An Interview with Brenda Maxfield

Please help me welcome Brenda Maxfield to my blog today. She has a wonderful interview to entertain us.

BuriedTruthCoverArt_2If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be, and why?

There are so many places I’d love to live. This week, I think I’d choose Rome. Rome amazes me! The energy is contagious. (Although, in the cold weather, I might opt for the Dominican Republic!)

Are you a full time writer or do you have a “day job”?

I teach high school English right now. Since I write YA, it works out quite nicely! 😀 My students give me lots of fodder for stories.

Tell us about your current series/WIP.

My current series is Ocean Mist which takes place on the Washington Coast. It highlights contemporary teen drama: romance, jealousy, revenge, illness, overcoming. You name it! (And I’d love to hear your ideas!)

What is your favorite part of writing?

I love creating characters and getting to know them. They surprise me sometimes. In Player, which is an Ocean Mist short story, one of my main characters turned out to be a total creep. I didn’t see it coming!

What is your least favorite part of writing?

Trying to fit it all in. I’m petitioning that days be lengthened to 28 hours!

How does your family feel about your writing career?

I’m totally blessed in that they support me and cheer me on. Especially my hubby! Sometimes, I’m holed up for hours in the evenings on my computer, and he flows. Or he comes and joins me with some quiet work of his own.

What advice do you have for other authors wanting to self-publish?

Go for it! And there’s a WEALTH of information online to help you. Plus, there are many authors willing to give advice and support. I can’t even count how many times I’ve yelled, “Help!” and wonderful people have come to my aid. I try to return the favor whenever I can. 😀

What did you do to promote your work?

Facebook, twitter, yahoo groups! I’ve started a street team and would love to welcome new members! ( I love to be a guest on blogs. I’m always trying something new and eagerly soak up advice from others.

Do you have critique partners?

I do! I have some marvelous critique partners through my local RWA group. I also belong to an online critique group. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done for my writing. I learn SO much from these wonderful people.

Are you a plotter or a pantser?

I’m a plantser! I do some plotting, but I always add and tweak as I go. I don’t have all the details perfectly hammered out from the get-go. As I mentioned, my characters often sabotage my plans and enforce their own. It can be quite an adventure.

Where can readers find you?

I truly love to interact with my readers. If they go to, they’ll see lots of ways to find me. My books are also on all the main vendor sites. If anyone would like to write me directly, my email is: Thank you so much!

MaxfieldPhoto_2Author Bio:

My passion is writing! What could be more delicious than inventing new characters and seeing where they take you?

I’m a teacher so I spend most of my waking hours with young people. I love chatting with them and hearing their views on love and life. My students are magical, and I am honored to be part of their lives.

I’ve lived in Honduras, Grand Cayman, and Costa Rica. Presently, I live in Indiana with my husband, Paul. We have two grown children and a precious grandbaby, special delivery from Africa.

When not teaching, I love to hole up in our lake cabin and write — often with a batch of popcorn nearby. (Oh, and did I mention dark chocolate?)

I enjoy getting to know my readers, so feel free to write me at: . Visit me to learn about all my books and some smart and sassy, clean teen reads: Happy Reading!

Contact Links:
Goodreads Author Page:

Buy Links:
Player: Amazon: ;
Buried Truth: Amazon: ;
Smashwords for Buried Truth: ;
Ocean Mist Books:

Excerpt from Buried Truth:
Longacre High’s annual junior class beach bonfire had once again lived up to everyone’s low expectations. I stepped back from the blistering heat and watched the crackling sparks fly upward like disappearing flashes in the night sky. Beside me, Brianna jabbed a gooey marshmallow stick near my face.

I jumped and knocked into Courtney Phillip’s elbow. “Sorry, Court.” I turned to Brianna. “Watch out.”

Being Bri’s friend was like serving combat duty. Duck, hide, defend yourself. You needed to do it all.

“Ooo, sorry you guys. Mags, did I poke you?” She plunged the marshmallow stick into the sandy dirt at my feet.

“No, I’m fine.” Through the shadows, the stick vibrated back and forth like it was alive. “No one will want to use that anymore. Dirty s’mores aren’t exactly appetizing.”

Her dark eyes widened, and she pulled the stick from the ground. I grabbed it before she flailed it in somebody else’s face. “I’ll take it. No worries.”

I needed an excuse to walk over to the picnic tables anyway — Andrew was over there. Nobody surfed on this stretch of the Pacific Ocean, but Andrew still had the body of a surfer and a smile that made my legs turn to gummy worms. I held the stick point down and drifted over.

Andrew looked up, and his eyes roamed over me. At his half-smile, my knees went weak and my breath quickened. I tossed the stick on top of a wobbly stack of campfire supplies. To prolong my stay, I fussed with some graham crackers and chocolate.

“Not much of a s’more without the marshmallows.”

Andrew’s deep voice rolled easily above the joking and laughing around the fire. I opened my mouth, hoping for a smooth reply, but my voice stuck to the sides of my throat. I slapped some broken squares of chocolate onto the crackers and kept my eyes down.

“Are you getting s’mores ready for the entire junior class?”

One sentence and a question. Even though our school wasn’t huge, Andrew and I had never really talked, never really became friends. The most I’d ever gotten from him was a hey or a what’s happening — not that I kept score.

I raised my gaze to his and even in the flickering shadows I saw the mischievous glimmer in his eyes. I stifled a strange impulse to reach up and touch the rugged stubble on his face, but thank God, I kept my hands on the chocolate and crackers.

An Interview with Lane McFarland

Please help me welcome Lane McFarland to my blog today. As a special thank you, Lane is offering a copy of each of her books to two lucky commenters (one book each).

Thank you for having me as your guest, Cindy! I am thrilled to join you today.

Cameron_2Tell us about yourself. Have you had other careers before becoming a writer? Are you a full time writer or do you have a “day job”?

My background is actually in accounting and computer systems. I worked as a financial systems analyst for a large corporation for many years, but left that life to sell financial software. During the day, I travel around the country giving presentations, but at night in the hotel room, or on the airplane, you’ll often find me writing. What a wonderful stress reliever to escape into worlds of intrigue with timeless love and happily-ever-after endings.

What genre(s) do you write in and why?

My passion is historical romance. Throwing my imagination into years gone by, researching dark periods of strife and violence, justice and quests for freedom, and dreaming of what it might have been like to live and survive during these hostile periods have been the most fascinating aspects of writing historical romance.

My Daughters of Alastair MacDougall series begins in May 1297, a time of unrest between Scotland and England. It has been such fun to research this period and imagine living amongst the clans.

Tell us about your current series.

The Daughters of Alastair MacDougall historical romance series is set in the late thirteenth century Scotland. Each book tells a story of one of Laird MacDougall’s four daughters coming of age in a country fraught with war and feuds amongst rival clans. The Graham and the MacDougall clans were no exception as their disagreements fueled a life-long fight between them.

As compensation for his indiscretions, Laird Alastair MacDougall promised his wife he would grant his daughters the rare privilege to live their lives as they desired.

