Paperback vs ebook

I’m getting my paperbacks for Tame A Wild Bride on Monday and I can’t wait. As much as I love my kindle there is still something about a brand new paperback that is magical. Especially when it has my name on it!

I know there are still a lot of people out there who don’t have an ereader and still buy paperback books, though to look at my sales of it you wouldn’t know it. I want to know if are finding the same thing in your sales? Do any of you sell paperback books very well or like me are they mostly a promotional tool?

I give away my paperbacks to contest winners, blog comment winners, as raffle prizes as part of gift baskets. I only sell one or two a month. So given this why do I bother creating them on Create Space when I know I’m not going to sell many?

Because there is nothing like having that book in your hand with your name on it. It is positive proof of you success as an author. We still have that mentality, at least I do, that I need a tangible book for it to be real. I know, it makes no since, since 99.99% of my sales are ebooks. I still own hundreds of paperback and hard cover books. I should give them away. Instead, I’m buying bookshelves to put them out on. Why would I do this when they’ve been in boxes for more than three years and I haven’t missed them?

Because they are books and I love books in all shapes and forms. They may be outdated, most of my treasured books are not in print any more. They are beginning to be released in Kindle format so I’m rebuying them. My paperbacks have such little type that I can’t read them anymore. I know when I design my books I make them with a larger type so that someone like me can read them. I don’t need a large print book yet, but I need something bigger than what they print. Another thing that I love about my kindle is that I can adjust the type size with the push of a button.

But I’ve rattled on here long enough. I’m going to give away a paperback copy (or ebook if you prefer) of my new book Tame A Wild Bride to one lucky commenter who tells me what kind of book, paper or ebook, that you prefer and why. Oh, I’m also giving out a $5 Starbucks card to another lucky commenter, so you have two chances to win.

17 thoughts on “Paperback vs ebook

  1. I feel the same way! I love the fact that there are books out there with MY NAME on them. That is freaking awesome! I hardly ever read books on the computer since I spend all of my time working on it. I like to enjoy the feeling of curling up with a book. I can’t curl up with my monitor… well, I could but I doubt that would end well. Thanks for putting words to something I feel about. :0) And, of course, the giveaway.

  2. I’m just a ‘reading fanatic’, but I Totally Love paperbacks! I get my books from the public library. The only ebooks I have I’ve either won or downloaded from the free ebooks. As long as someone is writing books, then I’m gonna read. 🙂

  3. Well, I can’t say that I’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing my name on the cover but I do like the opportunity to hold a good book in my hands. Yes, I have a Kindle and love it but sometimes you just want to hold the book, curl up in a comfie spot, and enjoy the lack of technology for the moment!

  4. I love the feel of a paperback in my hands. And the look of it on a table or bookshelf. Though I sell far more eBooks, the thought of NOT having a print version makes me sad. Despite varying opinions about what the future holds for publishing formats, I’m glad we have the option now to create both. Besides, where would we put those nifty bookmarks? 😉

  5. Why do my readers read my work and not somebody elses? Since the market is split between paper and e-books, before I even begin to ponder that question, I have to make sure they have the opportunity to read my work…ebooks, paperbacks, and audio, too. Honestly, in today’s market, we authors have to get out there in every format we possibly can.

  6. I always get the “real” thing for my books. I want a copy I can see, touch, feel, and admire on my bookshelf. I give copies to my family and close friends. While I love my Kindle, I also buy copies of books that are special to me to have on my shelves.

  7. My book is out in ebook now but would love to have my name on a paperback. Maybe someday. My publisher starts out with ebooks. I have a number of books to be read yet on my Kindle. I have to admit I love my Kindle for reading. Like you said making the font bigger is a big plus and it’s easier to cart around.

  8. Yes, I have to agree with you, I’m torn. I still love real physical books – and I’ll keep my copy of Shawna forever. But, it is REALLY nice to be able to take dozens of books with me on vacation without giving up any of my actual suitcase space :). I’m still debating if I will just publish digital or add hardcopies too. Decisions, decisions. 🙂 Thanks for the discussion.

  9. Hi Cynthia-I like ebooks better-they are cheaper and I like my Nook with the back lit up at night which is when I do most of my reading. Good luck and congrats on your new book. Dina

  10. I still love getting paperbacks. I love to be able to look at the cover whenever I want to. It won’t ever breakdown and need to be replaced. It’s also a place to put my bookmarks. They also have a place on a bookshelf. E-books are cheaper but don’t writers get a smaller royalty when an e-book is sold as apposed to a paperback?


  11. As a reader, I don’t care. I have a nook, and if I’m buying a book, I’ll probably buy the e-book. We recently moved and downsized, and there’s so little room for print books in the house. I do read print from the library, and read print when I get them at conferences, etc. Also “print” when it’s mass-market paperback is cheaper than the trade paperbacks you get from a lot of small presses.
    As for sales, I totally agree. I sell hundreds and hundreds of my e-books while the print sales are barely into double digits.
    My publisher produces only hard cover (they sell to libraries) and those are a REALLY hard sell (no pun intended) to your everyday reader. As soon as I get the rights, I release them as e-books, and then they start selling for me.

  12. I reserve paperback and hardback for my favorite authors. Sometimes I’ve read an e-book and want to have it in print. And you’re correct, holding your paperback with your name on it is a great feeling! I recently put all of my ebooks on Create Space and having them in paperback was such a high.

  13. Since I got my my Kindle, I am an e-book gal all the way. It’s just so much easier to carry it and my 1000’s of books around and read them anywhere without fear of offending anyone by what I’m reading. Love, love, love e-books. The only time I buy a “real” book anymore is if I’m meeting the author and want it signed.

  14. Great topic. I love both. I loved to read fiction on my Kindle and some books are only available that way which is why I got it in the first place. But I love my reference writing books in print. I want to be able to flip through the pages and add book marks, etc. I also buy books that I know will be keepers in print. I admit I am a rereader of books I love.

  15. Thanks to everyone for the wonderful comments. I’ve truly enjoyed reading them and seeing all the different points of view.

    We have our winners. They are Darlene Jones for the $5 Starbucks card and Lynn A. Reynolds for the copy of TAME A WILD BRIDE.

    Thanks again for visiting my blog.

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