A visit with Randi Cooley Wilson

Hi, thanks so much for having me today!

Vernal FOR WEBWhat genre(s) do you write in and why?

I write within the paranormal, urban fantasy, and contemporary romance genres. Paranormal romance is one of my favorites to both read and write in because it allows me to explore the unknown, and make the impossible, possible. I love world building and taking readers on a journey that is magical and spellbinding.

Tell us about your current series.

The Royal Protector Academy Trilogy is a spin-off of my best selling Revelation Series. It follows Serena St. Michael and Tristan Gallagher on their journey of epic love and follow’s their story as they struggle to try find their own place and step out of their parent’s shadows.

What inspired your latest book?

Vernal is the first book within the trilogy to release and really, the readers inspired this book series. I was receiving a lot of requests to continue with The Revelation Series and after five books, I just felt like that part of the story had ended the way it was meant to. RPA evolved from the readers asking for more and allowed me to write something new and fresh.

What is your next project and when will it be released?

I’m currently working on the Dark Soul Series, which is about an ancient demon legend. It follows Prince Stolas (the Prince of Hell), a.k.a. Stone and Hope (an oracle). It’s a demon-focused paranormal romance trilogy so we tend to refer to it as the Demon’s Den. It will be releasing late Fall 2016/Early Winter.

What is your typical day like?

I don’t have one (laughs). Without doubt, it always starts with coffee and ends with a glass of wine!

What advice do you have for other authors wanting to self-publish?

Wow, this is tough. My advice is to write what you’d love to read. If you love it, then that will show in your words and story. It’s not an easy journey, but it’s worth taking.

What is your favorite dessert/food?

My favorite food is nachos. Is that a food? I guess it’s technically an appetizer, but if done correctly, can be a well-balanced meal.

What genres are you drawn to as a reader?Vernal-promos-1

I love anything that is contemporary romance and/or paranormal romance.

Do you prefer to read in the same genres you write in or do you avoid reading that genre? Why?

I try not to read in the same genre I write in. It’s a conscience decision so that I don’t ever accidentally pick-up a storyline or plot point. When I write paranormal, I’ll only read contemporary and vice versa. I think it also helps keep my head clear to explore my world building and by avoiding my writing genre, it doesn’t muddy the brain waves.

Thanks so much for having me today!




With the spring come new beginnings.

Twenty years ago, amid the serenity of a winter snowfall, I was born into the London clan—a royal family of gargoyle protectors that for centuries has devotedly safeguarded mankind against evil.

There are many who would say it is a great honor and privilege to be Serena Elizabeth Vivian St. Michael, daughter of Abigail and Callan, princess and sole heir to the crown of the revered gargoyle protector race. My clan has fought darkness, overcome betrayals, restored balance, prevented a war, and solidified an honored place among the supernatural and divine worlds—all because the London clan of gargoyles carries a highly sought-after protector lineage: the dragon spirit.

Before my birth, my uncle, Asher St. Michael, the king of our race, was assigned to protect a human named Eve Collins. She was created as a divine secret. The only one of her kind, Eve was born of a non-fallen angel and human. To ensure her safety, the archangel Michael, her father, promised the Angelic Council that her continued existence would guarantee Heaven’s gates were safe from Hell’s dark army.

As a precaution, Michael designed the divination of redemption, preordaining the souls of the daughter of light and prince of dark to join together; their sacrifice—love. In the end, their love conquered all, preventing another war between Heaven and Hell, and solidifying the connection between the dragon and the divine spirit for centuries to come, thus guaranteeing our race’s existence.

As romantic as my aunt and uncle’s tale may seem, growing up in the shadow of their epic fairy tale was never easy, and as the only child produced from any of the London clan’s three couples, I have been bestowed the great honor of being next in line to the throne—an obligation I’m not interested in fulfilling. Alas, my oaths of duty, honor, and protection bind me to heed my vocation. As a protector, free will doesn’t exist. Our lives are not our own. We were created only to protect.

My world is not filled with happily ever after. It’s full of realism, treachery, and falsehoods.

The expectations that come with being a gargoyle born into the royal St. Michael family, and the London clan, are a heavy burden to carry. Those expectations chain me to vows, which are impossible to ignore.

But I am not them.

Their legend is not my ending.

This is my story. My beginning.

I am the next chapter of the London clan protector legacy.

My future was etched in stone until the day Tristan Gallagher swooped in, with his dark past and guarded secrets. The moment we met, I fell under his spell. It was a fatal mistake forcing us to choose between our hearts and bloodlines, trying to pull us apart with oaths and obligations.

Our love will ignite an ancient war.

Our pasts will collide with the present.

And one lie will destroy it all.

Welcome to the Royal Protector Academy.



Buy Links:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Vernal-Royal-Protector-Academy-Novel-ebook/dp/B01C65MLGC?ie=UTF8&*Version*=1&*entries*=0

Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/vernal-randi-cooley-wilson/1123441022?ean=2940152864090

iBooks: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/vernal-royal-protector-academy/id1085522068?mt=11

Brief Story Synopsis: Vernal, A Royal Protector Academy Novel by Randi Cooley Wilson

Serena has a bright future etched in stone.

Tristan has a dark past that haunts him.

Together, they have a love that can never be.

Sheltered, and unable to escape her bloodline, Serena St. Michael has spent the last two years training at the Royal Protector Academy. Struggling with a dark past, Tristan Gallagher’s current assignment is to protect a lifetime of secrets. One chance encounter will change everything. Serena must decide if she will follow her heart, forsaking all she’s ever known and risking a future worse than non-existence. Tristan will break every rule to save Serena, even if he can’t keep her. In their world of darkness, one love will ignite an ancient war. When pasts collide with the present, and secrets are revealed, will love be enough? Or will one lie destroy it all?

When you’ve hidden behind a mask for so long, would you reveal yourself for love? Vernal, the first novel in The Royal Protector Academy series is a dangerously exciting and darkly romantic tale that will take your breath away.

Author Bio:

Randi Cooley Wilson is a bestselling author of paranormal, urban fantasy, and contemporary romance books. Randi was born and raised in Massachusetts where she attended Bridgewater State University and graduated with a degree in Communication Studies. After graduation she moved to California where she lived happily bathed in sunshine and warm weather for fifteen years. Randi makes stuff up, devours romance books, drinks lots of wine and coffee, and has a slight addiction to bracelets. She currently resides in Massachusetts with her daughter and husband. Randi loves to hear from readers, you can reach out to her via social media:

Twitter: R_CooleyWilson

Facebook: www.facebook.com/authorrandicooleywilson

Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/RCooleyWilson

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An Interview with Thomasine Rappold

The Lady Who Saw Too MuchTell us about your current series.

The Sole Survivor series consists of three stand-alone historical romances set in a rural town in upstate New York.  In the wake of surviving separate tragedies, the heroine of each book discovers she’s acquired an extraordinary ability.  Maddie from The Lady Who Lived Again has the ability to heal.  Gia from The Lady Who Saw Too Much has prophetic visions, and Daisy from The Lady Who Drew Me In can transfer people’s thoughts onto paper.  They wrestle with accepting and managing the mysterious talents that wreak havoc on their lives, but it’s the love for the heroes that change them forever.

 What is your next project and when will it be released?

I’ve just finished The Lady Who Drew Me In, which releases December 20, 2016.

Do you have critique partners?

Yes.  I’ve been a member of a wonderful critique group for over ten years now.  There are five of us, each writing in different genres, but we’re a perfect fit.  These amazingly talented women have made such a tremendous difference in my writing life, and I honestly don’t think I’d be published (or sane) without them.

Was your road to publication fraught with peril or a walk in the park?

If it was a walk in the park, it was a long, long walk.  While not exactly fraught with peril, my journey to publication took well over ten years.  Like most writers, I kept trudging through the rejections and disappointments until my writing improved enough for someone to take notice. Things moved quickly after that.

Tell us about your hero. Give us one of his strengths and one of his weaknesses.

Landen Elmsworth’s family means everything to him, and he’s raised his two younger siblings for several years.  He’s an autocratic man, who prides himself of being master of his own fate and taking care of those he loves.  It’s this very strength that makes his physical weakness all the more frustrating to him.  He faints at the sight of blood.

Tell us about your heroine.  Give us one of her strengths and one of her weaknesses. 

Gia possesses a formidable determination to do whatever she can to protect others, specifically, Landen.  Her greatest weakness is her former addiction to opiates.

 Do you have any words of inspiration for aspiring writers?

Absolutely.  It’s simple: Keep writing and don’t give up.  Be patient with the process and take the time to learn your craft.

Do you or have you belonged to a writing organization?  Which one? Have they helped you with your writing? How?

I’ve been a member of RWA for several years.  I’m also a member of the Capital Region Romance Writers.  Membership in both groups has helped my writing in more ways than I can count.  Writing is a solitary profession, and connecting with other writers was like finding my tribe. There’s so much to learn about the craft and business side of writing, and romance writers are generous with their time and their talents.

Did you have several manuscripts finished before you sold? If so, did you send them out yourself?

The first manuscript I sold was the fifth one I’d written.  That fifth manuscript also landed me a wonderful agent.  Until I was agented, I submitted my manuscripts myself.

Having achieved your goal to be a published author, what is the most rewarding thing?

When someone tells me how much they enjoyed my story.  Bar none.


