Visiting with Cynthia Clement

Hello everyone. Please help me welcome Cynthia Clement to my blog today. Cynthia will be giving away and ecopy of one of her books to a lucky reader, so be sure and leave her a comment to be entered into the drawing.

The_Seduction_of_Madalyn_WEBSITE_USETell us about yourself

I live in Northern Ontario with my husband of thirty years and our teenaged son. I’m a lifelong learner and love researching strange and bizarre topics. The more unusual, the better. I enjoy ghost hunting, the paranormal, travel, sewing, and quilting.

Have you had other careers before becoming a writer?

I’ve been writing since my teens, but it hasn’t always been the main focus of my life. After university, I worked for the telephone company for several years as an operator and service representative. Then I married my husband. We owned a Christmas Tree Farm north of Toronto, lived in northwestern British Columbia for several years, and then settled in Northern Ontario. I’ve planted and pruned trees, taught office skills and writing, worked in retail, been an office administrator, tourist information officer, and most recently, a nurse.

How did you get started writing?

I can still remember the first short story I wrote in high school. It was called My Irish Castle. My English teacher loved it and thought I had talent. That gave me the incentive and confidence I needed. I haven’t stopped writing since then.

What genres do you write in and why?

I write historical and science fiction romance, although I am working on a Women’s Fiction series right now. I love history and grew up reading Jane Austen, Georgette Heyer, and the Brontes. I have a degree in Biology, and hence my love of Science Fiction. I write romance, because I believe in love and second chances.

How many books have you written? Do you have a favorite?

I’ve written nine books and published seven. Three science fiction romances and four historical romances. If I had to pick a favorite, it would be The Seduction of Sarah, because it was the first book I sold. It took almost ten years of writing courses and hard work before I was able to sell a book to a publisher. I’ll always remember the excitement of finally achieving my dream.

How does your family feel about your writing career?

My family is very supportive, especially my husband. In the early years I think they thought of it as a hobby, but once I started to write on a daily basis and publish, they realized I was serious about pursuing it as a career.

What advice can you offer to anyone deciding to self-publish?

My advice is to write the best book you can, and to find readers who like what you write. After you’ve written your book, write another. Self-publishing is not easy. There are some aspects that are fun, like choosing your cover, but for the most part it is hard work. I spend a good portion of each day working on the business of writing.

Do you have critique partners?

Yes. I don’t know what I would do without my critique partner. She is tough and I love it. When my plot or characters are inconsistent I know she’ll tell me like it is.


What’s next for you?

I’m busy with edits for the next book in my Science Fiction series aHunter4Hire. It’s set to be released at the end of January and titled aHunter4Ever.

 The Seduction of Madalyn by Cynthia A Clement

 On Sale from January 17, 2015 – January 23, 2017    $0.99

 Available on Amazon:

‘A man, elegant in black, stood separate. Madalyn’s heart skipped a beat as she recognized Mr. Carter. He had entered the galley just as the auction began. He was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed. His eyes were indifferent as he stared at her. A shiver of dread ran up her spine. This was the man who had bought her.’

Madalyn stows away on The Folly to follow her kidnapped brother to the new world. When she is discovered, she is auctioned off, and forced to wed the highest bidder, Nathan Carter. She is determined to find her brother and return to England, but when passion flares between her and Nathan, all she desires is his touch.

Nathan’s plan to set Madalyn free is thwarted, and he finds himself compelled to wed at gunpoint. He agrees to help Madalyn find her brother, but the marriage is to be annulled at the earliest opportunity. Despite the growing attraction he feels towards Madalyn, he has loved and lost. He may want and need her, but he is determined never to love again.


Excerpt from The Seduction of Madalyn

She bit her lip as she tried to imagine what kind of woman could break Nathan Carter’s heart. Before last night she would have sworn that he didn’t have a heart, but his kisses gave her pause.

“A penny for your thoughts.”

Madalyn jumped at the sound of Nathan’s voice. She turned away from the mirror to see him standing at her bedroom door.

Nathan grinned. “I hope your reaction means that you’re happy to see me.”

“You startled me.” Madalyn took a deep breath. “I wasn’t expecting you to come in without knocking.”

“I thought we had already settled that last night.” Nathan shut the door.

“I might have been dressing.”

“Annie assured me that you were ready.” Nathan leaned against the door. “You look stunning.”

Madalyn flushed. There was warmth in his voice and a gleam in his eye that she recognized as admiration. Never had a man looked at her in such a way before. A rush of heat spread through her body.

“Annie insisted on dressing my hair up.”

“She knew I had a surprise for you.” Nathan reached inside his jacket and pulled out a long thin black velvet box. He walked over to the dressing table.

Madalyn gasped when Nathan opened the box. Inside were a ruby necklace and two matching hair combs. Nathan lifted the necklace and fastened it around her neck. Vibrant stones sparkled within a circlet of gold that surrounded her neck. From this, a spray of larger rubies dropped onto her chest. It was stunning and complimented her gown beautifully.

Madalyn fingers flitted across the necklace. “It’s magnificent.”

Nathan removed the two combs and placed one on each side of her upturned hair. “They reminded me of you.”

“Me?” Her voice was little more than a squeak.

“You’re all fire and warmth.” Nathan leaned close to her ear. “Passion flickers just below your surface, ready to burst into flames at the slightest provocation.”

A shiver of excitement shot through her body. Nathan nibbled at her ear and she quivered in his arms. He tilted her head and captured her lips in a searing kiss. Madalyn lost all sense of time as her body burned with need.

Desire came to life within her, reaching the very depths of her soul. Passion was ignited. A hunger for more sent her into Nathan’s arms. She melted against him, the hardness of his body sending tremors to her lower body. A curl of pleasure wrapped itself around Madalyn until she pulsed with need.

“Should we forget the ball?” Nathan’s hand held Madalyn against his body, letting her feel the extent of his arousal.

“Would that be wise?”

Nathan sighed. “We’re already causing enough speculation. It wouldn’t do to feed the gossip mills with more.”

Madalyn wet her lips, shivering at the lingering sensation of pleasure that remained from Nathan’s kiss. “You’re right of course.”

Nathan touched her lips, caressing them lightly with his fingers. “Now you look like a properly loved bride.”


cynthiassmileAuthor Bio

Cynthia spent most of her childhood with her nose in a book. She began writing stories in her teens, but it wasn’t until her forties that she took her writing seriously. She enjoys reading and collecting books, quilting, sewing, gardening and great conversation. She has a BSc in Biology and a BA in anthropology and recently graduated from nursing. Cynthia enjoys writing the type of books she reads. She writes historical, and science fiction romances where time and space meet love and honor. She lives in Northern Ontario with her husband of thirty years, her teenage son, and their two dogs.

Author Links





An Interview with Khloe Adams

Hot&GlazedBundle_FBPostWho is Khloe Adams?

Khloe:  The truth about Khloe is she’s not one author but three. We tease in our bio that we met on an elevator at the Romantic Times Booklovers Convention, and the elevator became stuck.  But not to worry. We write romance, not horror. A male model from a romance cover was trapped with us. He kept us very entertained. Afterward, we needed a drink to cool down and headed for the nearest bar. One thing led to another and we decided to form a partnership in July 2013 and write about independent women and strong, sexy guys. We really like elaborating on the male model part—shoulders like a Viking ship, abs that practically burst through his Polo top, and thighs the size of rockets—because if we gave the basic facts, it would put everyone to sleep when they read our bio.

How do the three of you work together?

Khloe: The three most important things to remember when working as a team is to leave your ego at the door, respect each other’s suggestions and opinions, and laugh—alot! Just try writing a sex scene together! Every decision we make—from plots to social media events to covers—has to rep Khloe as a united voice who writes hot and sexy romances with a touch of humor.

What releases do you have out now?

Khloe:  Donut Shop Diva – Miranda’s Complete Story Books 1 -4. It’s about Miranda, one frustrated girl donut shop owner and diva until she finds herself up to her elbows in delicious hot men. One is a mega-sexy pro quarterback and the other one is a badass FBI agent. Forced to choose one, she hopes her choice won’t break her heart.

