An Interview with Amy Patrick


Be sure and leave a comment. Amy would like to give away an ebook to one lucky commentor.


How many books have you written? I’ve written seven novels and a novella. One novel (a YA) is on sub to editors through my agent. I’ve self-published five books so far, with more to come this year!

You write contemporary romance as well as Young Adult fantasy romance. Why the different genres? I like to read different genres and always have, and I think that’s why I like writing in different genres. Though my 20 SOMETHING series and The Hidden Trilogy are very different, they both contain romance, which is always my main interest, whether in books or movies or the TV shows I prefer. The 20 SOMETHING contemporary series features twenty-somethings in the world of TV news and is inspired by my own experiences as a news anchor/reporter working at 6 different stations in 4 different states over the years. As far as The Hidden Trilogy— in middle school I was a huge Lord of the Rings geek, and when I learned that J.R.R. Tolkien was inspired by Norse mythology, specifically the Poetic Edda, I looked into the ancient minstrel tales myself. In them, the Fae are described as beautiful, frightening, powerful, sometimes god-like. The Trilogy, beginning with HIDDEN DEEP, is based on a combination of this Norse mythology and Celtic Fae legends.

How did you get started writing? I actually tried writing a novel the year I graduated from college when I was working my first job as a TV news anchor/reporter. I covered an amazing murder trial and it inspired me to write a murder mystery. But I quickly discovered that news writing and novel writing were *very* different. I didn’t know how to get past the first few chapters. As I moved from city to city, moving up the TV news career ladder, I kept trying, starting and stopping several novels over the years. It wasn’t until I quit my full-time job to stay home with my kids that I really began the long process of learning about story structure and good writing. I joined RWA, went to some local conferences and found my first critique partner at one of them. I entered chapter contests for feedback and read a lot of writing craft books. I was fortunate that the first novel I completed was selected as a Golden Heart finalist in 2013. I was a finalist again the next year with that YA murder mystery/romantic suspense book! That’s the book that got me my agent, too.

FINAL+HIDDEN+1What’s your typical day like? I’m very blessed to be able to write full-time, which for me is about four or five hours a day. I still have young kids at home, so when’s school’s out, I’m a full-time mom. But I do write every day. I go to the library and sit in the furthest back corner with only the most boring reference books for a view. I wish I was one of those super-focused people who can write anywhere anytime, but I’m the world’s worst multi-tasker.

Are you a plotter or a pantser? I’m definitely a plotter. I could never write so many books so quickly without it. I pantsed my way through my first book, which was fun, but then it needed LOTS of revision, which took way longer than just planning it out in the first place. Now I do a few character exercises, fill out a beat sheet and then a scene-by-scene outline (in pencil) during my pre-writing stage. I follow it for my story structure, but I also keep a good eraser on hand in case inspiration strikes and I want to make changes. While I am a plotter, I’m not rigid about it—things can and do change as the story progresses and I don’t feel it inhibits my creativity at all.

You mentioned you have an agent but you are also self-published. How did you decide to do both? Honestly, a few years ago I believed self-publishing was not for me. Then I had so many talented author friends (and fellow Golden Heart finalists) who were choosing that option that I finally began to learn about it. Once I did, I was convinced it was something I really wanted to try. I love that authors have more options these days. Interestingly, I signed with my agent about the same time I decided to self-publish. In fact, I made sure when we spoke during THE CALL that she was okay with my plans to do it. I’m not against traditional publishing at all—I guess I just want to try everything and see what suits me best. Also, some genres sell better self-published than others. Some, particularly contemporary YA, still do better trad-pubbed.

What went into the process of self-publishing? SO much! I won’t lie– it’s a lot of work. After writing several drafts of a book, I send it to my critique partners and implement their suggestions. Then it goes through three rounds with an editor and then to a proofreader. I hire a formatter as well as a professional cover designer—they give me both ebook and print versions of my interiors and covers. I upload the books myself to the various retailers. I have hired PR companies for almost every release (and some cover reveals) to spread the word and try to reach my target audience. Some have worked better than others. I utilize social media and a newsletter to keep readers updated about new releases and/or sales, but I try not to overdo it and turn people off.

Do you have other talents besides writing? I’ve been a voiceover artist for the past 14 years, doing radio and TV ads and corporate videos. I also narrate audiobooks. No, I haven’t done my own yet—I haven’t had time! I’m like the plumber with leaky pipes in his own house—so busy working for everyone else, I haven’t recorded my own books. But they’re coming! I’ll be sure to update you when they’re available.

Do you have any advice for someone who wants to write a book and become published? I’ve seen the statistic that 90% of people want to write a book and only 10% actually do. I think lack of know-how stops most people. So my advice would be to join a great writer’s group like RWA (Romance Writers of America) and a local chapter. It’s such a great resource for information on good writing as well as for support. Having writer friends to trade work with made an incredible difference for me. I also enjoyed writing more and had more success when I got a firm grasp on story structure. I loved the book Save the Cat by Blake Snyder for that. It’s very accessible and clear, besides being funny and enjoyable. When I read it, a lightbulb went off for me.  

What’s your next project and when will it be released? I’m working on the next books in the Hidden Trilogy. Book two, HIDDEN HEART, is in the editing process now and will come out May 24. I’ve just finished a Hidden-related novella called THE SWAY for a box set with some awesome YA fantasy authors. The bundle is called Faery Tales and will be released mid-May. I still have to write a fifth book in my 20 Something series, but I’ll be immersed in the Hidden world for at least the next few months before starting that.

Thank you so much for hosting me today Cindy—it’s been fun!



22-year-old Heidi Haynes is almost one year into her “real life”. She has her first reporting job, her first apartment, and a comfortable relationship with her college sweetheart. But for some reason she’s not as eager to talk about walking down the aisle as he is.

Heidi secretly longs for big cities, big-market breaking news, and real independence from her way-too-close-by helicopter parents. Problem is, the last time she left the security of home for new places and new people, things didn’t go so well. Disastrously, in fact, and she came running back to a local college and a “safe” boyfriend.

Aric Serrano is definitely not safe.

He’s six-feet-four-inches of missing-Hemsworth-brother-hotness and plans to stay in small-market-Southern-Hell just long enough to grab a cup of coffee and put together a kick-ass “escape tape”. He’ll serve his one-year contract, then he’s taking off for a higher rung on the TV sports ladder—alone—the way he likes it. Then he meets his new co-anchor.

Heidi would be so much more comfortable if she could simply ignore Aric. He’s just her type—the type she’s so careful to avoid these days. But that becomes impossible when she’s forced to work closely with him on the weekend newscast. Now the attraction between them is growing even faster than the ratings, and what happens behind the scenes is the real news.








Author Bio:
Amy Patrick is a two-time Golden Heart finalist (2013 and 2014) who writes Contemporary Romance and Young Adult fantasy/paranormal romance. She is the author of the Hidden Trilogy and the 20 Something series. Living in New England now with her husband and two sons, she actually craves the heat and humidity of Mississippi, where she grew up. She’s been a professional singer and news anchor and currently narrates audio books as well as working as a station host for a Boston TV station.
The song segued into another Michael Jackson hit—the DJ must’ve been encouraged by the sudden influx of dancers to the floor and didn’t want to take a chance on losing the mojo. Mara jostled me with a hip-bump, and I laughed, beginning to move to the music more fluidly, relaxing, enjoying myself more than I had in a long time.
The girls from the station were spinning and showing off, thrilled to find a guy who would actually dance, and Aric served as a sort of group-partner for us all. Though we were all together, every time I glanced up at Aric’s face, he was watching me. He studied how my body moved, responding to my motions, matching them with moves of his own. We didn’t touch at all, but it felt like we were… connected somehow.
After another song or two, I grew used to the feel of his eyes on me, grew to like it. And the focused attention made me brave. I sang along with a song I knew, closing my eyes and moving to the hypnotic beat, as Michael advised me to let the madness and the music get to me.
“It’s fun to watch you dance.”
The nearness of Aric’s voice jolted me out of the moment. My eyes opened, and I took a step back, the seductive warmth of his breath still caressing my ear. “Um… you too. You’re good.”
He leaned in close again to be heard over the pounding music, his fingers gripping my shoulder lightly. “No. I mean I really like watching you.”
I stopped cold, right there on the dance floor. Literally feeling cold, as if someone had poured a post-game Gatorade bucket over my head.
“I’m—going to the ladies room.” I spun around and headed for the lighted sign in the back of the club as if the hounds of hell were at my back.
I’d recognized him. Not him, of course. But I knew what kind of guy he was—I’d met his breed before. The elite players, the sexual Heisman candidates, genetic freaks who produced bionic pheromones capable of turning even the smartest girl stupid, at least temporarily.
How could I not have seen it right away? The beautiful face, the enticing scent, the self-assured way he walked and talked and danced. If I could’ve left the club right then, I would have. But I’d promised to drive Kenley and Mara home. I couldn’t strand them. I fled to the restroom and gave myself a narrow-eyed look in the mirror. Not going there, girlfriend. I did not return to the dance floor.


An Interview with Patrice Wilton

3bookset1700x1073-1Patrice will give copies to three lucky winners who sign up for her newsletter at

How did you get started writing?

