An Interview with C J Burright

Please help me welcome CJ Burright to my blog today. CJ is going to give one lucky commenter a $5 Starbucks card, so be sure to leave her a comment.

WW-Cover-200x300_2 Are you a full time writer or do you have a “day job”?

I’d love to write FT, but there are those pesky bills that need to be paid. And food is nice to have around.  My goal is to eventually write full-time. My day job is working for an attorney. I actually enjoy my job most of the time, and helping people is a bonus. There’s not an abundance of happy circumstances that bring people into a lawyer’s office, so it’s a good feeling to be a bright spot in a dark place for people who really need a smile or a kind word.

How did you get started writing?

Originally, my story-writing stemmed from boredom. I grew up in the boonies in a time when kids were expected to entertain themselves. No video games for me! I read. A lot. And I dreamed even more. An overactive imagination plus a love of reading led to fantastical tales of my own.

Tell us about your current series/WIP.

The Wicked Series is urban fantasy with a paranormal romance edge, focusing on brooding, damaged heroes and the women who they can’t live without. Wonderfully Wicked is the first novel in the series, scheduled for release on May 13. There are the V’alkara – men who invade dreams and feed on nightmares. Their counterparts are the dreamcasters – women whose nightmares leak and come to life. The V’alkara hunt dreamcasters, which becomes a bit of a problem when the V’alkara falls for his target, but romance demands a HEA, right?

What is your favorite part of writing?

Definitely when the story unfolds like a movie in my head. It’s so exciting to see it in action play by play in my mind! Writing it down takes a lot longer, but it’s very satisfying to see the visions in my mind’s eye described how I want on paper—and sharing it with other people.

Do you have critique partners?

Oh, yes! I’d be nothing without my CPs! When I joined the Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal chapter of RWA, I was very involved with the MudPuddle (their critique group). I met lots of fabulous writers, many who are now friends, and I eventually splintered off with my current critique partners into our own little group. It’s so important to have like-minded people to support and encourage each other, not to mention kick your hiney when it needs to be kicked!

Tell us about your heroine. Give us one of her strengths and one of her weaknesses.

Kalila Montgomery is used to being on her own and mopping up her messes. She longs for nothing more than to be rid of her nightmares and lead a normal life—to be accepted instead of a freak enduring a lifetime of self-imposed solitude. She’s compassionate, especially for the broken, and fights for what she loves. But Kalila is also stubborn and distrustful. What she wants—to be accepted—is also what she’s too skeptical to believe when it comes around.

Do you have any words of inspiration for aspiring authors?

Keep writing in the face of rejection. Write for yourself. Write what you love. Never stop learning the craft. When you least expect it, everything will click together, and you’ll snag that agent or editor. Don’t ever give up on your dream!

Do you or have you belonged to a writing organization? Which one? Have they helped you with your writing? How?

I mentioned RWA and the FF&P chapter earlier. The great support and learning experience in the MudPuddle was phenomenal—interacting with other aspiring and published authors, having the opportunity for guidance, and a sounding board for ideas. And did I mention the fabulous classes offered through RWA? Not only are they taught by experts in the field, they’re freakin’ cheap! I aim to take several classes a year. There are always new things to learn. The community RWA offers, especially the chapters, is something all writers should seek out—meeting other people who truly understand the ups and downs of the writer’s life. It’s nice to share victories and find encouragement when you need it from others who can empathize because they’ve been through it too.

What’s next for you?

I’m only a few chapters away from completing the rough draft of Beautifully Burned, the next book in The Wicked Series, and I’ve got the hero from the third book already demanding to have his story written. I also have a fantasy romance out on submission and hope to find a home for it soon. It happens to be my favorite. 


C. J. Burright was born and raised in Oregon and loved it so much she never left. While she has worked for years in a law office, she chooses to avoid writing legal thrillers and instead leans toward urban fantasy, paranormal romance, or—since all things medieval and magic fascinate her—fantasy romance. A member of Romance Writers of America and Secretary for the Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal special interest chapter, C. J. also has her 4th Dan Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do and believes stories should always include a gratuitous fight scene. In what spare time she has, she enjoys working out, reading, gardening, and rooting on the Seattle Mariners with a nice glass of wine. She shares a house with her husband, daughter, and a devoted herd of cats.

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From his post at the door, he smoothed one errant lock of hair back into place. Powerful arms folded over his chest. If the knife wound bothered him, he hid it well.

“You,”—he breathed—“are magnificent.”

The soft sincerity in his voice shoved her right back into the seductive arms of her dream. A lightning bolt of heat struck her gut, igniting wildfire in her veins and a rolling thunder in her chest. She doused the flames with a cold scowl. How dare he distract her by saying such things before he attempted to kill her.

“Kalila.” Lydon took a step forward.

Her gaze darted to the dangerous beauty of his face, drawn by the choked, reverent way he spoke her name. A strange need tugged within her, soul-deep and insistent. He lifted a hand out to her. She took a step.

Run, idiot!

Her inner voice of survival broke free from the daze Lydon created. She blinked. He stood so close his body heat licked the bare skin of her shoulders. With a gasp, she stumbled backward until her calves hit the coffee table.

“Don’t run from me.”

“Make it nice and easy for you, huh?” She skirted the coffee table. “Want me to slice my own throat too? Save you the time and effort?”

Swathed in shadow, Lydon resembled a dark angel, exquisite and lethal. “I—”

For a moment, he seemed so lost she had an inane urge to wrap her arms around him and hold him tight. A night-vision memory tickled at her mind, of affection and laughter and home. Her stomach twisted. Stupid dream. Score one for unfulfilled visions.

“I don’t want to hurt you.” Lydon’s jaw clenched.

“Ha ha. Which is why you broke into my house, lurked around in my bedroom, and are now preventing me from leaving. Makes total sense.

He blurred. Faster than she could blink, he loomed across the table, his breath in her face. Murderers should not have clean, minty breath.

“Don’t make me change my mind.” His expression banked no mercy, a dark promise the price for disobedience.

Time for drastic action. Kalila lowered her head and slumped in feigned surrender. She riffled through the compartments of her mind until she found what she wanted. Dirtbag, meet Secret Weapon.

