Interview with J. M. Maurer

Thank you, Cindy, for having me on your blog today. I’m really excited to be here.

SL ibooksHow did you get started writing?

I’ve always been a writer, so to speak. I wrote some poems while I was in school that won awards and are published somewhere, that sort of thing. But it was my sixth grade teacher, Mr. Stultz, who really kick started my focus on writing. He’d often say, “Jackie, if you don’t stop talking, you’re going to miss recess, during which you will write the entire time.” As often as he had said it, one would think I’d eventually learn. I didn’t. What I did learn was how to rewrite the words that were on the front and back of a very large index card, which was an apology for my rambling misbehavior, in his words not mine.  And, to make things worse, if I didn’t get it written at least 25 times, I had to stay in the next day to do it all over again. With my mind constantly drifting off to places and things I’d have much rather written about, I missed out on a lot of recess that year. He was an exceptional teacher, though. He taught me a lot about the world, including how to show respect to others, to listen, watch, and learn.

Tell us about your current series.

My current series is the Emerging From Darkness trilogySeeking Love, Seeking Redemption, and the soon to be released, Seeking Hope. It is a story about Jessica Winters, a thirty-two year old registered nurse who, after tragedy and deceit have driven her to take refuge deep under the dark clouds of depression, finds herself caught up in a seductive and life-changing romance with Matthew Moi, a sex therapist who lovingly guides her out of the numbness and back into the light. Alive with a passion she once thought would never again be possible, Jessica learns to laugh again, to love again, and even trust a man again. However, forgiveness and one final demon from her past prove daunting as she continues her journey seeking redemption and hope. Contrary to the title of this trilogy, while it is a roller coaster of a story, it is full of humor. After all, humor is the best medicine, the perfect antidote to dark sadness, and is free.

What inspired your latest book?

It’s a story I have always wanted to tell. No secrets here, it’s deep, has many levels, and has made readers both laugh out loud and ugly cry. More importantly, when I write and show a story, I want my readers to find the hidden gems. I want them to really see the character’s growth and feel all the emotions the H/h experience as they follow along in the journey. I try to make it the reader’s journey, as well, where hopefully they come away having learned something, too. So I guess you could say that teachable moments inspire me.

SR AmazonWhat is your favorite part of writing?

Editing. That’s when I add the soul of the story in, hopefully giving it those little pieces that really make it come alive, make it special.

What is your least favorite part of writing?

Handing it over to the editor.

How has your experience with self-publishing been?

My experience has been amazing. I’ve met so many wonderful people that I likely would never have otherwise. It certainly is a learning curve like no other. In fact, I’ve often told people that I think doing CPR on a dead person is easier. Please note: CPR is never easy! Having done both, I can honestly say that writing is hands down a whole lot more fun.

Where do you get the ideas for your stories?

The shower. It’s as if the flood gates open the instant I get in there. I don’t know what it is about the shower. TMI? Sorry. (wink)

Tell us about your hero.  Give us one of his strengths and one of his weaknesses.

Tell you about Matthew Moi. Well, he’s a psychiatrist who specializes in sex therapy and he’s pretty darn good at what he does, probably too good. Spoilers would occur here if I told you any more about him. As it is, I might have already told you too much. But, it’s safe to say that his biggest weakness is the love of his life—Jess. He’d go to the ends of the Earth for her, and I’d say he actually did.

Having achieved your goal to be a published author, what is the most rewarding thing?   

Holding your books in your hands is an amazing feeling, a huge accomplishment within itself. But when someone you don’t know emails you about your book, that’s a special feeling. I am very humbled that people have purchased and read them. I truly appreciate that they’ve taken time to immerse themselves inside a world I created, and then reached out with an email to tell me about it. That’s the best! Thank you readers. J

 And thank you again, Cindy, for having me on your blog today; I really appreciate it. I also love questions and comments. So feel free to leave them. I’m always happy to connect!  

 Seeking Love

354 pages


Every day, Jessica Winters does what she does best—bury herself in patient care within the walls of the neuro intensive care unit, keeping herself busy to escape the dark sadness that controls her life. But the day she sees Matthew Moi, the intriguing man seated at her new patient’s bedside, her shattered heart begins to frantically beat once again.

As Matthew pins his mesmerizing gaze upon her, trying to distract her with his humorous and playful banter, she does her best to ignore him. Somehow he already knows a great deal about her, breaking down Jessica’s barriers and awakening her soul, drawing her out of the darkness and into his arms.

When her painful past resurfaces, revealing truths that threaten her future, Jessica struggles through her issues and fights to stay on a healing path . . . seeking love.

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One thing I knew: I wasn’t that woman anymore. I wouldn’t be her anymore.

My heart was racing at the thought of being separated from Matthew by only the door, and I watched as it opened, knowing he stood mere feet away. I drew in a deep breath to calm my frantic nerves and steady my racing heart. It was the moment my eyes would see him again, and the same moment I knew all involuntary muscle movements would cease.

As Matthew stepped in and around the door, his alluring eyes captured me. The feeling was nothing new. I’d been imprisoned by his gaze before. And locked in it again, I watched as he drifted to me, the indisputable chemistry between us palpable and absolute. His mesmerizing eyes had hypnotized my burning soul, completely bewitching me.

“Hello, Jessica,” he murmured, pointing to an open area of the bed. “Mind if I sit?”

I gave a slight shake of my head, having difficulty forming the simple word “no,” and watched as he made himself comfortable facing me. His crisp charcoal-colored trousers bunched as he scooted on the bed. My sight roamed along his classic plum-colored dress shirt and stopped searching once I focused on his face.


authorpicAbout the Author:

J.M. Maurer lives with her family in Chicago. She makes it a point to never work on a full moon and cringes when a coworker uses the “Q” word—never, ever say, “It’s a quiet day today,” at her day job.

Known for being overly superstitious, she can usually be found scraping at the remnants of a Nutella container, screaming at a hockey game, or putting pen to paper, allowing the “real” crazy voices in her head to come alive. And after all this, it’s no wonder she’s an incurable romantic and loves escaping the rat race of life to immerse herself inside the world of a really good romance book . . . because, after all, what’s better than a happily-ever-after?


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Interview with Kristy McCaffrey


How did you get started writing?

Since I was a little girl, I’ve been compelled to write. When I would walk home from the school bus, I would narrate my life to myself in third person.

What genre do you write and why?

I write historical western romances, set in the American southwest. I was born and raised in Arizona and have always been interested in history.

What is your favorite part of writing?

Taking a raw idea and refining it. And refining it. And refining it. 🙂

What is your least favorite part of writing?

Those moments—and there are many—when the story has many gaping holes and I wonder if I’ll be able to pull it all together.

What is your next project and when will it be released?

I’m working on Book Five of my Wings of the West series, titled THE BLUEBIRD. It’s set in Creede, Colorado in 1893 and throws my heroine, Molly Rose Simms, into a mining partnership with a man known as The Jackal. It’s set to be released in December 2015.

How has your experience with self-publishing been?

It’s been wonderful. While it’s an enormous amount of work, I like having control over every aspect of my work. However, I still like collaborating and continue to work with a fabulous small press, Prairie Rose Publications.

Do you have a view in your writing space? What does your space look like?

I have a small office, adjacent to my husband who also works from home, but I snagged the window. We live in the Arizona desert so I have a nice view of saguaro cactus, wide-open sky, and lots of birds (I have two feeders right outside my window). Many quail, sparrows, cactus wrens, mourning doves, finches, thrashers, and cardinals. More rarely I’ve also seen large hawks, sparrowhawks, and great-horned owls. I even saw two African lovebirds one afternoon. I thought they were parakeets, but apparently there is a small, wild population in the Phoenix area.

What genres are you drawn to as a reader?

I love Old West romances, naturally. I also enjoy adventure stories and read a lot of memoirs along those lines. Lately, I’ve been reading a lot of non-fiction books about whales. I’m very drawn to them.

CoverFinalMD-TheWrenWhen did you start writing toward publication?

I was in my 30’s and a stay-at-home mom to my four children. My mind was turning to mush, so I decided to try writing a novel. That book, THE WREN, was published by a small press. It was a wonderful opportunity, but in hindsight I think I was published too soon. I didn’t really have a good grasp of the craft. After 12 years, I think my work has greatly improved. When I took back the rights on my Wings series (the first 3 books) and self-published them last year, I cleaned them up quite a bit. They’re perhaps still not my most refined writing, but they were the start of my career and I have a soft spot for them. They really represent my writing apprenticeship.

