Boxed sets, have they run their course?

Redeemed by a Rebel 300 dpiI’ll tell you up front that as an author I’m not a fan of the multi author boxed sets that they then sell for 99 cents. It does what it’s supposed to I guess, which is get new readers, but there is no way that 14 authors are going to make any money off of a 99 cent book (35 cents profit), even if it does reach the USA Today and New York Times lists.

Now I’ll also tell you that as a reader, I love these boxed sets. I get to try new authors for less than a dime a book. I’m hardly out anything if I don’t find one I like I can move on to the next one.

How about you? How do you feel, as an author, would you participate in one of these boxed sets? What do you expect to get from it? As a reader, do you love them? What do you expect to get from them? Are they always new authors for you or some of your favorites?

Do you think box sets have run their course, done their duty and should go the way of the dinosaur?

Leave me come comments and win print copy of my book, Redeemed by a Rebel. (US participants will receive the print copy, international winner will receive an ecopy of the book.)

Here is a piece by my friend E. Ayers on the subject.

Here’s My Two Cents
which looks a whole lot more like dime.

Well, I’ve done that multi-author boxed set so I know what it does and doesn’t do. It put one of my books into the hands of a plethora of readers. Am I willing to do it again? Yes!

The amount made wasn’t very much, but it was a tidy little amount. I’ll say more than nothing and a whole lot less than we’d like to think we’d make per book. But when I look around and see what authors will pay to put their name in front of readers, this was cheap advertising and the reader got my book and quite a few more. What I’ve seen is sales on my other books. I also have a story in Debra Holland’s Sweetwater Springs Christmas anthology and that I know has spurred some sales. But I believe it was the boxed set (Christmas on Main Street, which is no longer available) that became the catalyst for many sales. Even though that was a contemporary western in the box, I’m seeing sales on my River City books, which I swear went dormant during the holiday.

So why would someone read a sweet western and then read a more mainstream book? If people like the style of an author’s writing, they will read that author. I will read anything a favorite author writes because I know I’m going to be reading a great story so it doesn’t matter if it’s set in the 1800’s, 900’s or that it’s a crazy contemporary steampunk.

I wouldn’t care if you wrote a contemporary whodunit because I know you create these great characters and wonderful stories for them so why wouldn’t I like what you write if you wrote something different? I don’t think I’m alone. Yes, there are diehard readers who will only read that one genre, and I’m sure many of those readers bought that boxed set because it contained a book by someone they knew and enjoyed. How many bothered to read all eleven books in the set? And how many people read mine and hated it because I don’t write the same type of book as someone else in that set. I promise there’s not one stinker in the whole set, which doesn’t guarantee everyone is going to like all the books.

So just to play with numbers, I’ll say out of all the sales that maybe less than one third of the people who bought the set might get around to eventually reading my book. I have a 50/50 chance they will like me enough to buy more of my books. That’s an awesome number of readers!

Looking at the anthology with Debra Holland, I believe more people read my story because it’s shorter and those stories are tied together so it’s loads of fun reading them. For every Sweetwater Springs Christmas sold, I have a 50/50 chance of obtaining a new reader, which is different from a much small percentage of readers who might get around to reading what I wrote in the big boxed set. It’s 50% of the whole or 50% of less than a third. (I really hope what I just said makes sense.)

As a reader, boxed sets are a fabulous way to try out new authors. We both know a ton of authors who have joined together and created boxed sets. I’ve collected quite a few on my Kindle. Because for 99 cents or even $2.99, it’s a steal of a deal! I knew the one author but I didn’t know the others, or I knew a few but had never read their books. Have I found some great authors? You betcha!

But just as free books have flooded the market and hurt us, so does the boxed set. Why buy a single book for $2.99 or even $5.99 when someone can grab a boxed set of five, ten, or more books for next to nothing? Readers then expect that all books should be that cheap.

I’m an author. This is not my hobby! It is my career. It’s how I make a living. I don’t have a partner bringing home a paycheck. Don’t expect me to write and give my books away for free or to box ten of them up and sell them for 99 cents. It costs me money to produce books. There are cover costs, the expense of paying editors, etc. I must sell a couple thousand books at 99 cents to just cover basic expenses. If I were to box several, I’ve increased what I must sell. Please don’t expect any author to be capable of selling 10,000 books each month just to pay the electric bill on the house! It’s totally impossible.

