Far Horizons by Kate Hewitt

TheEmigrantsTrilogy-MEDIUMThanks to Cynthia for having me here! I’ve been writing romance for years, but Far Horizons is the first historical novel I’ve ever written, and while it’s quite different from my romances, it’s certainly a story that is close to my heart.

The main characters, Harriet Campbell and Allan MacDougall, are actually my great-great-great (I think that’s all the greats!) aunt and uncle. My mother has told me their story since I was a little girl, how in 1819 Allan proposed to Harriet right before he emigrated with his family to Canada, and how his father found out and forced him to set Harriet free. Allan gave her the letters she’d written him over the years as a sign of her freedom, but said she could keep her own as proof of his own faithfulness.

As a young girl I found this terribly romantic. Actually, I still do! And when I was in my twenties, I discovered that one of my relatives had typewritten copies of many of the letters Allan and Harriet wrote each other. Reading them was fascinating, transporting me to a different time and place. But this sentiment, written by Allan, is what truly inspired my story:

How can I express the consternation of my heart, or account for the long and cruel silence on your part? This is the fifteenth letter I have written you since, but I am afraid they never got your length, or you would not be so long in writing me.

 Why, I wondered, had Harriet not written Allan? And how distraught Allan seemed to feel, at not hearing from her. I decided to make up my own reason to account for her silence, and that is the story of Far Horizons.

I’ve now finished what has become the Emigrants Trilogy, following Allan and Harriet’s story as well as the stories of their families through the years. Far Horizons, Another Country, and A Distant Shore span twenty years of the characters’ lives, and I’ve really enjoyed researching the different time periods in which the stories take place. I’m now planning to continue the story on into the 1860s and beyond. Is there a particular historical period you enjoy reading about? I’m giving away a Kindle copy of my Christmas romance, A Yorkshire Christmas, to one randomly drawn name from the comments below.

Kate_Hewitt Happy reading and Happy New Year!


You can learn more about me and my books here:

Website: www.kate-hewitt.com

Blog: acumbrianlife.blogspot.co.uk

Twitter: katehewitt1

Facebook: www.facebook.com/KateHewittAuthor

And you can buy The Emigrants Trilogy here:

 Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Emigrants-Trilogy-Kate-Hewitt-ebook/dp/B00PYZOXAE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1420270682&sr=8-1&keywords=kate+hewitt

Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-emigrants-trilogy-kate-hewitt/1120748236?ean=2940046404630

Kobo: http://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/the-emigrants-trilogy

Winter Wonderlands can KILL by Nancy Lee Badger

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWith my history as an EMT and volunteer firefighter is a small New Hampshire community, SHIVER is a story that was easy to write. Living in the White Mountains of New Hampshire nears rivers, granite cliffs, hunting trails, and waterfalls, my setting just popped into my head. We have even had a few murders in the area, since the woods are a great dumping ground, so writing a thriller was a natural choice. Setting it in a town with a college similar to where I went to school was also a blast.

I was a 911 Emergency Medical Dispatcher before I ‘retired’ in order to write full time. My medical knowledge, especially about winter emergencies, has also come in handy while writing SHIVER, and I would like to share some information. Winter is upon us, and if you live where the temperature drops below freezing, these tips could help.

Let’s talk about Hypothermia, a condition in which the body’s core temperature drops below that required for normal metabolism and body functions. Symptoms include shivering and mental confusion, which I mention in my story. In severe hypothermia, there may be paradoxical undressing, where a person removes their clothing. A victim’s heart could stop, as well.

So what can you to help a victim, as my character, Jacob, helps Destiny? If possible, give the person warm drinks. In an ambulance or in a hospital setting, heat packs and warm IV fluids are used. Warm DRY clothing is important, and the victim should stay active, even if they want to lie down and sleep. If a victim goes into cardiac arrest, CPR is advised until the patient is warm. There is a saying among rescue workers that a winter weather victim is not considered dead until they are WARM AND DEAD. Morbid, but true. Is it any wonder hubby and I moved to the South?


In a quirky college town surrounded by the mountains of New Hampshire new art history professor, Jacob Oliver, hikes a trail on a crisp September morning. He contemplates his life. Divorced and forced out of his job with the Boston Police due to a horrific accident, he spots a naked woman beneath a majestic waterfall. Escaping, he falls and reinjures his knee.

Destiny Blake hears a noise. Someone is on her mountain. She finds a handsome man sitting in the mud. Love blooms and lust consumes them after she helps him to the safety of her cabin. Soon, assumptions pull them apart, leaving her vulnerable to the unwanted attentions of other men.

When Jacob decides he cannot live without her, he must save her from a madman who chases her up her mountain through the cold, snowy darkness of a November night. Ghostly voices push Jacob onward, and urge Destiny to fight back. Pain, hypothermia, and death threaten before the sun rises. Can Destiny and Jacob make it off Destiny’s mountain…alive?

 An Excerpt from SHIVER

If I can’t see my stalker coming, then the jerk can’t see me.

Holding her breath, Destiny cocked her head and listened to the dark, filled with the crackling of snapping twigs amid something shuffling through dead leaves.

A light blanket of crunchy snow coated the trail, which added to the bitter cold of a moonless sky. At least a partial moon would have given her a chance to see the man chasing her. Her only advantage over her hunter was that she knew this mountain better. Every twist and turn, every rock and gorge was imprinted in her brain. This was her home, not his.

Gathering her wits, she was sure she had not yet passed her favorite waterfall. Opportunity Falls lay off a side trail, near the top, but offered no caves or overhangs in its cliffs, in which to hide.

If it wasn’t winter, she’d be able to hide inside the pool or even behind the foaming falling waters, but its water would have slowed to a trickle, and the pool was either dangerously cold or frozen over. The last thing she needed was to get any wetter.

Falling snow saturated her jeans even though she continued to brush it off. Her palms were damp from wiping snow from her bare head and face. She was freezing up fast.

 Where Can Readers Buy SHIVER?

Print ISBN-13: 978-1502558725

EBook ISBN: 9781310538964










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After growing up in Huntington, New York, this Award-winning author attended college, married, and raised two sons in a small town in the shadow of the White Mountains of New Hampshire. She was an EMT and volunteer firefighter for a small NH town. After nearly a decade as an Emergency Medical Dispatcher for the State of NH 9-1-1 service, Nancy moved to North Carolina where she writes full-time. She still heads to the white Mountains each fall to volunteer at the NH Highland Games & Scottish Festival.  She is a member of Romance Writers of America, Heart of Carolina Romance Writers, Fantasy-Futuristic & Paranormal Romance Writers, the Celtic Heart Romance Writers, and the Triangle Area Freelancers.



Connect with Nancy Lee Badger:

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Holiday Traditions and RECLAIMED LOVE by Ramona Flightner

Thank you, Cynthia, for sharing your blog with me today!

reclaimedbold1-2While I conducted research for the books in the Banished Saga, I learned that the Christmas traditions celebrated in America today were firmly established by 1900. The Industrial Revolution and Civil War wrought enormous changes and provoked a desire for a family holiday harkening back to a simpler time.