What inspired you to write this serial?

Khloe:  I used to own a donut shop and football players and cops would come in all the time.  I had the title HOT & GLAZED in my head for a long time.  Suddenly, it all clicked and led to the Donut Shop Diva Serial.

After “Donut Shop Diva ­ Miranda’s Complete Story, what is your next Work in Progress? When can we expect that to come out?

Khloe:  Great question. The next story will be about Rachel who is Miranda’s younger sister.  In her early twenties, Rachel is a free-spirited, fun-loving Donut Shop Diva and co-owner of HOT & GLAZED. She’s a prize-winning pastry baker who meets her match in a competition. He’s an Italian stallion who also happens to be a gourmet chef. The book will be released Winter  2015.

Will you be branching out in other genres?

Khloe:  In the Spring, I’ll be publishing a hot & sexy historical romance where the heroine is no shy quiet maiden who has every intention of seducing  her honor-bound guardian.

Is there anything you’d like to tell any potential new readers/fans about you, your books, sales, upcoming events, etc?


  • It’s great connecting with readers on my Facebook and Twitter!
  • The Donut Shop Diva Serial – Miranda’s Complete Story Books 1 – 4 are currently available on Amazon. That includes HOT & GLAZED #1, HOT & LEI’D #2, HOT & CUFFED #3 and HOT & HOOKED #4.
  • On January 20th, Khloe will appear on Facebook from 10pm to 11pm EST at The Wrong Way Release Party hosted by Casey Harvel. (If you’re interested in attending please friend me/message me on Facebook or email me at
  • Rachel, Miranda’s sister, will have her story coming out Winter 2015
  • Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter found on my website for a chance to win a prize and learn about new releases. A winner is randomly drawn once a month.


How can readers find you?



Thank you Cindy, for this awesome opportunity. It was great meeting you.


Excerpt from HOT & LEI’D Book 2 in Donut Shop Diva Serial    


I licked the cherry nipple off the tip of a hand-crafted, pyramid-shaped, glazed donut that my sister had dubbed the booby. The cherry sweetness wasn’t enough to make me forget that I was hurtling through the air over the lush mountains of Maui to the small town of Hana in a flimsy nine-seat puddle-jumper. But it helped.

“Let me get this straight,” said the skinny guy sitting across the narrow aisle from me. “You’re dating Aiden Knight.”

I wouldn’t exactly call it dating. Ten days ago, Aiden and I had shared a mind-blowing one-night hook-up that changed me in ways I couldn’t describe. “Aiden bought my plane ticket.”

“Aiden Knight? The superstar NFL quarterback?” His gaze swept over me. “You sure are cute but you don’t seem like his type.”

He was right about that. At five feet, two inches, I’d never qualify to be a super model. At nearly twenty-five years old, I was practically over-the-hill for sashaying down the runway. I wasn’t a classic beauty, but I had been told more than once that I had pretty blue eyes, a nice smile and thick honey-blonde hair.

I shrugged. “Definitely not a super model.”

“Then you must be somebody famous,” the guy said excitedly.  “Who are you?”

“Miranda Hunter. My sister and I own a donut shop near downtown Denver.” Politely, I held the box of donuts toward him. “Would you like a booby?”

“Don’t mind if I do.”

I watched as he took a bite. As soon as the sugar and dough hit his taste buds, his squinty eyes popped wide, and he exhaled a moan that sounded like an orgasm.

“Wow,” he said, “that was really good.”

“Thanks,” I said with pride.

Our shop, HOT & GLAZED, had been open for a little over a year, and we were already starting to make a decent profit—although not enough to pay for anything like this trip from Denver to Maui.

My younger sister, Rachel, was a brilliant master baker, and I handled the business end with sales, promotions and accounting. My framed CPA certificate hung on the wall of our tiny office next to the kitchen. My ultimate plan was world domination of the donut world, building a national franchise of HOT & GLAZED all across the country. Rachel and I were on the golden road that led to a brilliant career, financial success and independence. I had been a driven woman with no time for fun… until I met Aiden.

The plane took a crazy jump. A gross, oily smell hit my nostrils. The whir of the engines changed pitch, and it sounded to me like they were screaming: Don’t let us crash, please don’t let us crash. I grabbed another booby and crammed it into my mouth. Stress did this to me. I ate everything in sight. Would the five pounds I’d probably gained from scarfing down almost a dozen donuts cause this teeny-tiny plane to plummet? When the pilot—not a ticket counter person but the guy who sat at the controls—checked me in at Maui International, he asked how much I weighed. The plane was so small they sat us according to poundage.

I closed my eyes and prayed this trip was worth my anxiety. That Aiden Knight was worth it.



The truth behind Khloe Adams is—she’s not one author but three. Plus, one of the authors is a USA TODAY Bestseller and has written over 75 books. Together, they write hot and sexy contemporary romance with a touch of humor.

Their story began when they met each other on an elevator at a Romantic Times Convention. Only this was no ordinary ride. The elevator became stuck between the fiftieth and fifty-first floors at the hotel.

 But don’t get worried. They write romance, not horror.

 They were trapped with a male model from the cover of several steamy romances. He kept them very entertained. Afterward, they needed a drink to cool down and headed for the nearest bar.

One thing led to another and they decided to form a partnership and write about independent women and strong, sexy guys. With the help of modern technology, they’ve managed to do it. Two of them live in Florida, and the other one lives in Colorado. A recent USA TODAY review said, “Khloe Adams writes hot with a flair—great humor.”

Their debut serial Donut Shop Divas features four bite-sized erotic romances focusing on Miranda’s story:  HOT & GLAZED #1, HOT & LEI’D #2, HOT & CUFFED #3 and HOT & HOOKED #4.

(Website — Facebook — Twitter — Goodreads  links)



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Interview with N. N. Light

N. N. Light is doing a giveaway of a $5 Amazon gift card to someone who comments what is your most romantic moment that happened to you. She’ll pick a winner the following day. So be sure and leave her your comments.


princessIf you could live anywhere in the world where would it be, and why?

If I could live anywhere in the world, I would live on a small island like St. Kit’s in the Caribbean. I am tired of the cold weather up here in Canada and the crush of people surrounding me. There’s something so peaceful about St. Kit’s. The people down there are so easy-going and everything moves at a slower pace. I think Ernest Hemingway (my writing mentor) was on the right track when he lived in Key West and Cuba.

 What advice do you have for other authors wanting to self-publish?

Do your research and go into it with eyes wide open. The publishing industry is changing and it has never been easier to publish a book. That being said, it’s a very competitive market and you’re competing with well-known authors who have a huge marketing presence. Do your research and make sure you know what to expect. Things come up and you have to be prepared.

 What went into the process? Writing, editing, cover design, formatting, etc. Share your ups and downs and how you went about it. If you used a service, can you share?

The road to publishing has been an adventure to say the least. I started the journey signing with a small press, parting ways amicably, getting my rights returned to me and self-publishing. Deciding to self-publish was a no-brainer for me because I had a following clamoring for my book, Princess of the Light. I didn’t want to wait because I was afraid I would lose all that hard-earned buzz about my book.

In a matter of  two weeks, I revised, edited and proofread my book. I hired a cover artist and Erica Petit designed the magnificent Princess of the Light cover. It was exactly what I was looking for and everyone loves it!

The most difficult part for me was the formatting. I had no experience with formatting and after several attempts to do it myself, I contacted a company to format my book. I needed it done for both Kindle and Smashwords. The company I hired was Ebook Launch ( and they were affordable, professional and did a superb job. I plan on using them in the future for all of my formatting needs.

Like anything in life, the road to publishing was filled with ups and downs. I learned so much from the experiences I had, though, and knowledge is power. I now know what to expect the next time I publish a book.

All self-pubbed books are rumoured to be shoddily edited. What do you say to that?

