Why (and How) I Write Medical Fiction by Jacqueline Diamond

From the moment a cave man, gored by a mastodon, gazed up adoringly at the cave woman rubbing his wound with medicinal frog slime, love has flourished in medical settings.

 Handsome men in white coats (or blue scrubs). Sharp-eyed women who wield a scalpel with a steady hand. Life-and-death issues and babies on the way, whether long-sought or unexpected—these are the stuff of riveting romantic drama.
My interest in medical fiction grew in part from personal experiences. My father spent many years as a small-town doctor, and delivered my brother and me at home. Later, as a reporter for a newspaper and the Associated Press, I was drawn to stories about medical discoveries and developments.
When my husband and I got ready to start a family, we ran into problems. Like it or not, I was researching the latest fertility techniques in person. I’m happy to report that, ultimately, I gave birth to two healthy sons and a number of romance novels about fertility treatments, babies, couples, and the hopes and dreams that bind them.
In writing medical romance, research is vital. The Internet has been tremendously helpful, as has the wealth of books by doctors, nurses and other professionals. I’m fortunate to have several friends who fact-check my books, including an obstetrical nurse. Another friend, forensics expert D.P. Lyle, M.D. (author of Forensics for Dummies), answers my questions in detail.
In addition to romances, I write medical mysteries. I rely upon my years as a police reporter, on considerable research, and on another friend who’s a retired sheriff’s investigator.
Although I had written about doctors and nurses previously, my longest series is Safe Harbor Medical®. It began with a three-book proposal for Harlequin about a California hospital remodeled to focus on women’s issues and fertility treatments. With each novel featuring a different couple falling in love, the series grew to encompass 17 books plus a spin-off mystery series, which I’m self-publishing.
I’m currently reissuing some of the romances as ebooks, and am happy to put the first of the series, The Would-Be Mommy, on sale for 99 cents this month. Plus, I recently published the second Safe Harbor Medical Mystery, The Case of the Surly Surrogate.
My characters and settings have become so real to me, I sometimes forget that I made them up. I hope you’ll find them real, too!
Blurb for The Would-Be Mommy:
Babies, babies, everywhere! When journalist Ian Martin stirs up trouble with his story about a hospital welcoming abandoned babies, the roguish reporter accidentally ignites a firestorm around public relations director Jennifer Serra. Now she faces losing her heart to a baby she can’t keep, and losing her job because of a scandalous secret. Cataromance.com called this a “brilliantly moving story.”
Excerpt from The Would-Be Mommy:
He located Jennifer Serra outside the auditorium. Dark hair tumbled appealingly from a knot atop her head, and the exotic tilt to her dark eyes intrigued him, as did a hint of sadness that made him wonder what secrets she harbored. But although he was known as much for digging into personalities as for rooting out facts, Ms. Serra wasn’t his target tonight. Too bad.
“Mr. Martin!” Her full mouth perked into a smile. “We’re almost ready to start the press conference.”
“Actually, I’d like to talk to someone first.”
“That’s what I’m trying to figure out.”
Her chin came up. “Anything I can do to help, I’d be glad to.”
She shouldn’t make tempting offers like that, Ian reflected. On the other hand, being helpful was her job. “Who’s the most ticked-off doctor at this hospital?”
“I’m sorry?” Her expression turned wary.
“The one who makes trouble.” Kind of like I do.
She swallowed. He’d scored a direct hit, Ian could tell. “We’re a team here,” she responded gamely.
“And it’s your duty to say so. But we both know better.” He stretched out an arm and leaned against the wall, deliberately fencing her in. She’d either have to retreat or duck beneath his arm to escape. “A giant corporation buys a community hospital and turns it into a money-making machine. That’s got to rub somebody the wrong way.”
His peripheral vision caught his photographer’s approach. Jennifer’s face tightened at the sight of the camera, but with what must have been considerable effort, she relaxed into another smile. “If anyone’s unhappy, you can hardly expect her to show up at an event like this.”
“Her?” So there was someone.
Jennifer adjusted the short, fitted jacket she wore over a figure-skimming dress. Ian assumed that bought her a moment to regain control and find the appropriate glib answer. Sure enough, here it came: “Mr. Martin, this is a wonderful facility that brings hope to couples struggling to start a family.”
“Of course it does.” He filed a mental note to sniff out the disgruntled doctor later, but tonight he needed another angle. “Do you have children?”
“No, not yet.” There it was again, that trace of sadness.
Author Bio:
USA Today bestselling author Jacqueline Diamond has published 102 books, including romantic comedies, medical romances, Regency romances and mysteries. A former Associated Press reporter, Jackie has been honored with a Romantic Times Career Achievement Award and is a two-time Rita Award finalist. She and her husband live in Southern California. You can learn more about her at www.jacquelinediamond.com and visit her on Facebook at Jacquelinediamondauthor.
Also available on B&N, Kobo, iBooks and Smashwords.

Sneak Peek – Not Without Risk by Jennifer Lowery

Hi Cynthia Woolf’s Blog and all you fabulous readers out there *waves* Thank you so much for having me today! I’m super excited to be here! The second book in my Wolff Securities series is now available for pre-order—Woot!! It’s been a long time coming, but I’m hoping it’s worth the wait! Nate and Macy were particularly tight-lipped during the writing of this book but I finally managed to get them talking, lol. I’ve included a little taste of what’s to come when the book releases on July 6th!

Not Without Risk (Book #2, Wolff Securities)

Romantic Suspense


He always keeps his promises…

Private security specialist, Nate Wolff promised to rescue humanitarian aid worker, Macy Gibbs, not harbor a fugitive. Determined to keep his promise and not make the same mistakes his brother made, he risks his life to protect her from the terrorist group hunting her.

Keeping this one will be the hardest thing he’s ever had to do…

With a bounty on her head for the murder of a man who bought her in an illegal human trafficking ring, Macy Gibbs puts both her life, and the life of the tall, handsome stranger who’s vowed to rescue her, in danger. Emotionally scarred from her ordeal, she trusts no one. But, can the biggest danger she’s about to face be the impact this former SEAL has on her heart?

Content Warning: Sexual content.


Copyright ©2017 by Jennifer Lowery

 Blood. Everywhere.

Macy Gibbs looked down at her shaking hands, stained red, still clutching the bloody knife. Her gaze dropped to the man lying on the floor at her feet. His eyes stared empty into space. Fluid oozed from the wound in his chest where his heart should beat.

