As a prize for reading my current installment, I’m giving away a copy of Capital Bride, the first book in the Matchmaker & Co series to one lucky commentor, so please leave me a comment.
Nathan and Ella are at his ranch. She’s just met the housekeeper and Nathan is showing her the house.
He followed her eyes to the bed. “What would that be?”
“I, uh, I think we should get to know each other before we, us, you know.”
Nathan knew exactly what she was talking about. It had been on his mind since he’d kissed her that morning. That kiss had been the sweetest in recent memory. His new wife was many things, including, if he wasn’t mistaken, a virgin. He hadn’t expected that. He didn’t know why, but he’d thought that anyone who’d sign up to be a mail order bride would be experienced. But there was no hiding the blush that rose from her neck clear to the top of her head.
“What would that be?”
“You know. I don’t think we should be,” she stopped and whispered, “intimate yet. Not until we get to know each other better.”
Grasping his chin by the thumb and forefinger as though he was contemplating it, he said, “No. I don’t think we should put it off.”
To go see the rest of this weeks blogs click here
Hi, Cindy! ‘Heiress Bride’ sounds like a sexy read.
Hi Cindy,
I already want to read more , so I can hear your voice. So happy for you.
Sounds like a fun read. Would be interesting to see how long she can keep putting him off.
Ditto what Ana said. Doesn’t seem like he wants to take no for an answer, But then, he’s a man!
So you know, I already have Capitol Bride.
Smart man. Loved the excerpt. I tweeted.
Enjoyed the sneak peak
bn100candg at hotmail dot com