The traditions of sending holiday cards, gifting wrapped presents, and decorating the house with holly and evergreen were common in 1900 America. Children eagerly awaited the arrival of Santa Claus and Christmas trees had become commonplace. The trees were trimmed with increasingly elaborate decorations, including lit candles.

As I celebrate my holiday traditions of trimming the tree, mailing Christmas cards, feeling joy at the cards I receive, and singing Christmas songs, I’ve come to realize how many of these traditions began in the Victorian Era. It’s part of the reason I love research: understanding when the traditions began and why. I hope you are enjoying your favorite holiday traditions!

Ramona Flightner



To living a life she desires with the man she loves, Clarissa Sullivan continues to teach poor, immigrant children and to agitate for the vote for women as she awaits Gabriel’s return to Boston. Will her stepmother leave her in peace or is her life about to change again in unforeseen ways?


Clarissa is the woman he now wants to marry, Cameron Wright renews his pursuit of her. Charming, wealthy and well-bred, he is perceived as the ideal gentleman for a blacksmith’s daughter. With Gabriel far from Boston and his return uncertain, why should Clarissa continue to reject Cameron?


After his banishment from Boston, Gabriel McLeod forges a new life in a remarkable city. Will the memories of the love he shared with Clarissa sustain him?

Will Clarissa overcome deceit and treachery and reclaim her love?

An Excerpt from Reclaimed Love, Book Two in the Banished Saga

Gabriel lay on his cot rereading Clarissa’s recent letter.

December 17, 1900

My darling Gabriel,

Merry Christmas, dearest! I wish you were here to celebrate the holiday with me. We could go for long walks, warm up with hot chocolate and finish the perfect day of my imaginings with a kiss (or two!) under the mistletoe. Know that you are never far from my thoughts.

We have begun to decorate the house. There is beautiful holly this year, and I have placed it in lovely vases throughout the family parlor. I have also strung boughs of evergreen around the fireplace. The stockings have been hung, and we now await the arrival of St. Nicholas. The decorations are rather simple, but I enjoy them.

My baby sister, Melinda, will be one month old on Christmas day and gives us something more to celebrate. It is a marvel to watch her grow and change every day.

Thank you for your letters. I would be lost without them. Never fear that the sweet talkings of those present would ever cause me to forget you. I simply act as I know is expected of me, smile when I should, think my own thoughts and dream of you.

Enclosed you will find something that I labored to make for you. Hopefully you will find it useful during the next few months. My darling Gabriel, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May this be the last holiday that we spend apart.

Your Clarissa

If you enjoyed excerpt, below are the links  for RECLAIMED LOVE, Book Two in the Banished Saga

Amazon: http://amzn.to/1ALEsaX

Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/1zBs92W

Barnes and Noble http://bit.ly/VHjqMu

i-Book: http://bit.ly/1FKBW6r

Kobo: http://bit.ly/1vHKA4m

img_1259crAbout Ramona Flightner:

Ramona Flightner is an avid reader, writer, and traveler. By day, she practices the healing arts as a nurse practitioner. Every other moment, she’s researching and writing her next novel. LOVE’S FIRST FLAMES, BANISHED LOVE and RECLAIMED LOVE are the first novels in her Banished Saga.

Ramona is from Missoula, Montana. She currently resides in Boston, Massachusetts. Her favorite pastimes are fly fishing the cool, clear streams of a Montana river, hiking in the mountains, and spending time with family and friends.

Connect with Ramona:

Her webpage: www.ramonaflightner.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/authorramonaflightner

On pinterest: www.pinterest.com/Ramonaauthor

Or on twitter: @ramonaflightner.

She loves to hear from fans!


Oh, to be an Elf on this Shelf by Kimberly Dean

Courting_Trouble_200x300There’s a new holiday tradition that’s popped up in recent years, the Elf on the Shelf.  For those of you unfamiliar with the phenomenon, these elves are sent out on scouting missions to help Santa decide who’s been naughty and who’s been nice.  So I thought about what the elves might report back to Santa about the characters in my new book, Courting Trouble.

As the title implies, there’s a lot of naughtiness going on, but it’s not that simple.

Sienna is a nice girl who’s put in the position of taking on a naughty job.  Jason is a naughty boy, who can be very nice when he likes someone.  Sienna always follows the rules, but Jason tempts her to break them.  And while Jason might be bossy and rough around the edges, he protects the people who are important to him.  That definitely falls on the nice list.

In the end, neither of them is naughty or nice all of the time.  That would be boring.  What the elves would probably report is that they’re a couple who is nice to each other and naughty together.  That’s something that Santa should reward.  Don’t you think?

Courting Trouble

When times get tough, how bad does a good girl have to get?

Sienna Blakely is bright, articulate, underemployed and forced to rely on the one asset she vowed never to use – her looks.

With bills piling up, Sienna signs a contract with Luxxor Escort Services. A contract that strictly forbids any sexual contact with clients… And then she’s assigned to companion Jason Sloan. Just meeting the man causes a full-body jolt. Arrogant, powerful, and sexy, he’s trouble. And he can see through the facade she’s erected, right down to the intelligent and sensual woman underneath. He challenges her wits, and he challenges the rules.

Courting Trouble buy links:

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Now you seem like someone who would fall on the nice list, so I have a stocking stuffer for you.  Go get your free copy of my short story, Courting Jealousy here:

KindleNookGoogle PlayKobo

Courting_Jealousy_200x300Courting Jealousy

When Noelle hires an escort to accompany her to a charity event, it’s merely to show her ex that’s she’s moved on. Yet she gets more than she bargained for when Dane is assigned to accompany her. Tall, dark, and handsome, he knows how to arouse jealousy. He also knows how to arouse her!

Kimberly Dean is an award-winning author of romance and erotica.  She has written for seven publishing houses, both domestic and international, and has recently focused her efforts on the exciting world of self-publishing. When not writing, she enjoys movies, sports, traveling, music, and sunshine. In her mind, a beach, some rock ‘n’ roll, and a good book make for a perfect day.

Social Media links:



Why is it that ghosts are linked with Christmas? by Jessica Aspen

Why is it that ghosts are linked with Christmas? Is it because confrontGhostsofChristmasPast_432ing our past is part of the spirit of the holidays? Or is it just because we love a little spooky thrown in with the mistletoe? Personally, I’ve always loved watching Scrooge confront his own ghosts and when I looked at writing a Christmas story, ghosts are what emerged. It didn’t hurt that I write paranormal romance and have always loved ghosts, creepy music, and hauntings.

That’s why I chose to write HAUNTED HOLIDAYS, a holiday themed series about ghosts and sexy romance, combining several of my favs. And I decided to start with Christmas, one of my favorite holidays. It’s got so many things I love. Christmas trees, the warmth of fires on a chilly day, snow. I love them all and had fun making sure all of the elements of Christmas are wrapped up in Jen and Nate’s romance. With a spooky twist.

Jen MacNamara’s story is totally different from poor Mr. Scrooge’s story, but one element is the same. The past does come back to haunt her, but you’ll have to decide if it’s her past or someone else’s she’s simply re-living. Other than that, their stories are completely different. Jen’s real life becomes complicated by the entry of one Nate Pierce, her temporary landlord and a man way too good-looking for Jen to ignore. As the ghost ups the ante, things between Nate and Jen get heated.