TheLadyWhoSawTooMuchTour copyWhen Gia awoke later that day, the sun was setting. She sat at the window, staring out at the lake. Beneath the pink and orange horizon, water rippled on the breeze. Despite how tired she’d been when she’d fallen into bed, she’d had trouble falling asleep. To her surprise, once she succumbed to her exhaustion, she’d slept soundly for hours. Now that she was awake, all her troubles stirred to life too.

Clara’s recovery reinforced what Gia had always known, but had lately forgotten. Landen was in danger. She felt lost and alone. Afraid.

“You’re awake.”

She started at the sound of Landen’s voice.

“How is she?” Gia asked as he stepped into the room.

“Sound asleep,” he said. “I’ve no doubt she’ll be out until morning.”

Gia nodded. “You must be exhausted as well.”

“On the contrary. I feel wide awake.”

He yanked his shirt from the waist of his trousers. The disheveled result caused a hitch in her throat. The intimacy of seeing him this way, in this room where they’d come so close to consummating their marriage, took her by storm. Had that been only yesterday?

Memories flashed through her mind. The charge of excitement that followed made it feel like a lifetime since he’d carried her naked to the bed. She rose to her feet, though she wasn’t sure why. Her breasts tingled with arousal. The heat flushing her cheeks pooled at her core.

“Are you hungry?”

She shook her head, summoning her voice through her lust. “Not at all.”

He stepped toward her, unbuttoning his shirt as he moved. “Did you get enough sleep?”


His blue eyes brimmed with need, not hatred, and she all but melted into a hot puddle at his feet.

“Are you certain?”

She nodded, heart pounding as he moved even closer.

“Good.” He stripped off his shirt. “Now get back into bed.”


Thank you so much for having me here!

Author PhotoBIO

A three-time RWA Golden Heart nominee, Thomasine Rappold writes historical romance and historical romance with paranormal elements. She lives with her husband in a small town in upstate New York that inspired her current series. When she’s not spinning tales of passion and angst, she enjoys spending time with her family, fishing on one of the nearby lakes, and basking on the beach in Cape Cod. Thomasine is a member of Romance Writers of America and the Capital Region Romance Writers. Readers can find her on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ThomasineRappoldAuthor and follow her on Twitter: @ThomRappold.



Cursed with prophetic visions and desperate to atone for a death she could have prevented, Gianna York swears she will never again ignore the chance to save a life. When she is hired by Landen Elmsworth to serve as companion to his sister, Gia repeatedly sees the image of her employer’s lifeless corpse floating in Misty Lake. As subsequent visions reveal more details, Gia soon realizes her best chance to save this difficult man is by becoming his wife.

At first, Landen Elmsworth believes the fetching Miss York might be right for a meaningless dalliance, but he grossly underestimates her capacity for cunning and soon finds himself bound until death to a woman he may never be able to trust. Yet in the dark of their bedroom they discover an undeniable passion–and a capacity to forge their own destiny . . .





Rafflecopter Giveaway – Ebook The Lady Who Saw Too Much

A visit with Olivia Dade

Ready To FallWhat genre(s) do you write in and why?

To this point, all of my published books are contemporary romantic comedies. Which surprises people who know my background, since I earned my M.A. in American History and worked as both a history teacher and a costumed interpreter at Colonial Williamsburg. Historical romance might seem like a better fit, but…I’m a perfectionist. Also a tiny bit lazy. I would be paralyzed by the prospect of getting the historical details wrong, but unwilling to put in the extensive research required to make sure that didn’t happen. So contemporary romance turned out to be a better fit for me, especially since I love making pop culture references in my writing.

I’ve also written a futuristic romance, but it’s much darker than my contemporary romances. I’ll eventually publish it as the first in a series under a different pen name, just because it’s so different from my other work.

Tell us about your current series.

Ready to Fall is the fourth book in my Lovestruck Librarians series. Each of the books focuses on a different librarian in the Nice County Public Library system, which is located in the heart of rural Maryland. And the heroines are all friends, so they invade each other’s stories on a regular basis.

Although the books can stand alone, I think people who read all of them will enjoy the callbacks and connections with other stories. At least, I hope so!

What is your next project and when will it be released?

The fifth book in my series, Driven to Distraction, will come out in early 2017. I had a fantastic time writing it, since the dynamic between Constance (the Bookmobile manager) and Sam (the library’s hot IT expert) is so much fun.

The two of them meet for the first time in the margins of the third book, Mayday, and their attraction is both immediate and intense. So is their bickering. In Driven to Distraction, I stick them together in the tight confines of the Bookmobile for a week and watch all their defenses against one another crumble to dust. Like I said: great fun. I hope readers love the story too!

How likely are people you meet to end up in your next book?

Most of my characters are totally and completely fictional, made up whole cloth from my imagination. But on occasion, I do get inspired by someone I know or someone I meet. That said, I never take people from my life and insert them wholesale into a manuscript. I usually swipe a certain characteristic or a particular experience they had.

For example, a good friend of mine looks very sweet and innocent. But her e-reader contains the filthiest erotica I’ve ever seen in my entire life. Like, hilariously filthy. The first time we looked at each other’s e-book libraries, I was in the midst of asking whether she was offended by graphic sex scenes when I saw the titles and covers of some of her books.

Within a matter of seconds, I went from saying, “This ménage story might be a bridge too far for you” to “No bridge ever created in the history of humanity would ever be too far for you. Brava!” And a very similar scene takes place in a book I wrote between librarian manuscripts.

I hope my friend forgives me. Sorry, J***!

What is most difficult for you to write? Characters, conflict or emotions? Why?

External conflict—something from the outside that keeps the hero and heroine apart, rather than simply their pasts, their fears, or their disparate desires—can prove difficult for me. I’d blame that on two main factors.

Historically, women’s parents and families exerted much greater control over them. Women had very little legal and economic recourse at times. Issues of class and race kept people apart much more effectively. Voila! External conflict ahoy! But in contemporary America, that’s much less common. All the relationships I’ve ever seen falter or fail have done so because of internal reasons. Because of emotional or physical disconnection, rather than a family feud or a bizarre inheritance or amnesia. So coming up with new ways to keep my couple apart—ways that aren’t internal in nature—can be tricky in contemporary romance.

(Unless you write about vampires or werewolves. Then you’re pretty much set on the external conflict front, and I’m happy for you. And a little jealous.)

Also, I love writing internal conflict. When I’m reading someone else’s book, that’s what I’ll remember—the emotional journey of the central couple, rather than the specifics of the plot. So I sometimes overlook the external conflict issue until my critique partner reads the opening of my manuscript.

Her: “But what’s actually keeping them apart, besides their fears?”

Me: “Ummm…”

Her: [waits patiently]

Me: “Dammit.”

Give us an elevator pitch for your book.

ReadyToFallTour copyTo get the attention of her elusive coworker, Sarah Mayhew needs to learn to ride a bike at the age of thirty-two. Her teacher: Chris Dean, the hot cyclist whose ex dumped him for his best friend. Even though he wants Sarah, he refuses to get involved yet again with a woman who wants another man. But a few hot summer nights spent together might convince them both to change their minds and risk falling hard.

Do you prefer to read in the same genres you write in or do you avoid reading that genre? Why?

I normally love all romance genres: contemporary, historical, futuristic, paranormal, erotic, etc. But when I’m in the middle of writing my books, I assiduously avoid anything too similar to what I’m writing. That means no contemporary romance, at least not until my story is finished. Otherwise, I worry that I’ll unconsciously ape the voice or borrow the phrasing of another writer. Reading outside the genre in which I write helps protect me against that.

What do you have planned for the future?


::clears throat:: Please ignore that. Just a slip of the tongue.

Since I’m totally not planning to conquer the Earth, I’m excited about starting a new series soon! After binge-watching way too much HGTV during a bout with bronchitis in January, I plotted out several novellas loosely inspired by various shows on that channel.

I mean, don’t you want David and Hilary from Love It Or List It to make out? Of course you do! And I’m going to make that happen for you. (Fictionally, at least. I can’t actually force the real people to french each other, despite my wishes.) It’s going to be glorious and ever so naughty.



“Why did Helen send you here?” Chris asked.

Sarah fished a folded printout from her huge purse and slapped it on the counter. “Take a look.”

He unfolded the paper and scanned the text. Apparently, the faculty and staff of Spring Ridge Elementary School had been invited to participate in a bike retreat as part of a new fitness initiative. That still didn’t explain what she wanted from him, however.

“It’s hot enough out there to cook us like rotisserie chickens.” Sarah tapped a finger on the flyer. “I’ll be surprised if more than a dozen teachers survive the day. But at least our meat will be juicy and flavorful.”

Stifling another grin, he started making his way to the store entrance. Time to end this conversation and usher her out. “If you need a volunteer to give the bikes a tune-up or someone to sponsor the event, keep looking. I can’t. Like I said, this is a pretty new shop. I have too many things to do and not a lot of extra money.”

Instead of following him to the door, she turned around and leaned her curvy butt against the counter. “That’s not why I’m here. I need you to teach me how to ride a bike before that retreat.”

And there it was. The reason for all this. “You want to learn how to ride in three days?”

“Yes.” She smiled again, clearly pleased that he’d grasped the situation at long last.

“And you want me to teach you? Over the Fourth of July holiday? On top of my normal schedule here at the shop?”