Her ears began to ring, her vision dimming. They would execute her for this. In this country, she wouldn’t get a trial. Women had very few rights here. An American woman had none. Especially one married to an Azbak man.

Revulsion turned her stomach. Married. What she’d been in was anything but a marriage.

The sound of the door handle turning snapped her out of her stupor. One thought ran through her head as she dropped the knife. Run.

Panicked, she spun in a circle, searching the small bedroom for an escape she knew she wouldn’t find. She’d been locked inside this room for weeks. Had there been a way out she would have found it.

Her eyes trapped on the door. Only one way out. One choice.

To keep fighting.

Forcing her legs to move she slipped behind the door just as it opened. A tall figure moved stealthily into the darkened room, lit only by a dim lamp in the corner. On auto-pilot, Macy struck, aiming for his jugular.

He ducked her blow, his hand coming up to capture her wrist. With a forceful tug, he had her arm pinned behind her, her back pressed to the wall and a forearm against her throat. Not enough to hurt her, but it felt like an iron bar across her neck. Afraid to breathe, she looked up into a pair of stunningly beautiful green eyes. The way he stared back at her made her blood race. Direct, lethal.

Her vision narrowed. Warmth slid down her leg but she didn’t feel the pain of her injury. Memories of what her bastard husband had tried to do to her filled her head. If she hadn’t fought back…

“Hey, breathe.”

Her attacker’s voice, low and smooth, broke through her thoughts. Macy blinked. Why did he sound so far away when she could feel every hard inch of him?

The arm on her throat loosened. She drew in a breath that made her head spin. “American,” she whispered, fighting to remain upright. He wasn’t one of Aziz’s men. Where were the guards? Surely, they must have heard her tussle with their leader. Then again, they were fully aware of what went on in this room and had not once intervened.

A hand gripped her chin, warm despite the chill in her bones. Gave her a shake. Her eyes snapped open.

“Come on, we’re getting out of here.”

Pre-order Your Copy Now!!


(Kindle Unlimited Subscribers Read for Free!)

Meet Jennifer

NY Times & USA Today bestselling author, Jennifer Lowery grew up reading romance novels in the back of her math book and on the bus to school, and never wanted to be anything but a writer.  Her summers were spent sitting at the kitchen table with her sisters spinning tales of romance and intrigue and always with a tall glass of ice tea at their side.

Today, Jennifer is living that dream and she couldn’t be happier to share her passion with her readers.  She loves everything there is about romance.  Her stories feature alpha heroes who meet their match with strong, independent heroines.  She believes that happily ever after is only the beginning of her stories. And the road to that happy ending is paved with action, adventure, and romance. As her characters find out when they face danger, overcome fears, and are forced to look deep within themselves to discover love.

Jennifer lives in Michigan with her husband and two children.  When she isn’t writing she enjoys reading and spending time with her family.


Connect with Jennifer:

Read more about her books on her website: http://jenniferloweryauthor.com/

Join her on Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/jenniferlowery/

And on Twitter: https://twitter.com/JLoweryauthor

Please “like” her Facebook author page! https://www.facebook.com/AuthorJenniferLowery/

Sign up for Jennifer’s Newsletter and get a FREE book: http://jenniferloweryauthor.com/join-my-newsletter/

Join Jennifer’s Street Team: http://jenniferloweryauthor.com/join-my-street-team/

Join her on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+JenniferLoweryauthor

And Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenniferloweryauthor/

Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jenniferloweryauthor/



For everyone who signs up for my NEWSLETTER you will receive an e-book copy of my short story, Taking Chances ($.99 value) for FREE!


Thank you for having me today, Cynthia Woolf’s Blog!! I just want to send out a big THANK YOU to all my readers out there! Without you I wouldn’t be here. My wish is to one-day meet each and every one of you so I can personally thank you for your generosity and support! 

All my best, 




Six award-winning authors bring you six *sweet to sensual* romances filled with suspense, thrills and maybe even a ghost or two—for less than the price of a cup of coffee—99 cents!

Welcome to La Bonne Chance Resort & Casino!

With thousands of people passing through the casino’s doors on a daily basis, it’s no surprise that a variety of lives and loves are on the line there. It’s said that you’re more likely to lose your heart at La Bonne Chance than a hand of poker. Whether you are the Director of Casino Operations or the guy who created its software, a jilted bride or a black jack dealer, a past guest’s ghost or a sous chef–when it comes to love, the stakes are high.

Thank goodness what happens at La Bonne Chance, doesn’t always stay at La Bonne Chance….

Ready to roll the dice?

An Inn Decent Proposal, Sharon Buchbinder
Can an hotelier with a past and a chef with a future revive the grand dame in a neglected old inn?

Perfect Odds, Lashanta Charles
When a jilted bride meets the man of her dreams, will she embrace the new plan, or cling stubbornly to the old one?

A Ghost To Die For, Keta Diablo
She didn’t believe in ghosts…until one showed up in her room.

Raising Kane, Kat Henry Doran
Funny how a night in jail will change a woman’s outlook on life.

For Money Or Love, Margo Hoornstra
She’s the one woman he can’t afford to lose.

Take A Chance On Me, M.J. Schiller
Who do you count on when the chips are down?


To add to the fun, we are giving away one gambling themed handmade item to ONE lucky commenter who will be selected by a Random Number Generator.


Buy Link https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071V94BWM

Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/allinforloveanthology/

Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35052000-all-in-for-love

Webpage http://lucky6authorsblog.blogspot.com/  

Tagline (20 words) What happens at La Bonne Chance, doesn’t always stay at La Bonne Chance. Are you ready to roll the dice?

* * *

Excerpt from An Inn Decent Proposal by Sharon Buchbinder

After the hotel auction, a stunned Jim Rawlings and excited Genie King go to Sips, a local coffee house. Overwhelmed with self-doubts verging on buyer’s remorse, Jim begins to question his sanity. Genie, on the other hand, is bursting with enthusiasm and ideas…


“Why did you want this place?”

“The old girl called to me, begged me to save her.” He gave Genie a wistful smile. “Do I sound crazy?”

“You call the Inn ‘she,’ too?”

“Yes, she’s like a grand old dame who’s fallen on hard times.  Remember the parties? The famous people who stayed and played there? Celebrities came to the Inn because they knew their privacy and secrets were safe with us. If those walls could talk!  Every day was new and exciting. I would love to bring back her glory days.”

Genie leaped up, ran around the table and hugged him. “I have the same dream. We can do it.”