My first reaction is they really haven’t been reading much. I have read several books published this year by the Big 5 publishers that were poorly edited. I have read several self-published books that have been edited perfectly. I think no matter how it is published, a book has a 10% chance of being shoddily edited. Mistakes happen and I, for one, am glad my readers can be forgiving.

What is most difficult for you to write? Characters, conflict or emotions? Why?

Wow, this is a tough one for me to answer. There have been characters, conflict and emotions that have been hard for me to write about. If I had to pick one, it would be conflict.

Describing the conflict I see playing out in my head is hard. I know what is going on because I am creating it but it takes work to transfer it from my mind to words on paper.

Give us an elevator pitch for your book.

Destined to be the Princess of the Light, Mary must restore hope in a homeless man known as the Walking Man, risking everything she hold dear (including the love of her life, Joe) or die at the hands of the demons sent to vanquish her.

 Do you write under a pen name? Why or why not? How did you choose it?

Yes, I write under the pen name, N. N. Light. I chose to write under a pen name because I wanted to keep my privacy. My author life and my personal life are separate.

I chose N. N. Light because my husband and I wrote Princess of the Light together. Both of our real names start with the letter N. The last name Light was pretty easy to come up with because we are spreading the Light by sharing this book. Plus, it is easy to remember.

Having achieved your goal to be a published author, what is the most rewarding thing?

The most rewarding thing for me is having someone come up to me and tell me how much they enjoyed reading my book. I love to read and I wanted to write a book I would love to read several times. It’s lovely when other readers get the inspirational message of my book and want to read the next book in the series.


Thank you, Cynthia, for having me on your blog today. I had such a great time and I hope your readers will root for Mary as she battle the darkness.


Title: Princess of the Light

Author: N. N. Light

Genre: Urban Fantasy Romance


Gabriel, the Archangel and Messenger of God – yeah that Gabriel, visited Mary Miller. He told her, as the key she is destined to spread the Light and vanquish the Darkness. Her first assignment is to restore the soul of the Walking Man. Sounds simple enough until she’s thrown in the face of evil, and then Joe Deacons enters her heart. This battle just got a lot more complicated. She must complete her mission without losing all she loves.

Book Cover Graphic Artist Credit:

Illustration : streamy digital

Model : VictoriaAndrea

Photo : shutterstock/depositphoto


Sunshine peeked through the curtains of my bedroom. A ray of light shone on my pillow and in the distance, a dog barked. Probably Chopper, ready for his morning walk.

I glanced at my alarm clock and the time was nine o’clock. Ugh. My alarm wasn’t set to go off for another ten minutes. The light shone through my eyelids and I covered my eyes with my hand—maybe I could fall back asleep for just a little while longer. A few unsuccessful minutes later and there came a soft tapping from my bedroom door. Bummer.

“Mary?” It was Amber. “Are you awake?” she called softly.

My eyes fluttered open, apparently not quite ready to give up on the last few minutes. I rolled my head, stretching my neck as I let my mind comprehend what Amber was saying. Then I sat up, clicked off my alarm before it started making the irritating buzz, and said, “Yes. Come in.”

Amber opened the door and walked to the bed to sit down. The confused look on my roommate’s face was enough to know that something was going on. “Amber, what’s wrong?”

Amber leaned closer and said with a whisper, “Joe is here.”

“What do you mean, here?” I asked, as if here could possibly have more than one meaning.

“I came home this morning to find him sitting on the steps. I think he was waiting for you to get up or something.”

I smiled and my cheeks grew hot. “Well, did you let him in?”

Amber stood up and laughed. “No, I told him to go away,” she teased. Then she made a pshht sound and added, “Of course I let him in. He’s making coffee for us in the kitchen.” Then, she giggled as I stumbled out of bed. “Mary,” she whispered, “he brought you flowers.”

My mind started to race and I wondered why he was here so early—and making coffee no less. Should I take time to shower or just go find out what was going on?

I grabbed my most conservative purple robe and put it on. Then I turned to Amber and surprised her with a hug. I couldn’t help myself.

“He brought me flowers?” I asked, incredulously. “How sweet!” I squeezed Amber’s hand and quickly shuffled to the kitchen.

Joe was standing there with a cup of steaming coffee in one hand and a beautiful bouquet of purple flowers in the other. I gasped and looked into Joe’s eyes with love. The first time he waited for me outside the bookstore he’d had purple flowers. This time he had purple flowers and a cup of coffee. I could get used to where this was going.

“Good morning, beautiful!” Joe smiled and seemed to look right into my soul. If my cheeks got any hotter, they might melt off.

The very presence of him was already making my knees go weak. He was freshly showered, shaven and dressed in casual attire.

I didn’t know what else to say, so I simply replied, “Hello.”

Buy Links:


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Sign up for my Princess of the Light newsletter to get exclusive FREE content no one else can get:

N_N_Light_Author_Pic1Author Bio:

N. Light was born in Minnesota, lived in Southern California only to move to chilly Ontario, Canada to marry her beloved husband MR N. She is blissfully happy and loves all things chocolate, books, music, movies, art, sports and baking. She has been telling stories since the age of five and her mantra is to spread the Light. Most of the time you can find her on Twitter or getting new ideas on how to spread the Light on Pinterest. She is a proud member of ASMSG, Independent Author Network and Marketing for Romance Writers.

Part of the proceeds of Princess of the Light will go directly to food banks in order to feed the hungry and help those in need. With only 7,500 books sold, N. N. Light will be able to set up a monthly endowment for the local food bank.

I’d love to connect with you either via email or via these various social media sites:











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An Interview with Alicia Dean

EndofLonelyStreet_w9180_300_(1)If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be, and why?

I would love to live somewhere cold and snowy. Maybe Wisconsin, so I would also be near the Green Bay Packers.

Are you a full time writer or do you have a “day job”?

I have a day job as a legal assistant in a family law firm. Talk about some interesting fodder for future books. People are crazy when dealing with divorce and custody. J

Tell us about your current series/WIP

I’m really, really excited about a series I’m doing in conjunction with my friends and critique partners, Amanda McCabe, Kathy L Wheeler, and Krysta Scott. It’s called the Martini Club 4 series, and the four novellas have just come out for pre-order. Each of our stories are linked, but are stand-alone. They are Vintage Romances set in 1920s New York City, and it was such a fun project.

What is your favorite part of writing?

The joy of having my work out in the world for people to read, and the thought of possibly providing someone else with the same kind of fabulous experiences I’ve had over the years. There’s nothing quite like becoming so immersed in a story, you can’t wait to get back to it.

What is your least favorite part of writing?

When I’m stuck and I feel like the story isn’t interesting or going well.

How does your family feel about your writing career?

My sisters, nieces, and cousins are my biggest fans. My children are extremely supportive, although they don’t really read my stuff. My mother, bless her heart, is in a nursing home and has extreme memory problems, but she reads my work, then later asks us to bring her some of my books, because she sure would like to read them. J She’s currently reading my vampire novels, and that’s true love, because she can’t stand anything remotely connected to monsters or the paranormal. LOL. I am very, very blessed to have such a devoted, loving family.

How likely are people you meet to end up in your next book?

If they are interesting, in a negative OR positive way, very likely. J I often make mental notes of actions or quirks in the people I meet and store them away for later use.

What did you want to be when you were a child? Did you always know you wanted to be a writer?

Yes, even as a child, I wanted to be a writer. I wrote my first romance at age eleven.

Will you share some encouraging words for authors still struggling for that first contract?

Keep writing, keep improving your craft, and don’t be afraid of constructive criticism. Develop a thick skin, because you’ll need it. Between rejections and bad reviews, your ego will be sorely battered. But, you have to remember not everyone loves the same things, and even the most successful and talented people have critics. No matter what, keep going. The only way to fail is to stop trying.

 Amazon Buy Link:


 Can she let go of the past, before it destroys her future?

All Toby Lawson wanted was to go to college to pursue her dream of becoming a teacher and to be free of her alcoholic mother and the painful memories of finding her and the guy Toby loved kissing. But when her mother nearly burns the house down, Toby must put her dreams on hold and return home to care for her. The only time she isn’t lonely and miserable is when she’s listening to her heartthrob, Elvis Presley. His music takes her away, helps her escape from everything wrong in her life.