Devoting her life to the healing arts, Cameron rebels against her father’s feuding ways. Laird Robert Graham, determined to band Scots together against English tyranny, seals a truce with her father. But after Laird MacDougall breaks that truce in a treacherous attack on Robert’s young brother, Robert kidnaps Cameron in an act of revenge. She expects the anger she feels, but not the simmering attraction to the powerful warrior, or the love she develops for his clan.

The second book tells Heather’s story. On her mother’s death bed, Heather promised she would help her senile father manage the clan. In her quest to keep her clan intact and hold off those who plot to overtake her father’s land, she secretly leads warriors on missions for the rebellion. She fights to keep her secrets safe, while resisting the lure of Laird Alec Campbell, the handsome young laird who challenges her defenses.

Bent on overcoming the belief he’s failed his aging father, Alec concentrates on proving his worth to his people. He provides for them and leads men into battle, vowing never again to disappoint his clan or lose his heart.

Give us an excerpt of your books.


In this scene, Robert has just kidnapped Cameron, and they have arrived at Graham Caste.

Robert swung off his horse. He reached up, plucked Cameron off the saddle, and set her before him. Her weak legs wobbled, but he grabbed her wrist and dragged her up the stone staircase.

She had to run to keep up with his long strides. Her toe caught the step, and she pitched forward slamming her knee onto the hard rock. Pain shot up her leg, and she grimaced.
Robert grabbed her upper arm and steadied her as she rubbed her shin.

He tugged on her arm. “M’lady?”

His eyes softened a mere second before he reached behind her knees and lifted her. She grasped his thick neck as he carried her up the remaining stairs and into the castle.

Servants stopped their duties and gaped as he stormed across the massive great room. Cameron’s chest heaved with fear. What would he do to her? Everything had happened so fast. Was this his plan all along? For Da to let his guard down under false pretenses of a truce so Robert could kidnap her? Did he intend to hold her for ransom? Was that his payment?

Robert marched down a long dark corridor into a room at the end of the hall. He let her legs drop, but held her against his chest. Her toes touched the floor, and he eased away, his gaze holding hers. “Ye will remain here until I send for ye.”

He turned abruptly, stormed from the room, and slammed the door. A bolt scraped against its brackets.

The room fell silent. Cameron shivered and wrapped her arms around herself. She peered around the sparsely furnished chamber. A small bed hugged the wall. A table with a pitcher and basin was next to it. She sat on a bench positioned in front of a cold fireplace. Her shoulders slumped, and she trembled.

No one at home knew where she was.

Heather (1)_2Heather

In this scene, Alec is helping Heather with an All Hallow’s Eve festival.

Alec sat on a table, his feet resting on a bench with his forearms braced on his thighs. Heather laughed and hugged a lass to her side. How he missed hearing the sound of her voice, smelling the faint scent of lavender drifting from her blonde hair. How he missed the feel of her soft skin and looking into the depths of her blue eyes. She was a soothing balm to his tortured soul. She made him forget—the war, the atrocities inflicted upon his brother Scots, and aye, the bloodshed by his blade—just for a moment.

Heather hiked her brown woolen skirt and hurried to him. She placed her hands on his. “Will ye help with the tug of war?” Her eyes sparkled. “It’s a tradition between the lads and lassies.”

He wanted to wrap his arms around her, nuzzle her neck and bury his face in her thick tresses. “Aye, I’ll help.”

“To make it a fair fight, ye will lead the girls, and I’ll lead the boys.”

He squeezed her hands and winked. “Sounds like a challenge. Care to place a wee wager on yer team?”

Her eyes narrowed, and she tilted her head to the side. “Just what kind of a wager did ye have in mind?”

He stroked her wrist in small circles. “If ye win, I’ll honor yer wish.”

Her gaze locked onto his. “If I win, ye’ll honor mine,” he added, the sound of his voice came out husky and seductive.

What is your next project and when will it be released?

I just released the first two books of my series, Cameron and Heather, and plan to release Lindsey’s story next summer, with Elsbeth’s book to soon follow.

What is your favorite part of writing?

I love to research the history, the way of life and immerse my imagination in what it would have been like to have lived then, the struggles and survival.

What was the deciding factor in self-publishing your book(s)?

My day job was the biggest deciding factor. I am constantly jumping through hoops to meet deadlines, and I just can’t take one more in my life right now. I knew it wouldn’t be fair to an agent or me if I went the traditional publishing route.

How has your experience with self-publishing been? Did you decide on ebook or print only or both?

So far, my experience with self-publishing has been good. There was a lot that went into the process and writing the stories was just the start. I submitted my chapters to a couple of critique groups and went through many edits. As I was writing, I decided to have my covers designed. That really gave me a spark. I could actually see my characters! Once I finished pouring through all of the critiques, I sent my books to an editor for a thorough review. Of course, she found a number of things I had to revise. Finally, I had several wonderful beta readers that read it and gave their feedback. Once I had completed my final edits, I was ready to publish. My books are available in print on Amazon as well as in ebook format. I also have them at Bookstorewithoutborders and Smashwords.

Do you or have you belonged to a writing organization? Which one? Have they helped you with your writing? How?

I belong to Hearts Through History Romance Writers, Celtic Hearts Romance Writers, and Romance Writers of America. I’m a member of the critique groups in HHRW and CHRW. They have helped me tremendously! I wouldn’t be writing if it wasn’t for their wonderful support and encouragement.

Where can readers find you?
Here are my Author Links:
Twitter: @LaneMcFarland

Where can readers find your books? Print/Ebook?
To Learn More About Cameron and Heather:




An Interview with Patricia Ann Preston

Welcome to my blog Patricia. I hope you have a good time today.

YardSale_1a_2Tell us about yourself

You might not want to know. But here goes. I love chocolate. I get ill if I don’t have chocolate. I never miss The Walking Dead. Team Daryl Rules! I’ve always been interested in history. I’m an old soul. Love taking pictures and doing anything creative. Especially writing.

Was your road to publication a delightful stroll in the park or a tiring jog over hot coals?

Let me change the word, tiring, to painful and I’ll go with that. Or maybe that should be infuriating jog…or even laborious jog…how about nerve-wracking…I could go on all day.

Where is your favorite place to write?

In my writing cave. It is the only place where I am surrounded by all my stuff. Research books, music, plot boards, corkboard with notes pinned all over it. And, a magnolia coaster for my glass of iced tea.

Do you have a day job?

Unfortunately. The most boring place on earth. But I hope to get out of there soon or find a straightjacket on sale.

What is your favorite part of writing?

Getting lost in the story world with the characters.

What music are you listening to lately?

I listen to a lot of soundtracks. It depends on the story I’m writing. It is mostly always instrumental.

If you could switch places with one of your characters, would you?

Yeah. I’d switch places with the heroine in the book I just finished. Why? Because Elise is living in the French Quarters and she has a rugged army captain infatuated with her. Of course, living in 1814 would have its drawbacks like no shampoo, no deodorant, no penicillin.

How has your experience with self-publishing been?