Nate has his own past, and his own troubles and doesn’t believe in the supernatural, even though his renters think his house is haunted. Keeping the  house rented is just the beginning of his problems when the ghost decides that Jen is someone she knew from before and goes after her with a vengeance.

Do you like a little spooky thrown into your romances? What about your holidays? Do you love A CHRISTMAS STORY by Charles Dickens? Do you love the themes of redemption, or do you just love being scared?

Let me know the answer to one of these questions and I’ll send you a free e-copy of GHOSTS OF CHRISTMAS PAST.


Jessica Aspen


Ghosts of Christmas Past

 Jen MacNamara flees the Christmas wedding of her best friend and cheating fiancé and runs to the country to spend the holiday alone. It’s the perfect plan, until her unexpectedly sexy neighbor and landlord, Nate Pierce, insists on bringing the holiday to her—complete with a Christmas tree, hot chocolate, and an unexpected kiss.

 And that’s not Jen’s only problem.

 The cozy country farmhouse is already occupied by something evil. Now Jen’s nights are spent wrapped in sensual dreams of a past life, and her days growing closer to Nate as they solve the mystery of the malevolent ghost that haunts not only the house, but also wants Jen dead.

 Dare to discover Jessica Aspen’s sexy, new adult, contemporary, Gothic romance, today.

 Available at:  Amazon

Add Ghosts of Christmas Past to your Goodreads shelf.


Jen turned, gazing over the bare winter fields to the tangle of trees. No explanations, no obligations, no complications. For two whole weeks she could just hide here, and write.

The first genuine smile she could remember since April spread her face wide.

Then the pickup arrived.

Black, large, and full of male attitude it parked right next to her vacation house, dwarfing her small car and taking up the entire drive.

“Oh, there’s Nate now.” Mrs. Castlebury waved at the man pushing an eager black Labrador back into the cab while trying to exit the vehicle.

He got the door shut, faced them, and grinned. Dressed in New England casual of laced-up work boots, jeans, and plaid shirt under a denim jacket, Nate Pierce, striding across the snow, hand out in welcome, was a commercial for settling down. Tall. Good-looking in a rugged, works-for-a-living kind of way. And he had a dog. A big, sloppy, super-cute dog, wagging its tail and drooling on the driver’s side window.

For one impulsive moment Jen wished this was her life. She loved big dogs, the country, and secretly, men in plaid shirts, but she hadn’t had the opportunity for any of it since her dad’s death. Their daddy-daughter fishing trips, where he’d gotten to get out of his suit and she’d gotten to be free of her school uniform, had stopped cold the year she’d turned twelve.

This was the first time since then she’d ventured outside of somewhere hot and warm with a very clean, very controlled hotel. Her mom’s idea of a vacation. Of course, neither her mom nor her ex, Jason, tolerated dogs of any size. And as for living outside of the Boston city limits?

Neither of them would consider the horror.

She squashed the sudden surge of loneliness and desire for something she’d probably never have, and pasted on a smile.

Mr. Good-Looking Country Boy tramped through the snow to the porch, pushed his overlong forelock of sandy brown hair off his face, and held out a hand. “Hi, I’m Nate Pierce, your landlord.”

“My what?” She shot a quick look at Mrs. Castlebury.

“Your landlord, dear. I’m just the listing agent. Nate owns the house and he’ll see to any upkeep you need.”

“In fact, I’ll be back in an hour or so after you’ve gotten settled and bring the Christmas tree.”

“The Christmas tree?” She’d forgotten. She’d purchased the Christmas in New England package because it had been cheaper than renting by the day. “That’s not necessary,” she said, her voice chillier than she’d intended.

“I’ve already cut the tree down.” Nate’s friendly grin wavered as did his hand hovering in the air between them. “It would be a shame to waste.”

She didn’t want to be friendly with the neighbors. She wanted to hide out and recuperate. Make up her mind as to what in the world she was going to do next. But good manners won out.

Jen repressed a sigh, reached out, and slid her bare hand into his. As it disappeared into his tan callused grip, her hand seemed slim and small. He squeezed gently and a tingling warmth spread across her skin.

Hot caramel sensation slid from the connection between them, up her palm, along her arm, and through her entire body. Her hand tightened automatically, and a responding spark lit in his eyes.

Jen swallowed. Shoot! She wasn’t ready for this. She was here to lick her wounds, not some guy’s abs. And given the strength in his hand and his wide shoulders, she’d bet he had some killer abs.

She gazed up into Nate’s warm chocolate brown eyes and his face blurred. For a moment she saw another face superimposed over his. Same brown eyes, same tanned, rugged New England skin, but more boyish, broad-boned and black haired.

Every hair on her scalp tried to climb out of its slicked back, ponytailed restriction.

Then her new neighbor’s sharper, more intense features came into focus. Jen panicked and jerked her hand away. Wiping her buzzing palm on her long red wool coat she backed up, nearly running into Mrs. Castlebury.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Pardon me.” She circled around, putting the older woman between herself and Nate Pierce.

What the hell just happened?

Jen tucked her hands into the safety of her coat pockets, surreptitiously rubbing her tingling right palm along the silk inside her pocket. Trying to get rid of the strange feeling spreading along her skin and telling her pounding heart that everything was fine. That something bizarre hadn’t just happened to her. And that life was safe and normal.


 Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22885908-ghosts-of-christmas-past


Jessica_Aspen_NanoPicAuthor Bio:

Jessica Aspen has always wanted to be spirited away to a world inhabited by elves, were-wolves and sexy men who walk on the dark side of the knife. Luckily, she’s able to explore her fantasy side and delve into new worlds by writing paranormal romance. She loves indulging in dark chocolate, reading eclectic novels, and dreaming of ocean vacations. Instead, she spends most of her time, writing, walking the dog, and hiking in the Colorado Rockies. You can find out more information and read about Jessica’s paranormal romances at http://JessicaAspen.com

To sign up for Jessica Aspen’s new release email please go to: http://eepurl.com/zs4Sj

 Author web links: (web, blog, twitter, facebook, goodreads, etc)

 Website: http://jessicaaspen.com

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5759763.Jessica_Aspen

Twitter: https://twitter.com/JessicaAspen

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JessicaAspenAuthor

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/jessicaaspen/

Join the Jessica Aspen mailing list! Get the scoop on new releases, sales, plus the chance to win ARCs and participate in special giveaways.  When I send you an email, there’s always something in it for you! http://eepurl.com/zs4Sj


Inspiration Comes in Many Forms—Or, Nagging Works By Caroline Clemmons

Thanks to Cynthia for sharing her blog with me today.

CarolineClemmons_StoneMountainChristmas_frontPOD_2Christmas is my favorite time of year. Not the actual day, but the anticipation leading up to that day. From Thanksgiving through December 24th, my mind is abuzz with plans for gifts, decorating, and all things festive. Picturing the face of those I love when they open a particular gift fills me with glee. Remembering those less fortunate is always important, but especially so at this time of year when most parts of the country are also having cold weather. And this is the time of year we’re allowed to crave holiday treats. (Even if you’re as “comfortably padded” as I am.)