I loved to read from the age of twelve on, and decided that if I had one gift, it would be to give back to the world the pleasure of books. My second passion was to discover the world that I wanted to write about. I became a flight attendant for seventeen years, married and then traveled the world with my husband and family. We moved from Canada to Australia for six years, and then to England for three. My children were in school, and I was unable to work in these foreign countries so I decided that the time had come. If I wanted to write, what was I waiting for?? I sat down and wrote my first book– in longhand! A Harlequin romance that was firmly rejected. Who knew that they couldn’t have a married hero? I mean, it was the eighties!! lol. After 20 years of writing, and hundreds of rejection, I found an agent who believed in me, and success as a writer.

What genre(s) do you write in and why?

I write contemporary romance, Women’s Fiction and Romantic comedy. I love all three. They allow me to explore female bonding and the power of friendships, emotional issues, the joy of falling in love over and over again, and to showcase my sense of humor that shocks me at times!

Tell us about your current series.

I have had such positive response with my SERENDIPITY FALLS series and they have been so much fun to write. They are light, sexy, and fun—with a mischievous Cupid who watches over the sweet mountain town in the foothills of Mammoth, California. People believe there’s a love bug in the spring water, or some mysterious force at work. In a town of ten thousand, there’s several weddings a month and divorce is non existent. This collection completes the series, but I’m taking Cupid on the road—to Vegas. This will be another fun, sexy, lol series, hopefully to debut this summer.

What inspired your latest book?

I am currently working on another new series, and the setting is in the Florida Keys. Three young women (sisters) and their mother are running a small seaside resort. They lost their father in the Twin Towers, and living in a small, laid back community gives the eldest daughter (first book) a feeling of safety that she never had living in the city, after 9/11. A Boston cardiac surgeon arrives on his sailboat and books a cottage for three months. He lost his daughter to Leukemia and his marriage to grief. He makes his living mending broken hearts, but he can’t heal his own.

Aw…. don’t you just love it!!!!

What is your favorite part of writing?

The creative journey – discovering who these people are, what they want, and what’s going to happen to keep them from getting it. At some point during the story, I come to a complete halt, and think this is terrible, I have no conflict, where am I going, and then I magically figure it out!

What is your least favorite part of writing?

All of the above!

What is your next project and when will it be released?

My next project is my Paradise Cove series, and I hope it will be released this summer, but it’s in the hands of my agent, so it could take a lot longer!

How has your experience with self-publishing been?

My experience with self-publishing has been wonderful! I never really made it until Kindle came along, and then readers found me! My first book on Kindle, Replacing Barnie, is the first book in my successful Candy Bar series, and it went all the way down to a ranking of 300—out of a million books!) without any help from me. Readers found my books, they loved my stories, and validated me as an author. It was the most rewarding thing of all to read the beautiful reviews, which I do everyday, and know that I achieved my childhood dream. I can make people laugh, and cry, and bring them the joy of reading. Oh, happy me, I am so very blessed!

What advice do you have for other authors wanting to self-publish?

I advise anyone who has a well written, edited book with a professional cover to take that leap of faith and put it up there for the world of readers to discover. If you don’t, who will?

Tell us a little about yourself and your latest book.

I moved to West Palm Beach after a divorce in 2000. I met a wonderful man, a retired golf pro and we have been together for ten years. Between us we have 4 grown children, and are blessed with 10 wonderful grandchildren, a constant joy and delight. I play tennis, golf, and write nearly every single day. I made the USA Today best seller list with two popular box sets last year. I’m am still working hard and fulfilling my dreams!

For anyone who is not published and still holding on to that dream —DON’T GIVE UP! It took me years and years of heartache and rejections, but when I finally found that small, glimmer of success, it made the entire journey worthwhile. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it!!!!

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 I’m Cupid. You know, that cute, angelic little body that floats around with a tiny bow and arrow? Well, let me tell you something-it’s not so cute when you’re 180 years old. Not in human life, but in Cupid life. We live to be at least 500 or so and give joy and love to the humans who don’t even know we’re here.

Not that I’m grumpy, but this sure is a thankless job. If you have a moment I’ll tell you why. I live in the small California town of Serendipity Falls. It’s a pretty place and a tourist spot due to the spectacular, two hundred foot waterfall that streams down the side of the mountain and pools into an emerald green lake. It’s the last place to fuel up, stretch your legs, or grab a bite to eat before you reach the ski hills at Mammoth, and that mountain is sure aptly named. We’re talking gigantic, with the highest elevation of any ski area around–over 11,000 feet, and if that doesn’t scare you, nothing will.

I tried playing Cupid up there because I like the cool mountain air, and I was fed up with competing in “the big city” with Cupids younger than me, but that didn’t work out. To be honest, I’m scared of heights, so I skedaddled out of there and ended up in this idyllic town. For all my grouching, I’m sure glad I did. The population is small so you’d think I’d get bored and move on, but that’s not the case.

We have a brand spanking new mall that’s attracting visitors to the area, and it has sporting good shops, snazzy boutiques and a slew of big name stores, like Wal-Mart, Home Depot, a Macy’s, even Sears too. There’s also a Multiplex movie theatre, an ice-skating rink, and several restaurants to satisfy your appetite.

I have plenty of people to use as target practice, but still, for all the zapping I do I never get any credit. That’s my biggest beef with this place. The town folk boast about their falls and the natural spring water, and how romance blooms in Serendipity. I listen to them marvel about the unnatural amount of weddings, and I want to stamp my feet. Yes, I do have feet, pointy little ears, and a perfectly good bow and arrow, which I should use to pierce their backsides with. Perhaps, then I’d get some respect!

The only day I ever get recognition is Valentine’s Day, and for me that’s Christmas, Easter, every memorable holiday wrapped into one. I celebrate by binging on chocolate, and although I haven’t met a truffle I didn’t like, I’m especially partial to Godiva. Oh, dear, I got side-tracked, didn’t I?

What I was saying is that in a town of ten thousand, we’re having at least one wedding a month, and they think the water is responsible for that? Come on! I’m  shooting pink darts, and I’m not so old that my aim’s off either. I alternate my time between the mall and the restaurant across from the falls where I have the best view, the best leftover nibbles, and can see all the travelers who come through the door.

If you don’t believe me, come by and see for yourself.

Oh, wait. Someone just walked in. A pretty young lady. She’s alone and looks distraught. I better wander over and hear her story. You might want to listen in.


Patrice Wilton knew from the age of twelve that she wanted to write books that would take the reader to faraway places. She was born in Vancouver, Canada, and had a great need to see the world that she had read about.

Patrice became a flight attendant for seventeen years and traveled the world. At the age of forty she sat down to write her first book—in longhand! Her interests include tennis, golf, and writing stories for women of all ages.

She is a mother of two, has four lovely grand-daughters, and a wonderful man at her side. They live in West Palm Beach, Florida, where he teaches her golf, and she teaches him patience.

Her best selling books are TEN CHRISTMAS BRIDES, the Candy Bar series, the Serendipity Falls series, and her returning war hero series. She is a USA Today best selling author.


An Interview with Bronwen Evans

978-0-553-39117-6-300x400Bronwen will be giving away an ecopy of her book, A Kiss of Lies book #1 in the Disgraced Lords series

  1. What inspired your latest book?

My latest book, released 24 March is A TOUCH OF PASSION, a Regency historical romance. It’s book #3 in my Disgraced Lords series. The Disgraced Lords are a bunch of school friends, nicknamed the Libertine Scholars, whose fathers were—not very nice—is putting it mildly.  They have an unknown enemy who is revisiting the sins of the father on the sons. The series has an over arcing villain, as well as a different villain in each standalone book, so I had to plot the series really well before I started. I plotted out a series books, one for each of the six men.

M y six heroes are:

  1. A Kiss of Lies, book #1 – Christian Markham, the Earl of Trent – wounded war hero, the gorgeous rake who is faced with confronting who he is, now that he’s been badly burned at Waterloo. He reminds me of Mel Gibson’s character in The Man Without a Face. A man whose world has been turned upside down as he struggles for a new identity. He can no longer use his beauty to glide through life. He has to look deeper inside himself and find out what’s at the core of him as a man. What can he find within himself to make his way in the world?
  2. A Promise of More, book #2 – Sebastian Hawkestone, the Earl of Coldhurst – is a very popular and handsome rake who has the ability to understand and empathize with people. He notices seemingly insignificant details about them and their lives, and easily gets inside people’s heads. He’s able to draw conclusions from them and use the information to his own advantage – especially where woman are concerned. He’s the ultimate seducer. A bit like Jake Gyllenhaal’s character in Love, Drugs, and other Things.
  3. A Touch of Passion, book #3 – Grayson Devlin, Viscount Blackwood – A big, gorgeous rake with a heart of gold. The man who tries to look tough on the outside but is in fact marshmallow inside. He’d do anything for anyone and fiercely protects those he loves with his life. He reminds me of Stefan Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries. Silent and intense.
  4. A Whisper of Desire, book #4 – Maitland Spencer, the Duke of Lyttelton – he’s a masculine version of Temperance Brennan from Bones. He’s a mathematical genius, making him England’s most successful card player. But he is deemed cold and distant, emotionally withdrawn, and due to his intelligence he has trouble connecting with people.
  5. A Taste of Seduction, book #5, – Hadley Fullerton, younger brother of the Duke of Claymore – he has, what we term in the Regency period ‘the spare’ syndrome. His only role in life is to be ready to step up if anything should happen to his elder brother. He has little if any self-worth and does everything he can to put himself in harm’s way.  Danger is his middle name. He sees no purpose to his life, so doesn’t value it. Like Christopher Chance in Human Target.
  6. A Night of Forever, book #5 – Arend Aubury, Baron Labourd – a French exile with a huge chip on his shoulder. His family fled France in 1789 during the revolution and they lost their estates and wealth. Upon reaching manhood, he’s not had the luxury to be the playboy rake. He had to work hard to restore his family’s wealth and standing in England. He’s serious and determined. He still doesn’t feel accepted here, and with the war with Napoleon, feels like an outsider in the country he’s spent most of his life in. He longs for acceptance. I’ve pictured Olivier Martinez for this character.
  7. Where do you get the ideas for your stories?