“Um, Lydon?” She lifted her gaze to his and batted her eyelashes slow, the mark of utter innocence.

His attention dropped to her mouth, lingered.

Her pulse quickened. Was he seriously considering kissing her? She’d prefer a punch in the face.

“Yes, Kalila?” His voice flowed over her skin with smooth heat, the slow burn of cinnamon whisky.

She shook off a shiver and jerked her chin at what now seethed in the shadows by the front door, partially hidden by his broad form. “There’s something behind you.”

An Interview With Laurel O’Donnell

Hi Cindy –

Thanks for letting me tell you a little about myself!

Angels-Assassin-Master-Cover-300x456-version2_2If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be, and why?
I think I would live on the beach, in a glorious mansion. Well, that is, if I had enough money.  There’s just something about the ocean. It calms me and relaxes me. But it’s turbulent and powerful. I imagine myself sitting on a chair in the sand, writing. I grew up in Illinois, far away from the ocean. So, I’ve always enjoyed visiting.

How many books have you written? Do you have a favorite?
To date, I have 6 medieval romances written, 1 paranormal and 4 novellas in a series. I also have 1 free medieval novella. My favorite is always my latest one. Right now, that would be Angel’s Assassin. It’s a tale of redemption, of good and bad, of love overcoming all. My favorite!

What is your next project and when will it be released?
I just finished up a medieval novella. For this novella, I revisited the characters in Angel’s Assassin. It should be released with other novellas from other authors in LoveHistoricals in October or November. Right, Cindy? 

I’m also working on another medieval romance that centers around jousting.

What is your favorite part of writing?
My favorite part of writing is when the story flows. When the characters take over and move the scene. When I can feel the emotions and translate them to the paper. It’s amazing. Just amazing.

What is your least favorite part of writing?
When the characters don’t do what I want them to do. It’s like pulling teeth. I can’t get into the scene, they won’t cooperate. It usually has to do with the direction of the book. It’s not moving in the right direction. I have to stop, reread what I’ve written, figure out what’s wrong with it and then start. It could take days.

How has your experience with self-publishing been?
Wonderful. I love self publishing. I love that I can get the book I want out. Like Angel’s Assassin. It was rejected over and over by the NY publishing houses. Yet, now, it’s winning award after award. It won the 2013 Heart of Excellence award for Historical Romance, it won the International Digital award. And yet, I never would have been able to get it to readers if it weren’t for self publishing.

What advice do you have for other authors wanting to self-publish?
Do it. Polish that book. Proof it. Make it perfect. Get a good cover artist to design the cover for you and get it out.

What was the deciding factor in self-publishing your book(s)? Did you decide on ebook or print only or both?
It was timing. I had gotten the rights back to my books from Kensington and the self publishing boom was just starting. So, my husband and I decided to give it a shot. We did ebook only for some and for Angel’s Assassin and The Angel and the Prince, we decided to do print also. Ebook is doing much better.

What went into the process? Writing, editing, cover design, formatting, etc. Share your ups and downs and how you went about it. If you used a service, can you share?
Five of my novels had already been out from Kensington, so they were already written and edited. For those novels, we had Kim Killion design the covers. She is amazing! Luckily for me, my husband is a techie geek. He formatted the books and set them up on the various ereader platforms. If he hadn’t been here, I don’t think I would have self published. The entire thing is daunting to me. I probably would have hired someone to do it for me.

Where can readers find you?
Check out my webpage –

Where can readers find your books? Print/Ebook?
All of my novels are on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and Ibooks.

Laurel is giving away an ebook copy of Angel’s Assassin to one lucky commenter, so be sure and leave her a comment

Angel’s Assassin Excerpt –

Aurora climbed to her feet.

“Where is my sword?” Damien demanded, searching the forest floor. He could not look at her.

“Here.” It had been hidden beneath the flare of her dress when she was lying down.

Damien nodded in satisfaction. He picked it up, pausing as he looked into her eyes. They sparkled a pale blue in the moonlight.

Aurora stared at him for a long, pensive moment. Then, she dipped her head in thought. The furrows of her brow deepened as her gaze stopped at his thigh, lingering on his wound. “How do you feel?” she asked.

“Well enough to see you back to your castle.” He sheathed his weapon and took a step toward Acquitaine.

“Damien,” she called.

He hesitated. He didn’t want her to fear him. Would she condemn him now for his violence? The silence stretched. Finally, he turned to her and his breath caught in his throat.

She stood in middle of the forest, bathed in a pool of moonlight. Her blonde hair, loose from any constraints, fell to her waist in thick waves. Her back was straight, her tiny body alluring and curvy and delectable. But it was her eyes that captured his attention. He saw no fear in her eyes. It was concern. Had he mistaken fear for concern?

Damien had never felt such an overwhelming need for anything in his life. He trembled with his want of her.

A swirl of emotions played over her face. Concern, regret, helplessness.

It took all Damien’s willpower not to go to her and sweep her into his embrace. He didn’t want to scare her. He didn’t want to harm her. He didn’t want to taint her.

“I will never leave you,” she finally confessed and tears entered her eyes.

Damien came toward her then, like a tumultuous storm cloud. “You don’t know what you are saying,” he warned in a savage whisper.

Aurora did not run for cover; she did not shrink from his approach. She stared up into his face with those damned clear orbs. And for the briefest of moments, Damien saw himself reflected as she saw him. A hero, a good man. A man worthy of all he could attain.

He stood before her, stunned.

The sound of horses thundering through the clearing pounded a warning through the ground.

Damien grabbed Aurora’s hand in one hand, and drew his sword in the other. He watched the group of men approach through the forest, clumsily maneuvering their steeds through the tight trees. He pulled Aurora behind him.

These men were no brigands. They wore heraldry, and while Damien couldn’t be sure, he suspected they were from Acquitaine.

As they drew closer, his suspicions were confirmed. One of them called out, “Lady Aurora!”

Damien refused to relinquish her. For just one moment, she had been his. And it had been the most glorious moment of his life.

“Lady Aurora!” another called.

His time alone with her was over.