Noah Rivers has always loved Toby, but no matter what he says, and even though she knows her mother initiated the kiss, and that he didn’t kiss her back, she can‘t seem to get past what happened. He soon realizes that the true problem lies in Toby’s belief that she’s not good enough for him and in her fear that she will be just like her mother.

What will it take to prove to her that she deserves to be happy, and that he would give anything to be the man to make her dreams come true?


“What’s going on, Toby?” He slowly walked toward her, arms crossed, his handsome face drawn into a scowl.

“Your father is a stubborn bully, and I’m protesting.

I would think it’s pretty obvious.”

“Yes, I know what you’re doing, what I want to know is why?”

“Why? Because, he’s got no good reason to forbid us from playing rock and roll. Not only do the kids deserve to have fun at the dance, Miss Murdock—” Her throat clogged  and  she  swallowed  back  tears.  “–deserves a memorial. Your father doesn’t even care. Apparently, neither do you.”

Noah blew a breath out and rested his hands on his belt. “I do care, but this isn’t the way to go about it.”

“No? Then maybe you can tell me what is.”

He shook his head. “I don’t know exactly, but you’re causing a disturbance, and I have to stop you.”

“Stop me?” She halted and crossed her arms, the sign dangling from one hand. “Are you going to arrest me, Noah Rivers?”

He looked away, then at the ground and back up at her. “I don’t think it will come to that. Just be a good girl and head on home.”

“I’m not going anywhere. You’ll have to arrest me.” She met his gaze in challenge.

His golden brown eyes flickered with uncertainty, then with resolve that should have warned her. He took the sign from her hand and looped his arm around her waist, lifting her off the ground. She was pressed against his warm, strong body, and lost her breath. Tingly sensations moved through her lower belly.

“Noah! You put me down this instant. What do you think you’re doing?”

He ignored her and carried her to his car. He opened the back door with the hand that held the sign and plopped her down on the back seat.

“You can’t do this to me.” She scrambled to get out, but he blocked her way. “I didn’t break a law.”

“We’ll come get your car tomorrow when you’ve had a chance to come to your senses. I’m not taking you to jail, I’m taking you home.”

“Then I’ll call Daisy to pick me up, and we’ll come back here and protest again.”

He closed his eyes and leaned his head back, shaking his head. “Damn, stubborn…”

“That’s right. I’m not giving up, so you can either arrest me, or leave me be. You’re just like your father, thinking you can bully—”

With a growl of frustration, he took hold of her shoulders and hauled her from the car. His lips landed on hers, cutting off her gasp. He cupped a hand behind her head and pulled her to him. She went willingly, swept away in a fog of yearning.


Alicia_Dean_Tin_Man_Color_(2)Bio and Contact Info:

Alicia Dean lives in Edmond, Oklahoma. She has three grown children and a huge network of supportive friends and family. She writes mostly contemporary suspense and paranormal, but has also written in other genres, including a few vintage historicals.

She is a freelance editor in addition to being an editor for The Wild Rose Press.

Other than reading and writing, her passions are Elvis Presley, MLB, NFL (she usually works in a mention of one or all three into her stories) and watching her favorite televisions shows like Vampire Diaries, Justified, Sons of Anarchy, Haven, The Mindy Project, and Dexter (even though it has sadly ended, she will forever be a fan). Some of her favorite authors are Michael Connelly, Dennis Lehane, Lee Child, Lisa Gardner, Sharon Sala, Jordan Dane, Ridley Pearson, Joseph Finder, and Jonathan Kellerman…to name a few.

Find Alicia here:







GIVEAWAY: – Entries accepted from January 8, 2015 through noon on January 22, 2015

 Three prizes –

Elvis Gift Basket including DVD, CD, plus more

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Interview with Gina Danna

GinaDanna_Great&UnfortunateDesires_200pxAPlease help me welcome Gina Danna to my blog today. Gina will be giving away an ecopy of her book Great & Unfortunate Desires to the best commentor, so be sure and leave her a comment.
How did you get started writing? 
I’ve always read historical novels and research books. After a while, I wanted more than what was available and thought I can write that! Started seriously back about 6 years ago when I heard about RWA and thought, wow! there are people, local people, who do this! Need to check it out and got inspired by those I met.
What genres do you write in & why? 
I write several – Regency (a favorite I love to read), Victorian England, American Civil War (my most favorite period  & one time I know a lot about by my education, career in museums/historical parks and as a reenactor) and Ancient Rome (my father’s family is Sicilian and I’ve loved Rome & my heritage in Sicily for as long as I can remember!)
My current series – Split at the moment. 1. I’m writing the sequel to my Civil War novel The Wicked North and 2. writing the next book in my gladiatorial series (due out late next summer!)
What inspired my latest book?
My latest releases (cuz they came out within 3 weeks of the other): Great & Unfortunate Desires was inspired partially by the Sherlock Holmes movies with Robert Downey Jr. and Love & Reckoning was inspired by the Starz’s series Spartacus.
How has my experience w/ self-publishing been?
Interesting. I like it but it is loads of work, the biggest is promoting. I’m more of a shy person to start with so throwing myself out there is hard.
Do I have critiques partners?
Oh yes! So need them to help me refocus.
Do I prefer to read in the same genres I write in or do I avoid reading that genre & why?
I love historical novels, Regency in particular, though there are some authors I love to read & they write late 19th century and into early 20th century. But I avoid reading Civil War mostly – why? not sure on that one. Really.
Has my muse always known what genre I’d write and publish in?
Yes, my muse knew because she always aimed me for those periods. Very confusing though, mentally, to write one era and then switch to another…

Great & Unfortunate Desires EXCERPT

What made him say that, of all things? Fiancée? Engaged to the ice queen? Tristan noticed how pale Evelyn turned, and part of him tightened. When that fop moved away so quickly, it was obvious the man wasn’t really interested in Evelyn. But Tristan’s interest surely could have been expressed less dramatically.

“Tris.” Harry stood behind him. “What are you doing?” It was a low whisper.

Tristan forced a smile, concentrating to make it more of a devil-may-care grin. “It wasn’t to be announced just yet,” he replied, his gaze on Evelyn. She still looked a bit shocked. “Come, my sweet.” He held his hand up for her to take.

Her eyes still wide, but her mouth now shut, Evelyn gently laid her hand on his, like a butterfly landing on a flower, fragile as spun glass. She blinked and managed to return a timid smile as he led her away.

Several feet from the croquet game, she stopped, withdrawing her hand, as if he had stung her.

“Do you care to explain yourself, captain? Wait, no, my lord?”

He wanted to laugh at her attempt to guess his rank but heard the anger in her tone. Ah, so his ice queen wasn’t entirely frozen. Her anger melted that lovely aloof façade. Pity.

“I’ve come to a conclusion, my dear…”

“I am not your ‘dear’,” she snapped.

He snorted at her reaction. “But for all intents and purposes, you are. Now hear me out.” Tristan directed her to the oak tree near the edge of the grounds. They were in full view of everyone, so he figured she’d be calmer there than in the house. Evelyn reminded him of a skittish colt, on the verge of darting off if threatened.

“I need a wife. You are searching for a husband. That braggart there was too close for comfort. Therefore, I rescued you.” He chuckled. “And he won’t be bothering you again.”

Her gaze narrowed. Ah, the fire in her eyes lit to blazing. “Whose comfort?”

That question made his skin prickle, like being stabbed with a million pins. Surely she knew that fop’s “familiarity” with her was the stuff of scandal…right? Or was it really that it made Tristan uncomfortable? As if the man had tried to take what was his? And if so, when had that feeling formed?

“You had no right,” she continued, still fuming.

Oh, how he wanted to burn in her fire. “We suit each other perfectly.”

“I will not marry you,” she hissed.

