An interview with Lori Sjoberg

Grave AttractionWhat is your favorite part of writing? – Finishing a book. The rush is indescribable!

What is your least favorite part of writing? – Writer’s block. It’s my brain’s way of telling me that something’s wrong with the story and I need to go back and figure out where I took a wrong turn.

Where do you get the ideas for your stories? – They come from all over the place: current events, conversations with friends, things that happen in real life, etc. You name it, I consider it fair game. LOL. The idea for the opening scene of Grave Attraction came from a conversation with one of my co-workers regarding my strange neighbor who lives a few houses away.

Do you have critique partners? – Yes, I’m very fortunate to have several critique partners, and they’re worth their weight in gold. They’re great at pointing out things that I’ve missed, as well as providing insight into areas I hadn’t even considered. Everything I write goes through them before it gets sent to my editor.

How likely are people you meet to end up in your next book? – Not very likely. Well, that’s not completely true. I have a tendency to borrow certain traits from people and incorporate them into my characters. So while they might not be an exact replica of someone I meet, they might share a few similarities.

Give us an elevator pitch for your book. – Reaper Adam Javorski breaks rule number one when he alters the course of fate to save the life of a sexy shifter. Little does he know, their souls share a bond that stretches across centuries. Now he’s forced to fight fate as well as a serial killer, or the next souls reaped will be theirs.

Tell us about your hero.  Give us one of his strengths and one of his weaknesses. – Adam is a reaper, a damned soul given one last chance to earn his salvation by harvesting the souls of the recently departed. The job sucks and the hours are long, but it sure as heck beats the alternative. Tall, dark, and handsome, he’s one of those guys who’s fairly laid back until somebody pushes him too far. Then watch out! He also has a bit of a control issue, which could pose a problem with everything that happens with Marlena…

Tell us about your heroine.  Give us one of her strengths and one of her weaknesses. – Marlena is a shifter who’s been alive for more than four hundred years. She’s smart, resourceful, and fiercely protective of those she loves, but over the years she’s lost her fire for living because of a tragedy that happened in her past. It’s going to take a special kind of hero to make her want to live again.

Do you prefer to read in the same genres you write in or do you avoid reading that genre? – I love reading paranormal romance, but I tend to avoid it when I’m writing a book. But once I type “The End” all bets are off!

What’s next for you? – 2016 is shaping up to be a busy year. First up is a contemporary romance trilogy that’s currently with my editor and should be coming out in the next couple months. I’ve also completed a contemporary romance short story that will be in an anthology set to release in February. After that, I have at least one more book in the Grave series to write, and I’m working on a brand new paranormal romance series that I’m really excited about! Finally, I’m collaborating on a paranormal romance serial with several other authors.


“Who the hell are you?” Her husky voice sounded harder than iron, but her eyes were wide and unblinking.

Adam didn’t answer. He was too busy appraising the locks. With enough time and the proper equipment, he could override the electronic keypad. Unfortunately, he lacked the luxury of either. Besides, it wasn’t his business. As a reaper, his obligations lay with the dead. He had no right to interfere with the living. Those lessons had been drilled into his head countless times. Always collect your appointed souls. Do not alert humans to our presence. Do not question Fate. And for the love of God, do not alter destiny. His mentor’s words echoed in his ears, the only thing keeping him from running to his truck for a hacksaw.

Frustrated, Adam balled his hands into fists. If he had a lick of sense, he’d leave the house before he did anything stupid. But something about the young woman called out to his soul, tugging so fiercely he found it impossible to turn away. A deep sense of connection flashed through his blood—swift, strong, and given the situation, completely inappropriate. He’d never experienced anything like it, and it knocked him completely off balance.

His phone vibrated in his back pocket, jarring him from his thoughts.

“Get your ass out of there,” Martin said when Adam answered the call. “Your boy’s on his way back to the nest, and it looks like he brought company.”

Shit. According to his notes, the killer worked alone. Since when had he recruited a partner? “All right, I’ll be there in a minute.” Adrenaline surged through his veins as he disconnected. There wasn’t enough time to break the blond free. But what kind of man would he be if he left a defenseless woman in the hands of psychos? Fuck destiny. The least he could do was give her a fighting chance at survival. To the best of his knowledge, she wasn’t fated to expire any time soon, and in his book that made her fair game.