“I am here,” Aurora called out, a reluctance in her tone.

Four men came forward, three of whom wore red tunics with a white dove embroidered onto it, the symbol of Acquitaine. But the leader wore a different crest. A black lion on a white background.

He reached them first, reining his horse to a stop before them. His blonde hair waved gently in the breeze. His dark eyes swept them. “Lady Aurora,” he gasped, dismounting. He brushed his blonde hair aside and knelt before her. Practiced, polished. Fake.

Damien hated him on sight.

Aurora stiffened. She released Damien’s hand and stepped toward the knight. “Count Ormand,” she greeted.

Ormand stood and his gaze shifted to Damien with just the right disdainful curl of his lip, then back to Aurora. “I came to rescue you as soon as I heard an attempt was made on your life.

Imagine my surprise at finding you gone.”

“We were attacked by an assassin. Damien was struck by a poison arrow.”

One of Ormand’s eyebrows rose. “Another assassin?” He looked at Damien, then back at Aurora. “Were you hurt, m’lady?”

“No,” she said. “Damien saved me. Again.”

Ormand looked at Damien. “This must be the amazing Damien.”

Aurora nodded. “Ormand, this is Damien. Damien, this is Count Ormand.”

“I am Aurora’s betrothed,” Ormand stated with a slight lifting of his chin so he could stare down at Damien.

Betrothed. The word rang in Damien’s head like a thunderous bell and his teeth clenched. Betrothed. Betrothed. What did it matter? But the word did not stop clanging in his thoughts.


Ormand’s pompous stare swept Damien suspiciously from head to foot. “Why is he half naked? And what in heaven’s name were you doing out in the forest knowing that your life is in danger?”


Laurel-ODonnell-author-photo-sm-C-200x250_2Laurel O’Donnell lives in Illinois with her husband, four children and five cats. She has always enjoyed escaping into the medieval era, including spending a summer interning at the renaissance faire in Wisconsin where she learned to sword fight and recite Shakespeare. Now, she spends her time reading a good book, swimming or, of course, writing.

Bad Boy Heroes By Elizabeth Rose

Thank you Cynthia for having me as a guest today.

Tell us about yourself:

I have been writing for many years, and have five print books from small publishers, and 29 indie ebooks. I took a break from writing for many years, working a job to pay the bills. Then last year I lost my job. That was the universe giving me a kick in the butt to start my own business working for myself as an indie author. Now, I have to only answer to myself, but I’m actually the most demanding boss I’ve ever worked for.

How many books have you written, and in what genres?

In the past year I have self-published 29 ebooks and have my 30th coming out this April/May. Granted about a third of these books were already written, but I am a fast writer, and it really only takes me a few weeks to write a book. I’ve also, through determination, designed my own website, created all my own covers, and even my booktrailers that I think are more like movie trailers. I was motivated to do all this from the fact my two sons were laughing at me and telling me I could never do it, since I barely knew how to shut off my computer. Well, it may have been true, but don’t ever give an Aries woman a challenge and think she won’t take it. (Grin).

dagger300preqdone2_2Daughters of the Dagger Prequel: FREE BOOK.

What genres do you write and why?

I write all kinds of romance. So far, my books have been mostly medieval, since I love anything to do with castles and swords. I have a FREE prequel book to my Daughters of the Dagger Series out now. Characters from my Legacy of the Blade series make guest appearances, and my Dagger Series runs right into my Scottish MadMan MacKeefe Series. I have just published Ian, Book 3, the last book of the crazy Scottish Highlanders of the series. I also love the paranormal and have many books with paranormal aspects, my favorite being my Elemental Series where four women are part fae and control the elements of nature. I have a few short stories as well, and contemporary books too.

Tell us about your current series/WIP.

I am now switching it up a bit and getting back to my Tarnished Saints series. This is a contemporary series. The Taylor Twelve are twelve brothers of a preacher, but far from saints. Matter of fact, they are nothing but trouble. I am currently working on Judging Judas, Book 3 of the series and it should be released sometime around the end of April or the beginning of May.

Judas is the sheriff of the small town of Sweet Water, Michigan. The series is set around Thunder Lake. Each of the twelve brothers has been named after an apostle. And Judas has some real issues with his brother, Matthew Levi, in Luring Levi, Book 2, since he’s turned Levi in for tax evasion and his brother spent 7 years in prison. They are all bad boys and that’s what makes the series so fun to write. I love writing strong heroes who are usually struggling with inner demons, as well as feisty heroines who can keep them on their feet. (Or off.)

What inspired your latest book?

My parents live on a lake in Michigan, and I spent a lot of time there with my boys when they were growing up. This series, though fictional names of places and characters, is based on a lot on my own experiences. Such as the setting, the surroundings, and things I used to do there, such as playing Canasta – the way the old couple who own the Bed and Breakfast does in my first book – Doubting Thomas. A lot of my secondary characters are based on people I know, but I’ll never reveal those secrets!

What is the hardest and easiest thing you’ve found in the process of self-publishing?

This experience has been exciting, yet at times frustrating too. I still haven’t found the secret of how to get all those reviews I see so prevalent on other authors’ books. I think a lot of people just don’t understand how important it is for authors to have reviews. I also find writing the book the easiest part, but it is time consuming to crank out as many series as I have lately, and that takes time away from marketing the book. It is hard to be author, cover designer, editor, marketer, and doing book trailers on top of that and still have to try to get noticed to sell the books as well. If I could only clone myself a couple times, I could really use the extra help.

Ian300 (1)_2Ian – Book 3, MadMan MacKeefe Series:

Are you a plotter or a pantser?

I pretty much fly by the seat of my pants I’d say. I don’t like to plan too much because my characters are only going to change it anyway. I run with an idea and start writing and let my characters do whatever they want. Most the time, I’m surprised by what happens just as much as my readers are. I kind of let the characters dictate to me and I just type it on the page. However, since I am in the process of writing a twelve book series, I decided I’d better start a Bible for my Tarnished Saints boys. I deal with a lot of intermingling characters. For example, Thomas in Doubting Thomas has six young sons just to start out the story. It is sort of a family saga that I can see ending up as a mini-series someday.