Her smile began to fade. “Yes.”

Jesus, this had to be a joke. In what universe would Helen ever believe he’d give a grown woman riding lessons after work? Him, the man she often called the pissiest human being on the face of the Earth? Unless . . .

“Is Helen trying to set us up?” Unable to resist, he scanned Sarah’s lush body one last time. “You can tell her she got my type right. But I’m not ready to date again. Sorry.”

Sarah remained silent for a long moment, taking what appeared to be a confused look down at herself. Then she raised her head and stared directly at him.

“This isn’t a setup. This is—I mean, I am—a woman who needs to learn how to ride a bike in three days for the sake of true love.” As his mouth opened, she clarified, “Don’t worry. True love for another man. Not you.”

“True love?” he repeated.

“True love,” she confirmed.

A bitter smile curved his mouth. “In that case, you’re definitely wasting your time,” he told her. “Love is the absolute last reason I’d do anything for anyone right now.”


Olivia Dade author photoOlivia Dade grew up an undeniable nerd, prone to ignoring the world around her as she read any book she could find. Her favorite stories, though, were always romances. As an adult, she earned an M.A. in American history and worked in a variety of jobs that required her to hide her bawdy interior under a demure exterior: Colonial Williamsburg interpreter, high school teacher, academic tutor, and (of course) librarian. Finally, though, she realized the call of the hussy could no longer be denied. So now she writes contemporary romantic comedy with plenty of sex, banter, and nerdery. When not writing, she cooks alongside her husband, dabbles in photography, and tries to hide her collection of throbbing-intensive romances from her curious daughter.

Purchase links:

 Here are the individual purchase links:

  1. Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Ready-Fall-Lovestruck-Librarians-Olivia-ebook/dp/B015VA3MQC
  1. Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/ready-to-fall-olivia-dade/1122713762?ean=9781616509408
  1. Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Olivia_Dade_Ready_to_Fall?id=siSeCgAAQBAJ
  1. Books-A-Million: http://www.booksamillion.com/p/Ready-Fall/Olivia-Dade/Q396449332?id=6300597355308
  1. iBooks: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/ready-to-fall/id1052731132?mt=11
  1. Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/ready-to-fall-3

To find the links all in one place, readers can go to either of these sites:

  1. The Kensington website: http://www.ekensingtonbooks.com/book.aspx/33043
  1. My website: http://oliviadade.com/books/

Author website (which includes my blog):


Rafflecopter Giveaway – ebook Ready To Fall

a Rafflecopter giveaway

An Interview with Dena Garson

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000037_00023]What genre(s) do you write in and why?

I write contemporary, fantasy, paranormal, and sci-fi romance. Why? Because that’s what the voices in my head tell me to do. LOL. Actually – I love romance. I love happy ever afters. I read it to escape, so naturally I want to write about it. As for the sub-genres I write it, all I can say is that when I get an idea for a story, I write it. I’m not picky about only writing in category. I just want to tell the story that I see in my head.

What inspired your latest book?

A song! While I liked the original, Five Finger Death Punch’s remake of House of the Rising Sun triggered the idea for Rege’s Rescue as I drove to work.

What is your next project and when will it be released?

I’m working on a Native American (historical) paranormal. I don’t have a release date yet but I have committed to turning it over to my first editor mid July. So, hopefully I’ll be able to release it later this year

What is your typical day like?

I do have a day-job. So, M-F I work normal hours. I often use my lunch hour to take care of writer business or get in an hour worth of writing. After work, if one of the boys has a sporting thing (practice or game) I might grab my laptop and head to the fields. Their dad is pretty good about taking them to practices. And now that my oldest has his driver’s license (*cringe*) some of the pressure to run here and there is off of me so I can settle in at home and work on my stories! Of course, there is the occasional squirmish to resolve between the boys – always around the xbox.

How has your experience with self-publishing been?

I love it! I love being able to pick my own covers and cover artists. I love deciding when my book will come out and at what price. I love having the control. It does take a lot more of my time, but the benefits far outweigh what I give up to a publisher. And I’ve learned so much about the inner working of the business doing it myself. That is invaluable knowledge!

Do you have critique partners?

Yup! And I <3 them so hard. If for no other reason than because this is such a solitary business that the touchstone to another person to confirm that I’m not insane makes me feel better.

What is your favorite dessert/food?

Ooooo. Hard question because it varies with my mood – for dessert anyway. I will say that there is nothing better than homemade mashed potatoes. That is my ultimate comfort food.

What is most difficult for you to write?  Characters, conflict or emotions?  Why?

I’d have to say conflict. Probably because I avoid it like the plague in my real life. I am such a mediator! I don’t want anyone unhappy or to get their feelings hurt.

What genres are you drawn to as a reader?

Romance for sure, but whatever catches my attention. Historical, paranormal, fantasy, contemporary. I have my go-to authors that I pick up without question. And I read my author friends books too.

Do you prefer to read in the same genres you write in or do you avoid reading that genre? Why?

I do read in the same genre, but I won’t read that genre while I’m writing a book in it. So if I’m working on a contemporary, I’ll usually pick up a historical or paranormal. I don’t want the book I’m reading to influence the one I’m writing.

Has your muse always known what genre you would write and be published in?

I sometimes think my muse has multiple personality disorder. She has no idea what she wants to be when she grows up and, like me, has varying tastes. She makes me hop from book to book at any given time. *sigh*

Do you write under a pen name?   Why or why not?

Yes, I do. I created it because my first books were with Ellora’s Cave. And quite frankly, was warned that there are a lot of weirdos out there and I didn’t want that creeping over to my kids’ lives.


Rege Rovnitov battled his way out of the darkest hell hole in the charted universe to become the best tracker in four galaxies. Fighting injustice, he and his brotherhood have spent their lives with one foot on the shady side of the law. When the daughter of one of his allies is abducted by slavers, he offers his skills to bring her home. On such a dark and dangerous mission, he never expected to find a woman full of goodness and light.

After years in the spotlight as an interstellar songbird, Amethe Madigan only wants to regain a normal life. Her plans are upended when a band of slavers take her captive and drag her to the galactic port known as Sin City. With Rege’s help, she narrowly escapes being sold to the highest bidder, or worse, turned over to whoever ordered her kidnapping. As they race across galaxies evading her mysterious abductor’s attempts to possess her, she makes the mistake of falling in love with a man whose idea of a normal life is anything but safe.

Rege promised to rescue Amethe but she could be his salvation from a dark and lonely existence. In the end it won’t matter who saved whom. Where love is concerned, it’s winner takes all.


Her rescue. His salvation.

Buy Links:

Amazon  /  B&N  /  Kobo  /  ARe  /  iBooks


Amazon UK – https://www.amazon.co.uk/Reges-Rescue-Dena-Garson-ebook/dp/B01GH3XSZ2/

Amazon CA – https://www.amazon.ca/Reges-Rescue-Dena-Garson-ebook/dp/B01GH3XSZ2/

Amazon AU – https://www.amazon.com.au/Reges-Rescue-Dena-Garson-ebook/dp/B01GH3XSZ2/

Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30340731-rege-s-rescue

Rege’s Rescue Excerpt:

Rege Rovnitov’s instincts went on high alert as soon as his boot crossed the shop’s threshold.

Even over the heavy scent of leather, he detected burned ozone. A weapon had been fired. Debris scattered on the floor and countertop said there had been a struggle.

He pulled his own weapon from its holster at his back and edged farther into Tauxir’s store. There were no patrons inside and he hadn’t seen anyone leaving. This part of the city drew rough clientele, but Tauxir had a solid reputation for being an honest businessman as well as being a man you didn’t want to fuck with.

Whoever decided to take something of Tauxir’s must have a death wish.

Rege grinned. Maybe this day wouldn’t be a waste after all.

Using all of his senses to piece together what had happened he moved deeper into the store.

A roar followed by a crash came from the backroom. He leapt over an overturned stool and cleared the last steps to the doorway in one bound. Yanking the curtain aside, he leveled his gun’s laser sight on the first thing that moved.

His entrance was met by one pissed off and bloodied leatherworker. Tauxir held a similar gun and Rege suspected Tauxir’s laser was aimed right at his heart.

“You okay?” Rege asked without relaxing his stance.

Tauxir’s jaw flexed as if still debating whether or not to fire. “No,” he finally ground out between clenched teeth.

Rege glanced around the room to make sure there were no threats. “What happened?”

Tauxir lowered his gun and spit. “Slavers.”

Rege also lowered his weapon but didn’t holster it. “What did they want with you?”

Pain flashed in Tauxir’s eyes. “Amethe.”

Son of a bitch. Tauxir’s daughter. “They took her?”

He nodded once then pulled a wicked knife from underneath his worktable and pushed it into a sheath.

“How long has she been back?”

“Two nights.” Tauxir strapped the knife to his thigh then grabbed two more and slipped those in their respective places.

Rege pushed the button on the communicator wrapped around his ear. “Call Bolan.”

Tauxir half limped, half dragged himself toward the stairs. Thinking he might need help getting upstairs, Rege closed in.

Tauxir leaned against the wall and slid a concealed panel aside. He entered a code which activated a small door at their feet below the stairs. Even from where he stood, Rege could see the impressive collection of weapons.

“Yeah,” Bolan’s terse answer finally came through Rege’s earpiece.

