Why I Write What I Do by Cynthia Woolf

First before I get started, I wanted to let you see the cover for my latest book.  What do you think?  Leave me a comment with your opinion and you’ll be entered to win a paperback copy of the first two books in the series, Tame A Wild Heart and Tame A Wild Wind.


I write in two genres which seem, on the surface, to be very dissimilar in nature.

My Tame series – Tame A Wild Heart, Tame A Wild Wind and the soon to be released Tame A Wild Bride are set in 1880’s and 1890’s Colorado.

My Centauri series – Centauri Dawn, Centauri Twilight and Centauri Midnight in present day on a distant planet called Centauri.

So what do these two series have in common?  They both are about good verses evil.  They are both about pioneers in a way.  The people in 1880’s Colorado were pioneers settling the west.  The characters that people my Centauri books are pioneers in their way too.  Fighting against slavery and for the people.  Still settling new frontiers and bringing technology to those who need it and deserve it.

In both series the villains are the embodiment of evil.  They have to lose.  I don’t want to read a book where the villain wins.  I don’t care if there is another book and he finally loses in that one.  If I read a book without a HEA (happily ever after) in some, shape or form, I’m going to throw that book against the wall and never buy that author again.

That’s what always killed me about Oprah’s book club.  If you had a book with a HEA, you’d never make it into the club.  Her books were always what is considered ‘literature’.  I don’t write ‘literature’, I write books that people want to read, that I want to read.  I write books where the good guys win.  Maybe you think that is too formulaic that my good guys always win and the story always had a HEA.  But it’s not.  It makes for a few hours of enjoyable time spent with characters that you like.

I write books that I want to read.

Books that I hope you want to read too.

18 thoughts on “Why I Write What I Do by Cynthia Woolf

  1. Ha, that’s what I was gonna ask Elysa. That is one way to tame a bride. 🙂 Certainly makes me curious what she’s done…and Cynthia, I love westerns and space opera and they are very definitely connected!

  2. hi cynthia!

    i don’t really like a book with no HEA endeing either.. but i won’t throw it to the wall, i love my books too much to maul them :)) a no-HEA always left a bad taste, and make me dive into my mail-safe books just to comfort me

  3. Life has enough peril. I read a book once where the heroine was still an addict and alone and uncertain at the end and it left me feeling depressed. I never purchased from that author again. The writing was excellent but I couldn’t go through that again. Thanks for keeping a HEA Cynthia. I have three of your books and love them all.

    Cora Blu.

  4. I do like the silhouette with the bright colors in the background. Do you have a designer or do you do that yourself? Is the cover left completely up to you? If not does the person read the book and get a feel for the characters?

  5. Hi Becky,
    I have a designer and I work with her. This time I gave her the background and the silhouette pictures and she put them together and shades them. The first two I just gave her the silhouette and she used her own pictures for the background.

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