Do you have any words of inspiration for aspiring authors?

Keep going. It sounds cliché, but you truly learn by doing. It doesn’t seem like writing should be that hard, but it takes skill to work with words and imagery. I’m constantly learning new things. I really love it. You’ll know if you’re not meant to be a writer because the tediousness of it will easily drive you away. But if it doesn’t, then you’ve found your passion and your tribe.



Kristy McCaffrey has been writing since she was very young, but it wasn’t until she was a stay-at-home mom that she considered becoming published. She’s the author of several historical western romances, all set in the American southwest. She lives in the Arizona desert with her husband, two chocolate labs, and whichever of their four teenaged children happen to be in residence. She loves to travel and frequently blogs about her adventures.


Connect with Kristy


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Buy Links for THE WREN (Wings of the West Series BOOK ONE)

Captured by Comanche as a child, Molly Hart was assumed dead. Ten years later, Texas Ranger Matt Ryan finds a woman with the same blue eyes.








Excerpt from THE WREN

“Mind explaining how the hell you could be Molly Hart?” he (Matt) asked in a voice brimming with contempt.

“I was taken that night by the men who attacked the ranch.”


She shook her head. “No. A group of Comanche attacked us much later, after we’d ridden a while. Most of the men were killed, and nearly all were scalped. The Indians took me then.”

A flash of lightning illuminated the room and lit the broken frame of a bed still lying in the corner. Her little sister’s bed. She and Emma had shared this room as children.

“And how do you explain the girl’s body we found? And the gold cross?”

“After I rode with the Comanche for a time, another band joined up with us. There were several white captives with them. One was a girl near my age.” Molly paused, then continued quietly, “She was quite hysterical, and the Comanche were impatient. One of them shot her with an arrow, nailing her to a tree. Some of the others seemed upset at the one who had done this, but by then it was too late. She was already dead. So they burned her. I threw my cross at her feet—it was all I could do for her. It was all I could manage because I was trying so hard not to scream myself.”

Molly swallowed past the lump in her throat, remembering the terror she had lived with in those early days. On the edge of her mind, the thought loomed time and again that her own gruesome end was imminent.

Matt appeared pushed to the edge, uncertainty clouding his features.

“If what you’re saying is true,” he ground out, “then where’ve you been for the last ten years? It wasn’t unheard of for Comanches to barter their prisoners to the army in exchange for goods. I handled such exchanges myself several times.”

“You did?” Had he been nearby during her captivity? Could he have somehow helped her?

“Were you in the army?”

“For a time.”

“I don’t remember much contact with other white men. I wasn’t really kept prisoner. I was adopted into the lodge of a Comanche called Bull Runner and raised with his two daughters.”

“How’d you get away?”

“I was with them for eight winters before they left me with a trader in New Mexico.”

“Which tribe were you with?”

“The Kwahadi,” she answered.

“They were always fairly remote,” he said. “I never dealt directly with them.”

So he wasn’t as close to her as she initially thought.

“Why did they trade you after eight years?” he asked.

“There was some confusion about an offer of marriage for me. Bull Runner’s eldest daughter was angry. He chose to return me to my people as a gesture of goodwill.”

“Goodwill, my ass,” Matt said scornfully. “He held you hostage for eight years.”

“Then, you believe me?”


An Interview with Guy Ogan

Today I welcome Guy Ogan to my blog with his Paranormal-Romance IMMORTAL RELATIONS series. First Guy, tell us a little about yourself and your writing by answering some questions.



How did you get started writing? I’ve always been involved in some aspect of writing. In my youth I ran in long distance events (10 to 26 miles) and submitted articles about the races to magazines such as “The Long-Distance Log” and of course there were always writing assignments in school. As I got older, my interest in hot-rods and custom cars, trucks and motorcycles resulted in my writing articles about car shows which I submitted to “Cruisin’ Style Magazine”(see pictures of my cars).  In the military I did a lot of procedural writing, helping others perform their duties.

What genre(s) do you write in and why? I now write for fun and include a lot of things I believe in and have learned during a rather full life. I find that the Paranormal genre’ provides me the greatest freedom of expression; however, since there is what I call “explicit togetherness” (sex) in the stories (especially in the first book). One of the editors told me that my stories fit best into the classification of “Paranormal-Romance.”

Tell us about your current series. What started me writing the series was finding out that my late father had had a tryst at the end of WW-II when he was assigned to assist Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic) as it tried to form a new government after the Nazis were driven out. In the first book my alter-ego goes to Prague to find where the picture he found of his father (shown on page two of the first book) was taken. There he meets a beautiful, if mysterious, younger lady who knows far more about his late father than seems possible. Things get “interesting” from that point as Gary falls in love with her, even though he realizes she is much more than meets the eye.



What inspired your latest book? When I joined the military, I took an oath “To uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.” I believe our Constitution and Bill of Rights are currently being systematically attacked. This premise is what causes my good, loyal vampires to form a new coven in Southern Canada to monitor what is going on…they don’t wish to see America go the way Germany went in 1933.

What is your favorite part of writing? Communing, if you will, with my characters as I write their story (that is how writing seems to me). The story comes to me in a flood of words as if my characters are telling me what they have done or are planning to do. I have to type very fast to keep up! (-;

What is your least favorite part of writing? I’d be surprised if any Indie author says anything other than “Trying to interest readers in their works!” Getting the word out about my series is very difficult, regardless of how unique and interesting I believe the stories are. There are two exceptions, I find Blogging to be enjoyable and really have a lot of fun flanked at book signings by a pair of friends (authors who each write in a different genre’).

What is your next project and when will it be released? I’m stepping away from the Paranormal to write a fictional work about time-travel back to the prehistoric era of dinosaurs. My seven year old granddaughter LOVES dinosaurs so I’m writing a book where she, I and a paleontologist friend of mine construct a time-machine that takes us on a tour of every period of early animal development, from the Cambrian Period (about 540 million years ago) through the ages of dinosaurs to the extinction at the end of the Cretaceous Period (around 66 million years ago). There may be a small “excursion” into the Pleistocene Epoch to see later animals such as Smilodon (aka: Saber-toothed Tiger). I’m not sure if this will be “published” or not…it depends upon how interesting the story that goes along with the details about the dinosaurs themselves. I feel confident that there will be plenty of running and screaming involved with visiting dinosaurs and saber-toothed tigers…I’ll just have to decide if the finished work is worth the effort to do more than give a draft copy to my little granddaughter Lily! (-;



How much time do you spend promoting your books and what works best?  I feel I spend far too much time on social media each day, which cuts deeply into my writing! As far as what seems to work best, Hasting’s Bookstores often take local Indie author’s books on consignment and set up book signings at their locations. I’ve done well selling books at these events and enjoy immensely talking with visitors to the events about any topic that interests them.

Where do you get the ideas for your stories? I’m what they call a “pantser” (flying by the seat of my pants)! I sit at my computer and let the story come to me. I’m very much someone who “thinks outside the box” and my imagination is extremely well developed, so I have the opposite of what is called “writer’s block.” I’m flooded with ideas for storylines and must pick and choose what seems to work best.

What advice do you have for other authors wanting to self-publish? First, write what you’re interested in writing. It helps to be knowledgeable about the time or topic that fits the story; however, you should also do a fair amount of research as well. It is always helpful to have several friends read your draft and make helpful comments. If you can afford a professional editor who knows the genre well then use him or her after you’ve made your best effort to polish the work yourself. But don’t listen to those who say you’ll fail! If you have written the best story you can and you enjoy it, then I feel you haven’t failed – only that readers have failed to find your book(s) up to that point ( but don’t quit your day job). LOL

Guy’s first book in the series is titled, ” Immortal Relations” and he says the first two pages reveal what his father did at the end of WW-II, which Guy only found out about after the passing of his parents – this event is what caused Guy to start writing the series.



EXCERPT from “Immortal Relations”

This pertains to something I feel very strongly and get emotional about. I believe dogs are God’s gift to mankind to teach us about unconditional love and loyalty; they deserve both our love and loyalty in return. My first book is dedicated to a no-kill shelter for bully breed dogs – unlike the common belief, I found these dogs to be both gentle and loving even after being abused by cruel humans.