Wonderful! The first story I published was The Yard Sale. I had no expectations. I just wanted to see what it would be like. It turned out to provide me with one of my best writing moments ever. The first day of its release, it made the top ten in comedy and for a while, it was in the number 1 spot on Amazon’s Best Seller list in Comedy. I almost passed out!

What was the deciding factor in self-publishing your work?

I was beyond needing validation as a writer. I had already sold work and seen it print. So, I looked at it as a way to write the stories I want to write and make them available to readers. There was no publisher out there for The Yard Sale. No where to submit it. I think that is what is so great about the e-market. Stories that would have never seen the light of day have a chance to reach readers.

What advice do you have for new writers?

Work at the craft. Never stop learning or trying new things. Write what you love. This is a new era. It is the best time ever to be a writer.

What’s next?

I am in the process of having a historical romance edited and the cover designed. I hope to have it up on Amazon in January. It is one of those books with no market. It is not set in England, but rather the city of my heart, New Orleans and the title is To Save A Lady. It is Book One of the Ladies of Louisiana series.

Where can readers find you?

I have a webpage that has links to my blog and social media accounts. Go to I’d love to have you follow me on Twitter: and stop by my Facebook page


Patricia Preston is a Southern author who writes historical and contemporary romance as well as humorous Southern fiction. Her publishers include New Love Stories, True Romance, Affaire de Coeur, Cloverdale Press, The Blue and Gray Magazine, Sea Oats Review, and Carina Press. She won William Faulkner Award for Short Fiction, the Lone Star Writing Competition for Historical Romance, and Harlequin’s World’s Best Romances Short Story Competition. Her short stories have been best sellers on Amazon and listed on Amazon’s Top 100 in comedy. She is currently working on a historical romance series.

Thanks for having me, Cindy! I hope everyone has a terrific Thanksgiving holiday!


Looking for a quick, fun read?

Then, come on down to Clayburn, Mississippi, where Jennifer Riley is having a yard sale. She needs cash fast. She’s lost her job, her house, and her husband has run off with another woman. From Early Birds to Prince Charming, Jennifer meets a host of quirky customers, and by the close of her sale, her life has been changed forever.

Jennifer’s tips for having an extraordinary yard sale:

* Early Birds do arrive at dawn, so be ready.
* Stand up to Tightwads. How can someone ask you if you’ll take less than a quarter? Seriously.
* Show some love for Packrats because they’ll buy anything.
* Try not to make a fool of yourself when Prince Charming arrives.
* Most importantly, realize some things have a value greater than money.

Buy link for The Yard Sale:

An Interview with Lynda Bailey

HUGE thanks to Cynthia for letting me hang out on her blog today! You gave me some tough questions. (grrr ) Hope I did them – and you – justice…

Oh! And Happy-almost-Thanksgiving to everyone! Here’s to a safe and joyous Turkey Day – without a bellyache! LOL. And to kick start the holiday season, I’m giving away a $10 Amazon gift card to one lucky commenter.

Okay, enough stalling. On to the questions…

Xmas_Kobo_2Tell us about yourself.

I was born and raised in the Midwest (Iowa to be specific) and moved to the high, dry desert a year after graduating college. (I have a Liberal Arts degree in technical theatre.)
I now live in Reno with my awesomely supportive husband of thirty years. We’re “empty nesters” as our one and only “Man Child” moved to the L.A. area with his fiancée almost two years ago.

Have you had other careers before becoming a writer?

I’ve been a stagehand (see tech theatre above), welder, mom, janitor, substitute teacher and fitness instructor.

Are you a full time writer or do you have a “day job”?

Right now all my eggs are in the author basket.

What genre(s) do you write and why?

I write mostly contemporary, erotic romance. I have one book, Wildflower, a western historical romance that’s also erotic. I write erotic romance because I like to READ erotic romance, and I stick with contemporary because I truly don’t like to do the research that goes into writing historical…I’m actually quite the lazy author…

How many books have you written? Do you have a favorite?

I just uploaded my twelfth title to and B&!
As far as a favorite…hmmm…that’s like asking which of your children is your fave – good thing I’ve only got one human kiddo! Guess it’s safe to say my “favorite” story is the one I’m presently working on.

What’s your current project and/or series?

I just released Xmas Unwrapped, the first in my *Holiday Hunks* anthology. I think Xmas is a fun, sexy romp. The next story in the series will be released around Valentine’s Day and will the epilogue to Erotic Escapades of a Married Couple. It’ll tied up the Deana, Grif, Vance story with a nice, neat bow – or at least I hope it will!

How has your experience with self-publishing been?

Over-all, being an indie author is great, when you’re not stressing over your sales or banging your head against the monitor because your characters are being stubborn sh*ts or spending the bulk of your day promoting only to not have your sales numbers remain frozen…
Honestly, I love my job. Yes, it’s frustrating and time-consuming and I thank the stars everyday that my hubby is as wonderful as he is – and he’s pretty darn fantastic! Being an indie author allows me to get my books out to readers and not have them collecting dust bunnies under my bed while waiting for an agent/editor’s approval…

All self-pubbed books are rumored to be shoddily edited. What do you say to that?

I’d say that rumor can also true for traditionally published books. I’ve read books by “Big 6” publishers that are not only badly edited, but the books also have plot holes, tell verses show, head hopping – the works. It isn’t fair to lump all indie authors into the category of “shoddy editing” or “shoddy writing.” Yes, some don’t do their due diligence with their craft, but most are conscientious writers who put out some damn fine books.

Are you a plotter or a pantser?

Total, complete, unabashed plotter.

What do you have planned for the future?

As I said, around Valentine’s Day, 2014 I’ll release Erotic Escapades Continues… Then in June, I hope to release Shattered Trust, the first in my *Trustworthy Texas Trilogy.* This’ll be a BDSM cougar story set in Texas – a tri-vector in romance. 

Do you have any words of inspiration for aspiring authors?

Don’t stop – don’t ever stop. Learn your craft and don’t allow anyone to stand in the way of your dream of being published.

Where can readers find you? Your books? Print/Ebook?

Readers can stop by my website,, check out my Facebook page, or follow me on Twitter, I also recently just set up a Pinterest account:
All my titles are available digitally through both Amazon ( author page: ) and B&N. I also have five print books available through Create Space – see my Amazon page for those.

Thanks again to Cynthia for hosting me today! Remember to leave your email in your response for the chance to win the $10 gift card. Happy Thanksgiving, y’all!


In a daze, Allegra watched him go.

Aftershocks buzzed her body, making her lethargic. It wasn’t until the bright hallway light slashed across her body that she realized anyone in the hall would see her sprawled on the bed. She jerk to a sitting position, crossed her arms to hold her blouse shut and stood in the attempt to look unruffled—which was the very last thing she felt at the moment. Murmured, incoherent words met her ears as she looked around the room.

There was a dresser across from the bed with a large flat screen TV on the wall above it. A table and chairs sat next to a mini-bar. On legs that were the consistency of mashed potatoes, she walked to the enormous window and looked at the city lights of downtown.

The door closed with a quiet snick. Mace placed a wine bottle on the bar, opened the mini-fridge underneath, slipping their boxed dessert inside.