But there are those who will only read free books or will never buy a book over 99 cents. I have a sneaking suspicion that they are some of the same folks who will drop $6 on a fancy mocha latte, extra shot, upside down with caramel drizzle. But there are also those who are feeding a rabid reading habit and could never afford to pay more for books. It doesn’t feel as though it was that many years ago when I was in the grocery store, with a toddler in the cart seat, and I was counting pennies and wondering if I had enough to buy a book with the leftover grocery money that week. So I understand how important price can be.

I think most people are quite willing to pay $2.99 or more for a book, especially when they know they love the author. And what better way is there to find new authors other than through free or boxed sets?

It’s a two-edged sword. But the general public is getting used to ebooks. There was a time when the number of readers was limited. Now almost everyone seems to have an ereader. (Yes, yes, there are still paper readers. We all know that, but we’re discussing cheap books. Ebooks are cheap.) There are plenty of folks who think a 99 cent or free book must be trash because who would sell so cheap? I’d say they don’t understand advertising. The general public is seeing these cheap books for what they are – marketing strategies and a way to discover a new author. And how many people have waited until the library brought in a favorite author so that they didn’t have to pay $22 for a hardback book?

Things are changing. The industry is changing. The readers are getting smarter. Does anyone remember those book-buying clubs years ago? For a penny you’d get 10 paperback books and then pay only $9.99 a month plus S&H and you could read another 6 books each month but you were committed for a year? Those clubs had all the big names and new releases. There are several sites trying to do the same thing today with ebooks.

The only thing that has really changed is that we’re reading on a device instead of holding a book.
E. Ayers

Sunday Sneak Peek – Redeemed by a Rebel 02.23.2014

Here is my Sunday Sneak Peek for my latest book Redeemed by a Rebel. As a reward for commenting, you’ll be entered into the drawing for a print copy of my last book, Fiery Bride. Be sure and leave me a comment. (Print book for US winner only. International winner will receive an ecopy)

Redeemed by a Rebel 300 dpi“Not at all, sir. It was in both our best interests that I do so. The person that is mining the claim for you needs the money I pay. Plus I let her keep fifty percent of the gold she finds in addition to the nominal daily rate I pay, so the situation is a winning one all around.”

“Her? Your miner is a woman?” asked Liam.

“Yes. She and her father have the claim next to mine…er…yours.” A pretty little blush crept up her neck at her error. “The situation was ideal to ask her to work the property to keep the find active so I could sell. If it’s not active, anyone can take the mine over. A lot of the Chinese take over the inactive ones. I didn’t want that to happen so I asked Becky to work the mine for me.”

A customer came in and Miss Sutter held up one finger. “Excuse me. I’ll be right back,” she said before leaving to help the man.

In a few minutes she was back. “I’m sorry for that, but my regular business must come first. I thought our discussion would be lasting a bit longer than I wanted the man to wait. Anyway, yes, Becky Finnegan pans the gold for me. Her father is supposed to work with her, but well, he’s pretty useless if you ask me. Will you need supplies?”

Jake was trying hard to keep up with the conversation. Miss Sutter was a ball of fire. Jumping from one thing to the other.

“Yes,” said Liam. “We’ll need basic supplies for about a month. Sugar, flour, coffee, salt, cornmeal and beans. We also need some bacon rind. Do you have eggs? We haven’t had eggs in more than two months and I know it would be a treat to have them for dinner tonight.”


Because this blog is not part of my blog tour, you aren’t eligible for the $100 GC, but as a thank you for stopping by, you’ll get an ecopy of Tame A Wild Bride and be in the running for a $10 gift card. So be sure and comment and leave your email in the comment.

