dHow did you get started writing?
I began writing, for my own enjoyment, in high school. It amused me to create characters and situations and find the endings. I saved all the stories in beautiful notebooks. Then, life happened, marriage, babies, getting my own degree from college and writing slipped away. Once my children began middle school, I got back to my writing. I found a wonderful group of people and one of them suggested I get in touch with my local RWA (Romance Writers of America) and I began writing with a goal in mind – publication.
What genre(s) do you write in and why?
I love writing historical novels as well as contemporary romance. Being a history major, my heart belongs to the past. There is something so magical when it comes to the American West and the cowboy. I just can’t get enough.
Tell us about your current series.
Currently, I’m involved in writing for Debra Holland’s Montana Skies series. My story, Road to Redemption, is about a U. S. Marshal who lost his good friends when a gang of killers rescues one of their own before he can get him to the state penitentiary. Now, he is on the road to revenge. But he runs across a widow, who’s quiet devotion brings about a change.
What move best describes your life? Why?
My life is one of constant motion. There is always something to be done on the farm, gathering eggs, feeding the animals, cleaning up after them or my family. There is plenty of laughter to round out the rough time. I can’t think of doing anything else.
What inspired your latest book?
I’m not quite sure, what inspires me. When reading Debra’s Book, Beneath Montana’s Skies, I felt so totally relaxed and knew I wanted to be part of this series. So I began thinking what kind of hero would I need to look for in this time frame? The idea of a U.S. Marshal popped into my head and the story was born.
What is your favorite part of writing?
My favorite part is dreaming up the story. Matching hero to heroine, their flaws, their positive attributes are always exciting. I like to begin with the premise, sometimes, that will turn into my blurb and I build on that. My trusty notebook is always at hand. I really don’t go anywhere without it. I take it to work and pull it out during my lunch break and mess around jotting down notes that come to me while I’m working.
What is your least favorite part of writing?
My least favorite part of writing is finding covers. My mind sees them but it’s so hard to find what my imagination dreams up. Writing is work, there are edits, rewriting, grammar and spell checks, proof reading, and prayer that you have it all done. It can be hard work, but without the struggle none of the wonderful stories you see for sale would exist. That would be sad.
What is your next project and when will it be released?
I’m working on two other projects at the moment, both under my alias. The historical stories will involve Texas Rangers, the contemporary stories will involve modern day cowboys and babies. I’m looking forward to writing them. I am also entertaining a second story in the Montana Skies series. It will be a historical set around one of the ranches. I have the title, “Angel in my Pocket”. I hope the readers will enjoy it.
What is your typical day like?
Typical… I’m not sure I’ve ever had a typical day. :oP But, I normally rise about 5:45 a.m. to the trumpet of five unruly roosters. Tossing on my jeans, I’ll head out to feed the biddies, let the chickens out and make sure they and the ducks have plenty of water. Then about 6:30 a.m. we let out the dogs. Two Louisiana coon dogs and a Virginia Fox hound. My son named these dogs, Ellie Mae, Jezebel, and Chance. Lord help me. Then its feeding the horses and the cow. By about 7:30, I’m fixing breakfast and getting ready to head to work. When I get home, I try and make sure all heads are scratched and then its loading twitter accounts, checking facebook, answering emails.
Feeding up in reverse orders, making supper and then off to the writing world until around 11p.m. Then lights out and a bit of shut eye before the wild rumpus begins again.
How much time do you spend promoting your books? What works best for you?
I am just learning this new language of promotions. I try to settle on a book a week and hit some groups on line, Facebook, and twitter. I love Facebook and twitter because I feel I really connect to the reader. I have not been on Goodreads. I’ve heard good and bad about it and I’m not ready to put my toes in that water.
How has your experience with self-publishing been?
I have self published a few shorts. It seems to be a lot more pressure. I find wanted to be a perfectionist and can’t leave it alone. Friends finally tell me enough is enough.
Where do you get the ideas for your stories?
I get my ideas from history, the news, or just a wild hair that comes from conversations with good friends. Inspiration strikes at the oddest times too. I keep that little idea notebook beside my bed for when dreams become very vivid.
Home is where the heart lies. Nan O’Berry grew up listening to stories at her grandparents’ feet. So it’s not surprising that her love of a good story pushed her to begin writing her own tales for enjoyment. As these grew she shared her historical perspectives about the heroes of her imagination, cowboys, lumberjacks, and the country they founded.
Armed with a Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Degree from Old Dominion University, Mrs. O’Berry loves finding those interesting facts that might lead to a good story. So pull up a chair and grab that glass of sweet tea and enjoy.
Thank you so much for having me, Cynthia.
This book sounds awesome! I like the adventure aspect and that the hero is a U.S. Marshall.
Thanks Louella. I hope you’ll like it. Adventure leaves so much room for fun. I think everyday in some respect is an adventure. We may have a blue print, but it doesn’t always happen like we picture it.
Glad to meet a new author. Story sounds wonderful, right up my alley.
Thank you ma’am. I hope you’ll enjoy it.
Thank you all for stopping by and leaving a comment. I appreciate your thoughtful words.
I loved your interview! I love reading about the old west, cowboys, etc. I’m knew to you and your books and I will check them out because this book sound just what I like to read.
Well let me say, welcome, Donna. I appreciate you taking time to reply and I hope you will enjoy Road to Redemption. Let me know how you like it.