His attraction to her, now his fire and ice queen, grew. As her breathing deepened in anger, he noticed her breasts swelling in the confines of the corset, barely contained. Her illusion tulle fiche was more decorative than concealing, and his cock hardened with each rise of her bosom. Blood racing through him, he struggled to maintain his composure. Despite the warning inside his head to give her sufficient space, he leaned toward her, his hand taking hers again. Evelyn hardened and tried to withdraw it, but he wouldn’t let her go.

To everyone else, they looked like a couple, enraptured with each other. Exactly what he wanted them to think.

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Gina_036Bio –
A USAToday Bestselling author, Gina Danna was born in St. Louis, Missouri, and has spent the better part of her life reading. History has always been her love and she spent numerous hours devouring historical romance stories, always dreaming of writing one of her own. After years of writing historical academic papers to achieve her undergraduate and graduate degrees in History, and then for museum programs and exhibits, she has found the time to write her own historical romantic fiction novels.

Now, under the supervision of her three dogs and two cats, she writes amid a library of research books, with her only true break away is to spend time with her other life long dream —her Arabian horse—With him, her muse can play.
Twitter:  @GinaDanna1


Q&A with Sara Ramsey and excerpt from Duke of Thorns

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000039_00003]Tell us about your latest release!

My latest book, Duke of Thorns, came out in November. It’s the start of a new Regency historical series (The Heiress Games), which features three female cousins who are competing for Maidenstone Abbey, a grand inheritance that only one of them can win. The first book is about Callista (Callie) Briarley, the American cousin with a secret background as a privateer. She meets her match with Gavin, the Duke of Thorington, who wants to secure her fortune for his brother – never expecting to fall in love with her himself.

What was your favorite part about writing Duke of Thorns?

I had two favorite parts. The first was learning more about privateering during the War of 1812, because I’m a huge history dork. The story is set entirely in Britain (with a prologue on the high seas), but reading about the naval history of the War of 1812 was really interesting to me.

And the second part was watching the chemistry develop between Callie and Thorington. I had more fun writing their dialogue than anything I’ve ever written before – they definitely surprised me with how witty (and sometimes warm) they could be with each other.

The Duke of Thorington was the villain in the last book of your previous series (The Earl Who Played With Fire, Muses of Mayfair #4). How did you turn him into a hero?

Sometime, somewhere, I read that every villain is the hero of his own story. Thorington was definitely a villain in Earl, and he did some despicable things. But his motives were perhaps more pure than the characters in that book imagined. It was really fun (albeit difficult and nervewracking) to figure out his character and how to redeem him without losing all the dark edges that made him such an interesting secondary character. You’ll have to tell me whether I succeeded!


And now, an excerpt from Duke of Thorns:

When she heard the scratching, she thought it was a rat.

“Of course there would be rats,” she muttered to herself. Lucretia had probably instructed the servants to release a plague ship’s worth of rats into the Tudor wing — it seemed like something her cousin would do.

But Callie had seen enough rats in the dockyards to be unconcerned. And anyway, it hadn’t awoken her. Despite her exhaustion, her cot wasn’t comfortable enough to lull her racing mind into sleep. Still, she turned toward the wall and tried to think of something else.

There wasn’t anything better to think of than the rat. What else should she think about? Whether her ships had been captured yet? Why Lucretia seemed to hate her? Why Thorington was so intriguing?

Definitely not Thorington. Never mind that she’d sensed him watching her throughout dinner.

Never mind that some perverse part of her wished she’d been seated next to him.

It was good that she hadn’t been. She might have tried to catch his gaze, to see if she could surprise a laugh out of him. She might have hung on his words, waiting to see whether he said something titillating. He was the most aggravating man at the party — but he was also the most interesting.

She was being a ninnyhammer. Thorington was the devil. And Ferguson had made it clear that she couldn’t win Maidenstone with him at her side.

She punched her pillow and vowed to sleep.

The scratching stopped — to be followed, a moment later, by the door handle turning. Only a servant would enter like that. “Did you bring me a warming pan, Mrs. Jennings?” she asked, still facing the wall.

Compared to the sweltering heat of Baltimore, Devonshire was frigid. But it wasn’t Mrs. Jennings who answered. “If it’s warmth you need, I might be of service.”

Thorington. His voice, dark and commanding, was already something she recognized instinctively, different as it was from all the hesitant second sons and half-grown whelps she’d met that night.

He stepped inside and shut the door before she could gather her thoughts. “Why are you here?” she asked, sitting up and pulling the covers around her.

“Still not willing to call me ‘your grace’?” he responded.

That winnowed out the pleasant feelings and brought her anger to the fore. “I’d sooner toss you into the harbor and declare independence again than do so,” she said.

He smiled. “Willful wench. Your strength might be commendable were it not set against me.”

She wasn’t frightened — in fact, if she were being honest, she was vastly intrigued — but she knew better than to encourage him. “My strength will remain set against you. Now take your leave before we’re ruined.”

Thorington placed his candle on the table and pulled the rickety chair forward. “I do not plan to ruin you at the moment. I came with a business proposition.”

Callie knew enough of the world to guess what he meant. A business proposition from a man of his status could only mean one thing. “I won’t be your mistress, no matter how much you offer.”

His frown was visible even in the shifting darkness. “I wouldn’t dishonor you like that.”

“What else would you offer?” she asked. “I can’t think of any other business between us. And Ferguson made it clear you’re not to be trusted. So you must be here to ruin me.”

Thorington sighed. “I am disappointed to find you have the morality of the middle classes. But you’re not screaming yet, so there’s that. I may be able to make an aristocrat of you after all.”

She gaped at him. Why had she wanted to sit by him at dinner? The man was mad. No, he was worse than mad. He was entirely amoral. And she was even more so — she was too wrapped up in delicious anticipation of his next move to be offended.

“Of course, I cannot make an aristocrat of you if you’re incapable of speech,” he said, examining his cuticles.

She couldn’t let him know how much he intrigued her. “I find I dislike you too much to speak to you.”


If you enjoyed the excerpt, DUKE OF THORNS is available in ebook on all major retailers; the paperback is coming shortly. You can buy it by clicking the links below. Happy reading!





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About the author:

Sara Ramsey writes fun, feisty Regency historical romances. She has great taste in Champagne, bad taste in movies, and a penchant for tiaras. She also believes in taking naps, wearing sunglasses at night, and using Oxford commas. Sara currently lives in San Francisco, California, where she can be found drinking overly-artistic lattes and working on her next Regency historical romance. You can find out more about her books at



Character interview of Gary Logan from Immortal Relations by Guy Ogan

Today we have an unusual guest, the character Gary Logan from the “Immortal Relations” series. Gary, please tell us a little about yourself.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThanks Cindy, it is a pleasure to be with you and the readers of your blog today. Where to begin? I guess I will start with my human background. I’d picked up a pair of Master’s Degrees, one while still in the U.S. Air Force and stationed in The Netherlands (Holland) and the second shortly after my retirement from the Air Force. I taught undergraduate counseling, psychology and sociology at a couple of colleges and universities as well as having my own private practice helping children, adolescents and adults with Attention Deficit. Later, I tool a position with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, their prison system, and retired as a psychologist when my father passed away and my invalid mother needed my care.

Shortly after her passing I started going through all the filing cabinets where I found the photograph of my father taken in Prague, Czechoslovakia right after WW-II. He had been sent, along with a team, to try and help the Czechs develop a new government along the lines of a Constitutional Republic. When I found out about that I thought it was a “fool’s errand” as Eastern Europe was under the boot of the Soviet Army and they certainly weren’t going to allow such a free government to be formed. Sure enough, the team of Americans was eventually told to leave, but not before my late father had developed a “relationship” with their young Czech interpreter, whose handwriting I found on the back of the photo saying, “I’ll always be waiting here.”

Seeing her words caused me to remember things my late mother had said when I was very young, “He is over there with that woman” and “He has had a child with that woman.” My mother had even asked me what I would do if she divorced my father! I wasn’t more than six or seven years old so really didn’t understand all of that, but the distress in her voice probably caused me to remember this even though there never was a divorce; back in the 1940s and 50s it was common for married folks to stay together “for sake of the children.” Perhaps that’s what happened even if I was an only child.

