Excerpt of Mission to Mahjundar by Veronica Scott

Thanks for having me as your guest! Always fun to come and talk books with you.

MissionToM2-FJM_Mid_Res_1000x1500_2I’ve recently published a new science fiction romance, Mission to Mahjundar, and in this one the heroine, Princess Shalira, is blind. One of my best friends in college was an amazing woman who had been blind since birth. I’d never known anyone who was blind, prior to meeting her, and Cheryl was awe- inspiring in her refusal to accept any limits. She taught me many things, and particularly how to use the other senses when one sense is denied. I always wanted to honor Cheryl by imbuing a character with her spirit and determination, but it had to be just the right story.

Two photographs provided me with the spark of ideas about where my princess lived and what she would have to accomplish during the novel. The first was a vintage perfume ad, with a woman in a gorgeous hooded cape, holding a bottle that glowed golden, and from that came an entire sequence of events in my mind where Shalira must retrieve sacred items from her mother’s tomb. Who would be standing at her side to help her? Sectors Special Forces soldier Mike Varone, of course. But as the military mission briefers warned him before he ever set foot on the planet: Nothing is simple on Mahjundar.

His real mission has absolutely nothing to do with Shalira and he knows he should avoid any entanglement with the details of her already arranged marriage. But he gets drawn into the situation nonetheless.

An old calendar photo was the second inspiration – a windswept temple on a barren plateau. Something about the photo told me this was the planet Mahjundar, and gave me an underlying feel for what the human civilization on the planet might be like.

This is the excerpt from the novel where Shalira tries to talk Mike into diverting from his assignment, to accompany her.

A little silence fell between them. Mike had the distinct impression the princess’s thoughts were elsewhere. Finally, she sighed. “At the presentation ceremony, did the minister ask if you’d be willing to ride in my caravan?”

“Ask? More of a threat.” Mike knew his frustration was showing. He sipped at the sweet drink. “Ride with you or have my own mission cancelled.”

“And you don’t sound pleased. I wish I could have made the request myself.” She nibbled on a cracker, brushing crumbs from her lap.

“Forgive me, Your Highness, but why do you want us to go with you?” He leaned forward. “I’m on an urgent mission. Your route causes me quite a delay, which I can’t afford without good reason.”

“You’re searching in the mountains for a lost military ship, aren’t you? To give those who died the proper burial, set their spirits free?”

“Well, yes.” Mike was aware Command had used those terms to explain the request for access to this closed world. The Mahjundans, with their various beliefs about spirits, death, and proper conveyance to the afterlife, understood and had consented to a burial detail. Of course there’s another, more important strategic reason for me to delay my hard-earned retirement and accept this last mission. He wasn’t about to explain the classified background to anyone, not even this beautiful, solemn woman whose proximity was definitely having an effect on him.

“But the dead have infinite patience, Major. Surely you can spare a few days for the living?” Leaning forward, she set her glass on the table, perilously close to the edge.

He shifted the glass to a safer location. “Your Highness—”

“You may call me Shalira, if you like.” Scooting slightly toward him, smiling, she raised her elegantly curved eyebrows. “One who has saved the life of a princess is entitled to the use of her name.”

“Thank you, I’m honored, Shalira, but—”

“Would you let the life you saved be lost so soon?” Tears shimmered in the depths of her unseeing brown eyes as she turned her face directly to him. Mike could¬n’t look away, even though he knew she wasn’t actually seeing him, or his reactions. He put his glass on the table too hard, cracking the base.

“There are those who don’t want me to reach my wedding. The palace rustles with rumors of plots, schemes in motion to take advantage of this final opportunity to kill me. Once I’m safe with my bridegroom-to-be, I’ll be beyond the schemers’ reach, but I have to get to him.” Shalira rubbed her elegant fingers across the pendant as if it were an amulet giving her strength. “I hope that if you ride with me, those who plan my murder will be afraid to proceed under the attention of outworlders.”

What do I say to this? He hadn’t anticipated an appeal along these dramatic lines. “Do you think the bomb yesterday was an attempt to assassinate you?”

“No, assuredly Maralika was the target.” Shalira shook her head. “The empress is pursuing a host of unpopular actions—forbidding the older forms of worship, tearing down temples, forcing the people to pay taxes to her new gods, consolidating power for herself and her son. My father is not a well man, Major. Everyone knows he doesn’t have long to live, and she plans to rule when he’s gone.”

“But there’s opposition to her?” Mike was aware there was. Planetary politics had been a prominent part of his briefing, but he was curious how much Shalira might add.

“Her son is the heir since my brother was murdered, but the throne of Mahjundar has often been claimed by bloodshed rather than by rule of law. I have to get away from here, before the emperor dies.” She laughed, the sound bitter. “Playing the Princess of Shadows won’t protect me after his death.”

“Princess of Shadows?” Nothing about that in our briefing. He remembered the empress had also used the term to refer to Shalira.

“It’s an old folktale about a girl of royal blood who hid from her enemies in the shadows of the palace walls, disguised as a beggar, until her true love rescued her.” Gesturing to her eyes, Shalira said, “It’s meant as an insult to me, since I can’t see, not even shadows, and I’ve lived the past fifteen years on the fringes of the court, out of the ‘sun.’

Here’s the book blurb:

An attempted assassination left Princess Shalira blind as a child and, now that she’s of marriageable age, her prospects are not good because of her disability. She’s resigned herself to an arranged marriage rather than face life under the thumb of her cold stepmother. But then she meets Mike Varone, a Sectors Special Forces officer sent to Mahjundar by the intergalactic government to retrieve a ship lost in her planet’s mountains. After Mike saves Shalira from another assassination attempt, she arranges for him to escort her across the planet to her future husband. She’s already falling hard for the deadly offworlder and knows she should deny herself the temptation he represents, but taking Mike along to protect her is the only way she’ll live long enough to escape her ruthless stepmother.

But what should have been an easy trek through Mahjundar’s peaceful lands swiftly turns into an ambush with danger around every turn. Shalira’s marriage begins to seem less like an arranged union and more like yet another planned assassination. The more they work together to survive, the harder it becomes to stop themselves from falling in love. Caught in a race against time, can they escape the hostile forces hunting them and make it off the planet?

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Veronica_Scott_square_photo_2Best-selling author Veronica Scott is a two-time recipient of the SFR Galaxy Award and has written a number of science-fiction and paranormal romances. Her novel Escape From Zulaire recently received the National Excellence in Romance Fiction Award for Paranormal and Futuristic Romance. You can find out more about her and her books at

Cowboys in Pictures by D’Ann Lindun

One of my favorite hobbies is taking pictures of the cowboys I know. Since I am a cowgirl, bred and born, it’s not difficult to find models. One of my favorite subjects is my pop. He is extremely photogenic and was a member of the SAG (Screen Actors Guild) at one time. Although he was never an actor, he has been in commercials and print ads for beer and cigarettes—a natural fit for him because he loves both!
Below are a sample of some of my favorite shots!
I have never had a fancy or expensive camera. Just small, inexpensive cameras, but ones that have taken some really nice shots over the years. Someday I’ll have a big, fancy one like Alannah does in Cowboy Bred, Cowboy Born.

Figure 1 Two good cowboys!

100_0482_2Figure 2 Fixing fence

IMG_0164_2Figure 3 Gathering cattle Cimarron, Colorado

Seven men as tough as the west…

Seven women who know how to…

Cowboy Up

A boxed set of seven romantic novellas by seven award-winning authors experienced with writing about the men of the West.

Always, Cowboy by Allison Merritt

The past is better left behind, unless it offers a brighter future.
Brody Longtree’s first love was bull riding, but he loved beauty queen Libby Dempsey equally as hard. When she turned down his marriage proposal, everything from his rodeo career to his love life went to hell. His love ran too deep for blame, so he made the best of what life threw at him. Things finally get back on track…and then she almost runs over his dog.
When her pageant dreams died in an embarrassing display of nerves, Libby made a new, cowboy-free life for herself. One where she could train other girls who want to be pageant princesses. One that doesn’t give her any reason to dwell on what might have been with Brody until his dog bounds into her heart. And she bounds into Brody’s bed.
Despite the differences in their lives, they mesh together, the way Brody always knew they would. No matter what, he’s waiting until he’s certain Libby is ready to get married before he asks again, but their relationship comes under fire when one of her friends reveals a secret about a little girl Libby is awfully attached to—a girl who’s the right age to be Brody’s daughter.

Under that snap front western shirt, did he still sport six-pack abs? She couldn’t count the number of times she’d helped him out of a similar shirt and put ice on his bruises after a ride. Or how often they’d parked at the lake and explored one another under the stars.
“Hot?” Brody asked.
“You’re flushed. We could go sit in the stands, maybe catch a breeze.”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“Can I ask you something, Lib?” Brody rose. His dark eyes were serious and a few lines bracketed his mouth. “Why’d you come tonight?”
Libby swallowed hard. “You asked me.”
“I only live an hour away and I didn’t have anything else to do tonight.” Tell him you miss him.
“You used to be more honest.” He slipped his hand around her wrist. “You missed me.”
“I—” Electricity buzzed through her from his touch. “Maybe a little.”
“Maybe a lot.” He pulled her into his arms. “You wouldn’t be here otherwise.”