We continued to monitor the screens, but nothing else happened until about 9 p.m. when I saw a large man chasing a little dog down a side street. He carried what looked like a rusty old pipe. Fearing he’d kill the dog, I asked Evy if we could do anything? She said they’d never responded to help an animal… I felt that I had to do something to help the dog and asked where that street was.

“Four streets to the north and about a mile to the east,” she said.

My love for little animals hadn’t abated any by becoming a vampire, and I said I needed to do something to help that dog.

Maggie said she’d go with me. It was dark and a weeknight, so little traffic and no pedestrians were out. I ran the mile without stopping to confront the man. I moved so fast, no human could see me. As I flew by the man, I tapped the end of the iron pipe, causing it to fly out of his hand and I caught the pipe as I continued on. This occurred so fast, his brain couldn’t register what had happened; he slowed and looked at his hands and then stopped to turn around, looking behind him for the pipe he must have dropped. By this time, I’d stopped in the shadows under some trees a mile farther down and simply crushed the old iron pipe into dust.

It was then that Maggie found me. “I’ve never seen anyone run that fast. You didn’t run that fast at the quarry… how could you run so much faster now?”

I looked at her and said, “I was running for fun at the quarry, but just now, I had to save that little dog. I just can’t stand to see a small animal hurt or killed.”

She hugged and kissed me, “I think you are One Of the most softhearted people, let alone vampires, that ever existed.”

I shrugged, “I wish it were this easy to save all the unwanted animals; in America, they kill many thousands of dogs and cats each day, just because no one wants them.” It always broke my heart to even think about such a thing.

Buy Link: I’ve lowered the price on all three books to $.99 each

Cars-Trucks-Benbrook-Abilene 037_resizedThe second book in Guy’s series is, “Immortal Relations, Love and War” and Guy describes it as “Action on Steroids.” He says, “If someone believes they wouldn’t like a Paranormal-Romance because of the ‘romance’ in such a book, this one will change their minds if they like a lot of action.”

EXCERPT from “Immortal Relations, Love and War

It was a short flight from Moscow to St. Petersburg. There our party was met by two limousines and whisked along to the historic Hermitage Museum. Arriving, it looked to me like the whole world was there. I didn’t know why President Kolukov had asked me to wear the Russian General Uniform he gave me, but I wanted to humor my good friend. We exited the limousine onto a red velvet carpet that had wide gold piping down each side and which looked to be almost 400 meters long. I thought it odd that President Kolukov had me stand to his left and next to him, when Stephan was senior In rank to my uniform. When we got to the head of the carpet, we turned. Stephan and Adam moving behind us, I looked up and turning the corner onto the same red carpet we had just traveled was someone I would recognize anywhere, under any circumstances. It was Magdalena, on the arm of Roger, Our doctor. At first I was confused, but when I saw the dress she wore, an exact copy of her hand made blue dress, only in brilliant white and then heard the music, I realized what was happening; Magdalena and I were getting married! My friends had somehow arranged all this without even a hint that I picked up on. I had already glanced at some of those on either side of the isle and thought I recognized some political figures from various countries.

As Magdalena was escorted slowly forward, I was unable to look anywhere else; she was the only thing that existed in my universe. When she got close, I noticed she had a ribbon with a gold star hanging from it pinned over her left breast. I’d seen a similar medal, back when it was called “Hero of the Soviet Union,” but this one had the double eagle of the Russian Federation. Only an old “war horse” like me would notice that when the woman he loved stood in front of him!

An Eastern Orthodox Priest spoke the vows, translated Into English for. me. Magdalena didn’t need a translator as she spoke several languages, Russian being one of them. We both answered “I do” and “l will,” then I was asked to put the ring on Magdalena’s finger — I started to panic, but Kolukov stepped forward and handed me a ring. My eyes bulged when I looked at it as it must have been five carats of a Red Ruby mounted in Gold! He said it’s just a little bobble courtesy of the Russian people and the Hermitage. I placed it On the finger of my bride, we were officially married and we kissed. Maggie read my thought and on impulse we both turned and kissed Kolukov, each of us on a different side of his face. He broke out in loud laughter and said, “Everything has been taken care of for tonight, but the car will be there to pick you both up at 0900 tomorrow. That’s 9 am in case you’ve forgotten Gary.” He joked, as if I’d ever forget the 24 hour military clock.

The two of us shook hands with Stephan, Adam and Roger, and then we made a bee-line to the limo that pulled up nearby as the driver beckoned to us. I was too busy looking into the dark pools of eternity that were Maggie’s eyes! There were a million questions to ask on how they’d done all this and kept it a secret, but I didn’t Want to break the spell I was under, I wanted the spell to last forever (or at least until we had to board the aircraft tomorrow morning).

Buy Link: I’ve lowered the price on all three books to $.99 each

Immortal Relations_resizedThe third book in Guy’s Immortal Relations series is “Immortal Relations Coming Out.” After saving mankind from a nuclear war, terrorist acts and ecological disasters, the good vampires discuss “coming out” to humans. Letting them know that not all vampires are evil and that they really do exist. There is a lot of political intrigue in the story; however, in the following excerpt, Vlad Dracula explains how he became one of the original vampires (but is now a ‘reformed’ vampire).

EXCERPT from “Immortal Relations Coming Out

“It was a very long time ago; we were fighting what you would call ‘an asymmetrical war’ against Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror and his Muslim invaders who outnumbered us at least three to one. I was looking for anything to slow them down. I guess you would say I used psychological warfare by building the ‘forest’ Of impaled enemy soldiers and others defeated in previous battles. While we had numerous successes against units of the enemy, we were unable to hold off so large an invading army. It was about this time I was changed into what I am today.

I was always in the front lines of battle and routinely soaked in blood. Perhaps that is what changed me into a vampire. One of my own Generals saw me surrounded by enemies and saw blood spurting up in the air. Thinking it was my blood he sent word that I’d been killed. My dear distraught wife threw herself from the heights of my Poenari Castle into the Arges River below.

Then my second cousin, Matthias Corvinus, King of Hungary, from whom I had sought help in prosecuting the war, imprisoned me, Locked away, I soon became crazed with the desire for blood I would have other-wise found on the battlefield. Many fellow prisoners died because of it and after my escape I was a plague on the land. It took all too long before I regained some sense of my lost humanity.”

With downcast eyes Vlad thought, That is where the myths, legends and stories about me started – I’m afraid I earned them all.

I reached over and patted him on the arm, “I’m sorry I brought up a topic that has induced clearly painful memories for you.”

Vlad smiled at me, “No, it is alright. If you haven’t heard the story before, I think you need to know the type of vampire you follow. I hope it won’t detract from our relationship.”

“Never fear of my continued admiration and respect for you. You were a great leader fighting to free your people from an oppressive invader. Since you had no one to guide you after you were changed, as a ‘newborn’ vampire you did what came naturally. However, it begs the question, how did you stop?”

“I married again and she helped me overcome the constant thirst, giving me some of her own blood, and lead me back to God.”

With tears in my eyes I thought, Women are clearly the superior gender, without them we men would be little better than wild beasts.

Buy Link: I’ve lowered the price on all three books to $.99 each

Guy’s Bio (short version): Guy was born in Washington D.C., grew up in Arlington Virginia but completed High School and Junior College in Los Altos, California. He then transferred and graduated from TCU  in Fort Worth, Texas, immediately joining the USAF as a 2nd Lt. serving a little over 20 years. While in the service, he completed a Master of Arts through Ball State’s European Campus and upon retirement he completed a Master of Education from Hardin-Simmons in Abilene, Texas. He operated a clinic to evaluate and treat children, adolescents and adults suffering from A.D.D. before taking a job with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, writing treatment programs for inmates and later served as an Associate Clinical Psychologist doing inmate psychological assessments. Now Guy enjoys writing and loves to read, especially novels by other Indie authors, always leaving helpful and positive reviews! Guy also enjoys a pair of customized 60s era cars and a late model Roush Mustang.

More about the Immortal Relations series can be found on my Blog site:

An Interview with Lois Winston

a_stitch_to_die_for_x664What genre(s) do you write in and why?

