Please help me welcome Lynn Cahoon to my blog today. She has done a wonderful post and is giving away an ecopy of her book Temporary Roommates to one lucky commentor, so be sure and leave her a comment.
Why do I love happy ever after’s? I blame fairy tales. Handsome princes are always arriving to sweep the undiscovered diamond in the rough heroine off her feet. I’ve learned a lot about life through the pages of a fairy tale book.
Lesson #1 – Your true love will see beyond the dirt and grime and, probably grumpiness, to see the true princess underneath. If they can’t see you when you’re less than perfect, they aren’t your one true love. Case in point, when I was undergoing chemo – my true love shaved his head to show solidarity. And he LOVED his hair.
Lesson #2 – Fairy godmothers exist. You just have to accept their help. Throw your wishes to the wind and you’ll find they are granted.
Lesson #3 – Love must be won in a hard fought battle – think of the prince in Sleeping Beauty and his fight with the dragon and the thorn vines growing around the castle. What if he’d said, “Oh, screw it.” The girl would still be sleeping her life away.
Lesson #4 – Speaking of sleeping your life away, you have to take a chance to fall in love. If Cinderella had hidden in the kitchen when her fairy godmother arrived, she’d be warm, dry, and still single. I have friends who whine about not dating but when opportunities come up, they are either too busy or just not willing to take the risk.
Lesson #5 – The end of your story is up to you. I love the old, Grimm Fairy Tale of the woman who married a man she didn’t know well. He gave her a set of keys and an egg, telling her she could go everywhere in the castle, except one room. Being a smart woman, she set the egg in a safe place rather than carry it around as he checked the egg every evening when he returned. One day, she opened the forbidden door. His last few wives were there, chopped to pieces. Now, she could have gone running out of the castle and he would have probably found her and added her to the mix, but instead, she put the body pieces back together. The woman came back to life and the crowd attacked their ‘husband’ when he returned. A happy ever after of sorts.
Grimm? Yes. But even though it’s farfetched as a true crime story, the fact that the woman fought back and won has always stayed with me. And probably gave me the strength to leave an abusive relationship even though I didn’t fear the ax.
So, what fairy tale did you love as a child? And what real life lesson, has it taught you?
Temporary Roommates
When a determined nurse and a hot intern find the perfect apartment, the same perfect apartment, they must find a way to share it for ninety days, without killing each other.
Blurb – Annie Baxter has her dream job. Now, all she needs is a cheap apartment close to the hospital. Troy Saunders knows his life as an intern is all about the long hours. He doesn’t have time to play doctor to some Nurse Barbie. So when his sister finds a great apartment walking distance to work and next to the best running paths in the city, he’s sold. Two leasing agents, two prospective renters, one apartment. Can they co-exist without fireworks?
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BIO – Lynn Cahoon is a contemporary romance author with a love of hot, sexy men, real and imagined. Her alpha heroes range from rogue witch hunters, modern cowboys, or hot doctors, sexy in scrubs. And her heroines all have one thing in common, their strong need for independence. Or at least that’s what they think they want. She blogs at her website
Good lessons to learn
bn100candg at hotmail dot com
Hi bn100 – I do still love my fairy tales.
Lynn, your husband sounds like a real keeper! Glad you found your prince.
Linda – Ha, he can be at times. I still adore him. Thanks for stopping by.
I love fairy tales, although I’m more Disney than Grimm.
Loved the payback from the wives, tho!
Yeah, I don’t know where I got the Grimm book when I was growing up, but wow, some of them were scary. Makes sense now that you know me, right? LOL