About Allison Merritt:
A love of reading inspired Allison Merritt to pursue her dream of becoming an author who writes historical, paranormal and fantasy romances, often combining the sub-genres. She lives in a small town in the Ozark Mountains with her husband and dogs. When she’s not writing or reading, she hikes in national parks and conservation areas.
Allison graduated from College of the Ozarks in Point Lookout, Missouri with a B.A. in mass communications that’s gathering dust after it was determined that she’s better at writing fluff than hard news.
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Cowboys Don’t Cry by Vickie Taylor

A broken cowboy with nothing left to lose…except his heart.
Dash Connaway is hell-bent down a highway to nowhere. But he can’t outrun fate. Just a few months ago, he’d had a new album shooting up the country music charts, a luxury tour bus prepped for gigs in 39 cities, and a live-in girl friend he’d been thinking of asking to marry him. Now he’s just another drifter with an old guitar, a beat-up pickup, and a dog named Bill for a bed mate…until he meets Maggie McCain.
Maggie isn’t your ordinary Oregon rancher. She’s more into organic gardening and hand-spinning yarn from the fleece of her prized alpacas than breeding stinky old cattle. She’s a nurturer, a giver, so when Dash steps into her life from nowhere, she’s ready to trade in her solitary existence on the farm in favor of a husband to grow old with and a passel of children to care for.
But when she learns the real reason for Dash’s commitment to life on the road, she’s faced with a difficult choice and a lesson in the fallacy behind the old saying “Cowboys don’t cry.” Only time will tell just how potent the healing power of love can really be.

“It’s a girl,” he pronounced cradling the newborn alpaca in his arms.
The woman wiped her grimy chin with the back of her grimier hand. Tears tracked through the dirt on her cheeks. “You did it.” She pushed to her feet, but her legs looked none too steady. She picked up the rifle and leaned on it like a crutch.
Dash went to her, ready to catch her if she fell. “We did it,” he corrected.
“Yes, we did.”
He smiled and reached out to her free arm. It was meant to be a celebratory brush, a comfort…but it lingered a moment too long. The air changed.
Without warning, she swung her rifle up and rested the barrel against his chest. “Now who the hell are you, and what are you doing on my land?”

About Vickie Taylor:
Vickie Taylor published her first book in 1999 and quickly rose to the ranks of national best-selling and award-winning author. She enjoys all types of books, but especially paranormal, suspense, and western contemporary with the unifying theme being romance. Vickie always enjoys a good love story. She is the author of sixteen published novels and is a four-time nominee for the Oscar of the romance world, the Romance Writers of America Rita award. When she’s not writing or reading, she’s usually out riding horses, training search and rescue dogs, or volunteering with her local humane society. She is an avid supporter of the campaign to preserve America’s wild horses, and her latest release, Cowboys Don’t Cry is the first book in a new series featuring her beloved mustangs. Sign up for her newsletter to be notified when the next book in the series, The Horseman’s Widow, coming October, 2014, is available. Vickie loves to hear from readers and can be contacted via the methods below:

Website (where you can also sign up for her newsletter announcing new releases.) | Facebook | Twitter


A Cowboy’s Heart by Leslie Garcia

Teenage lovers torn apart by betrayal. Have seventeen years changed everything—or nothing?
Star-crossed lovers in their south Texas hill country high school, torn apart by a best friend’s lie, a mother’s cold hatred, and a father’s lack of trust…
High school junior Illy Kingston turns to varsity football star and cowboy in training Gil Salas when her father, a Border Patrol agent, is killed under suspicious circumstances.
Their hormone-fueled, all or nothing affair ends when betrayal tears them apart.
Years, later, Illy returns home, at loose ends after her disastrous marriage to a reality show rock star ends with an embarrassing photo gone viral and a divorce.
When Gil and his mounted Border Patrol make an unannounced civic call at a local elementary school, Gil is shocked to see Illy lurking in the shadows, threatening to upend his existence once again.
The old passion still burns—but neither can go back to the innocence of their high school affair. Illy swore never to love a man wearing a uniform that didn’t involve jeans, a western hat, and boots. Gil has a price on his head.
And star-crossed love doesn’t usually work for cowboys, either.


He stopped abruptly. Illy had told him to stop, and he hadn’t thought she meant it. The memory of her reacting to him, caressing him, wanting him, stormed back. And then, when Emma called, she’d turned off and fled in a fury.
Did she think he’d seen the picture? He’d seen it online, like the entire world had, according to all the social media. What if she thought he was just acting out what he’d seen? No matter how much the photo enraged and sickened him, he could only imagine her horror that her marriage was over, but that episode never would be.
Did she feel strange at all, being in his arms after that very public display with her ex-husband? His heart thudded dully. She must know he’d seen the picture, but what would it do to her if she knew the truth?
He closed his eyes. She was out of his life, and that was best for him. Because truth be told, he didn’t know if he could take her again and not remember the second most painful night of his life. The night he’d happened on Illy making love to her rock-star husband in public.

About Leslie Garcia:

Leslie P. García grew up lost among a crowd of six siblings and a menagerie that included more than twenty horses and ponies, uncounted dogs and cats, possums, raccoons—even a lion and monkeys. Then she moved to Texas, fell in love, was disowned—and embarked on her real adventures, raising 4 children, teaching hundreds, and loving 9 grandkids through forty years of marriage. The fabric of that colorful life has always been writing. In A Cowboy Heart, Leslie celebrates two of her passions—cowboys and the ever present chance at redemption in spite of past mistakes. Leslie loves hearing from readers and can be found all over cyber space, including these places:
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | E-mail: lesliegarcia2000-author@yahoo.com


The Heartsong Cowboy by Melissa Keir

Can two people, one horse and the power of love cure a little girl?
Angela French blames herself for her daughter’s lack of voice. Determined to do anything to correct the situation, she seeks out Jake Kyncade, the owner of The Heartsong Ranch.
Jake Kyncade hides his own sorrows behind his no-nonsense demeanor. Helping children becomes one way to correct his past. Using equine therapy, he sets out to make a difference.
Can Jake help Angela’s dreams come true or will Jake’s past bring more heartache? Will love save them all?


With Taylor asleep on the couch, Angela snuck the magazine out of her daughter’s sleeping hands before carrying her to her bed. After making sure her baby was tucked in, she turned out the lights and went to the kitchen. She sat down at the table to study the article about the horse whisperer. The photos gave off a peaceful feeling—so much so, she longed to jump into the images. Along with the horses, there were shots of children laughing and petting the animals. The article mentioned a little boy with Down’s Syndrome whose language increased after a week of animal therapy. The Heartsong Ranch. Even the name sounds encouraging. Dare I get my hopes up?
One photo in particular captured her attention. The owner, Jake Kyncade, wore jeans and a cowboy hat as he stood next to the ranch sign. She took a deep breath as butterflies circled in her abdomen. He’s sexy. Very different from Mike. Mr. Kyncade has this wounded look in his eyes. I wonder what his trauma was. I’ve gotten better at noticing it in others. Still, he’s good looking. Probably married with his own children.

About Melissa Keir:

Melissa Keir has always wanted to be an author when she wasn’t hoping for a career as a race car driver. Her love of books was instilled by her mother and grandparents who were avid readers. She’d often sneak books away from them so that she could fantasize about those strong alpha males and plucky heroines. In middle school and high school, Melissa used to write sappy love poems and shared them with her friends and still has those poems today! In college her writing changed to sarcastic musings on life as well as poems with a modern twist on fairy tales and won awards for her writing. You can find many of these musings along with her latest releases on her website and blog.
As a writer, Melissa likes to keep current on topics of interest in the world of writing. She’s a member of the Romance Writers of America, Mid-Michigan RWA Chapter, and EPIC. She is always interested in improving her writing through classes and seminars.
Melissa doesn’t believe in down time. She’s always keeping busy. Melissa is a wife and mother, an elementary school teacher, a movie reviewer, an owner of a publishing company as well as an author. Her home blends two families and is a lot like the Brady Bunch, without Alice- a large grocery bill, tons of dirty dishes and a mound of laundry. She loves to write stories that feature happy endings and is often seen plotting her next story.
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Cowboy Trouble by Autumn Piper

She’s decided to make some bad choices this weekend.
Susie Howell has always done what her family expects of her, but they don’t know about the divorce papers she’s just signed, or the secret torch she carries for sexy ranch hand Cash. When keeping the secret gets to her, she flees her brother’s wedding reception. Determined to live a little, she swipes the nearest truck from the ranch and heads to Sin City.
Cash Acosta has worked hard for everything he has, and nobody is taking off with his truck. When he sees it driving away, he jumps in—and becomes the unwilling passenger of a ready and willing woman he’s forbidden to touch. Hell-bent for trouble, the boss’s sister has already earmarked him as one of her “bad choices”.
And Susie intends to get what she wants.

