An Interview with Britt Bury

Please help me welcome Britt Bury to my blog today.  Remember to leave a comment.  There will be a drawing for a prize but you have to leave a comment to be entered.

 Thank you so much for hosting me Cynthia!


How did you get started writing?

I started writing when I was young. It was a calming outlet and something I enjoyed. In second grade, we had an assignment to write a story and mine was chosen to be “published.” (By “published,” I mean taken to Kinko’s and photocopied) Still! I was so excited and just knew I had made it to the big time. It was then I knew that I wanted to write books for the rest of my life. I still have that laminated, Kinko’s bound story about bears and to this day I consider it to be my first published work J

What genre(s) do you write in and why?

I write paranormal romance. I have a hard time with the real world sometimes. It gets so…overwhelming. Writing paranormal gives me a chance to escape and live an adventure I might not otherwise ever experience.

Tell us about your current series.

The Immortal Heat series is just taking off. The Darkest Day is the first installment. Book two is coming out soon and revolves around a Mystic Fionn and a Strigoi. I’m currently writing book three which is about a Poet Fionn and a Wolverine Pookah.  I’m really excited because each book has a totally different tone and the immortal breeds also differ greatly.

What inspired your latest book?

My grandfather’s family emigrated from Scotland. We are part of the Campbell clan. My grandmother has Native American ancestry and I got to thinking about how my family’s history was unique in itself. Two different people, from different lands and cultures coming together to take on the world. I loved that idea and took it to a paranormal level.

Where do you get the ideas for your stories?

I did some research into my Scottish and Native roots and discovered some interesting folklore, like Fionns and Pookahs. From there, I put my own spin on these beings, like the three different breeds and their abilities. Immortality is sexy and unique in the real world, but as I’ve admitted, the real world and I don’t always get along. I decided to turn everything around and make immortals the norm and humans the unique. I really wanted to take on the idea that though humans may be considered vulnerable compared to an immortal, it doesn’t mean they are weak.

Do you have critique partners?

I do! And my books would not be the same without them. Marina Adair is actually my go to girl. She has spent countless hours plotting and talking books out with me. She knows my characters as well as I do and on more than one occasion she has pulled me out of a horrible case of writers block.

What is your favorite dessert/food?

So there’s this lemon cream cake at Olive Garden that I’m in love with. I’ve considered leaving my husband for this cake. I don’t know what it is, but it is the best thing I’ve ever had in my life. (I take dessert really seriously, can you tell?) J

Give us an elevator pitch for your book.

When the most powerful female on earth unknowingly sheds a life-long glamour, she reveals that she is the last human in existence—and the one man bound to keep her safe is the one who hates her the most.

Do you have a view in your writing space?

What does your space look like?  I have my little corner. Pictures, posters and keepsakes are hung on the walls next to my white board. Everything from my Elvis calendar to photos of from my first trip to New York for the RWA conference are all pinned up. Anything that reminds me of all the wonderful experiences I’ve had is up there, and when I feel like I just suck and am a loser who will never write again, I sit there, take a few deep breaths and remember that things will be okay.

What are you currently working on?

I’m currently working on book three in the Immortal Heat series. I’m really excited how it’s turning out, however I’m a little nervous. The heroine is very different compared to the women I’m use to writing.

What do you have planned for the future?

I mostly plan to stalk Larissa Ione until she agrees to become my best friend…other than that, I hope to keep writing. Hopefully it will be stories people want to read. J

Do you have any words of inspiration for aspiring authors?

Stick with it! There will be a lot of negativity and hurdles to overcome. There will be moments that even you believe you can’t become an author. Don’t listen to any of it! Hold on tight to the support of those around you and to the drive within yourself. We all have some inner-awesome, cling to that and just keep going even when you feel like you can’t.

10 thoughts on “An Interview with Britt Bury

  1. What a great interview! I love finding out the back story on how a book came to be! Starting this book today as my birthday present to myself! Can’t wait to get lost in it! And I look forward to following this series! I also love the fact that Britt is a desert girl! A girl after my own heart!

  2. Great interview! It does seem “Immortal” has become popular, my own “Immortal Relations” and your “Immortal Heat Series,” not to metion “Immortal Death” and others I’ve just heard about.

  3. First, I love this cover! Second, OMG lemon cake…I haven’t tried OGs cake yet, will be doing so soon. I will also help you stalk Larissa 🙂 thanks for the interview

  4. Awesome interview! I’m so excited about this new series. I can’t wait to read The Darkest Day. Plus, the dude on the cover is HOT!

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