An Interview with author Cheryl Dale

Overtaxed_Cover_Front_2What genres do you write in and why?

I write romantic mystery, humorous mystery, and mystery with romantic elements. These are the genres I enjoy reading.

How many books have you written? Do you have a favorite?

I’ve written loads, but I’ve only published 7 with an eighth one coming out this year. Losing David is a vintage mystery with a love story, set in 1962 and taking place on the southeastern coast. I think anyone who enjoyed the film To Catch a Thief will enjoy it. I’ve worked on this one for years and it’s by far my favorite.

What is your favorite part of writing?

Telling the story. It’s therapeutic to get the scenes I see in my head out on paper.

What is your least favorite part of writing?

Marketing. I’m a shy, introverted wallflower who jumps when anyone says “Boo!”

What was the deciding factor in self-publishing your book?

I’d been reading self-published books on my Kindle and realized many of them were as good as the books from well-known publishers. After joining a self-publishing loop where authors were talking frankly about the differences in self-publishing and large publishing companies, I decided to test the waters. I first issued a romantic suspense Harlequin had published and reverted the rights to, and it did okay. Then I put out a new romantic mystery, and it did okay. Now I’m putting out a light mystery, the sequel to a hardcover book that came out a year ago.

What advice can you offer anyone deciding to self-publish?

Make sure your writing is professional. Lots of people write one novel and think they’re through. Usually, that first book is not very good. Usually, it takes two (or ten in my case) to learn the craft. Then, once you’ve learned how to write professionally, you still need to hire a good editor and cover artist.

Do you write under a pen name?

My first book was published under the name Cheryl Emerson. I didn’t particularly want to use a pen name but the publisher, Silhouette, insisted. I’ve since updated and reissued it under my own name.

What’s next for you?

As I said, a vintage mystery will be coming out soon. Right now I’m concentrating on my sequel to my light mystery. Overtaxed and Underappreciated is available from Amazon for Kindle, soon to be available in paper.

Excerpt from Overtaxed and Underappreciated:

(after a bunch of heavy boxes fall over on the heroine and the EMTs are called)

“No! Not the ER.” I tried to sit up.

The EMT kneeling beside me pressed me back. “Look, ma’am, with your history–”

“But I’m all right. What history? I’ve never hit my head on the sidewalk before. This does not call for the ER.”

Sexy Dr. Bennigan who usually manned the emergency room had regrettably seen me under similar conditions too many times, due to circumstances that were not my fault. Okay, maybe one or two episodes were my fault, kind of, but…

I refused to face him again.

“I told you how many fingers you were holding up and everything. I want to go home. I’ve got to go home.” I might have sounded a little hysterical, but I so did not want to meet Dr. Bennigan.

The second EMT was already pulling out a stretcher and rolling it over.

“Hey, I said I’m fine!”

Plaid Shorts, who had been following the proceedings with interest, butted in. “Don’t you remember that actress who got that head injury while she was snow-skiing? She didn’t want to go to the hospital either. You know what happened to her?”

Who the heck was this nosy parker? He looked familiar but I couldn’t place him. My head hurt too much and his loud shorts didn’t help. He was darned meddling, whoever he was.

“That’s right, hon,” Sam chimed in. “I remember reading about her.”

Plaid Shorts ignored Sam and intoned, “She died.”

Died? Oh. Still…

“I don’t think it’s that serious. I feel pretty good except—”

Plaid Shorts pressed his case. “Do you want to die?”

I must have been disoriented or I would never have allowed the paramedics to lift me onto the gurney and strap me to it.

The crowd that had assembled around the ambulance gawked.

A boring day in Medder Rose makes me the star attraction.

Somewhere in the rear I saw a flash. Lightning. Is it about to rain? Another flash came, and a third as they put me inside.

Great. I’d hit my head and now a thunderstorm was coming. All I needed since I didn’t have an umbrella.

The vehicle doors slammed shut.

Not that I needed an umbrella inside here.

Why do these things always happen to me? What have I done to deserve this?

Turned out the worst part of my day hadn’t yet begun.

Overtaxed and Underappreciated is available at:

Other links:


Cheryl B. Dale lives with her guy and two cats, one who reads on her lap and the other who watches TV with the guy. She writes to avoid cooking, cleaning, gardening, and other time-consuming chores.

An interview with author Lynn Crain

Please help me welcome Lynn Crain to my blog today. She’s given me a great interview and a lovely excerpt from her book. Be sure and leave a comment to be in the running for her giveaway, listed later in the blog.

CoverFinalLG-AVienneseChristmas_21. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be, and why?

This is a tough one. I currently live in Vienna, Austria right now and many people would say this is a great place and it is. The place where I want to live most is Scotland. I’ve been there twice and each time I fall in love with it a little more.

2. Have you had other careers before becoming a writer?

Yes, lots of them. I was in nursing. I worked with databases. I worked in publishing. But each and every time I came back to writing.

3. Where do you get the ideas for your stories?

Inspiration is everywhere. Living in Vienna, I get a lot of ideas from just walking around the city. I have an idea book that is filled with more than I’ll ever get to complete.

4. What is your typical day like?

Well, it’s hard to say. First, when I get up depends upon how late I’ve written the night before. Some nights, I get the writing bug and just can’t turn it off. Others, I’m in bed before 11. What I call a normal day is where I get up between 7 and 8. I’ll go to the computer and look at email, Facebook and Twitter. I’ll schedule a few promotional things then I go get breakfast for me and pup Harry. While, I’m eating, I’ll watch some sort of documentary probably about Scotland. Once breakfast is over, I delve right into my daily task list and try to cross off as many of them before dinner. All my writing tasks are in the list and I try to follow it as closely as possible. However, it’s not a rigid list and I find myself deviating from it occasionally.

5. What was the hardest thing you’ve found in the process of self-publishing? What was the easiest part of self-publishing?

The hardest part for me is the actual selling. The rest is easy because it is very task oriented. I have a list and follow it.

6. Can you list some Pros/Cons of self-publishing?

This is going to sound weird but they are basically the same thing: you’re in charge of everything. You can leave nothing to chance. If you aren’t a detail oriented person, then this may not be for you. Read some of the latest books like Write.Publish.Repeat. for a hard look at the self-publishing world. It is hard work but some of the most satisfying work you’ll ever do.

7. Do you have critique partners?

Absolutely. I belong to the fabulous Passionate Critters. We are a very work oriented group and regularly critique. We also talk every day about the writing life and life in general. There isn’t a better set of women out there.

8. How likely are people you meet to end up in your next book?

Hardly ever. Sure, I’ve used some as a template for a character but I learned a long time ago, people rarely want to see themselves in a book.

9. Do you have a view in your writing space? What does your space look like?

I have a wonderful view from our flat. We overlook the Belvedere Gardens. My desk is quite different from the one I normally have at home. It’s smaller for one thing and there really aren’t any drawers but I love the top. It’s a heavy piece of glass that has the word love in many different languages. I will never forget what I’m writing about! LOL!

10. Do you prefer to read in the same genres you write in or do you avoid reading that genre? Why?

I try not to because I don’t want it to influence my own writing. Right now, I’m finishing up a contemporary erotic romance that is in its final editing stages. I’m reading non-fiction about writing and some hardcore science fiction.

11. Do you write under a pen name? Why or why not? How did you choose it?

My name is part of my legal name. I choose it because I wanted something easy to remember for both me and the readers. I choose it in particular because a friend mentioned to me that the easiest remembered names are one to two syllables. My name is actually a 2,1,1,2 combination. I just used the two one syllable parts.

12. Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do you do to combat it?

I just got over the worst case of writer’s block and lack of inspiration I’ve had in my forty years of writing. It was the combination of a move from all I’ve ever known and an illness.

13. What are you reading now?

Right now, I am finishing up Write.Publish.Repeat by Sean Platt and Johnny B. Truant with David Wright. It’s a very interesting book and depicts the self-publishing world in vivid color. If you haven’t read it you should because there are tips inside for every author, traditionally or self published.I’ve really enjoyed it so far.

14. Will you share some encouraging words for authors still struggling for that first contract?

This is where my geek girl stands out. I’m going back to words from the movie Galaxy Quest: Never give up, never surrender. This is more true if you self publish because it does take quite a while to pull in the readers. If you keep at it, slow and steady will win the race too.

15. What’s next for you?

I have high hopes for the contemporary book I mentioned previously. I’m finishing up some final editing bits for my agent and she’ll be shopping it around hopefully next month. After that is off my plate, I have a book to finish for one of my other publishers and I’ll be publishing the second book in my A Taste of Vienna series, Night Train.


Lynn will be giving away an ebook copy of A Viennese Christmas and one other ebook from her extensive backlist to one lucky commenter.

The heart knows the language of love.

Sign language interpreter, Amanda Kranz, wants to find her soul mate but fears her chance has past due to the death of her childhood sweetheart. Finding sexy historian Henry Jager during an outing in her new home of Vienna, Austria, may have been a stroke of luck. When his ex-fiancée shows up just as their relationship starts to sizzle, Amanda must decide if standing up for what she really wants will give her lifetime happiness. Or will she be destined to spend her life alone?

Her disappointment must have been plain on her face as she found herself suddenly gazing into the greenest eyes in a very handsome male face. A question in German followed as she tried to ascertain just what he said.

“I’m sorry,” she stated, her confusion obvious. “I’ve only picked up a word or two since I’ve been here. Do you speak English?”

“You’re American?” he questioned without the accent most Austrians possessed.

“Don’t make it sound like such a curse. There are a lot of us, you know.” Her indignation evident in her tone.

His rich laughter filled the space, warming her to her bones in ways she hadn’t expected. “Sorry. I guess one does pick up the attitudes of where they live.”

She looked at him puzzled. “That’s that supposed to mean?”

“Henry Jager, American, at your service ma’am.” His sweeping bow brought a smile to her lips.

“Amanda Kranz and I hardly think I qualify as a ma’am.” She stuck her hand toward him. His firm grasp sent an electric sensation as she felt the spark deep within her. She swore he felt it too as his eyes darkened.

“Do you prefer Amanda or Mandi? I know there’s not much of a choice with Henry.” His serious gaze spot of his interest.

Laughter bubbled up in her, the first such emotion in weeks. “Henry is a fine, strong name. And it doesn’t matter much with mine.” His hot look made her want to shiver in anticipation of what she could only speculate.

“Really? I would have thought your business associates would call you Amanda. Now your intimate contacts I expect call you Mandi.”

She gazed at him. Intimate contacts, now there was a misnomer. It had been years since she’d had any intimate contacts of the male persuasion. “Sounds good to me.”

“You gave in too easy.” He reluctantly let go of her hand as his look took on a more serious aspect. “Are you meeting someone?”

She shook her head. “No one to meet.”

“Good.” He grabbed her hand again, placing it in the crook of his arm. “Have you ever been to one of these before?” Henry expertly meandered around people, baby carriages and more as he led her to the next booth.

“Not really. I saw them last year but being so new to the city, I couldn’t bring myself to go to one alone.” She gazed at the Rathaus beyond them, remembering how intimidated she’d been by building even though it had a Christmas tree in front.

His eyes narrowed. “Sounds like you’re still a relative newcomer.”

“I suppose so. I got here in November of last year.”

“Ah – your impression?” His brows lifted when he drew back as if to study her face.

“Very commercialized. I expected something more – ” she struggled to find the right word. “– more homey, more authentic – more Austrian.”

Henry gazed around a moment before looking back at her. “I see your point. This is probably the one Christkindlemarkt that’s got the least to offer in specialized, authentic goods in my opinion except it does have a certain ambiance. And of course, there’s the skating rink as well as the park decorations.”

Her brow arched in amazement. She really hadn’t expected anyone to agree with her. All the women she knew gushed over every one of them. “You agree with me?”

His naughty smile was breathtaking. “Most definitely. This is the one where most of the tourists come. While there are some very Austrian things here hidden amongst the drivel, most are not unique or special in any way.”

“My thoughts exactly. Where exactly does one find more traditional items?” Astonishment spread through her. She had not once heard anyone say a negative comment about Vienna. All her colleagues gushed over the city but as far as she was concerned, it was just another place to live.

They stopped in front of a food booth, the aroma tantalizing. “Would you like something hot to drink?”

The brisk breeze nipped at her cheeks and she felt the cold through her coat. She definitely could use something to warm her up. “Sure.”

Award winning author, Lynn Crain realized at an early age she wanted to write. She took the long road with many careers, all of which have added to her detail-oriented stories. Today, she’s a full time storyteller and weaves fantasy, futuristic and paranormal tales as well as erotic stories for various publishers. She normally lives in the very hot southwest with her family and fur babies. Currently, her kids have the house because she’s run away from home. Her latest adventure has taken her to Vienna, Austria with her husband as he works at his dream job. You can find her hanging out at A Writer In Vienna Blog and various other places on the net like My Sexy Saturday, Twitter and her blog, XtraOrdinary Romance. Still, the thing she loves most of all is hearing from her readers at


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Where Lynn Is:

Interview with A C James

Eternal_Ever_After_(small)_2Tell us about yourself.

I’m a reformed tech geek living in Northeast, PA. I transplanted here about twelve years ago when I became a mom. 😉 When I’m not writing I’m killing plants in our vegetable garden. I’m a total brown thumb!

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be, and why?

I’d love to relocate one day to Houston so I could be closer to my dad.

Have you had other careers before becoming a writer?

I used to beta test video games. Yes, it’s actually a real job. I got paid to play video games.

What genre(s) do you write in and why?

I write what I love to read and that happens to be paranormal romance. L.J. Smith was my favorite author long before Vampire Diaries was made into a TV series.

Tell us about your current series/WIP.

I’m about half-way done writing book two in the Ever After series, Fallen Ever After. It’s due to my editor in late March and should be out in e-book in April.

How does your family feel about your writing career?

I discovered when I went to visit my dad around Thanksgiving that he’s been reading my paranormal erotica anthology out loud to my step-mom. LOL…it was one of those awkward moments where you politely retreat to get more cranberry sauce. Honestly, he’s very proud of me. My husband is a huge supporter too.

How has your experience with self-publishing been?

Amazing. Just amazing.

What advice do you have for other authors wanting to self-publish?

Worry about the writing first. Hire out for editing and cover art. Learn how to format.

What was the deciding factor in self-publishing your book(s)? Did you decide on ebook or print only or both?

I do e-book, print, audio, and recently expanded into German with my first foreign translation.

What’s next for you?

acjames_2I’m pleased to announce that I’m launching a Lady Jane’s Salon in Wilkes-Barre/Scranton as a satellite to the popular NYC romance reading series. You can learn more here:

Book Description:

His past holds a secret…

Arie Cush has a secret that he thought he’d left behind. When his past follows him to Chicago he must protect someone that reminds him of all the painful memories he’s tried so hard to forget. But when every touch from her sets his heart and body on fire—he finds it hard to maintain his aloof façade.