I started out writing heart-tugging, angst-filled romance and romantic suspense. When the chick lit craze hit, I decided to try my hand at writing that genre and realized very quickly that I enjoyed writing humorous first person books. Then one day an editor told my agent she was looking for a crafting mystery series. I’d worked for many years as a crafts designer for book and magazine publishers and kit manufacturers. My agent thought I should try my hand at writing a mystery series. The rest is history.

In addition, I’ve also published a children’s chapter book, edited a multi-author combination advice/cookbook, contributed to an anthology about the TV show “House,” and written a book on writing. 

Tell us about your current series.

I currently write the Anastasia Pollack Crafting Mystery series. To date there are five full-length books (Assault with a Deadly Glue Gun, Death by Killer Mop Doll, Revenge of the Crafty Corpse, Decoupage Can Be Deadly, and A Stitch to Die For) as well as three mini-mysteries (Crewel Intentions, Mosaic Mayhem, and Patchwork Peril.)

Anastasia Pollack is a wife, mother, and crafts editor for a women’s magazine. Her comfortable middle-class life comes crashing down around her when her husband, Karl Marx Pollack, dies suddenly, and she discovers his well-hidden gambling addiction. Karl leaves her with two teenage sons, no savings, enormous debt, and Lucille, the communist mother-in-law from Hell. While attempting to dig her way out of debt, Anastasia gets caught up in a murder that forces her to become a reluctant amateur sleuth.

Give us an elevator pitch for your book.

A Stitch to Die For is the newest book in the Anastasia Pollack Crafting Mystery series: Ever since her husband died and left her in debt equal to the gross national product of Uzbekistan, magazine crafts editor and reluctant amateur sleuth Anastasia Pollack has stumbled across one dead body after another—but always in work-related settings. When a killer targets the elderly nasty neighbor who lives across the street from her, murder strikes too close to home. Couple that with a series of unsettling events days before Halloween, and Anastasia begins to wonder if someone is sending her a deadly message. 

Where do you get the ideas for your stories?

I get most of my plot ideas from the news. In A Stitch to Die For I’ve incorporated several recent news stories, including the proliferation of swatting incidents that have been cropping up around the country. 

Do you have critique partners?

I’ve had a series of excellent critique partners over the years. For the last several years I’ve work with suspense author Donnell Ann Bell. 

How likely are people you meet to end up in your next book?

I have a shirt that states, “Careful, or you’ll end up in my novel.” It’s the absolute truth. Lucille, Anastasia’s belligerent communist mother-in-law, is patterned after my own mother-in-law. I consider it payback for all the years of nastiness she directed toward me while she was alive. 

Was your road to publication fraught with peril or a walk in the park?

How I wish it had been a walk in the park! It took me 10 years, nearly to the day I first sat down to write, to sell a book. I had the worst luck. Every time I was close to receiving an offer of publication, something would prevent it from happening. Editors left; lines folded; publishers merged—all putting the brakes on impending contract offers. 

Tell us about your heroine.  Give us one of her strengths and one of her weaknesses.

Working mom Anastasia Pollack was leading a typical middle-class life in the suburbs until she found herself one step away from living in a cardboard box on the street, thanks to her Dead Louse of a Spouse. As if that weren’t enough, she’s got both her communist mother-in-law and her Russian princess mother living with her—along with a menagerie that includes an inherited Shakespeare-quoting parrot.

Anastasia’s strength is her capacity to make the best of the rotten hand she’s been dealt. It helps that she has both a sense of humor and the support of photojournalist (and possible spy) Zachary Barnes, the hunky guy who’s rented the apartment above her garage.

Her weakness is any form of baked goods, especially ones that contain chocolate. 

What did you want to be when you were a child?  Did you always know you wanted to be a writer?

When I was eight years old, I decided I wanted to be an astronaut—until I discovered in ninth grade that NASA isn’t interested in vertically challenged astronauts prone to motion sickness.

Writing was something that came much later in my life, after a story one day popped into my head. Countless revisions and many years passed before that story became my second published book.

Do you have any rejection stories to share?

For nearly 10 years I’ve worked as an associate at the agency that represents me. After reading countless queries and manuscripts, I realized that most manuscripts are rejected for one or more of only a handful of reasons. I started giving writing workshops where I outlined these reasons. Many writers who took the workshop urged me to write a book on the subject. That book is Top Ten Reasons Your Novel is Rejected and is available in both paperback and as an ebook.

A Stitch to Die For-excerpt

 After nearly an hour of battling rush hour traffic, I finally arrived home, relieved to find neither Ira’s van nor Lawrence’s car parked at the curb. After last night’s chaos, I looked forward to a relatively peaceful dinner—relatively being the operative word. After all, I never knew what to expect from my mother-in-law.

However, as I turned to head into the house, an unexpected shaft of bright light caught my eye. Across the street, Betty Bentworth’s door stood half ajar, the glow from her foyer chandelier spilling out onto her front porch.

Betty—otherwise known as Batty Bentworth—spent her life seated in front of her living room window where she spied on her neighbors. She kept the Westfield police on speed dial, often calling multiple times a day to complain about anything and everything, once even demanding the arrest of her six-year-old next-door neighbor for vandalism. The child’s crime? She’d drawn a chalk hopscotch board on the sidewalk in front of Betty’s house.

Batty Bentworth was not someone who left her front door open—especially after dark.

Like everyone else in the neighborhood, I kept my distance from Mrs. Bentworth. You never knew what would set her off, and it was best not to get on her bad side. Not that she had a good side from what I knew of her.

Still, I couldn’t ignore that open door. Rather than head across the street, I decided to call her. Maybe she’d gone out earlier to retrieve her mail, and the door hadn’t latched completely when she returned. The stiff October breeze blowing down the street may have pushed the door open.

I whipped out my cell phone, scrolled to her number, and placed the call. The phone rang. And rang. And rang. After a dozen rings I hung up, sighed, and reluctantly crossed the street.

“Hello? Mrs. Bentworth?” I called through the open door. No answer. I shouted her name. “Mrs. Bentworth!” Only the sound of the six o’clock news blaring from her television greeted me.

I stepped inside and shouted above the Eyewitness News reporter. “Mrs. Bentworth! It’s Anastasia Pollack. Your front door is open.”

A sense of déjà vu washed over me. Less than two weeks earlier I’d discovered Rosalie Schneider, another elderly neighbor, unconscious at the bottom of her basement stairs. I took a few steps into the foyer and turned toward the dimly lit living room. Batty Bentworth sat on her sofa, a multi-colored crocheted granny square afghan draped across her lap, her gaze fixated on the news broadcasting from an old black and white console television set.

“Mrs. Bentworth, didn’t you hear me?”

When she didn’t respond, I stepped between her and the television. She continued to ignore me, but now I knew why. Batty Bentworth was dead—but not from natural causes.

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USA Today bestselling and award-winning author Lois Winston writes mystery, romance, romantic suspense, chick lit, women’s fiction, children’s chapter books, and non-fiction under her own name and her Emma Carlyle pen name. Kirkus Reviews dubbed her critically acclaimed Anastasia Pollack Crafting Mystery series, “North Jersey’s more mature answer to Stephanie Plum.” In addition, Lois is an award-winning craft and needlework designer who often draws much of her source material for both her characters and plots from her experiences in the crafts industry. Visit Lois/Emma at and Anastasia at the Killer Crafts & Crafty Killers blog, Follow everyone on Tsu at, on Pinterest at, and onTwitter @anasleuth. Sign up for her newsletter at

An Interview with Kit Morgan

  1. KitMorgan_AMidSummersMailOrderBride_1400pxWhere do you get your ideas for your stories? 

I live in a log cabin on twenty acres with a creek.  We grew up with horses and always used to play cowboys and Indians. I guess that inspired the western side of me. My friends all had horses, and we rode everywhere pretending we were in the old west. We’d split ourselves up into two groups. The posse and the outlaws.  The other thing that inspires me is visiting historic places. 

  1. Do you have a view in your writing space? What does your space look like? 

I use voice recognition softway a lot and so write outside. Often times I sit on a bench down by the creek or walk the property. Lately, however, I’ve been having to write indoors due to the fact we have a cougar in the area and he’s gotten pretty close to the house.

  1. Has your muse always known what genres you would write and be published in? 

Yes, kinda sort of.  I’ve always loved historicals and knew I wanted to write them. I’ve started with westerns but plan to venture into the regency era late this year or first part of 2016.