While I don’t really plot, I do go for walks and my characters talk to me in my head. Sometimes I actually have to tell them to calm down and shut up and that I’ll get to their story as soon as I’m able. Poor Judas has been pestering me for a while now, so I’m glad to finally get back to this series. I have all twelve covers done and they look great and I can’t wait to share them. Watch my website at for occasional sneak peeks at the covers.

Do you write under a pen name and how did you choose it?
I guess the answer is yes and no. My middle name is Rose, so I chose for my writer name to be Elizabeth Rose, since no one can pronounce remember, or spell my last name. The only problem with this is that there are many other authors named Elizabeth Rose. So I’ve come up with a trademark, since I do my own covers. Every one of my books has a rose on the cover by my name. I also have the quirky habit of putting the title of the book as the last words of the novel. It comes full circle I guess you could say.

I’d like to share an excerpt now of Luring Levi, Book 2 from my Tarnished Saints Series. And thank you everyone for stopping by today.

Elizabeth Rose

Levirevised2300__2Luring Levi – Book 2, Tarnished Saints Series:


Levi shut off the motor and jumped over the side of the convertible, and Candace hurriedly made her way to the car. She wore a sundress with heels, trying to look professional since she was a TV personality and had to keep up appearances at all times.

“Ready to go?” he asked in a low voice.

“Where were you?” She glanced once more at her watch. “The meeting started twenty minutes ago.”

“Don’t worry,” he said. “The town council will chew the fat til I get there. No one knows how to stop the chitter-chatter but me. Believe me, the meeting won’t start until I say so.”

“Excuse me for saying, but you sound a little pompous. And I still can’t believe they let a jailbird be mayor.”

She stepped on a stone with her heels and stumbled. He was there instantly with one arm around her waist and his other hand under her armpit to steady her.

“Even jailbirds deserve a second chance, Candy.”

She was pressed up against his broad chest. His hair was wet and he smelled like soap. But his clothes were wrinkled and she realized he still wore what he had on yesterday.

His blue eyes bore into her and she felt her heart skip a beat. By the heat from his hands on her skin, she realized how close his fingers were to the side of her breast. Thoughts flitted through her mind of the last time she’d seen him. Of the torrid love they’d made that night and the undying passion he’d displayed in bed. He may seem like a cool, careless, no-good womanizer, but the feelings he’d brought out in her had her squirming now at just remembering what he’d done to lure those emotions from her.

He’d brought her to her peak and screaming for more, and more than once that night. Oh, yes, he’d said it was a night he’d never forget, and neither would she. And she’d never been able to look at whipped cream, honey and an assortment of other food items in the same way again after that glorious, sizzling night.

“I thought about you every day while I was in prison,” he said so softly it was almost a whisper. He pulled her body closer to him and before she knew it she was wrapped in his arms.

“I’m sure you thought about a lot of girls while you were there,” she said, making the mistake of looking up when she spoke, only to realize his face was now inches from hers.

“No, just you,” he said, sounding sincere but she knew she couldn’t believe him. He obviously had only thought about her because their night together was probably the last time he’d had sex since spending seven years behind bars. His mouth was so close to her that she could feel his breath on her face. She made the mistake of looking at his lips and when she looked back up to his eyes she noticed he was looking at hers as well.

“That was a long time ago, Levi, and maybe we should just forget all about it.”

“I could never forget,” he said. “Nor do I want to.” And with that he lowered his mouth to hers in a kiss.

lizhorse300_2Author Bio:
Elizabeth Rose loves anything medieval, paranormal or remotely mystical. She lives in the suburbs of Chicago and is a wife and mother of two boys. She has been a freelance artist and photographer, and creates her own book covers and trailers. She is currently working on her 30th book. She loves to hear from her readers, and would love to know which of her books you enjoyed the most. You can contact her at Or stop by her website and subscribe to her newsletter, watch her book trailers, or read excerpts of any of her books at

Daughters of the Dagger booktrailer:


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By Jeanine McAdam

TheBullRiderandtheBaby_MED_2Can a concussion prone bull rider find love with a pregnant neuroscientist? Maybe, but it would be much easier if she wasn’t pregnant with someone else’s baby!

Character Interview:

My name is Caleb Cooper. I’m from THE BULL RIDER AND THE BARE BOYCOTTER where I consider myself a villain but others would probably call me a pain in the ass. But in my own quirky and loveable way I redeem myself in THE BULL RIDER AND THE BABY because I’m the hero of that book. Not a knight in shining armor sort of hero but a good guy nonetheless.

How did you come to your author’s attention?
My brother Logan Cooper is the hero in THE BULL RIDER AND THE BARE BOYCOTTER. Many, many times in that book I told my brother he was an asshole, idiot plus all sorts of other rude stuff. I think the brutal honesty of my words caught Jeanine’s attention. I don’t think she completely agrees with how I treated my brother but it does create one hell of a story with interesting characters.

Did you give your author a hard time when she was writing your story?
No, not at all. I’m not that type of guy. Unlike my brother Logan, I have lots of potential as a human being. It just took a little bit of finessing on Jeanine’s part to turn me from a loudmouth idiot into a sensitive man. But I’m here to tell you, it happened in THE BULL RIDER AND THE BABY.

What do you do for a living?
Next question. Holy hell, did you read the title of the book?

Who is the love of your life?
If I told you that THE BULL RIDER AND THE BABY would be ruined. It’s called a spoiler. Look it up.

If there is a ‘love of your life’, what was the first thing you noticed about her?
She was pregnant. Hugely pregnant.

What’s your greatest fear?
Falling off a bull, hitting my head and turning into an imbecilic. Then again maybe that’s an old fear. If I were to update my fears, it would be Carrie Wang leaving me. Jesus H. Christ, I can’t believe I just said that. I hope Carrie doesn’t read this interview, she’ll think I’m a wimp.

How do the other characters in your book view you?
Carrie thinks I’m (coughs into his hand) HOT. Then again, she probably wouldn’t admit that because I don’t wear a helmet when I climb onto a bull. You see she’s a concussion researcher and she’s studying me. Carrie’s traditional Chinese mother (in some circles knows as a tiger Mom) thinks I’m not educated enough to marry her daughter but I’m up for the challenge of proving her wrong.