That becomes her nightmare.

Holly Ellis has secrets of her own. An encounter with the handsome stranger who frequents her coffee shop reveals a vampire with baggage. Even though it might be more than she bargained for, she can’t resist the one person who understands her. But her life is in danger and a supernatural threat could reveal the underground world of vampires to humankind in this Gothic Cinderella re-telling.


“If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.”
–Holy Bible: King James Version


I never guessed that I could die with a sea of faces surrounding me, all cheering for my death. A woman wearing a jacket dress made of brocade only laughed louder when blood splattered the low square neckline. Where is Arie? I scanned the crowded club but all I could see were pale faces, some half covered by masks.

My time had come and I prayed she would finish me off quickly. The warm trickle of blood ran down my neck and chest, saturating the corset bustier of my gown. It seemed like a shame to ruin such a pretty dress. Strangely, I felt relieved the bodice was black and not a light color that would show a stain.

The fear of dying or more accurately, the fear of not existing, scared me stiff. Perhaps if I had satisfied this existential anxiety with faith I wouldn’t jump from panic to ambivalence. I should be angry at everyone who simply watched. They must think the gruesome display is part of the entertainment for tonight. After the bloody burlesque show I could hardly blame them.

Holly, I gave you the chance to leave. The telepathic transference hardly seemed relevant at this point. I knew if I’d never gone to the Hellfire Club, I wouldn’t be facing death now. Still, if my death meant the killings would stop it seemed justifiable.

“No!” I could barely hear Arie scream above the cheering voices clamoring for attention. The constant drone defies my effort to form coherent thoughts. I looked up and could see him on the balcony. When I blinked he had disappeared into the throng. I could feel the blood continue to trickle down my neck as she drained me. Dizziness threatened to pull me under. The audience applauded her brutality. I crumpled at her feet, looking up at her smile as thin as paper.

Blood. So much blood. My blood.

I didn’t want this to be the story of my death but this part is only a fragment of a narrative as old as time. Its voices fill the shadows with whispers of legend. We are told that the damned cease to exist and those absolved from sin are given eternal life. The damned can never be saved. They walk the earth in an eternal hell. I fear it will be my curse if death doesn’t claim me instead.

An Interview with Nicole Burnham

Please help me welcome Rita Award Winning Author Nicole Burnham to my blog today.

ChristmasWithAPrince_final_600x900_2Tell us about yourself.

Hi Cynthia! Thanks so much for inviting me to the blog. The nutshell answer: I live in Boston, though I’m originally from Colorado. When I’m not writing, I walk (a lot!), watch baseball, take yoga classes, and travel whenever I can. I’m the master of finding good travel deals.

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be, and why?

I was lucky enough to live in Germany for six years while my father was serving with the military. I would go back in a heartbeat. The public transportation in Europe is outstanding and Germany is a good central location from which to visit all of Europe. I wouldn’t say no to living in Italy, either. I could explore Italy’s villages for years. In the last few years I’ve also been fortunate enough to visit Turkey and Malta. I don’t feel like I’ve seen enough of those two countries yet, so living closer would give me that opportunity.

Have you had other careers before becoming a writer?

I graduated with a master’s in political science and a law degree, then practiced law for about a year before turning to writing. I figured out during my law school summer jobs that being a lawyer wasn’t going to be a satisfying lifelong choice for me, so I looked elsewhere. I took a graduate course at NYU in publishing, and then went to work for a magazine. I then started freelancing for bridal magazines and worked on my first novel on the side. Once it was published and others followed, I let the freelancing taper off.

HoneymoonWithaPrince_Final_600x900_2Are you a full time writer or do you have a “day job”?

I’m now a full time writer and I love it…though I’d say in some ways it’s more than full time. I write whenever I can catch free time on evenings and weekends, too. I’m not a fast writer, so I need those hours in the chair if I’m going to steadily produce good books.

How many books have you written? Do you have a favorite?

I’m currently working on my fifteenth book. I don’t have a favorite, though for sentimental reasons I adore The Knight’s Kiss. It was a paranormal romance I tucked into the middle of a series of contemporary royal romances, which was a big risk…and it ended up winning a Rita Award and helping a lot of readers find my books.

Tell us about your current series/WIP.

I’m in the midst of writing book three of my Royal Scandals series, which is about the Barrali royal family. The first book is Scandal With a Prince and the second is Honeymoon With a Prince. Both were released in late 2013, along with a prequel novella titled Christmas With a Prince. (Do you sense a theme here?)

The next book in the series, Slow Tango With a Prince, is largely set in Argentina and features the crown prince, Vittorio Barrali. At the end of Honeymoon, we know that he was deceived by his girlfriend and is keeping a stiff upper lip through a bad breakup, but we don’t know the details. I’m having a wonderful time writing his story. Slow Tango will be out by mid-2014. As soon as I have a firm date I will post it on my website, announce it to my e-mail newsletter list, and post to my Facebook page.

Where do you get the ideas for your stories?

I love writing about royalty. Royal Scandals is my third series centered around a royal family. The first was written for Silhouette Romance (the San Rimini series) and the second was a young adult series I wrote under the name Niki Burnham. I’m endlessly fascinated by what it’s like to live with that kind of pressure from the time one is born, always knowing that your life is not your own. How does that affect a person’s relationships? How much freedom does a royal really have to pursue their own interests? How does the constant spotlight affect a person’s psyche? How would different personalities deal with life in a fishbowl? How hard is it to trust those around you? The story possibilities are infinite.

How has your experience with self-publishing been?

So far, the self-publishing experience has been wonderful. I wouldn’t say no to writing for a traditional publishing house again, but for the Royal Scandals books, self-publishing was the way to go. It offers me the control I need to ensure the stories find the right audience through a combination of good covers, the timing of releases, and—most important of all—strong content that speaks to readers who love royal romances. I’ve been working with a fabulous editor who understands my vision for the series and helps me make the stories as rich as possible. It’s been great for me and great for my readers.

What advice do you have for other authors wanting to self-publish?

Don’t be in a hurry. Write the very best book you can, then hire the best editor you can. Don’t get feedback from your spouse or friends. Hire a pro. Take those editorial comments seriously. If you need to, hire a second editor. Then, think carefully about your cover and your back cover copy. Your self-publishing goal shouldn’t be to produce a story as good as one from the publishing houses in New York…it needs to be better. Readers aren’t simply buying your book, they are giving you their time. Make those hours they spend reading your book rewarding, entertaining, and memorable.

Do you or have you belonged to a writing organization? Which one? Have the helped you with your writing? How?

I belong to the Romance Writers of America. I learned a great deal about both the craft and the business of writing from attending their workshops and reading their monthly magazine, the Romance Writers’ Report. If you plan to write romance, I can’t recommend it highly enough.

ScandalWithAPrince_Final_600x900_2Where can readers find you?

I’m online at, on Facebook at, on Twitter at @nicoleburnham, on Goodreads at, and on Pinterest at My Pinterest page has some of the inspiration behind the books, as well as a lot of home design and landscape design pins. I’m obsessed.

Where can readers find your books? Print/Ebook?

My books are available in ebook from Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Kobo, and Apple. They’re available in print at Barnes & Noble and Amazon.


Mahmoud cleared his throat. “Prince Stefano, may I present Megan Hallberg, the Grandspire’s director of business development? Megan, this is Prince Stefano Barrali of Sarcaccia. His father and I frequently host charity events together, so I wanted Stefano to see the Grandspire’s new facilities. I’m certain he’ll give King Carlo a favorable report on the hotel’s suitability for future events.”