  1. What project(s) are you working on now? 

I just finished up Amon (Prairie Grooms, Book Seven) and am now going to start another Dalton Brides Book! Oh boy! 

  1. KitMorgan_LoveInIndependence_1400pxDo you write under a pen name? Why or why not? 

Yes, I have two, in fact.  I write under Geralyn Beauchamp (Scifi/time travel) and then of course, Kit Morgan.  I’ll share with you a little secret … Kit Morgan is actually a character from my time travel series Time Masters. SHE is writing all those westerns!  And of course, if some of my Time Master characters happen to show up in my westerns, could it be because she’s using their adventures to fuel her own muse? Or is she recording their adventures and simply using them as her books?  That Kitty Morgan! You just never know what she’ll do next!

  1. What is your typical day like? 

I get up early, about 6am, have my coffee in bed (ahhhhh) then get up and do a workout, have some breakfast and start my day. I try to get my writing done before noon or one in the afternoon so I have time to do the business end of things, or lately, babysit my nephew.  Then editing or more writing in the evening after dinner, unless I treat myself and watch a dvd! 

  1. How did you get started writing?

I’ve always wanted to write, but marriage, kids, family, was always at the forefront. But then another author (Julia Quinn, I was a book reviewer at the time) challenged me to start writing. Write a book so I could at least say that I did. That book was Time Masters, Book One; The Call under my pen name of Geralyn Beauchamp, and the rest is history. I wrote that book back in 1994, finished it, then stuck it in a trunk. I set out what she said to do. In 2007 I pulled it out and it was published by a small press. When the economy tanked in 2008/09, they closed their doors as so many other small presses did. In 2012 I decided to turn it into an e-book. In 2013, I decided to try my hand at westerns, and let Kitty Morgan loose! The rest is history. 

  1. KitMorgan_TheChristmasMailOrderBride_1400pxTell us about your current series.

My latest release is book twelve of The Holiday Mail Order Bride Series: A Mid-Summer’s Mail-order Bride. I love creating towns and their quirky, odd residents. Nowhere Washington is no exception. Readers are first introduced to this town in The Christmas Mail-Order Bride, where you get to read about the antics of Leona Riley, who orders up a mail-order bride for her son Clayton and fails to tell him! You can start this particular series with the The Christmas Mail-Order Bride, or start in the middle of the series with Love in Independence and go from there. The heroine in A Mid-Summer’s Mail-order Bride is from Independence. The books can be found on amazon:

A Mid-Summer’s Mail-order Bride:*Version*=1&*entries*=0

The Christmas Mail Order Bride:

Love in Independence:


Since we’re in July, here’s a little about Love in Independence which takes place over the Fourth of July. 

Book Blurb for Love in Independence: They say love covers a multitude of sins, and for matchmakers Mercy, Martha, and Maude, it’s a good thing! Fearing the town’s new pastor is lonely, they decide to take matters into their own hands, and order him a mail order bride! Imagine his surprise when he finds out? Only he doesn’t! Mercy, Martha, and Maude see to that!

Winnie Longfellow has spent years caring for her sick mother, and now that she’s passed, has nowhere to go but her Aunt Eugina’s. But her aunt has other things on her mind, other problems to deal with, and so Winnie accepts a proposal from a pastor out west looking for a mail order bride. Little did she know, he was looking for so much more, anything more! He had no idea he’d sent for one! Now Winnie finds herself at the mercy of three madcap matrons, determined that love will find a way. Despite multiple misunderstandings, a horrid bully/gossip, and a woman she’s sure her intended will marry instead of her, Winnie discovers some things about herself, and finds that love really does find its way …

Kit MorganAuthor Bio:

Kit Morgan, aka Geralyn Beauchamp, has been writing for fun all of her life. When writing as Geralyn Beauchamp, her books are epic, adventurous, romantic fantasy at its best. When writing as Kit Morgan they are whimsical, fun, inspirational sweet stories that depict a strong sense of family and community. ‘His Prairie Princess’ is the first of the Prairie Brides books and the first in the series of a long line of stories about Clear Creek, Oregon. One of the wackiest little towns in the old west! Get to know the townsfolk in Clear Creek and come sit a spell!


An Interview with Sherry Ewing

Knight-Cover-Brown-Final-Front-WEB-1800x2700Tell us about yourself.

My name is Sherry Ewing and I write historical and time travel romances to awaken the soul one heart at a time. I began my writing career late in life after my children were all grown so I’m now making up for a lot of lost time.

Are you a full time writer or do you have a “day job”?

I actually hold a full time job as an Information Technology Specialist and spend my evenings and weekends on my writing. I would love to be able to spend all of my time writing. So much writing to do…so little time.

What genre(s) do you write in and why?

I write medieval, time travel and Regency era romances all with a happily ever after. I picked up my first historical when I was just a teenager and have been hooked ever since. It was only natural that I would write in this genre.

How many books have you written?

I have a total of seven and a half books completed. As of July 16th, I will have published my fourth book in my series. Although they can all be read individually, it’s best to read them in order due to the introduction of other characters. I love when characters that I’ve come to love pop into other stories from an author I read and I couldn’t help myself from doing the same with my books, although that wasn’t my original intention. Do you have a favorite? I love Katherine and Riorden from For All of Ever and Only For You are my favorites and this is the reason they have two books. I had so much fun writing their time travel story, I couldn’t fit it all in one book.

Tell us about your current series/WIP.

My current book that releases July 16th is A Knight To Call My Own and a medieval romance. It continues the story of Lynet from Clan MacLaren who was first introduced in my debut novel of last year, If My Heart Could See You. I’ve actually had readers ask me when I would write her story. I couldn’t disappoint them.

What is your next project and when will it be released?

I’m currently working with seven other Regency era writers called the Bluestocking Belles. We’re working on a boxset of novellas that will be released right before the holidays. All royalties from the sale of the boxset will go to our mutual charity, The Malala Fund.

How has your experience with self-publishing been?

There’s so much to learn when you self-publish. It’s been worth every second of my journey even though sometimes I feel like pulling out my hair because it’s a lot of work. I like the idea of keeping control of my novels and being able to make all my own decisions as to price, covers, content, etc.

What advice do you have for other authors wanting to self-publish?

I would highly recommend that you have, at the very least, four to five books ready to be published before you release your first one. If readers like your work, they’re going to be looking for your next release and you don’t want them to have to wait perhaps a year before they can get a hold of book two.

How long have your book(s) been out?

How long between books if you have multiple sales—and if you have multiples did you see a bump in sales with subsequent publication? My first novel, If My Heart Could See You, published July 2014. It hit Amazon’s bestseller list two days after the paperback release. Four months later (November 2014), I released For All of Ever and Only For You followed March 2015. I’ve been trying to have a release out every four months. I noticed a considerable bump in sales of all my books as each one has released. All have hit Amazon’s bestseller list upon release for the eBooks and I couldn’t be happier.

Do you have any rejection stories to share?

I once had an editor that I was pitching to say she didn’t like strong heroines and asked what else I had. Trying to mask shock, I then proceeded to pitch my time travel but I was more than ready to thank her for my time and excuse myself. I remained polite but it was obvious she wasn’t interested in anything I had. But that was okay. It was just another step that pushed me towards self-publishing. I’ve never regretted the decision.