I’ve always had a vivid imagination. Romance is about human emotions so therefore I do get ideas from people around me, things I read, news, etc. I’m always amazed at how modern day issues can provide great plots and emotional stories for a Regency historical book. In some areas things haven’t changed that much over the centuries. People still want to be loved and accepted for who they are.

  1. Do you have a view in your writing space? What does your space look like? 

I have a really bad back and neck so I find sitting at a desk kills my ability to write for long periods of a time. If my neck goes, I get headaches which incapacitates me. A friend of mine put me onto lap-desks. I sit on the couch or on my bed against the bedhead and use my laptop. So I can pretty much write from most rooms in my house. I live in New Zealand in a pretty area called Hawkes Bay. It’s an agriculture and wine region with a hot summer and a mild to coldish winter (no snow but gets frost in the mornings). Here’s a picture of my view. I’m in a seaside vineyard and have an amazing view.  I’m very lucky.

  1. How likely are people you meet to end up in your next book?

LOL – if they are interesting enough perhaps. I tend to create characters that are a combination of many people I meet. I love a hero or heroine with deep-seated emotional issues that are usually there due to something that has happened in their lives. People I meet often have seen or been involved in certain incidents and they are what I sometimes use.

  1. Tell us about your hero. Give us one of his strengths and one of his weaknesses.

Grayson Devlin, Viscount Blackwood is a victim of loss. His family died around him in a carriage accident. His guardian becomes Lord Flagstaff, my heroine’s father. Lord Flagstaff has five sons and Grayson and Robert (the eldest son) became firm friends. Then, at Waterloo, he has to cradle Robert in his arms, as he lies dying on the battlefield. Grayson begins to shelter his heart – to love someone leads to pain. Life is too uncertain to open yourself up and to love is too great a risk. He’s honorable, loyal, and completely loveable if he’d let others in.

  1. Having achieved your goal to be a published author, what is the most rewarding thing?

It’s really all about the story. When you have so many characters in your head you just enjoy the process of telling their story. I’d be a liar to say I didn’t love it when readers enjoy my books. I also realize I’ll not be to everyone’s taste. I’m no Jane Austen. My stories are sensual and action packed.

  1. Tell us about your heroine. Give us one of her strengths and one of her weaknesses.

Lady Portia Flagstaff almost died of influenza when she was sixteen so she decides she owes it to herself to live her life to the full. Unfortunately, what she wants to experience and society’s norms don’t always align. The one things she does no is that she wants to experience love and passion before she dies. Her problem is she’s in love with Grayson but Grayson doesn’t see her as anything other than a substitute little sister. What I love about Portia is how she is so true to herself. Grayson compromises her, but she refuses to marry him unless he gives her his heart. Can you see a conflict there?

  1. Will you share some encouraging words for authors still struggling for that first contract?

I know its cliché but keep writing. Even when you sell your first book, a career it does not make. You usually have to have at least 6 + books published before you start to get a bit of a following.  Honestly, if you really love telling your stories keep polishing your craft. I’ve taken and still take massive on romance writing course, (anything by Patricia Kay is fabulous), I also make sure to read all the top sellers in my genre so I understand what readers love. I also read the books and analyze them. What has this top-selling author done that makes the story good? I go through each book, chapter by chapter, and look at the character arcs. You will usually see why the book is a success.

  1. What is your next project and when will it be released?

I’m currently writing book #4 and book #5 in the Disgraced Lords series and trying to pull together some outlines for my editor who is chasing more historical romances, but she also wants me to try writing another contemporary. I have a meeting with my agent next week to discuss where to from here.

  1. Give us an elevator pitch for your book.

I hate elevator pitches but all good writers should have them at the ready, you never know who you’ll meet in a lift as us kiwi’s call them.

A vivacious thrill seeker clashes with her dutiful defender—causing irresistible sparks to fly.

Here is my excerpt:

“What the blazes do you think you’re doing here?” Portia winced at the familiar sound of Grayson’s voice.

She glanced up to find his handsome features clouded in anger. He probably had no idea that his scolding tone set her heart racing—and not in fright.

“Merely observing. Unlike you, I suspect.”

He was looking up and down the corridor. “I should tell Robert and let him wring that pretty neck of yours.”

She smiled. He’d said pretty neck. “How did you recognize me?”

Grayson stepped closer and pulled her cloak tightly around her shoulders. She pressed back into the wall. His hand reached beside her ear, and a finger wound around a stray curl and tugged. “I’d recognize hair this vibrant red anywhere. So would many others.”

Breath…She struggled to think as her body reacted to his proximity. His light fragrance sent her senses reeling. “I should have known you’d attend this event.”

A growl rumbled deep in his chest. “Well, I had no bloody idea you would. What would Robert think if he saw you? It would break his heart. He has enough to worry about without his wayward sister causing another scandal.”

What had Robert to worry about? Before she could ask he added, “Your selfishness knows no bounds. First it was your cider business, which you flaunted in society’s face, and now you’re at a Cyprians’ Ball.” He couldn’t seem to look her in the eye. “Why Robert hasn’t seen you married off, I’ll never know.”

“I have no intention of being married off to be a nobleman’s baby maker. I will not marry unless it is to my heart’s desire.”

“Is that why you are here? Are you here to meet a lover?”

“No.” Her anger was aroused by his sanctimonious words. “But if I were, it would be none of your business. I don’t condone one standard for men and one for women.”

“The world is full of inequalities. These are the rules we live by. Robert needs to leave knowing his family is protected. He can’t have his mind filled with worry over his—”

“Leave?” She put her hand up to her mouth to stop the nausea rising. “He’s going to war, isn’t he?” Grayson’s lips firmed, and his curse was her answer. “No.” She shook her head. “He’s the eldest, the heir. He can’t.” She looked at Grayson with wide eyes. “Oh, God. You are both going.”

Grayson could not look her in the eye. “I’m going to fight Napoleon because of Robert, to protect him.”

She pushed her mask off her face. “Why is Robert going? You are the last of your line. You can’t go,” she said crossly.

“Robert is going to watch over your brother Philip. He’s scared the young hothead will try to do something heroic but stupid and get himself killed.”

Portia slumped against the wood. Philip was only a year younger than Robert and four years older than her. Robert and Philip were very close. Philip had been declaring his intention to fight the French. She was sure that if women were in charge of this world, there would not be any war. A woman who bore a child would never want him to fight.

“Can I appeal to the small part of you that is a Flagstaff and ask that you give Robert no reason to worry? At least until this war is over. Then you can go back to your scandalous ways.”

Crestfallen and feeling thoroughly chastised, she nodded. “Of course.”


To celebrate the release of A Touch of Passion this month, Random House Loveswept are giving away a $25 Gift Card, Mug and Lipstick

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Bron_300x421-2USA Today bestselling author, Bronwen Evans grew up loving books. She writes both historical and contemporary sexy romances for the modern woman who likes intelligent, spirited heroines, and compassionate alpha heroes. Evans is a two-time winner of the RomCon Readers’ Crown and has been nominated for an RT Reviewers’ Choice Award. She lives in Hawkes Bay, New Zealand with her dog Brandy.

Bronwen loves hearing from avid romance readers at
You can keep up with Bronwen’s news by visiting her website

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A Touch of Passion Blurb and Buy Links:

Independent and high-spirited, Lady Portia Flagstaff has never been afraid to take a risk, especially if it involves excitement and danger. But this time, being kidnapped and sold into an Arab harem is the outcome of one risk too many. Now, in order to regain her freedom, she has to rely on the deliciously packaged Grayson Devlin, Viscount Blackwood, a man who despises her reckless ways—and stirs in her a thirst for passion.

After losing his mother and two siblings in a carriage accident years ago, Grayson Devlin promised Portia’s dying brother that he’d always watch over his wayward sister. But having to travel to Egypt to rescue the foolhardy girl has made his blood boil. Grayson already has his hands full trying to clear his best friend and fellow Libertine Scholar of a crime he didn’t commit. Worse still, his dashing rescue has unleashed an unforeseen and undesired consequence: marriage. Now it’s more than Portia he has to protect . . . it’s his battered heart.


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Interview with Catherine Mede

image2What is your typical day like?

A day in the life of me consists of getting up early in the morning (5:45am) to make my beloved a cup of coffee and either go back to bed to snuggle for a few minutes, or go out for a run.  After that, I shower, get my son up, if he isn’t already awake and arrange breakfast.

If I’m lucky, I’ll get some jobs done, like wash dishes, hang out washing, or clean the bathroom toilet and then walk with my son to his school.  When I get home, I will either dust or vacuum and other major tidy jobs.