Megan’s mouth went dry as sand as he rose. She’d forgotten how tall he was, how fluidly he moved. As Stefano stepped toward her, the memory of their first meeting returned in a rush that threatened to flatten her. He’d moved in that same easy manner when he’d approached her a decade ago, offering to carry a length of pipe for her as she struggled to maneuver it through an alley in the congested Venezuelan village where they both worked as volunteers. She’d joked that he was her hero when he’d hefted it onto one shoulder as if it were no heavier than a loaf of bread.
But there were changes in him, too. While the celebrity gossips frequently commented on Stefano’s athleticism, his playful nature, and even his dimples, no report could accurately convey the ways he’d matured in the years since Megan had last seen him. Television and magazines couldn’t capture the masculine line of his shoulders as they filled his tuxedo jacket, the texture of his sunkissed cheekbones, or the utter charisma he exuded.

Megan forced herself not to flinch as he came within arm’s reach. She hadn’t thought it possible his appearance could improve over the years, but it had. He’d become broader, stronger, more confident…more him.

Of course, his most distinctive physical characteristic could never change. His eyes were a clear sea green with a distinct ring around each iris, as if Picasso himself had taken up a narrow paintbrush to edge the green in black. She remembered all too well the last time she’d looked into those eyes. She’d been twenty-two, as had Stefano. They each sported grubby clothes, having worked the entire day to finish installing a water system, but they’d been unwilling to use a single precious moment to change, knowing it was their final night together before returning to their separate lives. Their real lives.

He’d threaded his long fingers through her hair as they stood on a secluded beach not far from the village. Even in the waning light of the setting sun, she’d seen the deep passion in those green eyes. “I will never, ever forget you,” he’d whispered before pulling her into a heart-stopping, explosive kiss. “These have been the best days of my life.”

It felt surreal to look into those same eyes now, knowing she’d been forgotten within days, relegated to what would become a long line of disposable women, starting with the one to whom he’d become engaged less than a month after leaving Venezuela. The one to whom he’d run, barefoot, across the palace courtyard in a photo that appeared around the world.


Nicole Burnham is the RITA-Award winning author of over a dozen romance novels, most featuring modern-day royalty. She has lived and traveled all over the world, absorbing different cultures and visiting the opulent palaces and lush gardens that inspired the Royal Scandals series. All About Romance declares, “Nicole Burnham gives life to a fictional kingdom and monarchy that feel as though they could be real” and “gosh darn it, Nicole Burnham is good…readers should definitely check her out.”

Nicole currently lives in Boston. She enjoys yoga, games at Fenway Park, taking her dog for long walks, and reading the many romance novels on her bookshelves. Most of all, she loves writing stories about far-off countries, deliciously powerful heroes, and passionate heroines for her readers.

The buy links are:

Christmas With a Prince:

Scandal With a Prince:

Honeymoon With a Prince:

And my website is

An Interview with author Chris Marie Green

VB_book_photo_2Chris Marie Green is the author of Only the Good Die Young, the first book in the Jensen Murphy, Ghost for Hire series from Penguin/Roc, which features a fun-loving spirit from the ’80s. She also wrote the urban fantasy Vampire Babylon series from Ace Books as well as The She Code, a “geek lit”/chick lit/new adult hybrid with comic book art work by Billy Martinez of Neko Press Comics.

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be, and why?

It’s a toss up! There are two places I’ve visited that immediately felt comfortable to me: New Orleans and London. New Orleans appeals to my urban fantasy/dark mystery side with all its ghost stories and its colorful history of tragedy and survival. But London has the Tube, the Roman ruins in the middle of busy city streets, and high tea! (I live for a good high tea even more than I do a Sazerac. )

Have you had other careers before becoming a writer?

Yes—besides the basic high school waitressing gig, I’ve been a ticketseller/visitor assistance officer/switchboard operator/jack of all administrative trades at what used to be the San Diego Wild Animal Park (now it’s called the San Diego Zoo Safari Park). I’ve been a personnel assistant at a temporary service, as well as an administrative temporary worker. Before I went into writing full time, though, I was an eighth grade teacher of humanities. I was seriously pursuing a writing career during my five years of teaching, and I told myself that if I ever sold three books in a year, I would quit so I could have time to write a lot more. When I sold four books in a row to Harlequin, I had to keep that promise to myself. 

What genre(s) do you write in and why?

I write in a few! My newest release, Only the Good Die Young, is a “Chris Marie Green” urban fantasy. Under that name, I also wrote the Vampire Babylon UF series, but I also have a few new adult/chick lit works (The She Code, what I like to call a “geek lit” hybrid. ) I have another pen name, “Crystal Green,” and “she” writes romance.
Since I’m such an eclectic reader, I’m not surprised that I feel the compulsion to write in different genres. My paranormal work fulfills the craving for adventure and a fascination with darkness, but the romances balance me with some light.

Only_the_Good_Die_Young_cover_2Tell us about your current series/WIP.
Only the Good Die Young (book one in the Jensen Murphy, Ghost for Hire series) is about a ghost who has been caught in a time loop where she’s been experiencing her death again and again. Unfortunately, since Jensen was murdered, her death was violent, and she has blocked out the identity of the maniac who ended her life. Enter Amanda Lee Minter, a psychic/medium who pulls her out of this time loop for a good purpose—to help solve a modern killing. In fact, Amanda Lee hopes that Jensen will be able to haunt a confession out of the man who may or may not be guilty, and then they can start solving Jensen’s crime…

I had such fun (and creeped out moments!) writing this because Jensen died in the 1980s, so she’s a fish out of water. Also, the ‘80s are just crazy, LOL. I also have a love for slasher movies from that era, and the book has some of that vibe going for it. But the story is also fun because of “Boo World,” the ghost dimension, and the other spirits inhabiting it. My hope is that the tone resembles the early days of Supernatural, which struck a great balance between darkness and humor.

Do you have critique partners?

Yes, thank goodness! Judy Duarte and Sheri Whitefeather and two of my dearest friends as well as amazing writing partners. We’ve supported and helped each other for about fourteen years now. What’s funny is that we are also able to “get” each other’s writing, no matter what we’re working on. Sheri and I write in a lot of the same genres, but Judy loves doing inspirational—you’d think that’d be a problem when she’s reading my monster stuff, LOL. But we’re like old married people, comfortable enough with each other to always be honest. Besides, a story is a story.

Tell us about your heroine. Give us one of her strengths and one of her weaknesses.

Jensen Murphy is incredibly loyal, which can either be a good thing because her friends are the same way with her, or a bad thing, because sometimes loyalty has blind spots. There are a lot of dark places in Boo World where you shouldn’t be loyal to others, like Elfin Forest, where Jensen was murdered. There are some pretty sketchy spirits there, so she’s going to need to put up her guard a little more…

What genres are you drawn to as a reader?

I love just about everything! You can see that when I name off my favorite books: The Secret History by Donna Tartt (literary murder), The Promise of Jenny Jones by Maggie Osborne (historical romance western), and The Stand by Stephen King (apocalyptic horror). Again, there’s my balance of dark and light! Tellingly, there’s a little more darkness in this list, though.

What do you have planned for the future?

The second Ghost for Hire book, Another One Bites the Dust, will be out in November. The third has yet to be named and scheduled, although I have my fingers crossed that they keep the title I suggested, LOL. (All the books have titles of songs that Jensen might’ve listened to back when she was alive.) Starting in July, I have a new Crystal Green romance series with Berkley Intermix’s digital first line. It’s called Rough & Tumble and revolves around a tough bar on the outskirts of Vegas and the hot men who hang out there. I have a few self-published projects I’m nursing along, too—a couple of original Vampire Babylon novellas and The She Code, plus three connected She Code novellas (all by Chris Marie Green).

