An Interview with Trevann Rogers

HouseOfTheRisingSon72smGive us an elevator pitch for your book.

An incubus and two toddlers walk into a bar…wait. That’s no joke. That’s Cheyenne’s life, and you weren’t supposed to see them.

Cheyenne, a half-human incubus, is good at keeping secrets. He keeps his music career hidden from his tyrannical father. He keeps his true nature as an incubus secret from the humans whose lust sustains him. And he keeps his children unknown to the incubi, especially the royal family—his family. He doesn’t buy into the “they could save the race” bullshit. He’s just got to keep them safe. Besides he’s got bigger plans—he’s going to be a rockstar.

 Describe the genre of this particular title, and is the only genre you write in?

HOUSE OF THE RISING SON is an LGBT Urban Fantasy Romance.  LGBT indicates that the main characters are gay, lesbian or transgender and that their sexuality is an integral part of their story. The stories are Urban Fantasy in that the story is set in a modern world peopled with supernatural creatures.  Urban Fantasies also typically have aggressive conflict and action.

Do you prefer to read in the same genres you write in or do you avoid reading that genre? Why? I almost exclusively read Urban Fantasy with male protagonists. I love the pace of these novels, and I enjoy the male point of view and humor. Not that I don’t also enjoy great books with female protagonists. But the books I like best, I like because I fall in love with the hero.

Tell us about your hero.  Give us one of his strengths and one of his weaknesses.

Cheyenne is an incubus who aspires to be a rock star. Besides playing the guitar like a fiend, one of his strengths is his capacity to love and remain loyal despite the odds.  On the other hand, he doesn’t let many people get close to him. He’s guarded and secretive even when it’s not in his best interest.

Where do you get the ideas for your stories?

Ah, I find inspiration for stories from many sources. Most often, I’ll see someone with a look or a personality that sparks my imagination. Sometimes song lyric moves me. Occasionally my writing partner and I will start a silly conversation that takes an interesting turn and become a scene or a story.

Do you have critique partners?

I am lucky to belong to a wonderful group of women writers. We all write in very different genres—Women’s Fiction, Suspense, Mystery, Biographical Fiction—and me, Urban Fantasy. It works because our strengths are also different and complimentary. We share them freely while supporting and encouraging each other.

 Do you have a view in your writing space?  What does your space look like?

My view is of my beautiful back yard. It is filled with trees and flowers with places to sit and enjoy the outdoors.  It then slopes down to a tiny valley I chose not to landscape. It’s become my own personal wildlife sanctuary.

 Did you have several manuscripts finished before you sold? If so, did you send them out yourself?

No, believe it or not, the only manuscript I had was the manuscript I sold. I sent it out to various publishing companies, and pitched it in person at a few conferences.  Surprisingly, I received a few offers and chose the one that was the best fit.

 Having achieved your goal to be a published author, what is the most rewarding thing?   

HOUSE OF THE RISING SON is the book of my heart with characters I’ve played with and loved a long time. The fact that there are other people who love them too and enjoy my story makes my heart sing.

What is your next project and when will it be released?

AFTER MIDNIGHT is prequel to HOUSE OF THE RISING SON. It will be released on September 22. It answers some of the questions about the mothers of Cheyenne’s children.

Thank you so much for having me today!

House of the Rising Son

Living After Midnight, Book 1

Author: Trevann Rogers

Genre: Urban Fantasy Romance

Cheyenne is a half-human incubus whose star is on the rise in the Unakite City rock scene. His father, the leader of the supernatural races, would prefer he keep a “low profile”, but screw that. Cheyenne has as much music in his veins as royal incubi blood.

Alexander’s future is all set—finish law school, join the family firm, and marry someone who’d be good for business. Not that he has a say in any of it. He’s barely met the woman his father expects him to marry.

As Cheyenne’s musical career takes off, his carefully constructed life begins to unravel, exacerbated by an ex-lover who can’t let go, a crotchety barkeeper with a dirty mind and a pure heart, a drag queen who moonlights as a nanny, and Alexander—who’s not sure if he’s falling for the incubus or the rocker.

Cheyenne denies who he is, while Alexander hides what he wants. Together, they learn that getting what they truly want means being who they truly are.

Warning: Contains hot were-tiger sex, a Thanksgiving celebration that makes the Inquisition look like a tea party, and an incubus who’ll rock your world.



While waiting for their drinks, Alexander studied the deep grooves carved into the table, trying to ignore the friction of Cheyenne’s thigh rubbing against his as the musician tapped a heel to the thump of the DJ’s music. Once the drinks arrived, Alexander downed half the bottle before he realized Cheyenne’s large green eyes were staring at him.

“So where’s your girl, Prudhomme? I mean, Prune Danish. No, wait…”

“Prudish. Shit, Prudence,” Alexander sputtered.

Cheyenne’s eyes sparkled. “No, you got it right the first time. Where is she?”

He shrugged. “Home, I guess.”

Cheyenne cocked his head. “Oh, really?” He put his hand on Alexander’s leg. “What’s up? You can tell me.”

“It’s not working out.” Alexander dragged his teeth over his lower lip. “It’s my fault.” He couldn’t keep his attraction to Cheyenne out of his voice. “I don’t know what’s happening to me.”

Cheyenne put his thumb to his lip and paused. “It’s like the drink.”

Alexander tilted his head, not sure he heard correctly. “The drink?”

“Yeah, that nasty ass bourbon. I bet your father drinks it. Your uncles. All your friends. Everybody, right?”

He didn’t answer, but waited for Cheyenne to continue.

“It was just expected that you’d drink it too. So you did.” His hand moved up Alexander’s thigh. “But now, maybe it’s okay to drink what you like. A different brand, a better vintage. Because you want it. Because it tastes better.” Cheyenne licked his lips. “Because it feels right.”

Alexander cleared his throat and brushed his lap, pushing Cheyenne’s hand away. “I can’t.”

“If you change your mind, let me know.”

“You don’t understand. It’s not that easy. My whole life will change.”

“It already has.”



Samhain Publishing, Barnes and Noble and Amazon.

About Trevann

Trevann Rogers writes urban fantasy and LGBT paranormal romances. Her stories incorporate an unquenchable addiction to music and her love for vampires, Weres, incubi and rock stars. Like these elusive creatures, Trevann learned long ago that sometimes being yourself means Living After Midnight.

Find Trevann at:


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