He hesitated for a moment, then returned the gesture, his hands unable to resist lingering on her luscious curves just a tad too long. Genie’s inviting cleavage made him wish they were somewhere private. He could scarcely breathe and had to shake his head to dispel naughty images of nuzzling her soft breasts. “We can do what?”

She sat down again, but clung to his hands. “I’ve done the research. The Inn should be in the National Park Service Historic Registry—but it isn’t. If we can get her added to the Registry, there are laws and standards about how we make the rehabilitation. We can bring it up to modern codes, but have to use certain treatments—”

“I hate to burst your bubble, but where will we get the money to do all this?” He wasn’t sure he could afford too many more big gambles like this last one.

Her face flushed and her sapphire blue eyes sparkled. “If we can get her added to the Registry, we’ll qualify for special low interest loans. And for a major tax credit. And we have a million dollars in equity.”

“Pretty, smart—and you say you can cook? If you can do all that, you are a genie.”

She released his hands, pulled her shoulders back, and inadvertently gave him a better glimpse of her bosom. Genie gave him a scalding look. “Are you challenging my cooking, Mr. Rawlings?”

Uh-oh. He never dreamed of Genie having a little temper. He couldn’t resist tweaking her. “I’m sure you’re a solid cook.”

She stood, almost knocking her chair over. “Solid? What the hell does that mean? Average? Good enough to make the turkey for Thanksgiving dinner for the family—but not good enough to cook for guests? Tell you what, Mr. Critic, you come to my house for dinner tomorrow night.” She scribbled her address on a business card and threw it on the table. “My food makes men go weak at the knees.”

Hypnotized by the sway of her voluptuous ass as she stalked out of the nearly empty café, Jim bet it wasn’t just this saucy woman’s cooking that made strong men weak.


About Sharon Buchbinder

Sharon Buchbinder and her husband used to breed and show Egyptian Maus and Color Point Persians (formerly called Himalayans). If you’ve ever seen the mockumentary, Best in Show, you have an idea of what life was like 24 out of 52 weekends a year for this wild and crazy couple. When Sharon returned to school for her PhD in 1986, she decided a doctoral program plus a toddler plus a full time job was more than enough and they placed all their cats in good homes—including their own.

An Interview with P. J. MacLayne

How did you get started writing?

I started writing poetry in high school. (many, many years ago.) About six years ago, after going through a period when the poems just wouldn’t come, I decided to try my hand at writing fiction. And I haven’t stopped!

What genre(s) do you write in and why?

I’m currently wring an urban fantasy/paranormal romance series (The Free Wolves) and a cozy mystery series. (The Oak Grove Mysteries.) Although they are very different in style, they share a common denominator- strong female leads.

Tell us about your current series.

My newest release is “The Baron’s Cufflinks,” the third book in the Oak Grove Mysteries. My main character, Harmony Duprie, is up to her normal antics. After a less-than-stellar Girls’ Night out, she becomes a suspect in a murder.

What inspired your latest book?

Harmony is an interesting character. Frankly, I’d love to hang out with her in real life. So when she lets me know that she has a story to tell, I listen. Sometimes she and I disagree on the details on the story, but she normally wins the argument.

What is your favorite part of writing?

I love starting a new story. So many possibilities for the story and my characters. It’s a lot of working setting the tone for the rest of the book while getting the first few lines perfect, but if I get it right, it’s such a great feeling.

What is your least favorite part of writing?

Editing. I wish I was a better writer and editing wasn’t such hard work. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to get done with a first draft and have it be perfect?

What is your next project and when will it be released?

I’m currently working on two projects. One is a short story for a Christmas collection. The story is tentatively titled “Love on the Dunes.” The other is the third book in the Free Wolves series. It’s called “Wolves’ Gambit” and is the story of one of the very minor characters from the first book, Wolves’ Pawn.

What is most difficult for you to write?  Characters, conflict or emotions?  Why?

Emotions are tough for me. In fact, I say that I write action with a touch of romance. I’m not sure why is so hard, but I blame it on my characters. They are so busy overcoming the obstacles that life throws at them that they don’t necessarily have time to stop and think about how they are feeling. When things settle down, the emotions come all in a rush.

Give us an elevator pitch for your book.

“What starts as Girls’ Night Out ends in murder and Harmony Duprie is a suspect.”

Tell us about your heroine.  Give us one of her strengths and one of her weaknesses.

Harmony is a highly intelligent individual who cares about her friends and her community. Since she lives in a small town, she’s able to reach out beyond her circle of close friends for assistance when it’s needed. However, I suspect she had a touch of an obsessive-compulsive disorder, but has never been diagnosed. That makes for some interesting interactions with her friends and even with new acquaintances.

The Baron’s Cufflinks

The Baron’s Cufflinks is the third book in the Oak Grove Mysteries, and Harmony Duprie is up to her usual antics.


What starts as Girl’s Night Out ends in murder, and Harmony Duprie is a suspect.

She’s innocent, of course, but with no alibi, the sheriff’s department won’t remove her from the list of suspects. It doesn’t help when a waitress from the bar gets beaten up and the only clue is a slip of paper with Harmony’s name on it. Throw in a rookie deputy dead set on building his reputation and Harmony must tread carefully.

But caution isn’t Harmony’s middle name and she plunges head first into danger to defend her honor.

What she finds is a web of half-truths and suspicions implicating several law enforcement agencies, with Jake, her ex-lover, stuck in the middle of it all.

Can Harmony rescue Jake and find the real culprit before she becomes the next victim?


Not that I particularly liked Agent Felton. But I only knew two FBI agents and couldn’t tolerate the other one. Although Felton didn’t count as a friend, he wasn’t an enemy either. Still, it surprised me when he agreed to meet for lunch, no questions asked.

I spotted him right away when I entered the small Chinese buffet place, his suggestion, near his office. He stuck out like a sore thumb amid the crowd of secretaries having lunch.  It had been a few months since I’d seen him, and gray hairs were now scattered in with the brown. Meeting him on his home turf meant I’d need to be on my best behavior, but I was good with that.

The restaurant’s Shanghai soup dumplings were a treat and I was on my second serving when Felton wearied of our sporadic chit-chat. “You didn’t call me to talk about the weather. Or to tell me you’ve realized that you’re deeply in love with me. What is it you want, Miss Duprie?”