What are you reading now?

This is hilarious, but I finally started Fifty Shades of Grey. A little behind on my reading, I’d say. I’m also listening to an audiobook about Jacques Pepin called The Apprentice, just because I adore reading about cooking. I can’t say I’m awesome in the kitchen, but I like to fantasize! Also, I’m reading Kicking It, but I’m cheating when I tell you this because I actually have a story in that urban fantasy anthology, LOL. But I was dying to read the other stories by great authors like Faith Hunter, Rachel Caine, and Shannon Butcher, and many others. I’m honored to be in the collection!

Where can readers find you?
My main website is I’m also on Twitter at and Facebook at If you’re on Pinterest, I’m at and Goodreads at Join me!

Blurb for Only the Good Die Young…

You know the theory that ghosts are energy trapped when someone dies violently? It’s true. I know it for a fact…

My name is Jensen Murphy, and thirty years ago I was just an ordinary California girl. I had friends, family, a guy who might be The One. Ordinary—until I became a statistic, one of the unsolved murders of the year. Afterwards, I didn’t go anywhere in pursuit of any bright light—I stayed under the oak tree where my body was found, and relived my death, over an over. So when a psychic named Amanda Lee Minter pulled me out of that loop into the real world, I was very grateful.

So I’m now a ghost-at-large—rescued by Amanda (I found out) to be a supernatural snoop. I’m helping her uncover a killer (not mine—she promises me we’ll get to that) which should be easy for a spirit. Except that I’ve found out that even ghosts have enemies, human—and otherwise…

(buy links)

An Interview with author D’Ann Lindun

I have a great interview and excerpt for you all from D’Ann Lindun. D’Ann is also giving away an ecopy of her book A Cowboy to Keep to one of her lucky commenters. So be sure and leave her a comment.

Amazon--Cody_2If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be, and why? Right here, where I’m at. I have no desire to travel.

Are you a full time writer or do you have a “day job”? I’m a full time writer. I left my retail job last June.

Do you have other talents? Or is there a talent you don’t have that you wish you did? I’m a pretty good horsewoman. Been riding since I was three years old.

How did you get started writing? My BFF, cousin and I signed up for a class on how to write a romance novel, taught by Margot Early, at the local college. 20+ years later, I’m still going.

What genre(s) do you write in? Contemporary western and contemporary western suspense.

How many books have you written? Do you have a favorite? I believe I’ve written 26 books and about half are published. I do have a favorite, Mississippi Blues, which is not western, but southern!

Tell us about your current series/WIP. A Cowboy to Keep is the first of the Cowboys of Black Mountain series. There are 4 in the series, with one more planned for next winter sometime. Black Mountain is a small Colorado town and Cody Utah moves there to open a bull riding school. Laney Ellis is struggling to run her small ranch and raise her son after a ranch bull kills her husband.

What advice do you have for other authors wanting to self-publish? Do it! I love it.

After Laney Ellis’ husband is killed by a bull, she is left to run their small cattle ranch and raise their son, Justin, on her own. Despite some of Laney’s worst fears, the dream Justin holds dearest is to be exactly like his dad, a champion bull rider. He finds his chance when world champion bull rider Cody Utah moves in next door.

Although attraction between Cody and Laney flares, neither act upon it. Laney refuses to get her family involved with another bull rider, and Cody has heard rumors Laney trapped Wyatt, her late husband, into a high school marriage by getting pregnant.The last thing Cody wants is children.

At a rodeo, Justin is thrown and knocked unconscious. As Justin lays in the hospital, Cody begs Laney to forgive him. He realizes he loves her enough to discourage Justin from the sport. Will Laney let Cody into their lives? Will Justin ride again?

Blood. Wyatt’s blood. Oh, God.

She tensed, ready to jump away. Just as she thought the Angus would come for her, Wyatt moaned. Like a child with a toy car, the bull dropped his head and shoved the man into the rail fence. The logs shook as Wyatt’s body slammed into them.

Screaming nonsensical words, she chased the bull and hit him again with her prod. Shaking his head as if she were nothing more than a gnat, he repeatedly threw Wyatt into the fence.

Desperation clouded her mind, but she tried to think. The prod was only making the bull madder. She waved at him. “Look at me!”

When the mighty Angus glanced her direction, she ran at him and slapped his nose with her bare hand, then danced back a few steps. He pawed with both front feet, filling the air with dirt. Her eyes stung, but she refused to blink.

“Come on, come on.” She waved her arms, daring the animal to charge. Her heart pumped so fast she couldn’t tell the beats apart. She had to get him away from Wyatt. Now. “You dirty, filthy beast. Try to get me.”

Like a Mexican bullfighter, she leaped and poked his nose with her prod. Enraged, the bull lunged forward. Turning and running, with him hot on her heels, she sped into a small holding pen and catapulted over the back fence. Tearing around the backside, she slammed the gate shut and threw the latch. She dropped the hot-shot and ran for Wyatt, screaming his name.

She fell to her knees beside him and tugged him over. “Oh, God, Wyatt. Don’t you dare die on me.”


my_author_pic_2Falling in love with romance novels the summer before sixth grade, D’Ann Lindun never thought about writing one until many years later when she took a how-to class at her local college. She was hooked! She began writing and never looked back. Romance appeals to her because there’s just something so satisfying about writing a book guaranteed to have a happy ending. D’Ann’s particular favorites usually feature cowboys and the women who love them. This is probably because she draws inspiration from the area where she lives, Western Colorado, her husband of twenty-nine years and their daughter. Composites of their small farm, herd of horses, five Australian shepherds, a Queensland heeler, two ducks and cats of every shape and color often show up in her stories!

I love to hear from readers! Please contact me at

An Interview with Colette Auclair

Please help me welcome Colette Auclair to my blog today. She’s given me a lovely interview that I think you’ll find interesting.

Thrown_Cover_2Have you had other careers before becoming a writer?

Sort of. For most of my life I’ve been a copywriter, and I joke that I’ve been getting paid to write fiction for years! (If any of my clients read this, I’m soo kidding.) Copywriting is great training for novel writing because you have to write quickly, use as few words as humanly possible, and you always have a deadline to meet. For ten years I was a copywriter at Warner Books (now Grand Central), so I definitely had an advantage when it came to writing query letters, since I used to write catalog copy for books all the time, and that’s pretty much what a query boils down to.

Do you have other talents? Or is there a talent you don’t have that you wish you did?

I am an excellent tap dancer. I wish I were better at accessorizing. I can only be trusted with the most basic accessorizing.

How did you get started writing?

I’ve written since I could read. I wrote a lot of stories about horses and animals when I was growing up. Clearly I haven’t outgrown the impulse yet. Thrown is my first “serious” piece of writing.

What genre(s) do you write in and why?

Contemporary, because Thrown began its life as an idea for a romantic comedy movie. When it made me write it as a novel (and yes, the story wouldn’t get out of my head until I wrote it down!), the genre choice was obvious. In addition, I don’t have the patience to research a historical or romantic suspense and have tremendous respect for those who do.

Give us an elevator pitch for your book.