What do you think the reader will find interesting about you?
My good looks, award-winning personality and ability to get along with people. Ha, ha you almost fell for that I could tell. You know these questions are unfair. It’s tough for a guy to talk about himself.

What is the kinkiest thing you’ve ever done?
Now, you’re really pushing it (rolls shoulders). Have sex with a woman that I didn’t impregnate. By the way, Carrie was seven months along at the time we got together but I was gentle. That’s all I’m saying about her, don’t ask me anymore.

Will we be seeing you in future books?
You betcha. There’s THE BULL RIDER WEARS PINK. It’s about my sister Cassidy. She wants to compete against the men. You didn’t hear this from me but she’s probably a better rider than Logan and I combined. Her problem is, she’s a lousy Mom. Then again, she’s planning to work on that and I guess she gets involved with Pastor John. Talk about opposites attracting, I don’t know what Jeanine was thinking bringing those two together.

THE BULL RIDER AND THE BABY has an average Goodreads rating of 4.62. Find it at

Find Jeanine McAdam at:

Visiting with Zanna Mackenzie

Hi Zanna. Welcome to my blog. Let’s get started.

If_You_Only_Knew_2Have you had other careers before becoming a writer?

Yes, I have, many of them! When I was at college I worked part time as a dental nurse which is weird because I hate going to the dentist and am an extremely squeamish person! My first full time job was as a travel agent and I loved reading all the glossy brochures and dreaming over the photos of exotic places. Later I worked on researching and writing brochures for the UK tourism market which was great fun. I got to visit lots of local tourist attractions, towns and pretty villages and write about them. After that I worked in admin for a vegetarian charity and started writing for their magazine which then lead to my job for a chamber of commerce as writer, editor and proof reader of their business publications. I still do this job now but working from home on a self-employed freelance basis. Along the way I have also worked in a tourist information centre, a health food shop and as a therapist – I have qualifications in aromatherapy, nutrition, crystal healing and herbalism.

What inspired your latest book?

I love setting my books in favourite UK locations of mine and have written books set in the Scottish Highlands, North Yorkshire, the Lake District and now, in If You Only Knew, the Peak District in Derbyshire. The village in the book was inspired by the village of Castleton in the Peaks. I was fascinated by the area around Castleton with all the caves and hills, it’s a real outdoor and extreme sports mecca, and the book grew from that. Once I had the ‘where’ in place and the key settings of the café and the extreme sports centre, the characters and ideas just popped into my head. The original outline plot idea and the eventual plot do share some similarities but there were lots of changes along the way as the book unfolded!

I recently discovered the joys of PInterest and had great fun setting up a mood board for If You Only Knew which contains pictures of the village, the scenery, how Faith’s coffee shop might look and photos of the famous people who visually inspired the characters of Zane, Faith and Matt. The If You Only Knew PInterest board can be viewed via this link:

What is your favorite part of writing?

I love creating the characters for a book. I have the plot outlined and then start to build a detailed bio for each character including how they look, their star sign, age, jobs, where they grew up, family background, their issues and worries, what they like, what they dislike, their romantic history and much, much more. I have some great books for writers about astrology which detail how people from certain star signs behave, their ambitions, their concerns, their strength and weakness etc and I find these books invaluable when I’m doing character creation.

What is your least favorite part of writing?

Writing the actual book! No, seriously, I love writing and get totally caught up in the plot, the setting and the characters (and usually end up developing a huge crush on the hero in the book!) but my problem is that I’m quite an impatient person and I always feel as though I can’t write fast enough. So, in some ways the writing process itself is both my favourite and least favourite part of creating a book.

How likely are people you meet to end up in your next book?

Not at all – they’re quite safe! I don’t use real life people at all, not even an aspect of a personality, in my books. My characters are completely made up via the requirements of the plot and the star sign I give them, their motivations etc and they are usually visually inspired by actors I see in films and TV programmes.

Was your road to publication difficult or a walk in the park?

A bit of both. I was part of a new writers appraisal scheme and the idea was to complete a manuscript and submit it for critique by a published (anonymous) author in your genre. My first year critique was very positive and I was delighted. My critique the following year on another book could best be described as ‘blah and bland’ and in my third year another novel was totally trashed in its critique. At which point I gave up on writing, thoroughly confused and disillusioned. I didn’t write for a few years and then one day my husband encouraged me to write again, to totally revamp the previous books and edit them to my own style and voice rather than doing what everyone else told me to write. I spent ages working on changing the books and then I did nothing with them after that until my husband nagged me (again!) to start sending the books out to publishers for consideration. I sent one book to a publisher in America and another to a UK publisher and told myself to forget about them whilst mentally preparing myself for the rejection emails from them. Within one month the American publisher came back and said they loved the book and offered me a contract. I couldn’t believe it, I was stunned. I cried. I danced around the room. One week later an email arrived from the UK publisher about the other book I had sent out. They liked what they had read so far and asked me to send them the full manuscript. I duly sent it off to them, convinced I couldn’t be lucky enough to sell that book too. Two months later they came back to me and said they wanted to publish the book and offered me a contract. Cue more crying and dancing around the room. In Feb 2013 my first book, The Love Programme, was launched, closely followed in March 2013 by my second book, How Do You Spell Love? My third book, If You Only Knew, was launched in Feb 2014, by the same UK publisher who launched my second book.

Give us an elevator pitch for your book.

Faith owns The Coffee Pot in the outdoor adventure sports mecca of Derbyshire’s Peak District. She hasn’t had a man in her life for a while, as she’s been too busy serving cakes to weary rock climbers and mountain bikers to find time for the complications of a relationship with the male of the species.

At least, that’s what she tells herself. The truth is that since she got her heart broken she’s had problems trusting men.

When she meets Zane, one of the new owners at the Carrdale Extreme Sports Centre, Faith finds herself enjoying his company even though part of her can’t help wondering why he’s so reluctant to talk about himself.