“Hey!” the blond shouted when he stormed out of the room, fear rising in her voice. “Come back! Let me out of here!”

The sound of the garage door opening shot Adam’s pulse into overdrive. With time running out, he rushed to the kitchen and grabbed the cordless phone from the charging station. He dialed as he walked, and by the time he reached the back room, a 911 operator had picked up the call.

“Please state the nature of your emergency,” a woman said on the other end of the line.

Adam shoved the phone through the narrow steel bars. His gaze locked with the woman’s long enough to insert a mental suggestion.

You’re at 816 Heron Cove. I was never here.

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About the Author:

Lori Sjoberg is the award winning author of the GRAVE SERIES. She lives in Florida with her husband and four-legged fur baby.

Growing up the youngest of three girls, Lori never had control of the remote. (Not that she’s bitter about that. Really. Okay, maybe a little, but it’s not like she’s scarred for life or anything.) That meant a steady diet of science fiction and fantasy. Star Trek, Star Wars, Twilight Zone, Outer Limits – you name it, she watched it. It fed her imagination, and that came in handy when the hormones kicked in and she needed a creative excuse for being out past curfew.

After completing her first novel, she joined the Romance Writers of America and Central Florida Romance Writers. Now she exercises the analytical half of her brain at her day job, and the creative half writing sensual paranormal romance. Grim reapers are her specialty, but she loves to write about all creatures of the night.

You can read more about Lori at



Loving the Hawke by Lana Williams

LanaWilliams_LovingTheHawke_200pxThank you so much for having me on your blog, Cynthia! I am so excited to share some of the background of my latest release, LOVING THE HAWKE. This is the first full-length story in a brand new series called The Seven Curses of London. The series started with a novella (Book .5) called TRUSTING THE WOLFE.

This historical romantic suspense series is set in Victorian London, 1870. Letitia Fairchild is a reluctant wallflower, the eldest of four sisters, and Nathaniel Hawke is a reluctant hero, having served in Her Majesty’s Royal Navy and forced to retire due to an injury.  Lettie has decided that as she moves into spinsterhood, she wants a purpose other than helping her four younger sisters. When she happens to read a book (The Seven Curses), she realizes she’s found her opportunity to find a way to make a difference. Nathaniel has learned of a terrible scheme involving young girls in the city and feels compelled to do what he can to stop it. When he comes across Letitia in one of the worst parts of the city, he’s determined to remove her for her own safety, regardless of what she wants. As the two wounded souls stumble upon each other time and again in slums and ballrooms, they realize they fight a common cause–and share an unbridled passion.

The Seven Curses of London was a book written by James Greenwood in 1869, which outlined seven of the worst problems that London faced at the time, according to the author. I came across this book when I was researching something else–isn’t that always how an idea springs forth? The title alone was intriguing.

LOVING THE HAWKE touches on the problem of Neglected Children, which is what chapter one of Greenwood’s book focuses on. He considers the definition of children to include those sixteen or younger. According to Greenwood, there were over 350,000 children without proper parents or guardians, left to fend for themselves by whatever means necessary.


“You’ve ruined enough of my day already. I shall return of my own accord,” Lettie insisted.

“I can’t allow that,” Nathaniel said, taking her elbow to make certain she didn’t attempt an escape. “I’ll escort you. For your safety.”

At last she looked up at him fully, her bonnet now serving to frame her heart-shaped face. That tiny dent in her chin appealed to him in the oddest way, as did her large eyes and long lashes. Eyes that were hazel. Or rather green. No, definitely hazel. Except for the inner ring of green. Perhaps hazel with gold flecks and a green ring would better describe—

He stopped short. What on earth was he doing? Since when did a captain in Her Majesty’s Royal Navy wax on about a woman’s eyes?

When they studied him with curiosity like she expected him to…well, he didn’t know what she expected. Nor did he care to find out.

Those full lips the color of a deep pink rose that begged to be kissed couldn’t be explored either.

“What is your name?” he asked gruffly. He shouldn’t have asked yet found himself holding his breath, awaiting her answer.

“I—” She dropped her gaze for a moment, the sweep of her lashes doing odd things to his chest. Those lashes lifted, and he was struck anew by her amazing eyes. “I shan’t tell you.”

