Please help me welcome Kristine Cayne to my blog today. Kristine will egift 2 copies of Under His Command to be released on December 17th. To be entered, the commenters need to leave their email address and choice of vendor. They will receive the book on December 17th.
How did you get started writing?
The very first thing I did when I decided I was serious about writing was to take some creative writing classes at my local community college. After that, I joined my local RWA chapter and met some wonderful authors who mentored me. I’ll always be grateful to them.
Tell us about your current series.
I’m currently working on two series: my Deadly Vices romantic suspense series and my Six-Alarm-Sexy erotic romance series. Each book in this series focuses on some trait that is usually seen as a vice of some sort: obsession, addiction, betrayal, deception, etc. The heroes and heroines are from different cultures and backgrounds. They often speak different languages and follow a different religion. These stories about being attracted to your opposite and the compromises that entails.
My Six-Alarm-Sexy series revolves around a group of Seattle technical rescue firefighters. These brave men and women face life and death situations on a daily basis. This series delves into the private lives of these adrenaline junkies and explores the impact of their profession on their relationships, both with their families and potential lifemates.
What inspired your latest book?
I’ve always written alpha heroes, but I haven’t written about any traditional heroes like police officers, military men, or firefighters. Personally, I think firefighters are extremely hot. And I thought it would be fun to write about the extraordinary members of the technical rescue teams, those men and women who do some of the hardest rescues, but usually get the least attention.
What is your favorite part of writing?
Although it’s very difficult, I enjoy writing the draft. I love seeing how the story develops and takes form on the page, how the characters take on an identity and grow as the story unfolds. It’s magical.
What is your least favorite part of writing?
In many ways, I don’t like editing as much as writing the draft because it’s the nitpicky part of writing. It can take hours to get a particular sentence just right, or to find the word that suits exactly. On the other hand, the editing phase is where the story goes from being a pretty stone to a shiny jewel. It’s very satisfying once it’s done.
What is your next project and when will it be released?
Under His Command, the first book in the Six-Alarm-Sexy series, releases on December 17th! I’m very excited to share this story with readers. I’m busy editing it now and I’m working very hard to make it the brightest jewel on the shelf!
The prequel to the series, “Aftershocks”, was released as part of an anthology in October.
What is your typical day like?
On a typical day, I spend the first two hours waking up while going through my email, checking my Facebook and Twitter feeds, and reading a few blogs. After that, I have some breakfast, then I get down to writing or editing. Twice a week, in the afternoons, I meet with my critique partner to review our latest work, ask questions, and discuss industry changes. Every day, I also have to find the time to fit in some blog posts, interviews, and of course, promotion.
How much time do you spend promoting your books? What works best for you?
I probably spend about 2-3 hours a day working on promotion. In this, I include such things as interacting with readers on Facebook and Twitter, answering reader emails, blog hops, blog posts, contests, book tours, etc. Advertising on some sites has worked for me, but rarely has anything worked as well as having one of my books features on a major reader-oriented Facebook page.
How has your experience with self-publishing been?
I’m really enjoying the experience so far. I’m not Amanda Hocking, but I’m slowly acquiring readers who genuinely like my writing and who look forward to my next books. It’s a fabulous feeling! And so much better for my personal well-being than riding the reject-o-round for years and years.
Do you have critique partners?
I have one critique partner, Dana Delamar, whom I meet with twice a week. She’s an amazing author and editor. She’s taught me so much and I’m thrilled to have embarked on the self-publishing journey with her. I’m also part of the Rainy Day Writers group. We’re six writers who meet about twice a month to share our writing and our news. We recently collaborated on the Romance in the Rain Anthology where we each wrote a novella in which our hero or heroine was a member of the Caldwell family over four generations. It was a wonderfully rewarding experience!
What are you currently working on?
I’m working on the plot for Deadly Betrayal, the third book in my Deadly Vices series. I also have a high concept for Everything Bared, the second book in the Six-Alarm-Sexy series.
Award-winning author Kristine Cayne is fascinated by the mysteries of human psychology—twisted secrets, deep-seated beliefs, out-of-control desires. Add in high-stakes scenarios and real-world villains, and you have a story worth writing, and reading.
The heroes and heroines of her Deadly Vices series are pitted against each other by their radically opposing life experiences. By overcoming their differences and finding common ground, they triumph over their enemies and find true happiness in each other’s arms.
Today she lives in the Pacific Northwest, thriving on the mix of cultures, languages, religions and ideologies. When she’s not writing, she’s people-watching, imagining entire life stories, and inventing all sorts of danger for the unsuspecting heroes and heroines who cross her path.