I could play it for kicks or play it straight. The choice seemed obvious if I didn’t want to tick him off. I swallowed and looked him square in the eye. “Information. Do you know anything about a guy by the name of Tadd Foard?”

The agent leaned back in his chair, crossed his arms, and thought for a moment. “Can’t say that I do. Why?”

“He was murdered a few days ago.”

“And you care why?  Are you sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong again?” He grinned as he raised a spoonful of the egg drop soup towards his mouth.

“I may be a suspect.”

We spent the next few minutes cleaning up the soup that had sprayed everywhere.

Buy Links:


Books2read Universal https://www.books2read.com/u/b5OVGp



Author’s Bio

Born and raised among the rolling hills of western Pennsylvania, P.J. MacLayne still finds inspiration for her books in that landscape. She is a computer geek by day and a writer by night who currently lives in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains. When she’s not in front of a computer screen, she might be found exploring the back roads of the nearby national forests and parks. In addition to the Oak Grove Mysteries, she is also the author of The Free Wolves series.


P.J. MacLayne can be reached on:

Facebook https://facebook.com/pjmaclayne

Twitter https://twitter.com/pjmaclayne

Google + https://plus.google.com/u/0/+PJMacLayne/posts

Amazon http://www.amazon.com/P.J.-MacLayne/e/B00HVE8WZI

Blog: http://pjmaclayne.blogspot.com/

Profit: Utopia the Conclusion by Mary Martinez

My latest book is the 5th book of the Beckett Series: Profit: Utopia the Conclusion.


Matt Beckett is the Chief Financial officer for World Banking Association (WBA). Over a year ago an agency known as the HEAD group tried to take over the WBA. Matt’s sister, Reagan Beckett, a member of a Federal Special Task Force took out one of the key players, a serial killer known as the Headman. Now the founder of HEAD, Andrew Phillips, is back and ready to finish what he’d started with a new and dastardly key player from the Dark web.

Matt doesn’t have any desire to be involved in any cloak and dagger stuff. He’d rather leave that to the other law enforcement Beckett’s. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like he’ll have a choice.

Bryn Connelly is the Chief Audit Executive also for the WBA. She had been one of the Headman’s targets and thought her days of danger were over. However, she finds herself working with laid back Matt Beckett, much to her dismay.

Matt couldn’t be more delighted when Reagan informs him he’ll be working the lovely Bryn. He’s been trying to catch her eye for five years, now. However, their sleuthing quickly lands them in a precarious position.

It’s up to Matt and Bryn to finish what Reagan and her team started, but can he win the lovely Bryn and save the day? Or will he lose her forever if the WBA falls into the wrong hands?



It was good to be away from work and all the drama. After a year and a half they—they being the FBI special terrorist task force his sister, Reagan, worked for—weren’t any closer to finding who was behind the murders of three top executives of the World Banking Association, known to the world as WBA. This made it dicey for those who worked for the WBA and its five entities. Were they random murders as the media had come to believe? Or were they murders set to be the beginning of a takeover of the WBA, for God only knew the reasons, as the FBI believed?

Matt Beckett sipped his cranberry and vodka while he surveyed his family. As the syrupy sweetness hit his stomach, he grimaced at the pink liquid. Who the hell gave him this sissy drink?

“Brother, why the serious face? It’s Christmas. You know, Ho, Ho, Ho, and all that huggy feely stuff.” Reagan took a sip of the amber liquid in her glass.

Matt ignored her question. “How the hell did you get a grown-up drink?”

“I poured my own.” Reagan glanced around the room. “Ma would kill me if I talked shop, but I suspect that’s what you were thinking?”

“Yeah, it was.”

Martha, the matriarch of the Beckett clan, and one-half of the Elders, joined the two, wrapped an arm around both her children, gave a hug and stepped away.

“No shop talk or you’re banned from Christmas dinner.”

“Ma, you can’t ban me from a home-cooked meal.” Matt looked down his body. “Look at me, I’m skin and bones, because I don’t have a good woman to cook for me.”

Martha gave him a light slug to the shoulder. “And whose fault is that, young man?”

“Yeah?” Reagan raised a brow at him and took another sip. “How’s the lovely Bryn?”

Martha gasped and looked at him. Damn Reagan. Now his mother was going to hound him.

“Who is Bryn?” Martha’s eyes twinkled in anticipation.

He shot Reagan a look that he hoped conveyed that she would pay. “Bryn is a woman I work with from time to time at WBA.”

“She works at DIG?” Referring to one of the five entities of WBA.

He sighed, he might as well get the Q & A over with since she’d just keep at him until he gave in anyway. His mother could be like a dog with a bone.

“No, she’s with Corporation of International Finance, or CIF, she’s their Chief Auditor Executive.” He glanced at his sister who stood sipping her drink innocently and glared. “She is a very nice person and no, before you ask, we are not seeing each other.”

“Not that he doesn’t want to see her, she just has better taste in men.” Reagan laughed.

“Reagan, any woman would be lucky to date your brother.”

Matt held in a groan. Man, he needed to get out of here. He looked to his brother, brothers-in-law, anyone to rescue him. But Reagan wasn’t going to let that happen.

“Ma, you’d love her. She has the most beautiful red hair, green eyes, and she speaks with this lovely Irish accent.”

“Gan, Gan!”

Matt looked down at his niece, Lucy, he wanted to give her a big kiss for interrupting. But the little one was currently pulling on Reagan’s jean clad leg. His sister set her glass on the side table and swung Lucy up above her head, her giggles drew the attention of everyone in the room.

Escape. Matt didn’t waste any time, while his mother and sister were occupied with the adorable dark haired cutie he raced toward his brothers and talk of football.

Beckett Series Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJtTJOJhAeU

Buy Link Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XP4SS17

Web site: http://www.marymartinez.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorMaryMartinez/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/marylmartinez

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mlmartinez3/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1646623.Mary_Martinez

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTww3B2ofa11UPFrSe0WGAg

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/marylmartinez3/

Mary’s Garden Blog: http://marysbooksblogger.blogspot.com/

The After Work Cook: http://theafterworkcook.blogspot.com/

Author Bio:

Mary lives in Magna, a little town west of Salt Lake City, Utah. Together with her husband, she has six grown children, and six wonderful grandsons and five beautiful granddaughters. She loves to spend time with family and friends–she includes good books as friends!