Having found that photograph, a copy of which is on pg. two of “Immortal Relations” the first book in the series, I determined to go to Prague and see if I could find the location where the photograph was taken. It took a few weeks to get the passport and other documents as well as make my travel arrangements and it wasn’t fun going through all the hassle of the security scans and inspections. I finally arrived in Prague and very soon thereafter found the spot where the photograph had been taken, it was a very famous building, “The Old Town Hall” that had a very large clock-face on the side of the building (as seen in the photograph).

So, after you’d found the building what happened?

I guess this is where EVERYTHING really started! It was very early Sunday Morning and there were no pedestrians and very sparse traffic, when all of a sudden I saw someone’s reflection in a window glass, where there hadn’t been anyone before. She was dressed like a super-model, but no sooner had I seen her, she disappeared. I turned to see if I could find where she had gone and I she was right behind me…it shocked me so much I almost fell over backwards. As I later told her, when she grabbed my arm to keep me upright I think she grabbed my heart at the same time.

Her name was Magdalena Dvora’k and she took one look at the picture I carried and without skipping a beat, said my father’s name! I came very close to falling, but again she grabbed my arm to steady me. We sat and talked for a long time and finally when jet-lag was getting the best of me she walked with me back to my hotel and made sure I got into my room to rest saying she would return the next day. I’d slept for over twelve hours and had just started taking a shower when she returned. I’d told the hotel manager to let her have the key when she returned so she was able to come in and after showering we headed out to see the city. She was a fantastic guide and so very knowledgeable about the city and all that went on there…I felt I was falling in love but knew she was so much younger that my feelings were out of place.

She returned me to my hotel saying she would try to see me again tomorrow evening. After I awoke and took my shower, I went to the café we had previously visited. On my way back to the hotel I despaired of seeing her again and felt like I’d die if she didn’t return because I had no way of contacting her. Fortunately she suddenly appeared walking next to me and I couldn’t help but tell her of my fear I wouldn’t see her again. She was so caring and understanding, being with her made my heart sing! That evening we toured some of the areas we hadn’t seen the night before and when she took me up on top of one of the oldest buildings from which we could see the lights of the city, I couldn’t refrain from professing my love, admitting that I knew our age difference was probably too much. When she said she had similar feelings for me I thought my heart would explode with joy; however, she warned that there was a problem as far as doing anything. That is when I told her that all she had to do to correct the problem was to change me. I caught her off-guard with the fact that I’d already figured out that she was a vampire…that in fact she had been the paramour of my late father.

Wow, talk about a revelation, what did she say to all that?

She just smiled and said I was right but that turning me would require approval from the head of her coven. About that time her daughter, Eviana, came up onto the roof where we were and told me how happy she was that her mother had found love. Then I was taken back to a control room where Eviana had a shift monitoring the city to keep humans safe from vampires who didn’t follow the rules about not harming humans, as well as identifying criminal threats.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERANot harming humans, then how did they get the blood they needed?

The guardian vampires have a number of corporations, one of which owns many funeral homes. Blood from those who die of illness, old age, accidents, etc. must be replaced with a preservative before processing and that blood, rather than being flushed, is mixed with an anti-coagulant and quick frozen for later use by the guardians. To me it seemed like the perfect symbiotic relationship as they not only safeguard against other types of vampires, but human criminals and evil politicians.

Then what happened?

Well, Magdalena expressed the belief that all vampires were doomed to Hell to which I responded with the argument that since I’d been told that most of the guardian vampires had originally been the victims of the evil type of vampires, it wouldn’t make sense to damn the victims of these attacks and we discussed salvation being available to all. Shortly after that a vehicle from the Residency Coven picked us up and took me to meet with the leader of the group known as Grandmother. She and her assistants were all mind-readers and my thoughts, being more than a little chaotic provided some amusement for them; however, Grandmother was very gracious and allowed that I could become one of them.

So how did the “change” take place?

Magdalena, Eviana and I went to their apartment inside the castle, and yes it really was a castle. I had to change into a European “Thong” bathing suit…talk about something that made me feel as horrible as I must have looked! Then I was secured to a long cart that had been rolled into their apartment for me to be secured on top of. I’d asked for a gag over my mouth as I’d been told there would be a great deal of pain and I didn’t want any screams to bring unwanted attention down on the proceedings. I’d elected to have both Magdalena and Eviana to bite me to speed up the change even if it meant greater pain.

Was the change terribly painful?

Indeed, it was as if fire was racing through my veins, skin and bones, as well as my muscles. But to have the prospect of being forever with the ones I loved it was a small price to pay.

But what about being condemned to Hell?

As I’d told both Magdalena and Eviana, I considered that just a cop-out designed by those vampires who have no desire to live peacefully alongside of humans, but rather they say, “I might as well kill everyone because I’m doomed anyway.” It is like saying God doesn’t have the power to provide salvation to these good vampires who don’t attack but rather safeguard the humans.

Speaking of safeguarding, I’ve read the first book and most of the second, “Immortal Relations, Love and War” and it certainly seems that you and the others kept a lot of bad things from happening. Care to elaborate?

The guardians routinely prevent rapes and robberies among other human crimes and when we were attacked by the vampire gang, we dealt them and when they tried to attack us by turning Czech military forces we convinced the Czech’s to help us defeat a band of “terrorists.” Then the vampire gang survivors went to England to try to obtain nuclear weapons, we, with the help of the British Army and Royal Marines were able to stymie their efforts. Then they tried to steal chemical and biological weapon that had been stockpiled from the old days of the Soviet Union. We were able to enlist the help of the senior Russian General Vladimir Kolukov to finish off the vampire gang (of course we had told them these were just some very well trained terrorists). In the second book I’m sure you read of our intervention when the Communist Chinese invaded Siberia; we helped defeat the invaders before the war resulted in a nuclear exchange. It became clear when we stopped the Chinese invasion that the Marxist regime in Washington D.C. was in on the deal, having been promised a reduction in the debt owed to the Chinese due to the overspending by the U.S. Government. Shortly thereafter we helped restore Russian oil production so vital to Western Europe after greedy OPEC Ministers had a terrorist set off a suitcase nuke to destroy the pumping station and irradiate the oil fields. We also kept the 25 year old cap over the Chernobyl reactor from failing by constructing a new cap as well as moving the leaning reactor building damaged by the tsunami which hit Fukushima, Japan.

Tell us a little of your unusual genetic makeup and what a difference it made after you were changed.

Well after I was changed my heart continued to beat and I was able to sire children, both of which were relatively unheard of in the vampire world. Further my son Adam continued to have a beating heart as did his own daughter, a hybrid half-vampire, half-human. What was most interesting was that Glenda, Adam’s hybrid daughter could live on blood as well as on human food…she seemingly had none of the problems associated with vampirism, yet had all the strengths. My family of vampire children has continued to grow and I’ve been jokingly accused of trying to start my own coven, especially now that we have started a coven in Southern Canada to monitor what the Marxist regime in Washington D.C. is doing to destroy the U.S. Constitution and it’s Bill of Rights.

How did you come to write the three books in the series and will there be others?

I had been busy writing a journal about my becoming a vampire and when were faced with a news organization ready to release information that had come to their attention about REAL VAMPIRES being behind the defeat of the Chinese I was asked to produce two books that would be backdated to well before the events in question to make it look as if the news organization had plagiarized those stories as real facts. This action caused the news organization to put their story on hold…at least until the missile attack upon our Canadian facility by the Marxists in Washington D.C. and their later effort to destroy our mission to safeguard Earth from Ceres the 600 mile wide rogue asteroid that was headed for a possible impact in just weeks. That is when it became common knowledge that we guardian vampires were behind all of those actions. That is why all three “novels” were released. As for future novels, yes I have another in the works that will contain some recent “situations” that have arisen and been dealt with. The title will be, “Immortal Relations – Revenge.” It deals with some left-overs from the evil vampire gang as well as more destructive actions by the Marxists in Washington. I hope to have it out in the Spring of 2015 and I already have the covers for two further books in the series. My prayer is that the American people wake up and return the United States to a Constitutional Republic by kicking out he Marxists and their media running-dogs.

