An Interview with Shanna Hatfield

Rodeo-Romance-Block-for-webWhat is your next project and when will it be released?

Two years ago, I started writing the Rodeo Romance series with The Christmas Cowboy. In November, the third book in the series will release during a weeklong event I’m putting together to promote the Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund.  November 1 through December 24, ten percent of the net proceeds from all my book sales are donated to the JCCF. It’s the third year I’ve done the donation and I like being able to give something back to the sport that provides the backdrop for this series. Pre-orders are available now for Capturing Christmas . The book releases November 12.

Please tell my readers a little bit about the new release

Capturing Christmas CoverCapturing Christmas was an incredibly fun story for me to write. I’m just loopy over the two main characters. Both of them are stubborn, determined, and completely unprepared when love catches them by surprise. Here’s the official blurb:

Life is hectic on a good day for rodeo stock contractor Kash Kressley. Between dodging flying hooves and babying cranky bulls, he barely has time to sleep. The last thing Kash needs is the entanglement of a sweet romance, especially with a woman as full of fire and sass as the redheaded photographer he rescues at a rodeo.

Determined to capture the best images possible, rodeo photographer Celia McGraw is fearless and feisty. Not one to back down from a challenge, her biggest risk isn’t in her work. Danger lurks in the way her heart responds to one incredibly handsome stock contractor.

Hardman community centerAny other new projects?

I’m also working on the fourth book in the Hardman Holidays series. It will also release in November.  When I embarked on the adventure of writing my first sweet Victorian holiday romance, I debated using a real town for the setting or making one up. I wanted the story to take place in Eastern Oregon, but where? I came across information about a ghost town named Hardman that had once been a stop along the stage route.

My curiosity led me to discover that Hardman, Oregon, once boasted several churches, a newspaper office, and skating rink, along with a variety of other businesses. Today, there are a handful of dilapidated old buildings in Hardman, but the bones of those old structures help me picture what the town once looked like, back when it was a bustling town.

As my imagination created the town in my head, my fingers began typing out the first story in the Hardman Holidays series – The Christmas Bargain.

christmas bargain coverLuke Granger is about to get more than he bargained for…
As owner and manager of the Hardman bank, Luke Granger is a man of responsibility and integrity in the small 1890s Eastern Oregon town. When he calls in a long overdue loan, Luke reluctantly accepts a bargain in lieu of payment from the shiftless farmer who barters his daughter to settle his debt.

Here’s a little excerpt:


“Aren’t you observant, Mrs. Granger?”

“I try.” She hid her smile behind the mug of chocolate.

“I happen to know a thing or two about you.” He shot her a sideways glance.

“Do tell, kind sir.” Filly batted her eyelashes at him. If Luke didn’t know better, he would think she was being downright flirtatious.

“I have observed, dear woman, that you put others before yourself, you are a dedicated and caring friend and that you have a keen mind with a quick wit. You are clever, smart, and not afraid of hard work. You are very talented with domestic skills and are inspiring as a cook. Your chocolate pudding could make grown men weep.”

Filly offered him a perturbed glare. “So, Mr. Granger, I have missed my calling as a school teacher or perhaps a cook at the restaurant. If my chocolate pudding makes grown men weep, what will my peach pie do to the male population? Bring them to their knees? Make them beg for mercy?”

Luke laughed aloud, causing Filly to grin.

“Filly, my girl, you are something else.” Luke reached across the table and captured her hand in his. “You might not think I notice you, wife of mine, but I know you…”


Where do you get the ideas for your stories?

Everywhere! I’m a big people watcher (and daydreamer) so I can be standing in line at the grocery store and have an idea for a story slap me upside the head. Time spent locked in the car with Captain Cavedweller (my husband) always generates some story ideas. We’ve yet to return from a trip that I didn’t come home with at least a few good story ideas.


What advice do you have for other authors wanting to self-publish?

Do your homework, write the best book you can, get it professionally edited, invest in a great cover and don’t give up. I think too many people give up too soon. Believe in yourself and your dreams!

What is your favorite part of writing?

Writing! I love creating the characters, getting the words in my head down in print, coming up with the plots. I love all of it!

What is your least favorite part of writing?

Editing.  I’d much rather move on to the next story.

What is your favorite dessert/food?

Chocolate. I still say it should have its own food group categorization. I won’t waste my time on mediocre chocolate, though. It has to be the “good stuff.” And dark chocolate Dove squares are always on hand in my office.

 How likely are people you meet to end up in your next book?

It is entirely possible they could become part of a character. I blend many different aspects into the characters. I always tell people to behave or they might end up as the next villain in one of my stories.

Do you have a view in your writing space?  What does your space look like? 

I have two windows in my office. One looks out over the back yard. Beyond it, there is a pasture where the neighbor sometimes has horses grazing and other times goats. Once, there were even chickens back there. My view out the other window is the pasture of another neighbor. They have an adorable baby girl and a puppy that tend to play out there just in my line of sight and provide any number of distractions with their cuteness. My office space is my writing haven and as such, I try to keep it neat and organized (at least most of the time!).

Having achieved your goal to be a published author, what is the most rewarding thing

 When a reader reaches out to me to say one of my stories made them laugh or cry – evoked some sort of emotion… that’s what makes it all worthwhile. I can’t think of a single thing more wonderful than knowing I’ve touched someone’s heart or brought them a smile.


Shanna Hatfield 2Convinced everyone deserves a happy ending, hopeless romantic Shanna Hatfield is out to make it happen, one story at a time. Her bestselling sweet historical and contemporary romances combine humor and heart-pumping moments with characters that seem incredibly real.

When she isn’t writing or consuming copious amounts of chocolate, Shanna hangs out with her husband, lovingly known as Captain Cavedweller.

Find Shanna’s books at:

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