An Interview with Camryn Rhys

Please help me welcome Cameryn Rhys to my blog today.   Camryn will be giving away a copy of her book to one luck commenter so be sure and leave a comment or a question.

Tell us about your current series.

Airship Seduction is the first of my “Magic Wars” steampunk paranormal books. It’s the story of Victorian Europe’s War on magic, and the fighting spirit of the magical Resistance. In the spirit of innovation, a league of European nations decide to attempt to eradicate all magic from their collective borders. For demons and creatures, witches and warlocks everywhere, there is no safe haven. But one woman with an airship tries to rescue the refugees and falls in love with one of them. But this is just the first book. It’s a planned series of seven.


What inspired your latest book?

I quite literally thought: what if there was a magical Holocaust? It’s interesting to me because typically in steampunk books, science is good and everything outside of innovation is bad. But my Magic Wars are sort of like the anti-steampunk. Science may be great for its purpose, but when left unchecked, it brings us into scary places, just like anything else. The first thing to come after the high concept was my heroine, who is just a kickbutt woman. I love her.


Tell us about your heroine.  Give us one of her strengths and one of her weaknesses.

Sacha Camomescro is an Empath demon with an airship. She’s been tasked by The Resistance to seek out pockets of magical creatures who are hiding from Empire assassins. Because of her demon nature, she has certain powers, and she doesn’t fully understand them all. In fact, when she was a girl, her powers killed her best friend, so she doesn’t use them extensively. But she can read minds, as you find out in the very first scene.


Tell us about your hero.  Give us one of his strengths and one of his weaknesses.

Javier. Oh, Javier. He is focused and driven. Almost to an extreme, at times. But when that focus is on Sacha, it is really a beautiful thing. Javier is an alpha werewolf whose pack has been decimated by the Empire assassins. He finds himself on Sacha’s airship, unable to ignore his desire for the pretty demon, but motivated by revenge. He can’t decide which one pulls him more into the future, but he knows he needs something to ground him, now that everything he’d worked for all his life is gone.


What is your next project and when will it be released?

I’m working on the second book in the Magic Wars series. When you read Airship, you’ll see that there are plenty of characters who could go on to find their own love stories. And the main character of book two will probably shock you a little bit. It shocked me when I started writing, but now it’s the absolute best way to follow up Javier and Sacha’s story.


What’s next for you?

I several other series I’m working on right now. I have a set of Western contemporaries, a set of sports romances, and a set of foodie romances. Plenty to work on. J And hopefully, something for everyone.

Right now, I’m running a Corsets & Cocktails release party on my website and blog tour. Every commenter on my blog or any post on my blog tour will be entered to win an iPad 2 or a Kobo ereader. I’ll also be giving away a paperback copy of Airship Seduction and books from my backlist, not to mention a list of other author’s books at the same time. For more information, check out my website or my Twitter feed. And thanks, Cynthia, for having me!


-Camryn Rhys             

~~Romance So Good You Can Taste It~~


Airship Seduction

Camryn Rhys

 Sacha Camomescro, an Empath demon with an airship, is rescuing refugees from Victorian Europe’s war on magic when she meets a man unlike any other. Javier Vargas is a lone alpha werewolf, his pack nearly decimated by assassins, his appetite for justice superseded only by his desire for her.

But Sacha’s gift is also her curse. While reading minds is helpful in eluding the assassins sent by Europe for Progress, it cripples her ability to trust men, and enjoy sex, for she can always see the fantasies men have when they’re with her. But Javier has a single-minded focus when it comes to his pursuit, and he wants her.

Just when it seems she can trust him, Sacha’s crew starts getting picked off mid-flight, and it seems there’s a rabid animal at fault. Javier and his lone remaining pack member fall under suspicion, and in the hysteria, Sacha begins to lose control of her mission. Blindsided by passion, she must decide if she can trust the one man who wants her just as she is.

5 thoughts on “An Interview with Camryn Rhys

  1. Sounds like a very entertaining story! I just read another book with an empath in it. Is that a familiar term for this genre? Am new to reading it and like it! Good luck and may you make wheel barrows of cash! Dina Rae

  2. There sounds like there is a lot of stuff happening in this book. Do you have notes to keep up with it all, go back and read what you’ve written to continue, or do you just know what to keep writing?

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