Morning tea occurs around 10:30 to 11am and I make a chai latte and sit down at the computer to catch up on social media, and if I’m having a bad day, I spend most of my day on it.

If I’m in the right frame of mind, I will write or edit, depending on where I am at with any of my projects and have a quick lunch about 1pm.

I try and be off the computer by the time my son arrives home and working on proofreading that I do for other people.

My husband, if he isn’t away, will arrive home about 5pm, we have tea about 6pm and we sit in front of the goggle box (television) for a couple of hours.

Recently I have discovered that I only need 6 hours of sleep, so trying to find things to fill in my evening, so I don’t go to sleep too early and wake up at 3am.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

Easy – New Zealand – where I live!

Why?  New Zealand is beautiful, and there is still so much I haven’t explored here.  I have extensively travelled the South Island, but I haven’t been to Te Anau or Milford Sound, or any of the Fiords, and I would love to spend time there.  The North Island I haven’t explored as much, and there are lots of amazing attractions and places up there.  Our country is so new compared to the rest of the world – NZ was only civilised about 200 years ago (the Maori have lived here for about 400 – 1000 years, depending on their legends).

I love how so much of New Zealand is inhabited by animals, birds and plants that can’t be found anywhere else in the world, because we are so isolated.

The next place I would like to visit, would be the Pacific Islands.  I’ve been to Fiji, and while it was lovely to visit, I couldn’t live there, the humidity would kill me!

Have you had other careers before becoming a writer?

Before I started writing and publishing, I worked for 14 years in the insurance industry.  I started as a receptionist for a large international Insurance Adjuster company (independent Insurance Assessors) and worked my way through the ranks to become a Loss Adjuster, before leaving to become a contract Loss adjuster for another firm.  Lots of experience was garnered from this, and was put into my Cursed Love story.

What genre’s do you write in and why?

I write romance.  I love romance, as for subcategories, it is fairly broad.  I love paranormal romance, science fiction, fantasy, contemporary, and I have stories planned in most of these categories to be released over the next couple of years.

I write romance because I love the idea of love that survives reality, a couple that live happily ever after, because we are in a world now days where happily for now seems to be the norm.

How did you get started writing?

I loved to write when I was at High School and wrote my first novella as part of an English Assessment -which I got an A for.  Over the years, I have written stories in various exercise books, but it wasn’t until I mentioned to my husband that I wanted to become a published writer that he told me unless I started writing, I would never realise that dream.  So about 5 years ago, I started rewriting my High School Novella into a 3 part story, but it was still rather simple and basic.  About 5 novels later I have finally reached a point where I like my stories and think that they are worthy enough to be put out into the world.  I have gone back and reworked one of my previous novels, and I am hoping to publish that in March.  It is a Science Fiction piece.

What is your favorite part of writing?

I always wrote stories to escape the reality I lived in.  It wasn’t pleasant, but at least I could escape for a few short minutes into a land that I controlled, a place where people were kind, loved each other, supported one another.  Now that I am older, I still write for the satisfaction of escaping reality, but with the thought of how other people might like to join me in the land of my characters, to lose themselves in a story for a couple of hours, and just feel like they are part of the storyline, they know and recognise the places around them, and have the satisfaction of knowing that the romance has a happily ever after.

Where do you get the ideas for your stories?

I’ve always had a vivid imagination, and I have never let anyone try and remove that.  I guess escaping reality was a part of that.  Now days story ideas pop up out of the blue, either when I am asleep, or while I have been doing something, and I have seen something and thought “Oh, I like that, that would fit in nicely…”  For example, Cursed Love is about a family curse, the legend of our family is that one of my great uncles had a curse put on him, and while lots of horrible things happened to him and his family, was it really a curse?  Or was it just bad fortune? ‘ Shards of Ice’ was based on a dream of a group of females escaping from a planet being invaded.  The story changed from that, but that is where it started from.  My current WiP I plotted in a single day, on a 3 – 4 hour tramp on the Abel Tasman National Park after spying an isolated property in Awaroa Inlet.  It got me thinking, why would people want to live there?

Do you write under a pen name?  Why?  How did you choose it?

Yes, I do write under a pen name.  Silly as it sounds, I am a very private introverted person (unless I am on social media, and then I am rather extroverted), and I want to protect my privacy, along with that of my husband, who doesn’t like any limelight or social media, and my son, who isn’t old enough to understand social media. How did I come up with the name?  My nanna’s first name and a variation on my married surname.

Blurb for Cursed Love

A family curse.

A lifetime of grieving.

Jinny Richards past and future are about to collide.  Will she survive?

At 18, Virginia ‘Jinny’ Richards was a drug addict who fell in love with Dean Bradford.  By 20, Dean was dead.  Jinny believes the family curse is to blame, and never wants to fall in love again.  She has worked hard to hide her past and now has a job as a successful Insurance Assessor.

Ethan Montgomery lost his wife to breast cancer.  He’s mourned her for three years and now he’s ready to move on.  He understands Jinny’s pain, but he wants the feisty Jinny and nothing, not even a curse, will stand in his way.

When work throws them together, loving Ethan is the farthest thing from Jinny’s mind.  He’s tardy and egotistical, even if he is good looking and makes her weak at the knees.

Things get further complicated when Steven Bradford turns out to be the client, bringing up the heartache and pain Jinny has carefully buried for eighteen years.

Will she find love a second time around?  Or will the family curse claim another victim?


Catherine Mede lives in a rural village in the South Island of New Zealand with her husband, son and two cats.  She works when she can, doing whatever is available – within reason!  When not writing, Catherine likes to read, draw and work in her garden.

Having developed a love for writing when she was at High School, it wasn’t until she was in her thirties she decided to really get down and dirty with the words in her head.

Romance and Speculative Fiction are what Catherine likes to write about because she understands the need to get lost in a love that sometimes seems mythical.  And adding Fantasy elements just fulfils her needs to be creative in fanciful worlds.

When she was younger, she wrote to escape reality, now she writes to allow others to enter a world where love has a happily ever after.

          Catherine has a short story published in a Masters of Horror Anthology, and recently published Cursed Love and attends writing seminars and groups in her area.

When she is rich and famous, Catherine intends to have a large library which will double as her writing space and own an Aston Martin Vanquish or Porsche GT3, whichever one comes first.


You can contact Catherine Mede

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Interview with Lynn Kellan

CAG_promo_2Tell us about yourself.

Hi everyone! I’m Lynn Kellan, and I write contemporary romances about strong men who have a weakness for smart women.

 What is your writing routine like?

I write while I walk on my treadmill, and I’m usually underway by 8am. I write (and walk) until 11am, eat lunch, and work at my desk during the afternoon. By 4pm, I’m usually at one of my kid’s sporting events. Evenings are devoted to seducing my husband.

 Where can readers find you?

I’m on most social media platforms (website, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest). I’m addicted to Pinterest and Facebook, so I do spend a lot of time there. You can find all of my social media links on my website:

 Do you have critique partners?

Yes, I do! My agent suggested I join a local Romance Writers of America chapter and she urged me to join a critique group. Doing both of those things really helped improve my craft. Currently, I’m President of my local RWA chapter and I’m so very lucky to work with a wonderful group of authors who spot the goofs in my rough drafts.

 What inspired your latest book?

Shopping inspired my latest release. I stopped by a Simon Pearce store to buy a set of goblets and wandered into the factory to watch the glassblowers work. The instant I saw those talented men working with fire and molten glass, I knew I had to write a story about a sexy glassblower. There’s something very compelling about man who can take a 2500 degree lump of hot silica and turn it into a work of art.

Tell us about your hero.

Mitchell Blake and his father keep butting heads about expanding Blake Glassware, and now Mitch has to deal with his father’s consultant, Jaye Davis. She claims online marketing will boost sales, but Mitch insists broadening their product line will increase revenue. Arguing with this doe-eyed woman makes one thing perfectly clear: she has the power to shatter his safe, lonely life.

Tell us about your heroine.

Poised to become her overbearing father’s right-hand man, Jaye Davis is tired of being a faceless drone, writing software. She’d rather help real people—like the family who owns a struggling glassblowing factory nestled in northern Pennsylvania. While she’s there, she might figure out how to squash the secrets gnawing at her.

Jaye has four weeks to save Blake Glassware, but there’s no place to stay in this remote town. Every hotel room is booked for hunting season. The only available bedroom is in Mitch’s house, but living with him is risky. Can she hide her secrets from a glassblower who sees through everything?

IMG_8621What are you reading now?

I tend to read a number of books at the same time. I just finished the most recent release by Diana Gabaldon. Currently, I am reading the Game of Thrones series. Oh, and I just finished Lie of the Needle, by Cate Price, which was a wonderful cozy mystery, full of heart.

EXCERPT From Clear As Glass

She stood her ground and yelled, “Get on the sled, Mitchell Blake!”

“Nag, nag, nag. I’ll fly down the hill when I’m good and ready.” He barreled into her like any good linebacker.

“Ooph!” The world tipped upside down. Jaye hung over his shoulder like a dirty sack of rock salt. She dropped the snowballs and clawed at the back of his coat. “Put me down!”

“There must be a consultant talking, because I can’t hear a thing.”

