An Interview with Loreen Augeri

Please help me welcome Loreen Augeri to my blog today.

LostHonor_w7482_300_2Are you a full time writer or do you have a “day job”?

I have a part-time job. I work as a librarian in the local library.

Have you had other careers before becoming a writer?

I was a social worker in a nursing home and a computer programmer. As I mentioned above, I am now a librarian.

What genre(s) do you write in and why?

I write historical romance because I love reading and writing about various time periods in history. Life was simpler and slower. Since historical romances take place before World War II, the plot can be set in the fifteenth century for one book and the eighteenth century for the next. While researching, I enjoy learning about the customs, food, dress, and way of life of the people that came before us.

Where do you get the ideas for your stories?

When I am walking, taking a shower, or supposed to be sleeping my mind wanders and a situation or character pops into my head. Once I have a hero and heroine I give them a goal, motivation, and conflict. I am a pantser, so the story develops as I write.

What is your favorite part of writing?

Creating lives for the characters in my books and hopefully giving readers a few hours of pleasure.

What is your least favorite part of writing?

Editing. Some authors tell me they like editing because that is when the story comes together for them. I love the creating part of writing. I find editing tedious.

Do you have a view in your writing space? What does your space look like?

My view is of my back yard. I have an office where I keep all my writing materials and research books equipped with a desk, computer, and bookshelves, but I usually write on the sofa in my living room.

Are you a plotter or a pantser?

A pantser. I don’t want to know what is going to happen. I like the story to unfold as if I am watching a movie.

Will you share some encouraging words for authors still struggling for that first contract?

Never give up. I wrote for ten years before I had a story published. If you don’t continue to write and send your manuscripts to publishers, it will never happen.

Where can readers find you?

I can be found on Facebook
My website

Where can readers find your books? Print/Ebook?

I have two books published in e-book and paperback. Tormented Hearts and Lost Honor can be found at The Wild Rose Press, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and All Romance. Buy links can be found on my website

Blurb for Lost Honor

Captain Morgan Danvers sets sail to rescue his brother, kidnapped by pirates. Fearing he will become like his father who abandoned him, he has cut himself off from his emotions. Then a willful stowaway crashes into his life, awakening dormant feelings and firing his lust. Soon he finds his all-important honor threatened, for even though he is betrothed to another, he is drawn to her against his will.

Arianna Pemberton hides in a barrel she thinks will be loaded on her brother’s ship but lands on Morgan’s brig. Her father has forbidden her to sail, and this is her only course of action. Unwilling to allow a man to control her, she is determined to make her way as a seaman, a profession she knows and loves. But when Captain Danvers discovers her deception, he refuses to permit her to prove herself. As she struggles to convince him, unwanted passion emerges, jeopardizing her plans for independence.


Shoved by powerful hands, she fell to her knees before booted feet. “Found her in the hold, Cap’n. Thought she was a boy at first, her wearin’ pants and a cap, but she has tits.”

“I can see that, Jurgens.”

Arianna followed the shiny boots up to tight-fitting, brown breeches hugging muscular thighs, and slim hips. A loose, white shirt covering broad shoulders next met her gaze, then a corded neck, square jaw, stern lips, crooked nose, and cold, dark eyes that stared down at her. “Where’s my brother? Who are you?”

“I will be asking the questions. Who are you, and why are you on my ship?” The deep voice thundered through the cabin.

Her stomach flip-flopped. Dizziness swamped her. Swallowing convulsively, she battled to contain the contents of her queasy stomach. Hiding in that empty molasses barrel hadn’t been the brightest idea of her twenty-one years. “I’m not talking to anyone but my brother.”

Jurgens’s forceful hands yanked her to a standing position. “You answer the cap’n.”

The abrupt movement snapped the fragile control she clung to. Spasms seized her throat. Arianna struggled to turn away, but the fingers digging into her arms held her in place. The contents of her stomach erupted.

All over Captain Danvers’s boots.

Her captor released her and jumped back in horror.

Buy links for Lost Honor:

Amazon e-book

Amazon paperback

The Wild Rose Press e-book

The Wild Rose Press paperback

Barnes and Noble e-book

I started reading historical romances when my children were babies. When my youngest daughter started school, I decided I wanted to write a novel. At first, to see if I could, later as a hobby, and then seeking publication. Becoming a member of Romance Writers of America, Hearts Through History, and my local chapter, New England Chapter helped in the process. I live in Massachusetts with my husband of thirty-one years and my two adult daughters. When I am not reading or writing, I enjoy walking, dancing, and spending time at the beach.

6 thoughts on “An Interview with Loreen Augeri

  1. I just can’t imagine the research and knowledge that must be part of writing historical. Kudos to you Loreen from a fan of historical!

    • Sometimes the research can be overwhelming when I am trying to find information on something I need for the book and I can’t find it anywhere. Thanks for stopping by, Kim.

  2. Nice interview, Cynthia and Loreen. Loreen, my characters come to me first, too, then the story. Like you, too, I’m a pantser–although I think I’m kind of a combination, as I do a little plotting 🙂

    Loved the excerpt, BYW. Good luck with your book.

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