Once again, she’d refused him. After commanding so many men over the years, he was used to being obeyed instantly. Yet he had no hold over this woman, nor could he force her to do anything.

He shook his head. It was best she didn’t tell him. He’d rather not have a name to put to her arresting face. After all, he would never see her again.

“Please accept my offer to drive you to your carriage.” That was as close to a request as he could manage. “These streets are perilous. Even in the middle of the day.”

He couldn’t help but wonder if he’d correctly guessed that she’d thought herself safe here at this time, for she opened those lush lips as though to argue, only to firmly close them again. He studied her brows, trying to guess what color her hair might be. No hint of it was visible beneath the ugly bonnet.

“How do I know you’re safe?”

Her quiet question took him aback. In truth, he wasn’t. Far from it. It was good that she’d inadvertently reminded him of that.

LOVING THE HAWKE is available exclusively at Amazon

More about Lana:

Amazon Bestselling Author Lana Williams writes historical romance filled with mystery, adventure, and a pinch of paranormal to stir things up. Her historical romantic suspense books include two series set in medieval England and two set in Victorian London.

Connect with Lana at:





A big thank you for to Cynthia for hosting me!  For a chance to win a Kindle version of LOVING THE HAWKE, share with us what your favorite part about reading romance is!

The Dairy Farm beside the Reservation by E. Ayers

milkcan smallHi, everyone, and a big thank-you to Cynthia for inviting me to her blog. I always enjoy visiting with everyone here because you’re all are such a fun, talkative group! Since I started writing Western Historic Romance, I find it impossible to ignore our American Indians. As we settled into the west, they were trying to protect what they had. Today, instead of telling you about my next book, I’m bringing you some real history, a true story, but from east of the Mississippi.

Julia was my dear friend’s mother, one of those people who enter our lives for a short time and yet fill it with so much color. This wonderful woman lived until almost her hundredth birthday. I have things in my house that once belonged to her and the stories that go with them. I’d like to share a little of Julia’s story.

Julia was born shortly before the turn of the twenty-century to a fishing family in Massachusetts. But she never thought of herself as poor because everyone around her lived in poverty, except for those who could afford summer homes there. Actually she considered herself to be very lucky because her mom was a cook in the home of a very wealthy, famous family. That job provided Julia’s parents with a little extra income, which bought shoes and other things that the family needed. Julia was the only girl in that large family, and all the normal “female” chores fell on her, including some of the cooking. As a teen, she often went with her mom and helped in the kitchen of that summer home.

Julia considered herself to be extremely fortunate because a suitable husband was found for her. He didn’t do much courting, and she only saw him a few times, but they did write several letters. Julia was flattered with the attention from this much older, handsome male who was quite different from her rambunctious brothers. After a rather short courtship, she married. Seems her husband didn’t dally when it came to marriage because he was widowed and in need of someone to care for his daughter.

Julia left her home with all her rowdy male siblings, eleven of them, and moved inland to her husband’s dairy farm. Her husband, Ben, wasn’t poor, but he was financially far removed from those affluent families that Julia had known. As the oldest son, he lived with his aging parents. He was one of many working-class Americans.

Fortunately Ben really loved her and she loved him. She was very tall, almost six foot, and skinny, but tough as nails from growing up with eleven brothers. Ben thought she was beautiful and never let a day go by without telling her how pretty she was and how much he loved her. (In her old age, she’d laugh and say that was because she was as strong as an ox, and he’d do anything to make certain he didn’t lose her. But under her joking was a woman who truly loved the man she married.)

She had lots to learn about living on a farm, and they were quite self-sufficient. It didn’t take her long to discover that farm life was different from growing up in a small cove town on the coast. With the help of Ben’s mom, Julia learned to make cheese and churn butter. She also helped her husband by keeping the dairy’s books. As a dairy farmer, he delivered milk to the families in the area. Each morning after milking the cows, he’d load his big metal milk cans into his cart and start his rounds. He’d pour whatever amount a family needed into their containers, charge them accordingly, and return home before noon.

It didn’t take much for Julia to realize he wasn’t being paid for one large can. Day after day, what he took out in milk and what he brought home in money, didn’t match. She asked him about it.

Ben was a young boy, at the turn of the twentieth century, when his father started the dairy business. Ben’s father bought the land cheaply because it backed up to an American Indian reservation. Ben’s father quickly discovered why the land was so cheap. No one wanted to live near the reservation.

