Contemporary romances have always been popular. Readers like to read about characters who come up against the same obstacles they face on a daily basis. They like to relate to the heroine and a contemporary romance allows them to easily step into her shoes.
Recently, small town contemporary romances have become even more popular, especially if they’re part of a series. Readers—and I’m putting on my reader hat and counting myself among this number—enjoy getting to know the town and its inhabitants. Each new story is a return to a familiar setting and a visit with old friends.
I decided I’d like to write my own, but so many authors have popular series in the small town sub-genre it’s easy to get lost in the crowd. It was obvious I needed a point of difference.
I’d already started a contemporary series called Love and Friendship about a group of friends who live in the city of Auckland, New Zealand. There it was, I decided.
My point of difference.
Most of the small town series I read were set in America. I’d set mine in New Zealand and make it similar to the town where I lived during my teens. I love my home country, and I’ve explored much of our gorgeous scenery in the North and South Islands. This town would be a fictional town, so I could design it myself and add the parts of New Zealand I really enjoy. After much thought, the country town of Clare was born.
I didn’t plunge into life in Clare straightaway. I visited it with a standalone romance called One Night of Misbehavior. My characters spent the weekend there, mixing business with pleasure. I guess I was trying my idea for size.
My next visit to Clare came in my story Farmer Wants a Wife. This story is about a reality show where a city girl looking for a husband is matched with a country man who lives…yes, you guessed it…in Clare.
From that point, I decided my fictional town was perfect and worthy of a series. Clare is a country town that services the farmers who live on the surrounding land. The town is not far from the real city of Napier, which is known for its Art Deco buildings. There are two café/restaurants, a school, a pub with another one about to reopen after fire damage. There is a farm-supply store and vineyards. I’ve added a stately home and Clare has produced some famous people who will appear in coming stories. Currently the town is in the spotlight because of the reality show I mentioned earlier.
Part-Time Lovers is the first book in my new series Clare Chronicles. (This book is a spin-off from Farmer Wants a Wife)
Enemy Lovers, which is due out from Samhain Publishing on 10 February is the second book, and as the title suggests, the hero and heroine come from two local Clare families who have an ongoing feud. Life is never boring in Clare!
Here is the blurb:
Love might be waiting in enemy territory…
Clare Chronicles, Book 2
When Dallas O’Grady’s attention is hooked by a sexy rear end bent over a flat tire, he naturally pulls over to help. Then he gets a look at her face and realizes she’s one of those Drummonds.
The Drummonds and the O’Gradys might both live in the town of Clare, but they’ve never played nice, not since a generations-old feud started over a cache of stolen gold nuggets.
Laura Drummond has fought long and hard to grip independence by the throat and avoid her mother’s bulldozing attempts to control her life. She’s always admired Dallas from afar, and she’s pleased to discover that up close, he’s gorgeous, sexy, and nothing like the monster her family has painted.
When the road home is blocked, she’s forced to accept his offer of a bed for the night. One thing leads to another, and soon burning hot-desire melts into thoughts of forging a permanent relationship—damn their families’ disapproval.
But the feud isn’t the only thing conspiring to keep the lovers apart. And the clock is ticking…
Warning: Contains lovers determined to challenge the status quo, lots of sexy times, and a feud that just might destroy all their hopes for a happy future.
CONTEST: Win the e-book version of Farmer Wants a Wife. Just leave a comment or ask a question about New Zealand and you’ll go into the draw to win.
Pre-order links (Print and e-book)
Samhain Publishing
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All Romance ebooks
Shelley Munro is tall and curvaceous with blue eyes and a smile that turns masculine heads everywhere she goes. She’s a university tutor and an explorer/treasure hunter during her vacations. Skilled with weapons and combat, she is currently in talks with a producer about a television series based on her world adventures.
Shelley is also a writer blessed with a VERY vivid imagination and lives with her own hero in New Zealand. She writes mainly erotic romance in the contemporary, paranormal and historical genres for publishers Carina Press, Ellora’s Cave and Samhain Publishing. You can learn more about Shelley and her books at her website and you might even find her lurking at Facebook or Twitter.
The book looks amazing. Thank you for sharing and letting me get to know more about Shelley.
Thanks, Melissa. Not long until release day now. I can’t wait.
Hi Shelley, an interesting article. I seems you have had an exciting life so far. Keep it up. Good luck with the television project. All the best to you.
Thanks, JoAnne 🙂
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What’s your favorite thing about New Zealand?
bn100candg at hotmail dot com
The gorgeous scenery. It’s a really pretty country and the North and South islands are very different.
Sounds like a fun read;)
Thanks, Sandra.
WINNER: Congrats to BN – You’ve won a copy of Farmer Wants a Wife. Look for an email coming your way!