An Interview with Jessica E. Subject

Please help me welcome Jessica E. Subject to my blog today. Jessica loves to hear from her fans so be sure and leave lots of comments plus the fact that if you leave a comment you might win an ebook copy of Alien Adoration (gifted from All Romance)

JES_Another_night,_Another_planet_MD_2How did you get started writing?

Hi Cindy! Thank you so much for inviting me back to your blog!

I’ve been writing for many years now, but didn’t consider having my stories published for a wider audience until five years ago. My daughter—at the time—hated reading and cried every time she had to read for school. I thought if I wrote her a book about something she was interested in, she might enjoy reading more. Well, it worked. She now reads above her grade level. And I just kept writing, changing my intended audience, of course.

Has your muse always known what genre you would write and be published in?

In many ways, yes. Even back in grade seven, I was writing romance. But the science fiction came into play with the first story I wrote after the one for my daughter. I had intended the hero to be a superhero. He quickly changed to an alien with no superpowers at all. He just wanted to be accepted and live as normal a life as possible on Earth. No matter where or when my stories are set, acceptance is a very common theme.

How many books have you written? Do you have a favorite?

I’ve written several and have more to rewrite. As of now, I have fourteen stories published with Decadent Publishing, a print and ebook anthology of my stories with them, and one title that I have self-published. Picking a favorite is so hard, but Another Night, Another Planet holds a special place in my heart. There’s just something special about the hero and heroine.

What inspired your latest book?

With Another Night, Another Planet, I was asked by one of the co-owners of Decadent Publishing to write a story that combines both the Elatia line with the 1Night Stand line. I’d written for both of them, and knew the requirements well. But with this story, I wanted to try something different. I brought in two unlikely characters to be set up on a date. Ava is a housekeeper, struggling to support herself and her parents. And Nate is labeled as a space terrorist, though not by any wrongdoing of his own. Along with flying through space, and chase scenes, Another Night, Another Planet is the story of reunited love, but nothing happens as either character expects.

Do you have critique partners
Yes!! And I love them to pieces. As much as my editors. My critique partners are Layna Pimentel, Rebecca Royce, DL Jackson, and Zee Monodee. Not only are they great authors, but they are a huge help at finding the places where my stories need work. Without them, I’d be lost.

How likely are people you meet to end up in your next book?

Very! LOL I don’t put very many people I know in my stories, but I may include a line I have heard them say, or an interesting story that they’ve told. If I include actual people in my stories, it’s not someone I know well, and always as a secondary character.

Do you prefer to read in the same genres you write in or do you avoid reading that genre? Why?

I read A LOT of romance, and in multiple sub-genres, including contemporary and science fiction romance. Writing in the genre doesn’t stop me from reading it. I’m not going to copy someone else’s ideas. I have my own voice, and plenty of ideas to go around. Too many, actually. I need more time to write them all. Just like I have a to-read list, I also have a long to-write list. And some to re-write. LOL I also read mysteries, thrillers, new adult, and young adult. And with some of my favorite authors now writing horror, I’m going to be reading in that genre as well.

Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do you do to combat it?

Yes and no. I don’t suffer from writer’s block in that I stare at a blank screen for hours, trying to think of something to write. When a story stops flowing, I stop writing. The more I get upset about it, the longer it takes the creative juices to start flowing again. Sometimes I’ll go and work on another story. Other times I’ll sit down to read. But the best way to get the ideas flowing again is to do the housework I’ve been avoiding. LOL

What are you reading now?

Right now I’m reading Fallen, an urban fantasy/PNR by Claire Delacroix. And I’m looking forward to reading the free SFR Brigade anthology that just came out, too.

Do you have any words of inspiration for aspiring authors?

Keep writing! Don’t ever give up. Find your own voice and write your own story.

What’s next for you?

I’m working on three stories right now, with a fourth at my publisher. The third (and final) book in The Underground series is contracted to Decadent Publishing, though I don’t have a release date yet. I just finished a Christmas story called Hey, Santa. It is with my editor right now, and I will be self-publishing it in the next couple of months. I’m also working on the next Alien Next Door book as well as another 1Night Stand story. After that, I plan to start re-writing my novel-length sci-fi romance series. I’m very excited for the new direction it’s going to take.

