I love creating characters and situations. I love writing about the drama, the twists and turns of life, the challenges as well as the fun. When I’m on a roll, I can spend eight hours writing and not even blink an eye. That’s a great way to make a living.

What is your least favorite part of writing?

Deadlines. As a self-published author, I create deadlines for myself, same as a third party publisher would and sometimes I get a bit ambitious. Writing five books last year was quite a feat—one I didn’t realize until I was knee-deep in it! But I did it. Published the last book in my new series, Ladd Springs, on December 31st.. It was a close one.

Do you have other talents? Or is there a talent you don’t have that you wish you did?

Actually, it’s sort of a talent. I have a huge backyard vegetable garden where I grow organic fruits and veggies. I wouldn’t call myself an expert but I do enjoy it—and blog about it on my website: It’s geared mainly toward women and kids (myself and my own act as inspiration) and we try to make it fun and easy. Easy is always good when it comes to the job of gardening. Leaves more time for the fun of harvest!

What genres are you drawn to as a reader?

I love romance books and mystery which is why I write these kinds of books. I’ll occasionally read a fantasy but not usually. Thrillers would be great except that I can’t hack all the murder, blood and gore. Violence and language are not my thing, either. Like I said, my over-active imagination can get in the way sometimes, especially at night in my dreams after a murder/mystery read.

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be, and why?

I’d live in more than one place if I could, like a home in the mountains out west and a home along the beach/water in Florida. Of course, traveling between the two and visiting all the beautiful places in the US would be wonderful , as well!

What advice can you offer to anyone deciding to self-publish?

Go for it, but keep your eyes wide open. Know what you’re getting into. Self-publishing is a business. It takes an investment of both time and money. It takes ambition, motivation and a healthy dose of marketing. Don’t give up and enjoy the ride but do understand it’s work. Fabulous work, but work.

Where can readers find you?

Readers can find me at and on I also hang out @DianneVenetta on Twitter and of course, my garden blog! My books are available for all ereaders and print versions are available for sale via most bookstores.

Do you have any upcoming FREE promotions you would like to tell us about?

My award-winning debut novel, Jennifer’s Garden, is currently free for ereaders. It’s a romantic women’s fiction set in Miami, Florida, featuring a female cardiologist and her sexy landscaper. Also, book one in my series, Ladd Springs, is also running free for ereaders. Set in the eastern Tennessee mountains, the series is packed with mystery, family feuds, romance and a host of drama. There are five books in the series but I warn you: once you read the first, you’ll have to pick up the rest!!

Dianne lives in Central Florida with her husband, two children and part-time Yellow Lab–Cody-body! When not whacking away at her keyboard crafting her next novel you’ll find her in their organic garden chasing grasshoppers and plucking hornworms all while drawing wild analogies between kids and plants and men. Definitely men.
A girl’s gotta have fun, right?

When she’s not knee-deep in dirt or romance, Dianne contributes garden advice for various websites and volunteers in her kids’ school garden (a crazy existence to be sure). But at the end of the day, if she can inspire someone to stop and smell the roses–or rosemary!—kiss their child and spouse good-night, be kind to a neighbor and Mother Earth, then she’s done all right.

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