Mary and her husband love to travel, especially to the Caribbean for relaxing, and Italy for the wine. And most recently she discovered she was Irish and Scottish, of course they had to visit Ireland and Scotland. Mary fell in love with both, but the green hills of Ireland felt like home.  With the experience from the exotic places she has visited, she is able to fill her books with colorful descriptions of cities, painting a colorful backdrop for her characters. One of her favorite US destinations is New York/Brooklyn, where her beloved Beckett’s live. When she visits, she can wander their neighborhoods, favorite parks, and visit their favorite pub, Putnum’s.


They are avid concert ‘Ho’s’! Yes, they pretty much want to do them all. They love outdoor amphitheaters the best and attend as many during the warmer months as possible.


Mary writes mostly romantic suspense, romance, women’s fiction, and she has just begun to dabble in young adult mystery. She is a member of Romance Writers of America (RWA). During her writing career she has been a conference coordinator, workshop presenter, and chapter president for the Utah Chapter of RWA. In 2007 she was presented with the Utah RWA service award in acknowledgment and appreciation for outstanding service. Mary has also participated in numerous library panels on writing and co-presented a workshop on writing a series at the League of Utah Writers conference.


Mary and her husband are also enthusiastic college football fans. They have season tickets to the UTES, University of Utah Football and they tailgate every game. They love tailgating so much, that they were married at a tailgating in 1999.



Thank you for having me today!


Colorado Bride by Cynthia Woolf

My newest book is called Colorado Bride. It is book 4 in the Matchmaker & Co series. Below is an excerpt for your entertainment.


Emily Loring survived the last few years as a governess to a rich family’s children. But when the lord of the house can’t keep his hands to himself, she’s left with no option but to risk everything as a mail-order bride. Raised in a New York orphanage, she’s always dreamed of a husband and children of her own, but even that small dream always felt out of reach. The city is all she’s ever known, but the promise of a family, a place to call home, drives her to risk everything and head for the wilds of the Colorado Territory, and the arms of a stranger.

Ben Logan fell in love once, to a city girl who left him at the altar to run off with another man. A mail-order bride appears to be the answer to his need for a wife to warm his bed, as long as she loves the country life as he does. He doesn’t need much, but he won’t risk his heart again. When Emily arrives, her curves tempt him nearly as much as her smile. But his ex-fiancée is back, and determined to have Ben for herself, even if it means murder…


While Ben unloaded the grain from the wagon, Emily walked over to one of the stalls. Inside were a beautiful golden horse and a pure white baby one.

“They’re so beautiful. The mama with her yellow coat and white hair on her neck is striking. Will the baby stay white or change color?”

“The mare is a palomino and, yes, more than likely, the colt will gain the same coloring as he gets older. But he could possibly stay white, which is what I’m hoping for.”

She turned to face him where he stood at the end of the wagon.

“Will you teach me how to ride? I don’t know anything about horses, but I believe that I should learn in case I need to go somewhere.”

He shrugged. “Sure I’ll teach you. I’m surprised you don’t know anything about ranching. I was pretty specific about it as one of my requirements.”

“You said you wanted someone with farming or ranching experience, I know how to milk cows and gather eggs which qualifies, and I’m willing to learn whatever else I need to. I’m a fast learner.”

The mare came up to the stall gate where Emily stood. She turned and reached over to pet the horse. Her nose and mouth felt like velvet.

“Oh, she’s so soft. I never imagined…”

Ben came up behind her.

“Her name is Champagne, because of her coloring. She doesn’t belong to anyone yet. Would you like her?”

“Oh, yes. Can she really be my horse?”

He must at least like me or he wouldn’t gift me with my own horse, and such a beautiful one to boot.


She turned and Ben was standing right there. Emily reached up, snaked her hand behind his neck and brought his head down to hers. Remembering the kiss he’d given her at their wedding, she mimicked that kiss. She meshed her lips with his and opened just enough to put her tongue out and touch his lips. She felt him smile and open for her exploration.

He let her take what she needed, let her control the kiss and she was pleased. When she finally pulled back she was breathless and her body hummed with awareness of him.

He held her with his arms wrapped loosely around her waist.

“Well, that was some kiss, wife.”

“Just following your lead…husband.”

She liked the sound of that. Husband. She’d begun to believe that she’d never marry and certainly never to anyone like Ben. His arms were strong with muscle, she felt them through his shirt. His stomach was flat and hard. She felt that, too. And she could tell his manhood was primed for her as well and knew she blushed.

“Now, look at what you’ve done to me. I can’t go to the house like this. You better stop kissing me.”

She smiled and shook her head. “Nope. You can ask a lot of things of me, but that isn’t one of them. I’ll always kiss you. Even when we fight, I’ll kiss you because no fight is worth my marriage. And kissing reminds us that we are married.”

“All right, I agree. Besides, I like kissing you.”

She raised an eyebrow and cocked her head. “You should. I only know what you taught me.”

He tightened his hold on her. “And that pleases me.”

“Why? You’ve kissed other girls and that doesn’t bother me. Why should it bother you if I’d kissed another man?”

“Because I want to know that I’m the only man in your life, at least until we have sons.”

The thought of having babies and how babies are begot made her blush. At this rate she’d be colored pink all the time.


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Cynthia Woolf is the award winning and best-selling author of twenty-five historical western romance books and two short stories with more books on the way.

Cynthia loves writing and reading romance. Her first western romance Tame A Wild Heart, was inspired by the story her mother told her of meeting Cynthia’s father on a ranch in Creede, Colorado. Although Tame A Wild Heart takes place in Creede that is the only similarity between the stories. Her father was a cowboy not a bounty hunter and her mother was a nursemaid (called a nanny now) not the ranch owner.

Cynthia credits her wonderfully supportive husband Jim and her great critique partners for saving her sanity and allowing her to explore her creativity.