Another Night, Another Planet
A 1Night Stand / Elatia story
By Jessica E. Subject
Erotic Sci-Fi Romance
ISBN: 978-1613335413

Limited by status…

Ava is a housekeeper aboard Star Spirit, a luxury cruise ship travelling between the Milky Way and the Belvarian System. Coming from a middle-class family on Earth, she is considered by passengers as nothing more than an object to be tossed away when they’re done with her.

Shunned because of his lineage…

Banned from several planets across the universe, Nate struggles to run his interstellar shipping business. But the DNA of an exterminated race runs through his blood, giving him a diluted form of their powers, and leaving him labeled as a terrorist.

Both searching for the one…

Through her 1Night Stand dating service, Madame Evangeline matches these two together for a celestial escape on the pleasure planet, Elatia.

Will Ava and Nate find what they’re looking for, or will their date be just another night on another planet?

Available from
Decadent Publishing | Amazon US / UK | All Romance | Barnes & Noble | more

“What are you lookin’ at?” Wyn leaned over the side of his chair. “You? A dating service?”

He chuckled, his cheeks warming. “No. I just heard a woman mention it when I escaped through her room. She’d apparently used this service and was waiting for her date when I barged in.”

His friend stood behind him, clasping his shoulder. “I’m surprised you didn’t take advantage of the situation.”

“Didn’t have a chance.” Yet, he wouldn’t have. He refused to pretend to be someone else. A woman had to want him for him. He would no longer hide what he was.

“You should give it a try.”

The comment came like a kick to the nuts. Spinning around in his chair, he faced Wyn. “You’ve got to be joking. This woman sets people up on a one-night stand, but according to her clients, more often than not, the relationship lasts well beyond one night.”

“Exactly. You’ve spent all this time zooming around space, searching for someone. I think it’s about time you stop to find her.”

He clenched the arms of the chair. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m fully capable of finding my own dates.”

“C’mon. The women you find are willing to do anyone who asks. It’s all a ruse as you search for the one woman you’re pining over.”

“You think I’m looking for love? Yeah, right.” That ship had sailed a long time ago. Best friend or not, Wyn had pushed the boundaries of their camaraderie. Nate rose to his feet and shoved past him. “Stay out of my business.”

“If I did, you’d be dead by now,” Wyn shouted after him.

Nate slammed the door to his cubby behind him and pounded his fist against the wall. The fucker was right, Nate would have been killed numerous times if Wyn hadn’t come to his rescue. And perhaps he was lonely, always yearning to run into his one true love. But she resided on Earth, a place he could never return. He stripped off his pants and slumped onto his cot. The darkness helped to soothe his anger.

He thought of 1Night Stand. Am I ready to settle down? Is there really another woman out there for me? Madame Eve guaranteed one night. He huffed out a breath. No harm in trying. Yes, as soon as Wyn retired to his bunk, Nate would fill out the questionnaire.

What would happen after that? He’d let fate decide.

Jessica_E._Subject_2Jessica Subject is the author of contemporary and science fiction romance, ranging from sweet to erotica. In her stories, you could meet clones, or a sexy alien or two. You may even be transported to another planet for a romantic rendezvous.

When Jessica isn’t reading, writing, or doing dreaded housework, she likes to get out and walk. Fast. But she just may slow down if there is a waterfall nearby.

Jessica lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband and two energetic children. And she loves to hear from her readers. You can find her at and on twitter @jsubject.
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16 thoughts on “An Interview with Jessica E. Subject

  1. What a warm intimate interview. You drew me right in. I love the way you wrote to interest your daughter and look at what you’ve accomplished. Continued success and joy from Charmaine Gordon who began a new career late in life to survive and thrive through writing.

    • Thank you, Charmaine! I’ve always been writing in one form or another, but it was at that point I decided to do it on a bigger scale. And it was very important for me that my children enjoy reading as much as I do.

  2. That was a very nice interview. Odd how you failed to mention

    space towel

    Darn it, Jessica. You won’t let me spill your secrets.

    Well at least let me say you are a gifted and creative writer.

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