“So that’s why you’re runnin’.” Under the parking lot lights, his eyes were pitch black. He thumbed a tear from her cheek.
She tried for a more ladylike sniffle, blinked away her tears. Nodded, for lack of a better reply.
“When I hear a beautiful woman wants to make some mistakes, my gut instinct is to help her out with that.” His thumb brushed her lower lip. “Hearin’ she’s single…that’s another checkmark in the pros column.” Hypnotized, she barely breathed as he cupped her jaw in his fingers and that gaze riveted on hers. “Seein’ her cry? What choice do I have?” He bent to her, his lips hot and strong, skilled as they teased hers apart, his tongue waking feelings she’d forgotten. And Lord, it may be too soon, it may be wrong, but she wanted. Wanted Cash, his hands, his mouth, his… She grabbed onto his hard shoulders, slipped her hands up his neck, buried her fingers in that thatch of hair. And kissed him like there was no tomorrow. Of course there was. Sexy, brooding, womanizing Cash wanted her, and he’d be hers, at least for this trip.

About Autumn Piper:
Born and raised in itty-bitty Rifle, Colorado, Autumn Piper studiously avoided trouble…but is now inclined toward it, particularly in her novels. She thinks the best things in life are funny, and the runners-up, romantic.
An admitted carb addict, Autumn writes, edits, manages two teenagers, two cats, a box turtle with a huge personality, one husband and many supersize houseplants, and does the cooking and cleaning when forced to.
To sign up for Autumn’s occasional newsletter: http://mad.ly/signups/105424/join
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Chasing a Cowboy by Sara Walter Ellwood

He’s running from heartbreak. She’s chasing after love… Their hearts will never be the same.
Paige Morgan has lived her entire life in the glare of her fraternal twin sister’s star. Although the sisters are as different as sun is from the moon, Paige fell in love with the same man as her famous swimsuit model sister. When country superstar Chase Jordan is dumped at the altar by her twin, Paige sees an opportunity to go after the one thing of her sister’s she’s always wanted. She finds Chase in Cabo San Lucas nursing his broken heart in the true country song fashion—with a bottle of Jose Cuervo—and reminds him of the desire he once felt for her. Will this singing cowboy change his tune as they set the tropical nights on fire? Or will Paige be the one singing the blues when her sister shows up wanting her man back?

All of his hopes and dreams shattered on what should have been the happiest day of his life. Today, instead of settling in for their two-week vacation and only getting out of bed to eat, he was nursing a bottle of Jose Cuervo. Why had he come here? His brother was right; he could have easily eaten the cost of the trip. Chase had insisted that he had to escape for a little while, lick his wounds and come up with a plan before he had to go back on tour in a few weeks. Jack accused him of wanting to punish himself. Why else would he go to the place he and Kayla were to have their honeymoon? Had he come here to remind himself of what should have been? He shook his head, hoping to dislodge the thoughts, and turned to gaze out the other side of the bar.
A woman stood on the walkway staring at him through a pair of Aviators. Her long blonde ponytail shimmered in the sun like spun gold. He narrowed his eyes. Was he now hallucinating?
She entered the bar and headed toward him. Sitting on the stool beside him, she removed her sunglasses to reveal a pair of expressive hazel eyes. “Surprise.”
“Paige? What the hell are you doing here?”

About Sara Walter Ellwood:
Although Sara Walter Ellwood has long ago left the farm for the glamour of the big town, she draws on her experiences growing up on a small hobby farm in West Central Pennsylvania to write her contemporary westerns. She’s been married to her college sweetheart for over 20 years, and they have two teenagers and one very spoiled rescue cat named Penny. She longs to visit the places she writes about and jokes she’s a cowgirl at heart stuck in Pennsylvania suburbia. Sara Walter Ellwood is a multi-published author and publishes paranormal romantic suspense under the pen name Cera duBois.
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Cowboy Bred, Cowboy Born by D’Ann Lindun

Freedom or family? Only love can make the choice.
Photographer Alannah Murphy refuses to be tied down. She watched her parents struggle to hold onto their dairy farm until it killed them. The mere thought of the same fate makes her shudder. When she meets rancher Sterling Gentry she has to face her fears, or lose him.
Sterling Gentry longs for someone to hand his ranch down to. Like his father before him, he has sacrificed everything to hold onto the land his ancestors settled. But finding Ms. Right proves harder than he imagined. Then he meets Alannah Murphy with her big city ways. How he can ever take a chance with a woman exactly like his mother, who abandoned him when he was a child?
Despite their determination to stay the course they’ve each chosen, attraction pulls them together as steadily as a nail to a magnet. Can these two find a way to mesh Alannah’s need for freedom and Gentry’s desire to hold onto his land?

Still snapping photos, the woman approached him. When she came within speaking distance, she waved. “Hello.”
“Who the hell are you? And what are you doing in the middle of the road? Don’t you know better than to stand in the way when somebody’s herding stock?”
Her mouth opened and closed a couple times. “I didn’t think—”
“Hell no, you didn’t think,” Gentry shouted. “Damn it anyway.”
“I’m sorry,” she said in a small voice. “The shot was just so good…”
The shot? She’d ruined hours upon hours of exhausting work because she’d wanted a picture? Who the hell would do something so stupid?
Only a damn greenhorn.
For the first time he noticed her get-up. A straw hat only a city girl would wear, floaty pink top with tiny straps that left her bare shoulders exposed to the unforgiving Arizona sun, cut-off jean shorts and red cowboy boots. Daisy Duke personified. He shook his head in disgust.
Reality crashed over him.
The New York photographer his mother had enticed out here, hoping an article in The Cowboy magazine would bring attention to the Santa Gertrudis cattle they raised.

About D’Ann Lindun:
Falling in love with romance novels the summer before sixth grade, D’Ann Lindun never thought about writing one until many years later when she took a how-to class at her local college. She was hooked! She began writing and never looked back. Romance appeals to her because there’s just something so satisfying about writing a book guaranteed to have a happy ending. D’Ann’s particular favorites usually feature cowboys and the women who love them. This is probably because she draws inspiration from the area where she lives, Western Colorado, her husband of twenty-nine years and their daughter. Composites of their small farm, herd of horses, five Australian shepherds, a Queensland heeler, two ducks and cats of every shape and color often show up in her stories!
D’Ann loves to hear from readers! Please contact her at:
Website | Facebook Page | Twitter | Amazon Page | Email: dldauthor@frontier.net
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Keepsake by Heather Boyd

If you’re a lover of regency romance be sure to check out Keepsake, Book 5 of the Distinguished Rogues which releases this month. The Marquess of Taverham married young and fast with his eye firmly on his bride’s dowry as the means to repair the family fortunes for the next generation. Too late he discovered his new wife wasn’t going to make achieving all of his dreams that easy. It’s wicked regency fun when the runaway bride comes back. Let the war begin…

Keepsake_DC200_2An Excerpt from Keepsake:

Crisis averted. Husband prevented from an act of utter foolishness. Miranda Reed, reluctant Marchioness of Taverham, hurried to the back entrance of the Theater Royal and collected her cloak from the waiting theater maid. Her heart beat a wild rhythm, which she knew would take a quiet room and considerable time to calm, perhaps even requiring a dose of the potion her physician had insisted was necessary to calm her heart and maintain her proper health. She grimaced and snapped open her fan to beat a cooling breeze across her hot cheeks and neck.

The distasteful business of proving she was very much alive was behind her, and now all she had to do was collect her son from the tutor she’d chosen for his instruction during her long illness. Then they would take up a suitable residence in Town and be together once more. She had no intention of living with her husband even a single day, though it was high time he became acquainted with Christopher.

To her regret, the theater’s production of The Beggar’s Opera resumed with no thought to her heart, a cacophony of sound that stirred Miranda’s happiest memories to the front of her mind and turned those remembrances to ashes.

And yet Miranda was pleased with her return to society tonight. She’d succeeded in seeing her husband on her terms without losing control of the situation. How nice to have had the upper hand. It was a rare day when one could control a situation that involved the Marquess of Taverham and his simpering lover, Lady Brighthurst.

She wasn’t unduly surprised they were as close now as the day Miranda had married Taverham. Society might speculate on the true state of that friendship, but Miranda had seen the truth with her own eyes. Being betrayed on her wedding day was not something Miranda was ever likely to forget.

Her only servant, a burly man with a face scarred enough to frighten the masses, stepped from the shadows to reveal himself. “The carriage will be but a moment, my lady,” Peter Landry informed her in his deep, rumbling voice that had once sent a chill through her soul.

As a child visiting her grandfather’s warehouse on the docks of the London shipping yards, Landry’s large body and voice had terrified her. As an adult no longer prone to hysterics, she’d learned to place her faith in him when she wanted something done. He’d dogged her shadow ever since their paths had crossed by chance during the first year she’d left Taverham’s home, and a more faithful and protective servant a lady in hiding could never find.

She smiled. “Excellent.”

There was not much that distressed Miranda now. She’d seen the best of life and the worst. She’d even recovered from an illness that might have claimed her life, although that convalescence had taken over two years. Time wasted and time stolen from her son. She would make it up to Christopher somehow.

