An Interview with Juli Revezzo

Hi Juli, thank you for being my guest today. I hope you have a great time.

TAINEW700copy_2What genre(s) do you write in and why?

My novel Passion’s Sacred Dance is Fantasy romance and my others the Antique Magic series (The Artist’s Inheritance, Caitlin’s Book of Shadows, Drawing Down the Shades), is dark fantasy, or sometimes it’s called paranormal fantasy. Why do I write fantasy? That’s a harder question to answer, but I’ve always been in love with tales of magic, of knights and honor and magical quests, I suppose. 

All self-pubbed books are rumoured to be shoddily edited. What do you say to that?

In a word, that’s untrue. Any blanket statement is always untrue. Are books shoddily edited or is it that “mean girls” are popping up using what tiny bit of power they have to nitpick? I think it’s the latter. Yes, it’s a good idea to have someone look over your work before you publish it. In the end the editor is useless. YOU, the writer, are your final and best editor. You must know how to say what you want to say. If your editor/critique partner/beta reader/spell check misses something (and believe me, they will), you have to catch it. Pay an editor if you want (although I’m sure you can find someone to barter with), but in the end, print the book out, get a copy from Createspace and give it one last once over before you “release” it to the world. And then, finally, remember, we’re all human, we all make typos. I understand why Indies are held to a higher standard than the top companies are (when they’re, a lot of times, worse offenders), but you can get around it with a little care. I say, if you can’t pay someone to beta read/critique, and edit you, barter for it. Take them to lunch, format their book, critique for them, mow their lawn. Type up a letter for them, whatever you can provide for them. You don’t need to break the bank like some people would have you believe.

Drawing-Down-the-Shades475_2What advice can you offer readers of self-pubbed books in making a decision on what to read?

First and foremost, don’t judge a book by its publisher name. Just because (fill in favorite publisher here) is stamped on the side, doesn’t mean it’s going to be worth your money. Judge and think for yourself. Read a bit, and if you don’t like it, big deal. Sell it back. That’s what we did before the advent of the internet. Why should we do anything less because we can download books by the bucket load, and sometimes, for free?

Do you have critique partners?


Tell us about your hero. Give us one of his strengths and one of his weaknesses.

Aaron, the hero of Passion’s Sacred Dance, is a warrior from the early Celtic tribes; his strength is in his self-discipline, and his single-mindedness in keeping to his mission to protect Stacy Macken, our heroine. Weakness? He has a brother in arms who pushes his buttons and who he’d like to whallop if the gods allowed them to spar. 😉

Trevor, the hero of the Antique Magic series, well, he’s driven even if it’s not always by his own power. 😉 And, importantly, he knows a true relationship relies on give and take. Though, his heroine Caitlin can pretty much kick butt all on her own, thank you very much. He’s had some hard knocks, so far but he’ll be coming into his own.

PassionsSacredDance_w6021_300_2Tell us about your heroine. Give us one of her strengths and one of her weaknesses.

The heroine of Passion’s Sacred Dance, Stacy, is an historian who inherited a patch of sacred ground and the duty to oversee the coming sacred battle, from her family legacy. She’s incredibly smart—but, she just didn’t quite believe she would ever be the chosen steward so she’s having a little trouble accepting the truth.

The heroine of my Antique Magic series, Caitlin, is a budding witch who’s thrown head-first into the supernatural world. That’s a bit tough when you’re trying to stabilize your marriage. She’s still learning to deal with it, but she’s coming into her own. 😉

Do you or have you belonged to a writing organization? Which one? Have the helped you with your writing? How?

Yes. I’ve belonged to Marketing for Romance Writers, a few indie groups, the Rose Trellis critique group, and various chapters of the RWA. They helped me in some ways. In others ways, I’m still trying to unlearn some mistakes their advice led to but that’s to be expected, when not all advice can be applied to all people.

JuliDRevezzob_2Where can readers find you?

Where can readers find your books? Print/Ebook? My work is available at pretty much any e-book seller: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, The Wild Rose Press, Itunes, Createspace.

The Artist’s Inheritance:

Barnes and Noble:

Caitlin’s Book of Shadows (Antique Magic, Book 1.5)-

Barnes and Noble:
And Smashwords:

Drawing Down the Shades:

Barnes and Noble:

Passion’s Sacred Dance

All Romance:
Barnes and Noble:
The Wild Rose Press:

3 thoughts on “An Interview with Juli Revezzo

  1. I haven’t read any of your books but they look like they are great books for those times when you want to get as far away from reality as possible! Very intriguing covers. It was great meeting you.

  2. Thank you, ladies. E. I guess growing up on Tolkien, McCaffrey, and Moorcock had an influence. I do love escapist fiction! As much as we have to be grounded in the real world, I think we all need to escape a little sometime. And who wouldn’t like a little magical, outside help sometimes. Melissa (and E. too) thank you for your comment on my covers. I lucked out with some fantastic cover artists. 🙂

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