A Knight To Call My Own ~ Excerpt from Chapter Six

“And what of now, Lynet,” Ian continued. He sought to pull her to him but she brushed off his attempts and folded her arms about her. He gave a heavy sigh.
“Now?” She cried out with a muffled laugh, showing how truly distressed she really was. “Now, my laird, you are far too late, or did you forget I am at present only a prize to be won to the highest bidder?”
“I am sure I can convince Dristan to halt this nonsense of finding you a husband amongst those who may want to win your hand,” Ian declared. “Besides, I must needs marry, else the elders of the clan plan on ensuring they choose a bride for me.”
“Oh, do they now?” she huffed. “And, I suppose, you think I would at least be biddable and thankful to become your wife more so than any other of your acquaintance?”
“Why should my bride not be, at least, someone with whom I am familiar? At least, I know you.”
“Ha! You do not know me, else you would have been here long ago and not kept me waiting six long years to see you again!”
He advanced on her ’til she felt the wall pressed against her back. With nowhere else to turn, she held him back by firmly placing her hands upon his chest. Touching him was a huge mistake, for there was nothing but hard muscles beneath her fingertips, as solid as the stones behind her!
“Tell me you are not happy to see me, sweet Lynet.” The huskiness in his voice was almost her undoing, yet again.
She lifted her eyes to meet his. Damn! Mistake number two! She would not give him the satisfaction of knowing just how much she had missed him. “I am not happy to see you!” she retorted meaningfully. Lifting her chin a notch, she prayed the expression she gave him was a defiant one. His chuckle led her to believe she had failed in her quest to appear indifferent to his charms.
“Perchance, you should tell your eyes that, little one, for your gaze tells me your lips speak a falsehood.” His grin was surely from the devil himself, as it broadened whilst she attempted to mask her feelings for him. His deep laughter rumbled in his chest, only giving evidence she had completely forgotten her hands were still pressed upon his granite like torso. She let go quickly with the feeling she had been burned.
“Go back to the Highlands and marry some other witless girl. I care not who you wed, as long as ’tis not me,” she yelled, pulling herself from his arms and making her way to the door. She slid the bolt back and opened the door, only to come face to face with a very angry brother-in-law.
“Is there something amiss here?” Dristan demanded.
“Nay,” Lynet cried out in frustration, “nothing is amiss. Ian and I are finished here. Let the damn games begin!”

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Sherry Ewing picked up her first historical romance when she was a teenager and has been hooked ever since. A bestselling author, she writes historical & time travel romances to awaken the soul one heart at a time. Always wanting to write a novel but busy raising her children, she finally took the plunge in 2008 and wrote her first Regency. She is a member of Romance Writers of America, The Beau Monde & the Bluestocking Belles. Sherry is currently working on her next novel and when not writing, she can be found in the San Francisco area at her day job as an Information Technology Specialist.

Website & Blog:

Interview with Jami Gray

BannerWhat genre(s) do you write in and why?

My chosen genres are Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance. I grew up on stories of magic in everyday life. For the longest time I really believed my freckles were directly related to the brownies who were sneaking in kisses while I slept.  I grew up on Disney stories, then moved on to Star Trek and other sci-fi books.  I hit high school and started sneaking my mom’s romance novels out of the house (sorry, mom!) to help supplement my book habit in-between the fantasy and murder-mysteries I was able to snag from the school library.  I headed out into the big bad world at 18, and as I stumbled through the maze of life, I discovered my characters were suddenly becoming harder to hurt (emotionally and physically).  I’m sure a therapist would have a field day with this, but needless to say my reading needs changed as well.  I started hunting down books where the heroine didn’t always need the hero to ride to her rescue.  Sometimes it was more satisfying if she rumbled up to his rescue on her Harley.

What is your favorite part of writing? What is your least favorite part of writing?

I’ll answer worst thing first, because it’s easier for me. The worst thing, finally getting a solution to that scene/character motivation/plot line you’ve been hung up for EVER while you’re in the shower—with shampoo in your hair and knowing you have to jump out and write it down before you FORGET IT.  This happens more than you want to know.

Best thing—readers who take time out of their lives to pick up your stories, fall in love with them, and then actually share that experience with you. Writing is a solo endeavor, so when a reader tells me how much they enjoyed a story, it makes my entire week!

What is your next project and when will it be released?

TOUCHED BY FATE is the second book in my Paranormal Romance series, PSY-IV Teams, and it will hit shelves in Spring of 2016. I’m actually undertaking multiple projects currently. I have a collection of short stories set in the Kyn universe for Fall 2015, then the fifth book in the series is up, and I decided to start on a third series, one where magic has no place. Scary, I know.

Shadows Edge CoverWhere do you get the ideas for your stories?

I wish I could share some profound inspiration, but yeah…no.  I always knew magic would be a key component of my world crafting.  One of the greatest mind benders for me has always been how would our world react to the existence of magic?  How well could the everyday populace handle the reality of werewolves, vamps, necromancers, demons, witches, and every other story ever told? And because life has a darker side and the Grimm Brothers never met Walt Disney, what would those in power do to harness such abilities for their own advantages?  Which meant Raine McCord, my main character for SHADOW’S EDGE, had to be intimately acquainted with the pros and cons of the reality of magic. She’s part of the magical world, but thanks to some human scientists who just couldn’t resist playing god, she’s a bit more than even she expects.  I was adopted at 14, so I find my main characters tend to come with some baggage and Raine’s not any different.  Since I firmly believe that you have two choices when life starts putting you through the wringer, stand up or fall down, my women (and men) tend to stand up, even if they’re weaving on their feet, faces bruised and battered, they’re up, so bring it.

Was your road to publication fraught with peril or a walk in the park?

Looking back, I’d have to go with a walk in the park with a few detours. It took me two years to get SHADOW’S EDGE polished enough to share. I went through a plethora of rejections before it was picked up by Lauri Blasch at Black Opal Books from a three line pitch contest by Savvy Authors.  Before that, I had non-fiction pieces published on National Public Radio and part of charitable anthologies, but my fiction took a bit longer. After six titles and two series under my belt, I think my path is rockier now than ever.

Do you have a view in your writing space?  What does your space look like? 

I share my writing space with my Knight in Slightly Muddy Armor, and I make sure my back is to his side otherwise my Type A personality would have an apoplectic fit. I inherited my dad-in-law’s banker desk, which holds my Big Mac (not the fast food sandwich) and my Little Mac, plus pens, notebooks, a desk calendar, a decorative skull and headphones. Oh yeah, two drink coasters because sometimes you need more than coffee. I have a view of my neighborhood to the left and generally my feet are joined by the Fur Minxes and their combined 100 pounds of canine love.

Do you prefer to read in the same genres you write in or do you avoid reading that genre? Why?

I actually tend not to read in the genre I’m currently working in. I won’t read UF while working on my Kyn series, and avoid romantic suspense when I’m with the PSY-IV Teams. Being an avid reader, I consume a great many books, gorge actually, and I find I don’t want my current work to skim along anyone else’s lines. The best way to achieve that, read in a totally separate genre than I’m living in.

Do you write under a pen name?   Why or why not?

Yep, I’m a pen name. Not for what you think, but because if I used my real name, I feared my readers would never find me. Not only would I be at the end of the alphabet, unless you know the German rules for vowels, my last name would never be pronounced or spelled correctly.

Please tell my readers a little bit about your book. 

 SHADOW’S EDGE is the first in my Kyn Kronicles, and the first full-length novel I completed and published. In it you get to meet Raine She comes across as a hardened warrior who’s courted death intimately. Yet her thick veneer of lethality hides the scars of a survivor. She’s part of the Kyn, the combined races of all those creatures humans scare each other with over campfires—witches, wizards, Fey, shifters, and demons. Yet, even as one of them, she stands apart—always. While she’d do whatever it takes to protect her people, she doesn’t really believe anyone would do the same for her. Due to traumas she suffered as a young teen, she has a difficult time accepting herself. Which in turn, makes her feel unworthy of anyone’s acceptance. At her core, Raine is no different than any of us—we want to be loved and accepted, even as we love and accept those around us.  Hard to do when you’re struggling to love yourself.

Jami Gray SmallBIO:

Jami Gray is the award winning, multi-published author of the Urban Fantasy series, The Kyn Kronicles, and the Paranormal Romantic Suspense series, PSY-IV Teams. She can be soothed with coffee and chocolate. Surrounded by Star Wars obsessed males and two female labs moonlighting as the Fur Minxes, she escapes by playing with the voices in her head.

 You can find me at:

Black Opal Books: 

Muse It Up Publishing:



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You can find all the buy links for both The Kyn Kronicles and PSY-IV Teams, in all formats at: 



Interview with Elaine Calloway

kobo_No Grits No Glory_HighRezTell us about your current series.

My Southern Ghosts Series is kicking into gear! The books are part romantic suspense, part humor, part mystery. The main characters are those who have the ability to see and hear ghosts. Sometimes this is a great thing, other times not so much. The Southern ghosts (who were all murdered in some form or fashion) must convince the living to help bring the killer to justice. This sets each book in motion, and the characters must make choices that will determine the fate of everyone involved.

The first two books are available now and I planning for ten books in the series. Book One, No Grits No Glory, is set in Savannah, Georgia. Book Two, Ticket to Die, is set near the Gulf Coast of Alabama. Readers seem to love the spooky element combined with the humor. That’s one consistent thing about the South—humor is everywhere!

What is your favorite part of writing?