WEBSITE – cynthiawoolf.com/



A FAMILY FOR CHRISTMAS – A Montana Sky Series Novella – Kindle Worlds

KISSED BY A STRANGER – A Montana Sky Series Novella – Kindle Worlds
THORPE’S MAIL-ORDER BRIDE – Montana Sky Series – Kindle Worlds

THE HUNTER BRIDE – Hope’s Crossing, Book 1
THE REPLACEMENT BRIDE – Hope’s Crossing, Book 2
THE STOLEN BRIDE – Hope’s Crossing, Book 3
THE UNEXPECTED BRIDE – Hope’s Crossing, Book 4
GENEVIEVE, Bride of Nevada, – American Mail-Order Brides Series
GIDEON – The Surprise Brides
MAIL ORDER OUTLAW – The Brides of Tombstone, Book 1
MAIL ORDER DOCTOR – The Brides of Tombstone, Book 2
MAIL ORDER BARON – The Brides of Tombstone, Book 3
NELLIE – The Brides of San Francisco 1
ANNIE – The Brides of San Francisco 2
CORA – The Brides of San Francisco 3
SOPHIA – The Brides of San Francisco 4
AMELIA – The Brides of San Francisco 5
JAKE – Book 1, Destiny in Deadwood series
LIAM – Book 2, Destiny in Deadwood series
ZACH – Book 3, Destiny in Deadwood series
CAPITAL BRIDE – Book 1, Matchmaker & Co. series
HEIRESS BRIDE – Book 2, Matchmaker & Co. series
FIERY BRIDE – Book 3, Matchmaker & Co. series

COLORADO BRIDE – Book 4, Matchmaker & Co. series
TAME A WILD HEART – Book 1, Tame series
TAME A WILD WIND – Book 2, Tame series
TAME A WILD BRIDE – Book 3, Tame series
TAME A HONEYMOON HEART – novella, Tame series




Heiress Bride by Cynthia Woolf

Here is an excerpt from my book HEIRESS BRIDE. It’s another fantastic book from the ONCE UPON A KISS boxset. Check out the blurb and a short excerpt below, then buy the box set from one of the links at the bottom of the excerpt. You can’t go wrong ten books, ten fantastic authors for one low price of  $0.99


Heiress Ella Davenport survived a carriage accident that killed her father.  Her life saved in exchange for savage scars marring her beautiful face.  Her friends, socialites, showed their true colors, casting Ella aside like damaged goods and leaving her a social pariah. Even her wealth can’t buy her the kind of marriage she wants. Desperate to find a husband who can accept her despite her scars and, without knowing about her money, she seeks to become a mail order bride.  Matchmaker & Co. is her one chance to start over and leave the pain and betrayal far behind her.

Nathan Ravenclaw was run out of town by the father of the girl he was courting once he discovered Nathan’s Arapaho heritage. It didn’t matter that Nathan was a successful rancher, businessman, and a positive member of society.  The white community suddenly saw only a half-breed. Even his money couldn’t buy him a wife. That was ten years ago.   He moved and rebuilt everything that cold rancher once took from him.  He has it all…except a wife.  Matchmaker & Company promises to send him a woman willing to start a new life with him.  But Nathan’s battered heart lacks the ability to trust. He longs for children, not romance.  His new bride, scarred and cast aside like himself, promises to be perfect for him.  Until he meets his mail order bride.  Fierce desire and an even more dangerous hope roar back to life within him.   Two things he swore never to indulge in again.

And love?  For these two battered souls, that’s the biggest risk of all


She arrived in Denver on April 6, 1871.  A date she would forever remember as the start of her life.  It was almost like another birthday.

The weather was cold.  The wind rushed off the plains and collided with the mountains to the west, keeping the chill in the air.  The buildings weren’t as tall as in New York, but the wind still whistled between them and over the platform where she stood.  She was glad of her good wool coat and lined boots.  They kept her warm while she waited for Mr. Ravenclaw to find her.  There wasn’t anyone else wearing a veil so she didn’t think he’d have much problem identifying her.

She wasn’t really sure what she expected, but it wasn’t the tall, devastatingly handsome man that approached her.  He had a square jaw shaved clean and a tiny dimple in his chin.  Black eyebrows slashed over his eyes, the color of which was hidden by the shadow from his hat, pulled low on his head.  For once she was glad of her veil.  He wouldn’t be able to see her mouth hanging open, gawking at him.

“Miss Davenport?”

“Yes.  Are you Mr. Ravenclaw?”

“I am.”

Ella was surprised to find her hand trembled as she held it out to him.  “Ella Davenport.”

He removed his glove and enveloped her hand in his big one.  His fingers brushed the skin of her wrist just above her glove.  The tingle that traveled clear to her toes was unexpected and her gaze snapped up to his.  She looked up into the most beautiful blue eyes.  They seemed to question the chemistry between them as much as she did.

He held her hand for what seemed like a lifetime and they simply starred at each other.

“Miss Davenport….”

“Ella.  Please.”

“Ella.  I would like for you to lift your veil.”

“Are you sure you wish to do this in public.  It can be…shocking.”

“I’m sure.”  He squeezed her hand and then let go.

“Very well.”  She lifted the heavy lace, prepared for him to be taken aback by the ugliness of it.  She wasn’t prepared for him to lift his hand and gently trace the thin, putrid purple scar all the way from her left eye over her cheek and down her neck to the top of her collar.

There was no disdain on his face.  His blue eyes took in everything and accepted it, but even so he said the last thing she expected.

“You are a very beautiful woman.”

She stood there with her mouth open until he raised her chin with his knuckle.

“Why are you surprised?  Surely you have heard the compliment before.”

She shook her head to clear it and find her tongue.  “Not since the accident, except from my brother.  But he’s biased.  He loves me.”

“He but states the obvious.  Your scars do not detract from your beauty.”

“I must thank you because good manners dictate it.  However, I believe we should see about getting you some glasses.”

He laughed.  A rich, deep baritone.  “I’m glad you have a sense of humor.”

“Who was joking?”

Here are the buy links for ONCE UPON A KISS. Remember just 99 cents.

Amazon – http://a.co/8vk6CxX

Apple iBooks – https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/id1195459460

Barnes & Noble – http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/love-historicals-presents-once-upon-a-kiss-laurel-odonnell/1125454182;jsessionid=268F4B199A6DFCB4EA51C96FD6C581F5.prodny_store01-atgap09?ean=2940154233863

KOBO – https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/love-historicals-presents-once-upon-a-kiss

Angel’s Assassin by Laurel O’Donnell

Here is an excerpt from my book ANGEL’S ASSASSIN. It’s another fantastic book from the ONCE UPON A KISS boxset. Check out the blurb and a short excerpt below, then buy the box set from one of the links at the bottom of the excerpt. You can’t go wrong ten books, ten fantastic authors for one low price of  $0.99

Short blurb –

Damien is an assassin, a man with a tortured past. Sold into slavery, he is trained to kill. Lady Aurora of Acquitaine is the epitome of purity and goodness. When Damien enters Aurora’s life, tempting her with promises of forbidden lust, he threatens to tear her peaceful world apart.

Angel’s Assassin Excerpt –

Aurora climbed to her feet.