“Your hearing was damaged by the wild stunts you pulled in college. Speaking of which, are you overcome by an urge to run naked through the snow?”

He swatted her on the rump. “Streaking can be arranged.”

“Wait. Let me get my camera. We can post the pictures on your company’s website.”

“Sales will go through the roof.”

She laughed, which came out in a piggish snort while she was upside down.

With a quick move, he flipped her upright and put her on the sled. He sat behind her and buckled his arm around her waist. “Like most things, sledding is better with two people.”

“No!” Irritation spiked. The last thing she needed was another man telling her what to do. She slapped her mittens on his big thigh and tried to push herself off, but the sled rocketed downhill, throwing a thick mist of snow into the air. Jaye screamed—surprised, annoyed, and laughing like a kid on a wild amusement ride all at once.

They gathered speed, careening toward a gully at the edge of the meadow.



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Interview with Jamie Lee Scott

  1. LetUsPreyMock2What genre(s) do you write in and why?

I started with just straight mystery, and having written six books in my first series, I realized I had more to offer. I’d been writing screenplays for several years, and I write much darker, more thriller or romantic suspense for that medium, and I wondered why I hadn’t gone that route for  novels. As of 2015, I’m branching out, I’m adapting three screenplays into novels, and I’m starting a New Adult cowboy series. The NA romance was a given, and what I’d always planned to write if I ever finished a novel, because I grew up with cowboys and rodeo, and I was astonished at how many bestselling authors were getting it wrong.

I guess I’ll really be branching out in 2015, as I have the NA Cowboy Up series, and my new Uncertain Mysteries series both launching, and if I have enough time, I’ll be writing stand alone thrillers from my screenplay adaptations. A little overwhelming, but we’ll see just how much I get done.

  1. What genres are you drawn to as a reader?

As a reader, I love mysteries, romantic suspense, thrillers, and I’ve gotten hooked on the new adult genre in the last couple of years. I branch out once in awhile and read historical romance, and a few other genres, but those are my go to type of books.

  1. image2How many books have you written? Do you have a favorite?

I have completed six novels, and three novellas. The Gotcha Detective Agency has a place in my heart, because those books put me on the USA Today bestseller list, and my favorite is always the last one I wrote. But in this case, it’s the one I haven’t written yet. Who Gives a Split will release in mid to late 2015 (depending on how fast I write), and I’m super excited about this one.

  1. Tell us about your current series/WIP.

I’m super excited about my first romantic suspense novella, a prelude to my D.E.A.ling series coming in late 2015 or early 2016. It’s in the collection called Call Me Valentino. I’ve included an excerpt from that story here.

The Gotcha Detective Agency mysteries are my first series, but I’m starting a new one called Uncertain. The first story, a novella, has already been release. The Uncertain series is set in Uncertain, CA, situated at the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas, and just a short drive to Lake Tahoe. The series revolves around the uniformed police officers of Uncertain Police Department.


This series was inspired by my trip to New Orleans last May. I had dinner with the Thibodaux chief of police, and several of his officers, while I was there. The chief set me up on a ride-along with one of his officers. This eight hour ride-along sparked my idea to write a series about the unsung hero of our streets, the boys and girls in blue.

  1. Uncertain-Beg-smallWhat inspired your latest book?

The first novel in the Uncertain series is called Uncertain Calm, and it was inspired by a story I read (on Facebook) from my hometown newspaper. The story resonated with me enough to make me want to fictionalize it, and make it my debut for the Uncertain series. But in the mean time, I was part of a collection of novellas, and so I wrote Uncertain Beginnings as the prelude to the series.

  1. Are you a plotter or a pantser?

I started off as a pantser. I wrote as the words came to me. Now I’m a plotter, of sorts. I lay out the story, outline, and then I plot the perfect murder. Then I poke holes in it. Then I pick my suspects and write the story. Now I become a pantser, because when I start writing, I haven’t decided who the killer is. As a matter of fact, I write the story as if any of my suspects could be the killer, and then I decide in the last few chapters “who done it.” So when people say they knew who the killer was, I’m glad for them, because I don’t even know until the end. So in this way, I’m a hybrid.

  1. Do you write under a pen name? Why or why not? How did you choose it?

Yes, I write under a pen name. I’m not sure why I chose it, except my married name is difficult for people to spell and pronounce. I wanted to be easy to spell and look up. The name is a combination of mine and my husband’s.


  1. JamieBWWhat do you have planned for the future?

My future includes writing the two series I have currently, and delving a bit into new adult. The trilogy I’m writing will decide if I stay with writing in that genre.

I’m also planning to start my Indie Girl’s Guide to Self-Publishing podcast. It was supposed to launch last summer, but I had surgery, and that threw my entire year out of whack. With the books I had set for 2014, I didn’t have time to rev up the podcast. I’m hoping it will launch in April 2015, or sooner. for details.


image1Thank so much for having me! I enjoyed answering these questions, and I’d be happy to answer any others.

I’m giving away a little “swag trio” to one of the commenters. It’s been fun!

Getting to know Jessica McBrayer

2400x2400StainedHave you had other careers before becoming a writer?

I’ve had jobs as a social worker, in marketing at the headquarters of the top office supplies store and had my own natural handmade soap and lotions business. My degree is in Biology and Botany. I’ve certainly landed far away from my original plans.

 Are you a full time writer or do you have a “day job”?

I am a full time writer. Which means I write, edit, promote and give guest lectures on writing. I love my job. It gives me freedom and to do the things that matter most to me.

 What genre(s) do you write in and why?

Paranormal romance, paranormal mystery and I am starting a series that “could” be classified as fantasy. The first novel that I remember reading was Little Women in third grade but I was bored. Very quickly I discovered Stephen King and starting devouring his books sometime during the fourth grade. I watched every scary movie I could get past my mom. Stephen King has been a major inspiration to me and I’ve scoured his book on writing. When he was still teaching my mom and I were this close to going to Maine for a month to take his class. It has definitely influenced my writing. By the way, I am a big wimp now when it comes to scary movies J

Tell us about your current series/WIP.

I am currently ending a much loved series. It started with the first full length novel I ever wrote. While it is bitter sweet to end it (San Francisco Vampires Series) I am pleased with it. I’m also starting a new series that will be situated in Nantes, France. I lived there for a year so when I thought of France it seemed a good decision for it to take place there. It’s not the typical Paris setting which I like about it. It will include gargoyles, demons and some angels, but predominately it’s about gargoyles.

 Do you have critique partners?

I couldn’t survive this whole process without my critique partners. My mom, also an author does my content editing – which is a pretty heavy edit depending on how I did capturing my plot and conflict. My second critique partner I met in a small critique group which we quickly out grew. Now we are best friends and it is amazing to be able to pick up the phone and ask a question or brainstorm when you are stuck. Since both have been with me since I started writing novels, they know my style, process and almost as much about the foundations of my books as I do. In my opinion, critiques partners are essential to the writing process. Especially indie-published authors.

 Do you have a view in your writing space? What does your space look like?

My writing space is in our office. A large room with a ton of bookshelves over flowing with books. No matter how many books I get rid of, I seem to find more to take their place. Even though I’ve gone completely digital with reading (Kindle Fire) I still have books I don’t want to get rid of or they are on craft. The rest of the room has floor to ceiling windows with big oak trees just outside and a view of the Golden Gate Bridge and of course that is where I planted my desk. It’s great to stare out at that view when I’m trying on new ideas.

 Are you a plotter or a pantser?

I have always been a pantser. Since I started writing seriously nothing has been plotted. Very few character notes and no series bible. I’m not sure how I got through lol. My new series requires a lot of world building and an overall arch. I’ve been doing character profiles and lots of notes. It’s new to me and I’m not sure how it will all work out. I do love to follow my tangents and that will probably never change. But it’s also been nice to know where I am going.

 Has your muse always known what genre you would write and be published in?

Yes! I’ve always been drawn to the paranormal. There is something to be said about being able to escape into a world that is so different than our own. And a little bit of difference makes life interesting.

 Do you or have you belonged to a writing organization? Which one? Have they helped you with your writing? How?

When I first started writing I knew that my books would have some kind of romance in them. I did some research and found Romance Writers of America. I think it is the largest professional writers group out there. Not only do they have chapters all across the country where you can learn about craft and publishing but they also advocate for their members, have online classes and have started a program that matches up critique partners. It has been paramount to any successes I have had. I highly recommend it. I have also been a member of Sisters in Crime, an organization that is dedicated to mystery writers. It is a fun group and I learned a lot from them as well. One time we did a meeting at a shooting range so we could pester the instructor about guns and how to use them and then I got to shoot up a zombie paper target. I still have it and have begged my husband to hang it up in the garage since no one will let me hang it in the house. J

 What advice can you offer to anyone deciding to self-publish?

Just do it! Make sure you get an editor and a professional cover design. A lot of people format their own books but it is a pain and if it isn’t done well you will get a lousy reviews. In my opinion it is worth it to hire a formatter or someone who has done it successfully before.

Golden-Gate-Bridge-Sunset EXCERPT




             “Suicide Prevention, this is Lilith, how can I help you?”

“Hi. Is this where I call to get drugs for anxiety?” a slightly blurred voice asks.

“No ma’am. This is the number you call if you’re having thoughts about harming yourself.”

I try to keep my voice professional as I stare at my featureless grey carpeted cubicle and Formica desk.