HeatherBoyd_200_2Author Bio:
Bestselling historical author Heather Boyd believes every character she creates deserves their own happily-ever-after, no matter how much trouble she puts them through. With that goal in mind, she writes sizzling regency romance stories that skirt the boundaries of propriety to keep readers enthralled until the wee hours of the morning. Heather has published over twenty novels and shorter works. Catch her latest news www.heather-boyd.com. She lives north of Sydney, Australia, and does her best to wrangle her testosterone-fuelled family (including cat Morpheus) into submission.

Three fun facts about Heather:

1. I have 8 rules I live by – ‘Choose a dentist that isn’t stingy with painkillers’ is right at the top.

2. I have a cuddly large cat but I need Teflon grade lap rugs to avoid being clawed to death. He’s adorable but very restless.

3. I consider dessert an essential part of every great meal. Pavlova, Tim Tam Cheesecake, Trifle (nicely embellished by port on the cake). I blame/thank my parents for my sweet tooth. 

Connect with Heather about this book: http://goo.gl/FDy7N6

Yellowstone to Yellowblown by Jill Hughey

VQ_0098_JHughey_Eruption_lowres_final_2Today I’m visited by J. Hughey who is talking about her new New Adult contemporary romance, Eruption: Yellowblown™ Book One. J. Hughey is the pen name for historical romance author Jill Hughey. As a special treat for one lucky commentor, Jill would like to send them some oversize Eruption bookmarks, so be sure and leave her your email.

First of all, what is the New Adult genre?

It fits in the gap between young adult and adult, and generally deals with coming of age themes. Often racier than would be appropriate for a young adult read because the lead characters are in their late teens and early twenties.

What is the premise for the series?

A normal college girl is confronted by a global disaster when the Yellowstone volcano erupts. She and her family are far enough east that they aren’t immediately endangered and life goes on for awhile, but as ash mucks up the works over much of the U.S., she has to figure out how to get a life while stuck back home with her family. And a cute guy. For a little while.

How did you get the idea for Yellowblown™?

This story idea in particular built really slowly for me. Originally, I was probably thinking about how my family would survive an eruption. (And why would a sane person be thinking about that? Because I majored in geology in college, and the Yellowstone/Wydaho region is my absolutely favorite place in the world, so I think about this stuff.) Anyway, originally the scenario used a family like mine, but I don’t personally enjoy reading stories about middle-aged people muddling along with their teenagers so I certainly didn’t want to devote a lot of time to writing something like that. Instead, I created a young heroine whose world should be expanding into adulthood yet begins to retract.

What is your heroine like?

Violet starts out as a typical late teen girl. She’s worried about her looks and her future, thrilled to get back to college after a tough summer stuck with her nosy mom. What she really wants is independence and she can tell she’s right on the cusp of getting on with her life.

Is there a hero?

Omigod yes. I adore Boone Ramer. He’s a Nebraska cattle rancher, super nice, level headed, All-American guy. He wears plaid shirts and doesn’t swear (much) and holds the door for girls. Sounds like a total nerd but so, so not. (I modeled him on a youthful version of Branch from the Longmire TV series.) Violet thinks she likes bad boys but she had the hots for him all of freshman year. Circumstances kept them apart and she told herself through the summer he isn’t into her. Thank goodness he makes his move pretty quickly when the new semester opens, and Violet discovers he might have a bit of rebel in him, especially when Yellowblown prepping starts.

Any there any other important relationships for Violet?

I struggle to call this story a romance because she has so many other people who make her happy/nuts. Her best friend is her college roommate, Mia, who is a tough, sexy Jersey girl. Tons of fun but carrying a burden from her home life. Violet also has the mom who drives her crazy, a dad she thinks is awesome, and a younger sister who is at that weird stage of being an adult one day and spoiled hormonal nightmare the next. As conditions worsen, we meet her grandparents and lots of neighbors who are all contending with the same challenges Violet’s family is.

The Eruption starts on September 13. What’s next?

Yellowblown™ is definitely a series, and the second book, called Rhyolite Drifts, continues the interrupted romance with Boone while Violet’s family deals with some heartbreaking challenges. My goal is to release it before the end of 2014. Also, as you know since you’re part of it, I haven’t totally stopped writing historical romance. We’ll both be in a Love Historical anthology before the end of the year!

Eruption is available for preorder at the special price of 99 cents until a short time after its release. http://www.amazon.com/Eruption-YellowblownTM-Book-J-Hughey-ebook/dp/B00MRHAIRO

I saw him holding Hoag Hall’s front door open for some girls who’d dressed for success the first day of class. My armpits got really sweaty, like they did every time I’d thought about him this summer, which had been pretty often.

Pathetic, since I’d intended to forget him after realizing his words in February had been kindness, not truth.

Six months of rejection didn’t stop me from smoothing my hands down the legs of my shorts when Boone, irresistible as always in a dark green T-shirt with a little V at the neck and faded plaid shorts, walked in the classroom carrying a stack of stapled papers. My first syllabus of the year, no doubt. Why geology, why, why, why, with him as TA and Mom’s college degree in it? And why did I sit in the second row like a geek? No one sat in the front row so I was a total, total geek.

With his papers delivered to the lecturer’s table up front, he walked directly to me, as if he’d known I was there. Like, maybe, he’d been watching for me like I’d been for him. My face felt hot as I sat up in my seat.

“Hi Violet,” he said with the awesome smile that showed off his blunt jaw.

“Hey,” I managed.

“How was your summer?”

“It sucked,” I blurted.

He laughed, and I thought I heard some chick behind me sigh at the throaty sound.

“Whoa,” he said. “There must be a story there.”

“Not much of one. My mom. Remind me to never spend another summer at home,” I said, quickly rediscovering the easy banter that always made me want to spend more time with him.

“Maybe I’ll do that.” His eyes flicked down the front of my sleeveless floral blouse, feminine and flowy over the form-fitting tank top beneath it. His glance wasn’t sex-predator freaky, but appreciative, like a guy checking out a girl he wants to know better.

Dr. Potter cleared his throat. “Duty calls,” Boone said, turning away.

“Doesn’t it always?”

He stopped mid-stride to look over his shoulder at me, mouth lifted in a half smile. I’d struck the mark with my little barb, and I lifted my eyebrows to acknowledge the hit.

When Boone handed out the syllabuses or syllabi—or whatever the plural form was—he made a point to give me the bottom one.

A Western Case Copperheads football sticky note fluttered on it. Blocky handwriting, from a pen about to run out of ink said, “Pregame party on Saturday? Text me.” And his cell number.

I tried to act like senior guys I’d been crushing on asked me out every day, while inside, July 4th fireworks zinged through me until my fingers went numb. With my best “whatever” expression, I fumbled to move the sticky from the first page to the fourth page of the syllabus (four pages!).

I hardly heard a word the prof said.


JillAuthorNew_2About The Author
J. Hughey knows what a girl wants. Independence. One or two no-matter-what-happens friends. A smokin’ hot romance. A basic understanding of geological concepts. Huh? Okay, maybe not every girl is into geology, but J. Hughey is, and in the Yellowblown™ series she combines her passion for a timeless love story with her interest in geeky stuff to help Violet Perch get a life, despite an ongoing global catastrophe.

Where to find J. Hughey
Website: www.jillhughey.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/jillhugheyromance
Twitter: @jillhughey
Newsletter Subscribe: http://www.jillhughey.com/contact

Thank you so much for welcoming me here today, Cynthia.

Poetry and paintings by JoAnne Myers

Poetry_Cover_2“Poems About Life, Love, and Everything in Between” is a poetry collection that provides a glimpse into the heart, mind and soul, of its author JoAnne Myers. It is a heartwarming read, written with love and respect for others. Some poems were written in times of sorrow, other poems were written in times of joyous celebration. Life if like that.


Looking out the window,
the cool air rushes by.
No time for me it has,
Overlooking_the_Lighthouse_2 the leaves of summer on its mind.
Hard is my life,
like the callous hands of a tenacious man.
Longing for much, dreaming of more.
The passing of time is now my friend.
My carefree days of youth has soared.
Nothing left but dreams and memories to contend.
Living with the indulgence of my selfish want.
* * * *
That shallow stream we once knew.
Is now the victim of late unused.
Its once glimmering waters held,
childhood joys and life abound.
The bottom full of sand and mud,
became victim to the sun-dried dust.
Once gleaming sprouting green,
surrounded its banks as high as knees.
Then Mother Nature swallowed her whole,
leaving nothing behind to serve or please.
Now one’s feet shall wade no more.
Where once sweet water ran swift and clean.
No longer quenches thirsty deer and boar.
So when one comes back to see,
the place where fish swam and jumped,
finds only sorrow instead of glee.
In joyous thoughts of yesteryear,
memories hold tight to what was dear.
Like gazing in an ageless mirror,
a withered stream can be no more.
* * * *

Lighthouse_On_The_River (1)_2This collection of personal poems is available at http://outskirtspress.com/bookstore/1478734760.html.

These poems were inspired by JoAnne’s love for nature, God, veterans, family and friendships, it is a heartwarming read written with love and respect for others.

JoAnne will be awarding two winners a print copy of this unique and page turning read for commenting.