Separately earlier in the year, each of our daughters asked me why I hadn’t done a Christmas story. Each requested that I write one—nagging . . . er, mentioning the request several times. Hmm, why hadn’t I created one before? For several years I’d had one in the back of my mind. This summer, which is when many Christmas books are written, I plotted a novella in my Stone Mountain Texas series.

Most of my books have crime and adventure in them. But who wants trouble at Christmas? While this is a feel-good story, I had to slip in one crime. I just couldn’t help myself. 😉

Here’s the synopsis of STONE MOUNTAIN CHRISTMAS:

Christmas has been Celia Dubois’s favorite time of year as long as she can remember. When she moves in with her parents a year after the death of her husband, the young widow is appalled at the town’s lack of Christmas spirit. Two months earlier, banditos had burned the church and crushed the townspeople. Celia vows to return holiday joy to the town. Perhaps doing so might help mend her aching heart. Will Celia’s plan work magic?

Rancher Eduardo Montoya knows Celia is the woman for him. She enchants him with her winning smile and vivacious nature. When her father warns Eduardo away from Celia, Eduardo is both angry and frustrated. After he stops a robbery in her father’s mercantile, will Celia’s parents change their minds about him? Can handsome Eduardo heal Celia’s sorrow?

And here’s an excerpt of the opening for STONE MOUNTAIN CHRISTMAS:

Radford Crossing, Texas, November 1874


Eduardo Montoya focused on the beautiful redhead who swept the walk in front of Sturdivant’s Mercantile across the street. He turned to speak to his friend. “She is a vision, is she not?”


Micah Stone, his cousin’s husband, asked, “Have you met her or spoken to her?”


Eduardo’s gaze returned to Celia Dubois. He refused to let anyone shatter his dreams. “See how graceful she is even when performing a menial chore? When we are wed, she will not have to be concerned with such things.”


Sounding incredulous, Micah said, “I repeat, have you even met or spoken to her?”

 Eduardo had no doubt his friend believed he had taken leave of his senses. He wasn’t so sure he hadn’t, but he placed a hand over his heart. “In good time, my friend. All in good time.”


Micah clapped him on the shoulder. “Come on, Romeo. We’ve finished our business with Joel. Hope’s expecting us for lunch. You can daydream about the pretty widow on our way home.”


“I suppose we must go.” He exhaled, reluctantly willing to leave town but unwilling to let anyone derail his plans.


Micah untied his horse from the hitching rail in front of his brother’s law office and mounted. “Have to say this is the first time I’ve known you to be shy about flirting with a woman.”


Determination steeled Eduardo’s resolve as he swung onto his gelding. “Never before has a woman been so important to me. You will see. One day, she will become my wife.”


The two rode toward Micah’s ranch.


From where she stood on the walk, Celia had known the men watched her. One was the youngest Stone brother. Identifying him was easy because the three Stone men looked so much alike.

But she hadn’t yet met the handsome man dressed as a Spanish Don. He fit the description she’d been privy to of Eduardo Montoya, one of the wealthiest men in this part of Texas. At least, that’s what she’d overheard while helping in her parents’ store.


He certainly cut a dashing figure in his black clothes trimmed with silver buttons. She wondered if he was entitled to dress like Spanish nobility or if he merely played a part. The silver on his saddle flashed in the sunlight and she questioned the safety of such a display.


One thing she’d noticed in her few days in town and working in her father’s mercantile, she heard tidbits of local gossip whether intentionally or not. She wondered what the gossips had to say about her. Probably best she didn’t know. Most people she’d met were friendly but there were a few prunes eager to criticize everyone.


Wasn’t that true everywhere? Yet she thought an unusual pall lay over Radford Crossing. The town definitely needed a large dose of cheer. As a matter of fact, she wouldn’t mind a measure for herself. With a sigh, she went back inside the store.


Amazon http://amzn.com/B00OQUTDXA

Amazon UK http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00OQUTDXA
013_2Caroline Clemmons is an Amazon bestselling author of historical and contemporary western romances whose books have garnered numerous awards. Her latest release is STONE MOUNTAIN CHRISTMAS, one of her Stone Mountain Texas series. A frequent speaker at conferences and seminars, she has taught workshops on characterization, point of view, and layering a novel.

Caroline is a member of Romance Writers of America and the Romance Writers chapters of Yellow Rose, From The Heart, and Hearts Through History. Her latest publications include the acclaimed historical Men of Stone Mountain Texas series: BRAZOS BRIDE, HIGH STAKES BRIDE, and BLUEBONNET BRIDE and the audio books of BRAZOS BRIDE and HIGH STAKES BRIDE. Her Kincaid series continues to resonate with readers.

Caroline and her husband live in the heart of Texas cowboy country with their menagerie of rescued pets. Prior to writing full time, her jobs included stay-at-home mom (her favorite), secretary, newspaper reporter and featured columnist, assistant to the managing editor of a psychology journal, bookkeeper for the local tax assessor and—for a short and fun time—an  antique dealer. When she’s not indulging her passion for writing, Caroline enjoys reading, travel, antiquing, genealogy, painting, and getting together with family and friends. Find her on her blog, website, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Google+, WattPad, Shelfari, and Pinterest.

Q & A with Skye Genaro, Author of Echo Across Time

Final_Echo_Cover_200x300_72dpi__2Who did you write this book for?

I write all my teen paranormal stories with two audiences in mind:

One is the young paranormal community. There are gifted girls out there who have strong intuitive, psychic or medium abilities, but our society hasn’t readily accepted these gifts. Often times, kids hide these odd experiences in an effort to fit in.

In the Echo Saga readers see Echo evolve from a girl whose telekinesis makes her a neurotic mess, to a young woman who is a leader and positive example of personal power. She goes through some hard internal and external battles to get there, but those are the things that ultimately define her.

I also wrote Echo Across Time for girls and women who love a good paranormal story woven with romance. The teenage years are full of firsts—first loves, first big public failures, first great accomplishments. I like the backdrop that this kind of environment offers. Just being a teenager, trying to hold your own in the world, takes a lot of heart and courage. Many of my adult readers remember and relate to this time in their lives.

Is there a central theme to your series?

There is. The overall theme of the Echo Saga is personal power—how we repress it, learning to recognize it, embrace it and choosing how to use it.

When I set out to write the series I thought it would be fun to take a look at the dynamics of personal power, but through a supernatural lens. I chose to use teen characters because those years are so important in defining our individuality and identity.

Often times, I think one of two things happens when you repress and hold back who you really are. You either get sucked into someone else’s identity, like pop culture icons, or a clique, and then you sacrifice your individuality. Or the real “you” comes screaming out in unacceptable ways, such as rebellion or passive aggressive behavior. These are some of the ideas I explore in the series.

 If you could compare this book with any book or movie out there that we might already be familiar with, which book would it be and why?

I’d say Echo Across Time is best described as a cross between the book Evermore  and the movie Chronicle.

Evermore is the first book in the Immortal Series (Alysson Noel). Like Echo, the main character in Evermore deals with a paranormal gift that she does not want yet must learn to live with. And at the same time, she has to sort out the intent of a mysterious boy in her life. Is he there to help or hurt her?

Chronicle is one of my favorite movies about everyday people who suddenly are “gifted” with paranormal powers.