redeemed_by_a_rebel_2April 1876
St. Louis, Missouri

The iron pressed against Jake Anderson’s back was almost as cold as the rain pouring out of the night sky.
“Knock on the door,” demanded his brother Zach, his voice angry and on edge.
Jake did as he was told and pounded on the front door, hard enough to be heard over the din of the rain.
“What the hell?” said his eldest brother, Liam, when he opened the door. “Jake? Zach? What are you two doing here? It’s the middle of the night.”
Zach growled from behind Jake. “Are you going to let us in or make us stand in this rain all night?”
“Come in. Zach, put that gun away.”
“Can’t until the kid here,” he poked Jake in the back with the gun, “is inside and we’ve talked to you.”
Jake walked into the foyer of the house his oldest brother owned in St. Louis. Steamer trunks and carpet bags lined the hallway down to the parlor.
“Sorry to do this to you, Liam. I know you’re leaving tomorrow,” said Zach, laying his hat on one of the trunks.
Jake threw his hat on the trunk next to Zach’s.
“Yes. At first light. Now, tell me what’s going on and why you brought Jake here at gun point,” said Liam.
“Only way I could get him to come.”
“And?” Liam said, exasperated. “Don’t make me beat the story out of you word by word, little brother. Just tell me the problem.”
Liam pointed at the two chairs in front of the fire, then went to the fireplace and stoked the banked coals to life. He added a piece of wood to the tiny flames before he turned once again to face them. “Jake. You first,” he said in a tone that brooked no argument.
“I killed an army captain,” Jake said, refusing to sit. He couldn’t sit. Couldn’t be still. He wanted to scream at the injustice, shout at God for his betrayal.
“Why’d you do a damn fool thing like that?”
Jake shrugged. “I didn’t have a choice.”
“There’s always a choice,” countered Liam.
Zach put away his gun. “No, there’s not,” said Zach. “There was reason for it, but he did kill the man. I use the word ‘man’ loosely.”
“Damn it, Jake. They’ll hunt you down and hang you for this.” Liam had been a colonel with seventeen years service, Jake knew he was familiar with military justice.
“The son of a bitch deserved to die. And as soon as I can, I’m going to kill the other bastard, too.”
“He’s mine,” snarled Zach.
“Who?” asked Liam.
“The colonel.”
“Jesus! You two had better tell me what’s going on. Start at the beginning.”
Jake began to pace. The hardwood creaked under his weight and small droplets of water from his wet boots followed in his wake. He swallowed hard and took a deep breath. He didn’t want to relive that moment when he’d lost Elizabeth, but he knew he had to. For Liam. So he’d understand.
“I went to see Elizabeth just like I did every day, just to snatch a few minutes together.” His voice broke and he paused, gathering himself to face the memory. “Her mother and aunt kept her pretty busy with wedding plans so we didn’t get to see much of each other.
“When I got there, I heard a gunshot come from the house. I ran to the door but the damn thing was locked and I had to break it down. I lost precious moments doing that. When I got to the parlor, there were two men standing over Elizabeth. Her face was bloodied.” Jake’s voice cracked.
As if the memory were there, right there, and he was watching it all over again, he felt the color flee his face as he remembered Elizabeth’s. He wet his lips and continued on choked words. “Her dress was ripped, skirt bunched around her waist. The one holding the gun was a colonel and the other was a captain. Both in full uniform. The bastard captain was buttoning his pants when I walked in. I shot him on the spot.
“As soon as the colonel saw me, he ran out the other door toward the kitchen. I followed but he was on his horse and riding away by the time I reached the back door.”
Jake stopped. His body shook. His hands fisted and white knuckled. He took several deep breaths to quell the tears before he could continue.
He watched his brothers eyes fill with pity and he knew he had to finish.
Jake continued as though he were reciting a story. It was the only way he could get through the whole thing, the only way he could relive those moments. “When I got back to the parlor, I went immediately to Elizabeth and got down on my knees beside her. The bastard colonel had shot her in the chest, but she was still breathing. She opened her eyes. They were filled with terror until she realized who I was.” His voice cracked. He paused. It was too fresh. The memory too new and painful. Rage filled him.
“Jake,” she said to me. “I tried to stop them, I tried.”
“Shhh,” I told her. “You’re going to be fine. It’s all right.”
“I tried…tried to stop them…stop John but,” she whispered. “I love you, Jake.”
“She closed her eyes and took her last breath in my arms. I held her for I don’t know how long. Finally, I picked her up and laid her on the sofa. I went back to the captain, made sure he was dead and then looked through his pockets to find out anything I could about the colonel.”
“After he’d kicked the shit out of him,” interjected Zach.

Redeemed by a Rebel excerpt and t-shirt giveaway

Here is a little taste of my new book REDEEMED BY A REBEL. For one lucky commentor, I have a t-shirt with the cover on it, size 2x. So have some fun and tell me what you think of the excerpt. Does it make you want to read more or put the book down and forget it? Be honest. I can take it.

Redeemed by a Rebel 300 dpiAugust 1876

He’d been dead. Deader than a doornail in a rotted-out door. Becky Finnegan remembered finding the body splayed across the rocks like the annual sacrifice to some unknown god. Heck, that wasn’t something she was likely to ever forget. She’d had to leave him to collect her no good, drunkard father, Billy, from The Gem where he spent all the gold she worked her butt off to get.

