Hi. Welcome to my first blog of 2013. For this blog hop I’m giving away one ebook copy of Capital Bride, my new western romance and one ebook copy of The Swords of Gregara – Honora, the series finale of my scifi romance series. I’m also giving away two $5 Starbucks cards. You must put your EMAIL ADDRESS IN THE BODY OF THE COMMENT to be eligible to win.
What is your favorite New Years memory?
One New Year’s Eve I spent with my uncle. I was twenty. My aunt was working and my cousin, his daughter had a date. She also had a three year old and a two week old baby. Uncle Verd was comfortable watching the three year old but not the baby, so I went to their house and took care of Stephanie, the baby.
After the kids were to bed, Uncle started talking, telling me stories about my dad. You see Dad died when I was five and I didn’t really know him or have many memories of him. Uncle told me about Dad when he was a boy. At the age of ten he started working, helping to deliver milk. At fourteen he quit school and when to work full time to help out the family.
My Dad was one of thirteen children and the second oldest. They were poor, migrant farm workers. They followed the crops and once you were old enough you started working, too. Old enough was obviously a lot younger than we consider the age to be able to work. Old enough was ten, at least for Dad.
Uncle Verd told me many stories of their lives together when they were kids and as they grew up. It was one of the best New Year’s Eve’s I’ve ever had and one I always will remember.
You’ll have four chances to win, just on my blog. I’m giving away a copy of each of my new books and two $5 Starbucks cards to four lucky commentors for this blog, so be sure and leave me a comment. Don’t forget to LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN THE BODY OF THE COMMENT, to be eligible for the grand prize drawings.
Now what are those prizes?
1st Grand Prize: A Kindle Fire or Nook Tablet
2nd Grand Prize: A $300 Amazon or B&N Gift Card
3rd Grand Prize: A Swag Pack that contains paperbacks, ebooks, 50+ bookmarks, cover flats, magnets, pens, coffee cozies and more.
Here’s my NY memory. One new year we had a party at our country place. I set up a table in the orchard and ran power out to there with a big standard lamp providing the light with a fringed Tiffany shade. It was a magical evening. After our friends went home, I waited till my husband went to the lavatory, then I opened a new bottle of champagne and took off all my clothes and sat naked on top of the table. It was a nice surprise for him when he found me. Not saying any more lol! T.Ormiston.Smith@gmail.com – sorry for the double post but I forgot to put my email address in the body of the post.
What a great memory. Sounds like you had a GREAT start to that new year.
My most favorite New Year’s memory was going to my grandparents house to watch the New Year’s Day parades – we used to be able to watch both the Cotton Bowl parade and the Rose Bowl parade. As we were watching the parades, we would have our TV trays and eat a great lunch that my grandmother would fix.
Happy memories that I haven’t thought of in a while. Thank you.
Happy New Year,
What a lovely memory.
I was 20 years old and babysitting for one of my workmates. Robin was about ten and she had a girlfriend over for the night. They were laying on the floor in front of the TV in their sleeping bags and I was in a chair quite a back from them. They wanted to watch Alfred Hitchcock’s Pyscho. Right when Anthony Perkins turned the chair around with the corpse of his mother and the music goes wild, their dog yawned loudly behind my chair. It was so perfectly time that I think my hair stood on end and I flew down to be with the girls. Of course, that is when the parents returned. They all laughed at me and my embarrassment.
I couldn’t help but giggle at this because that would have been me, too.
I always fondly remember the time a whole group of us as teenagers went to Pasadena and spent hours and hours in the freezing cold just to have a good spot to watch the Rose Bowl Parade in person. Some great friendships developed that night/day.
Kathy @ kathyivan dot com
Great memory.
Last year I walked two miles with the dogs along the Mississippi river. 70 degrees. Today 25 – no walk.
It’s been cold here too. All of 27 today. Of course, I live in Colorado so it’s sort of expected.
Happy New Year. My most memorable New Year’s was the first one we celebrated as newlyweds. Us and a bottle of champagne, no party, no people. Just us and our new kitten.
Just us is the way it should be when you are newlyweds.
You are one busy girl! My most memorable New Year’s was spent in a cabin with my husband after a long absence. We didn’t need fireworks or wine, just a warm fire and each other.
Hope your 2013 is loaded with success and happiness.
Always got to stay busy. Hope your 2013 is joyful and successful as well.
What a fun time you must have had.