Fall in love with the achingly beautiful story of Echo and Connor, supernaturally gifted teens, as they fight to live out their destiny together.

 Echo Across Time, Book 1 in The Echo Saga

By Skye Genaro

Free December 3-12!

Echo had it all—she lived in a mansion in the wealthiest neighborhood and was a member of the Partychicks, the elite high school clique. But her enviable life was ripped apart when a bullying incident put her in a coma. When Echo wakes up, she’s gained paranormal powers that she can’t control.

Telekinesis. Aura sensing. These abilities wreak havoc on Echo’s life, and she will do just about anything to get rid of them. Even if it means sharing her secret with Connor, the gorgeous, frightening stranger who appears out of thin air and possesses shocking supernatural abilities. He promises to teach her things beyond her wildest imagination—if Echo has the courage to trust him.

Soon, she is pulled into a world of mystical possibility and starts falling hard for the enigmatic Connor. As Echo uncovers the truth about him, she discovers a dark secret brewing within her city: people with paranormal gifts are being kidnapped and murdered. Escaping with Connor would keep Echo alive, but at a high cost to Connor and to the future they both believe in. Echo must choose between her love for Connor and her own safety, but she can’t have both.

Free December 3-12

Amazon: http://ow.ly/yLiEf

Barnes and Noble: http://ow.ly/yLiLC

Kobo: http://ow.ly/yLiRG

Smashwords: http://ow.ly/yLiY9

iTunes: http://ow.ly/BV7pq

Audible.com: http://ow.ly/yLj3Y

Echo Into Darkness, Book 2 in The Echo Saga is available December 4.


Chapter 1

Mr. King slapped my physics test face down on my desk. I didn’t need to flip it over to know that studying had been a waste of time. I sensed, from the surge of disappointment coming off my teacher’s aura, that my grade was awful.

I kept my head down, letting my long chestnut hair fall around my face, and debated whether it was safe to look at the test result.

All around me, my classmates were having normal reactions to their grades. They winced and slumped or smiled and fist pumped. Others sat quiet and smug. I knew all of this without looking because I felt each of their emotions just as surely as if they’d blasted me with a fire hose.

“What’d you get?” Becca nudged my elbow and stuffed her test into her backpack. She’d done well, I could tell.

“I’m afraid to look.” My forehead just above my eyebrows started to tingle, and the tips of my fingers prickled. Not a good sign.

“Come on, Echo, don’t be shy,” a voice taunted me from behind. A smooth hand adorned with a diamond ring reached over my shoulder and grabbed my test.

“Back off, Raquelle,” I hissed. I tried to swat her away, but I was too slow.

Raquelle flipped the pages over. My test had so much red on it, it looked like a victim of a violent crime.

“Oooo, you got a C minus. Aren’t you a smarty,” Raquelle mocked. Her snotty laughter rippled through my aura and landed hot and sticky, on my skin.

 I wanted to make a snappy comeback, but Mr. King started talking. Instead, I lashed my arms across my chest, crossed my legs, and wished that my ability to feel other people’s auras was the worst of my problems. As my irritation rose, the air in the room grew dense.

Mr. King pulled down the projector screen and turned off the lights. Raquelle unwrapped a piece of gum and threw the crumpled wrapper at the back of my head.

I clenched my fists, and the tingling on my forehead intensified. If I squeezed my eyes closed and stayed calm, maybe I could hold this in until the end of class. Maybe if I just—

The screen at the front of the room rolled up with a loud snap. The fluorescent lights flickered, and the projector light bulb broke.

“The ghost returns!” some kid yelled.

Another kid hummed a creepy tune.

This wasn’t the first time this had happened, and more than one person had suggested that the room was haunted. It’s not, though. It’s me. Not only do I feel others’ emotions, mine cause objects to move.

I took a few deep breaths, and the room returned to normal.

“Everybody calm down,” said Mr. King.

He turned on the lights and right away, the kids around me giggled. The contents of my book bag were strewn across the floor. Notebooks, pencils, and some personal items I’d just as soon not mention, had all gotten caught in my energetic outburst.

The bell rang, and Becca helped me clean up the mess. Side by side, we don’t look much alike except we’re both small and lacking in curves. We used to raid each other’s closets before she took to wearing all black. Becca kept her fawn-colored hair short and spikey. My chestnut hair grew well past my shoulders. Her natural, year-round tan made my fair skin appear washed out.

“This room is seriously possessed,” she said.

“Right? It’s like the second time this week.” A third eruption was boiling up. I had to get out of there, soon.

“And the weird thing is this stuff always happens when you and I are in the same room,” she said.

“I accidentally kicked my bag over,” I lied as I zipped it closed. “I’ve got to pee. I’ll meet you in the lunchroom, ‘kay?”

I raced past the bathroom and out the nearest exit. I skirted around the corner and pressed my back against the brick building. Out here, under Oregon’s stormy October sky, I could relax. Wind whipped through the courtyard. Gray clouds billowed over Portland’s skyline. This was the perfect cover for what I was about to do.

The insistent buzzing that I loathed pulsed in the center of my forehead. A prickly sensation ran up the backs of my legs and spine.

“Just breathe through it,” I coached myself.

I inhaled, and let the air out slowly. Energy exploded from my aura and into the courtyard. It scattered garbage and leaves and ricocheted off the building. It upended one of the wooden benches and sent it tumbling toward the parking lot. A loud snap punctuated the air. Above me, a fresh crack cut through a window on the second floor.

My buildup had been worse than I thought. Now, though, the tension left my body and my near-constant headache was gone. The next few minutes were precious ones, when I felt like my normal self again.

Skye_Genaro_Author_photo_72dpi_2 BIO

Skye Genaro’s fascination with psychics and other gifted individuals sparked when her own clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities began to grow. As a young girl, she experienced flashes of “knowing”, but she didn’t recognize her intuitive insight until many years into adulthood.

Skye writes short stories and novels featuring characters with paranormal gifts.

Echo Across Time is currently being considered for film adaptation by three production companies.


Connect with Skye:

Website: http://skyegenaro.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/skyegenaroauthor

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6879975.Skye_Genaro

Promo Tips for Book Exposure By Elaine Calloway

NoGritsNoGlory_SmallCover (1)_2The rules to promote a book seem to change daily, especially in Indie publishing. So many books are flooding the marketplace. Reaching those potential readers who will love your book is becoming a greater challenge than ever before.

But don’t despair. With the invention of the Internet, there are many ways (both free and paid) to get your name out there.

Below are several options to spread the word, and my thoughts on each:

  1. Create an Author Facebook Page. This is free and invaluable to interact with readers, writers, and announce when you have new books coming out. Facebook does offer a “boost post” and “get more likes” option that costs $5/day. I’ve done this for 3 days and had surprisingly great results.


  1. Facebook Groups. There are groups on Facebook that allow you to post news about your book for free. Anything from “New Book Releases” to “Paranormal Book Lovers” to “We Love Books” groups exist. Do a search and join the ones you want. Keeping regular updates on these sites can bring new likes to your page, new readers.


  1. This is my favorite. You can host giveaways of your paperback books, which encourages reviews and gains exposure. You can also join genre-based groups, who are interested in what you write. Some groups have programs where, if you provide free e-books to 10 people, those 10 people will review your book within a month’s time. This is a great way for a new author to get reviews.