Soon available through Amazon and Barnes & Noble and other book distributors

my_photo_apr_2011 (2)_2Author Bio:

I have been a long-time resident of southeastern Ohio, and worked in the blue-collar industry most of my life. Besides having several novels under my belt, I canvas paint.
When not busy with hobbies or working outside the home, I spend time with relatives, my dog Jasmine, and volunteer my time within the community. I am a member of the International Women’s Writing Guild, Savvy Authors, Coffee Time Romance, Paranormal Romance Guild, True Romance Studios, National Writers Association, the Hocking Hill’s Arts and Craftsmen Association, The Hocking County Historical Society and Museum, and the Hocking Hills Regional Welcome Center. I believe in family values and following your dreams. My original canvas paintings, can be found at: http://www.booksandpaintingsbyjoanne.com

Other books by Jo Anne:

“TWISTED LOVE,” a true-crime anthology
“MURDER MOST FOUL” a detective/mystery anthology
“LOVES’, MYTHS’ AND MONSTERS’,” a fantasy anthology
“THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY,” a biography true-crime
“WICKED INTENTIONS” a paranormal anthology

Other books soon available:

“FLAGITIOUS,” a detective/mystery anthology available in September

Email: joannemyers@frontier.com


Website: Books and Paintings by JoAnne

Romance, Life, and Happy Endings by Paty Jager

I’ve always had an active imagination that revolved around romance. I’m not sure if it was from the fairy tales I read, the television shows I watched, or the fact it is just something that is inherent in me. I was a voracious reader through school. But I wouldn’t read any sissy, skinny books. No. I picked the fattest books I could find in my school library. Those were books by Phyllis Whitney and Victoria Holt. Fat gothic romances.

As a new mother, I read mysteries, with a romance thrown in the mix here and there. Then one day I picked up a LaVyrle Spencer novel. Her book, Hummingbird, took me on a whole new path of reading enjoyment and clenched the romance genre I wanted to write. I could write about the history I loved and conjure up people who could come to life not only for me but for readers. I could make characters love and hurt and love again. And always, always have a happy ending. After all, what is life if you can’t imagine a happy ending in your future?

What is your favorite romance book you’ve read? Was it recent or one that has stuck with you over the years?

Remember I like to make my characters love, hurt, and love again? Here’s an excerpt from Spirit of the Mountain, Book One of the Spirit Trilogy set among the Nez Perce band that wintered and summered in the Wallowa Valley of NE Oregon.

The feel of her body set off needs he’d repressed since becoming a spirit. His head told him to set her away, instead, his arms wrapped around her, pulling her close. He savored the feel of her young curves and the fresh scent of her clean hair. Nuzzling her long neck, his lips registered the vibrations in her throat as she sighed.

He gathered Wren onto his lap, running his hands up and down her body, learning her shape. Her hands twined in his hair before drifting down his back. This caressing would only make the separation harder on them both, but he could not let her go without knowing how she felt in his arms.

She snuggled her head against his neck and sighed again.

Himiin looked down. Her eyes were closed. An innocent smile curved her mouth.

He traced a fingertip across her smooth lips.

Her tongue darted out, touching his finger. The soft pink tip sent a bolt of lightning straight to his groin. If this caressing continued, he would take her right here under the tree. The thought brought him to his senses. He could not harm another mortal.

Even though his intentions were to please her, to touch her in this way would dishonor her and possibly damage the peace offering.
“We should walk.” He helped her to her feet and stood.
Her eyes questioned, but he couldn’t tell her the emotions raging inside. She could never know how her leaving would rip him apart. Her decision was hard enough without him complicating matters.

Blurb and buy links:
Evil spirits, star-crossed lovers, and duty…which will prevail?

Wren, the daughter of a Nimiipuu chief, loves the mountain and her people—the Lake Nimmipuu. When a warrior from the enemy Blackleg tribe asks for her hand in marriage to bring peace between the tribes, she knows it is how she must fulfill her vision quest. But she is torn between duty and her breaking heart.

Himiin, as spirit of the mountain, watches over all the creatures on his mountain, including the Nimiipuu. When Wren shows no fear of him as a white wolf, he listens to her secret fears and loses his heart to the mortal maiden. Respecting her people’s beliefs, he must watch her leave the mountain with the Blackleg warrior.

When an evil spirit threatens Wren’s life, Himiin rushes to save her. But to leave the mountain means he’ll turn to smoke…

Kindle / Nook / Apple / Kobo / Windtree Press

Spirit_of_the_Lake_2Excerpt from Book Two – Spirit of the Lake

Wewukiye stood. He made eye contact with each man and left the lodge.

He stood in front of the lodge scanning the area in search of Dove or Crazy One. Men, women, and children stared back. His appearance would cause talk, but he would enter their village again to save Dove from being questioned. He was the one who took the drawing from the White man’s dwelling, and he should be the one to suffer the consequences, not her.

The drawings on a hide-covered dwelling revealed Crazy One’s tipi. The shaman’s comment still stunned him. He knew the man held powers, but did he actually talk to the Creator? He would ask Sa-qan. If she spoke to him again. Once she discovered he had revealed himself to the Lake Nimiipuu he knew he would get a stinging lecture.

He stopped in front of Crazy One’s dwelling.

“May I enter?” he asked loud enough for the inhabitants to hear, but not the surrounding curious onlookers.

The flap moved and Crazy One smiled at him. He ducked into the small tipi. His heart stalled once his gaze lit on Dove’s pale, worried face.

He knelt beside her, taking her cold hand in his. “All is well. I told them it was I who found the drawing, and my idea to leave it for them to find.”

“They believed you?” Her voice shook with disbelief.

Her cold hand and trembling lips spun regret in his gut like a tidal pool. He pulled her into his arms and hugged her. The slight bulge of her belly pushed against him. “Yes they believed me. They now doubt Evil Eyes.” He spoke into her hair. Her head tucked protectively under his chin. Her curves, a perfect fit in his arms, surpassed all his dreams.

She pushed against his chest, and he released her. Her cheeks grew darker, her eyes remained downcast. “Do they now believe me?”

The one thing he wished to give her he could not. Her proof would have to come with the child growing in her.

“They did not say. But they questioned my knowing you.” He took her hand, encouraged by their recent embrace. “The Shaman said the Creator wishes me to stay with the band until heel-lul.”

Her eyes widened and shone like stars in the darkest night. A smile slowly tipped her small mouth. “You would travel with us, stay in the village, and be near when I give birth?”


Blurb and buy links:
Can a spirit set upon this earth to see to the good of the Nimiipuu stay true to justice when revenge burns in his heart?

Wewukiye, the lake spirit, saves a Nimiipuu maiden from drowning and bringing shame to herself and her family. Learning her people ignored her accusations against a White man who took her body, leaving her pregnant,Wewukiye vows to help her through the birth and to prove the White man’s deceit.

Dove slowly heals her heart and her distrust as Wewukiye, the warrior with hair the color of the sun, believes in her and helps her restore her faith in her people and herself.

On their quest for justice, Dove reveals spiritual abilities, ensnaring Wewukiye’s respect and awe. But will these abilities seal their future or tear them apart?

Kindle / Nook / Apple / Kobo / Windtree

Spirit_of_the_Sky_2Excerpt from Book Three – Spirit of the Sky

“What’s your name?” he asked after taking a drink.


“Saw what?”

“It means bald eagle.”

“Your light colored hair is about as white as a bald eagle’s head. But who would name a girl bald eagle?” He shook his head and chewed some more, watching her.

His attitude toward a name The Creator bestowed upon her prickled annoyance across her shoulders.

“You look more like a Sadie, Susie, or—” Wade let the images of past women by these names fade. This woman was different in so many ways he couldn’t compare her to others.

Wincing, he drew his body up, sitting with his back against the side of the cliff.

“Is your name Lieutenant?” she asked, once again changing the subject.

“Sort of. My military name is Lieutenant Wade Watts. My civilian name is Wade Andrew Watts.”

“You have many names. You must be a good soldier. Only the bravest warriors have many names for all their brave actions.”

She turned from him but not before he noticed her cheeks tinge a deeper red.

“I’d prefer it if you called me Wade. And I’ll call you… Angel. I have a feeling you saved my life and with that white hair you look like an angel.”

“I am Sa-qan. I do not want a so•yá•po name.”

She folded her arms across her chest, pushing her breasts up, displaying a portion of their soft mounds through the neck opening in her buckskin dress.

“What is so•yá•po?” He did his best to try and pronounce the word the same as Angel.

“It is how we call the White man.”

“Angel has been used as a name for women, but it means a spirit who floats in the clouds and delivers messages from our God to the mortals on earth.”

Her body straightened, and her eyes narrowed, peering at him intently. “This is a name for a woman, a spirit, who flies?”

“Yes. Why does that make a difference?”

She smiled and his heart leapt into his throat. He thought her beautiful from the first moment he saw her standing in the river fiercely protecting the child, but watching her tense face relax and smile, he was smitten. A light and pleasing calm washed over him for the first time in a very long time. He could only bask in the moment briefly. They were enemies.

Blurb and buy links:

Can enemies not only work for peace but find love?

Sa-qan, a Nimiipuu eagle spirit, must take a human form to save her mortal niece when the Nimiipuu are forced from their land by the U.S. Army. Sa-qan strives to remain true to her spirit world and her people, but finding an ally in a Cavalry Officer has unraveled her beliefs.