When the character completely takes over and talks so fast, I can’t type enough to keep up. I suppose other writers might call this being “in the zone” but whatever it is, the feeling is blissful and I love days when I can attain it! I also love it when a character will surprise me, and things will suddenly come together at the end in a way I never could have predicted. Our characters are real and exist with their own demands inside our heads.

What is your least favorite part of writing?

When the characters don’t talk to me. Just like there are days when characters gab on nonstop, there are days when they remain silent for sport. Writing on those days is like pulling teeth, but eventually I get it done.

How has your experience with self-publishing been?

I love self-publishing. It’s a great time to be a writer and be able to go directly to the audience—readers—and not have to be blocked by the middleman of New York publishing. That being said, I always stress the importance of hiring a professional graphic designer to do my covers and a content/copy editor to read/critique the manuscript.

Before self-publishing existed, I was a frustrated writer. I would hear back from agents and editors on how much they loved my stories. They just didn’t know quite how to market them, or they’d just bought something in the same genre. I always seemed so close to getting a contract, and sometimes being inches away from one’s goal is more frustrating than ever. When self-publishing came to be “the new normal” it’s given me the chance to finally get my books in the hands of readers. That has been a fantastic opportunity.

Do you prefer to read in the same genres you write in or do you avoid reading that genre? Why?

I’m one who tends to avoid the genre I write in. Not sure why. Partly because I spend so much time trying to develop the characters, I don’t want anything muddying the waters. But I also love reading some things like thrillers and true crime that I don’t think I have the “voice” to write. Dennis Lehane, who writes crime novels, is one of my favorites but he’s not in my genre at all.

box_set_cover_alleyesWhat do you have planned for the future?

My immediate plans are to continue my Southern Ghosts Series. There will be ten books total, and only two of them have released thus far but readers are loving them which is great! So I will continue with Southern ghosts for a while, then perhaps think of a new series.

I plan to write one more book for my Elemental Clan Series before closing that series out. There are some offshoots I could easily write based on that series, but it may be a year or two before those are released.

I also have an idea for a 10-episode serial to release around the holiday season. I’m not sure if it will happen this year or next, but I like the idea of holiday-themed things and would like to try releasing an episode each week to see how readers respond.

Having achieved your goal to be a published author, what is the most rewarding thing?   

Hearing back from readers, telling me how much they enjoyed the story. How it kept them laughing and crying on a day when they were snowed in with no place they could go. How my settings are so vivid, the person thinks he has been right there. I had a blind reader tell me that once. I think that was the best comment I received.

taupe_textExcerpt from latest release, TICKET TO DIE:

Amanda Moss clutched the red amulet dangling around her neck as the Welcome to Alabama sign ushered her and her boyfriend, Jake, into the Heart of Dixie state. Notwithstanding the South’s humid reputation, an icy chill shot down her spine.

She shut her eyes tight. Breathed deep. This eerie, cold feeling had happened before. Fate never changed despite her wishes. Our family has always been different, dear. Why do you insist on hiding who you are? Her aunt’s age-old words echoed in her mind, taunted her with the truth.

“You okay?” Jake asked.

Amanda opened her eyes. No need to let Jake see her odd behavior. Not again.

“I’m fine. How much further?”

They’d left Athens, Georgia, at 8:00 a.m. and had taken back roads to enter Alabama on Interstate 10 near the Gulf Coast. Now the clock said 3:00 p.m. Her calves twitched and cramped from being in the car so long. If only she could snap her fingers and they’d magically be transported to Abandon, Alabama, in the blink of an eye.

Sadly, that desirable talent had been gifted to her aunt Anzhela, even though Amanda would gladly trade in an instant. Her own gift—if anyone could call seeing and hearing the dead a gift—kept her up nights, haunted her dreams, prevented a normal life.

Jake, the ultimate engineer, scanned every gauge on his Honda Civic dash with an analytical eye. “About an hour. Do you need to stop? There may not be much at the park.”

“We aren’t going to the inn first?”

She coughed, trying to swallow the growing knot at the back of her throat. Of course he wanted to see Zephyr Land first. The man wasn’t the type to waste daylight.

The old amusement park—now abandoned—had some kind of roller coaster enigma that he needed to research for his upcoming publication, one that would push him ahead of his colleagues for a department promotion at the University of Georgia. While he studied the coaster, she planned to log and photograph the wear and tear of the Victorian carousel for her apprenticeship entry. The ideal trip for both of them to get to know each other better while furthering their careers. She longed for a career that allowed her artistic development, an outlet for the vivid colors her mind painted. Carousels told stories…she could help restore their designs and preserve their tales.

Buy Links:

Southern Ghosts Series:

Book 1: No Grits No Glory

Book 2: Ticket to Die

The Elemental Clan Series Box Set:



Amazon bestselling author Elaine Calloway grew up in New Orleans with a love of cemeteries, gothic architecture and all things paranormal. She is currently writing The Southern Ghosts series and also continues to write the Elemental Clan series, and she has more ideas for new series and offshoots of existing ones. When she’s not writing (when is that?) she enjoys photography, binge watching great shows on Netflix, and spending time with family and friends. Connect with her online at

An Interview with Lexi Post

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000030_00038]What genre(s) do you write in and why?

I write erotic romance inspired by the classics, so I write in a number of genres. Currently, I am writing Paranormal, Contemporary, Contemporary Cowboy and Sci-Fi.  It all depends on where the original story takes me.

Tell us about your current series.

The Eden Series takes place on Eden, a planet of naked, well-built men. Their ancestors were taken from Earth by the Crius to populate the warm jungle planet, but these humans developed different abilities based on their Kindreds. Unfortunately, no females are ever born on Eden (their scientists are still working on this), so the men use Crius technology to go to Earth and find women open to the idea of life on other planets. Because there are so few women on Eden, each one must have at least two husbands or “beloved.” Not a bad place for a woman 😉

The first book, CRUISE INTO EDEN, shows how two men woo their Earth woman on a nude cruise. The second and newest in the series, UNEXPECTED EDEN, takes place in a jungle hideout on Eden and the men have no time to woo their chosen one because she is in danger on Earth. So the three men save her and her friend, which causes another whole set of issues.

What is your next project and when will it be released?

LexiePost_CowboysMatch_600X900My next book, COWBOY’S MATCH, is coming out August 4th as part of the 12 Alarm Cowboys box set. This book is the second book in the Poker Flat series.

Cowboy, Cole Hatcher, never thought becoming a firefighter to support his horse rescue ranch would lead him back to his first love, especially at the Poker Flat Nudist Resort fire. As soon as he sees Lacey Winters, his gut tells him she’s to blame but long buried feelings ignite and he can’t stay away.

Lacey is shocked to find the hunky firefighter is the same man that dumped her eight years ago. Though her heart is guarded, Cole is just too hot to resist and a night of erotic passion tears open old wounds.

Determined to prove Lacey started the fire that divided them, Cole leaves to investigate the past only to find more than he bargained for. Unfortunately, so much damage has been done that he’s not sure he can catch both a fire starter and the heart of the woman he never stopped loving.

Where do you get the ideas for your stories?

As I said above, I write erotic romance inspired by the classics. For example, I used Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Masque of the Red Death” as inspiration for my book MASQUE. I don’t retell the story, I get inspired by it. So in Poe’s story he had seven colored rooms. In my story I made each colored room a different sexual experience for the heroine. Then I took the figure of the Red Death and made him my hero who had good intentions that went horribly wrong. Then I left 73 of the original masque attendees as ghosts in my story and added a modern day heroine who buys the abandoned abbey. This all necessitated I write this story as an erotic paranormal romance. Each classic inspires the genre I write in. It’s fun because I never know where the original will take me!

BannerDo you have critique partners?

I have a critique partner who is worth her weight in gold. I also have a tough beta reader, an awesome editor and a picky proof reader. I also have a critique partner for my blurbs and author notes. And for whatever area I need expertise in, I reach out to friends, family and experts to be sure I get the facts correct. Every one of my books is a group effort as can be seen by my dedications and acknowlegments.

What is your favorite dessert/food?

I’m an ice cream-aholic. I even go so far as to make my own ice cream every weekend. I made mocha Heath bar crunch this past weekend. My favorites are Bailey’s, Malt, Cherry Vanilla, and Passion Fruit.

What genres are you drawn to as a reader?