Ben’s father had sunk everything he had into his small dairy operation. To have a cow and then several chickens vanish were major financial losses. He was upset. So he began to watch to see who was stealing from him. One night, he discovered the thieves. The next morning he went to the reservation and talked with the chief.

Poverty back then was a matter of degrees, but what Ben’s dad saw on that reservation made him sick. These families were starving. He vowed he’d do whatever he could to help them. Thus started the delivery of milk. Each morning, he’d reserve a can of milk just for the reservation. He drop a full can and pick up the empty from the previous day. When his wife churned butter, she’d make some for them. When she made cheese, she’d made extra for them. When she’d make jelly, she always made extra jars for them. Thus began a tradition that Ben and Julia continued until they sold the farm in the early 1960’s.

Julia had hoped to have a large family but that never happened. She raised Ben’s daughter and loved her. The young girl, who had lost her mother, very quickly bonded with Julia who wasn’t that much older.

Julia had long given up on the idea that she’d have a child of her own. After Ben’s daughter had married and moved away is when Julia discovered she was pregnant. She had a son and then many years after his birth, when most women assume their childbearing years are over, she became pregnant again. Her second child was a girl.

Ben’s dream of passing the farm onto his son ended when his son was killed in the Korean War. Ben crossed his fingers and hoped his daughter might marry a man who would want the farm, but that didn’t happen. She married a man in the military and eventually landed here in Virginia as my neighbor.

When the day came for Ben to tell the tribe that he was selling the farm, Julia went with him. Ben was looking to retire in his old age. The dairy was no longer profitable, new standards for the dairy business meant he’d have to buy all new equipment, and the land by that time was worth a small fortune.

There were tears all around that day. The tribe wasn’t just losing a source of milk, they were losing a family they could trust. Over the years, the friendship between the tribe, and Ben and Julia was strong. If Ben needed help with something, he knew where he could go, even if it was help painting the barn. And the tribe would turn to him for all sorts of things.

My friend, Julia’s daughter, grew up wearing fancy beaded moccasins, but she was never allowed any further than the porch in them and she always had to be careful to keep them clean. She never questioned where her mom got the slippers for she had never lacked for anything. She had no idea the neighbors were American Indians. They were just neighbors. She was almost a teen when she discovered her father provided free milk to the community that backed up to the farm. She never gave that any thought for she knew that area was poor and her father had always been a generous man. She had grown up milking cows and washing down the dairy barn. It was life on a farm.

But when she did discover that her neighbors were actually on a reservation and were indeed American Indians, she was surprised. She thought American Indians lived west of the Mississippi and wore buckskins and loincloths. Her neighbors were average people. She was in college when she heard that the children on the reservation were going to be integrated into the schools that she had once attended. My friend had only seen a small schoolhouse on that reservation, but had no idea these children weren’t getting the same education or that they weren’t allowed to attend the same schools as the other neighbors in the area.

It wasn’t until Julia reminisced about her life that her daughter even knew what had once happened to her grandparents, how poor the neighbors were, or what the tribe had been through. The only thing my friend had seen was a community of families in small homes. She had no idea that these people had once stolen from her grandparents or that her grandparents forgave and understood that these people were desperate.

Julia, also, talked about the Great Depression. Being on a farm that didn’t have a mortgage had protected them, and they survived better than most. Some families couldn’t pay for milk, but Ben made certain the children each got a cup. Month after month, he never made a profit, but he never turned his back on his customers or his neighbors.

No one had money, but if the men helped on the farm, they could count on a meal and some extra food to carry home with them. The men would often bring their wives and children with them, knowing they would be fed. For the women, it became a group effort and they all pitched in doing whatever. Julia would grind her own wheat, bake her own bread, and make cheese and butter for the dairy. That meant they ate a lot of grilled cheese sandwiches, but when the rest of the country was uncertain about the next meal, they had food and enough to share.

Julia said it was World War II that was the game changer for the men on the reservation. Many joined the military and many more went to work in local factories. Quite a few of the men had skills from working at the dairy. They had repaired tractors and welded things. This allowed them to obtain real jobs.

But it wasn’t until Ben died that Julia realized how loved her husband was. They had long since moved from the farm, but word of his death had spread to the reservation. Many of the families from the reservation traveled over two hours to attend his funeral.