Deadly Obsession is the first book in Kristine Cayne’s Deadly Vices series. It is available in print and/or e-book format at the following retailers:
Amazon US –
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Amazon Paperback UK –
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Kristine Cayne’s links:
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Deadly Addiction is available at the following retailers:
Amazon US –
Amazon Paperback US –
Amazon UK –
Amazon Paperback UK –
Nook UK:
All Romance eBooks:
She sounds like a great author and I can’t wait to get my hands on a few of her books. I am a wild land firefighter and help with search and rescues so her books would be right up my alley. I read on the Kindle so as long as I have batteries I’ll alway have a book iny pocket.
Wow, Liz. How exciting that you’re a firefighter yourself. Thank you for all that you do! Good luck with the contest.
Note: please be sure to leave your email address in the comment.
I love reading about alpha heros, don’t we all? lol. Your books sound like great reads.
I agree, the editing is the hardest part of writing. Sometimes you edit so much, you don’t know when to let go. At least that’s my problem.
Very nice interview. I enjoyed reading it. Good luck with sales.
Thank you, Lorrie! What you said is absolutely true. It is entirely possible to edit the magic out of a story, so the key is knowing when your changes are just making it different instead of better. So glad you enjoyed the interview.
Cynthia – thank you so much for having me on your blog today. The post looks great. Just a reminder to readers, please leave your email address in the comments to be entered into the giveaway. Have a great day!
Hot firefighters? I’m SO there.
I love that you’re so interactive with critique partners and writers groups – that fresh perspective can be so helpful! The new series looks great – best of luck! Can’t wait to read it.
Absolutely, Lily! I don’t know what I’d do without that immediate feedback to let me know if I’m headed in the right direction or not. Thank you for stopping by and commenting!
So excited for Under His Command and the rest of the series. I have Romance In The Rain and loved Aftershocks!!! Merry Christmas!
Woot-woot! Thank you for reading Aftershocks. It gives more depth to the understanding of the characters in the series, so I think you’ll really enjoy Under His Command when you read it. Merry Christmas to you too!
This author is new to me her books look really interesting! I love the titles so off to amazon I go to add some to my wish list!
susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com
Yay! I hope you get a chance to read them. Susan. Thank you for commenting.
Hi, Kristine. That “Under His Command” has one HOT cover.
LOL – I know! Believe me, this dude was hard to find. I practically had to beg Kim Killion to get me some awesome firefighter photos because what was available in stock was kind of… meh.
Kristine, I love your books! Deadly Obsession and Deadly Addition are excellent must read books, I was hooked from page one, the suspence was heartstopping in both books and the romance was great love stories in both books! I can’t wait for Under His Command!
allysonbrann06 at yahoo dot com
Ah, Allyson! Now those are words every author lives to hear. Thank you so much. I hope you’ll love Under His Command as much as I do. Good luck!
Kristine, I love your books. I am excited to read Under His Command.
Thank you so much, Judy! I’m glad you like my Deadly Vices series. I hope you’ll love my Six-Alarm-Sexy series just as much.
Hi Kristine!
I saw your page via Linda Golden. I understand how hard editing is. For an author, words are like children. It’s hard to cut something you’ve birthed. But in reality, editing is more like pruning a flower, to allow it to flourish even more abundantly.
Your books sound awesome. I love the mystery/suspense/romance genre, hunky alpha males and HEAs. And it’s always exciting to learn of different authors.
Hi Gail. I’m so happy you found me! I love your comparison of editing to pruning. It’s the perfect imagery. I hope you get a chance to read some of my books and that you enjoy them. I really appreciate you taking the time to stop by and comment. Good luck!
Both new series sound like great concepts. Looking forward to them. Awesome covers on all three books shown. Best of luck!
Thank you so much, Mary! I really like my covers too. I used different artists for the two series, and they both did fabulous jobs.
Everytime I read an interview, I learn something just as I did this time. She’s incredibly productive.
LOL! Thank you, Mary. I try.
I’ve been looking forward to this since I found out Kristine was writing a new book
I’ll be reading it whether I win it or not, but winning is fun!
Sheri –
That’s so awesome, Sheri! I’m thrilled to have your support. Good luck!
What great plot ideas! Targeting vices, because the best heroe and heroines emerge from dark places, resulting in such character depth, then a sexy series about hot heroes ( and yes they are heroes)! Can’t wait to get reading!
Great interview. I love Kristine’s books and can’t wait until the next is out!