An Interview with Jane Wakely

Brock's_Bunny_Cover_2If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be, and why?

If I could live anywhere, it would be where I am now. I’ve lived in California, Hawaii, and Virginia, but Pennsylvania is by far my fave place. I love it here!

Are you a full time writer or do you have a “day job”?

Aside from being a stay-at-home mom/wife, I write full time. I don’t get as much done in the summer, or on breaks, but when TG is in school I write four to five hours a day.

How many books have you written? Do you have a favorite?

BROCK’S BUNNY (Chestnut Rock Shifters, Book 3) is my seventh published book. Out of those published so far, CHRISTINA’S BEAR (Chestnut Rock Shifters, Book 2) is my fave.

Tell us about your current series/WIP.

BROCK’S BUNNY is book three of my Chestnut Rock Shifters Series, published by Rebel Ink Press. The series consists of seven books (Book 4 releases in September, Book 5 in October.) Chestnut Rock is a fictional town in the Pacific Northwest, near the National forest of the same name. I wanted to create a shifter series different from others I’d read and Chestnut Rock was born. The shifters are seven different species of forest animals. Instead of living together in packs, or groups, these shifters live lonely lives until they find their mates. Through the course of the books, their friendships bring them together to form their own “pack.” (Though they are enjoyable in order, each book stands alone.)

How likely are people you meet to end up in your next book?

I don’t put specific people in my books, but I do add character traits (good and bad) from people I know or have met. Annoying habits and bad behavior are the most common—they are the stuff of villains!

Do you have a view in your writing space? What does your space look like?

My desk faces a wall, so my view is a cork memo board. I have postcards of all my covers on the board, along with my business cards and various long term notes—mostly stuff about my books. When no one is home, I prefer to write on my kitchen table where my view is of our tiny backyard. From that spot I can see the neighbor’s shed, trees, and several small animals running around. It’s beautiful.

Are you a plotter or a pantser?

Definitely a pantser, though I will usually make about a half sheet of notes on where I want the story to go. I don’t always use them though, and sometimes I cross them all out and make another half sheet half-way through the story!

What genres are you drawn to as a reader?

I’ll read all romance genres, but my fave is paranormal. I always look for shifters and vamps when looking for something new to read. If nothing sounds good, I’ll look for contemporary romance next!

Do you write under a pen name? Why or why not? How did you choose it?

I do write under a pen name, but the only reason is because I’ve never been a fan of my real name and I wanted something different. I got Wakely from a book I read years ago. As soon as I read it, I knew that would be my author last name. I had another name from a book for my first, but I’ve always liked the name Jane, so I decided to go with it!

Where can readers find you?


Where can readers find your books? Print/Ebook?

All of my books are in Ebook only. They can all be found on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. All of my books published by Rebel Ink Press can also be found on All Romance Ebooks and BookStrand.

Vegetarian Hollie Dawson owns the only health food store in Chestnut Rock. She’s also a rabbit shifter, but unlike the gray and black jackrabbits that can camouflage themselves easily, Hollie is a pure white bunny. As a shifter, her ultimate dream is to meet the man destined to fill the lonely space in her heart.

Brock Smith owns the most popular steak house in town. When the woman with the platinum hair and violet eyes questions his menu, he’s caught off guard and makes a bad first impression. Unable to explain why their meeting bothers him so much, he’s driven to find her and change all that.

Brock and Hollie acknowledge their intense desire to be together and make future plans, but Hollie hasn’t shared her secret yet. When Brock finds out about her bunny by accident, will his reaction destroy their newfound happiness?


Hollie Dawson looked around the restaurant while her date rambled on the phone to one of his “clients.” The atmosphere was nice if you enjoyed the western thing. Hollie didn’t. Saddles, spurs, horseshoes and cowboy hats decorated the walls. She could appreciate the antler chandeliers if she convinced herself that they were fake, but she couldn’t forgive the skulls. Steer skulls occupied several walls and she couldn’t shake the probability that they were real. Her stomach rolled at the thought.

Hollie eyed her date. Her initial response when he asked her out had been no. He was attractive, but she knew he wasn’t meant for her. She’d only agreed to avoid another Friday night alone. Or working. With nothing else to do, she spent most of her time at her health food store, The Harvest. Her friend, Christina, had expressed her concern and Hollie agreed. She needed to get involved in something else. Have fun again. A thriving business was nice, but life was more than just work. It had to be.

Now that Christina had found her bear, and knew about Hollie, she’d been invited to several weekend get-togethers at Christina’s or Jenn’s. Christina and Jenn were best friends, but they welcomed her into their group, and Hollie was grateful. It was nice to be around shifters again—even if they were predators.

Shifters aren’t natural joiners. They’re used to keeping secrets and spend most of their time alone. With no one to share their lives, many shifters border on depression and some can even die of loneliness if they don’t find a mate. Hollie envied the friendship her four friends shared. Why more shifters didn’t try and stick together, she didn’t know.

Jane has been creating stories of love and romance for as long as she can remember. She’s a sucker for a happy ending and thinks the best thing about any movie or book is when the characters find someone to love.

Jane’s stories reflect her interest in all romance genres, and all levels of spice, but paranormal romance is her true passion. She loves creating worlds around sexy shifters and vamps—even if the shifter is a smelly skunk!

Jane writes sensual romance that will warm your heart, and a happy ever after is guaranteed!

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BROCK’S BUNNY is available today!!
Find it on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, All Romance Ebooks and BookStrand!

12 thoughts on “An Interview with Jane Wakely

  1. Thanks for this intimate interview in the life of Jane Wakely-a good pen name,indeed. Your imagination overwhelmed me since I’m a realist but after your explanation, the world of shifters cleared just a bit. Wishing you success and good health with love from Charmaine Gordon.

    • Hi Charmaine~

      Thank you so much for your kind comments, lovely lady! Paranormal Romace isn’t for everyone, but I appreciate you taking the time to read a little bit about my shifter world! 🙂


  2. Hi Cynthia~

    Thanx so much for letting me hang out with you today! I loved your diverse set of interview questions–it made filling out the form a painless process! 🙂


  3. Waving a big hello to a dear friend. I’m happy that you’re enjoying PA but I do miss you. Loved the interview and the except. A shape-shifting bunny? I gotta read this one. You know what they say about rabbits. LOL
    Give TG a hug for me!
    We really need to catch up!

  4. Hi E! *waves big*
    I miss you so much–hopefully you can come visit again soon (well, after this yucky heat dies down!) Thanx so much for checking out my interview! 🙂

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