“Oh. Oh, I am. I really need the meds, you know, like Xanax? It’s free, right?”

“No ma’am. We can’t help you with that. I can offer you free counseling. Would you like to talk to one of our counselors tomorrow?”

“No, I just want the freaking drugs.”


Well, so much for caller number one. I hate when we get callers like that. I can’t do anything for them. I know they have problems, just not ones I can help with. We have to keep a complete account of every phone call. I’d rather stick bamboo shoots under my fingernails than do the paper work. As I fill out my log I see my supervisor stalking me… great.

“Lilith, oh Lily…”

“Yes, Meredith?” I say, head down, rolling my eyes.

“Did you fill out your insurance forms yet? You know that if you don’t you can’t get your medical.”

“Ummm, I don’t need medical.” I really don’t need medical.

“Lily, what is this on your desk?” Her voice rises. “You know we can’t have anything personal on our desks. You’re going to have to remove all this stuff.” She sniffs. Her short, chubby self, quivering with outrage.

“It’s only cleaning supplies, Meredith, some handi-wipes and Lysol. I don’t see how this is personal.”

“If you get cleaning supplies then Dan gets pictures of his kids. Remove them.”

I see Dan covertly slide his pictures off his desk out the corner of my eye. At least someone escapes the wrath of Meredith.

She walks away.

Just love her. With all my unbeating heart. I put my supplies in my bag for easy access. It will give me something to tweet about. She doesn’t follow me on Twitter so I can rant. If I didn’t love and feel so strongly about what I do, I’d use those cleaning supplies on her.

The grey painted walls, a school locker grey, not a warm grey or a lovely taupe, do nothing for the beautiful Victorian building where I work. Almost like they try to make it as depressing as possible.

Being among the cubicles, sometimes it’s hard to concentrate on my calls, even with my superior hearing, with all the other calls going on around me. But this is where I come three nights a week to do something that makes me feel good about myself.

The lines are busy tonight. I finish my notes and my line blinks again.

“Suicide Prevention, this is Lilith, how may I help you?”

“Hello dear, it’s Mrs. Gunderson. How are you tonight?”

“Hello, Mrs. Gunderson, I’m fine. How are you feeling? How is Sprinkles?”

“Mr. Sprinkles and I are feeling rather blue. My son was supposed to come and visit today and he canceled at the last minute. He said he had something come up at work. I haven’t seen him in months. It’s always something with him. You’d think he’d want to see his mother.”

“I’m sorry Mrs. Gunderson. That must have been very disappointing. How is Mr. Sprinkles taking it?” Mr. Sprinkles is code for Mrs. Gunderson. She describes his symptoms and I translate them into hers. She’s a long time caller, lonely and often needing to talk. I want to have a serious conversation with her delinquent son.

“Well, Mr. Sprinkles isn’t eating and he is having a hard time sleeping. I’m worried about him.”

“I am too, Mrs. Gunderson. Can you and Mr. Sprinkles come in and talk to one of our doctors?”

“Oh, I don’t know about that…”

“I think it would help Mr. Sprinkles sleep better and maybe start eating again. I’m so worried about him.”

“You’re such a sweet girl. I’ll talk to them just for you.”


Jessredux-72Jessica McBrayer lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. She’s been writing her whole life and has seven books published through Mess of Geckos Publishing. Jessica has done everything from marketing, social work, public speaking and been a stay at home mom. She is a member of Romance Writers of America.
Contact her at:

Follow her on twitter: @jessimcbrayer

Visit her website

Find me on Face Book – Jessica McBrayer

An Interview with Carol Rose


Carol is offering a giveaway of her book, Always. This can be either an e-copy (International) or a print  (US only) book, whichever the reader prefers. So be sure and leave her a comment to be entered into the drawing.

Tell us about yourself.

I am both a romance writer and a therapist. I married when I was nineteen and went on to earn my degrees. The really amazing thing is that I still both love and like my husband. We went to grad school together and now work in the same practice. Never let anyone tell you relationships are easy. They can be, however, very rewarding.

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be, and why?

I’m a big city girl. My husband grew up in western New Jersey. He’s way more tolerant of small town life. He teases me about living in the back of beyond someday. I’d go nuts. I have a daughter finishing her residency in ER in Brooklyn. We love visiting her and we get the bonus of spending time in New York. My adventurous husband enjoys us navigating the subway system there.

What genre(s) do you write in and why?

I write contemporary romance mostly because that’s what I read. I love reading and writing about couples finding their way to connection in relationships. It’s my thing. In my other job as a therapist, I get to help people work through relationship conflicts. I think relationships can be maddening, but they help us find the best in ourselves.

Tell us about your current series/WIP.

I’m currently writing the second in my up-coming series Blue Collar Boys. My heroes—Case, Noah and Tyler–run an architectural salvage yard. They take apart old buildings, saving what they can. These items are then sold as building materials or are repurposed into other items. The brothers work with their hands, as well as, their brains. The first three books in the series will be coming out in October, November and December of 2015.

What inspired your latest book?

To be honest, I watch a lot of home improvement television….

What is your favorite part of writing?

Characterization is my favorite part of writing. I love words and I love using them to craft people who come alive

How does your family feel about your writing career?

Ironically, I have an extended family that doesn’t read much. My husband—also a therapist—loves sports. He reads about sports, but no fiction. He completely supports my writing, though, and he is convinced that I’m brilliant. My daughters are also very supportive of my writing. After determined effort on my part to help them deal with reading issues as kids, they are now both readers—to my very great relief. One is a medical doctor and the other will soon graduate with her Ph.D. in psychology.

Do you write under a pen name? Why or why not? How did you choose it?

I write under a pen name because of my dual careers. I don’t ever use clients or their information in my books, but I don’t want them worrying about that.

Where can readers find your books? Print/Ebook?

I have a website and my work is listed on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Ibooks and Smashwords. My older books can be found in print, as can some of my newer titles.

Are you participating in any reader contests?

I usually run a monthly contest on Fresh Fiction and often run contests on my blog.

Do you have any upcoming FREE promotions you would like to tell us about?

My book, Hating Christmas, is free through the month of January.

 EXCERPT From ALWAYS by Carol Rose


All the rough spots in Elinor Prescott’s life could be traced back to the same source: money. And here she stood, face-to-face with it.

Across the street, the pale, gleaming limousine sat arrogantly ensconced in the No Parking zone in front of town hall. A highly polished symbol of conspicuous consumption that stood out in the small town of Bayville, Louisiana, like a diamond amidst pebbles.

Elinor felt her hackles rise. No doubt about it, Cole Whittier had come back home with a splash.

She punched the crossing button on the utility pole again, willing the signal light to change. Everything seemed to be conspiring against her today. Even the early-afternoon air held an unusual winter bite, tugging at her skirt and slicing through her sweater. If that darned light didn’t change soon, she’d be late for the council meeting.

She didn’t even know the man, but she wasn’t happy with Cole Whittier. Because of him, the grapevine had buzzed all morning, the phone interrupting her work repeatedly. Clients called on the slim pretext of checking their tax records from 2009, and friends called on no pretext at all.

The light changed, and Elinor hoisted her bulky briefcase, stalking across the intersection.

“Mornin’, Miss Elinor!” An elderly lady waited on the other curb, her wrinkled face bright with excitement. “You goin’ to the council meeting?”

Elinor sighed to herself. The last thing she wanted to hear was more speculation about Millionaire Whittier. But she didn’t have the heart to snap at Mrs. Thibadeaux.

“Yes, ma’am,” Elinor responded. “I am.”

“I hear that sweet boy, Cole Whittier, is in town.” The elderly woman sighed gustily. “He always was such a gentleman.”

“So I hear.” Elinor smiled, shifting her briefcase to her other hand.

Mrs. Thibadeaux leaned forward conspiratorially. “They say he has lots and lots of money these days,” she said in lowered tones. “Did you see that beautiful car?”

A sudden gust of wind sliced through Elinor’s sweater. “Yes, ma’am, I did,” she said, shivering as she glanced in the direction of Mrs. Thibadeaux’s nod.

The older woman clutched her coat tighter. “My, my, that wind’s terrible. You should be gettin’ inside, honey. I’m sure the meetin’ will be starting anytime.”

“I know,” Elinor said, a hint of irony in her voice as she waved goodbye and turned to walk swiftly to the town hall.

The whole town was buzzing with the news. Hometown boy Cole Whittier was back, and he’d come back a millionaire. The gossips seemed to forget that Elinor hadn’t lived in Bayville when Cole Whittier had gone off to seek his fortune fourteen years ago.

She’d only come back to her father’s hometown two years before, and only then because her mother had died. Respect for Mama’s feelings had kept her far from Bayville, but with Mama gone, she’d felt rootless. Coming back to the place that had sheltered her father’s family for generations had seemed a natural choice. Seeking out her grandfather, her only living relative, couldn’t hurt Mama now.

The small, unremarkable town of Bayville in northeastern Louisiana had felt like home, even though she’d only visited here once before. And now, for the first time after throwing herself headlong into community life, Elinor felt a twinge of regret. She wasn’t looking forward to today’s town council meeting.

The last thing she wanted to do was watch Mayor Stephens making a fool of himself drooling all over Cole Whittier’s millions.

