
I am the worst procrastinator in the world.  I’m writing this fully three and a half hours after it should have been posted.  And it’s not just my writing that I put off.  I don’t clean my house until I absolutely have to.  Usually because we have company coming.  But it just isn’t as important as my writing.  My books not my blogs.

How many of you do this?  How many of you are procrastinators?  Tell me in a comment below and be entered to win a copy of one of my books, your choice in paperback or ebook your choice (US only.  Ebooks only for international entries).

I have a home closing coming up on tomorrow.  I’m just now getting together the paperwork I need for it although I could have done it a month ago and been done with it.  Instead I wait and then I stress.  Usually because the papers I thought I knew where were, aren’t and I have to search the house for the proper paperwork.  Procrastinator.

Supposed to have a mammogram once per year, right?  Right.  And I do, but I put it off as long as possible.  I hate the feeling of having my boob crushed by a garage door.  This year I started to do the same thing, then one of my dearest friends was diagnosed with breast cancer.  I hightailed it to the doctor and got it done.  I’m fine by the way.

Will I ever stop being a procrastinator?  Not likely.  Will I become more organized?  Probably at least in the short term.  It highly unlikely that I will stay that way.  It requires work.  Concentration.  Something that I reserve for my writing.


12 thoughts on “Procrastination

  1. I procrastinated writing this even though I knew you’d write it a week ago. Some people are just internally focused; some just need the outside pressure to focus their desires. As long as the dust bunnies don’t take over and throw you out on your ear, you’re probably applying the correct level of pressure on your life to get the important things done.

  2. This I have to say may be genetic! I also procrastinate……horribly so. Like cleaning when company is coming,homework…. at the last minute the night before it is due. Mammagrams too although I have never thought about the garage door..a very good comparison. Sad to say joining your blogs too. I read them and enjoy them as often as I can I just don’t alwys chat. While I am here I want to say I love your books! I have all of them excet Riza and will have that one today. I have Rods wife waiting for me to tell her you have another one so she download it to her Kindle!! Talk about them to anyone that will listen and Mom was telling Kim about them a couple days ago!

  3. I procrastinate on some of the oddest things, mostly because, perhaps, they aren’t that important.

    As far as cleaning, I know on Monday to do such and such, Tuesday… It mostly works. LOL

  4. I like Roxy’s idea—Hire a maid! Good luck with the closing. And about the mammogram-at least you have boobs to squish 🙂 When I take off my shirt they point and laugh.

  5. At the risk of being argumentative, I am the worst procrastinator in the world! LOL

    I use tools like list making and goal exchanging to keep procrastination at bay. I blog about my goals every week and that makes me accountable to myself.

    It’s a whole different world when I share my goals with my partners. By thursday, I’m thinking about I said I’d do and I get on the ball. Works well.

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