Ben’s parents never looked at their neighbors as anything other than human beings. They were people who had families consisting of elderly parents, and small children. All they wanted to do was survive and provide for their own. Ben’s parents could have turned those men over to the law for theft, but instead they gave those people a helping hand. The tribe never stole from him again. If they needed something, they asked. And each kindness was returned.

How many people helped their friends on the reservations? We’ll never know for these accounts are not the recorded incidents that go into the history books. Instead, they are the stories from an old woman who would drink her coffee with her daughter and her daughter’s friend, while reminiscing about farm life, hard times, past friendships, and the man she loved dearly.

E. Ayers loves to write tales of the old west while maintaining the historical accuracy of events, attitudes, and daily life. She is currently working on another historical western to be released in February.

An interview with Eileen Dreyer

A Fine MadnessTell us a little about yourself and your latest book.

          As you may have guessed, I’m Eileen Dreyer. I’ve been writing since I was 10 and ran out of Nancy Drews to read, and I’ve been published since 1986. I’m up to 42 books and 10 short stories in just about every sub-genre of romance and medical-forensic suspense(I spent almost 2 decades as a trauma nurse, and I killed off everyone who annoyed me in my books) (yes, thank you. It was very satisfying). My proudest achievement in those years is earning only the 4th place in the Romance Writers of America Hall of Fame for excellence.

My first 25 romances were written as Kathleen Korbel(the reasons why are answered in a subsequent question). Now that I have the rights to most of them back, I’m republishing them under my own name. I don’t want anybody to be confused into thinking these are brand new books, so both names are on the cover.      A FINE MADNESS, published in 1991, is one of those books. I’m releasing it again in a group of 5 books that are all more humorous. It’s the story of a historic home restorer who is being invaded by a corporate security officer whose job it is to check the stately home for security leaks, just in case, oh, I don’t know, the queen of England should be expected at a secret meeting there. The problem is that Quinn Rutledge, who is hip deep in plaster and sanders, has no idea exactly why Ian Matthews is looking over her shoulder, nor that he is actually the Viscount Giggleswick(I couldn’t help it. I knew I had to write about a Lord Giggleswick when we stumbled over the town in Yorkshire), who not only works for the company that is turning stately homes into high end hotels, but that he will one day inherit it.

You’d think that information would ease his way into her heart. But Quinn has trust issues because of an ex-husband cut in the same mold, and Ian can’t bend enough to trust Quinn with the real details of  his life, that he isn’t just a viscount, but a member of her majesty’s security service. Throw in some good old fashioned English eccentrics, a very active ghost, a threat of eco-terrorism, and a retired military colonel straight out of Rudyard Kipling, and I hope you have a recipe for good old fashioned fun.

Oh, and just to keep the confusion to a minimum, after much consideration, I kept the book in 1991. The advent of technology would have changed too much.

 Tell us about your hero.  Give us one of his strengths and one of his weaknesses.

Ian Matthews, Viscount Giggleswick, comes from a classic aristocratic family. But much to his family’s chagrin, after his service in the army, he joins the Queen’s security branch, which is what brings him to Hartley Hall in Cornwall. He is an honorable man, adaptable and obviously courageous. His weaknesses include a very bum leg that is frustrating him beyond endurance, a conviction that it is only his title that attracts people, and a disbelief in ghosts—which actually might be his most problematic.

.Tell us about your heroine.  Give us one of her strengths and one of her weaknesses.

 Quinn Rutledge is an American with a passion for old houses. Hartley Hall is not the first stately home she has renovated and opened for the Early of Hartley. Detail-oriented and thorough, she is also a good friend, excellent boss and has patience with ghosts(a plus on this job). Her weaknesses include the fact that as an orphan she has never felt as if she belonged anywhere, a vulnerability strengthened by an unfortunate marriage into another aristocratic family, although of the American variety that left her divorced and bitter.

 Do you write under a pen name?   Why or why not?

I have written under a pen name, for two reasons. I’ve always known that I wanted to write in a lot of genres. I read a lot of genres. But back in 1986 when I was first published, romance writers were really looked down on, and I was afraid that I would be unfairly judged when I wrote in other genres. In fact, when I wrote my first suspense, `A MAN TO DIE FOR in 1991, my review included the line, “Romance writer Eileen Dreyer is trying to write suspense now” as if, ‘isn’t that cute?’ I’ve always been damned proud of my romances, and I didn’t want people dumping on me or them. So until the world began to accept romance writers as equals, I separated myself out.