He stepped toward her. “Now, where were we?”

Where indeed? She stared at the floor as warmth infused her cheeks.

“Ah…” He tucked his finger under her chin and gently tipped up her head. “We’ll have none of that.”

“None of what?”

“Of you thinking too much.” His hand dropped to his side. “Unless, of course, you’ve changed your mind.”

“You’d still be willing to let me walk away? Even now?”

“Even now.”

This man was a complete bafflement. She uncrossed her arms and took hold of his hands. The strong, comforting feel of his fingers expunged any lingering doubt. “I haven’t changed my mind.”

“Thank God.” He leaned close. His musky scent filled her senses. “I’d hate to think I ordered a box of Trojans for no reason.”

LindaEnos-011 (1)_2BIO

I’ve always loved stories, especially romances. For me the only thing better than reading a romance is writing one. That and drinking red wine while eating dark chocolate. My manuscripts have been finalists in major writing contests, including the 2010 RWA Golden Heart®.

Becoming independently published in March of 2012 was probably the single best decision I could have made regarding to my career. While my sales aren’t as fantastic as a lot of other writers, the saying is true: This is a marathon and not a sprint.

An Interview with Susan R. Hughes

Please help me welcome Susan R. Hughes to my blog today.

untitledHow did you get started writing?

As a teenager I started out writing young adult novels, but I never finished any. About 10 years ago I decided to try romance and really clicked with the genre. I wasn’t a big romance reader before but I fell in love with love stories.

Are you a full time writer or do you have a “day job”?

I have a day job as an editor. I have always enjoyed helping other writers smooth out the rough spots in their work.

How many books have you written? Do you have a favorite?

I have published eight titles and I’m working on two more. It’s hard to pick a favorite, but my first historical, Sense of Touch, stands out for me. It was the hardest to write because of the research I needed to do, but at times the words just flowed because it was so close to my heart.

Tell us about your current series/WIP.

My historical Music Box Series follows several generations of a family from the 1920s onward. Sense of Touch is the first book, followed by Someone Like You. I have two more in the works.

What inspired your latest book?

For a while I’d been thinking of writing a Christmas romance but couldn’t come up with a plot. Then I decided an idea I’d been working on about a single pregnant woman in need of a place to stay would make an ideal holiday story.

Where do you get the ideas for your stories?

Generally, I first come up with a conflict – an obstacle for the couple to overcome in order to be together – then create the characters and choose a setting, and the story seems to build naturally from there.

What is your favorite part of writing?

When I have the storyline worked out and get to know the characters’ personalities and motivations, the writing starts to flow. That’s the fun part.

What is your least favorite part of writing?

The final editing stages – trying to fix all those little things I don’t quite like, proofreading, making sure it’s all perfect.

What advice do you have for other authors wanting to self-publish?

Join a community of writers. Feedback, advice and encouragement from fellow writers can be invaluable. Also, develop a thick skin. Some people will try to tear you down, no matter how good you are. Last but not least, believe in yourself and persevere.

A0MSboxedset800x500_2Do you prefer to read in the same genres you write in or do you avoid reading that genre? Why?

I read a lot of romance, but I like to read all genres. Good writing is enjoyable in any genre and stimulates my urge to write something new.

A Baby for Christmas

Turning her shoulders to face the TV, Paige shifted a little closer to Ryan. After a moment she settled against his arm and rested her head on his shoulder. “Thank you for tonight. You’ve helped me almost forget the situation I’ve gotten myself into.”

Ryan felt all the blood in his body pulse toward his right side, warming every point of contact between them. He sat very still, trying not to show either his surprise or the effect her touch had on him. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’ll be settled soon, and everything will fall back into place.”

“I don’t know, Ryan. I’m starting to wonder if I did the right thing leaving Matt. I’m not used to being alone.” She titled her face up to him, her gaze open and direct as it fixed onto his. Ryan’s heart lurched hard against his breastbone. The vulnerability in her hazel eyes stirred a swell of compassion in him—as the nearness of her enticing mouth stirred something more primal.

“It’s not so bad being single,” he said. “Anyway, you won’t need to be alone for long. As soon as you’re ready to dip your toe back into the dating pool, I’m willing to bet there’ll be men lined up for miles hoping for a chance.” Without forethought he brushed a loose wisp of hair from her face, letting his fingertips linger a moment on the curve of her cheek but resisting an impulse to let his thumb trace the soft, full contours of her lips.

“Would you be in that line?” Paige asked tentatively—then winced. “Sorry, there I go again saying more than I should. I’ve put you on the spot.”

“No.” Ryan shifted his body to face her. “Paige, I think you’re beautiful, and so sweet, and to be perfectly honest I’m actually dying to kiss you right now. But you know I’m moving across the country pretty soon.”

A slow, beguiling smile curved her mouth. “I know. But you’re here now.”

Catching him by surprise, she rose to brush her lips against his. Her mouth was supple and warm, and it tasted of sweet coffee.

Any restraint Ryan had imposed on himself dissolved rapidly, and he pressed his hand to her back to urge her closer. What began as a gentle, tender kiss deepened as Paige looped her arms over his shoulders, fitting the soft curves of her body against his chest. She parted her lips, inviting his tongue to glide over hers. A low moan eased from her throat, sending a warm ripple down his spine that stoked the fire flaring in his belly.

She surprised him again by abruptly pulling away, bowing her head to hide her face. “I’m sorry. I don’t feel very well.”

Ryan blew out a breath to steady his throbbing nerves. “I thought you were better.”

“I felt fine all day. I’m just suddenly nauseous.”

“I’ll try not to take that personally,” he said, attempting a joke that fell flat.

“It’s not you.” When Paige looked up, the tears glimmering in her eyes sobered him at once. “I think it might not be a virus after all. There’s a remote possibility I could be pregnant.”

Sue (1)_2BIO:

Nothing gets my heart pumping like a good love story with absorbing emotion, plenty of passion, and an old-fashioned happy ending. That’s why I started writing romance novels, and I’m excited to share these stories with you. Set mainly in Canada, my contemporary and historical novels explore the extraordinary thrill of finding that special someone and falling head over heels in love. I hope you’ll enjoy reading them as much as I did writing them. I live in Ottawa, Ontario, with my husband and three children.

My books are available at Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Sony Reader Store and Diesel.

Blogs: Authors of Main Street
Facebook page

An Interview with Paty Jager

Thank you for having me on your blog, Cynthia.

Laying_Claim_Cover (1)_2Giveaway
This post is part of a week-long blog tour. I love to give and you could be the winner! I will be giving away an e-copy of my Christmas novella, Christmas Redemption, to one commenter at each blog stop where there are at least ten commenters. You can find the blog tour hosts at my blog: or my website:

Have you had other careers before becoming a writer?
Oh yes! I took the long and winding road to becoming a writer. After one year of college and before I married, I worked as: a receptionist at a doctor’s office; a waitress; I stocked shelves in the toy department at a chain store during the holidays; a sales clerk at a cosmetics counter at a chain store; and made sandwiches in a sandwich shop. After marriage, I worked as an Avon Representative and a clerk in a stationary store. Then I literally forced the editor of a local paper to read a story I wrote and I worked as a freelance reporter for the two local newspapers for a few years. Before I became a published author, I worked 10 years as a 4-H Program Assistant.

