Happy Halloween by Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

Happy Halloween, EVERYONE! This is my absolutely FAVORITE holiday! No, wait, I’m supposed to say Hi first. Hi, everyone. It’s Jesse Kimmel-Freeman here! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

1277724_10151720728012972_1008518887_o_2This year is especially fun because my son is 5 and my daughter is 2, so I cannot wait until tonight when we are out trick or treating! We have our costumes already! My son is being a ninja!

My daughter is being the cutest little witch EVER!

Speaking of witches, Happy New Year to all the witches out there. May this new year bring you a full heart and belly, and enough good times to help you through whatever comes your way!
This year to get in the mood for Halloween, I decided to take on a small project that kept me up for nights unable to go to sleep at night. You see… I am a fraidy cat. No, that doesn’t even begin to explain the epic levels of fear that I can create with my overactive imagination. I found 13 common urban legends and retold them so they were more like real stories. I’m sure you’re like rue_2“Urban legends, pfft, I eat those for breakfast!” Yeah, well, I don’t. I don’t read scary stories, watch scary movies- na da! I am freaking scared! LOL. So this task was UBER hard and fun. It was really fun to see the common themes in urban legends- man, I must admit they are seriously sexist! And everyone in them are just plain stupid! No, that isn’t fair… they aren’t stupid (I don’t like that word), they are the most naive and gullible people in existence. Did that make writing the scary stories any easier? Oh, heck no! I actually had to wake up my husband several times just to take me to the bathroom or to turn on the light in the closet of the bedroom. Yes, I really am that bad!

So I hope that if you tell scary stories as part of your Halloween, remember some of us are just plain chicken and it isn’t nice to tease! LOL. So for you out there that love a quick read that might cause you to reconsider that creak in the house, I’ve made Don’t Be Afraid: 13 Urban Legends Retold free for today only. Here is the Amazon link http://amzn.com/B00FVQCK6K.

brody (1)_2I hope everyone has a safe and happy Halloween! Remember this is the time when the veil is thinnest, so try not to upset the ghosts and spirits of the past that might be lingering near you!

AuthorSnapshot (1)_2About Jesse:
Jesse has studied anthropology and used her “education” as an excuse to hang out with vampires- her masters’ thesis was going to be modern vampire culture. They really do exist. Vampires have been her obsession since she was about five years old when she swears she was bitten by one.

She enjoys reading and writing. But most importantly being a crazy mom to her son, new daughter, and ever growing pet family. Singing silly songs at the top of her lungs and embarrassing her son is one of her favorite activities. She considers herself to be an odd duck.

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She loves to have people stop in to say hi and her blog usually has a ton of giveaways and fun stuff going on!

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