The second reason is much easier. When my daddy learned that I was writing romances, he became very nervous. He just wasn’t sure he wanted people to know that his little girl(because you know you’re only ever 12 years old to your daddy) was writing about….well, you know, sex. So for him I took on another name. And even though, as I said, I’m very proud of Kathleen Korbel, I’ve decided to retire her and only use my own name now.

 What genres are you drawn to as a reader?

Absolutely everything. Nancy Drew really started me off into the land of mystery and suspense, followed by Mary Stewart, who taught me what a romantic suspense was. My mom introduced me to the big historical writers like James Clavell and James Michener. I’m the one who discovered M.M. Kaye, who inspired a lifelong fascination with exotic locals. J.R.R. Tolkien introduced me to fantasy, and I attended a great high school that gave me a great introduction to literature. So…yeah. Everything. It actually wasn’t until I was a mom and an RN before I discovered good romance. A friend gave me a shopping bag full of American authors like Nora Roberts, Roberta Gellis, Jayne Krentz, Joan Wolf. It was, if you’ll pardon the expression, love at first sight. Which means that you’ll find all the other genres in my romances, as well as other genres I’ve written.

 Do you or have you belonged to a writing organization?  Which one?  Have the helped you with your writing?  How?

 I do. I’ve belonged to Missouri Romance Writers of America since 1986, but at one time or another I’ve also belonged to Mystery Writers of America, Sisters in Crime, Writers Guild and Author’s Guild and Novelists Inc. My guild memberships are for protection and information. The others are my writing community.

When I teach writing, it is the first thing that I emphasis. You can do without almost anything else to become a successful author. I don’t believe you can do without a writing community. It isn’t just learning skills and networking. It’s being with other people who understand your passion, craft and problems. I liken it to being another new mother. Nobody else understands just how hard it is or the time it takes. One of the most difficult things to explain is why I’m lying on the couch with my eyes closed, and that’s working. Other authors know, though, and might offer some tips on how to maximize your creative time.

Will you share some encouraging words for authors still struggling for that first contract? 

 I’ll tell you a true story. Way back in 1981 I was working the ER, married, raising two kids and working to finish my bachelor’s of science. And I was so frustrated, because I wanted so badly to do something creative. And then,  one night a friend of mine and I were standing out on the hospital parking lot at 3 in the morning, she  challenged me to write a book. She’s the one who gave me the bag of romances to read. And I took up that challenge. And like I said, I’m now working on my 43rd book. My friend? She never finished her first book. Why? Because somebody told her she wasn’t a good writer. What’s the difference between the two of us? I didn’t let anybody tell me no. It took me five years to get published, which has been the average. It wasn’t exactly easy after that, either. I’ve fought for every contract, every book. But I didn’t let them tell me no.

The greatest difference now is that traditional publishing isn’t your only choice. You can go indie. My only caveat to that is that an awful lot of writers have thought they could just put anything up on line and make a fortune. The demands on writers are even tougher in indie than traditional publishing, because you’re the one who has to do all the trouble-shooting. You can rely on professional editors at a publishing house to help you catch mistakes and polish your prose. But you’re the one who has to find the right editor, the right cover artist, the right distributor. But if you want this, you’ll find a way.

What movie best describes your life?  Why?

 It’s a Wonderful Life. Oh, I have problems. Doesn’t everybody? But I’m doing what I love, my family is happy and healthy. What else can you ask for?

 FineMadnessTour copy (1)What is your next project and when will it be released?

 Well, A FINE MADNESS is the last book of the first group of Korbel Classics I’m rereleasing. The next series, my romantic suspense series, will debut this year. I’m also continuing my DRAKE’S RAKES Regency series of what I call historical romantic adventure(nefarious spies are involved),with Pippin’s and Beau’s story, THREE TIMES A LADY. And if that weren’t enough, I’m working on my first non-fiction book, TRAVELS WITH DAVE: WHAT A PASSPORT, PILL BOTTLE AND SUNGLASSES TAUGHT ME ABOUT LIFE, DEATH AND FRIENDSHIP.