Do you have any final words for my readers?

Yes, many books and films portray all vampires as evil monsters trying to draining the life blood from men, women and children coming near them. My stories are to show that not all those who might be seen to be “enemies” at first glance really are. It is the reverse of what politicians seem to get away with in the U.S., don’t listen to what they say, watch what they do (and watch very closely)! For vampires and others you might label as enemies out of hand, you should watch how they behave before branding us all as enemies. And, of course, I’d love for your readers to check out my books: &


Guy Ogan is a retired Air Force Major with a pair of graduate degrees, unfortunately not in English or Literature. I’m also retired from a second “calling” as a psychologist with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice where I evaluated inmates and wrote treatment programs. In my youth I wrote articles on various long distance running events I participated in. Then, in the military, I did a great deal of technical writing and wrote many articles and sent pictures on car shows I attended. My wife and I live in West Texas with three fun loving Pomeranians.

Lady Elinor’s Escape by Linda McLaughlin

Lady Elinor’s Escape
by Linda McLaughlin
Sweet Regency Romance

LadyElinor'sEscape_400x251_2Lady Elinor Ashworth always longed for adventure, but when she runs away from her abusive aunt, she finds more than she bargained for. Elinor fears her aunt who is irrational and dangerous, threatening Elinor and anyone she associates with. When she encounters an inquisitive gentleman, she accepts his help, but fearing for his safety, hides her identity by pretending to be a seamstress. She resists his every attempt to draw her out, all the while fighting her attraction to him.

There are too many women in barrister Stephen Chaplin’s life, but he has never been able to turn his back on a damsel in distress. The younger son of a baronet is a rescuer of troubled females, an unusual vocation fueled guilt over his failure to save the woman he loved from her brutal husband. He cannot help falling in love with his secretive seamstress, but to his dismay, the truth of her background reveals Stephen as the ineligible party.

Interview with Stephen Chaplin of Lady Elinor’s Escape by Linda McLaughlin

I recently visited barrister Stephen Chaplin, Esquire at his offices in London’s Lincoln’s Inn to interview him.

LM: Mr. Chaplin, thank you so much for agreeing to meet with me. Can you tell me a bit about yourself? For instance, are you originally from the London area?

SC: No, my family is from Lincolnshire. I grew up on a small estate with my elder brother and my younger sister, Olivia.

LM: Where did you attend university?

SC: Cambridge, of course. The men of my family have done so for several generations. Then I came to Lincoln’s Inn to read for the law.

LM: Did you always want to be a barrister?

Not as a child, of course. Boys always have dreams of being brave warriors or finding one’s fortune at sea. But Father said I wasn’t cut out for the military–not obedient enough–though he thought I would do well in Parliament, since I seemed to enjoy arguing.

LM: You do think for yourself. What do you like most about the legal profession?

SC: I find it most gratifying when the law and justice align, which doesn’t always occur. Many of our laws are unnecessarily harsh, and I’d like to do something about that one day. In the meantime, I do what I can to help those in need of protection.

LM: What are your reading tastes?

SC: The Times, of course; all the London newspapers, for that matter. I rarely have time to read for pleasure, unlike my sister, Olivia, who devours every Gothic novel she can get her hands on, no matter how ridiculous. She even has hopes of publishing her own romantic scribblings one day. I’ve told her in no uncertain terms that she may not use my life experiences as fodder for her novel, or she will be very sorry!

LM: Hmm. What is the oddest thing that’s ever happened to you?

SC, with a smile: That would have to be the day I met the mysterious Mrs. Brown, a.k.a. Lady Elinor Ashworth, now Mrs. Chaplin. I was in the West Country, having a peaceful breakfast when a madwoman in widow’s weeks came bursting through the door, demanding immediate passage to London. She appeared to be in need, so naturally I volunteered to assist, not knowing she would disrupt my life, destroy my peace of mind and make me fall madly in love with her.

If you want to know exactly how Lady Elinor turned Mr. Chaplin’s life upside down, the answers are in Lady Elinor’s Escape.

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The Horse and Cart Inn bustled with business when Stephen Chaplin entered the common room. The scent of frying bacon soon had his stomach growling. A fire burned brightly in the smoke-blackened fireplace, dispelling the morning chill.

He had no sooner taken a seat at a small table than a young blonde woman with a rounded belly and a beaming smile on her freckled face approached him. “Good morning, sir, did ye sleep well?”

“That I did, Nancy. Are you glad to be home?”

“Yes, sir.” Her pale blue eyes stared at him earnestly. “I can’t be thanking ye enough fer what ye done for me. I don’t know how I’d have managed, with a babe on the way and all.”

“Yes, well, the next time a charming rogue comes along, perhaps you’ll think twice before going off with him.”

“Oh, I’ve learned me lesson.” A blush suffused her face. “Now, will ye be havin’ tea or coffee with yer breakfast?”

“Coffee, please, and toast.”

Nancy fisted her hands on her hips. “Now that isn’t enough breakfast for the long trip to London. I’ll bring ye some of our fine Wiltshire bacon, too.”

Stephen laughed. Ever since he’d arrived, one Wainwright or another had been pressing food and drink on him. “Very well, Nancy. Toast and bacon.”

She turned and walked away, weaving between the crowded tables. She seemed like a different girl than the half-starved waif his housekeeper had taken in two months ago. He frowned, remembering her tale of being lured to London by a smooth-talking stranger only to be abandoned as soon as she had conceived. What kind of cad deserted a woman in a delicate condition? The only thing worse was a man who used his fists on a female, like that blackguard Northam.

Stephen closed his mind to that line of thought. Deborah had been gone for six years now, and if not forgotten, at least the pain of her death had faded. At her funeral Stephen had vowed never again to walk away from a woman in need, which was how he found himself at an inn in Wiltshire during the Season.

When Nancy returned with his breakfast, he applied himself to the large slab of bacon and toast dripping with butter, and then washed it all down with strong black coffee.

Rescuing damsels in distress was hungry work.

Author bio:

Linda McLaughlin grew up with a love of books and history, so it’s only natural she prefers writing historical romance. She loves transporting her readers into the past where her characters learn that, in the journey of life, love is the sweetest reward. Linda also writes steamy to erotic romance under the name Lyndi Lamont, and is one half of the writing team of Lyn O’Farrell.

You can find her online at
Twitter: @Lyndi Lamont

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Interview with Romantic Suspense author Jacquie Biggar

JacquieBiggar_TidalFalls_HR_2I welcome Jacquie Biggar to the blog today. Jacquie owned and operated a restaurant in her hometown of Edson Alberta for thirteen years before moving west to Victoria to take care of her grandson and pursue her dream of becoming a writer. She joined Romance Writers of America, Kiss of Death—an online suspense group, and a local chapter, VIC-RWA, of which she currently holds the position of secretary.

Do you outline your books or wing it? Describe your process.

I’m what’s known as a pantser, in other words I wing it. I get my ideas from current events and from there I build my character’s world.

How do you decide on setting?

The setting was the easy part. I love the west coast and small towns, so I made that an integral part of my story.

What genre(s) do you write in? Why?

I’ve always loved romance and dreamed of one day writing for Harlequin—still working on that—and suspense books keep me turning the pages, so it was a natural fit.

What is your favorite part of writing?

When you get that scene in your head and everything flows from the fingers to the keyboard, almost without thought. Love that.

What is your least favorite part of writing?

I’d have to say editing. I go over the same words so many times it can be frustrating.

Some writers edit excessively as they write; others wait until a novel is finished to do the bulk of editing. How about you?

I edit as I go. I’m compulsive, and can’t seem to leave it alone.

What’s the strangest thing you have ever done in the name of research?

Online searches for drug-running and human trafficking in Iraq and Mexico. I expected to be flagged by the CIA at any time, 

E-books, print, or both? Any preferences? Why?