Then the past comes back to haunt her in the shape of Zane’s business partner Matt, who just happens to be the guy who broke Faith’s heart all those years ago.
With Matt out to cause trouble and Zane keeping secrets Faith’s life is about to get very complicated indeed…

SONY DSCDo you have a view in your writing space? What does your space look like?

Yes, I’m lucky in that I do have a view of the garden. Our living area is all open plan so the kitchen leads into the dining and lounge space at the back of the house. I have a desk right in the middle of things and it’s also where our 4 dogs sleep as well! It can be a bit chaotic at times but I love it. (NB- have attached a photo if you want to use it)

Tell us about your hero. Give us one of his strengths and one of his weaknesses.

Zane is an outdoor sports instructor specializing in rock and ice climbing. He’s been living in Austria for several years but has just returned to the UK as the co-owner of the Carrdale Extreme Sports Centre. The past has made him cautious about relationships and he isn’t looking to get involved, but when he meets Faith who runs the local coffee shop he finds himself forgetting how he’d planned to focus solely on matters of business instead of matters of the heart. Zane’s strength is a fierce determination to get what he wants when it comes to achieving his dreams. His weakness would be his vulnerability when it comes to trust and relationships.

Tell us about your heroine. Give us one of her strengths and one of her weaknesses.

Faith is the owner of a coffee shop and a woman using her work as an excuse for avoiding relationships. She’s independent and strong willed and soon realizes Zane is holding something back from her about his past. Though at times she is frustrated by him she refuses to give up on finding out what made him the way he is and trying to help him move on from it. Her weakness? An inability to let go of things which are holding her back and hurting her emotionally.

This couldn’t be happening.

Zane had said his business partner was called Matt. She was sure of it. Yes, he’d definitely just introduced him as Matt. But the man standing before her wasn’t Matt.

It was Aaron.

Faith wiped her hands on a tea–towel. She wanted to speak, but couldn’t get her brain into gear enough to make her mouth form the words.

She’d thought Aaron was gone from her life.

It looked as though she was wrong.

She took a step back, wrapping her arms around herself. Suddenly she felt cold and shaky. Aaron was back? This was impossible.

Yet here he was, standing in her kitchen. She felt dizzy and light-headed.

How should she react? Should she admit they knew each other? Why had Aaron changed his name to Matt anyway? Would he prefer it if the fact they knew each other was kept quiet?

But she knew she couldn’t keep something like that from Zane.

As she debated what to say and do next, the room remained awkwardly silent. Zane was looking at her questioningly.

What should she say?

Come on, think, woman. Think.

Too late. Aaron spoke first.

“Faith, it’s amazing to see you again after all these years.”

OK. So he didn’t want to keep it a secret that they already knew each other.

“Aaron,” she managed to say. “This is a bit of a shock.”

“That’s an understatement,” Matt replied, stepping forward to pull her into a hug.

“Hang on a second,” Zane said, pushing into the room. “Aaron? That’s your proper name isn’t it?” He raised enquiring eyebrows at Matt. “What’s going on? You two already know each other?”

Buy Links

*Amazon UK

*Amazon USA

ZannaM_scale_2Author bio:

Zanna Mackenzie lives on the Derbyshire/Leicestershire border with her husband, 4 dogs, a vegetable patch that’s home to far too many weeds and an ever expanding library of books waiting to be read.

Being a freelance writer and editor of business publications is her ‘day job’ but, at every opportunity, she can be found scribbling down notes on scenes for whatever novel she’s working on. She loves it when the characters in her novels take on minds of their own and start deviating from the original plot!

If You Only Knew is Zanna’s third novel; her previous books The Love Programme, and How Do You Spell Love? were both published in 2013.

Find out more about Zanna on her blog, on Twitter via @ZannaMacKenzie or on Facebook at

An Interview with Cathleen Dunn

Please help me welcome Cathleen Dunn to my blog today. She’s got a great interview for you. – Cindy

TheWitchesTrilogy_Chimera_HR_2Q: Tell us about your book – and how do you say the name?
A: This is the first book in “The Witches Trilogy”, pronounced “Chimera” – like “Guy-Mere-Uh”. And you can find it by searching “The Witches Trilogy” or author Cathleen Dunn as well.

The main character is a witch named Olivia Phalen. She’s a light witch – they can only do good with their powers. In return they can have almost anything; live lavishly, travel, be famous…anything. Olivia’s got friends that she loves and a new apprentice named Taylor. But Olivia also has an enemy – a powerful dark witch named Dantin who loves tormenting Olivia. He stalks her constantly and is continually hurting her friends. He even killed her last apprentice.

Q: Why is he doing that?
A: Because Olivia rejected Dantin. He wanted her badly – he still desires her, in fact – but she said “no” to him. Dantin’s pretty twisted and vicious, and when Olivia didn’t want him they way he wanted her, it hurt him, then that hurt turned to rage. He keeps tormenting her because he still wants her and can’t have her, so it never ends. He’s so vengeful and spiteful that he kills what she loves so she can’t have any happiness either. And now, Olivia’s got a new apprentice and for sure Dantin will come after her, too.

Q: Olivia’s got friends who are witches, too, right? Why don’t they all just gang up on Dantin and take him out?
A: Because they’re light witches. They can’t. They can only do good with their powers. If they hurt or harm, then they’ll turn dark themselves and become violent and psychotic like Dantin.

Q: Why is this book called “Chimera”? What is that?
A: A chimera is a spirit, or a mirage, or a combination of two creatures. In my books, chimeras are spirits that are a witch’s familiar. They live in the magical realm and can protect or guide a witch in the magical world. They can be good, or they can be really evil, like Dantin’s. And a chimera can possess and control a witch if they can get inside one. Dantin and his chimera make a really formidable, horrible pair.

Q: Sounds like a pretty dark ride.
A: Well, some of it is, but there’s also the magic, too. And Olivia’s gang is rich, and I mean crazy wealthy. Almost every person I talked to when I started to write these books said, “Oh, yeah, make them rich. Why do sorcerers and witches all live such ordinary lifestyles? If I had magical powers, I’d live a rock-star life.”

