I’m going to Romcon, come join me.

Are you going to Romcon this year from June 22 through June 24th?  I am and I look forward to meeting my fans.  There are so many things to do at Romcon.  I myself will be part of the Titanic Tea. There will be games and we’ll actually learn how to make and enjoy a high tea.

I am going to attend the “Build A Hero” workshop where we get to dress a gorgeous male model from the bottom up.  Now, now ladies get your mind out of the gutter.  He’ll have briefs on but we get to add the rest.

I’m attending a Monte Carlo night.  Hopefully I’ll do better with play money than I do with the real stuff.  And I can dress up to the nines if I want to though it is not required by any means.

There are intimate chats with some of your favorite authors.  Just you the author and 12-14 other people.  Very small and a great way to get to know that author you’ve always wanted to meet.

Then there is speed dating, the author signing and so many other things to do that I can’t remember.  All of them related to the readers in all of us.  Do you think I go only as an author?  Heck no!  I’m a reader first and I’ll be as crazy to meet my favorite authors as you are.

I hope you’ll join me in Denver, June 22 – 24, for Romcon 2012.  See you there.

7 thoughts on “I’m going to Romcon, come join me.

  1. This sounds like so much fun! I have looked at going and hope they continue to keep it in Denver, since I am about 6 hrs north! Maybe I will see you there one of these days

  2. I would be so happy to go to Romcon. I’m from a country named Azerbaijan. Each year I save money to go to RT & RWA. I wanted to go to Romcon for too years now, but couldn’t manage to save enough.

  3. I had a blast at my first RomCon last year!!! Sadly, now that my novel is our in paperback, it doesn’t look like I’ll be able to afford to go this year! *pout*

    I hope you have a super time Cindy!! 🙂


    PS – If by some crazy chance I won a ticket I’d find a way to get plane tickets even if I had to sell plasma… Just sayin’… LOL

  4. From the time I first heard about RomCon, I’ve wanted to attend, and one thing or another has gotten in the way. I’ve been to RWA National several times, and a couple of RT Conventions, and they’re fine but so large. I’ve wanted to experience the intimacy of RomCon. One day, maybe.

  5. Cynthia, you are going to have a BLAST! I’m just sayin’…
    I don’t want to be entered in the pot, I just wanted to send you some blog love! Hope it’s fun and if you’re there next year, I’ll definitely see you then!
    P.S. Enjoy that dress-the-hero thing. That sounds yummy…

  6. I would love to go to Romcon! I’ve never been and from what I’m reading it sounds like fun! I would love to meet my favorite authors! Sigh… Maybe next year.

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