Thrown is about Amanda, a jumper rider with Olympic ambitions who witnesses her friend’s death in a riding accident and is so traumatized, she must put her dream on hold. She goes to Aspen for a summer job teaching a widowed movie star’s two spoiled young daughters to ride and to recover emotionally. All she has to do is get through three months, then she’s back to serious training. But by Labor Day, she has to decide if she’s going to follow her heart and stay with the man she loves…or go for the gold medal.

Tell us about your hero. Give us one of his strengths and one of his weaknesses.

Grady Brunswick is to die for. I know he’s fictional, I know I created him, but I’m so in love with him I can’t even stand it. One of his strengths is, when he realizes he loves Amanda, he is all in even though it’s scary. A weakness? He wants to be a good father but he sucks at it, and is so overprotective he’s practically paralyzed.

Tell us about your heroine. Give us one of her strengths and one of her weaknesses.

Amanda Vogel is more than a match for Grady. She’s exquisitely determined. She has her sights set on winning a gold medal and she’ll work hard for what she wants for as long as it takes. As for a weakness, she’s so (pardon the pun) thrown when she figures out she has feelings for Grady, she runs away from them. She has to allow herself to take an emotional risk the same way she takes a physical risk when riding horses over towering jumps.

Tell us about your current series/WIP.

Happy to! My work-in-progress is the second book in the three-book series that began with Thrown. Jumped is also set in Aspen, and also features a horse-mad heroine, Beth, who is Amanda’s best friend. Beth believes she’s going to have a fun, carefree month visiting Amanda…but then her ex-husband shows up.

Was your road to publication difficult or a walk in the park?

I started Thrown in the fall of 2009 and got a book contract in late 2012. In the meantime I rewrote Thrown a bazillion times, wrote another book that I haven’t done anything with, finaled in the 2012 Golden Heart contest, and learned a ton. I consider it a four-year walk in a sprawling national park, because my first novel got published. A lot of talented writers have more books under their collective belts and have been at it longer, so I consider myself to be extremely lucky.

Do you have any words of inspiration for aspiring authors?

Keep hydrated. Oh, and all the other stuff everyone says because it’s all true: write (don’t just talk about writing, don’t just read about writing, write), rewrite, read, and finish your book. Done is better than perfect, because you’ll never feel like you’re done.

What did you want to be when you were a child? Did you always know you wanted to be a writer?

I wanted to be an Olympic rider (surprise, surprise) or a veterinarian. Then I took chemistry in college and that killed my vet career. I’m still holding out for the Olympics–in London in 2012, one of the dressage riders was 71. But I’m not holding my breath!

What’s next for you?

I’ll start writing the next book in the three-book series as soon as I send Jumped to my editor. To deliver the best possible story to my readers, I’ll probably have to drive up to Aspen again for research… Ah, the agony of being a novelist!

I live near Denver, Colorado with my witty husband and—not surprisingly—have a Thoroughbred mare and Portuguese Water Dog. Both are smart, sweet and gorgeous. I’m originally from Pittsburgh and am loyal to all of its pro sports teams. I studied theatre and advertising at Northwestern University and have been a copywriter for more than twenty years. If you ever meet me, beware—anything you do or say could end up in a book and I make no apologies.

Thrown is available at

An Interview With Draven St. James

Please help me welcome Draven St. James to my blog today. She’s given me a great interview that I think you’ll find interesting.

dsj_fire_and_mistletoe_coverinBig_2Tell us about yourself.

I’m a northwest native and love the stormy weather. I actually am able to write better when the weather is on the dark side. I’ve traveled a great deal and am a part of an extensive family/friend base. All of those in my life are very supportive and I firmly believe that has helped in my success.

Have you had other careers before becoming a writer?

Yes, prior to dedicating my time to being a writer, I was a psychological profiler. It was a unique and interesting job to be a part of. Never boring, but it definitely had its disturbing qualities. It actually helped me to develop a better grasp on creating more in depth characters.

Tell us about your current series/WIP.

My current series is Firehouse Six, which revolves around the lives of the firemen and other medical professionals who work in that region. It is in the m/m genre and it tells the stories of how these amazing men fall in love. The first was Grey’s Hidden Fire, which was the story of how Mica and Grey met. It’s fairly heated in many different ways. The steam they create with one another, but also what they have to overcome to be together. The second book, Fire and Mistletoe, is a sequel and revolves around Grey and Mica’s developing relationship. I’m in the process of working on a third book, which will be Simon’s story. He’s one of the side characters in the first two books.

What is your next project and when will it be released?

My next project will be released in the spring and it is a standalone. I delved into my past experience in psychological profiling and gave a little peek into a boss-employee connection, with a great many roadblocks keeping them apart. It is a m/m contemporary erotic novel and I hope Aspen and Garren inspire people to keep reading!

Do you have critique partners?

I have a couple of people I go to when I have writers block, and those who read my books to give me input. One person in particular I send him excerpts all the time to see if a single scene, standing alone, can inspire an emotional response. I think that is important.

How likely are people you meet to end up in your next book?

I wouldn’t ever develop a character entirely from one individual person. I do however, take pieces of people that I know, at times, and mold them into the characters that I’m creating.

Do you have any words of inspiration for aspiring authors?

Don’t give up. If writing is what you love than keep writing and sharing your work. Sometimes it is hard to find your niche, but if your passion comes through your work, than you can be successful.

What sort of promo do you do? Do you have help?

I primarily do guest posts on other blogs, cover reveals, giveaways, blog hops, radio interviews and just getting the word out there with friends and fellow authors. I think the most amazing thing about the writing community, that I’m lucky to be a part of, is that it doesn’t feel competitive. We support one another and share our wisdom as we come across it.

Where can readers find you?


Where can readers find your books? Print/Ebook?

Loose Id:

For Mica, there was nothing better than starting the day watching Grey saunter shirtless around the kitchen, preparing him breakfast. Grey’s only clothes were a pair of sweats that hung so low on his hips Mica couldn’t help but be amazed they didn’t slide off. Hell, that was what he anticipated happening.

Such an event would truly be the beginning of a merry Christmas. Mica sat on a stool next to the island at the center of the room to continue his ogling.

“Stop objectifying me,” Grey said before looking over his shoulder and smiling.

“You like it,” Mica teased. The muscles of Grey’s back flexed each time he reached for a spice or stirred the eggs. His hair was wet from his shower and glistened with shades of gold and cinnamon in the overhead lighting.

“I may like it, but you need to eat, and then I have to work. If you’re lucky, when your double shift is over, I’ll entertain those dirty thoughts I know you’re having.”

“Oh, now that’s promising. How about we compromise for the moment? Drop your pants and bring on the food.” Mica leered comically at him. Grey’s face became an adorable shade of pink. He loved that even now Grey had his shy moments. There were so many things Grey did that made his life more complete, both at home and at work, because he was lucky enough to work and play with his lover. He’d met Grey when he’d made the best decision of his life and transferred over to Firehouse Six.

It also didn’t hurt that the man was a fantastic cook. He pivoted to stir the scrambled eggs, and Mica moved to stand behind him. With a deep inhale he breathed in the intoxicating, spicy scent that always clung to Grey, and nuzzled his face against Grey’s neck. He wrapped his arms around him, tracing his fingers along Grey’s abdomen before pulling Grey fully back against him.

“Are you sure you can’t fit me in before breakfast?” Mica whispered and nipped his ear playfully.

The vibrations from Grey’s moan resulted in an answering hardening of Mica’s cock.

“You are the worst tease,” Grey admonished.

“And you’re so damn practical.”

Grey shifted around in Mica’s arms and grinned. “That is one of the many things that you love about me.” He ran his fingers through the damp strands of Mica’s hair. “As it is, because of our shower time, I’m already going to be late.”