“Grab Vordol and Malir and get to Tauxir’s. We’ve got a situation.”

“Be there in ten.” No complaints, no unnecessary questions. That was the beauty of the brotherhood. Always there for each other no matter what.

“Not your problem,” Tauxir said gruffly without looking up from his stash of weapons.

“You’re a brother. If you’ve got a problem, we all have a problem. You know that.”

About the Author:

Dena Garson is an award winning author of contemporary, paranormal and fantasy romance. Her sixth book, Mystic’s Touch, won the 2015 Passionate Plume for Futuristic/Fantasy/Sci-Fi as well as the 2015 Reader’s Choice Award for Science Fiction/Fantasy/Time Travel. Ghostly Persuasion was a finalist in the 2014 Passionate Ink contest and the 2014 Reader’s Choice Award.

When she isn’t writing you can find her at her jewelry workbench playing with beads. She is also a devoted Whovian and Dallas Cowboys fan.

Social Media Links:

Website – http://www.denagarson.com/

Blog – http://denagarson.net/

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/dena.garson.7

FB Author page – https://www.facebook.com/AuthorDenaGarson

Twitter – https://twitter.com/DenaGarson

Goodreads – https://www.goodreads.com/dgarson

Sign up for Dena’s Newsletter at – http://eepurl.com/b2TWxv

A visit with Veronica Scott

Thanks for having me as your guest today!

StarCruiseOutbreak-FJM_Mid_Res_1000x1500Tell us about your current series.

I’m writing a series set on an interstellar cruise liner. So many possibilities for stories! So far there’s been Star Cruise: Marooned, which was kind of a standalone and now Meg and Red from that novel have moved onto the larger cruise ship as crew, and are secondary characters in Star Cruise: Outbreak. I plan to write many more adventures with this cast of characters and in fact have a short story entitled Star Cruise: Rescue coming out soon in an anthology.

What inspired your latest book?

I’ve always been fascinated by epidemics and the measures that the medical profession must take in order to deal with an outbreak. My Dad had cholera as a kid and I believe was the only person in the entire state of New York that year to have it, and eventually the epidemiologist  tracked the source to an apple he’d eaten, from a tree near an infected water source. Hearing my father talk about this incident inspired me to read books on epidemiology, with fascinating stories of doctors locating Patient Zero, or the first person to come down with the disease in question, and trying to figure out where that person acquired the illness, among other things. I thought having everyone trapped on a cruise liner would heighten the suspense!

What is your next project and when will it be released?

I just released Hostage to the Stars, a science fiction romance, about a futuristic Special Forces soldier going on a mission to rescue a hostage and then as they attempt to escape, he discovers an even more dangerous situation with aliens. Like my other SFR books, it’s set in my Sectors universe of the far future.

What is your typical day like?

Jake on chair by desk The cats want to be fed so Jake starts trying to get me up around 4:30 AM. He’s very sweet, stubborn and persistent. He purrs, he snuggles, he chases my toes, he doesn’t give up.  I used to get up at that hour for the old day job, so he’s spoiled. I have breakfast and then I usually spend the time till 7AM doing social media, e mail and a bit of blogging. I watch the first half hour of the Today Show, for the news, and then I launch into serious creative writing. I’m a fulltime author now, so basically I write all day, with breaks of varying length after every 40 minutes, to get out of my chair and move around doing housework, playing with the cats…go out and do errands, pry myself off the social media sites (go on Facebook or twitter for five minutes and an hour later I’m still there!), answer e mail…I take a long walk midmorning if the weather permits. In the evening after dinner I try to get in one more session of writing but I’m a morning person when it comes to maximum creativity. I usually watch some TV or a movie, or read a good book, and then off to bed between 10 and 11PM.

How has your experience with self-publishing been?

I LOVE self-publishing. I enjoy the control over my books, my schedule, release dates, prices, the cover art…I have a team of independent professionals that I go to for editing, copy editing, covers and formatting.

What is your favorite dessert/food?

There’s this wonderful chocolate mousse layer cake at the local grocery store which I must avoid at all costs!

Tell us about your hero.  Give us one of his strengths and one of his weaknesses.

Jake Dilon is head of security for the ship and his strength is his desire to protect everyone at all times. He’s a former Special Forces soldier. His weakness is the flip side of that – he can’t stand it when there’s nothing he can do, as with this outbreak.

Tell us about your heroine.  Give us one of her strengths and one of her weaknesses.

Dr. Emily Shane is the new ship’s doctor and her strength is her ability to stay calm and cool in any situation. Her weakness is the way she tries to keep everyone at arm’s length on the personal level, due to her traumatic experiences during her military service, on the front lines.

Tell us a little about your latest book.

Here’s the story for Star Cruise: Outbreak:

She saved countless soldiers in the wars … but does she have the weapons to fight an outbreak?

Dr. Emily Shane, veteran of the Sector Wars, is known as “The Angel of Fantalar” for her bravery under fire as a medic. However, the doctor has her own war wounds–severe PTSD and guilt over those she failed to save.

Persuaded to fill a seemingly frivolous berth as ship’s doctor on the huge and luxurious interstellar cruise liner Nebula Zephyr, she finds the job brings unexpected perks–a luxe beach deck with water imported from Tahumaroa II, and Security Officer Jake Dilon, a fellow veteran who heats her up like a tropical sun.

However, Emily soon learns she and Jake didn’t leave all peril behind in the war. A mysterious ailment aboard the Zephyr begins to claim victim after victim … and they must race against time and space to find the cause and a cure! Trapped on a ship no spaceport will allow to dock, their efforts are complicated by a temperamental princess and a terrorist–one who won’t hesitate to take down any being in the way of his target.  If anyone’s left when the disease is through with them…

What’s next for you?

I’m working on another science fiction romance standalone novel set in the Sectors, but I’ve got a couple of plots for STAR CRUISE stories percolating.

Star Cruise: Outbreak excerpt:

The little girl’s father greeted them at the entrance to the cabin. “Dr. Shane, I’m glad you’re here. We’ve been waiting an hour for one of your staff to make a house call. My wife is under the weather with this stomach bug.”

“Your daughter’s showing signs as well,” Emily said, moving past him and heading toward the master bedroom. “I’d like to give them both a dose of Galamialate. How are you doing?”

“I’m fine. My stomach’s impervious to anything,” he said, rubbing his ample belly. “Considering we ate all the same foods, too bad my kids didn’t inherit my guts. Is this contagious from person to person?”

“A norovirus is normally only transmitted through touch or contamination of surfaces,” Emily answered. “If I may have some privacy to examine your wife.” She slid the portal closed and crossed to the bed. Mrs. Enzell smiled weakly and tried to sit up as Emily approached. Indicating for the stricken passenger to lie back and relax, she began her scan. “Symptoms started right after lunch?”

“Yes. I’ve been in the bathroom most of the afternoon.” Mrs. Enzell rubbed her stomach gingerly. “Can’t even keep water down. Lords of Space bless Meg for taking the kids for me. Can I have some of that medicine you were talking about?”

Emily finished her rapid exam. “Of course. I need to give a dose to your daughter. She’s complaining of an upset stomach now. I should give the boys and your husband some to ward off the virus.” She administered the dose. “This probably isn’t the cruise you expected when you won the contest.”

“No,” Mrs. Enzell admitted. “Although it’s been an incredible experience right up until this virus hit like a rogue comet.” She rubbed her eyes, seeming about ready to cry.

Emily patted her arm. “As soon as the meds kick in, you’ll be frolicking on the beach again, I promise. We’re only four days out from Harilon so there will be plenty of time left to have the fun you were promised. Now try to rest and be sure to drink a lot of fluids as soon as the nausea eases. The ship can provide soups and teas. I don’t need you in sickbay with dehydration.”

“I’m not much of a frolicker. I wade and swim a little bit.” Mrs. Enzell sank against the pillows with a heartfelt sigh, closing her eyes.

Emily dimmed the lights and rejoined the others in the outer room, realizing with a quick glance that Meg had departed. “Your wife should be fine by tomorrow,” she said to Mr. Enzell. “Is Syl in bed?”

“Yes, Meg helped me get her settled before she left.” The father led the way into the closest bedroom, which Syl had all to herself apparently. The room was cluttered with toys and dolls. The little girl was curled up in bed with a bedraggled, stuffed animal, so much loved that Emily couldn’t tell what sort of creature it was supposed to be.

She sat on the edge of the bed and pretended to scan the toy pet first, which made Syl giggle faintly. “He’s fine. Now let me examine you.” As she’d expected, the child was in the throes of a gastrointestinal upset, although the handheld scanner couldn’t identify the virus any more than Maeve had been able to. Emily spoke to Mr. Enzell in a low voice. “Let me give Syl her meds, and then I can provide you and your sons with a dose each as well, to ward off symptoms.”

“I’d rather wait until we’re actually sick,” Mr. Enzell said. “I don’t much like taking meds.”

Surprised, Emily decided not to argue, given the fact norovirus wasn’t normally life threatening, just highly unpleasant. He’d change his mind fast enough if the symptoms hit. She tended to the girl, examined the boys to be thorough, although neither was showing any symptoms. Then after a few pleasantries and thanks from Mr. Enzell, she and Jake were on their way to the beach deck to resume their evening plans.