Plus, writing about the wealth and the magic is so much fun. For example, Olivia rescued Taylor, her new apprentice, from a trashy, abusive home. Suddenly she’s living with Olivia in her mansion and going to a witches gathering in Houston on Olivia’s private jet. I absolutely loved writing Taylor’s first experience in that jet; how she looked around the cabin at all the beautiful polished wood and sparkling halogen lights, and felt pampered and unreal doing the flight. Six months earlier her stepfather was beating and raping her, and now she’s learning magic and has a jet almost all to herself.

I really like taking the luxury and the light aspects of the setting and mashing it against the dark that Dantin and his chimera bring. Evil is evil no matter what wrapping it comes in.

Q: You’ve lived a lot of places; why set the story in Seattle?
A: Seattle is both creepy and beautiful – a contrast of dark and sparkle. In the winter it’s dark 14 hours out of every day (Yes, really! The sun rises around 8am and sets close to 4pm in December and January!), and let’s not forget about the rain and grey skies because of all the clouds in the winter. But the rain makes things wet and they glisten – especially at night. If you look at an aerial picture of Seattle’s downtown on a dark rainy night, you can almost see what I try to capture when I write, the sleek and the otherworld in one place. You could imagine lots of magic hanging in the air, or paranormal creatures lurking about.

In Seattle there are lots of unusual places that are good settings for scenes. When I worked for Seattle Opera, we were exposed to a lot of artists that were very creative, and had to live on a non-profit salary, so we found unusual entertainment on a dime. For instance, going to a cheap basement club where volunteers had painted colorful murals on the walls and pink plastic flamingoes adorned the bar, or we’d take books and a picnic to a tiny park in Ravenna on the 4th of July. So many hidden treasures in Seattle. Juxtapose that with the high-tech, high-gloss, high-rise office buildings and the parks nestled into the hills and neighborhoods and there’s no end to the possibilities.

Q: You have a full-time job; when do you find time to write?
A: Some people can write a couple hours every day, but I can’t switch from my day job where I have to be logical and sensible to my fantasy world very easily, so I write on Saturday and Sunday, and maybe an occasional Friday or Monday for ten to thirteen hours a day. I just stay in my world and write a bunch of pages and then go back to work during the week. My characters are never far away though; I think about them constantly and formulate the next weekend’s work in the back of my head while at my day job.

Q: When do you find time for your family?
A: Oh! They get my complete attention every weeknight (or at least four nights a week). I don’t do anything else but pay attention to them. Well, the dogs are easy; they can lay on my feet even when I’m writing, so I make sure to clear my calendar weeknights for .

Q: Where do you get your ideas?
A: Ever since I was little I loved superstition and ghost stories and magic. I remember getting a book of superstitions from the library and thinking about them all the way to school when I was in first grade. Things like: “If you see the full moon through the trees it is considered bad luck”, or “if you walk through a spot of cold air, you have just walked through a ghost”, or “never let a broom touch your head; it is bad luck”. I also see stories in music; the feeling a particular song gives me might start a story there. For example, my niece gave me a CD by “Evanescence” – their “Fallen” album – and while listening to it I started to see Olivia and her problems, and how she was feeling about being hounded and isolated by what had happened in her past. Interestingly enough, her decision on how to handle Dantin came off a “Transformers” album. Go figure.

Q: What kind of music do you listen to?
A: Almost anything, but I especially love harpsichord concertos from the Baroque era, and rock. Some of my favorite bands are Avenged Sevenfold, Disturbed, Godhead, Nickelback, Rammstein, AC/DC, a little Alice Cooper, Evanescence, and almost anything from the Eighties. I also love big band – Glen Miller, Tommy Dorsey, the Andrews Sisters, almost anything from the Thirties and Forties.

Q: Anything else?
A: Just a huge THANK YOU to everyone who loves to read and to everyone who has stopped by my website and fb, or bought my book. I love reading, too, and I love writing about our witches and am busy writing the second volume in The Witches Trilogy, titled Blue/Black and scheduled to come out in 2014.

Q: Where do we find you?
A: You can find The Witches Trilogy: Chimera on, and you can find me on Twitter @Cathleen_Dunn, and my website, Cathleen and Cathleen Dunn’s Facebook Author page.


Author Cathleen Dunn has lived in Seattle for the last 20 years after growing up all over the United States. She’s lived in Texas, California, Kansas, Colorado, Nevada, Oregon, Arizona, and truly likes variety: she attended college both in Washington and Arizona, has a day job at an engineering company, loves rescuing greyhounds, has been onstage with Seattle Opera, has been known to paint faux finishes and murals inside homes for her friends, occasionally goes hunting and fishing with her husband, watches way too many old movies and educational television, and listens to both Baroque and Metal music.

Cathleen is the author of The Witches Trilogy series of full-length novels. She published the first installment, Chimera, in November of 2013 and is currently writing the second novel, Blue/Black, set for release in 2014. She sets her stories here in Seattle, where the dark and rain create the witches’ stories in her head. She just writes them down.

An Interview with Guy Ogan

Please help me welcome Guy Ogan to my blog today. Guy will be giving an ecopy of Immortal Relations Love and War, a stand alone book, to one lucky commentor, so be sure and leave him a comment. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Where are you from?

West Texas is where I currently reside, but I’ve lived all around the world.

Tell us your latest news?

My third novel in my “Immortal Relations” series became available in print two weeks ago. I’m still waiting on the Kindle release.

Do you have a specific writing style?

I believe they call it “flying by the seat of your paints” but I dream about my stories at night so I have it somewhat plotted out as to general storyline.

What books have most influenced your life most?

I must have read the trilogy Lord of the Rings a hundred times, all of Tom Clancy’s works, Ann Rice’s “Servant of the Bones” and yes I’m a fan of the Twilight Stories (but I think the one Stephenie Meyer didn’t release, “Midnight Sun” was her best by far, you can “Google it” to read some of it).

Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?

