First the giveaway. I’m giving a $5 Starbucks card to one lucky commentor. Tell me what you think of this passage. Do you still want to know more or is it getting dull. Be honest, I need to know. Do you want more?
This is the next snippet from my work in progress, Fiery Bride. Fiery Bride is the third in the Matchmaker & Co series. Heiress Bride, the second in the series was just released and is available at Amazon
The first book in the series, Capital Bride is also available at Amazon
First a little set up. Maggie has just had one of her employees quit with no notice, leaving her in a lurch.
“Yes, well, I’ve wanted to see the frontier I’ve been sending these girls to. I’m simply going to see it sooner than I anticipated.”
Mr. Sinclair put his hat on and wiped his brow with his kerchief before venturing back out into the already hot and sunny morning. “I’m truly sorry, Mrs. Selby.”
Maggie got up, came around the desk and held her hand out to him. “You just take care of Mary. That’s your job now.”
He shook her hand, nodded and walked out the door.
She went back to her desk, grabbed Caleb Black’s file and then went upstairs to pack. Jenny Talbot would be by in an hour or so to pick up her tickets. Maggie would tell her then that she’d be accompanying her not Mr. Sinclair. It was just as well. Jenny was skittish as a kitten and Maggie worried about the match, but both Mr. Black and Jenny had been adamant that it take place. If truth be told, Maggie was a better match for Mr. Black than Jenny. But she was here to find matches for others, not for herself.
She understood Jenny’s reasons. Jenny was the oldest of seven children and, at twenty-two, felt she was a burden on her parents even though she worked and helped out with the bills. She hated her job and wanted to get married. Her chances were getting slim. Most young men of marriageable age were either already married or old, widowers with hellions for children.
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I’m intrigured by what I read…but, that book cover really makes me want to read more.
Why do I get the feeling Mr. Black won’t be marrying Jenny? Great peek!
Thank you so much for last week’s prize. I received it yesterday.
This sounds wonderful. I like the title, the cover, and the excerpt. I like your website too.
May I ask who your cover artist is?
My covers are designed by Romcon premade covers at ONe of my critique partners is the cover artist for them. Their covers are actually unique to you. Once you get a cover from them that cover will never be used again. The stock image may be, they don’t have any control over that, but the cover itself is unique to you.
Nice one! I’m intrigued to find out what happens, and I feel awful for Jenny.
Nice peek! The wheels of fate have been set in motion. Jenny may indeed find herself a man, but will it be Mr. Black?
I like mail order brides or match maker marriages. I want to know how Maggie and Mr. Black react when they meet each other.
I like the cover, too.
I think I see where this is going.
Sounds like a fun story.
Thanks for the excerpt. Now I want to read the rest of the story. It sounds intriguing.