“I should check in with sickbay,” she said as she crossed the sand toward the dinner Maeve had supplied.

“Go ahead, I don’t mind.” Jake ushered her to her chair. “I heard what you said about always being on duty.”

“New cases keep occurring, as with Syl and her mother.” Emily surprised herself by offering an apology of sorts. “I want to keep a handle on things, and I’m not used to working with this staff yet.”

“No problem, I totally get it.” Jake poured them each a drink and set out the food while she called her office.

“Everything under control?” he asked as she dropped her AI into her pocket. “You’re frowning.”

Buy Links:     Amazon     Kobo      Barnes & Noble   Apple iBooks

Author Bio:

Veronica Scott square photoBest Selling Science Fiction & Paranormal Romance author and “SciFi Encounters” columnist for the USA Today Happily Ever After blog, Veronica Scott grew up in a house with a library as its heart. Dad loved science fiction, Mom loved ancient history and Veronica thought there needed to be more romance in everything. When she ran out of books to read, she started writing her own stories.

Veronica writes novels set in the far future, often involving a disaster to kick the action off, as well as a fantasy romance series set in ancient Egypt.

Three time winner of the SFR Galaxy Award, as well as a National Excellence in Romance Fiction Award, Veronica is also the proud recipient of a NASA Exceptional Service Medal relating to her former day job, not her romances!

Played Star Trek Enterprise Crew Member in the audiobook of Harlan Ellison’s “City On the Edge of Forever” (2016)

Blog: https://veronicascott.wordpress.com/

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/vscotttheauthor

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Veronica-Scott/177217415659637?ref=hl

Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/Veronica-Scott/e/B006CUCJ92/ref=dp_byline_cont_ebooks_1

An interview with Anya Summers

TwoDomsForKara-small copyTell us about your current series.

My current series, The Dungeon Fantasy Club, revolves around an exclusive BDSM Club in the wilds of Scotland. Each book is a stand-alone and the couples meet due to the wedding of the hero and heroine in the first book, Her Highland Master.

What inspired your latest book?

Well, this was actually the first ménage romance I have written. I wouldn’t say the story line is inspired by anything in real life. However, each of my heroes, Zeke Driscoll and Chase Manning, sort of exemplify my ideal man. Zeke is a famous chef, who loves it when people enjoy his cooking. And I think because I’m so busy, I just think it would be this side of heaven to have a man to cook for me. Then there is Chase, who loves working with his hands, woodworking and such that is something earthy and elemental about a man who is good with his hands.

What is your next project and when will it be released?

 The next book in the Dungeon Fantasy Club Series, HIS DRIVEN DOMME, will be out July 15th, 2016. Here’s a little preview of that upcoming title: Jesse Noble loves fast cars and even faster women. A professional race car driver, he’s used to being in the driver’s seat, until a devastating loss on the track makes him walk away from the only life he’s ever known. After months of rehab and soul-sucking depression, Jesse heads to his friend’s place in Scotland, thinking a month or two indulging in the fleshy delights of the Dungeon Fantasy Club will help him maneuver the road to recovery more than any painkillers.

Lucy Martin is master and commander of her world. Labeled an Ice Queen by her co-workers, she hides her tender and passionate heart from the world, even as she attempts to find a man who will help soothe her shattered heart. Now her best friend, the only person on the planet Lucy confides in, has gone AWOL and left the country for some Scottish Laird. On a mission to rescue her BFF, Lucy travels to Mulladoch Manor and has her world turned on its end finding herself amidst an exclusive BDSM Club where she feels right at home.

When Jesse spies the luscious Lucy sporting four inch stilettos and leather in the Dungeon Fantasy Club, he surrenders to a night of mind blowing ecstasy, her caresses driving away every one of his inner demons with her skillful touch. In the race of his life, Jesse moves out of the driver’s seat and willingly becomes her passenger, if only she’ll continue tying him up and paddling his bare ass into the most erotically charged, world altering orgasms of his life.

Except when secrets are revealed, Jesse will have to convince Lucy to enter the fast lane with him and that he’s willing to submit to all of his Domme’s utmost desires.

Where do you get the ideas for your stories?

I get them from all walks of life. Music, though, tends to be a veritable font of inspiration.

What is your favorite dessert/food?

Besides the obvious chocolate addiction? I’d have to say my favorite food is cheese. I can go without a lot in my life, and avoid unhealthy foods, but I wouldn’t want to live in a world without cheese. There are so many varieties, flavors, and textures to enjoy and explore. There’s little I love more than ending the day with a glass of wine, cheese plate, some crusty French bread and fruit. To me that equals heaven.

What genres are you drawn to as a reader?TwoDomsForKara_promo 2

I like them all. Here lately, I’ve been reading the Barbarian Series by Ruby Dixon. If you like sexy blue aliens finding their mates then it will be right up your alley. It’s fun, quirky, and the relationships are hot. I’d like my own big blue alien for a mate.

What are you currently working on?

I am currently working on the fifth book in the Dungeon Fantasy Club, HER COUNTRY MASTER that will be out in August. In it we get to meet wedding dress designer Elise Beauregard and billionaire rancher Taylor Jenson. Here’s a little preview: After a scorching night with Elise, the dominant alpha in Taylor recognizes she is the one for him. But can this country Dom convince the avowed city girl to trade bright lights for starry nights? And will Elise prove to Taylor, even after he disciplines her bare bottom for her impertinence to a Dom, the perks of being a switch or will Taylor be able to live with a switch who never fully submits to him?

What do you have planned for the future?

I have a full publishing schedule this year with both names that I write under. The entire eight book series of the Dungeon Fantasy Club will be released by the end of the year. I have listed the dates below. And then I also have a release under Maggie Mae Gallagher that will be out this fall.

Dungeon Fantasy Club Series

Her Highland Master, April 15, 2016

To Master & Defend, May 15, 2016

Two Doms for Kara, June 12, 2016

His Driven Domme, July 15, 2016

Her Country Master, August 17, 2016

Love Me, Master Me, September 16, 2016

Submit To Me, October 15, 2016

Her Wired Dom, November 14, 2016


Two Doms For Kara by Anya Summers


“Oh, for pity’s sake!”

Kara glanced at the coffee stain spreading over her fitted white blouse.

Of all the mornings for her klutz-o-meter to kick into high gear, this was the worst possible time. She couldn’t seem to manage walking, let alone striking a balancing act to make it to the office in one piece. Kara always felt she was a bit disheveled, her small, five foot curvy frame a far cry from the leggy models running about Manhattan. They were the same women who hired her to oversee their weddings, and while she always did her best to appear collected, her clumsiness sometimes got the better of her. She glared at the perpetrators of her demise, her black stiletto pumps and the small crack between the elevator and the fifth floor where her new office was located. Along with the fact that she seemed incapable of putting one foot in front of the other, this morning she was running unseemingly late for her first official board meeting with her new business partners.

Last month she’d moved her base of operations for her wedding planning company, Bridal Dreams, from her walk up apartment in Brooklyn to the island of Manhattan. The only way for her company to score some of the bigger, more elite city weddings was to have an office in Manhattan. Prices being what they were, Kara had sublet a small office from her good friends Chase Manning and Zeke Driscoll. Zeke owned a catering enterprise making some of the best edible creations she’d ever put in her mouth. He had rocketed to fame with a cooking show some years back, and had left the limelight to enjoy control of his own enterprises. Then there was Chase, who was a special occasions architect, and she considered him the demi-god of design.

Kara had met them at a bridal trade show a few years back. After realizing how well they hit it off with each other, they’d pooled resources and worked together on a few previous weddings with great success. She’d even landed an interview in Summer Bridal Magazine two months prior with the Goodall wedding. So, after she had considered her options and realized a Manhattan move was imminent once she found the space, she’d mentioned she was in the market for office space. Zeke and Chase had graciously offered her their extra office for Bridal Dreams.

Last week, they’d agreed upon and finalized a merger of all three companies, which was a huge step for her and them. It made butterflies flutter in her belly when she thought about the merger. It had been a great leap of faith for her. She wasn’t used to depending upon anyone else, and now she had two partners. Her nerves about the merger added to her clumsiness, she knew, but this morning was their first board meeting. She was late, very, very late, and now she looked ridiculous with coffee covering her front. What a way to begin a partnership. Kara raced down the hall while attempting to blot the spilled coffee from her blouse. This just would not do, to have her shirt with such a huge stain on it.

The silver placard on the dark walnut door gave her pause. Embossed in black lettering with the new swirly logo Chase had designed, it read: Bridal Dreams, Inc. Shaking her head, Kara tentatively opened the door, breathing a sigh of relief when she didn’t spot either of her partners in the reception area. The office was fairly standard with three offices, a conference room, a store room, and a reception waiting area. Coffee was already percolating in the complimentary coffee maker, likely Chase’s doing since she didn’t see any signs of Gretchen, their assistant. The doors to their offices were closed, as was the door to the conference room.

Screw it!

Kara made a mad dash for her office, her one objective being to avoid her partners until she’d stripped off the stained blouse and changed into attire that didn’t make her look like a clumsy moron. She had some of her workout gear stored in her tote. The black workout tank in her bag would work well enough, she could pair it with her blazer. While not ideal, it would have to do until lunchtime, where she could hit up the department store around the corner and purchase a top that was infinitely more appropriate work couture. The normal patrons of Bridal Dreams expected a certain level of decorum. It wouldn’t do to have their elite clientele walk in when she was looking less than her best. Even though she faked it most days.