Mica trapped Grey against the counter and gave in to the temptation of Grey’s soft lips. Grey’s hands tightened in his hair and drew him away.

“Before you, I was always on time.”

“I exist to create fun chaos in your life.” Mica wiggled his eyebrows.


When Greyson Hayes envisions the perfect first Christmas with Mica Cruz he sees twisted sheets, a bottle of wine and a roaring fire. What he doesn’t see is a holiday spent with the uproarious Cruz family. Grey hasn’t taken part in a family Christmas since the death of his parents. Despite his misgivings, he can’t seem to form the word no when it comes to Mica.

Mica knows that Grey’s not a grinch. Hell, the man shares so much Christmas cheer during the holidays that he leaves no time to experience any for himself. Not this year. Mica plans to make a few changes, starting with a few wicked and whimsical gifts. He enlists the help of his co-workers at Firehouse Six. They band together and strive to provide Grey with the same joy he gives to everyone else–with five a.m. tree hunts, strategically placed mistletoe and Mica playing Santa’s not-so-little helper.

But while Mica is busy being nice, Grey has plenty of time to be naughty…


Draven St. James is a born and raised Oregonian. She has traveled extensively in search of mischief and mayhem to fill her books. Her ventures have been quite successful in inspiring a wealth of stories. Of course at the end of the day, coffee within reach, laptop at the ready is where she finds her peace.

An Interview with Lana Williams

Please help me welcome Lana Williams to my blog today. Lana has given us a wonderful interview and I hope you’ll leave her lots of comments.

LanaWilliams_UnravelingSecrets_200_2Tell us about yourself.

Thanks so much for having me, Cynthia! I’m excited to share the excerpt for my latest release, Unraveling Secrets, set in Victorian London. This is my fourth book and begins a new trilogy. My previous three books (also a trilogy) are medieval romances, so this is a new time period for me, but so fascinating!

I live in Colorado with my husband, two growing sons, two labs, and have been writing for what seems like forever.  I love writing historical romances and thus far, all of my stories have a pinch of paranormal.

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be, and why?

I think I would like to have 4-5 houses in different areas and rotate! Wouldn’t that be great? You could head toward the beach (love Nassau!) during the winter months, maybe hit Vermont in the fall. I do love Colorado and would have to spend time here, too. Perhaps a month or two in England or Ireland would work as well. After all, I need to do some research!

Tell us about your current series/WIP.

The Secret Trilogy tells the story of three young men who assisted their professor at university with an electromagnetic experiment that went terribly wrong. This accident leaves each of the three men with the ability to read auras. The first story in this trilogy is Unraveling Secrets and it opens with Abigail Bradford confronting the man who killed her father–a man she thought was dead. Stephen, the hero, comes upon them. With his ability to read auras of good and evil, he can see that Abigail has good intentions but why she’s in the dirty streets of London’s East End is definitely a puzzle. LOL

The heroes in each of the books read different auras. In the second book, Passionate Secrets coming out later this year, the hero reads auras of success and failure.

What is your next project and when will it be released?

Passionate Secrets is the second book in this trilogy and is a loose twist on My Fair Lady.  It follows Michael’s story, who we meet in the first book. He has the ability to see auras of success and failure. Someone from his past makes a reappearance in his life and he’s torn between trusting her, suspecting her, and helping her. It will be released in 2014.

How does your family feel about your writing career?

I’m very lucky as I come from a family of avid readers. My mom always has a book going and my sisters love to read as well. Even one of my brothers has read my books – twice! They are incredibly supportive of my writing. My husband and sons have grown used to me having my laptop out, typing away while we watch football. They are my biggest fans.

How much time do you spend promoting your books? What works best for you?

Promoting your books is tricky, isn’t it? What seems to work well one time only has moderate success the next. I am on Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, and Pinterest. I have an author newsletter to share news with interested readers. I guest blog at several blogs when I have a new release. Promoting can take a lot of time and it’s difficult to determine what’s effective. While I am a firm believer that the best promotion you can do is write the next book, I do enjoy connecting with readers and authors on social media, as long as it doesn’t take over my whole day.

What advice do you have for other authors wanting to self-publish?

Self-publishing has been a wonderful experience for me. My advice would be to learn as much as possible as to what goes into the process, what your choices are and what resources are available. There are some great books out there by authors who share everything they did. One of the best ones is The Naked Truth About Self-Publishing.

Knowing that your book is going to be read by the public somehow helps you become more objective about your writing. It’s been easier for me to determine what’s working in the story and what isn’t. I now trust my instincts as I’m editing to help me know whether I need to go through a scene one more time, or whether it’s polished as much as I can. All that has definitely taken my writing up a notch. Self-publishing comes with lots of freedom. You are your own boss. You get to decide what you write next. You can write what you think the story calls for and revise as you see fit. You set your own deadlines. You have total control over the project. All that freedom doesn’t work for some people. I’m grateful that I’m surrounded by other writers who are very ambitious and that helps me to push myself. Learn as much as you can so you make the right decision for you. And remember, it’s not either or between traditional and self-publishing. You can choose to be a combination of both.

Do you have any words of inspiration for aspiring authors?

The best thing you can do is keep writing. Do it daily, if at all possible. I feel like my writing really improved substantially when I started making a concerted effort to write every day, even if it was only for 15 minutes. Though I thought I needed longer periods to really get into my story, those did not come often enough with a day job and a busy family. By writing daily, the story stays in your mind and your subconscious seems to work out scenes and provide you with ideas when you finally get a chance to sit at the keyboard. Get a kitchen timer and set it for 15 minutes. Smile. Write. Repeat. Most writers I know can get a page written in that length of time. Everybody has 15 minutes, right? And when you do have longer blocks of time, that productive habit will really pay off.

Why have you become a published author?

Books have been such a lovely treasure throughout my life. When I was in college, reading a book was my reward for studying all night for a test. When I was sad, I could pick up a book, learn something new, and travel to someplace different. There was nothing I looked forward to more than diving into the pages of a book. Being published means I have the chance to give that gift to someone. I have never had a job I loved as much as I love to write. It is the most challenging thing I’ve ever done, and the most rewarding. I can’t imagine doing anything else.

Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do you do to combat it?

If I’m struggling with a particular scene, that usually means there’s something wrong with it. I’m coming at it from the wrong point of view or at the wrong time. When that happens, I step back and try to think of other ways to approach it and list the reasons why I think the scene needs to happen. If I’m having a problem trying to decide what should happen next, then I think of 3 choices of what could happen next and pick one. And sometimes I go back to setting my timer for 15 minutes and force myself to type something, even if it seems like crap. Often that loosens up the log jam in my mind.

Lana_Williams_2Where can readers find you?


Where can readers find your books? Print/Ebook?

Barnes & Noble:


The dim glow cast by the carriage lamp created an intimacy he would’ve preferred to avoid. After the events of the evening, a part deep inside him strained to be closer to her, to absorb her golden light and soothe his darkness. The temptation of her surrounded him until he could hardly breathe. Her face was hidden in shadows but he didn’t have to see her expression to feel her displeasure. Perhaps that would help him keep his distance.

“My apologies for interrupting your evening of drinking and brawling, but two days have passed since I’ve heard anything from you.”

“When I have something to tell you, I’ll contact you. Following me serves no purpose.”

She huffed in response. “Are you telling me you still don’t know of Simmons’ whereabouts?”

Stephen’s frustration pushed him to the edge of his seat. “I’m sure you remember me mentioning other problems that have arisen which occupy my time. Perhaps you could consider for a moment that the world does not revolve around you.”