During battle with the Nimiipuu, Lt. Wade Watts finds a blonde woman hiding a Nez Perce child. He believes she is a captive when her intelligent eyes reveal she understands his language. Yet she refuses his help. Their paths cross several times during the skirmishes, and she becomes his savior when renegade warriors wound him.

Kindle / Nook / Apple / Kobo / Windtree Press

Head_Shot_(500x490)_2About Paty
Award-winning author Paty Jager and her husband raise alfalfa hay in rural eastern Oregon. On her road to publication she wrote freelance articles for two local newspapers and enjoyed her job with the County Extension service as a 4-H Program Assistant. Raising hay and cattle, riding horses, and battling rattlesnakes, she not only writes the western lifestyle, she lives it.

Her first book was published in 2006. Since then, she has published seventeen novels, two anthologies, and five novellas. All her work has Western or Native American elements in them along with hints of humor and engaging characters. Her penchant for research takes her on side trips that eventually turn into yet another story.

You can learn more about Paty at her blog; Writing into the Sunset her website; http://www.patyjager.net or on Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/#!/paty.jager , Goodreads http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1005334.Paty_Jager and twitter; @patyjag.

Musical Muses and Book Soundtracks by Sharleen Scott

CaughtInCrossSeas_ebook_cover_2The opening salvo in my novel, Caught in Cross Seas, is a current hit by Miranda Lambert and Carrie Underwood, “Somethin’ Bad.” If there isn’t something bad about to happen in a romance novel, there is no story.

Ask most authors and they will tell you music has an important place in their writing process. Stephen King famously mentions in On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft how AC/DC, Guns N’ Roses, and Metallica play a part in the creation of his novels. Music is also an important element in my writing but in a different way. There isn’t a stereo on while I work, but a book soundtrack runs through my head while I’m crafting scenes and it’s almost always country.

My love of country music blossomed in the 80s with the rise of George Strait. When I decided to write a romance novel, the idea of using country music as a backdrop grabbed me and wouldn’t let go. The way women respond to male stars added credence to my choice to fashion a country music superstar for my hero, and Clay Masterson—Montana cowboy, singer, songwriter, and guitar genius—was created to star in my contemporary romance/mystery Caught in Cross Seas.

In the process of writing the novel, I watched and listened to interviews with the stars on GAC and Kix Brooks’s American Country Countdown and discovered I could do just about anything to Clay and someone in the music industry could say, “Something like that happened to me.” It’s been said that writers must be mean to their characters—put them through horrible situations, threaten their lives, and play with their hearts—so we can offer our readers a satisfying read with a happily-ever-after ending. Country music offered me an abundance of ideas and validated my own.
I listened to song lyrics too. Country music is all about stories and nearly every facet of the human condition has been expressed in a country song. The lyrics make you laugh, cry, want to take a drink, throw a punch, or stand and salute the flag. They made me want to write.

The book soundtrack mostly runs through my head, but I do mention artists in the story on occasion, and I’ll admit to blatant use of Trace Adkins’s “Ladies Love Country Boys” in the background of the bakery fan-attack scene. I couldn’t resist.

What songs make up the Caught in Cross Seas soundtrack? Here are a few of the most influential. Some are hits; some are album cuts. I’ve avoided spoilers.
Alan Jackson’s “Country Boy” hits the mark with his offer to help a damsel in distress mixed with some fun double entendre. In my story, Harlie Cates needs help and Clay is just the guy to offer it, as well as his heart.

After some missteps, altercations, and insecurities exposed, love begins, and Lady Antebellum’s “Can’t Take My Eyes off You” is a perfect mood setter for romance.

And where love begins, a black moment must try to end it. Lady Antebellum again offers the ideal vehicle for heartbreak with “As you Turn Away.” If this heart-wrenching breakup song doesn’t inspire an author to quickly write a make-up scene to stop the suffering, nothing will.

When it’s over and the bodies are buried, the bad guys are caught, and the wounded hearts are healing, our tortured heroes are ready to start life together. How about a little Louie Armstrong to send them on their way? He isn’t country but a legend transcending time and genre. I think his “What a Wonderful World” is a perfect way to say, The End.

But let’s not stop there. I have a bonus track. The second book in the Caught series will be released in October. Caught in the Spin stars Clay’s best friend, former bull rider Tom Black, and single mom Tallie Peters. And what song opens this book’s soundtrack? Trace Adkins’s powerful performance of “I Can’t Outrun You,” because Tom doesn’t know if he’s being haunted by the memory of a former love or by her ghost. Stay tuned!

Thank you for allowing me to hang out here today. I’d love to know if/how music plays a part in your writing or reading. I’ll be watching for your comments.

Sharleen Scott
Out West Press

Short blurb:
When country music superstar Clay Masterson finds his supposedly dead father, he wants to do two things: Buy dear ol’ dad a beer to thank him for being a great father for the ten minutes he spent at it, and kick his dad’s sorry butt to Montana to face an eighteen-year-old murder charge. Harlie Cates will try to stop him.
Happily ever after could be a problem for them.

Excerpt from Caught in Cross Seas
The bakery was located in the heart of Angel Beach, nestled between The Talbot Gallery and Beach Bum T-Shirts. Its façade was typical beach-town wood siding, grayed by saltwater mist. A sign in the window read: “Old-fashioned coffee—NO ESPRESSO—don’t even ask.” Espresso? He wouldn’t bother. A jingling bell announced his arrival. Inside, a hodgepodge of secondhand tables and chairs, painted soft blues and greens. Large display cases presented cookies, cakes, and desserts. Shelves of baked goods lined the walls and the unmanned deli counter was loaded with meats and cheeses. On the radio, moderate volume: Trace Adkins’ “Ladies Love Country Boys.” Clay bent to get a better look at the muffins on the bottom shelf and heard a female voice.

“It’s him, isn’t it? Grandma said we’d catch up if we hurried.”

Another voice giggled. “Oh yeah. I’d know him anywhere.”

Considering she recognized his backside, he didn’t take it as a positive thing. “Oh crap,” he muttered when he saw the cluster of excited young women reflected in the glass case. Unfortunately, some women loved country guys too much. He aimed for nonchalance, hoping they’d go away and leave him alone. No such luck. A finger tapped his shoulder; he turned and a woman screamed, “It’s him, it’s him!” Chaos exploded and Clay was forced against the bakery case by a wild pack of autograph-seeking fans. Before he could react, quick hands stole his glasses and baseball cap; both would probably sell on eBay by evening.

“Ladies! I can’t breathe! I’ll sign some autographs if you’ll back up some!” He felt a tug and heard a rip. Shocked, he realized they had hold of his blue chambray shirt and were tearing it into souvenir-sized pieces.

“Hey! This is a new shirt!” He sidestepped left and right as eager hands assaulted him from all directions like Thanksgiving diners pulling apart the turkey. “Let go, ouch! Come on, don’t do that!” He hissed when he heard the tear of fabric again and was worried he’d be standing there naked if he didn’t get away soon.

Sharleen Scott writes contemporary romance/mystery/suspense and women’s fiction. Her debut novel, Caught in Cross Seas, was published in May 2014. Caught in the Spin, the second book in the series, is scheduled for release in the fall. Sharleen is a member of Romance Writers of America. Her former career as a travel agent introduced her to fascinating and romantic locales she could draw on for her books. Her present position as a rural mail carrier keeps her firmly planted in reality, a situation her imagination does its best to thwart. Sharleen lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her husband, Brett, and their two college kids.


An Interview with Lily Bishop

2013-12-07_11.46.15_2Lily will give away a copy of the paperback of No Strings Attached to one lucky commenter so be sure and leave her a comment.

What genre(s) do you write in and why? I write romantic suspense. I like the tension of two people thrown together under nefarious circumstances, where you don’t know who you can trust.

How many books have you written? Do you have a favorite? I have published two books, and I think of them as my other children. I love them both equally, in different ways.

Tell us about your current series/WIP. The City Lights has two books now, with a third or fourth planned. The first book, No Strings Attached, starts out as a weekend fling in Vegas, but there are repercussions. The hero investigates the heroin for embezzlement. The second, Under His Protection, focuses on Fox’s brother Lee, and he is opening a security firm. He takes a contract protecting an Atlanta lawyer who has been receiving death threats. An underlying mystery ties the books together.

What inspired your latest book? The character Lee in the first book intrigued me. He came across as a laid back playboy, but we find out there is much more depth for him. He has always been in Fox’s shadow, and we learn more about him.

How does your family feel about your writing career? My husband has been very supportive. He read the first draft of the second book, and offered great insight for the ending. My kids are both in middle school, and they are intrigued. They aren’t old enough to read my books though.

What did you do to promote your work? I’ve used Ereader News Today, the Fussy Librarian, and Facebook and Twitter. I’ve done 99 cents sale, but I haven’t done any free book promotions.

What was the hardest thing you’ve found in the process of self-publishing? What was the easiest part of self-publishing? The hardest part for me has been deciding when it the book is done. You can always keep tweaking, but at some point you get diminishing returns.