She’d lied to Billy once again, only given him part of their gold. If she gave him all of it, like he wanted, nothing would be left to buy food or the pans and other equipment she needed to work their claim. And then there’d be no gold for him to go drown his sorrows. Sorrows that were her fault, according to him, since Becky killed her Ma by getting born. And then he’d beat her and she wouldn’t be able to work so there’d be no gold and the cycle would start again. Better to lie to him.

Resigned, she grabbed the mule’s bridle. Buster snorted at the small jerk she gave the gear as she started walking downstream along the narrow path that followed the creek. She’d made this path, going back and forth to their claim on a daily basis. After collecting Billy from The Gem, after he’d spent another night drowning his sorrows. Better there than at their campsite where he’d just complain and then beat her for the hell of it.

She and her father, Billy, originally came from the coal mines of West Virginia. Some said they were rebels because West Virginia was in the south during the War of Northern Aggression. But that was so long ago and there’d been many, many stops along the way. Becky barely remembered the place anymore. She supposed the only reason she didn’t forget it altogether was because she’d lived there with Grandma Bess. Those were the memories she liked to remember. Grandma Bess was so good to her, but then she had to go and die. Then there was just Billy and new place after new place.

Every time she hoped this might be the spot, the one where they could put down roots. But it never was. Billy leached the goodwill from the townsfolk until there was none left and they had to move on.

She’d gotten lucky with her education. One of the ladies she worked for took pity on her and taught her to read, write and speak so she was able to get better jobs as time went on. But not good enough to keep Billy supplied which was why she spent all day in the cold river panning for whatever gold, flake or nugget, she could find.

She went into The Gem and saw Billy, face down on one of the tables next to the door.

“Hi, just came to get Billy,” she said to the man behind the bar.

“Ah, if it isn’t Miss Finnegan. Where are your bruises Becky? Guess Billy’s been keeping his fists to himself lately.” Al Swearengen, owner of The Gem and procurer of flesh, said from in front of his second floor office.

“No thanks to you and all the whiskey he downs here,” she said. There was a running dialogue that she had with Al, every time she picked up Billy.

“Thanks for that. I love the gold Billy spends here every night. He almost single-handedly keeps me in business.”

She rolled her eyes and looked over at Billy, wondering if she really could be related to the reprobate. She’d get the barkeep to load him on the mule and then, when they got back to camp, she’d untie him and let him slip to the ground. She used to try holding him up, to slow his fall, but too many times, she’d ended up trapped beneath him until she could shove his heavy body off her. Totally ignorant of the whole situation, he blissfully slept off the effects of his alcohol fueled stupor.

There’d been just as many times she left him at The Gem and let them deal with his sorry ass..

“I’ll see his body gets taken care of,” said the barkeep. “In the meantime you get your father and get out. I keep telling you, this ain’t no place for a girl like you to be seen.”

“Oh, I don’t know, Dan,” said Al looking dapper in his black three piece pinstriped suit. He wore no tie and his shirt was open at the collar. Becky craned her neck to look upward at him. “We could give her a job that’s a lot easier than working that claim. Wouldn’t you like that Becky? No more standing in the cold river. You’d be flat on your back, but you’d be warm.”

He leaned on the hand rail of the second floor walkway. The small porch like structure went along the whole back of the building, all of the doors to the whores rooms were off of it and visible from the bar where the barkeep could keep track of the comings and goings of the men from the rooms.

“Not today, Mr. Swearengen, but I’ll be sure and keep your offer in mind.” She hoped the sarcasm came through in her voice.

Swearengen laughed. A great rumble from deep in his chest. “You do that. Help her load Billy on to her mule,” he said to the barkeep then he turned away and went back into his office. “See you tomorrow, Becky,” he called over his shoulder.

She nodded, then looked at the fancy women lounging around the room in varying states of undress and silently agreed with Dan. She should get out. She didn’t understand how they could do what they did. She’d rather work day and night in the creek than let any man with a dollar in his pocket touch her in that way.

Sunday Sneek Peak – Redeemed by a Rebel 01.26.2014

OHHHH! I;m so happy. Redeemed by a Rebel is now available for sale, earlier than it’s planned release date of January 31st. I hope if you like this excerpt that you’ll try the book. So here goes the next seven paragraphs in our story.

Redeemed by a Rebel 300 dpiMiss Sutter was a pretty little blond woman, who seemed quite capable of running the business without any help from a husband or a brother. Definitely not the simpering miss type to be treated with kid gloves. She was all business and didn’t take shit off anyone. Yet, there wasn’t a miner or merchant or mother that walked out of her store without a smile on their face. Jake was impressed.

