An Interview with Callie Hutton

What inspired your latest book?

I have a fascination with mail order brides, and love to read their stories. I picked up a book on real mail order brides, and decided to write An Angel in the Mail.

What is your favorite part of writing?

Fleshing out my characters. I love to give them personalities, likes and dislikes. I give them little quirks, and characteristics that make them unique.

What is your least favorite part of writing?

Marketing. If I could just write, and let someone else do all of that stuff, I would be a very happy author.

What is your next project and when will it be released?

I have a contemporary short story being released from The Wild Rose Press in July, about a cursed doll. Then in October, the third in my Oklahoma Lovers series, A Prescription for Love will be released from Soul Mate Publishing.

How has your experience with self-publishing been?

I plan to delve into the self publishing world this summer. I started a short story set at the end of the Civil War earlier this year. I plan to finish that, and get it self published sometime this summer. I want to try my hand at it. I already have my cover picked out, and the name of a formatter I plan to use.

Where do you get the ideas for your stories?

Everywhere and anywhere. Sometimes a line from a song, sometimes a movie, another book I’m reading. Sometimes a conversation I overhear while out and about. I never know when an idea will hit me.

Do you have critique partners?

Yes. I belong to two critique groups. I owe a great deal to my crit partners. My growth as an author has a lot to do with their input.

How likely are people you meet to end up in your next book?

Not likely. I like to create my characters completely from my imagination.

Give us an elevator pitch for your book.

In 1861, newly penniless New York City society belle Angelina Hardwick is on her way to the wilds of Oregon to marry a stranger, while her husband-to-be, Nathan Hale, has been promised by the Bride Agency, a woman experienced enough to take over the chores, and deal with his five children.



An Angel in the Mail, set in 1861, unites newly penniless society belle Angel Hardwick and Nathan Hale, father of five, who is desperate for a wife to straighten his life out.  Nate’s looking for someone who loves children and can easily take over the cooking, cleaning and laundry.  Instead, he is getting Angel, whose culinary knowledge consists of weekly meetings with Cook to decide the family’s menu.

Angel is a strong-minded young woman, resigned to her fate, and determined to make the best of her situation.  But will her new husband allow for mistakes?  Or will he send her packing when she burns meals and misplaces his children?

Nate just wants a peaceful, well run household, without the distraction of an attractive wife.  However, his beautiful wife with a very distractible body is not giving him peace.  Somebody lied, because despite what he was told by the Bride Agency, this beauty knows nothing about running a home, but she sure sets him on fire at night.

Nate and Angel have to come to a working arrangement, overcoming problems between them. But will they be able to find a happily ever after with someone desperately working behind the scenes to destroy their relationship?

Buy Links

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14 thoughts on “An Interview with Callie Hutton

  1. Callie–I LOVE this premise!! Remember that TV show from the seventies HERE COME THE BRIDES about New England women being shipped to Seattle to become brides for the loggers there? I loved that show then and now I feel like I MUST read your book–great hook!
    Stephanie Queen

  2. Callie, Here Comes the Bride, sounds like a very funny, yet heartwarming story. I love bride stories, and look forward to reading yours. Best wishes. Ana

  3. Hi Stephanie, Thanks for stopping by. Yes, I do remember that show. I’d forgotten all about it. I loved it, too. Maybe that’s where I got my love of mail order bride stories. In real life, they were some pretty brave (or maybe desperate, lol) ladies.

  4. I have to admit I love bride stories too. I’m working on a mail order bride book myself to be part of my Tame series. It’s called Tame A Wild Bride. I don’t know anyone who can resist a bride story. I can’t wait to read yours, it sounds like fun.

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