For myself I prefer e-books, but I know a lot of people like print so I’ve gone with both for my novel. And let’s face it, there’s nothing like holding a book you wrote in your hands.

Please tell us your experiences with social media. What are your favorite and least favorite parts of it?

I love social media. It’s an amazing way to make friends with people from all over the globe. That being said, I’ve found since I opened an author page on Facebook, I’m getting lots of strange, “Hi, I’d like to get to know you better,” messages I could do without.

What do you read? Do you read different genres when you’re writing versus not writing?

I read a wide variety within the romance genre. Romantic Suspense-Iris Johansen, Suzanne Brockmann, Comedy-Jennifer Crusie, Paranormal-J.R.Ward, YA-Jodie Esch, Lisa Lange.

For more about Jacquie Biggar check out her website and connect with her on Facebook and Twitter.

Here is a blurb from my novel, Tidal Falls, available Sept 15/14

Sara Reed is on the run from an abusive ex who happens to have ties to a Mexican cartel. Mistakenly thinking her and her daughter would be safer if she had some kind of leverage, she takes a copy of some valuable files, files that make her a target.

Nick Kelley is an ex-marine trying to find his place now that his career is over due to injuries suffered from an IED. When the two of them meet in the pretty little town of Tidal Falls, the experience is explosive.

Interview with Margaret O’Neil

PJM_cover_cream_2Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and who you are as a writer?

I grew up in NW Indiana, several miles from Chicago. I started reading romantic stories when I was eight, devouring library books written for teens, usually one a day. This love of romance carried into my adult life. I now have over three thousand romance novels in my collection and am rarely willing to part with any of them. It seemed only natural for me to write romance.
My books are primarily contemporary “relationship” books—stories about people falling in love and making that love work for them. My protagonists might have idealistic differences, but I don’t dwell on “love-hate” themes used to create conflict that we find in a lot of formula romance.

Who is your intended audience and why should they read your books?

Readers who like a good old-fashioned romance, character-driven and emotional, might like my books. I’m not heavy into complicated plots; I like to concentrate on a good story about the process of finding the happily-ever-after (HEA). I was pleased when romance novels opened the bedroom door and let us see the physical love between two people. Reviewers who rate “heat” have rated my love scenes mild or medium heat. I also try to keep the language relatively clean.

Peter Jordan’s Marriage is an unusual title—how did you come up with it?

Peter Jordan’s Marriage (PJM) is a special book for me. It’s about making a love and marriage work, and I wanted the title to reflect that. So, even though the hero is a pro-football player, that’s not the focus of the story. When Peter Jordan finds the one woman who is right for him, he scraps all his ideals of a stay-at-home mom to marry the woman he loves. But making his marriage work with her career becomes an obstacle both have to face, making this book about Peter Jordan’s Marriage.

I am a huge sports fan, though, and was actually sitting in an NFL stadium on a Monday night football game, when I saw a player, a wide receiver, get hit exactly as described in PJM. As they took him off the field in an ambulance the idea for this book sprang to life.

Football players, both in college and the NFL, often get a bad rap, because of the few that make headlines for their abusiveness to women and children. We encounter abusive men in all walks of life, not just sports. I wanted to show a “good guy” sports figure who is looking for a woman he can love forever, a woman who will give him the family life he missed as a child.

Who is your favorite character from you books and why?

Peter Jordan, no question about it. A true “gentle giant” Peter Jordan epitomizes the “nice guy” most any woman could fall in love with. My heart kicks up a beat every time a I get a response from a reader that points out how nice it is to read about an athlete who isn’t a jerk.

How about your least favorite character? What makes them less appealing to you?

I’m assuming were talking about the hero/heroine in my books. Less favorite characters, of course, are the obvious villains and need no explanation for my dislike. Although I often try to find redemption for my obvious villains, trusting my reader might like them as well by the end of the book.

I suppose my least favorite heroine might be the one I’m writing about now in The Handsome Contractor. Beth is not very likeable at first: career-driven, hiding her dysfunctional family background, wanting no part of a future that includes a man. (Almost sounds like the clichéd formula romance, doesn’t it?) She is a successful architect, wielding great power in the business world, but she’s got to come a long way if I’m going to like her. I do see some improvement in the last two chapters, but she’s been a tough character for me to develop and has given me writer’s block more than once.

What other books are similar to your own? What makes them alike?

Other than being contemporary romance or the general themes, (i.e. Million Dollar Wife a marriage of convenience, or the friendship into love theme found in Here For You Always) I like to think my books are not that similar. For example, when I first submitted Here For You Always for publication, editors liked the story and my characters, and particularly commented on Leigh’s son, but the idea of the hero loving the heroine from the get-go didn’t fall into the formula at the time. Editors insisted characters couldn’t admit love until the end of the story or it ruined the tension. Also sports heroes were definitely taboo. Susan Elizabeth Phillips was one author I admired because she ignored that rule and was successful doing so.

What can we expect from you in the future?

I’m hoping to finish The Handsome Contractor in time for Christmas. My contractor is Matt Spicer, running a family business with two grown delinquent brothers and a widowed mother he feels responsible for. The last thing he wants is more responsibility in the form of a wife.

Readers have asked for a sequel to Million Dollar Wife that includes Bryce’s sister, Ann, a successful entertainment lawyer, and the private investigator, Jarret McGraw. At first I couldn’t seem to come up with a story, but in the last few weeks I found Ann snowbound with two orphaned children. She just might have to contact Jarret for help. Who knows what might happen?

What can readers who enjoy you books do to help make them successful?

Reviews on Amazon, or Goodreads or any other websites help a great deal. Telling their friends is also helpful. I hope to have a website soon, so I can communicate directly with readers; find out what they like and don’t like. I think having some direct contact would be especially fun.

How about a taste of one of your books?

Here’s an excerpt from Peter Jordan’s Marriage…
Her voice was so soft Pete wasn’t sure he heard her. “What did you say?”
“Do you want to make love to me?”
Incredulous, he stood with his arms at his side. “Now? Tonight?”
“Right now.” She gestured toward the white fur rug. “Right here.”
He stared down into her eyes, a pool of blue lights, unfathomable, dewy from unshed tears. This wasn’t the way he’d planned this moment. Something was terribly wrong. “Does this mean you love me, Bobbie?”
“I just want us to make love—tonight.”
“Why?” The word came out harsher than he meant it too.
“Why?” she countered. “Why does anyone make love?”
“For a lot of people, it’s not love, Bobbie. It’s just sex. I want to be sure you know the difference.”
“I thought this is what you wanted.”
“I do,” he said, ignoring her trembling lips, “but not like this. Do you know how this feels to me?” He didn’t give her a chance to reply. “Like a command performance. I’m not taking your test, Bobbie.” She didn’t answer him.
Watching the expressions of hurt and bewilderment play across her face, Pete took a step forward. There was so much at stake he had to find the right words. “I love you, you little idiot, and you’re risking our entire future on one night. If I don’t perform on demand, like some trained animal, if I can’t make sex acceptable for you on the first try, you’re going to walk out of my life, convinced it will never be right. That’s not fair, Bobbie, to yourself or to me.”
“You’ve got this all wrong, Pete,” she said sadly. “I wasn’t testing you. I was testing me. This whole thing makes me feel guilty. I can’t seem to be all the things you want in a woman. I haven’t been willing to take the chances you need me to take.” Her voice broke.
“So you’ve offered yourself as the sacrificial lamb? Is that supposed to make me feel good?” He could see in her expression that his words cut deep.
“Stop it,” she said. “I got your message. What do you want from me, Pete?”
“What I don’t want is your guilt. You are the first woman I’ve ever loved. The only woman. And I want all the things that go with a first love. A love without reservations or doubts. I want marriage with you. A family . . . “ His voice trailed off. Despite all of their obstacles, his values that didn’t match hers, her goals so different, miles apart from his own, none of it mattered. He’d just asked her to marry him. The situation was so far from his fantasy of candlelight and wine, red roses and a velvet ring box, it was almost laughable.
God, this was for real. He wanted her under any circumstances.