Writing from the heart by Lynn Cahoon

Please help me welcome Lynn Cahoon to my blog today. She’s got a great blog for you and I know would love your comments.

Final_Marriage_Not_Included_copy_2Writing from the heart.

We all have them. The stories that we call the one from our heart. For me, Marriage Not Included is one of those heart stories. Not because I wanted to be a defender of the heritage seed movement, but the places and events my heroine experiences are all from my ‘real’ home town.

Kuna, Idaho was a small town surrounded by farm land. I rode the bus an hour to school, winding through the mile long ‘blocks’ which on our street had six houses. My best friend lived a half mile away. And getting together after school with anyone was out of the question, until I passed my driver’s exam.

My graduating class was 60 strong. We would have been 63 but a couple didn’t pass their final exams and one guy moved into the more structured facility on the east side of town, the state penitentiary, before graduating.

But years later and many miles away, I can still hear the cows mooing gently in the pasture, the warm summer nights when we sat outside in the dark, watching for the stars, and the angst I felt as a teenager, wanting to be anywhere but were I was. I dreamed of living in New York, going to school in a small New England college, living a life I could only imagine.

I didn’t move to New York or graduate from an Ivy League college. And I don’t live in the same small town where I grew up. I do imagine my hometown and the joy of a little girl riding her first horse. Or planting her first row in her garden.

Simple lives. Of course, now my ‘small town’ is a bedroom community of the larger Boise. The new high school I graduated from is now the old high school. Time passes. Sometimes for the better.
I like to think the world Lauren and Miles resided in helps to preserve my memories of that simpler time.

What type of setting do you like in your stories? Are you a country girl (or guy) at heart? Or do you yearn for big city adventure like the teenaged me?

Marriage Not Included
Lauren is headed back to school, this time not as a fun loving coed but to achieve her dream of turning the family farm into Idaho’s first Heritage Seed Center. Selling organic produce at the local farmers market, she meets Miles. After an unexpected act of kindness toward her daughter, Lauren agrees to one date.

As a VP and heir apparent to HN Seeds, the family business, Miles unknowingly holds the future of Lauren’s farm in his hands. Lauren’s looking for anything but a romance. She’s got too much on her plate to risk the distraction. But he plays the one card Lauren can’t resist, family. Miles needs Lauren and her daughter to feel at home. And Lauren needs Miles and his large extended family more than she knows. But can she forgive the one betrayal that would ruin all of her plans for the future?

Available at Amazon – http://www.amazon.com/Marriage-Not-Included-ebook/dp/B00CXAB1ZI
Links –
Goodreads – http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5857424.Lynn_Cahoon
Twitter – https://twitter.com/LynnCahoon
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/LynnCahoonAuthor
website – http://lynncahoon.wordpress.com/
Amazon author page – http://www.amazon.com/Lynn-Cahoon/e/B0082PWOAO/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_pop_1
Soul Mate website – http://www.soulmatepublishing.com/

Cahoon (2)_2BIO – Lynn Cahoon is a contemporary romance author with a love of hot, sexy men, real and imagined. Her alpha heroes range from rogue witch hunters, modern cowboys, or hot doctors, sexy in scrubs. And her heroines all have one thing in common, their strong need for independence. Or at least that’s what they think they want. She blogs at her website www.lynncahoon.wordpress.com

12 thoughts on “Writing from the heart by Lynn Cahoon

  1. I’m a country girl at heart and in reality. Sounds like we grew up in similar situations. My graduating class had 30 kids. While not in the same small community that I grew up in I still live in small town America.

    • Hi Karen.
      I always wanted to live in a big city – but now I live on the outskirts and find myself not wanting to take advantage of all the culture available.

  2. You’re so right. All our stories come from some part of us, but there are those that are more so than others. Enjoyed the post.

    • Hi Sarah, Glad you stopped in. I have to say, I can ‘see’ my touch in all the books I’ve written, but MNI takes me down a walk in memory lane.

  3. I also love small-town settings, where everybody knows everyone else’s business. Makes for great secondary characters, and great reads. I’m setting my latest contemporary in Washington, DC, which isn’t exactly a small town, but each area (Capitol Hill, Dupont Circle, Georgetown, etc) has its own neighborhood feel to it.

    • NYC was like that when I visited. We stayed off site from the conference and I loved being in a little neighborhood and imagining what my life could be like. Looking forward to reading, Becky!

  4. Great post. I love small-town living, but unfortunately, I live in a city. I miss the closeness that evolves between people in a small community.

    • I think it can work both ways Janna. Sometimes, I don’t get the closeness of the small town I live in, because I work in the big town 30 minutes away. So I’m always driving.

      Thanks for stopping in.

  5. I’m a small town girl and love the simple life. If I want hustle and bustle I’ll go to a big city to get it out of my system, but usually can’t wait to get home again.

    When it comes to writing settings, I tend to like fantasy locations, whether they are castles, exotic lands, or places beneath the sea.

    I enjoyed your article, thanks for sharing and wishing you all the best with your stories.

    • Thanks Gemma – I’m probably more of a fine for a visit kind of big city girl, but I’d love to give it a try someday. 🙂

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