To find out more about all of them, check my website(you can sign up for a newsletter), my FB page,, or twitter (okay, and Instagram and Pinterest).

Thanks again for asking me to come play. I really hope you like Quinn and Ian.

 A Fine Madness by Eileen Dreyer


Quinn Rutledge has been hired to remodel historic Hartley Hall into a 5-star hotel.

Ian Matthews, a Special Forces officer in the Queen’s Protection service, is vetting the hall’s security for a secret international meeting, and presents himself to Quinn as a corporate officer checking on her progress.

All seems simple enough, until the pair uncover a crazed band of terrorists, a destructive ghost with an odd sense of humor, and an inconvenient attraction to each other.

Neither have time for love, and Ian is the embodiment of everything that went wrong with Quinn’s first marriage. But Love doesn’t care.

 Available at:


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New York Times bestselling, RWA Hall of Fame author Eileen Dreyer has published 31 romance novels in most genres, 8 medical­forensic suspenses, and 10 short stories.

2016 sees Eileen enjoying critical acclaim for her foray into historical romance, the Drake’s Rakes series, which Eileen labels as Regency Romantic Adventure that follows a group of Regency aristocrats who are willing to sacrifice everything to keep their country safe. She is also working on her first non­fiction book, TRAVELS WITH DAVE, about a journey she’s been taking with a friend’s ashes.

A retired trauma nurse, Eileen lives in her native St. Louis with her husband, children, and

large and noisy Irish family, of which she is the reluctant matriarch. She has animals but refuses to subject them to the limelight.



Twitter: @eileendreyer


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An Interview with Nancy Morse

Beneath an Iron SkyWhat genre(s) do you write in and why?

I write historical, contemporary and paranormal romance. Although I write in several historical genres, the one dearest to my heart is Native American. I’ve been immersed in Native American history and culture for years and am particularly proud of my collection of 19th century artifacts. I love running my hands over the beadwork and the worn hide and sinew. They speak to me of a bygone era when the proud buffalo-hunting tribes roamed wild and free on the Great Plains. BENEATH AN IRON SKY is my latest homage to the Lakota people.

What is your next project and when will it be released?

RESTLESS WIND, Book 3 in my Native American Wild Wind Series, will hopefully be released in the spring of 2016. This series, that began with WHERE THE WILD WIND BLOWS and followed up with WINTER WIND, tells the story of Katie McCabe, a trader’s daughter, and Black Moon, an Oglala warrior, as they fight for their love and the land of their birth.

What is your typical day like:

For me, there’s no such thing as a routine. I try to get to the computer by 7:00 AM, before the dog starts whining for his morning walk, to check my sales figures, email, Facebook, and do a little tweeting. After walking the demanding beast, I’ll grab a quick breakfast and settle down for a few hours of writing, Three days a week I hit the gym for an hour, then usually kick back at 2:00 each day to watch General Hospital (I’m a sucker for the residents of Port Charles). The rest of the time I do my writing in between running errands, and going out to lunch with my husband. We’re both retired, so we eat out a lot. Unless the writing is going like gangbusters, and then nothing else gets done…except for the dog, who waits for no one. I’m usually working on 2 books at once. This way, if I run into a block on one, I can switch to the other.

How has your experience with self-publishing been?

It’s been a game-changer for me. I was traditionally published for years with Silhouette, Pocket Books, Dell and Meteor. Then I sort of hit a brick wall. My proposals were selling, so I decided to go it alone. It was the best decision I ever made. I’m not a control freak by nature, but I must admit I like being the one who decides everything about my books – covers, venues, prices, and most of all, content. Ironically, my best selling self-published book is the one I was told by editors would never sell. And after years of contractual deadlines, there’s something liberating about not having any. Now when I write, it’s because I want to, not because I have to.

Tell us about your hero.

Crow Eagle is a Lakota man who was raised at a time when the Sioux wars were over and the people were being moved onto reservations. His experiences as a youth at the Carlisle Indian School in Pennsylvania brought into sharp focus the reality of his people’s eroding way of life. His strength comes from his pride in his culture. His weakness is Del, the white woman who forces him to question his actions and examine his motives.

What inspired your latest book?

As a member of my community History Club, I was asked to give a presentation on women’s rights and the 19th Amendment. I took everything I learned about the women’s suffrage movement, and everything I know and love about the Lakota people, and wove a tale of two people fighting for their rights.

