Today I’m visited by J. Hughey who is talking about her new New Adult contemporary romance, Eruption: Yellowblown™ Book One. J. Hughey is the pen name for historical romance author Jill Hughey. As a special treat for one lucky commentor, Jill would like to send them some oversize Eruption bookmarks, so be sure and leave her your email.
First of all, what is the New Adult genre?
It fits in the gap between young adult and adult, and generally deals with coming of age themes. Often racier than would be appropriate for a young adult read because the lead characters are in their late teens and early twenties.
What is the premise for the series?
A normal college girl is confronted by a global disaster when the Yellowstone volcano erupts. She and her family are far enough east that they aren’t immediately endangered and life goes on for awhile, but as ash mucks up the works over much of the U.S., she has to figure out how to get a life while stuck back home with her family. And a cute guy. For a little while.
How did you get the idea for Yellowblown™?
This story idea in particular built really slowly for me. Originally, I was probably thinking about how my family would survive an eruption. (And why would a sane person be thinking about that? Because I majored in geology in college, and the Yellowstone/Wydaho region is my absolutely favorite place in the world, so I think about this stuff.) Anyway, originally the scenario used a family like mine, but I don’t personally enjoy reading stories about middle-aged people muddling along with their teenagers so I certainly didn’t want to devote a lot of time to writing something like that. Instead, I created a young heroine whose world should be expanding into adulthood yet begins to retract.
What is your heroine like?
Violet starts out as a typical late teen girl. She’s worried about her looks and her future, thrilled to get back to college after a tough summer stuck with her nosy mom. What she really wants is independence and she can tell she’s right on the cusp of getting on with her life.
Is there a hero?
Omigod yes. I adore Boone Ramer. He’s a Nebraska cattle rancher, super nice, level headed, All-American guy. He wears plaid shirts and doesn’t swear (much) and holds the door for girls. Sounds like a total nerd but so, so not. (I modeled him on a youthful version of Branch from the Longmire TV series.) Violet thinks she likes bad boys but she had the hots for him all of freshman year. Circumstances kept them apart and she told herself through the summer he isn’t into her. Thank goodness he makes his move pretty quickly when the new semester opens, and Violet discovers he might have a bit of rebel in him, especially when Yellowblown prepping starts.
Any there any other important relationships for Violet?
I struggle to call this story a romance because she has so many other people who make her happy/nuts. Her best friend is her college roommate, Mia, who is a tough, sexy Jersey girl. Tons of fun but carrying a burden from her home life. Violet also has the mom who drives her crazy, a dad she thinks is awesome, and a younger sister who is at that weird stage of being an adult one day and spoiled hormonal nightmare the next. As conditions worsen, we meet her grandparents and lots of neighbors who are all contending with the same challenges Violet’s family is.
The Eruption starts on September 13. What’s next?
Yellowblown™ is definitely a series, and the second book, called Rhyolite Drifts, continues the interrupted romance with Boone while Violet’s family deals with some heartbreaking challenges. My goal is to release it before the end of 2014. Also, as you know since you’re part of it, I haven’t totally stopped writing historical romance. We’ll both be in a Love Historical anthology before the end of the year!
Eruption is available for preorder at the special price of 99 cents until a short time after its release.
I saw him holding Hoag Hall’s front door open for some girls who’d dressed for success the first day of class. My armpits got really sweaty, like they did every time I’d thought about him this summer, which had been pretty often.
Pathetic, since I’d intended to forget him after realizing his words in February had been kindness, not truth.
Six months of rejection didn’t stop me from smoothing my hands down the legs of my shorts when Boone, irresistible as always in a dark green T-shirt with a little V at the neck and faded plaid shorts, walked in the classroom carrying a stack of stapled papers. My first syllabus of the year, no doubt. Why geology, why, why, why, with him as TA and Mom’s college degree in it? And why did I sit in the second row like a geek? No one sat in the front row so I was a total, total geek.
With his papers delivered to the lecturer’s table up front, he walked directly to me, as if he’d known I was there. Like, maybe, he’d been watching for me like I’d been for him. My face felt hot as I sat up in my seat.
“Hi Violet,” he said with the awesome smile that showed off his blunt jaw.
“Hey,” I managed.
“How was your summer?”
“It sucked,” I blurted.
He laughed, and I thought I heard some chick behind me sigh at the throaty sound.
“Whoa,” he said. “There must be a story there.”
“Not much of one. My mom. Remind me to never spend another summer at home,” I said, quickly rediscovering the easy banter that always made me want to spend more time with him.
“Maybe I’ll do that.” His eyes flicked down the front of my sleeveless floral blouse, feminine and flowy over the form-fitting tank top beneath it. His glance wasn’t sex-predator freaky, but appreciative, like a guy checking out a girl he wants to know better.
Dr. Potter cleared his throat. “Duty calls,” Boone said, turning away.
“Doesn’t it always?”
He stopped mid-stride to look over his shoulder at me, mouth lifted in a half smile. I’d struck the mark with my little barb, and I lifted my eyebrows to acknowledge the hit.
When Boone handed out the syllabuses or syllabi—or whatever the plural form was—he made a point to give me the bottom one.
A Western Case Copperheads football sticky note fluttered on it. Blocky handwriting, from a pen about to run out of ink said, “Pregame party on Saturday? Text me.” And his cell number.
I tried to act like senior guys I’d been crushing on asked me out every day, while inside, July 4th fireworks zinged through me until my fingers went numb. With my best “whatever” expression, I fumbled to move the sticky from the first page to the fourth page of the syllabus (four pages!).
I hardly heard a word the prof said.
About The Author
J. Hughey knows what a girl wants. Independence. One or two no-matter-what-happens friends. A smokin’ hot romance. A basic understanding of geological concepts. Huh? Okay, maybe not every girl is into geology, but J. Hughey is, and in the Yellowblown™ series she combines her passion for a timeless love story with her interest in geeky stuff to help Violet Perch get a life, despite an ongoing global catastrophe.
Where to find J. Hughey
Twitter: @jillhughey
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Thank you so much for welcoming me here today, Cynthia.