What genre(s) do you write in and why?
I tend to wander with my genres. I have historical western romance, contemporary western romance, historical paranormal romance, and action adventure romance genres published. My problem is when a really great idea strikes for a story it doesn’t always fit the genre I’m already writing. But the one constant in all my stories are cowboys/western lifestyle or Native American elements. I started out writing the historical westerns because I am intrigued by Western U.S. history. I enjoy the research writing a historical book entails. The historical paranormal came about from a conversation with an editor looking for historical paranormal and the only thing I could wrap my mind around that would be considered paranormal was Indian Spirits. That is the paranormal element in my historical paranormal trilogy. When I was moaning about historical westerns having fallen off in sales, I was dared to write a contemporary western, that’s when I ventured into that genre. The action adventure came from once again, saying something and being dared to write what I thought an action adventure should be. And stay tuned because my next genre venture is into mystery. That series will roll out in late 2014.

Tell us about your current series/WIP.
My current series is actually a follow up trilogy from a five-book series called The Halsey Brothers Series. The first five books, Marshal in Petticoats, Outlaw in Petticoats, Miner in Petticoats, Doctor in Petticoats, and Logger in Petticoats were books about the five Halsey brothers and how they found their feisty, unorthodox wives. When readers wanted more with the Halseys I decided to make a Halsey Homecoming trilogy with the three boys who entered the Halsey family via the marriages. The hero in the first book and the current release, Laying Claim, is Jeremy Duncan, the brother of Darcy Duncan the heroine in Marshal in Petticoats. Jeremy has strong feelings for the Halsey family, but as a young man he sets out for the gold fields of Alaska and the Yukon to make his fortune. Five years later he’s accumulate money through packing, and not mining, and is ready to head home. This is where the book starts. He’s ready to do one last run and head home. But a strong-willed, fragile young woman arrives in Skagway and his protective instincts kick in. He ends up agreeing to take her to the Yukon Territory to find her brother.
I enjoyed the research on this book because I’ve been to Skagway and was interested in the history of the Chilkoot and White Pass trails. Reading personal accounts of the Gold Rush and the seeing the photographs gave me a pretty good visual of what my characters had to face on their journey.

What is your next project and when will it be released?
My next project is the third book in the action adventure or Isabella Mumphrey series. Secrets of a Hopi Blue Star. This will be Isabella’s third adventure. This time she doesn’t leave the United States. Her adventure will take place in Arizona along the Mexico border. There will be unveilings of human trafficking and her own family mysteries. My goal is to release this book January 2014.

What is your favorite part of writing?
My favorite part of writing is the initial idea taking root and growing into the story I start to see forming in my mind. I call that part of the process stewing and brewing. This is before anything gets put on the paper. It’s when the characters start evolving in my mind, I do research to see where the story can go and what real things I can incorporate into the story.

What is your least favorite part of writing?
My least favorite part, but the most essential part of writing, is the revisions or second, third, fourth, fifth drafts. It’s when you have to change something or add stuff to make the story stronger and enhance the writing. I like to be done when I write the last sentence of a story, but I know most times that is just the beginning of the process.

What advice can you offer to anyone deciding to self-publish?
If you do plan to self-publish, get books on the subject and learn all the stages: writing, editing, proofing, formatting, and how to upload to the various vendors. Get a good book cover. Send your book off to critique partners, go through the editing process, and then have a proof reader do a final read through. Don’t just throw a first-draft up for sale. If you have lots of mistakes, or a poorly written book, you’ll have a harder time selling the next book. Readers want a good story that is well written and edited. Don’t lessen your chance of more sales by getting in a hurry to publish.

All self-pubbed books are rumoured to be shoddily edited. What do you say to that?
Not all self-pubbed are shoddily edited, BUT if you read the previous question the problem is there are too many writers who either think their writing doesn’t need edited, so go ahead and put it up, or pay a vanity press that doesn’t edit well, and then believe their book has been edited, or they don’t want to pay an editor, or any number of reasons a writer doesn’t get their work edited. Those are the writers who are giving all self-published authors a bad rap.

What advice can you offer readers of self-pubbed books in making a decision on what to read?
My best advice is use the ability to read the first chapter or 20% of a book before you buy. Especially, if it is an author you don’t know. When you see a book that looks interesting check their back list, see if they appear to be a seasoned author. Read some reviews. Were typos and such mentioned in the reviews? But don’t ignore a book because it is self-published. Do a little homework and then decide. If you do get a book that is poorly edited or written leave a constructive not critical review and let the author know. Chances are the 4 and 5 star reviews are from friends and relatives and the author needs to know the truth.

Do you have critique partners?
Yes, I do have critique partners. I couldn’t write without them! When I’m stuck they help me brainstorm, when a book is done they help me find the weak points and straighten out my characters if I’ve gone wrong. They help me make my book the best it can be and I do the same for their books. I’ve been lucky that I’ve had some excellent CPs over the years.

What do you have planned for the future?
My future is starting a mystery series and finishing the Halsey Homecoming trilogy.
You can also find a Christmas Short story by me in Sweetwater Springs Christmas Anthology by Debra Holland and Friends. (I’m one of the friends. 😉 )

What genres are you drawn to as a reader?
As a reader, I’ll read just about anything but thrillers and paranormal with werewolves, vampires, and demons. I don’t read or watch anything scary.

Jeremy Duncan commits to haul one last load of supplies across the great interior of the Yukon before heading home. But, he has to trade his pack animals for sled dogs and leave Skagway in the middle of a blizzard due to one strong-willed, business-minded beauty.

Determined to find her older brother, Clara Bixbee doesn’t care how she gets across the pass, as long as she does, and soon. Hiring handsome pack guide Jeremy Duncan seems to be her best choice. Especially after she saves a young girl being beaten by the local gang leader and needs to escape Skagway fast.

“Excuse me.”

The words were spoken so quietly he almost didn’t hear them. But when he turned around, standing in the doorway was the woman who had kept him up half the night. Miss Bixbee.

“Miss.” He tipped his hat and waited.

Her gaze flicked around the building’s interior, and she walked three more feet into the building. She cleared her throat. “I’ve been discussing the prospect of procuring a guide to take me to Forty Mile with Mrs. Eiderly. She suggested you would be the least likely to knock me over the head and take my money.”

How had she said that with a straight face? Jeremy peered through the dim lighting at the woman. Cuz she was dead serious. Knowing it would only provoke the prim and proper woman, he laughed. Couldn’t help himself. The way she’d come out and said it, just tickled.

“Mr. Duncan, I don’t see anything funny about my trying to find a guide I can trust.”

“That’s not what’s funny. It’s the way you said it.” Jeremy dried the tears streaming down his face and walked closer to the woman. “Why do you need to go to Forty Mile? The gold there is starting to peter out and so are the jobs.”