Setting the almost empty coffee mug on her desk, she stripped off her navy blazer, and pulled the tails of her blouse from inside her matching pencil skirt. She unbuttoned her blouse and grimaced at her white lace bra. Some of the coffee had seeped through onto the material. Her nipples were visible through the now see-through material.

The door to her office swung open. “Hey, Kara, if you’re ready we—”

Zeke Driscoll, aka the man who could play Thor’s demi-god brother with his smoldering blue eyes, chiseled jaw, and wealth of dirty blonde hair, stopped short at the sight of her without her blouse. His lean, six foot frame filled her office doorway, shielding her body from the rest of the office. His electric blue gaze ran over her half-naked form with a long lingering stop.

Two Doms For Kara – Blurb

They’re her business partners, so she shouldn’t get involved. Should she?

Kara Lowe is the successful owner of Bridal Dreams, where she works with happy couples to make their special day a fantasy come true. When she is asked to oversee the wedding of a lifetime on the other side of the world, she knows she needs to rely on the two men she’s recently gone into business with to ensure the elite couple’s wedding goes off without a hitch. What she doesn’t expect is for her two partners to decide that, in the wild hills of Scotland, anything goes—including all of her pent-up inhibitions.

Zeke Driscoll and Chase Manning have desired Kara for years; since well before their merger with Bridal Dreams. When a unique getaway wedding presents itself on the books, they decide the Dungeon Fantasy Club is the perfect place to unravel their partner’s sweet beauty and uncover the submissive they know is hiding inside her, just waiting to be let out. The two Doms will test Kara’s boundaries, knowing they’ve found the submissive to hold their hearts.

As Kara begins to lose her heart, she must face the reality of their ménage relationship. Will she be brave enough to commit to a lifetime with her two Doms?

This is the third book in the Dungeon Fantasy Club series by Anya Summers; however, like all the other books, it can be read as a standalone. It contains explicit sexual themes, including BDSM, MFM ménage, and some m/m action. If such content offends you, please do not purchase.

Available at:

Amazon https://goo.gl/018ZZc

Blushing Books http://goo.gl/IJ3PwS


Anya Summers

Born in St. Louis, Missouri, Anya grew up listening to Cardinals baseball and reading anything she could get her hands on. She remembers her mother saying if only she would read the right type of books instead binging her way through the romance aisles at the bookstore, she’d have been a doctor. While Anya never did get that doctorate, she graduated cum laude from the University of Missouri-St. Louis with a M.A. in History.

Anya is a #1 Amazon Bestselling and Award-Winning Author published in multiple fiction genres. She also writes urban fantasy and paranormal romance under the name, Maggie Mae Gallagher. A total geek at her core, when she is not writing, she adores attending the latest comic con or spending time with her family. She currently lives in the midwest with her two furry felines.

Visit her website here:


Amazon Author Page:


Visit her on social media here:

FB Link   http://www.facebook.com/AnyaSummersAuthor

Twitter: @AnyaBSummers

Rafflecopter Giveaway – 6/9-6/21

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A Visit with Janet Finsilver

murder at the mansionUSA TODAY_ebook What genre do you write in and why?

I write a cozy mystery series. In this genre there is no graphic violence, there is a small town setting, and there are interesting characters. I enjoy writing this type of book because you know that your favorite people are not going to get killed, and you’re not suddenly going to stumble into a horrific scene that you wish you hadn’t read. You can sit back, enjoy it, and go visit everyone again in the next book.

Tell us about your current series.

Kelly Jackson, executive administrator for Resorts International, flies to Redwood Cove, California, after the manager of a bed and breakfast has a fatal fall off of a seaside cliff. It’s a straightforward assignment until a group of crime-solving senior citizens, the Silver Sentinels, cry murder. Kelly and the Sentinels work together to find out the truth about what happened. This is the basis for Murder at Redwood Cove. In the second book, Murder at the Mansion, a guest is found stabbed and one of the Sentinels, Gertie Plumber, is attacked. Kelly and the Silver Sentinels must solve the crimes before another life is lost.

Where do you get the ideas for your stories?

I’m constantly on the lookout for interesting articles in newspapers and magazines. That’s what lead me to put dogs with special abilities into all of my books. I read about a clinic training dogs to detect cancer. That resulted in Fred, a cancer-sniffing basset hound, in Murder at Redwood Cove. Jack and Jill, two rescued beagles trained to sniff out bedbugs and termites, appear in Murder at the Mansion. Princess, a feisty, bow-legged Chihuahua and retired hearing assistance dog wearing a jeweled collar, will debut in book three.

Do you have critique partners?

Yes, I do. I meet on a regular basis with a wonderful group of writers. I feel extremely lucky to have them in my life. They are Colleen Casey, Staci McLaughlin, Ann Parker, Carole Price, and Penny Warner. We share lots of laughs, suggestions, and ideas.

Do you have a view in your writing space?

Yes. I’m very fortunate to have a small wooded valley behind the house. It’s filled with different types of oak trees. I find their beauty calming and inspiring. I work in a loft that has one window filled with the view of a heritage oak. The room has the feeling of a tree house.

What is your favorite dessert?

Anything chocolate. Food with names like chocolate decadence, peanut butter and chocolate swirl ice cream, and double fudge brownies always get my attention.

What are you currently working on?

I’m working on the third book in the series. It is tentatively titled Murder at the Fortune Teller’s Table. Despina Manyotis, better known as “Auntie,” predicts the future by reading patterns in Turkish coffee grounds. Murder occurs and one of the members of the Silver Sentinels is attacked. My protagonist works with them to solve the crimes.

Please tell my readers a little bit about the book that is being released on June 7th.MurderattheMansionTour copy

Kelly Jackson is assigned the task of inventorying a historic collection of objects from the 1800s housed at nearby Redwood Heights while the inn she manages, Redwood Cove Bed and Breakfast, is being renovated. She’s also asked to learn what she can about the disappearance of some jewelry from visitors’ rooms.

Shortly after she arrives, Kelly finds a murdered guest in one of the rooms. Then Gertrude “Gertie” Plumber, a member of the Silver Sentinels, is attacked. The police question Gertie’s son, Stevie, who is working at the mansion with his bed bug and termite-sniffing team of beagles, Jack and Jill, about the jewelry thefts as well as the murder. Kelly and the Sentinels work to find who is responsible.


Blurb:  “Murder at the Mansion”

Kelly Jackson returns to California to manage Redwood Cove Bed and Breakfast. While the inn is being renovated, she is assigned the task of inventorying a historic collection of objects from the 1800s housed at nearby Redwood Heights and to assist at the mansion during the Whale Frolic Festival. She’s also asked to learn what she can about the disappearance of some jewelry from visitors’ rooms.

Shortly after she arrives, Kelly finds a guest stabbed in one of the rooms, the door and windows locked from the inside. Then Gertrude “Gertie” Plumber, a member of the Silver Sentinels, a crime-solving group of senior citizens, is attacked. The police question Gertie’s son, Stevie, who is working at the mansion with his bed-bug and termite-sniffing team of beagles, Jack and Jill, about the jewelry thefts as well as the murder. Kelly and the Silver Sentinels must work together to solve the crimes before another life is lost and Stevie is put in prison.

Janet FinsilverBio:  Janet Finsilver

Janet Finsilver is the USA TODAY best-selling author of the Kelly Jackson mystery series. She worked in education for many years as a teacher, a program administrator, and a workshop presenter. Janet majored in English and earned a Master’s Degree in Education. She loves animals and has two dogs—Kylie and Ellie. Janet has ridden western style since she was a child and was a member of the National Ski Patrol. One of the highlights of her life was touching whales in the San Ignacio Lagoon. Murder at Redwood Cove, her debut mystery, was released on October 13, 2015. Her second book, Murder at the Mansion, is scheduled to be available on June 7, 2016.

Purchase links:  Kelly Jackson Murder Mystery Series

Murder at the Mansion Book #2:

Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/Murder-Mansion-Kelly-Jackson-Mystery-ebook/dp/B015MA6EDO/ref=sr_1_2?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1464208451&sr=1-2

Barnes & Noble Nook:  http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/murder-at-the-mansion-janet-finsilver/1122677019?ean=9781616509323

Google Play:  https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Janet_Finsilver_Murder_at_the_Mansion?id=mZuTCgAAQBAJ
Kobo:  https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/murder-at-the-mansion
Apple iTunes:  https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/murder-at-the-mansion/id1086439513?mt=11
Kensington Publishing:  http://www.ekensingtonbooks.com/book.aspx/33037
Murder at Redwood Cove Book #1:

Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/Murder-Redwood-Kelly-Jackson-Mystery-ebook/dp/B00TNBLYD4/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1464208748&sr=1-1

Nook:  http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/murder-at-redwood-cove-janet-finsilver/1121228436?ean=9781616509309

Google Play:  https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Janet_Finsilver_Murder_at_Redwood_Cove?id=_FmwBgAAQBAJ

Kobo:  https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/murder-at-redwood-cove

Apple iTunes:  https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/murder-at-redwood-cove/id979049768?mt=11

Kensington Publishing:  http://www.ekensingtonbooks.com/book.aspx/31776

Social Media links:

Website: http://janetfinsilver.com/

Blog: http://janetfinsilver.com/?p=131

Facebook Author Fan Page:  https://www.facebook.com/janetfinsilverauthor/?fref=ts

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/JanetFinsilver
Pinterest:  https://www.pinterest.com/janetfinsilver/
Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/JanetFinsilver


Rafflecopter Giveaway – ebook copy of Murder at the Mansion

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A Visit with Anne Roebuck

Dear Departed_4x6 Please tell my readers a little bit about your book. 

