Weaving Webs by A. R. Norris

Please help me welcome A. R. Norris to my blog today.  She will be giving away a prize to one lucky commenter, so be sure and leave her a question or comment.


Weaving Webs


Lies and omission, both are the paths of deceit. Lying is one of the most common things people do. Sometimes it’s even natural, and expected. I mean, I appreciate my husband telling me the jeans I just bought are “mom jeans” but I’ll admit part of me doesn’t want to hear it. Not that I’d just like him to say, “Yes, those jeans look great…I like a flat butt on my woman” but a “Yes, you look nice in whatever you wear” would be okay on occasion.

People lie for all kinds of reasons. Conflict avoidance, keep from losing something/someone, fear of rejection, threat of harm (real or imagined), or to avoid punishment.

The one I want to talk about today is the altruistic reason. The type of lie that helps our friends or loved ones, and the type of lie that is tagged to duty and responsibility. This is the type my husband could give in the jean scenario above. It’s selfless and would technically make me feel better.

But just because it’s selfless, is it right, though? This is why my husband tells me the jeans flatten my rear end. He’s truthful to a fault. There are whole segments of society that believe in brutal honesty, no matter the cost to feelings or situations.

People in service don’t always have a choice. Their truth is often times what their government heads tell them to say is the truth. Their bosses dictate their omission. Most of the time this is for good reason: secret agents, important missions, investigations.

You know, those cool “007” gigs.

In my latest release, Echoes of Regret, the main characters are hiding all kinds of truths. During the course of their journey with the infamous — and immortal — Captain Noah Bonney, the “Wall of Lies and Omissions” begin crumbling until the stark reality is revealed for all to see…and judge.

Please enjoy this blurb and an excerpt from Echoes of Regret.


Lieutenant Fredrica Casales went undercover and behind Captain Noah Bonney’s back to help the Imperial Excellencies stop a terrorist plot. Now her Imperial contact, Jace McCree, is coming along in the next leg of the mission, and working with him in person is a bit more challenging.


Jace’s trepidation increased as Lady Victory detached from the port’s docking bay with Jetta aboard. From the Imperial space station’s sky-bridge he observed the Port Launch Unit maneuver the large, squid-like vessel out to open space. Three guiding shuttles worked in unison to push the huge vessel as if it were a marshmallow floating in water. Helpless and adrift at the moment, he was unsure what to do or how to act. From behind him his father, Scott McCree, growled.

“We shouldn’t have let her leave, Jace.”

Without looking back at him Jace said, “We shouldn’t have kept it a secret so long, Father.” He turned. “She should have been told when she came of age.”

Scott reared on him and clamped his jaw. Jace cocked his chin, to face his father’s wrath for what he knew to be the truth. Scott’s anger flashed and then settled. He knew the truth himself. The blood rose and then drained out of his face. “How was I supposed to tell her?” he muttered after moment, the pain clear in his expression.

Jace’s memories flashed to the long ago day, barely out of childhood. “It doesn’t matter the how. She should’ve known. Now who knows what will happen or how she’ll take it when she finds out.” He checked the time. “I have to board Daring Star. Will you be joining the journey?”

“No. It would seem too conspicuous to follow now. How would I explain it?” He touched Jace’s upper arm and squeezed. “I’m sorry to have this fall on you. I pray it is not what we think. I will head out to their lands and try to find out what has provoked this change. I’ll send you communications as soon as I discover anything.”

“I’ll protect her as best I can. I’ll find a way to tell her when we land on Stratlin.”


*     *     *     *     *


I hoped you liked the quick bit.

What lies do you think are okay in society? What’s the most ridiculous lie you’ve ever heard?

If you’re interesting in, here are the purchase links for Echoes of Regret:

All Romance, Amazon, B&N, Books On Board, Google Books, eReader

And please stop by and visit my blog when you have a moment or three: http://sci-fiadventures.blogspot.com/


14 thoughts on “Weaving Webs by A. R. Norris

  1. well the funniest lie has to be the one my toddlers say when caught out doing something they shouldn’t have, denying it even while holding the evidence in their hands, eg the only rose blooming in the garden and they didn’t cut it, honest….if you give me the tape i can stick it back on!!! (honestly [!] he did say that!)

  2. What lies are acceptable?

    My mother died last year after a lengthy illness. My sister, brother and I always held out the hope that she would recover and we conveyed that optimism to her. As it became clear that she would not recover, we continued to give her that hope. We wanted her last days to be worry free.
    Some might say we should have been honest with her. We did what we thought would ease her transition.

  3. I always know when my husband is lying because there is a an awkward pause before he says, “No, you look good…” And the dot-dot-dot just hangs in the air. That generally leaves me looking in the mirror saying, “What? Do I look dumb?” 🙂

    Your book looks great! I’d love to be entered in your draw!

  4. Oh, no fair. That excerpt is a tease. What doesn’t she know? What didn’t they tell her?

    I think a lie is acceptable if it spares pain, not if it causes it. The tough part is that none of us can see the future, so sometimes a harmless lie can turn into something painful. E.g. the people you run into later in the day might not be so tactful about what they think of your outfit/hairdo or whatever, so maybe it would have been better if a family member had forewarned you instead of lying that it was fine for you to go out like that.

    • (Hey! Just spotted the nifty “reply” button on here…first dumb moment of the day, so two or more to go.)

      LOL, I know, I’m such a tease! It is hard to decide when to “spare feelings” because you’re right, there are people who won’t be so forgiving and it might hurt either directly by them saying something or indirectly, something (like your boss) thinking differently or less of you. (But, don’t tell my husband his approach is right…it’ll be too much for his ego.)

  5. I’ve got a funny kid lie, too. When my oldest nephew was 2 or 3, he was playing with some crayons. I noticed a fleck of green on his lower lip and asked, “Did you try to eat one of these?” He immediately replied, “No,” and, in doing so, revealed all the chewed up crayon in his mouth.

  6. Oh my goodness, Edith…those toddler lies are the best! (LOL, though, I mean come on, IF your child could tape it back on then it technically doesn’t count…right?)

    Yes, yes, the hanging dot-dot-dots, Patty, the real truth tellers in life if you ask me.

    ((HUGS)) I am so sorry about your mom Connie. I think you and your siblings did the right thing. My husband and I went through a similar thing with his father several years ago and it was the most heart wrenching experience. The doctors told him he had 6 months and he passed in less than 6 weeks. I think if they’d not put an expiration date on him he would’ve/could’ve lasted the 6 months or more.

  7. Interesting discussion. Of course with 3 boys we heard every lie going and only now that they’re grown are we hearing some of the awful things they did to each other! I do agree sometimes lies are the best way to go – it’s a matter of degree and we all have different parameters for when/where to hold our tongues!

    • Thanks Angela! Oh yeah, got 3 boys of my own and just LOVE hearing the tall-tales they come up with. And my daughter can tell an even bigger whopper!

      Knowing when to hold your tongue is definitely an art form, that’s for sure.

  8. Ms. Norris, I am not at all fond of any Sci-fi, but will tell you the excerpt do sound like this might be interesting. I have a Nook reader and don’t know how to download to it, son tells me he will come help, but never has the time to do so, and it just sits. I did read one book on the Nook and find that I really like the feel and smell of a real book, so don’t know that i’ll ever like the electronic reader.

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