“Where is my sword?” Damien demanded, searching the forest floor.  He could not look at her.

“Here.”  It had been hidden beneath the flare of her dress when she was lying down.

Damien nodded in satisfaction.  He picked it up, pausing as he looked into her eyes.  They sparkled a pale blue in the moonlight.

Aurora stared at him for a long, pensive moment.  Then, she dipped her head in thought.  The furrows of her brow deepened as her gaze stopped at his thigh, lingering on his wound.  “How do you feel?” she asked.

“Well enough to see you back to your castle.”  He sheathed his weapon and took a step toward Acquitaine.

“Damien,” she called.

He hesitated.  He didn’t want her to fear him.  Would she condemn him now for his violence?  The silence stretched.  Finally, he turned to her and his breath caught in his throat.

She stood in middle of the forest, bathed in a pool of moonlight.  Her blonde hair, loose from any constraints, fell to her waist in thick waves.  Her back was straight, her tiny body alluring and curvy and delectable.  But it was her eyes that captured his attention.  He saw no fear in her eyes.  It was concern.  Had he mistaken fear for concern?

Damien had never felt such an overwhelming need for anything in his life.  He trembled with his want of her.

A swirl of emotions played over her face.  Concern, regret, helplessness.

It took all Damien’s willpower not to go to her and sweep her into his embrace.  He didn’t want to scare her.  He didn’t want to harm her.  He didn’t want to taint her.

“I will never leave you,” she finally confessed and tears entered her eyes.

Damien came toward her then, like a tumultuous storm cloud.  “You don’t know what you are saying,” he warned in a savage whisper.

Aurora did not run for cover; she did not shrink from his approach.  She stared up into his face with those damned clear orbs.  And for the briefest of moments, Damien saw himself reflected as she saw him.  A hero, a good man.  A man worthy of all he could attain.

He stood before her, stunned.

The sound of horses thundering through the clearing pounded a warning through the ground.

Damien grabbed Aurora’s hand in one hand, and drew his sword in the other.  He watched the group of men approach through the forest, clumsily maneuvering their steeds through the tight trees.  He pulled Aurora behind him.

These men were no brigands.  They wore heraldry, and while Damien couldn’t be sure, he suspected they were from Acquitaine.

As they drew closer, his suspicions were confirmed.  One of them called out, “Lady Aurora!”

Damien refused to relinquish her.  For just one moment, she had been his.  And it had been the most glorious moment of his life.

“Lady Aurora!” another called.

His time alone with her was over.

“I am here,” Aurora called out, a reluctance in her tone.

Four men came forward, three of whom wore red tunics with a white dove embroidered onto it, the symbol of Acquitaine.  But the leader wore a different crest.  A black lion on a white background.  He reached them first, reining his horse to a stop before them.  His blonde hair waved gently in the breeze.  His dark eyes swept them.  “Lady Aurora,” he gasped, dismounting.  He brushed his blonde hair aside and knelt before her.  Practiced, polished.  Fake.

Damien hated him on sight.

Aurora stiffened.  She released Damien’s hand and stepped toward the knight.  “Count Ormand,” she greeted.

Ormand stood and his gaze shifted to Damien with just the right disdainful curl of his lip, then back to Aurora.  “I came to rescue you as soon as I heard an attempt was made on your life.  Imagine my surprise at finding you gone.”

“We were attacked by an assassin.  Damien was struck by a poison arrow.”

One of Ormand’s eyebrows rose.  “Another assassin?”  He looked at Damien, then back at Aurora.  “Were you hurt, m’lady?”

“No,” she said.  “Damien saved me.  Again.”

Ormand looked at Damien.  “This must be the amazing Damien.”

Aurora nodded.  “Ormand, this is Damien.  Damien, this is Count Ormand.”

“I am Aurora’s betrothed,” Ormand stated with a slight lifting of his chin so he could stare down at Damien.

Betrothed.  The word rang in Damien’s head like a thunderous bell and his teeth clenched.  Betrothed.  Betrothed.  What did it matter?  But the word did not stop clanging in his thoughts.  Betrothed.

Ormand’s pompous stare swept Damien suspiciously from head to foot.  “Why is he half naked?  And what in heaven’s name were you doing out in the forest knowing that your life is in danger?”

Bio –

Award winning author Laurel O’Donnell lives in Illinois with her four cherished children, her beloved husband and her mischievous cats. She finds precious time every day to escape into the medieval world and bring her characters to life in her writing.

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Amazon – http://a.co/8vk6CxX

Apple iBooks – https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/id1195459460

Barnes & Noble – http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/love-historicals-presents-once-upon-a-kiss-laurel-odonnell/1125454182;jsessionid=268F4B199A6DFCB4EA51C96FD6C581F5.prodny_store01-atgap09?ean=2940154233863

KOBO – https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/love-historicals-presents-once-upon-a-kiss

The Prince’s Passion by Nancy Morse

Here is Nancy Morse’s excerpt from her book THE PRINCE’S PASSION. Another fantastic book from the ONCE UPON A KISS boxset. Check out the blurb and a short excerpt below, then buy the box set from one of the links at the bottom of the excerpt. You can’t go wrong ten books, ten fantastic authors for one low price of  $0.99


By secret decree, Nicholas Romanov, a prince of Imperial Russia, is next in line to the throne. Driven by dark passions and yearning for freedom, he has sworn to avenge the death of his father who led an ill-fated revolt against the Tsar and the murder of his mother who spurned the Tsar’s love. But the dangerous charade he plays is threatened by those who would stop at nothing to prevent him from reaching the throne, and by the fiery American beauty who teaches him that, without love, freedom is just an illusion.

What begins for Alana Welles as a capricious European holiday turns into a journey of deceit and betrayal, where friends become adversaries and misguided affections lead to heartbreak. From the blood-soaked sands of the Spanish bullring to the verdant English countryside, from the war-ravaged Crimea to glittering St. Petersburg, Alana follows her reckless heart into the arms of the handsome Russian prince whose secrets can topple an empire.


“Leaving so soon?” Nicholas asked. He stepped in front of her, barring her path with his tall frame. “Tell me, what is your name?”

She answered with all the courtesy due royalty.

“Ah, the Senator’s daughter from America. If I am not mistaken, your room should be on the floor below this one. Are all Americans so lacking in direction? Or is it discretion?”

Alana’s blue eyes flared. “I told you, Your Highness, I lost my way.”