My favorite memory was from 2011–when I was part of a paranormal investigation at a bed and breakfast that is haunted in Charles City, Virginia. It was held New Year’s Ev at 8 pm until 1 pm New Year’s Day. We got loads of paranormal activity and I even caught three photos with ghosts in it–two human shapes and one so in my face obvious a dog in mist! No drinking that night or ball dropping, but was the best New Year’s ever.
That sounds a little intense. Glad you had fun.
Hey Cindy! I love your newest covers! I can’t wait to read the stories (though, it won’t be as ebooks, still no ereader). I don’t think I have a favorite New Years! Oh, wait. My son’s first one! My mom filled balloons with confetti and let him pop them with a needle! Lots of noise and fun.
Thanks for the chance and the trip down memory lane!
Black eyed peas with the family
Can’t go wrong with black-eyed peas. We have them on New Year’s day too.
NY memory, I stayed out all night with a friend talking -first time I had ever done this and was 18-19 yrs old, I lived with a brother and he was upset me when I came in at early morn, nothing bad happened and I suppose I was a lucky young woman that all we did was talk…
I found your blog on another site and loved the idea of your capital Bride, I dont read the ebooks but would love to win gift cert and get the printed one to read. it appears you have other Bride stories are they all about Mail-order brides?
Paula O(kyflo130@yahoo.com)
Hi Paula,
Tame A Wild Bride is also a mail order bride story and I have two others in the pipeline. Thanks for asking.
My Bff and I were coming home from another friends home after some drinking, we were walking because we only had about four blocks to my parents house. Well she decided she had to pee, so she (after several minutes of messing around with her cloths) Squats between two parked cars and starts peeing. After what seems like forever she gets up and starts getting everything put back together when the lights of the car she was standing in front of turn on along with police sirens (apparently neither of us noticed that she was peeing in front of a squad car with a very surprised police officer inside). We were brought to my parents home who were shocked because we were supposed to be tucked in tight to bed. My parents have never let either of us forget that night.
blinkysthebest at aol dot com
Happy New Year,thanks for the chance to win.
Thanks, Cindy, and Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to all. My favorite New Year’s memory would be when I was a kid and our whole family was together. I couldn’t have been more than 8. My grandparents were singing all kinds of old songs and everyone was dancing.
My favorite New Year are when my kids were young and we would invite their friends over and it was all about them and what they wanted to do.
My best New Year’s memory – my son’s birth on New Year’s Eve 1983 – now THAT was a way to bring in the new year – we celebrate by going downtown on New Year’s Day to see the Mummers!
My best memory is the same watching with family Dick Clark’s New Year’s Ball drop!
Thanks for the hop!
Happy 2013!
I did the tweet thing and followed you everywhere I think! LOL!
Hopping away!
deethomas291 at gmail dot com
my memories of new years are when my brother was in the philadelphia mummers (he was in the stringbands) during the year leading up to new years day (when i was old enough) we would take classes to learn how to do the make-up for the members of the band so we would get there at 4:30-5am and apply all the make up for the members then we would go home watch the parade on tv then it would be back to the club to party and wait for the results to come in. I did that from the age of 13 till Jan 1990 (almost 20)and that last year i was pregnant and already 2 weeks late
My favorite memory is when I was younger NYE was the only night I was allowed to stay up really late and we played cards or games and watched the ball drop, at Midnight we would eat Pork, Sauerkraut and Black Eyed Peas then on NY we would watch the parades and football.
watching the countdown with family
I would have to say just sitting around with the family eating snacks and watching the ball drop
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Happy New Year! I went to bed!
To bed before midnight!
Thanks for the fun and Happy 2013!
I would have to say my favorite NY memory was back when I was a child. It is the only time I can remember my father being home for the holiday.
Deb T
My favorite memory is when our kids were little and they would desperately try to stay up to midnight.
mce1011 AT aol DOT com
One of my best New years eve was at Disneyworld when 2000 hit alot of fun! Thank you very much for the great giveaway and fun blog hop!
I wish you a very Happy New Year!
Latisha D
tishajean@ charter.net
Happy New Years, my favorite memory is my honeymoon being spent on New Years eve, we boped at the hop in Vegas. LOL
Wishing you a fantastic new year
Happy New Year!
I don’t have a favorite memory per say. Most of the time I am trying to stay up to see the new year lol.