  1. Twitter-blast. I have used a few of these, the services where people will tweet about your book to their thousands of followers. The free ones didn’t do much for my sales, but it was free. The paid options, in my opinion, are not worth it. Nobody wants the sales push on Twitter.


  1. Pinterest. Create boards on Pinterest with photos of your characters, quotes from your book, etc. People who follow you can see what their favorite characters look like, along with scenic views of the city where you set your story. I’ve had a few readers buy my books after looking at my boards. I think anything free helps.


  1. Book Tours. These differ in services offered and price, so be sure to do your research. I find book tours help exposure and can gain some early reviews for your book, but it won’t ratchet up your sales by the hundreds in one day.


new_elaine_bio (1)_2

Elaine Calloway writes paranormal/fantasy tales with romantic elements, often set in iconic cities. She grew up in New Orleans with a love of gothic architecture and all things paranormal, which naturally translated into her books. She is currently writing two series: The Elemental Clan Series (a good versus evil set of tales between Elementals and evil Fallen Angels) and the Southern Ghosts Series (some intrigue, humor and mystery with a dash of romance thrown in).

To connect with Elaine and learn more about her books, visit www.elainecalloway.com.

Character interview of Gary Logan from Immortal Relations by Guy Ogan

Today we have an unusual guest, the character Gary Logan from the “Immortal Relations” series. Gary, please tell us a little about yourself.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThanks Cindy, it is a pleasure to be with you and the readers of your blog today. Where to begin? I guess I will start with my human background. I’d picked up a pair of Master’s Degrees, one while still in the U.S. Air Force and stationed in The Netherlands (Holland) and the second shortly after my retirement from the Air Force. I taught undergraduate counseling, psychology and sociology at a couple of colleges and universities as well as having my own private practice helping children, adolescents and adults with Attention Deficit. Later, I tool a position with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, their prison system, and retired as a psychologist when my father passed away and my invalid mother needed my care.

Shortly after her passing I started going through all the filing cabinets where I found the photograph of my father taken in Prague, Czechoslovakia right after WW-II. He had been sent, along with a team, to try and help the Czechs develop a new government along the lines of a Constitutional Republic. When I found out about that I thought it was a “fool’s errand” as Eastern Europe was under the boot of the Soviet Army and they certainly weren’t going to allow such a free government to be formed. Sure enough, the team of Americans was eventually told to leave, but not before my late father had developed a “relationship” with their young Czech interpreter, whose handwriting I found on the back of the photo saying, “I’ll always be waiting here.”

Seeing her words caused me to remember things my late mother had said when I was very young, “He is over there with that woman” and “He has had a child with that woman.” My mother had even asked me what I would do if she divorced my father! I wasn’t more than six or seven years old so really didn’t understand all of that, but the distress in her voice probably caused me to remember this even though there never was a divorce; back in the 1940s and 50s it was common for married folks to stay together “for sake of the children.” Perhaps that’s what happened even if I was an only child.

Having found that photograph, a copy of which is on pg. two of “Immortal Relations” the first book in the series, I determined to go to Prague and see if I could find the location where the photograph was taken. It took a few weeks to get the passport and other documents as well as make my travel arrangements and it wasn’t fun going through all the hassle of the security scans and inspections. I finally arrived in Prague and very soon thereafter found the spot where the photograph had been taken, it was a very famous building, “The Old Town Hall” that had a very large clock-face on the side of the building (as seen in the photograph).

So, after you’d found the building what happened?

I guess this is where EVERYTHING really started! It was very early Sunday Morning and there were no pedestrians and very sparse traffic, when all of a sudden I saw someone’s reflection in a window glass, where there hadn’t been anyone before. She was dressed like a super-model, but no sooner had I seen her, she disappeared. I turned to see if I could find where she had gone and I she was right behind me…it shocked me so much I almost fell over backwards. As I later told her, when she grabbed my arm to keep me upright I think she grabbed my heart at the same time.

Her name was Magdalena Dvora’k and she took one look at the picture I carried and without skipping a beat, said my father’s name! I came very close to falling, but again she grabbed my arm to steady me. We sat and talked for a long time and finally when jet-lag was getting the best of me she walked with me back to my hotel and made sure I got into my room to rest saying she would return the next day. I’d slept for over twelve hours and had just started taking a shower when she returned. I’d told the hotel manager to let her have the key when she returned so she was able to come in and after showering we headed out to see the city. She was a fantastic guide and so very knowledgeable about the city and all that went on there…I felt I was falling in love but knew she was so much younger that my feelings were out of place.

She returned me to my hotel saying she would try to see me again tomorrow evening. After I awoke and took my shower, I went to the café we had previously visited. On my way back to the hotel I despaired of seeing her again and felt like I’d die if she didn’t return because I had no way of contacting her. Fortunately she suddenly appeared walking next to me and I couldn’t help but tell her of my fear I wouldn’t see her again. She was so caring and understanding, being with her made my heart sing! That evening we toured some of the areas we hadn’t seen the night before and when she took me up on top of one of the oldest buildings from which we could see the lights of the city, I couldn’t refrain from professing my love, admitting that I knew our age difference was probably too much. When she said she had similar feelings for me I thought my heart would explode with joy; however, she warned that there was a problem as far as doing anything. That is when I told her that all she had to do to correct the problem was to change me. I caught her off-guard with the fact that I’d already figured out that she was a vampire…that in fact she had been the paramour of my late father.

Wow, talk about a revelation, what did she say to all that?

She just smiled and said I was right but that turning me would require approval from the head of her coven. About that time her daughter, Eviana, came up onto the roof where we were and told me how happy she was that her mother had found love. Then I was taken back to a control room where Eviana had a shift monitoring the city to keep humans safe from vampires who didn’t follow the rules about not harming humans, as well as identifying criminal threats.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERANot harming humans, then how did they get the blood they needed?

The guardian vampires have a number of corporations, one of which owns many funeral homes. Blood from those who die of illness, old age, accidents, etc. must be replaced with a preservative before processing and that blood, rather than being flushed, is mixed with an anti-coagulant and quick frozen for later use by the guardians. To me it seemed like the perfect symbiotic relationship as they not only safeguard against other types of vampires, but human criminals and evil politicians.

Then what happened?

Well, Magdalena expressed the belief that all vampires were doomed to Hell to which I responded with the argument that since I’d been told that most of the guardian vampires had originally been the victims of the evil type of vampires, it wouldn’t make sense to damn the victims of these attacks and we discussed salvation being available to all. Shortly after that a vehicle from the Residency Coven picked us up and took me to meet with the leader of the group known as Grandmother. She and her assistants were all mind-readers and my thoughts, being more than a little chaotic provided some amusement for them; however, Grandmother was very gracious and allowed that I could become one of them.

So how did the “change” take place?

Magdalena, Eviana and I went to their apartment inside the castle, and yes it really was a castle. I had to change into a European “Thong” bathing suit…talk about something that made me feel as horrible as I must have looked! Then I was secured to a long cart that had been rolled into their apartment for me to be secured on top of. I’d asked for a gag over my mouth as I’d been told there would be a great deal of pain and I didn’t want any screams to bring unwanted attention down on the proceedings. I’d elected to have both Magdalena and Eviana to bite me to speed up the change even if it meant greater pain.