Can you give a rough breakdown of your sales numbers from your first month to the present? I have sold approximately 1500 copies of my first book which has been out a year, and I’ve sold around 50 copies of the second book, which has been out less than a month.

What advice can you offer to anyone deciding to self-publish? Write more than one book as soon as you can. More than one book gives you legitimacy and lets readers know you are in it for the long haul. I think I should have waited until I had a complete series before I released, and then released once every thirty days. I think that would have built more momentum.

All self-pubbed books are rumoured to be shoddily edited. What do you say to that?
I pay a professional editor for all of my books and (so far) no one has reported any typos.

How likely are people you meet to end up in your next book? Not very likely. I take pieces of people. I may use someone’s hair, or someone else’s necklace that I admired. I may grab snippets of dialogue, or the way someone’s house is decorated. But all of these are like pieces in a patchwork quilt.

What’s next for you? I’m working on the third book, which should wind up this series. I’m working to weave two romances together. If it doesn’t work I will split it into two books.

Where can readers find you? I blog at LilyBishop.com, and I’m on Facebook as Author Lily Bishop.

Where can readers find your books? Print/Ebook? My books are available in ebooks at Amazon, Nook, iTunes, and Kobo.

Blurb for No Strings Attached

From Vegas Fling to Miami Sting… Laura Todd is sick to death of men telling her what to do. Fox Thornton is tired of women using him to get ahead. After a Vegas fling, they cross paths in Miami. Money is missing at her office, and Laura is his prime suspect. An embezzlement investigation. A suspect on the run. Fox will do anything to bring the thief to justice, even if it is Laura, and even if he has to kidnap her to get answers.

2013-12-07_11.45.56 (1)_2Excerpt

Laura pretended to study her cards, but instead she peeked through her lashes at the gorgeous man beside her. With everyone else at the table in T-shirts and jeans, he stood out in a well-cut charcoal suit as if he had just come from a board meeting. He shrugged out of his jacket and hung it on the back of his stool, then rolled up his sleeves.

He was Man-of-the-Month material. In fact, she could picture him as Mr. July with his tie loosened and shirt unbuttoned to reveal sculpted abs …

Distracted, she hit when she should have stood and busted at twenty-two.
“You jinxed me!” she accused him with a laugh.

He turned that thousand-watt smile on her when he busted after one hit as well. “No, you took my card. See, if I had that one, I would have had twenty-one.”

“Oh, blame me.” She stacked and re-stacked her chips, then adjusted her scarf. “Any minute you’ll say I’m too distracting.”

He turned and his eyes followed the scarf back to her neck, and down to her waist. As his gaze moved up again, it felt like a caress. She looked up and lost herself in bright blue eyes that reminded her of the ocean in South Beach.

“You don’t know the half of it,” he said in a low tone meant only for her. Amusement lurked just beneath his words.

The old Laura would beat a hasty retreat, but tonight she would follow her instincts and see where they took her. After wasting years on a dead-end relationship, she had vowed to stop drifting through life and to start living. She felt like a femme fatale in her new dress, ready for anything when the silk had slid down her bare skin.

At the moment, however, she was ready for dinner. When her stomach rumbled, Mr. July turned with a grin.

“Hungry?” he asked.

She blushed. “A little. I got here today from Miami and the time difference makes me want to eat everything in sight.”

She had blackjack on the next hand. Had his arm edged closer into her space? While collecting her chips, she leaned into him and spotted a little nick on his chin that she wanted to kiss and make better. Come on, Laura, get it together.

She tapped the table for another card when she shouldn’t have, but won the hand anyway. Before she could bet again, the pit boss closed the table. Everyone grumbled, but Laura didn’t care. She needed to quit anyway.

Laura tipped the dealer and cashed out, but as she stood, the skirt of her dress ripped. She could feel her skirt dangling and sat down quickly, desperate to hide her lacy black thong. She hadn’t even brought her purse, only her phone and room key in a wristlet.

“Are you okay?” she heard Mr. July ask.

“Wardrobe malfunction. I have to go.” She gathered the fabric in her fist, planning to back out of the casino.

“Let me help.” In a flash, he stood up and draped his jacket over her shoulders. It went all the way down to her hips and covered the ripped section. “Better?”
His scent surrounded her. Laura looked up and saw nothing but his blue eyes.

“Thank you. I guess I need to go upstairs.”

“I’ll come with you.” At her blank look, he gestured to the fine Italian suit coat.

“To collect the jacket.”

“Of course,” she said, wishing she hadn’t made such a fool of herself. They started walking together toward the bank of elevators outside the casino. His arm around her shoulders felt like the most natural thing in the world.

“Well, this is awkward,” she said, when they were alone in the elevator.

“Nothing like ripping your dress at the blackjack table to get someone’s attention.” The ripped dress had stolen her confidence, and where she had been an outgoing flirt earlier, she felt herself slipping back into her natural shyness.

“You didn’t have to.”

The elevator stopped on her floor, and Laura led the way to her room. “Didn’t have to what?”

“Rip your dress. You had my attention already.”

She could feel her face heating up at his comment. Maybe there was hope for her yet. She looked up and saw they had reached her room. How had they gotten here so soon? Earlier, when she pulled her suitcase, the hall had felt as long as a football field. She paused outside her door.

“Here we are.” When she opened the door, she backed into her room and handed him his jacket with a straight arm. “Thanks for loaning me your jacket. My name is Laura Todd, by the way. It’s nice to meet you.”

She offered him her hand, and his handshake was warm and firm.

“Fox Thornton. It’s definitely a pleasure.”

“Fox? Is that a nickname?” She expected him to take the jacket and leave, but instead he leaned against the doorjamb.

“Long story. How about I tell you over drinks later?”

“I’d like that. But I’ll be pretty busy with my conference.”

“Let me guess. You’re here for the International Hotel Association Conference.”

“How did you know?”

“Just lucky. It’s the biggest conference here. I’ll look for you at the reception.”

“Sounds great.”

“Until then …” He leaned in and brushed his lips against her cheek.

He left before she could protest the kiss—did she even want to protest the kiss? She blinked to clear her head. Wow. Just wow. Mr. July was a heartthrob. Perhaps this conference would be interesting after all.

About the Series

Although the books have two separate couples, and two separate endings, there is some carryover from the first, so readers would be better off reading them in order. I tried to write a series of connected books where it didn’t matter which you read first, but past issues kept reappearing in the second book.

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LilyBishop_2About Lily Bishop

Lily Bishop grew up in a small town of about 1,000 people in north Georgia (US). She attended college and later graduate school at the University of Georgia. In 1998, she moved to the foothills of South Carolina to be closer to the man she was dating and married him a year later. She works as a database analyst for a university and writes in the evenings.

When Lily was in high school, she used to read three Harlequin romances every Saturday and learned all about words like suave and sardonic, great for the SAT but not much else these days. Happily married with two children in middle school (gasp), she still loves a story about a good alpha male. She hopes her romances have enough suspense to keep you turning the page, and she hopes the mix of realism and fantasy will keep you interested in her characters.

Excerpt of Give and Take by Alisa Anderson

give2takeps_2Tyler’s maniacal driving, got them to Sadist in record time. He pulled up to the entrance and got out, quickly jogging around to her side to open the door. He held out a hand and she clasped it, stepping out onto the pavement in stiletto heels she threatened in the car to hammer into his head for being late.
As usual, he ignored her audacity.

And the violent threats.

She stood, noticing he hadn’t yet released her hand.

“Such a gentleman, Ty.”

He glanced at her full, high breasts, straining against the clingy, tight red tank top she wore.

“I don’t have to be.”

Lena laughed aloud, discreetly patting his crotch.

“Down, boy. Save it for when Sara takes your ass back. Again.”

“If you mention her one more time-” Tyler warned, instantly getting hard and full under her hands.

“Fine. I’ll quit. As long as I don’t hear shit about Blake.” Lena glared at him.

“Agreed.” Tyler reluctantly lifted his gaze from her chest, finally looking at her face.

“Why are you bitching about him anyway? You know you want him. So why act like you don’t?”

“Because it’s not necessary for us to rehash it,” She said, thru gritted teeth. “Now is there anything else you need to know, Matlock? And by the way, don’t think for a minute I’ve forgotten that you never actually explained anything about Danny or his divorce. Just an fyi.”

Tyler raised his eyebrow and didn’t say another word. He handed his keys to the valet and guided Lena to the back entrance.

Unfortunately, a few fans saw them, and as expected, started screaming. “Tyler, Tyler, Tyler, Tyler,” became their mantra, chanting and moving closer and closer to where they stood.

“Why am I friends with you again?” Lena sighed in annoyance.

Tyler gave her a disgusted look.

“Maybe if I gave you a reason to shut up, you’ll actually do it.”

She snorted. “Maybe you could try.”

He moved so he was directly facing her.

“Maybe I would succeed.”

She involuntarily took a step back and he filled in the space.

She suddenly felt incredibly small.

“Get out of my face, Ty.”


“I don’t need a reason why. Just…move.”

“Am I making you nervous?” He looked down at her, zeroing in on her lower lip caught between her teeth. It was fleshy and pink, with strawberry scented lip gloss. He resisted the urge to take a bite.

She was driving him nuts.