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Carol Rose is an award-winning author of contemporary romances. She has written twenty books, including Always and Forgotten Father. Her books have won numerous awards, including a final in the prestigious Romance Writers of America Golden Heart Award.

Carol is an active member of the North Texas Romance Writers, the Dallas Area Romance Writers and the Yellow Rose chapter. A frequent speaker at writers’ groups and conferences, she has taught workshops on characterization and, creating and resolving conflict. She works full time as a therapist.

Her husband and she married when she was only nineteen and he was barely twenty-one, proving that early marriage can make it, but only if you’re really lucky and persistent. They went through college and grad school together. She not only loves him still, all these years later, she still likes him—which she says is sometimes harder. They have two funny, intelligent and highly accomplished daughters. Carol loves writing and hopes you enjoy reading her work. –  carolrose@carolrosebooks

Interview with Sharleen Scott

CAUGHTINTHESPINCOMPLETE_ebook_cover_jpegHow did you get started writing? I’m an avid reader and always thought I’d like to try writing a novel. I had an idea for a story and when it wouldn’t leave me alone, I sat down and started writing. The first attempt was a time-travel romance written on yellow pads and it was terrible. I came up with another idea and began again. I bought some writing books, took online writing classes, joined a local writing group, bought more writing books, joined RWA, and bought more writing books. I read the writing books in the evening and applied what I learned to my manuscript the next day. My friends (a proofreader and a former journalist) read my work and offered critiques. I rewrote until I had something I could be proud of.


Tell us about your current series. I have two books published in my Caught Series (romantic suspense). Caught in Cross Seas is set in Angel Beach, a fictitious beach town on the Oregon Coast. This story features Harlie Cates, a bakery owner and homeless advocate who wears plaid Converse All Stars, Clay Masterson, a country music superstar who is searching for his missing father, and a serial killer. Book two, Caught in the Spin, was released November 2. It’s set on a cattle ranch outside Nashville and features Clay’s best friend and foster brother, former bull rider Tom Black, and single mom on the run, Tallie Peters. I’m currently writing book three.

Some of the characters in this series are a bit quirky. There is humor, sexy romance with some hot cowboys, and a few serious issues for the reader to chew on. Caught in Cross Seas tackles homelessness, alcoholism, and societal pressure on women. The characters in Caught in Spin deal with domestic violence. Book three (untitled at the moment) will explore survivor’s guilt.


Tell us about your hero. Give us one of his strengths and one of his weaknesses. In my latest release, Tom Black, the hero in Caught in the Spin, is a former champion bull rider. His strength is his competitive nature. When he sets a goal, he goes after it. This is also his weakness. Injuries from a bull riding wreck ended his career and Tom has difficulty dealing with his failure. Twelve years after the accident, Tom still doesn’t want to be reminded of who he was back in his glory days.

Tell us about your heroine. Give us one of her strengths and one of her weaknesses. Tallie Peters, the heroine in Caught in the Spin, is a single mom who is an assistant to one of Nashville’s leading music managers. Her strength is her love for her son. She’ll do anything to protect him from his abusive father. Fear is her weakness. She knows what her ex-husband is capable of and is terrified he will kill her and take her son.


What is your next project and when will it be released? My next book is a stand-alone novel called Tangles and I hope to have it released in late spring.


What inspired this book? Tangles is the story of a man who unexpectedly finds himself in the position of caregiver for his mother who has Alzheimer’s disease. The story was inspired by my husband who found himself in a similar situation when his father was diagnosed with inoperable prostate cancer and at the same time, his mother’s Alzheimer’s disease escalated. We had young children at the time and his parents required 24/7 care. After a particularly rough day, my husband wondered how he’d keep going without losing his mind. He loved his mom but was having difficulty dealing with the disease. I asked him, “Can you imagine being in this situation with someone with whom you didn’t have a good relationship?” and Tangles was born.


How likely are people you meet to end up in your next book? Not likely at all. I may use characteristics of someone I’ve met, but I’d never base a character on a real person. I don’t want real people inhabiting my head for the length of a novel.


What are you reading now? Working Stiff by Annelise Ryan. I love her sense of humor and how she’s created a realistic female sleuth—body image problems and all.

Excerpt | Caught in the Spin

Tallie and Harlie rounded the end of the barn and stopped in a huge pole building bursting with activity. A flatbed hay truck sat alongside the building where a man on a boom truck operated a motorized hook swinging hay bales between the truck bed and barn. Men on top of the haystack caught the bales against their chaps-covered legs using large hooks and set them in place. Tallie watched the hay fly through the air and cringed as the empty hook swung back, sure someone would get hurt. Several moments passed before she realized one of the guys on the stack was the man she needed to see. Clay Masterson was bucking hay.

Despite the shed’s open-air construction, the space inside was stifling and Tallie fanned herself. The truck was almost empty when she caught sight of another man working the stack. With an effortless toss and a push with his thigh, he stacked a bale weighing a hundred and fifty pounds or more, flexing well-formed shoulder muscles. The job completed, he chucked his leather gloves aside and ran his hands through his straight, midnight-black hair, pushing it from his face. Even though he was sweaty and covered in chaff, Tallie couldn’t stop staring—maybe even because of it. His damp shirt stuck to the angles and lines of his body. The temperature around Tallie jumped a notch and she couldn’t blame the weather.

Clay grabbed a handful of hay and dumped it on the man’s head, causing him to utter a few good-natured expletives. Clay laughed and dodged before his smiling victim could retaliate.

“That is the finest-looking man I’ve ever seen,” Tallie said with an appreciative sigh. Harlie laughed and Tallie covered her red cheeks with her hands. “Did I say that out loud?”

“You did. Which one are you talking about?”

Tallie looked up, her eyes drifting back to him. “The dark-haired one. Not that I don’t think your husband is handsome,” she quickly added. “But I’m not ill-mannered enough to drool over him when I’m standing next to you.”

“It’s okay if you did,” Harlie said with the smile of a confident woman. “I’m getting used to it. And I agree with you that both of them are enjoyable to look at. I’ve often wondered if Montana produced any ugly boys.” She laughed. “It looks like they’re done with the truck. I’ll introduce you.”


Amazon Link for Caught in the Spin:

Amazon Link for Caught in Cross Seas:

**ON SALE NOW** Caught in Cross Seas Kindle version is currently on sale for .99 cents


An Interview with Chantilly White

Readers, Chantilly is giving away an ecopy of Snow Angel via Smashwords coupon, so leave her a comment to be in the drawing..

Snow AngelHi, Cynthia, thanks so much for having me today, and for asking such fun questions! I’m thrilled to be here.

Q: If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be, and why?

A: I grew up in California, which I loved, but my husband and I moved our family to Wisconsin in 2000, sight unseen, because we had a particular idea about what the state was like (and we’re both huge Green Bay Packer fans, so there was that, too.) I absolutely loved it there. Have you ever had that sensation of really being in “your place”? That’s how Wisconsin felt for me, like I was truly home, where I was meant to be.

Unfortunately, we seriously underestimated the cost of living there—my husband took a rather large pay cut to make the move, which we thought would be no big deal. After three years, we just weren’t making it financially, so he ended up taking another job that moved us to Washington state, where we’ve lived since 2003.

Washington is beautiful, and I have so many friends here. I would miss them terribly if we moved again, but we do talk about it. The constant rain and the frequently dreary skies still get to me sometimes, even after more than ten years. I’m not a fan of the heat, but I really miss the California sun!

My easy answer used to be that I would either move back to Wisconsin, or I’d move to Ireland, which is the only other place on earth that truly calls to me the same way Wisconsin does. I was fortunate enough to visit the Emerald Isle when I was a teenager and fell in love with it. However, it occurred to me recently that the biggest problem with moving to Ireland (other than the obvious difficulties in changing countries) is that their weather is remarkably similar to what we have in Washington! Seattle isn’t called the Emerald City for nothing. And going back to Wisconsin is no longer a favorite option, since the hubby and I are thinking about places where we’d want to retire. As much as I personally love it there, neither of us wants to deal with all the snow in the winter when we’re older.

So… Where does that leave us? If we could afford to live the way we’d like to back in California, we’d most likely go back home. The cost of living there now is so high, though, I’m not sure we’d ever be able to afford it, especially since we’d want to go to San Clemente or Laguna Beach, or maybe even somewhere on the central coast, like Morro Bay or further north to Monterey.

It’s so hard to say for sure where we’ll wind up, and the decision will be based—at least in part—on where our three kids decide to settle. Luckily, we still have plenty of time to make that decision, but we’re open to recommendations, so if anyone has one, leave it in the comments!

Q: Have you had other careers before becoming a writer?

A: Oh, yes! During my school years, I worked for various retail stores, grocery stores, a pizza restaurant, the usual places. I worked at Disneyland and Knott’s Berry Farm. I was even a travel agent for a time, and a bookkeeper for The Old Spaghetti Factory. I was on the seven-year-plan for college, as my dad likes to say, and bounced around a bit before I settled into my creative writing major.

After graduation, I did what most college grads wind up doing—I looked for pretty much anyone who would hire me, regardless of the field, so I could take home a regular paycheck. Writing jobs were thin on the ground, and I already had a husband, a three-year-old, and a house to maintain, so I wasn’t looking for a major career that would require 70+ hours a week or a lot of traveling just then. I wound up managing a furniture store in the mall.