“I’m not here for a job or to waste time looking for gold. I’m here to tell my brother our father has passed and the family needs him to return home and run the business.” She stood still, her intent gaze on his face.

There wasn’t a flicker of sorrow in her eyes. No, it looked more like smoldering fury. Her gloved hand gripped a black umbrella, making an indention in the middle of the fabric.

“Why didn’t you just send him a letter? Or send a male relative to collect him?”

She inhaled deep and let it out slow. “We have sent letters, but he hasn’t responded. We didn’t have a relative to send.” Her gaze flashed with annoyance. “We believe he may have moved on from Forty Mile and did not wish to send someone else on a goose chase.”

“Then why are you going there?”

“Because it is the last place we know he resided. When I arrive there, I’ll ask questions and find someone who can point me to his new claim.” Her chin pointed up at him, and she peered down her pert nose.

He laughed, this time not from merriment but from the foolhardiness of this woman. “You think you’ll get some old sourdoughs to tell you where your brother is? You’ll either end up dead or working in one of the camps as who knows what.”

PJ_Promo_shot_(232x300)_2Bio: With sixteen published books, three novellas, and an anthology, award-winning author, Paty Jager is never at a loss for story ideas and characters in her head. Her rural life in central and eastern Oregon, and interests in local history and the world around her, keeps the mystery and romance ideas flowing. She not only writes the western lifestyle, she lives it.

You can learn more about Paty at her blog; her website; or on Facebook;!/paty.jager and twitter; @patyjag.

Interview with Geri Foster

Please help me welcome Geri Foster to my blog today. She’s got a great interview for us.

3NIGHT_COVER_2Tell us about yourself.

I live in North Texas with my Hubby and a pesky dog named Lola. I write full time and enjoy my eleven grandchildren.

Tell us about your current series/WIP.

I just recently published the third book in my Falcon Securities Series, and in November I’ll be releasing three short novellas in my Accidental Pleasures Series. They are erotic romance that I refer to as short, cute and sexy.

Where do you get the ideas for your stories?

I wish I knew where my ideas come from I’d turn off the facet. I have so many ideas for stories I can’t possible live long enough to write them all. I always begin with the Inciting Incident. That’s the location and what’s at stake. I develop a story promise, which means in the first page I’m going to bring up a situation that the reader will ask, is this going to work and in the end will the story be complete.

What is your least favorite part of writing?

Editing! I love to freely write the story just so see how it flows. It’s the cleaning up that I struggle with.

What advice do you have for other authors wanting to self-publish?

A very successful Indie Author gave me a piece of advice. It’s all about inventory. Keep putting out the next book.

All self-pubbed books are rumoured to be shoddily edited. What do you say to that?

I think that happens, but it’s not the general rule. I honestly think some people like to bash someone else’s writing. I’ve even heard it from Indie Authors. I refer to them as the mean girls of Indie. But, everyone who is Self-pubbed needs a good editor. Shop around until you find one.

Are you a plotter or a pantser?

I used to be a plotter then I learned once I knew how the story ended, I didn’t want to write it. Now I sit down and write the story in my head. Close to the end, I decide what has to happen to tie up the story. That makes it fresh for me.

What do you have planned for the future?

I plan to write the fourth book in the Falcon Series, start a new Series called the Covenant of Justice, and a the Witch and Warlock Series.

How far do you plan ahead?

Two years. I try to stick to my deadlines so my readers get a steady supply of my writing. I keep to my plan as much as possible, but we all know that story has to pop into your head before you can write it.

Will you share some encouraging words for authors still struggling for that first contract?

I’ve been writing forever, so I say, don’t ever give up. I know you hear that all the time, but stay with it. If you really want to be a published, and you remain true to your craft, it will happen.

What’s next for you?

Finish up editing my Accidental Pleasures Series, write Jake’s story for the Falcon Series, sum up my Justice Series and get two books out, then write two books in my Witches and Warlock series. Hopefully by the end of next year.

As long as she can remember, Geri Foster has been a lover of reading and the written words. In the seventh grade she wore out two library cards and had read every book in her age area of the library. After raising a family and saying good-bye to the corporate world, she tried her hand at writing.
Action, intrigue, danger and sultry romance drew her like a magnet. That’s why she has no choice but to write action-romance suspense. While she reads every genre under the sun, she’s always been drawn to guns, bombs and fighting men. Secrecy and suspense move her to write edgy stories about daring and honorable heroes who manage against all odds to end up with their one true love.

An Interview with Allegra Gray

Please help me welcome Allegra Gray to my blog today. Allegra is honoring us with the cover reveal for her next book, THE DEVIL’S BARGAIN.

AllegraGray_NothingButTrouble_800px_2If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be, and why?

Well, I love my home overlooking the mountains. I’m really lucky. So, I wouldn’t necessarily want to live somewhere else, but I DO wish I could teleport myself…that way I could see the world and still come home to Colorado.

Have you had other careers before becoming a writer?

Oh, yeah. I was an active duty officer in the U.S. Air Force, have taught college English, managed contracts in the Middle East, am currently a landlord, and even (long ago) been a computer game tester. I still work in the defense industry as well…though if some of my carefully-laid plans come to fruition, I hope to have more time to focus on writing soon!

How many books have you written? Do you have a favorite?

I’ve written 4 books. 3 are available now; the 4th will be out before Christmas. My favorite is always the one I’m about to write next.

Tell us about your current series/WIP.

I just finished my “Daring Damsels” trilogy with the publication of Nothing But Trouble last month. I really enjoyed working on that book…one of my favorite secondary characters, Charity Medford, finally gets her own story. It was challenging, though, because in the previous two novels, I subjected her to some pretty rough times, so by the time she gets her own story, she’s got some scars that she tries to hide under her normally-perky attitude. Basically, she’s suffering from what we would recognize today as PTSD, but since the novel is set in Regency England (and Scotland), there’s no such term. She’s afraid of people discovering her “madness” and condemning her for it. In a society where women’s behavior was strictly scrutinized, this puts her under some serious pressure. To show how she deals with that, and still has the courage to pursue life and love, was very satisfying.

Next up, I’m finishing some edits on a medieval romance that has been on the back burner for way too long, and then I’ll be working on a new trilogy…one that is unusual in that the books are set in different time periods, but are connected by some historical events and artifacts that play a role in the characters’ lives.

AllegraGray_TheDevilsBargain2_800px_2What is your next project and when will it be released?

My next project is a medieval romance called The Devil’s Bargain. It will be available in early December.

What is your writing routine like?

Usually I write for a couple hours each evening after the kids go to bed. On the rare weekend I don’t have tons of family commitments, I cloister myself in my office for hours. It’s not a lot of time, so I try to make good use of whatever time I get.

Having achieved your goal to be a published author, what is the most rewarding thing?

Having readers come back asking for more. I still remember one message from a woman a few years ago who told me she had to keep sending her kids outside to play so that she could keep reading my book!

Allegra_Gray_2_2Where can readers find you?

Facebook is the best place to find me. I hang out there frequently (though slightly less on weekends or vacations). I also have a website,, where you can find info on my books, excerpts, and (sometimes) upcoming appearances.