His green eyes sparkling brightly, he said with a laugh, “I assure you, Miss Welles, the title is as decorous as the uniform. I don both for special occasions. As you can see, my personal tastes are somewhat simpler.”

He had removed the jacket with the gold buttons and was dressed casually in a plain white cambric shirt that was opened to expose a chest of darkly curled hair. The black trousers tucked into the tops of well-worn riding boots and the wind-tossed look of his hair told her he’d just come back from an evening gallop. Without the garnishment of his uniform and jewel-studded scabbard, there was nothing to distract from his alarmingly good looks. That, and his disarming candor, threw Alana off her guard.

“Why do you dress like that, then?” she inquired.

“They have come to expect it to me.”

“And you oblige them?”

He shrugged elegantly. “Whenever I can.”

She began to grow uncomfortable beneath the heavy weight of his stare. Gathering her skirts in her hands, she brushed past him. “If you will excuse me, I’ve been gone far too long and I wouldn’t want Monica to worry.”

He stepped aside with a speculative look. “I see. But it is rather uncommon of you to care what others think, is it not?”

The accuracy of his remark took her back. “How would you know what is uncommon of me?”

With a cool but devastating smile, he replied, “Just a guess.”

Alana started for the door.

“Will you join me for a ride in the morning?”

His invitation sounded more like a command, causing her to bristle. Tersely, she replied, “I have promised someone else.” She saw no particular reason to tell him that she had already committed her morning to Ross.

“Perhaps you would consider changing your plans to accommodate me.”

She whirled to face him, indignation brimming in her blue eyes. “I realize you must be accustomed to having your way,” she said heatedly, “but in this case, I’m afraid you cannot.”

“Oh?” he ventured. “And is that a guess into my character?”

“Not at all,” she replied. “Your reputation has simply preceded you.”

She was almost blinded by his luminous smile “I will take that as a compliment.”

“It was not intended as one.” And with that, she swished past him out the door.

Here are the buy links for ONCE UPON A KISS. Remember just 99 cents.

Amazon – http://a.co/8vk6CxX

Apple iBooks – https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/id1195459460

Barnes & Noble – http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/love-historicals-presents-once-upon-a-kiss-laurel-odonnell/1125454182;jsessionid=268F4B199A6DFCB4EA51C96FD6C581F5.prodny_store01-atgap09?ean=2940154233863

KOBO – https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/love-historicals-presents-once-upon-a-kiss

A visit with Wanda Ann Thomas

How did you get started writing?

Two books were milestones for me prior to my taking up writing. Pride and Prejudice introduced me to the world of historical romance. I was always drawn to historical novels, but adding a romance totally enchanted me. Julia Quinn and Mary Balog books are on my keeper shelf. In my search for historical fiction containing a great love story, I eventually stumbled onto Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series. I loved, loved, loved Jamie and Claire, and they provided the inspiration for me to try my hand at writing.  As an odd juxtaposition, I had also read the works of the ancient historian Josephus, and fascinated by that time period I wrote several Christian Fiction/Romance hybrid books. Once I had honed my writing skills I published a three-book series – The Herod Chronicles.

The time period limited my word choices, but stretched me as a writer. Most clichéd phrases and similes are too modern to work in ancient times, which forced me to be creative. The Herod Chronicles is a family drama, and I learned I enjoyed creating a world centered around the love, joys, trials, and tribulations of a dynamic family. The experience also taught me that I enjoyed writing the romance more than the history.


Tell us about your current series.

When I decided to write Sweet Historical Westerns I knew I wanted to write romance focused stories. I centered the series around a family of adopted brothers struggle to carry on the legacy of operating a cattle ranch dedicated to rescuing homeless boys.  The cowboy heroes of the Brides of Sweet Creek Ranch have been fun to write.  The tone of these books is lighter, a change that is a better fit for me.


What genre do you write in and why?

I love writing historical romance for the same reason I love reading it.  The chance to escape into past worlds, with larger-than-life heroes and heroines finding their happily ever after.  If I ever venture outside writing historical romance, the only genre that holds any appeal is a post apoplectic / syfy story.  Which makes a strange sort of sense, as it is an escape into a future world of limitless possibilities.

Excerpt – The Mail-order Bride Carries a Gun – Book One Brides of Sweet Creek Ranch

Ella jumped at the knock on the plain wooden door. The tinkle of out-of-tune piano music drifted up from the saloon. She smoothed the wrinkles of her blue woolen dress. “Come in,” she called, her voice too shaky for her liking.

Ty Haven ducked through the door and removed his hat. Sandy-blond bangs slid over dark perfect eyebrows. “Miss Hunter…ma’am, may I call you Ella?”

Good glory, a justice of the peace was waiting below to make them man and wife. Ty Haven would be her husband before the next song on the piano faded. How was she going to marry the man who killed Johnny? “Call me any name you like, Mr. Haven.”

“Call me Ty, ma’am…um I mean Miss Ella.” A slash of red showed on strong cheekbones and he held out a box tied with a rose ribbon. “A wedding present.”

She backed up and bumped into the narrow bed. Ty Haven’s towering presence stole her breath. “You didn’t need to do anything special.” Heart pounding in her ears, she ran her fingers over the smooth satin bow.

She stared into Ty Haven’s golden-brown eyes for the telltale signs of the man she’d seen twenty years ago. She wanted to snatch up her journal and compare the photo pasted inside with the man standing before her. Could this man who took in homeless boys be the same person who had murdered Johnny?

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

What was wrong? She was attracted to a no-good Yankee devil, and sweating like a thousand-pound hog, and her brain was in danger of turning to mush. She didn’t come to Wyoming Territory for pretty presents. She was here to take back Johnny’s saber.

She shoved the box at Ty Haven. “Are you prepared to uphold our agreement?”

His eyes clouded. “A man doesn’t forget a small matter like agreeing to not consummate his marriage on his wedding night.”

Author Bio

Wanda Ann Thomas is the author of Sweet Historical Western Romances and Historical Christian Fiction. She adores heart-felt love stories, featuring honorable heroes and courageous heroines. Men and women who will brave any danger for loved ones and who struggle against overwhelming obstacles to win their happily ever after.

A native of Maine, Wanda starts each day bright and early at her computer writing and drinking coffee. When the weather allows she and her husband average three rounds of golf a week. She confesses to being overly fond of chocolate chips cookies, winter vacations spent in sunny Florida, and her large boisterous family.

Author Website


Amazon Author Page