He licked his own full lips, as Lena watched in fascination. Then she reminded herself who she was with, her brow furrowing in annoyance.

He was driving her nuts.

Ty grinned at her. Damn him.

“No…but…your breath stinks. Yes. Your breath…has offended me.” She took another step back, using any excuse to move away from the natural heat of his body, which, she was horrified to discover, was causing her own body to do strange things.

Cheeks flushed? Check.

Nipples tightened? Without a doubt.

Wetness between legs? Absolutely.

Sheer panic at the revelation of Ty leaning in? Commenced.

Every warning bell in her body sounded off.

He was much too close.

In front of all of these people, he was actually going to kiss her.

Which was ironic. Because in the grand scheme of things, the minute Ty moved into her vicinity, everything and everyone around them faded, until all they saw…was each other.

They stood at the back entrance of the club, unaware of anyone else, when a baritone voice penetrated her senses.

“Am I interrupting?”

Slowly, Lena turned around to stare at what were always the strangest, most haunted, silvery grey eyes she had ever seen.

Her heart, perfectly balanced and safe within her chest, fell to the pit of her stomach with a resounding thud.

Of course, he was there.

That was how it went.

“Danny.” she sighed. “Fancy meeting you here.”

give1receiveps_2Give and Receive Series

Blurb: Young, talented, ambitious. Wild.
Three friends, who struggled for fortune and fame, have finally found themselves thrust into mega-stardom.
What is right if there is no wrong…
For Ty, Lena and Danny, they’re about to find out as they cross the boundaries from all things safe to an arena testing love, friendship and loyalty. An arena that’s forbidden, taboo…and oh so tempting.
They’re riding hard and fast in a world where sex, money, love and rock & roll are all a game of give & receive, where any wish can be granted if you just ask…
Open, honest and raw, this is a rare glimpse of what happens behind the fortune and the fame, beyond the limelight, past the adulation and acclaim.
Welcome…to the real.

Authors’ Bio:

Alisa Anderson
well…alisa did stuff and is still doing stuff. only now she has two boys crazy enuff to want her as their mommy. hey, at least she tried to warn them, so her job is done. she doesn’t like to capitalize, partially because she likes how lower case letters look visually, but mostly out of laziness. please don’t judge. it could be you. and she would say, hey. you’re alright, buddy. you’re ok in my book. now c’mere for a hug. the hug might be pushing it. air kiss? you are strangers, after all, with only a mutual love of poor grammar.

she lives for a world full of controllable anatomically correct, android men programmed to meet her specific feminine needs (wink, wink, nudge, nudge with a big waggle of the eyebrows). who look like the rock. and ian somerhalder. and idris elba. and that’s it she promises. variety. gotta have variety, right?

but alas…apparently that exists only in johanna lindsey’s genius mind. so until then, she enjoys her incredibly warped sense of humor. she reads tons of erotica and romantic, drippy goo that makes her heart go pitter patter. then she thought, hey. what, she said to herself. (softly, of course, so no one finds out she is indeed, 2 nuts short of a fruitcake) maybe you should write this stuff too. maybe someone will like it and maybe buy it. so she said, huh, you think? then she said, well…yeah, i wouldn’t have suggested it…(inserts sarcastic tone) and then she was like lose the attitude, ok? then she was all, would you just shut up and write, already? sheesh! and she did. 🙂

Does your mother know what you’re reading?

Alisa’s Website: www.houseofalisa.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AlisaAndersonBooks
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bitchesbewritin
Blog: http://alisaanderson.wordpress.com/

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Twisted Love by JoAnne Myers

Twisted_Love_eimage_2Blurbs for “Twisted Love” 12 cases of love gone bad

It’s a chilling reality that homicide investigators know all too well: the last face most murder victims see is not that of a stranger, but of someone familiar.

The End of Autumn-To keep from paying child support for his three children, Rodney Williams, plots with his parents to kidnap his estranged wife, 25-year old Autumn, in broad daylight. This 2011 crime shocked the small community of Logan, Ohio.

Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing-In 2011, 53 year old Russell Strothers, and his teenage accomplice find their victims through Craigslist and strike with calculating and deadly force.

A Senseless Killing-This 2010 case uncovers how a 40 year old likable barmaid was lured to her death after she rejects her young admirers sexual advances.

The Death of Innocence-This 2011 murder case involved 4 year old Marcie Willis, and her evil stepmother 25 year old Cheryl, from the small bedroom community of The Plains, Ohio.

The Girl Not Forgotten-This cold case took 26 years to solve, but brought justice for 13-year-old Holly Buford, and put serial rapist, 40-year-old Stanley Snead, behind bars.

The Possession-When 29-year-old Valerie Harris severs the penis of her sexually abusive father, it makes national news in 2007.

Home Town Hero-When deaf students are murdered in the prestigious Rose Brick College of the Deaf in 2008, everyone is shocked when discovering the killer is one of their own.

The Spell Caster Murders-When 42 year old Fortune Teller Sally Vu and her 21-year-old daughter Veronica are discovered murdered and physically desecrated, in 2001, evidence points to revenge and a spell gone wrong.

All For the Family-In 2003, as a way to erase her 22-year-old husbands criminal past, 19 year old Molly Abbott devises a ghoulish and desperate strategy.

Thicker Than Water?-When 52 year old Kim Michaels is found dismembered inside her burned out home in 1996, officers find the crime more confusing than a jig saw puzzle.

Mail Order Murder-The last thing the beautiful Russian mail order bride Anna dreamed of in 2001, was being murdered by her controlling and older American husband.

Where’s Christopher?-When four year old Christopher Ellis goes missing, numerous excuses and an odd odor emanating from the backyard in 1991, raises eyebrows.


Few women find themselves in such a bizarre relationship, as did eighteen-year-old Anna Tonkov, a Russian native. Speaking minimal and badly broken English, the family expressed high expectations for their tall, voluptuous raven-haired daughter. Anna was the only child of senior and ailing parents, and her mother said she and her husband only wanted the best for her.

In a country where the average yearly income was three hundred dollars per person, Mr. and Mrs. Tonkov, believed that Anna’s future happiness lay with the United States.

Mrs. Tonkov recalled how Anna did not want to leave. It was the parents’ idea for her to be a mail-order bride. According to Mrs. Tonkov, Anna said, “‘what if I don’t find a husband? What if you and papa waste your money?’”

Mr. Tonkov recalled telling her daughter, that she was never a waste of their money. She was everything to them, and they wanted her to have everything America offered.

Mr. and Mrs. Tonkov then took Anna‘s photograph in a dress she had made, not like many of the other women posing for the magazine-loose women, half naked. “No good man wants them,” they said.

Anna was a lady, explained Mr. Tonkov-a good Christian girl. Hardworking and responsible. She was raised the right way, they both said.

In the spring of 2007, Anna became number M245 in a Russian mail-order catalog with a circulation of over twenty million viewers. The magazine was bursting with dozens of glossy, full-color photographs of young hopeful women, all looking for husbands to rescue them from their poverty, stricken and unhappy lives.

It was not long before Anna had her first letter from a perspective admirer. She returned to her small four-room home from her part-time job at a nearby bakery, and her glowing parents greeted her just inside the front door.

Mrs. Tonkov recalled how surprised Anna was when she saw her and her husband smiling. She then handed her daughter the pink envelope with trembling hands.

At first, Anna was afraid to open the letter, said Mr. Tonkov, but he told her it was from an American man. He said he and his wife watched as Anna read each word silently; her large dark eyes wide with anticipation. They said she was hesitant to respond to the sender. Maybe friendship would bloom. “If not you brush up on language skills,” said Mrs. Tonkov.

That made Anna laugh, recalled Mr. Tonkov. He still remembers her pretty laugh, “as if (she were) a small child without cares.”

my_photo_apr_2011 (1)_2Author Bio:

I have been a long-time resident of southeastern Ohio, and worked in the blue-collar industry most of my life. Besides having several novels under my belt, I canvas paint.
When not busy with hobbies or working outside the home, I spend time with relatives, my dogs Jasmine and Scooter, and volunteer my time within the community. I am a member of the International Women’s Writing Guild, Savvy Authors, Coffee Time Romance, Paranormal Romance Guild, True Romance Studios, National Writers Association, the Hocking Hill’s Arts and Craftsmen Association, The Hocking County Historical Society and Museum, and the Hocking Hills Regional Welcome Center. I believe in family values and following your dreams. My original canvas paintings, can be found at: http://www.booksandpaintingsbyjoanne.com

Three fun facts about Jo Anne:

1. What book influenced your writing? Black Beauty and Charlotte’s Web

2. What would your muse say about you? That I am quiet and shy

3. Do you have any other hobbies besides writing? I canvas paint

Other Available Books:

Murder Most Foul-a detective/mystery
Wicked Intentions– a paranormal anthology
Loves, Myths, and Monsters– a fantasy anthology
The Crime of the Century– a biography true crime
Poems About Life, Love, and Everything in Between

Upcoming Books:

Flagitious-a detective/mystery anthology

Other places to find Jo Anne and her books:

Email: joannemyers@frontier.com

Buy Link: http://www.blackrosewriting.com/other/twisted-love