Where can readers find your books? Print/Ebook?

See the links below. The first two books are available at all major ebook retailers. Nothing But Scandal is still available in paperback as well (Nothing But Deception is harder to find in paperback, though limited copies are available on Amazon). Nothing But Trouble, my latest release, is currently exclusive to Amazon as an ebook, but will be available at all major ebook retailers by mid-December.

Do you have any upcoming FREE promotions you would like to tell us about?

I will have some free promotions and a couple book giveaways coming up towards the holiday season. The best way to be the first to know about them is to sign up for my newsletter. I only announce new releases and promotions where one of my books is available for free, so you won’t get bombarded with petty detail. If you are interested, please go to my website and the sign up form is right on the main page:

Where can we find your books?

They are all on Amazon. Here are the links.

Nothing But Trouble
Nothing But Deception
Nothing But Scandal

An Interview with Brenda B. Taylor

Please help me welcome Brenda B. Taylor to my blog today. Brenda gave me a great interview and is giving a $25 Amazon gift card to one commenter and a coupon for a free download of Heaven Must Wait and Follow Your Heart from Smashwords.

Heaven_Must_Wait2_2Tell us about yourself.

I’ve had the ambition to write fiction stories since childhood, but never found the time to sit down and put my thoughts on paper. Several times I tried, but became distracted by attending school, then later working and family. Now that I have more time to sit quietly, think, and write, I am trying to fulfill this lifelong desire.

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be, and why?

I love my home in the piney woods of East Texas, but my second choice would be Scotland during the summer months and Texas during the winter months. I would not want to face the darkness and cold of winter in Scotland.

How did you get started writing?

After retirement, I decided to write a historical fiction novel based on my family in Missouri. I didn’t want to get to the end of my life and say, “I wish I had done that.” Finding I knew nothing about writing fiction, I joined writer’s organizations, loops, and studied the art of novel writing. It has been a journey.

What genre(s) do you write in and why?

At present, I write historical fiction with elements of romance and family values woven into the fabric of the story.

How many books have you written? Do you have a favorite?

I have written four books. Three in The Wades of Crawford County series, and one stand-alone Scottish historical fiction. I really can’t say I favor one over the other, but the Scottish historical was fun to write. I traveled to Scotland for research, and found my family there.

Tell us about your current series/WIP.

Currently, I am working on the edits for the third book in The Wades of Crawford County series entitled, Through The Storm. The series follows the courtship, marriage, and early family years of Leann and Ralph Wade who live in post Civil War Missouri. I plan another novella and novel in the series to make five books.

What inspired your latest book?

My last novel, the Scottish historical, came about through genealogy research of my mother’s family. I uncovered the Scottish connection and became intrigued by the fact we have a Scottish ancestor who emigrated to the U. S. in the early 1800’s. I traveled to Scotland and connected with our family there.

What is your next project and when will it be released?

At present I am trying to get Through the Storm, the third book in The Wades of Crawford County series, ready for publication.

Where do you get the ideas for your stories?

My story ideas came from family research.

What is your favorite part of writing?

Writing the novel. I don’t like editing, but know it is very necessary. My books go through at least six edits before publication.

What is your least favorite part of writing?

Editing is my least favorite activity. I want to be creative and write something new and exciting. I love to see just how exciting I can make a story. Formatting for publication runs a close second.

What is your typical day like?

While having a morning coffee, I have a devotional and then begin writing, editing, formatting, or whatever else my WIP requires at the time. I will work until approximately ten o’clock, and then go on to other activities. Sometimes I return to the work in the late afternoon, but not often.

How has your experience with self-publishing been?

My first book was self-published at the beginning of this year, and has been another major learning experience. I took an online self-publication class, read the Smashwords guide, and began formatting by trial and error. Realizing I didn’t have enough time in this life to pursue traditional publishers, I decided to self-publish. Traditional publishing takes years, and I didn’t want to wait that long or hassle with agents and publishers.

What advice do you have for other authors wanting to self-publish?

I would advise others to study the process and be sure you want to venture into the waters. Sometimes they are very cold and rough.

What was the deciding factor in self-publishing your book(s)? Did you decide on ebook or print only or both?

I decided to publish ebooks first, and then later, when all my novels are online, begin the process of formatting for print. I need to study the print formats further, and won’t take the time right now.

What went into the process? Writing, editing, cover design, formatting, etc. Share your ups and downs and how you went about it. If you used a service, can you share?

I use a content editor and a proofreader, then my husband and I edited continuously. For the cover designs of the Wades series, I hired a graphic artist and used photographs of my granddaughter. Thinking I may want to change something down the line, I do the formatting and uploading of my books.

How long have your book(s) been out? How long between books if you have multiple sales—and if you have multiples did you see a bump in sales with subsequent publication?

At present I have two books, a novella and a novel, out in the Wades series. I am in the process of getting a third one ready for publication. After this third Wade book, I will publish the Scottish historical.

Follow_Large_2Follow Your Heart, The Wades of Crawford County Series, Book 2

Follow Your Heart is a poignant tale of newlyweds, Leann and Ralph Wade, and their struggle to overcome difficulties during the early years of marriage in post Civil War Missouri. The novel tells of a love strong enough to survive the hard times with the cords of family values and faith intertwined throughout the story.

Chapter One

Cuba, Missouri
September 1869
A chilly gust of wind pushed through the open window and past the lace curtains, jerking the wrinkled, faded paper from Leann’s hand, sending it to the floor. She shivered then rose to close the window.
Sue picked the paper up and examined it. “Are you still reading this letter from Sonny Wade, when you’re marrying his brother in two days? I thought you threw it away ages ago.”
“Hand that to me.” Leann had not heard her sister enter the room. She snatched the letter from Sue’s hand, tearing the fragile paper. “Really, Sue, my letter is none of your business. I should have thrown it away, but I felt sorry for Sonny, being in the war and a Union prison camp. And besides, I forgot about it.”
“You were hiding that letter.” Sue’s eyes narrowed when she looked directly into Leann’s.
“I didn’t hide it. You and the family read it.”
“Several years ago. You’ve been hiding it ever since and probably secretly reading it.”
“Don’t be silly.”
“Have you seen Sonny since he got out of the army? Or do you just read his letter and dream about the handsome man?”
“No, to both questions. He works on a Mississippi River steamboat and has only been home a couple of times. Pa told me he saw Sonny in town last year. They talked for awhile, then Sonny headed for the saloon when Pa walked away.”
“Well, you should have thrown it away. What if Ralph finds out you secretly kept his brother’s love letter?” Sue’s locks bobbed with her shaking head.
Leann tore the already ripped paper into tiny pieces and threw them into a small trash basket sitting beside the bedroom door. She could not explain to herself or to her sister why the letter had remained in the drawer for years. “Are you happy now? It wasn’t a love letter. You read it. He only wrote about the war and being homesick. I didn’t answer, so he never wrote again.”
Leann grabbed her younger sister by the arm, looking directly into the girl’s green eyes. Sue stared back with the same intensity. “And don’t you tell anyone about me keeping the letter. I forgot about it until I started packing. Do you want to cause trouble with Ralph or the family?”
“I won’t tell, if you will let me keep your pretty green parasol when you leave.” Sue pushed Leann’s arm off her own.
“That’s my only good one. It matches my green voile dress. I won’t have anything to take to the socials.”
“Make your husband buy you a new one.” Sue was unrelenting.
“Okay. I will leave my green parasol with you. Just don’t tell I kept the letter. Sonny Wade means nothing to me.”
“Well, he must mean something, or you would have thrown his letter away. He may not have put in writing that he loved you, but he came around here pretty often before he joined the army and gave Ralph room to move in.”