Was the change terribly painful?

Indeed, it was as if fire was racing through my veins, skin and bones, as well as my muscles. But to have the prospect of being forever with the ones I loved it was a small price to pay.

But what about being condemned to Hell?

As I’d told both Magdalena and Eviana, I considered that just a cop-out designed by those vampires who have no desire to live peacefully alongside of humans, but rather they say, “I might as well kill everyone because I’m doomed anyway.” It is like saying God doesn’t have the power to provide salvation to these good vampires who don’t attack but rather safeguard the humans.

Speaking of safeguarding, I’ve read the first book and most of the second, “Immortal Relations, Love and War” and it certainly seems that you and the others kept a lot of bad things from happening. Care to elaborate?

The guardians routinely prevent rapes and robberies among other human crimes and when we were attacked by the vampire gang, we dealt them and when they tried to attack us by turning Czech military forces we convinced the Czech’s to help us defeat a band of “terrorists.” Then the vampire gang survivors went to England to try to obtain nuclear weapons, we, with the help of the British Army and Royal Marines were able to stymie their efforts. Then they tried to steal chemical and biological weapon that had been stockpiled from the old days of the Soviet Union. We were able to enlist the help of the senior Russian General Vladimir Kolukov to finish off the vampire gang (of course we had told them these were just some very well trained terrorists). In the second book I’m sure you read of our intervention when the Communist Chinese invaded Siberia; we helped defeat the invaders before the war resulted in a nuclear exchange. It became clear when we stopped the Chinese invasion that the Marxist regime in Washington D.C. was in on the deal, having been promised a reduction in the debt owed to the Chinese due to the overspending by the U.S. Government. Shortly thereafter we helped restore Russian oil production so vital to Western Europe after greedy OPEC Ministers had a terrorist set off a suitcase nuke to destroy the pumping station and irradiate the oil fields. We also kept the 25 year old cap over the Chernobyl reactor from failing by constructing a new cap as well as moving the leaning reactor building damaged by the tsunami which hit Fukushima, Japan.

Tell us a little of your unusual genetic makeup and what a difference it made after you were changed.

Well after I was changed my heart continued to beat and I was able to sire children, both of which were relatively unheard of in the vampire world. Further my son Adam continued to have a beating heart as did his own daughter, a hybrid half-vampire, half-human. What was most interesting was that Glenda, Adam’s hybrid daughter could live on blood as well as on human food…she seemingly had none of the problems associated with vampirism, yet had all the strengths. My family of vampire children has continued to grow and I’ve been jokingly accused of trying to start my own coven, especially now that we have started a coven in Southern Canada to monitor what the Marxist regime in Washington D.C. is doing to destroy the U.S. Constitution and it’s Bill of Rights.

How did you come to write the three books in the series and will there be others?

I had been busy writing a journal about my becoming a vampire and when were faced with a news organization ready to release information that had come to their attention about REAL VAMPIRES being behind the defeat of the Chinese I was asked to produce two books that would be backdated to well before the events in question to make it look as if the news organization had plagiarized those stories as real facts. This action caused the news organization to put their story on hold…at least until the missile attack upon our Canadian facility by the Marxists in Washington D.C. and their later effort to destroy our mission to safeguard Earth from Ceres the 600 mile wide rogue asteroid that was headed for a possible impact in just weeks. That is when it became common knowledge that we guardian vampires were behind all of those actions. That is why all three “novels” were released. As for future novels, yes I have another in the works that will contain some recent “situations” that have arisen and been dealt with. The title will be, “Immortal Relations – Revenge.” It deals with some left-overs from the evil vampire gang as well as more destructive actions by the Marxists in Washington. I hope to have it out in the Spring of 2015 and I already have the covers for two further books in the series. My prayer is that the American people wake up and return the United States to a Constitutional Republic by kicking out he Marxists and their media running-dogs.

Do you have any final words for my readers?

Yes, many books and films portray all vampires as evil monsters trying to draining the life blood from men, women and children coming near them. My stories are to show that not all those who might be seen to be “enemies” at first glance really are. It is the reverse of what politicians seem to get away with in the U.S., don’t listen to what they say, watch what they do (and watch very closely)! For vampires and others you might label as enemies out of hand, you should watch how they behave before branding us all as enemies. And, of course, I’d love for your readers to check out my books: http://amzn.com/B006ZCBT6G http://amzn.com/B00A4IEHL6 & http://amzn.com/B00G5BQS18


Guy Ogan is a retired Air Force Major with a pair of graduate degrees, unfortunately not in English or Literature. I’m also retired from a second “calling” as a psychologist with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice where I evaluated inmates and wrote treatment programs. In my youth I wrote articles on various long distance running events I participated in. Then, in the military, I did a great deal of technical writing and wrote many articles and sent pictures on car shows I attended. My wife and I live in West Texas with three fun loving Pomeranians.

I Grew Up Loving Cowboys by Jane Leopold Quinn

Sorry Paul (my husband), but I’ve always loved cowboys.

He always kids me about The Duke.

John Wayne was the best!

I was in love with the TV and movie cowboys of the 50s and 60s. So, when I first began writing romances, cowboys were the logical heroes.

Although they weren’t completely historically accurate, those old western shows are my main research “bible.” But I do have quite a few books showing male and female clothing from different historic periods, as well as pioneer women’s diaries, women who’d crossed the country in covered wagons. The women walked along side the wagons, cooked meals, washed clothing, looked after the children. Men rode horses and drove the wagons. To give them their due, the menfolk hunted for food but still on horseback. In their diaries, women didn’t mention their periods or even childbirth. The most they’d say is that there was an addition to the wagon train. Life was difficult and lonely for many women in the west, but they had no choice but to continue moving one step forward, literally and figuratively. Thank God they did or most of us wouldn’t be here.

The first manuscript I wrote was The Long Road to You, and it starred a hero named Nick as an homage to the western, especially the TV western, The Big Valley. I was/am a Nick Barkley fan. That black outfit and especially the omnipresent black gloves were quite sexy. And in Nick’s case, a black Stetson didn’t make him the bad guy.

Around the same time, I was listening to an Andrea Bocelli CD, Sogno, and in particular the song, ‘O Mare e Tu. Its haunting minor chords, the Spanish/Arabic/Gypsy sounds  put me in mind of the Flamenco. A young Anglo woman became my heroine, and she became the Flamenco dancer. You’d think a Mexican or Spanish woman would be the dancer, but I turned it around so the properly brought up and schooled American girl fell in love with the Flamenco, tried to break her bonds of propriety, and flee to escape the threat of an arranged marriage. Jake and Ivy came into being and is now the first book in the series, The Brothers Agee.

The Flamenco is a sexy dance. The serious focused faces, rigid dance poses, minor chord sounds mesh with flying, tapping feet and gracefully waving arms. I used the music to portray Ivy’s self-discovery of her sensual nature.

My hero Jake was inspired, in part, by an incident in my husband’s youth. Jake and Nick were raised in an orphanage. Nick left when Jake was ten years old, and Jake became a loner — until he met Ivy. This in particular was not part of my husband’s experience, but my heart ached for the young orphan boys.