I am a little shy and prefer to write my thoughts and ideas rather than saying them aloud. I wasn’t a writer in my public school days, but when I started running long distances in track and cross-country I wanted to express the joys of running so I started submitting my writing to “The Long Distance Log” and other running magazines (long before Runner’s World was even thought of). While I’m sure they weren’t the best writing, they were always published. When I became interested in cars I submitted photos and descriptions of events I attended to magazines like “Cruising Style.” I often had three or more articles in every issue. Of course in my jobs in the Air Force and later, working for the Texas Prison System as a Specialist and Psychologist I did a lot of technical writing and even wrote a book on assessment and treatment for Attention Deficit Disorder. I guess you could say writing has always been a part of my life – just not writing novels. Had it not been for finding the photograph that is on page two of my first novel, I probably wouldn’t have written my novels.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWhat was the hardest part of writing your book?

I think all authors; especially Indie Authors (those who have their books published by what used to be called “vanity press”) will say the hardest part is getting the word out about our works. Without blogs such as this one few readers would ever hear of our books.

Do you have any advice for other writers?

Yes, while a constructive review of your work can be helpful, “Don’t let the bastards get you down…write what you believe and pay no attention to the nay-sayers and critics…if they were so creative they’d be writing rather than trying to rip your stuff to shreds.”

Where can readers find you on the World Wide Web?

Below are the buy links; however, I love to write back and forth with readers and you can do that on my and I’m writervampire on Facebook or E-Mail me at (the fastest way).

“Immortal Relations” is at

“Immortal Relations, Love and War” is at

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA“Immortal Relations Coming Out” is at (this is the print version). You’ll find all three on Kindle, just type in Immortal Relations in the search line.

Can you share a little of your current work with us?

Blurb This snippet is from page 69 of my third in the series, “Immortal Relations Coming Out.” It is the scene from the wedding of the vampire daughter of Magdalena and Gary whose name is Eviana (named for her aunt Eviana, who is called Evy in the book). Young Eviana is marrying Victor, a human (he knows she and the rest of her family are vampires – but GOOD VAMPIRES). This is from Gary’s point of view:

We boarded several limousines which whisked us over to where the marriage ceremony would be held and there we saw many of our old friends who had been there the day Magdalena and I had wed at the same location. Eviana had on the same dress Magdalena had worn the day she and I were married. It had a few minor alterations since Eviana was not quite as tall but had an ample bust and wanted the neckline plunging to show off one of her best features. Aside from these modifications, and the dazzling white color, it had the same haut-couture cut as the light blue, lacy, scalloped, and layered, shape-hugging dress I’d seen Magdalena in the first time I’d met her.

I guess I’d been so overwhelmed by the surprise my friends had prepared in my own wedding to Magdalena that I hadn’t really noticed all the white flowers that I now saw and which smelled so very sweet…I think they were Gardenia’s arranged hanging in twists around and down polls placed alongside as well as in the back and in front of the wedding venue. As I walked Eviana down the isle, I could hear her thoughts of overwhelming love for Victor and the beauty of it was so intense that it was all I could do to keep from crying. I also could hear Victor’s concern that he might faint due to the picture of loveliness walking toward him and prepared to be his bride. I sent him my thoughts; Steady on young man, the ceremony will be over before you know it and you’ll have a long time to enjoy your life with this wonderful lady. If you can’t read her thoughts right now, I can and I can confirm her deep love for you. I am so very proud to welcome you into the family as my son-in-law! What is it the Brits say, something about keeping a stiff upper-lip? Well, just keep SOMETHING stiff for a little bit longer. Then I smiled at him and he smiled back, or maybe he was smiling as his future bride drew nigh. Whatever it was, he seemed to take courage in the stars he saw in her eyes. At this realization I could feel tears on my own cheeks.

Once again, Vladimir had a gift of a dazzling five carat Red Ruby mounted in a Gold ring. This looked to be a twin to the one he had provided when I wed Magdalena. I was sure this was also one from the Hermitage collection for Victor, the groom, to place on the finger of Eviana, his bride.

There was a reception held afterwards; however I only got a parting glance of Victor and Eviana as food evidently wasn’t on their minds. Vladimir had arranged for them to stay in the bedroom at the Menshikov Palace which was completed in 1721 and was the most luxurious building during the time of Peter the Great.

Soon, Vladimir had corralled us and we were transported to the same palace where we entered a private suite of rooms that had been prepared for us. There we found Vlad, Grandmother and Roger and after hugs and kisses we sat down to discuss the wedding and what we had accomplished at the Canadian Coven.

As I’m sure the readers have surmised the wedding of Victor, a Police Inspector in Canada’s Ontario Provence to Eviana was taking place at the world famous Hermitage Museum at the behest of Vladimir Kolukov, President of the Russian Federation who is a close personal friend to Gary and his vampire family. There is a great deal of information about the development of their relationship throughout the three novels.

Author bio:

Having grown up on each coast (until my junior year of high school we lived across the river from Washington D.C. in Virginia). I ran track and cross-country and did many of the things slightly abnormal male teens do. When my father left government service we moved to Northern California (talk about a culture shock!) in the late 50’s and early 60’s where I continued running track and cross-country through Los Altos High School and Foothill Junior College receiving an Associate of Arts. I then transferred to Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas to finish my undergraduate degree along with Air Force ROTC, being commissioned upon graduation.

I spent a little over 20 years in the Air Force having the opportunity to travel and, as they say, “see the world” I finished a graduate degree at the European Campus of Ball State University while in the service. After retiring, I did a little teaching at college level and wrote a book on assessment and treatment of children, adolescents and adults with Attention Deficit while finishing my second graduate degree at Hardin-Simmons University. I never considered myself good at speaking, especially to large groups, writing seemed like the natural thing to do to express myself. I later went to work for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (their Prison System) where I wrote treatment programs for inmates to help them get off of drugs.

I retired from TDCJ as a psychologist when notified that my father had died and I knew my mother would need my help because of her Alzheimer’s. As the only child, I took care of her in her home (as that was her wish) during the last five years of her life. In my younger years I had written many articles on running events I participated in and later did the same with car shows I visited (always being interested in vehicles).

The first two pages of “Immortal Relations” discusses the true family event that caused me to start writing the “Immortal Relations” series. (You can read that for free by clicking on the “Look Inside” button above the picture of the cover at“> and the third in the series is