The Dear Departed is a magical murder mystery set in 1890s San Francisco.  A respectable young widow helps a stage magician catch a psychic killer who is preying on grieving widows.  But in order to do that, she must explore hidden realms where she is never sure what is real and what is only illusion?  And the stage magician who serves as her guide through that hidden realm is a man with strange, arcane knowledge and a disreputable past.  Is he her protector or her ruin?  Will she discover an awesome reality behind all the illusions or will she just end up on the Primrose Path to Perdition?


What genre(s) do you write in and why?

I suppose you could call what I write ‘paranormal’ but that term is a little difficult to define these days.  I write stories about magic — historically documented magic — that happens in the ordinary world and turns people’s lives upside down.  This is often more challenging than writing about magic that happens in a separate fantasy realm because you step on a lot of people’s cultural biases even if they don’t realize it.

Historically, such magic has been labeled as ‘occult’ and has been shunned and persecuted for centuries as evil and demonic.  In our modern era, this kind of magic is officially considered to be unscientific and therefore not real.  It is still persecuted, but as a fraud and a con game, or at worst, a symptom of mental illness. But these kinds of conflicts are what makes magic so much fun to write about.


Describe the genre of this particular title, and is it the only genre you write in? 

The Dear Departed is my first foray into the Paranormal Romance genre, but I also write YA historical fantasy.  My first published book was about a young wannabe magician in 15th France who is rescued from the Inquisition by the abbot of a monastery full of renegade wizards, alchemists, astrologers and mystics.  It was marketed as a ‘fantasy’ but it was actually historically accurate, so the bookstores didn’t quite know what to do with it.


Was your road to publication fraught with peril or a walk in the park?

It took me thirty years (yes, that’s three decades) to publish my first book from the time it was first written.  It went through at least a dozen rewrites, revisions and rejections before it was finally published.  The Dear Departed also went through twenty years of revisions and rejections before it saw print.  Sometimes a book gets rejected not because it isn’t good but because the time isn’t right for it.  Years later, maybe the stars align in the right way and it gets snapped up.  I guess I just had to wait for the world to catch up with me.


Do you have any words of inspiration for aspiring authors?

Just keep writing.  If a book is repeatedly rejected, put it away and write another.  I’ve noticed that if a book is rejected several times and you put it away for a few years, it quietly transforms into something wonderful.  If you bring it out a couple of decades later and revise it (sometimes extensively), it will often get snapped up by an eager editor who wasn’t even alive when the book was first written.  This happens with agents, too.  The young up-and-coming agent that turned down my YA fantasy in 1982 ended up selling it for me in 2007.  So, as Winston Churchill said, never give up.  Never.  Never.  Never.  Never.


The widows of Victorian era San Francisco are dying of decidedly unnatural causes.  To expose the culprit, Virginia Paley must partner with the darkly mysterious Jonathan Bradshaw and enter a world of occult rituals, unexplainable phenomena—and magical love.


Young widow Virginia Paley has no interest in attending the séances at The Society for Eternal Love, but the women of the society are dying mysteriously in their sleep, leaving their fortunes to Professor Arthur Chadwick, its charismatic medium. As her aunt might very well become the next victim, Virginia will do whatever she must to ensure that doesn’t happen. She will even join forces with the darkly mysterious Jonathan Bradshaw – a man who isn’t what he claims to be.

From the moment he spies her, Jonathan is smitten. But romance is impossible. Mrs. Paley is a respectable woman, and he himself is outside of society, an orphan, an ex-thief and a true wizard, able to hypnotize with a word and even separate his spirit from his body. No, he must instead remain focused on his goal, avenging his mentor’s death and preventing more murders. But, facing a foe with power over demonic forces and Virginia’s very life in the balance, love might indeed be the only salvation.


The gaslight on the wall burned low, leaving only the spectral glow of the astral lamps to illuminate the séance room. Virginia Paley felt her stomach knotting up in both fear and anticipation as the wind rattled the shutters, sounding just like someone—or something—was trying to get in. In the center of the circular oak table, a single red lamp glowed like an all-seeing eye.

Virginia shuddered. Why, oh why, had she allowed her aunt to talk her into this madness?

Six other people sat with her around the table‑—all women save for one lone man who occupied the chair on her left. She studied him for a moment out of the corner of her eye. Just her luck that the only man attending this absurd spectacle was not only handsome but was seated so close to her that she could hear him breathe. As though he sensed her watching him, he suddenly turned to her with a mysterious smile curling his full mouth.

His eyes met hers and Virginia caught her breath. A prickle of apprehension and excitement shot through her insides. The darkness shrouded his face, but his eyes reflected the ruby light within their azure depths, making him appear otherworldly—and disturbingly familiar. He looked like he had stepped out of a dream—her dream.

Was she gazing into the eyes of her secret fantasy lover?

No. She forced herself to turn away. Stop this right now. This was insane. The lover who haunted her midnight fantasies was not a real man. He was only a phantasm that appeared out of nowhere to invade the dreams of a lonely widow. Nothing more.

This man sitting next to her at the séance table was not her fantasy lover, she told herself firmly. She didn’t even know him. Her reaction to him was just one more ridiculous aspect of this silly séance. She abruptly released her hold on the man’s hand, grateful that the darkness prevented him from seeing the flush that burned her cheeks.

She simply mustn’t allow herself to be sucked into the insanity of this place.

Frowning in annoyance, she turned to her aunt sitting on her right. “Really, Aunt Marian.” She kept her voice low. “This whole business is getting absurd. Come. Let’s go home.”

“And miss a message from my beloved Henry?” Behind her pince nez, Marian’s blue eyes widened in alarm. She clutched the lace collar of her high-necked black gown with her gloved hand. “I wouldn’t dream of doing that.”

“Mrs. Salonius got a message from her late husband, too,” Virginia persisted. “And look what happened to her.”

“Now, now, dear.” Marian smiled and gave Virginia’s hand an affectionate pat. “It was just Rachel’s time to depart this life, that’s all. And isn’t it wonderful that she had her adored Hiram waiting for her in the Summerland of Spirit?”

Virginia shuddered at her aunt’s blissful expression. This wasn’t like Aunt Marian at all. And where on earth did the disturbingly vacant look in her eyes come from? Despite her aunt’s beatific smile, Virginia felt in the pit of her stomach that something was very, very wrong.


From her first poem at age 10 and her first short story at age 12, Anne can’t help writing about her two favorite things – magic and love.  An unrepentant nerd, Anne started out in biomedical research but ended up writing software manuals instead.  She spent many years as a member of science fiction and historical reenactment groups and has been at various times a Renaissance scholar, a druidess, a pirate wench, a saloon floozy, a belly dancer and a chain-mail-wearing warrior maiden.

Still, her first love is writing stories.  It doesn’t matter whether the story is set in the middle ages, Victorian times, the present day or far in the future.  If it has both love and magic in it, Anne will write about it.  Anne also writes young adult historical fantasy under the name of Ann Finnin.

A native of Southern California, Anne lives in the hills above Los Angeles with her husband Dave, and a dog of Indeterminate Breed named Rufus.









A Visit with Lisa Olech

Within A Captains TreasureAlways a pleasure to be with you, Cynthia. I’m so excited to be releasing more of my wonderful pirates, WITHIN A CAPTAIN’S TREASURE.

  1. Tell us about your current series.

Within A Captain’s Treasure is the second book in my Captain’s of the Scarlet Night series. This five-book series follows the pirate sloop named the Scarlet Night. It spans two generations and follows many historical events including featuring women as some of the fiercest pirates to sail the seas.

  1. What inspired your latest book?Pirate Flag-CW Blog pic 1

Within A Captain’s Treasure was truly inspired by the first book, Within A Captain’s Hold. I just knew when I wrote the last chapter of book one, the story needed to continue.

  1. What is your next project and when will it be released?

The third book in the Captain of the Scarlet Night series, Within A Captain’s Fate is due to release October 10, 2016 and continues to follow the fates of the captain and crew of the Night.

  1. How likely are people you meet to end up in your next book?

*laughing* That depends—usually. I will use a name of someone more than an actual characteristic of someone I know. But writing pirates and the hard lives they live has made it necessary to kill off some characters—so, I’d be nice to me if I were you!

  1. What is the most difficult for you to write?

You would think it would be killing off characters, but no…  Can I be honest here? Truly, the most difficult scenes for me to write are the love scenes. I don’t shy aways from then as I believe physical attraction is essential to any love story. And I believe I owe it to my readers to build that sexual tension leading up to those scenes. I also believe if you’ve waited 100+ pages for the characters first encounter, it better be good! The challenge for me when writing such scenes—and doing Writing Space Summer-CW blog pic 2them well—is the under-abundance of original words for me. I simply need more words!