A scene in Jake and Ivy takes place in Barranca del Cobre, Copper Canyon, in northern Mexico. Thank heavens for the internet, because it allows you to visit places you could never go to and get an idea of what they looked and felt like. That combined with my own experiences, of places I’ve traveled to and sights I’ve seen in person, really help in writing the scene.

What would a young woman in 1880 have known about men and sex? I don’t think much since women were protected. The challenge is to take our modern 21st Century sensibility and write to an historical perspective. I don’t believe an 1880s era young woman would speak a certain way, use particular words. This means I had to be aware of Ivy’s innocent thoughts and dialogue and write them as realistically as possible.

I really like the challenge of subsuming myself in a character to see life as she/or he would. Especially in the male point of view. That’s really a challenge!

200x300 (1)_2 Jake and Ivy

The Brothers Agee – Jake

by Jane Leopold Quinn


Here is the blurb for Jake and Ivy:  Ivy Westlake, thought to be a demure young lady, comes alive at her friend’s hacienda in Mexico when she discovers the Flamenco. Her wild side is unleashed in the sensuality of music and dancing. She will not allow her father to force her into a marriage of convenience back East, so she runs away with the dance troupe.

Jake Agee, cowboy, horse trader, loner, has carefully built a life with no commitments. That life explodes in his face when Ivy dances. He doesn’t know she’s run away until he spots her performing in a small California town. He battles his desire to have this woman against his well-honed sense of independence.

Jake and Ivy perform their own style of pas de deux throughout southern California until their passions ignite in a desert cave in the middle of a thunder storm. Jake fights his growing love as Ivy fights her craving for their erotic pursuits. Jake’s long lost brother suddenly and mysteriously surfaces. Will this appearance tear Jake and Ivy apart? Will it destroy their love?


And a short excerpt: Jake and Ivy have danced their own pas de deux throughout southern California, fighting their attraction, trying to keep their independence. Emotions are running high and a coming storm brings them together for the first time…

Slowly he stretched out an arm, his hand spread welcomingly wide.

Her breath stopped in her chest. Her belly tightened. She didn’t think he was just asking her to take a ride with him. In her short life, she’d never thought to feel this kind of desire for a man, hadn’t known it even existed. He’d ridden out of nowhere. For her? He didn’t say the words but she knew what he was asking. Come with him. The only possible response from her was yes. She shifted her glance in the direction of the town.

His eyes narrowed. “It’s close enough. They’ll reach it before the storm hits.”

“Go, niña.”

She heard Christina’s whispered urging but had already made her decision. She stood, balancing on the wagon frame and placed her hand in his. He swung her over, settling her in front of him to straddle the horse, her skirts hitching up to her knees. His arm tightened around her middle as he wheeled sharply away.

Her heart beat wildly recognizing the inevitability. It was what she’d been waiting for. He wanted her. She wanted him. It was as simple as that. Her body nestled into the shelter of his chest. His arms encircled her shoulders, one hand handling the reins, his open palm anchored over her belly. She twisted around to scrutinize him, her heart fluttering at his tender vulnerable neck, at the sight of the beating pulse pumping madly. Even his strong jaw shaded by light bristles looked arousing. Through lips slightly parted, little bursts of air coincided with the rise and fall of his chest as she leaned against it. Her eyes finally met his.

Jake and Ivy is available here – http://amzn.com/B00OEFC9LK


200x300_2And let me give a little shout out to the short story, Wooing the Librarian, loosely connected to Jake and Ivy and also available now. Isis doesn’t want another man, not even handsome preacher Pres. Bounty hunter, now preacher, he can’t hide his attraction to the new librarian. Does he discover the way into her heart? Pres isn’t about to give up. Can Isis forget her past pain and see a future with him?


Short PG Excerpt – Isis retreats to a park for a respite from Preacher Pres and encounters one of the town’s “angels of the night”…


“I love your hat,” Isis exclaimed.

The woman’s mouth opened in surprise at the compliment, then her eyes widened in happiness. Her smile made her seem younger than she’d first appeared through her heavy makeup. “Thank you, ma’am!” She patted the hat, feathers ruffling in the breeze. “I made it myself.”

“It’s beautiful. So unique. Do you make them for a living?” Her heart seized at the look of devastation on the other woman’s face. She lifted a hand to touch the satin-clad arm and, indicating the bench, quickly said, “Please sit down. My name is Isis Garrett.” She added, “You could open a millinery shop if you make any more hats like that one.”

“Mine’s Opal Jonas. And thank you. I’ve made quite a few, almost more than one woman can wear.”

Each in her own thoughts, they sat without speaking for a minute. Finally, Isis asked, “You’d like to borrow a book?”

“Yes, if you’ll lend to me.”

“Of course, I will. The books are for anyone to read. What kind of stories do you like?”

Opal laughed outright then. “Believe it or not, I like to read romance stories. You wouldn’t think I would, but they’re pleasant enough to pass the daytime with.”

Isis smiled and held up the book in her lap. “Have you ever read anything by Fanny Burney?”

“No, I’ve never heard of her.”

“She was a British author from the last century and wrote about English society at that time.”

“I like reading about the past. It kind of takes me away from my present life.” She gave a little self-deprecating chuckle and blushed under the face paint.

“Here then, take this.” Isis offered the book to Opal.

“But you’re reading it. I don’t want to take it from you.”

“Please. I’ve read it before. Tell me later if you liked it. I have more by the same author.”

“How will I return it to you?”

“Just come into the library any time you’d like. I’ll be there.”

“Someone might see me.”

“And what’s wrong with that?”

Opal scowled. “Some people might think me unfit.”

Isis pressed her lips together. “Well, I don’t, and it’s my library. So there!”

Opal chuckled and said, “You’re sweet. I hope you don’t get any nasty remarks.”

“I can handle anyone, don’t you worry. Books are for everyone to enjoy. You’ll come back and talk to me, won’t you? We’ll talk about the story.” Isis smiled encouragingly.

Opal clutched the book as if it were precious and beamed back. “I will, and I’ll take very good care of this.”

Wooing the Librarian is available here – http://amzn.com/B00ONZSRPS


Cowboy rides horse between two large bouldersThe Long Road to You

I’m working on another book for the series. The Long Road to You is Nick Gabriel’s story. His life after leaving the orphanage was tougher than Jake’s had been. A little time on the run from the law, a little time in jail, but after hooking up again with his brother Jake, he knew it was time to work on his own future. Pretty much the minute he grabs Margee McPherson off a rearing horse, he knows that she’s for him. Stay tuned…


My Books

Ellora’s Cave

Lost and Found


Valentine’s Day

His Hers & His

The Keeper

Soldier, Come Home

Winning Violetta

A Promise at Dawn

Jake and Ivy

Wooing the Librarian

Home to Stay

The Long Road to You (coming soon)


Undercover Lover

Mercenary Desires

I’ll Be Your Last


Jane Leopold Quinn

My Romance:  Love With a Scorching Sensuality

http://janeleopoldquinn.BlogSpot.com  +  https://twitter.com/jelquinnauthor

Amazon Author Page http://amzn.to/1DfiXkP