An Interview with J. Paulette Forshey

1.How much time do you spend promoting your books?

A. I’m all ways on the lookout for places to promote my books on the internet. My schedule and a few other things like a tight budget make it impossible for me to travel very far so blogging, and internet interviews are my best options for promotion. I do send to conferences book marks of my titles and excerpt booklets, both have done well for publicity.

2.Where do you get the ideas for your stories?

A. Oh, wow, that’s like asking how do you breathe. The ideas usually pop into my head when someone says something that catches my attention. For example years ago a friend laughingly commented I must be from another planet. I replied no just a different dimension of this one, which then lend to my first book “Cat and the Wizard”.

3.Do you have critique partners?

A. Lucky for me yes! Several people in my local chapter are all ways up for a quick read and feedback. They make life so much easier.

4. Give us an elevator pitch for your book.

A. At a ghostly southern estate Cuilean Kelley is about to have his reality and dreams collide.

5. Do you have a view in your writing space?

A. Yes, I can see what my four year old grandson and his two year old sister are up to while sitting at the kitchen table working on my lap top. I have a regular desk but then I couldn’t see what the ‘grands’ are plotting next.

6. What genres are you drawn to as a reader?

A. Paranormal, I love Elaine Bergstrom’s Austra Vampires, Lynsay Sands vampires, Katie MacAlister’s vamps, and of course Charlaine Harris Sookie Stackhouse series. My other guilty pleasure is any book with the word ‘sheikh’ in the title.

7. Has your muse always known what genre you would write and be published in?

A. My muse is an adventurous one! She prefers romance and paranormal (vampires) romance at that, but she has talked me into doing a book with an angel, a ghostly thriller, a contemporary, erotica, and a multicultural ménage a trios.

Release date July 13, 2012

The Estate

author J. Paulette Forshey

Night after night Cuilean Kelley’s dreams are haunted by an exotic woman. His days are preoccupied searching for a set of rare books. Clues to the mythical tomes lead him to a tiny parish outside of Savanna. He unearths not only the volumes, but discovers the woman of his dreams is real, and being held in a spectral prison guarded by an ancient lost civilization. Her freedom depends on Cuilean and the books connection to a ghostly southern estate.

Excerpt: The Estate

“Oh, my, isn’t he a little biscuit?”

Cuilean bit the inside of his mouth, on the comment of his person, to keep from laughing.

One of the well coiffed white-hairs snickered. “My dear, I bet there’s nothing “little” about him.”

What was that old saying he mused, something about snow on the mountain top but fire underneath. He glanced over and back quickly to make sure, yep, they were seventy-something and not seventeen.

“Yes, he’s certainly a tall one must be six foot two or three.”

“Honey, I wasn’t referring to his height and he’s at least six four if not taller.”

It took the southern belle a minute to comprehend. “What? Oh! Mildred get you mind out of the gutter.”

“She’d have to step up to have her mind in the gutter,” another scoffed.

Snickering giggles smothered behind fine linen handkerchiefs reached his ears.

“That olive skin and that thatch of black hair, hmmmmm.”

“The boy needs a haircut and a bath,” snapped one.

“I wouldn’t mind giving him both. I’d just love to scrub his back…and his front.”

“Did you see those green eyes? Like fresh spring grass they are. I’d kill for those thick black lashes he has, well if I had those I’d never have to buy mascara again.”

“I read in a book once about Celtic heritage, they called men with his coloring Black Celt’s. Doesn’t that sound so romantic?”

“Bessie May what kind of book was that?”

Cuilean noted from the minute long hesitation Bessie May wasn’t in any hurry to answer. That and the way she crossed her arms over her more than ample bosom and pursed her lips tight. His grandmother, red-haired and pale-skinned, had called him a Black Celt when he was young. She told him he was a throwback to the marauders who pillaged, and plundered the land before finally claiming it as theirs. And after the women of the tribes they ravaged, tamed those same raiders.

“Bessie May, we’re waiting.”

Hand clutching her handkerchief to the base of her throat, Bessie May stood for a moment more before blurting. “It was one of those romance books. So there.”

Her friends closed their eyes and shook their heads for a moment as though in prayer. “You really need to get out more,” suggested one lady.

“I wonder why he’s here.”

“Doesn’t look like he could afford to buy even the smallest, most worthless, item on the auction block.”

Cuilean bit back another grin staring straight ahead. No, he supposed he didn’t, wearing a much worn jean-jacket, a faded blue work shirt, tattered jeans, and thin-soled tennis shoes. Right now he probably looked like something the proverbial cat drug in, especially after traveling in these clothes for several days. He listened, decided which one would hold the most information, turned and locked his gaze with hers.

“Good morning, ma’am, and ladies.” He gave them a courtesy nod. “I’m Cuilean Keeley.”

About the Author

J. Paulette, award winning author, lives in a small Ohio town with her husband, and a Basset Hound, who thinks she’s a princess. Her mornings belong to her writing, her days are spent loving her five grandbabies, and her nights belong to her husband, the inspiration for her heroes. She is a member of Romance Writers of America, Central Ohio Fiction Writers, Southeast Ohio Novel Writing Group, Northeast Ohio Romance Writers of America, and the Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal Chapter of RWA. She also writes under the name of Genevieve Delacroix.
Look for her next release later this year, A Tango Trinity, from Whispers Publishing
Twitter @ForsheyJ
The Estate can be purchased from and

5 thoughts on “An Interview with J. Paulette Forshey

  1. Loved the interview. I enjoy learning a little bit about other authors, how they write, what inspires them, things like that. Your work situation sounds like mine. Where the kids are. Excerpt sounds great,will have to add to my TBR list.
    Thanks for sharing

  2. I liked your interview. You seem to take a surrealistic twist to the mainstream Gothic romance. I should make an interesting read.

  3. Hello, Sounds like a fantastic fun read. Never heard of this author before so great to read about a new one and learn more about them. Just love finding never authors as I go along and break out of our comfort zone for those of us who tend to get in one ! LOL Wishing you much success with your new book and thanks for the great interview it was enjoyable.

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