Liam approached the counter with Jake in his wake. “Miss Sutter? I’m Liam Anderson,” he said using their real name, “and this is my brother, Jake.”

“Misters Anderson, I’m glad you finally made it.” She wiped her hands on the front of her white apron and then held her hand out to Liam.

He took the dainty appendage and said, “So am I. Can you give me directions to the claim? I’d like to get set up before nightfall.”

“Certainly. The claim is still being worked for me but now that you’re here, you’ll be able to do the work yourself. I’ve got a map all done for you. I didn’t know when you’d be here, so I’ve kept the paperwork ready. Here it is.”

She reached under the counter and two pieces of paper which she handed to Liam. A map was drawn on one and the transfer of the claim to Liam was on the other.

“Thank you, Miss Sutter. I appreciate your keeping the claim open for me by having someone work it.”

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Sneak Peek Sunday Redeemed by a Rebel 01-19-2014

Here is the next installment. Hope you like it. I’d love to hear your observations.

Redeemed by a Rebel 300 dpiThe road leading to Deadwood was jammed for miles with wagons of every shape and size. Families, merchants but mostly lone men, all of them were seeking their fortunes in the gold fields.

The last part of the journey took almost the entire day to go just the final two miles distance to get from the top of the hill overlooking the settlement to Deadwood itself. The town had sprung up practically overnight after word of the gold strike reached the outside world.

Structures of every size lined the main street. Tents were thrown up in front of the buildings. The largest of the buildings were The Gem Theater, the Grand Hotel and The Bella Union. Weary miners could spend their hard earned gold on liquor, women and games of chance in the saloons and whorehouses of The Gem and The Bella Union. Places where they could remember easier, happier times when they were farmers, ranchers, lawyers and sailors. The people came from all walks of life, having given up or lost everything in the Panic of 1873.

Jake watched from atop his horse as he rode behind Liam’s wagon. He and Zach had taken turns riding point in front of the wagon and now it was Zach’s turn. After more than five months of traveling, he began to wonder if they’d ever get to Deadwood. Constantly looking over their shoulders, waiting to see if the Army was going to find them before they could get out of the State of Missouri, had them all on edge for the first half of the 1000 mile trip.

Deadwood was on Indian land and, therefore, not subject to the laws of any government. That little fact could keep them safe, at least for a while. He hoped their luck held and he and Zach could fade into obscurity there.

When they finally reached the main street they immediately went to the mercantile. Liam said the owner of the claim he’d bought ran the store. Jake went in with Liam and Zach stayed with the kids and the wagon.

The store was owned and run by Lily Sutter. Her brother, Horace, had died on the claim and she didn’t want anything to do with it, so she placed an ad in the newspapers and sold the mine to the first person who responded with the money. That was Liam.

Sneak Peek Sunday REDEEMED BY A REBEL 01.12.2014

Here is the excerpt for today. I hope you like it. This is the last of the prologue, next week we start with Chapter 1. Let me know if you like it. Does it have enough of a hook? Answer that question and be entered to win a $10 gift card from Amazon.

Redeemed by a Rebel 300 dpiJake, still numb watched his oldest brother pace the carpet as Jake had been doing only minutes before. He heard the conversation between his brothers but it really didn’t mean anything to him, such was his state of mind.

“What about the sheriff and Mayor Green? Don’t they believe you?” asked Liam.

Jake sat back in the chair. He hadn’t slept since the murder happened. Was it really only two days ago? His mind and body were beyond exhaustion. His nerves raw.

Finally, as though from far away, Jake said, “the sheriff does believe me and didn’t arrest me. Mayor Green trusts the colonel because he is a colonel and a friend of Elizabeth’s ex-fiancé, Longworth. Jordan has the mayor convinced he and the captain came upon me and I shot the captain. Mayor Green never did cotton to Elizabeth marrying me, a simple farmer, when she could have been a captain’s wife.

Liam looked at them both. It was a long time before he spoke like he was calculating everything in his mind, weighing each word before he made a decision. “I know you’d like nothing better than to rest, but we can’t. We leave now. Start packing the wagon. We need to make as much distance as we can before we stop tomorrow. It’s going to be a long journey.”

“Where are we going?” asked Jake, though he didn’t much care where they went. Everything that mattered in his life was gone.

“Deadwood. In the Dakota territory,” said Liam. “I bought a claim.”