  1. What does your writing space look like?

I have two dedicated writing spaces. One for summer–


Winter Writing Space-CW Blog pic 3and one for winter —


I live in an old Victorian house and my “summer” space is very cold and drafty when the winter winds begin to blow. I call my winter home “the cave.” You can see why! I think I may be part bear. I tend to hibernate until spring!

  1. What are you currently working on?

I’m in the cave and happily back aboard the Scarlet Night!

  1. What do you have planned for the future?

Well, as I said, this pirate series is five books. I’m also working on a contemporary series based on an art school and its crazy cast of artists. After that? Who knows. My must isn’t talking about that yet.

Thanks again, Cynthia for letting me stop by! If any of your readers have any other questions, I’d love to answer them!


This pirate’s latest prize may be love. . .

With a single pistol shot and the swing of a cutlass, Alice Tupper saves her mistress’s life. But no lady’s maid in polite society has ever killed a duke–at least, not on purpose. So Alice sets sail for America and her new destiny–only to find herself battling pirates on the high seas. Aboard her rescue ship, The Scarlet Night, she is hailed a hero and earns her WithinACaptainsTreasureTour copyplace among the crew. . .as well as the ire of Captain Gavin Quinn.

Gavin chose this pirate’s life, but he knows it’s no place for a woman, especially one as exasperating–and beautiful–as Alice. Despite his desire for her, Gavin is determined to do the right thing and deliver her to the new world. But Alice’s deepest wish is a life by Gavin’s side. Will his heart overrule his sense, and will he risk everything to pursue his greatest treasure of all?




Author Photo 2Lisa is an artist/writer living in her dream house nestled among the lakes in New England. She loves getting lost in a steamy book, finding the perfect pair of sexy shoes, and hearing the laughter of her men. Being an estrogen island in a sea of testosterone makes her queen. She believes in ghosts, silver linings, the power of a man in a tuxedo, and happy endings.

Author’s photo courtesy of Jenny Sinclair Photography.



Kensington:  http://www.kensingtonbooks.com/author.aspx/31711

Facebook:  www.facebook.com/Lisa.A.Olech.Writer

Twitter:  www.twitter.com/LisaOlech

Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/author/show/7478599.Lisa_A_Olech

Rafflecopter Giveaway-  Ebook copy of WITHIN A CAPTAIN’S TREASURE

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A Visit with Anya Summers

Thanks for having me on your blog today, Cynthia! I’m super excited to be here today.

ToMasterAndDefend_bigWhat inspired your latest book?

The hero in TO MASTER & DEFEND is very loosely based on my love affair with men in uniform. I love a man in uniform whether it’s military, law enforcement, or fire fighters. There’s just something about a man who is a throwback to other generations, who understand the meaning of honor and loyalty that I find supremely sexy.
What is your favorite dessert/food?

Wine, chocolate, cheese, and coffee are my favorite food groups. Without those, the world would be a sad place indeed.
How likely are people you meet to end up in your next book?

I don’t write about people I know. There may be a character trait that I find appealing from an individual I meet that my hero or heroine will end up with but my characters talk to me and tell me who they are, not the other way around. I’m always people watching when I’m out.
Tell us about your hero.  Give us one of his strengths and one of his weaknesses.

Tobias Ford is this big huge Dom with a true heart of gold. I’m totally in love with this hero of mine. Anytime I think of him, I sigh. Even his PTSD, which is his one weakness, makes me want to cuddle him that much more.
Tell us about your heroine.  Give us one of her strengths and one of her weaknesses.

Ophelia Mills is a book nerd working on her Master’s degree and totally oblivious to modern men. She’s in love with all her eighteenth century book boyfriends. Her weakness is that she runs from her emotions, preferring to put them under lock and key.
What genres are you drawn to as a reader?

I read everything from Contemporary Romance to Erotic to Paranormal to Historical, Scifi, Horror. You name it I probably read it.

What are you currently working on?

I am currently working on the fourth book in the Dungeon Fantasy Club Series, His Driven Domme which should be out in July. I’m also working on a project for my agent under my Maggie Mae Gallagher name.

What do you have planned for the future?

2016 is action packed for me There are eight books in the Dungeon Fantasy Series that are all releasing this year. Plus, under Maggie Mae Gallagher, I have the next books in my paranormal romance series, and urban fantasy series coming later this year.

To Master & Defend Excerpt

Ophelia woke a short time later when she heard a male snore in her ear. Her eyes popped open and the entire night’s events came rushing back. Arms the size of small tree trunks were wrapped around her body. Her limbs were satiated, her backside snug against his front and she looked down. His member lay against her sex, its size impressive even in its softened state. The spooning action had given him direct access to her body like an ‘all you can eat’ buffet as he slept and his hands held her breasts cupped within his palms.ToMaster&DefendTour copy

A blush spread and bloomed over her cheeks, she could feel the heat of it scorch her face. What had she done? She’d done exactly what she’d wanted to do. Her mission operative for coming to the club tonight had been to have sex. And she’d done precisely that, she’d had stupendous, out of this world, sex. She could feel all the muscles she didn’t normally use were sore and stiff. Her inner thighs felt chafed. Her nipples were raw from his attention. And she felt better than she had in an age. What a night!

With extreme caution she slowly extricated herself, praying that she didn’t wake him up. As much as she had enjoyed being with him, it had been a fantasy come to life and she feared the waking reality. If he woke, it would break the spell of the night, and could end up ruining one of the best nights she had ever had.

She slid successfully from his grasp after some careful maneuvering. The hardest part was moving his beefy arms. Once freed from their embrace, she slipped off the couch onto the floor. Then she tiptoed around collecting her bra and purse, avoiding the bag of peas still melting on the floor as she clutched her heels. She would wait until she was out of his loft before slipping them on her feet. She didn’t want to risk them clicking against the wood floors and waking him.

Dang it!

She couldn’t locate her panties anywhere. She eyed the couch, wondering if they were hiding under his fabulous, rock-hard body. Even in sleep he had the body of a demi-god turned gladiator. She just needed to be covered enough for a cab ride home. If she went and searched the couch, she would surely wake him and break the night’s spell. Worried that he could awaken at any moment, she decided to go commando. Really, other than during the walk out to the cab, no one would see her anyway. She stretched the material of her dress over her rear and naughty bits as much as she could. It would have to do until she arrived home.

In a weak moment, she spied his black shirt in a puddle on the floor and stuffed it inside her purse as a memento for the night. One that would go in the annals of her record books as the best sex of her life.

With a single backward glance at his gorgeous, sleeping form, splayed out on the couch, she blew him a kiss he would never see, and left his loft. She took the same route he had used to bring her up here, exiting into the club, which was still going strong even at this late hour.

Ophelia departed Dungeon Pleasures, sliding into a waiting cab, heading back to her real life in Burbank. It wasn’t until the cab lurched away from the curb that she realized she didn’t even know his name.

TO MASTER & DEFEND (The Dungeon Fantasy Club Series, Book 2)

Ophelia Mills is coerced by her friends into having a fashionable night out, where she discovers the newest night life destination is actually an exotic BDSM Club named Dungeon Pleasures. She’s always been curious about the lifestyle, but her reserved nature has so far held her back from exploring her desires. When an over enthusiastic club goer goes overboard with his intentions and attempts to force her into submission, the club’s owner comes to her rescue, defending her honor. After a scorching one night stand with her knight in shining armor, Ophelia discovers that the fantasy was one for the record books.

Tobias Ford likes his life just fine. At the helm of two successful businesses, he’s a Dom with a checkered past and isn’t looking for anything permanent. He’s perfectly content to enjoy the submissive offerings at Dungeon Pleasures, as well as his membership in the exclusive Dungeon Fantasy Club. Then Ophelia Mills stumbles in, needing his protection, and bringing forth every dominant urge he possesses. After a torrid night he cannot forget, he devises a campaign, laying siege to her heart even as he spanks her bare bottom for disobedience. With every one of her pleasured cries, Tobias falls further under Ophelia’s spell as she surrenders to his mastering.

As he indulges her newfound carnal appetite, Ophelia will have to face old hurts, and decide whether or not she can trust him with the most precious of gifts…


Anya Summers

Born in St. Louis, Missouri, Anya grew up listening to Cardinals baseball and reading anything she could get her hands on. She remembers her mother saying if only she would read the right type of books instead binging her way through the romance aisles at the bookstore, she’d have been a doctor. While Anya never did get that doctorate, she graduated cum laude from the University of Missouri-St. Louis with a M.A. in History.

Anya is a #1 Amazon Bestselling and Award-Winning Author published in multiple fiction genres. She also writes urban fantasy and paranormal romance under the name, Maggie Mae Gallagher. A total geek at her core, when she is not writing, she adores attending the latest comic con or spending time with her family. She currently lives in the midwest with her two furry felines.

Visit her website here:


Amazon Author Page:


Visit her on social media here:


Twitter: @AnyaBSummers

Don’t miss these exciting titles by Anya Summers and Blushing Books!


Dungeon Fantasy Club Series

Her Highland Master, Book 1, April 15, 2016

To Master & Defend, Book 2, May 15, 2016

Two Doms for Kara, Book 3, June 12, 2016

His Driven Domme, Book 4, July 2016

Her Country Master, Book 5, August 2016

Love Me, Master Me, Book 6, September 2016

Submit To Me, Book 7, October 2016

Her Wired Dom, Book 8, November 2016


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