Brenda B Taylor and her husband make their home in beautiful East Texas where they enjoy spending time with family and friends, traveling, and working in Bethabara Faith Ministry, Inc. Brenda crafts stories about the extraordinary lives of ordinary people in her favorite place overlooking bird feeders, bird houses, and a variety of blooming trees and flowers. She sincerely thanks all who purchase and read her books. Her desire is that the message in each book will touch the heart of the reader as it did hers in the writing.

Connect With Brenda





Amazon Author Page


Barnes and Noble


Bookstore Without Borders

An Interview with Sandra Schwab

Please help me welcome Sandra Schwab to my blog today. She’s given me a great interview, for you to enjoy.

Schwab-SpringtimePleasures-HQ-Xsmall_2Tell us about yourself.

Thank you so much for having me, Cindy! – My name is Sandra Schwab, and I have been writing historical romance for the US market for the past thirteen years. My first novel, THE LILY BRAND, was published in 2005.

In my “other” life, I’m a lecturer of English literature, and I live near Frankfurt/Germany with a sketchbook, a sewing machine, and an ever-expanding library, where books multiply at an alarming rate.

How did you get started writing?

I’ve always loved inventing stories and I started scribbling them down as soon as I could write. For as long as I can remember it has been my dream to become a published author.

Was your road to publication difficult or a walk in the park?

Since I was nineteen years old, I had tried to find a publisher, when finally, after years of collecting rejection letters, I had to face the sad truth that I was simply not writing the kind of things that a German publisher would buy from a German author. This could have been the end of my lifelong dream, but I wasn’t quite ready yet to give up hope. Instead, I started to write in English, which is a second language for me. A lot of friends told me I would never be able to compete with native speakers. I’m happy to say that I was able to prove them wrong. 

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be, and why?

In a small English village; preferably with a nice National Trust country estate nearby and a good train connection to London so I can easily visit the wonderful museums in London.

What genre(s) do you write in and why?

When I was still a child, I fell in love with historical fiction – I devoured retellings of medieval epics and Rosemary Sutcliff’s novels. Once I started to read historical fiction for adults, I often despaired about the many sad endings (hero and heroine die on top of a tower, pierced by multiple arrows – but hey, at least they swear neverending love to each other before they drop dead, that’s totally romantic, isn’t it?), ghastly details (the exploding wax baby), and horrible or downright disgusting sex scenes (the worst was the book with the goat sex scenes) (please note the plural: there was more than one such scene and more than one poor goat).
When I discovered historical romance in 1999, it was like a revelation: historical fiction, but with a nice, strong romantic plot and wonderful love scenes (and not a tiny, teeny goat in sight!). Given my love for this genre and for history, it was only natural that I eventually started to write historical romance myself.

What inspired your latest book?

A few years ago, I stumbled across the original black-and-white St. Trinian’s films. I was utterly enchanted by their very unconventional portrayal of female characters: the girls of St. Trinian’s are utterly fearless, they terrorize adults, they have great adventures, and get into many mad scrapes – but at the end of the day, they are always victorious. And woe betide the person who dares to stand in their path! What would happen, I asked myself (as authors are wont to do), if you let loose such girls in Regency England and tried to introduce them into polite society? And thus, the idea for SPRINGTIME PLEASURES was born.

Give us an elevator pitch for your current book, SPRINGTIME PLEASURES.

George Augustus Griffin, Viscount Chanderley has to marry – fast: His father has ordered him to find a suitable wife this very season. Alas, the only woman Griff has eyes for is the very unsuitable Miss Carlotta Stanton, who is not only unbecomingly tall but also wears the ugliest spectacles in all of England. Still, Griff is utterly bewitched by her intense green eyes. Yet however much he feels drawn to her joie de vivre, duty and honor demand that he stay far away from Miss Stanton.

Dubbed “the Giantess” because of her unfortunate height, Charlie Stanton finds the London season far less glamorous than she had thought it would be – not the least because she is consigned a place among the wallflowers. But then she becomes acquainted with the very dashing Lord Chanderley, whose life is overshadowed by a terrible tragedy in his past. Ever ready to help others, Charlie is determined to rid him of his Sad Melancholia – even if it means taking on wild boars and highwaymen. However, the biggest challenge might be the elusive viscount himself and his belief that he is beyond all redemption.

SchwabSandra-2-Xsmall_2Where can readers find you?

Twitter: @ScribblingSandy

Where can readers find your books? Print/Ebook?

Digital editions of my books are available from Amazon; print editions will follow soon
My Amazon Author Site:


Charlie & her friend Emma-Louise chat about the hero

“The drive with Lord Chanderley was pleasant. Very pleasant, truth to be told.” Charlie looked up at her friend. “I wish you could meet him one day. He is so handsome. Indeed, I should say he is the most handsome man in all of London!” She smiled dreamily. “He can make his eyebrows mesh. Like this—” She curled her forehead, imitating Chanderley’s frown.

“A most peculiar feat,” her friend commented drily.

Grinning, Charlie nudged her with her elbow. “It is. And it has the most peculiar effect on me.” Reddening, she quickly continued, “But he is a charming man. And a nice one. It is not often that one finds a genuinely nice person, is it?”

Emma-Lee made herself comfortable on the arm of Charlie’s armchair. “He certainly sounds very pleasant.”

“Yes, pleasant. And sitting next to him on that box seat yesterday, now that was very pleasant as well.” Charlie grinned up at her. “It is most shocking, is it not?”

“Most,” Emma-Lee agreed. “Do continue.”

Charlie leaned her head against her friend’s shoulder “He smells very nice. And he has those lovely big hands.” She stretched out her right arm in front of her and wriggled her fingers. “They are quite lovely in gloves, but when everybody sits down to supper at the end of a ball, I can’t help looking at them in the, you know—” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “—nude.”

The two girls exchanged a glance before they burst into giggles.

“I suppose he would be much shocked if he knew that I am fantasizing about his hands,” Charlie finally gasped.

“Fantasizing!” Emma-Lee’s brows rose. “You’ve said nothing about fantasizing, Carlotta Stanton!”

“I know, it is most shocking. But his hands are so big and brawny and… and manly.” Charlie gave a happy sigh. “I never knew that hands could be so fascinating.” She glanced up at her friend. “Do you think I might be developing a brain fever? When I sat next to him in that phaeton, my body felt all warm and tingly. Prickly. As if I had fallen into nettles. Though not as unpleasant.”

“One should hope not!” Emma-Lee murmured.