The Wolf’s Daughter by Patricia La Barbera

Please help me welcome Patricia La Barbera to my blog today. Patricia will be giving away a copy of her book, The Wolf’s Daughter, to one lucky commentor, so be sure and leave her a comment.

hardcover_book_2What Was the Biggest Challenge of Writing a Werewolf Series?

I wanted to put a twist on the subject of werewolves.

In my world, I decided there’d be various types. For example, in the first book in The Tala Chronicles, The Wolf’s Daughter, released by World Castle Publishing, Tala and Matt have what I call strains from centuries of their ancestors’ intermarriage with humans. So although they don’t actually change into werewolves in this book, Tala and Matt suffer from the strains that carry their own special and deadly challenges. The only hope for even a partial solution is for Tala to travel through wolf country to a remote cabin in the woods, where a relative, who also has one of the strains, might be able to help her…

If he doesn’t kill her first.

In the second book, The Wolf’s Revenge, which has an upcoming release date, I introduce readers to a werewolf pack who can shape-shift to become fully wolf. This pack faces constant opposition from rival wolves. The members also share some distinctive emotions regarding how they feel about being werewolves. Tala must turn to them because of the dire circumstances she and Matt still face.

If the werewolves can’t help them, Tala and Matt can have no future together or apart. In addition, Tala must face the challenge of a Superwolf. In the second book I also introduce a Wolf Slayer, Michael. And what develops is an intriguing dynamic of half-hearted cooperation between him and Jeremiah, the pack alpha, alternating with tendencies toward murderous competition.

What Are Your Plans for Future Books in The Tala Chronicles?

Besides the second book, I’ve already written the following two books in the series, and they document how the survivors meet ever-escalating challenges. Some of the intriguing elements include time travel, other types of shape-shifters and monsters, a Mongolian journey, and a cult hell-bent on procuring a sacrifice victim to usher in the New Earth.

And as for how many more books? That depends. Authors like to think they’re responsible for their books.

But the characters are really in charge.

Be sure to view the book trailer.

sm_author_pic_2Bio: Patricia La Barbera, MFA, is an author and editor, who specializes in genre categories. She’s an active member of the Horror Writers Association and a member of Mystery Writers of America. Various magazines and anthologies have featured her work. She’s also the organizer of the Sarasota Editors Association. She lives in the Sarasota, Florida, area with her husband.

The Wolf’s Daughter on Amazon

Patricia La Barbera’s Website

Patricia La Barbera’s Blog where you can view the trailer


Twitter: @writer_editor_

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