She sat forward as well until her face was mere inches from his, not backing down. He tried his best to ignore the fact that her reaction was exactly what he’d hoped for. That she’d push him beyond the bounds of gentlemanly behavior, and he’d be left with no choice but to touch her.

“My family’s safety is at stake. I have difficulty believing anything you’re doing in some disreputable pub could be more pressing.”

Her gaze dropped to his lips, and the fragile restraint he had on his desire for her snapped. Before he could think twice, he took her mouth with his.

She tasted so sweet, as though she’d just drunk a golden elixir blended specifically to entice him. Her lips curved to fit his. They were soft and supple, and he lifted his hand to caress her cheek. Her skin was just as smooth and silky as he’d remembered.

She responded to his kiss tentatively at first, as though uncertain what she should do. He’d caught her by surprise, of that he had no doubt.

He waited, expecting her to shove him back and put him in his place. Instead she tilted her head and deepened the kiss. Desire speared through him, almost painful in its intensity. It had been so long since he’d felt like this, since he’d been with a woman who stirred him so.

Her hand touched the back of his neck, curving around the sensitive skin at his nape, her gloved fingers running through his hair. Her touch was pure magic, at once soothing him and making him yearn for more.

He opted for more, plundering, parting his lips to taste her more fully. She stilled at his sudden invasion then opened her lips to return the favor. Her ardor added to his own until his head swam with her sweetness.

An Interview with Jaleta Clegg

Please help me welcome Jaleta Clegg to my blog today. As a special treat she is giving her book away to all reader of the blog. Read on for how you can get your copy.

obsidian-ebook_2If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be, and why?

Tahiti. Or a small tropical island with plenty of fresh water and food service. Okay, make that a tropical beach hotel somewhere completely uncrowded. I want warmth and ocean breezes but no people. The older I get the more I hate people. I’m becoming more of a hermit every year. But forget the cave on a mountain. I live on a mountain and it gets much too cold up here.

Are you a full time writer or do you have a “day job”?

I have too many day jobs. I’ve got eight kids, four still at home. That eats up 90% of my time and energy. I started graduate school recently and that takes a lot out of my day, too. I also work part-time at the Discovery Space Center I have my own planetarium system to play with, plus we have starship simulators. It’s full-on space LARPing. And it all ties in to my writing, too. We’re creating our story universe and it’s partially based on my series.

What genre(s) do you write in and why?

Space opera, mostly. I love astronomy. I’ve always been captivated by stories like Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers, Star Trek, and Star Wars. Grand adventures, space travel, aliens, with just a dash of romance thrown in. I also dabble in fantasy, mostly high fantasy settings, and silly horror. I’ve tried writing straight romance but I was just too tempted to toss in aliens and unicorns and fairies and evil wizards, and the next thing I knew, it wasn’t a straight romance anymore.

How has your experience with self-publishing been?

It’s been a mixed bag. I like controlling my own schedule, publishing as fast as I feel I’m ready. I like being in control of the cover, editing, typesetting, formatting, and everything else. But on the other side, I hate having to make all the decisions. Sometimes it’s easier to let someone else do it. If it’s awful, I can blame them. But in self-publishing, I have no one to blame but myself. Overall, it’s been worth it, despite all the stress.

What was the deciding factor in self-publishing your book(s)? Did you decide on ebook or print only or both?

I was pushed into self-publishing. I never really wanted to do it on my own. I know some authors that just love it, but I was very reluctant. I wanted a publisher and I’m glad I had two good publishers for the first three books. But my sales weren’t good despite good ratings and reviews, so my latest publisher broke up with me. I looked at the situation and knew the only way my series was going to get finished was if I published it myself. What publisher would pick up a series at book four? So I took a deep breath and jumped into the self-publishing pool at the deep end. It helps that I’ve done graphic design for the last 18 years so I have experience with layout and design work. I’ve put out four books since August in both ebook and print formats. It takes a couple of hours to format for both, I do separate files for them, but since it costs me nothing more than time to get them up for sale, why not provide both print and ebook.

What went into the process? Writing, editing, cover design, formatting, etc. Share your ups and downs and how you went about it. If you used a service, can you share?

Writing the story and editing it dozens of times happens long before any author should ever start the publishing process. Tweak it, get the editing done, polish it, beta read the story – do all that before you even think about hitting the publish button. Cover design can take me anywhere from a couple of hours to weeks depending on whether I have a good idea of what I want and/or if the right pictures fall into place for me. I do two versions – ebook and print. Formatting takes a few hours for ebook, then a few more for print. Then I write up the blurb and all the sales pitch materials. Only after I have all this tweaked and in place do I go to the publishing venues and start uploading. Then I proof the copies and files to make sure they look good. Proofing can take up to a month before the final version is available for sale. It takes time to do a good job. When an author says, “I just wrote a book. I’ll have it up for sale in a couple of days,” I just want to shake some reality into them. Yes, you can publish it and have it for sale in a few days, but have you really taken the time to make it as good as you can? Editing takes time. Rewrites take time. Formatting and design work take time. Proofing takes time.

front_small (3)_2What advice can you offer to anyone deciding to self-publish?

Take time to make it good. Don’t jump before you’re ready. But don’t spend too much time dithering on the fence. When that story is as good as you can make it, go for it. Jump. Hit publish. Then write another book, and another, and another. Don’t pour everything into one book. And don’t be offended when someone hates it. It’s bound to happen sooner or later. You’ll get a 1-star review and it will hurt. But leave it alone, shrug it off, and go write something else. A thick skin is healthy in this business.

What did you want to be when you were a child? Did you always know you wanted to be a writer?

I wanted to be a race car driver, until I saw Star Wars. Then I wanted to be Han Solo or an astronaut. But I get vertigo on a swing set so that wasn’t going to work. So I settled on being a computer programmer until I did enough to realize I hate doing it. Then I got into electronics. I love soldering and circuits. But it wasn’t a practical career for me at the time. So I got a degree in Geology, specializing in Earth Science Education. Then I stayed home with my kids since my job at Dairy Queen was a bust. When I couldn’t stand that anymore, I got a job at the space center. I think I still want to be Han Solo when I grow up. Or Ursula, the sea witch.

Did you have several manuscripts finished before you sold? If so, did you send them out yourself?

I had an eleven book series written and edited before I ever submitted anything to a publisher. Just a word of advice, write a stand-alone novel first. It’s just easier.

Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do you do to combat it?

Writer’s block? No. I just suffer from a lack of energy and time some days. When the words won’t come for whatever reason, I either throw in explosions or zombies or mutant zebras or possibly giant gorilla-bees. Or I watch old sci-fi shows for ideas.

What are you reading now?

Mostly books for class. I’ve got one on Affective Assessments I’m supposed to be wading through. When I have the chance, though, I love a light-hearted adventure. I’ve been reading some great YA fantasies lately.

Where can readers find you?

I’m on Facebook as Jaleta Clegg and I have a page for my series – Jaleta Clegg’s Altairan Empire series. I blog twice a week at The Far Edge of Normal – I love to hear from readers. I occasionally hit Goodreads and Twitter and some of the other author/reader sites.

Where can readers find your books? Print/Ebook?

I’ve got a website in progress that lists all my publications, short stories and novels. It’s a blog at the moment, because I hate building websites and procrastinated about it. My series can be found at

Anyone who would like a taste of my science fiction adventure series, you can have the ebook of Nexus Point, book 1, for free. Use code AA47G at
Thanks for inviting me!