Sneak Peek Sunday – Redeemed by a Rebel 01.05.2014

Hello and welcome to the first Sneak Peek Sunday of 2014. In honor of that, I’m giving away another $10 Amazon Gift Card to one lucky commentor. Tell me what you think of the story so far.

Redeemed by a Rebel 300 dpi“I didn’t know what to do, but I thought I was doing the right thing and got the sheriff. I explained what I saw and what I did. Then I went to Mayor Green’s office and told him. He sent someone to Aunt May’s to fetch Elizabeth’s mother. I didn’t want Mrs. Green to come home and find the mess and Elizabeth….”

“After that I went back to her house. The sheriff had already had the undertaker get the bodies. With Elizabeth gone, there wasn’t any reason to stay, so I walked and walked. I walked all night and somehow ended up at home.

“The sheriff came out to my house this morning, brought my horse with him and took my statement again. That’s when I found out there was another version of what happened. The bastard that got away was Richard Jordan. The bastard told Elizabeth’s father that I’d raped and killed her in a fit of drunken rage and then shot his captain when he tried to stop me. Luckily, for me the sheriff didn’t believe him, because I’d gone to him right away and he knew I wasn’t drunk and wasn’t raging against anyone but the bastards that did it.”

Jake slumped into a chair, his legs no longer able to support him after reliving the whole bloody mess again.

Zach took over the tale “That’s where I come in. The colonel was visiting the fort. Longworth was an old friend of his. Colonel Jordan ordered me and my unit to go with him to arrest Jake. He didn’t know that Jake is my brother. Colonel Jordan is determined to see Jake hang to protect his career and his own neck. He wants Jake to be tried for murder in an army court. The long and the short of it is, I cold cocked the colonel, my men looked the other way and I grabbed Jake and ran. Now we’re both here and on the run from the law. If they catch us I’ll be court-martialed for attacking a superior officer and for desertion. Jake will be tried for the murder of the captain.”

“Shit!” Liam turned his back on his brothers and stared into the flames that were now crackling merrily. “Why’d you come here? I have the kids to think of.”

“We’re not trying to involve you and the kids. I knew you were leaving tomorrow. I wanted to see you before we disappear completely,” said Zach.

Sneak Peek Sunday – Redeemed By A Rebel 12.29.2013

Here is the last installment for 2013. I hope you’ll join me for 2014 and get your copy when it comes out. For my prize today, one commentor will receive a full set of the Matchmaker & Co series of books. Capital Bride, Heiress Bride and Fiery Bride (print copies for US only, ecopies for International entries) so be sure and leave me a comment.

Redeemed by a Rebel 300 dpi“After he’d kicked the shit out of him,” interjected Zach.

“The captain was John Longworth. His papers said he was stationed at Fort Leavenworth. Elizabeth was engaged to him before we fell in love and she left him to marry me.”

Liam turned to Zach. “Isn’t that where you’re assigned?”

“It was,” responded Zach angrily.


“Let the kid finish his story. Then, I’ll get to mine.”

Liam nodded. “Continue, Jake.”

Sneak Peek Sunday – Redeemed By A Rebel

It’s getting close to Christmas and I’m feeling joyful. I finished REDEEMED BY A REBEL and expect it to be out by the end of January. YAY!! So here are the next seven paragraphs to get your appetites whet. Leave me a comment for a chance at a $10 Amazon gift card, just in time for Christmas.

Redeemed by a Rebel 300 dpiHe stopped. His body shook. His hands fisted and white knuckled. He took several deep breaths to quell the tears before he could continue.

Zach and Liam’s eyes filled with pity and he knew he had to finish.

Jake continued as though he was reciting a story. That was the only way he could get through the whole thing, the only way he could relive those moments. “When I got back to the parlor. I went immediately to Elizabeth and got down on my knees beside her. The bastard colonel shot her in the chest, but she was still breathing. She opened her eyes. They were filled with terror until she realized who I was.” His voice cracked. He paused. It was too fresh. The memory too new and painful. Rage filled him.

“Jake,” she said to me. “I tried to stop them, I tried,”

“Shhh,” I told her. “You’re going to be fine. It’s all right.”

“I tried…tried to stop them…stop John but,” she whispered. “I love you, Jake.”

“She closed her eyes and took her last breath in my arms. I held her for I don’t know how long. Finally, I picked her up and laid her on the sofa. I went back to the captain, made sure he was dead and then looked through his pockets to find out anything I could about the colonel.”