Retail was not really my thing, and when I had my second child, I was fortunate enough to be able to stay home with both girls, and then my son when he came along. While they were young, I still dabbled in other things. I was a Shaklee distributor for a while, and my hubby and I looked into all sorts of small businesses, trying to find something we could do together or that I could do on my own while still mostly being a stay-at-home mom.

I didn’t write much during that time period. Writing, for me, requires so much of my concentration and time, I didn’t feel I could manage being a good mom to three young kids and a good writer at the same time. I know a lot of women who do it very well, and who do way more in a single day than I do in a week. They are super women! I am so not! I’m not a good multi-tasker at all, or a good juggler. Plus, I’m easily distracted, and I get bored easily, too, so if there are too many things going on, I’ll just check out and go read. LOL

When we lived in Wisconsin, I started a cheerleading business in our little town. That was my favorite business of all. I taught kids from pre-school aged through junior-high students to cheer and dance, and we performed for all sorts of city events: parades, holidays, ribbon cutting ceremonies, half-time shows at the local high school. It was wonderful, and I miss it still. I still get Christmas cards from a few of my past cheerleaders, who are now in college!

Q: Tell us about your current series/WIP.

A: My current series is the High Desert Hearts series, which is set in a highly romanticized, very fictionalized, nostalgic version of the small California town in the high desert where I finished growing up after my parents moved us there from Orange County. Pasodoro sits alongside the dry bed of the Mojave River and is as perfectly maintained as a movie set.

I never intended to set a series in the high desert, but when Snow Angel barged in my writerly door, that’s where the story demanded the series had to take place. Which is sort of funny, given Snow Angel itself doesn’t spend a lot of time there, but the other books in the series will.

The series follows the lives of the Honeywell and Carlisle families and their friends, focusing mainly on the college-aged generation. This is a small town, family-saga-style series, where everyone knows everyone else, the families are tightly intertwined, and the characters from each book will weave in and out of everyone else’s lives on a regular basis.

Snow Angel is Melinda and Jacob’s love story, a friends-to-lovers tale. Because they’re juniors in college, and have big plans for post-graduation, they’re not ready for marriage and babies just yet. But it’s entirely possible we’ll see their wedding in someone else’s book several years from the “now” of their story world.

Book two in the series, Desert Damsel, will be out in spring of 2015, and is Eddie Thomas’s story. Readers met him in Snow Angel. He’s best friends with Melinda’s cousin, Rick Carlisle, but he’s going to be on his own in dealing with the female crisis that lands in his lap, at least for the first part of the book. While Snow Angel was a more relaxed story, with a slow build of passion between Melinda and Jacob, Desert Damsel starts off with a bigger bang. I’m excited to see how Eddie handles himself with his beautiful-but-challenging damsel.

Future books in the series will feature Melinda’s brother, Zach, who is currently in Japan for work; Gabe, the race-car driving bad boy of the group; as well as many of Melinda’s cousins and their other friends in their hometown of Pasodoro.

Q: All self-pubbed books are rumored to be shoddily edited. What do you say to that?

A: I say pshaw. “All” is a big word, for all that it only has three letters. Of course there are shoddily edited self-pubbed books out there. I might even go so far as to say there are many. But I’ve seen plenty of traditionally published books with serious editing failures, as well, so I don’t think that issue is necessarily specific to self-pubbed books.

Writing is an art form. It’s individual, it’s messy, and fun, and creative, and crazy. It’s not produced from a mold that can be perfected and turned out precisely the same way over and over. Each book is very individual to its writer. Every writer has different skills, a different level of craft, a different history, more or fewer years of experience than the writer on the next stool at the bar. That’s part of what makes writing (and reading!) so fantastic. Give a roomful of writers the same plot and word-count limit, and every one of them will turn in a vastly different story.

That said, is it incumbent upon every writer to polish their work to a high sheen and to publish the best, cleanest, most error-free manuscript possible? Of course. Do they all? Obviously not.

Of course, there are books out there that are technically brilliant that I still can’t get through. The Game of Thrones series contains possibly the greatest prose I have ever read. It’s like a master class in writing fiction. Those books are beyond brilliant at every level, from the big picture stuff down to the last comma. But the stories are so dark! I felt like I needed therapy by the time I got halfway through book five, and I had to stop reading.

On the other hand, I have a new favorite indie author (I won’t name names), whose books I LOVE, but which have a lot of problems. A lot. There’s the usual crop of typos or misplaced commas, but there are also synonym and homonym errors, there’s verb tense confusion. Some sentences are completely incomprehensible. Her stories wander around, they don’t conform to the expectations of her genre, and she has no control over her cast list. I thought the main character was a single mom throughout the first book in the series, only to discover that she’s happily married and has been all along. There’s a son who has almost never been seen on the page and brothers to the main character who weren’t mentioned until about book eight. Where have they been, and what have they been doing? No clue whatsoever.

To make matters even worse, she’s loosely woven two connected series together, but with no rhyme or reason, so her timelines are all screwed up. People will show up in the main series out of the blue, with no introduction or explanation, as though they’ve been there all along and the reader should know who they are, and all about their backstory, and why they’re there now. It’s very confusing.

And I. Don’t. Care.

I so intensely love her stories and characters that I am completely willing to overlook what is, in all honesty, a mess of a book and series, just for the pleasure of spending time in the world she’s created. Will I give that same consideration to just about anyone else who puts out a book in that condition? No. But it just goes to show, story ultimately trumps all. When you find one you love to that degree, it won’t matter if the book is a technical disaster, because you’ll be so entirely hooked on the story.

As authors, however, we cannot and should not count on that level of love to hook people into our books. It’s a rare series that can survive that sort of breakdown in craft and still be so incredibly awesome that people willingly overlook it. But imagine how great her books would be if she got those problems fixed!

When people talk about indie books being poorly edited, I think a decent percentage of those complaints are for—overall—fairly small potatoes. Misplaced commas and typos are annoying, for sure, but if you really love the book, they won’t keep you from enjoying it. They haven’t kept me from enjoying the many traditionally published books I’ve read where I’ve found the exact same errors. What irks me is when indie books are unfairly held to a different standard simply because they’re indie published. To those who would impose that false standard, I’d say: Find me even a small handful of traditionally published NY books with no errors at all, then we’ll talk.

On that note… here’s an excerpt from my latest release, Snow Angel, with (hopefully) no errors!

EXCERPT ~ Snow Angel


“Hey,” Melinda said, breaking into his thoughts. “Where’d you go?”


“You seem a little out of it.”

“Oh,” he said, striving for normality. “Just tired. It’s been a long day.”

“That’s for sure,” she said.

Did her eyes always have to light up like that when she smiled?

Oh, God. Yeah. He was in trouble.

“Come on, roomie.” Melinda poked his shoulder playfully. “Help me make up the beds so we can crash whenever.”

Melinda jumped to her feet and held out her hand like she’d done a million times before, though he noted the slight wince when she put her weight on her left foot.

He was slow to take her hand, wondering for possibly the first time in his life what it would feel like to hold her slender fingers in his, as though he’d never held her hand before, and worrying his palm might turn sweaty, betraying the direction of his thoughts.

“Jake? You okay?”

He’d waited too long, staring at her fingers. Making it weird. It cost him some effort, but he flashed her a big everything’s-great grin.

“Yeah, sorry,” he said. “More out of it than I realized.”

Taking her hand, Jacob let her pull him up, relief crashing over him when it felt completely normal.

Following her to the winding stairs leading to the loft, he started up after her, his eyes skimming her hair where it fell in waves over her slim back, and the sway of her—

Don’t look at her ass, don’t look at her ass, what the hell is wrong with you, don’t look at her ass!

“What’s the movie for tonight, do you know?” she asked.

Pulling his head out of the fog of lust that had momentarily swamped him, Jacob cleared his throat. Then cleared it again.

“Uh, no. One of the Bourne movies, I think.”

She reached the top of the staircase and stepped into the loft. Jacob stopped on the stairs, just for a moment, to catch his breath. He renewed his vow to fix the situation and to keep her from seeing anything strange reflected in his eyes. She never needed to know he’d gone through this… thing.

When he reached the top, she was already airing the fitted sheet over the bed closest to the balcony door. He ignored the way her dark red sweater clung to her curves as she moved. She had a really small waist for a girl with such big—

“Which one do you want?” she asked.

“This one’s fine,” he said hoarsely, indicating the bed closest to the stairs. He gave himself a mental smack.

Get off it, man.

Jacob grabbed the other set of sheets and stared hard at the mattress while Melinda talked about a job she was hoping to get next term. He hoped he answered appropriately, because he had no idea what either of them actually said.

This was going to be a long week.


 Thanks for reading! Click the buy links below to get your copy of Snow Angel today—it’s available in ebook and print—and be sure to check out my social media sites, too. I love meeting new readers!

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Award-winning romance author Chantilly White writes lush, emotional contemporary, historical, and paranormal romances featuring characters readers love. Her works include short stories, novellas, and full-length novels from hot and sexy to scorching. Her latest release, Snow Angel—the first book in the High Desert Hearts series—released October 31, 2014. Remember Me, a paranormal romance, will release this winter, and Desert Damsel, book two in the High Desert Hearts series, will release in spring 2015. Find Chantilly around the web:







Thanks again for having me, Cynthia, this was fun!