I love reading historicals, paranormals, contemporary cowboys, sci-fi and time travel romances. I won’t read anything but romance and classic literature now. And don’t ask me to watch a movie that doesn’t end happily because I won’t do it, no matter how hunky the actor is who stars in it 😉

What are you currently working on?

I’m currently working on a paranormal erotic Christmas story set in contemporary Scotland. This one will be part of a series and I’m doing something completely different with it. I just hope my readers will like it. Luckily, I have friends in Scotland as well as a daughter-in-law from Edinburg, so I have experts to tap.

Having achieved your goal to be a published author, what is the most rewarding thing? 

Hearing from my readers. I love it when readers really enjoy one of my books. I also love it when they tell others about them or when they tell me they have a “book hangover.” That is the ultimate compliment because it means someone is still so attached to my characters and their story that they aren’t quite ready to pick up another romance. That’s what I now shoot for with every book. Hey, a girl’s gotta have a goal, right?


Khaos dropped Serena’s hand, the emotions roiling through him difficult to contain. No one ever asked about his family. He moved away from her, unseeing. The pain he kept buried daily rose up and closed his throat. Family was not a comfort to him but a source of anguish. The image of his mother’s gaze as she looked at him with disgust and fear flashed through his mind and he balled his fists.

Desperately, he forced himself to swallow. Don’t let her see your shame.

“Khaos?” The touch of her hand on his shoulder sent a shudder through him. She was happiness and love. Everything he craved to give her. He couldn’t let her see he wasn’t worth hers in return.

He should turn around. Smile at her. Not yet. She’ll see it in your eyes. He forced his fingers to relax and crossed his hand over his chest to grasp hers. Soft. Delicate. Some of his stiffness eased. “I didn’t know you were close to your family. Do you miss them?”

Her other hand rested on his arm. “Sometimes. Well, mostly when I’m afraid or unsure. They’re like a comfy blanket. You know, a safe place.”

He closed his eyes as he envisioned what that might be like. Serena wrapping him in her arms was the image he envisioned. His lips twitched and he turned toward her. “I hope you consider being with us a safe place too.”

“I do now. At first I wasn’t so sure. I mean, you came out of nowhere. But you saved me and you’ve welcomed me into your home. I’m very grateful.”

He stared into her round amber eyes, so large for her delicate face and so honest. He wanted more than her appreciation. He touched her cheek hesitantly, watching for any sign of withdrawal.

She turned her face into his palm and his heart skidded in response. To love her, touch her everywhere, would be paradise. He wanted her to look at him with need.

She broke away. “I think we should get to work, don’t you? We have a few items on our to-do list and Jahl, Toni and Sandale could arrive at any moment. We don’t want to be caught with our pants down.”


She looked at him, her gaze wandering down the length of his body, causing a rush of blood to flow to his groin. Her gaze stopped on his stiffening cock.

She swiftly raised her eyes to his face. “Never mind. Let’s just try to focus on what we need to do.”

He allowed himself a crooked smile. That he distracted her sent a warmth around his heart. Maybe Sandale was right. Maybe he could be worthy of her.

Lexi Post photoBIO

Lexi Post is a New York Times and USA Today best-selling author of erotic romance. She spent years in higher education taking and teaching courses about the classical literature she loved. From Edgar Allan Poe’s short story “The Masque of the Red Death” to Tolstoy’s War and Peace, she’s read, studied, and taught wonderful classics.

But Lexi’s first love is romance novels. In an effort to marry her two first loves, she started writing erotic romance inspired by the classics and found she loved it. Lexi believes there is no end to the romantic inspiration she can find in great literature. Her books are known as “erotic romance with a whole lot of story.”

Lexi is living her own happily ever after with her husband and her cat in Florida. She makes her own ice cream every weekend, loves bright colors, and you will never see her without a hat.


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Ellora’s Cave

Interview with Mary Martinez

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000026_00029]Tell us about yourself.

Well, that’s a loaded question. I have so many personalities, which one would you like to talk about first? Just kidding, sort of, I feel as if I belong to the family of each of my characters. Especially my Beckett family, I have walked their neighborhoods, visited their favorite places. They truly are real to me. Though it would freak me out, if I ever met someone who claimed to be one of them. So here goes, ME… I grew up in a small town in Utah the south part of the Salt Lake Valley. If you’ve ever watched Doc Holiday with Micheal J. Fox you’d be in the town I grew up in, not the squash part. I now live in a small town on the west side of the valley, and though it is growing way to fast it reminds me of the same movie. Small town America.

Together my husband and I have six kids, he has two girls and a boy, I have two boys and a girl. Now they’re all grown and we have eleven grandkids. We love it. We have papa and nana night every other Wednesday night. They all come over for dinner. It’s easier in the summer when we can sit outside.

We love to travel and New York City is one of our favorites, it helps that one of the kids live in Brooklyn. We love Venice, Key West, and Jamaica and many other places we have visited. This August we will be visiting London, England for a few days, then on to Edinburgh, Scotland. And last but certainly not least Ireland for ten days. That’s about it for me, I love family, friends, writing, and traveling.

Are you a full time writer or do you have a “day job”?

I wish I could write full time, but my husband is retired and one of us needs to have insurance and bring in an income. And that right now is, ME. I work for the state and if I have to have a job, at least I do like it.

What is your next project and when will it be released?

My fourth book of the Beckett Series. It’s titled Illusion and it is Reagan’s story. If all goes as planned it will be released at the end of June.

Can you list some Pros/Cons of self-publishing?

The biggest PRO is the control you have over everything. You have no one telling you that they don’t like what your character is doing. You have control over price, cover, length of story, etc.

The biggest CON is the fact that ALL books need to have a great editor and most of us can’t afford one. Luckily I’ve found someone that edits in my office. She edits for work, but she’s agreed to help me with my stories. Another CON is, sometimes you need someone to tell you that what your character is doing just doesn’t work. The time line is wrong, etc. That is why I have two critique partners and after my friend edits it, I have beta readers. Because no matter how good your editors, critique partners, etc. are, everyone is human and most the time something is missed.

What genres are you drawn to as a reader?

Thriller and suspense. I love a good Stephen King also.

What do you have planned for the future?

I am writing a middle grade with my three oldest grandsons when we started they were middle grade, hopefully we get it finish before they’re in college. It’s called History Mysteries. I hope to have it done this fall.

Do you or have you belonged to a writing organization? Which one? Have the helped you with your writing? How?

I belonged to Romance Writers of America and the Utah RWA if it weren’t for them I wouldn’t be where I am now with my writing. Although, right now I’m not a member, I hope to return someday.

muglogo2What sort of promo do you do? Do you have help?

I do the usual social media. But it seems that no matter what I do, my sales are about the same. I’m still looking for that magic promo tool. If anyone out there finds it, let me know! My new favorite is Pinterest. I’m still experimenting how to use it for promotion. Mostly, I just play on it.

Do you have any words of inspiration for aspiring authors?

My best advice to young authors, or any author, is to join a book club. Not one of those ones who read the heaviest book they can find, i.e. Catcher in the Rye. But those who just want to read a good book. When I joined my book club I never realized how beneficial it would be. I just thought it would be fun to read a book and then discuss over wine and dinner. Don’t get me wrong that is fun. But none of the other members are authors, they’re READERS. And they all have different tastes, it really helps me to see the book from a reader’s point of view instead of an author.


Here is a list of my links:

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Mary MartinezBIO

Mary lives in Magna, a little town west of Salt Lake City, Utah. Together with her husband, she has six grown children, and five wonderful grandsons and five beautiful granddaughters. Mary’s youngest daughter had, the fifth granddaughter, beautiful Elizabella Grace on May 28, 2014! And that isn’t all the additions. Her son and his fiance had a baby boy, Keegan in November 2014. That makes 11 grandchildren!

Mary and her husband love to travel, especially to the Caribbean for relaxing, and Italy for the wine. With the experience from the exotic places she has visited, she is able to fill her books with colorful descriptions of cities, painting a colorful backdrop for her characters.

They are avid concert ‘Ho’s’! Yes, they pretty much want to do them all. They love outdoor amphitheaters the best and attend as many during the warmer months as possible.

Mary and her husband are also enthusiastic college football fans. They have season tickets to the UTES, University of Utah Football and they tailgate every game. They love tailgating so much, that they were married at a tailgating in 1999.


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