My favorite New Years memory was setting off fireworks with my friends when I was a kid. We sat outside tending a fire talking about all kinds of things as we waited for midnight.
bituin76 at hotmail dot com
Thanks for doing the hop!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE! Banging on pans at Midnight when I was 7yr old. I’m going to lose 25 # and read 52 + books this year.
Happy New Year!!
bacchus76 at myself dot com
My favourite memory is spending it with my family, closest friends, relatives, watching fireworks and after that – going to masquerade ball!
My favorite memory is staying up all night with my family, eating popcorn & watching Chiller Theater (scary movies) all night long
Happy New Year & Big Hugs
Missie Jones
missie25524 (at) netzero (dot) com
Watching the festivities with my children.
wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com
I love kissing my hubby at midnight. This year it was nice to watch the Dick Clark memories. I’m going to miss him.
We watch the ball drop and kiss.
I never really did much for New Years, but I do remember watching Dick Clark and the ball dropping. Such a wonderful memory.
bournmelissa at hotmail dot com
I spent New Year’s in China a few years ago and that was very memorable. I loved the differences!
Thanks for doing the hop!! You are one of the new authors I found to stalk…um follow on Goodreads!!
My favorite New Year’s memory is when I was a kid having tons of shrimp at my grandfathers’ home. I don’t think I’ve ever again eaten as much shrimp at one sitting!
jmcgaugh (at) semo (dot) edu
I usually just stay home.
Thanks for the chance to win!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com
Hi! Happy New Years! I spent the day with my family. We watched movies, put together a puzzle and toaster in the new year. Thanks for the awesome hop and all the giveaways! This is so fun! I love these hops! I always meet new authors, reconnect with old ones and my TBR list grows by leaps and bounds! Thank you!! Have a great day! Best wishes and many blessings to you!
New Year’s Eve in Germany with all the fireworks.
Thanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com
Happy New Year to you!
verusbognar (at) gmail (dot) com
I haven’t really had a particularly memorable New Year’s Eve. It usually goes something like this:
My mom and I have our “midnight meal” on New Year’s Eve (consisting of appetizers and snack foods) while we wait for the ball to drop. (We used to watch the Twilight Zone marathon on SyFy, but since we cut cable in 2012, we didn’t this year.) We sip on sparkling pear juice instead of wine, and that’s as exciting as it gets.
tp DOT quixotic AT gmail DOT com
The year we took a cruise over Christmas, we docked in Miami the morning of New Year’s Eve. We could hear the partying and fireworks while we were trying to sleep. When we got up at 0230 to head to the airport, the city was still partying and half the people catching flights as well came straight from partying. The best was the guy who dropped trou in the middle of the car return area and proceeded to change like it was no big.
Happy New Year!
thanks for the hop
I think my most memorable NY would be in 07 when I first had my daughter! Spending her first NYs together was just amazing! I even let her taste my sparkling cider! *big smile* Great contest!!
It must have been wonderful to hear about your dad. I don’t have any New Year memories.
My favorite New Year memory is going to the Rose parade with my dad for the 2000 millennium celebration. It was the last time he could travel because he had Parkinsons. We got tickets for the grandstand seating, which included a hot breakfast for a very good price and flew my dad, my step mother, my younger brother and his wife out here. It was great. My dad talked about it for years and showed all his friends the gazillion pictures we took. He passed away in 2007 and I miss him still. Wishing you good things and much success in 2013. Happy New Year and thanks for the chance to win.
reneebennett35 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I’ve never had a truly spectacular New Year’s Eve, but I do have one that sticks in my mind. I drove through some of the densest fog ever in my then boyfriend’s huge truck to visit my sister who was singing at her church and then back again to my boyfriend’s house. His family had had a party and after midnight we all got breakfast from Huddle House.
Our friends would bring their kids to our house and we would play games. At midnight the kids got noisemakes and sparkling grape juice and the adults jouned in with Champange.
My favorite NY’s memory is one from a long time ago. I was dating this fantastic guy who was working out of town on New Years. I was pretty depressed and just stayed home. At 1205 am, my doorbell rang and there he was!!! It was a magical night!!!
sherri419 at gmail dot com
Have a Happy new years!!!
Thanks for participating! Happy 2013!
thank you for the giveaway happy new year angel0319@hotmail.com
My favorite memory is of my husabnd and I doing the ‘First Night’ on new years in his hometown. Had a great night!
kacidesigns AT yahoo DOT com
Thanks for the giveaway! My favorite memory is getting together with friends as a teen and having ginger ale in champagne glasses and just goofing off.