Tell us about your book 

In 1880 eleven-year-old Philadelphia (Del) Stratton meets fifteen-year-old Crow Eagle, a rebellious Lakota boy, at the Carlisle Indian School in Pennsylvania where her father is an instructor. Wrenched from his people on the reservation and brought to Carlisle to become Americanized, the reluctant but deep bond the belligerent boy forms with the idealistic young girl is severed when he returns to his people. Nine years later they are reunited when Del’s fight for suffrage takes her to Dakota Territory on the verge of statehood. There, Crow Eagle, now a strong warrior, is waging battle to keep his people’s hope alive through the Ghost Dance. And the friendship that began years earlier blossoms into a forbidden love that will not be denied.

What do you have planned for the future?

After RESTLESS WIND, I’m planning a 5-part western novella series about the Kincaid boys. I’m hoping to get the series released by late 2016. Of course, that will mean spending every waking moment writing, with little time left for eating and sleeping. After that, I’ll tackle Book 3 in my paranormal Soul Searchers Series. And then Book 4 in the Wild Wind Series. That should take me well into 2017. I’m already tired just thinking about it all.






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Author photo 1735Bio:

Nancy Morse is an award-winning author of 23 contemporary, historical, and paranormal romance novels, as well as non-fiction books. She’s a New York transplant living in Florida. Married for 48 years to her childhood sweetheart, she jokes that they met sometime between the discovery of fire and the invention of the wheel. They share their home with a big, beautiful, bossy Alaskan Malamute who thinks they were put on this earth to serve him…and he’d be right. She enjoys dining out, art and antique shows, watching old movies on TV, reading, and writing, especially romance, because love is always an adventure.

An Interview with Sara Walter Ellwood

Heartsong_2400x1600How did you get started writing?

I started writing in high school when I wrote my first novel—a historical romance set during the Civil War. I took a long break while I went to college and started my family, but about ten years ago, I got back into it when I began to write Star Wars fan fiction. I wrote my first published book in 2009. It was published in 2012.

What genre(s) do you write in and why?

Right now, I’m published in both paranormal and contemporary western romance—all of my novels have some suspense subplot. Lord only knows why I chose these genres! I tell people they chose me…LOL  I wrote my first paranormal after reading my first vampire series—the Twilight books. I started writing westerns when I came up with my hero in Heartstrings, a country singer. It just seemed logical he’d be from Texas. I started reading westerns after I stared writing my story. My current work-in-progress is a Scottish Highlander historical. I also have an idea for a science fiction romance that I’d love to write someday. So who knows how many genres I’ll end up writing. I will write anything that I enjoy reading.

Tell us about your current series.

Singing to the Heart is my latest three-book series. Each book is a standalone novel, although book 1 and 3 are directly tied to each other. The first book Heartstring, first came out a couple of years ago and I knew I always wanted to write the hero and heroine’s daughter’s story someday, which is told in my June 2016 release Heartland. I tied my current release, Heartsong, to the series by making the heroes best friends in the music business. All the books have similar themes of coming home, self-discovery, and making amends. There is also a child/children involved in each story. In Heartstrings, Seth Kendall—a mega famous superstar country singer—comes home to his Texas Panhandle hometown for his father’s funeral and decides to make things right with this fourteen-year-old daughter. In Heartsong, Gabe McKenna comes home after his father and his father’s much younger wife are killed in a plane crash to fight for custody of his ten-year-old half-brother. In the third book, Heartland, country-pop mega star Emily Kendall returns home to rebuild her life after finding out she’s pregnant while in re-hab for her drug addiction.

What inspired your latest book?

Heartsong came to me out of a brainstorming exercise. I got the idea of Gabe’s ex-wife from the tabloid news of a country singer who divorced his much older manager wife. I knew I wanted to write a marriage-first type of story and wanted a child somehow involved. From these seeds grew the story of Heartsong.

What is your favorite part of writing?

The revision/editing process… I love polishing my story until it shines.

What is your least favorite part of writing?

Writing the first draft! Sometimes I really hate this part. Which probably would be resolved some if I could just learn to plot…LOL Yeah, I’m a pantser.

What are you currently working on?

I’m doing research for a Highlander historical romance. I plan to start writing in February.

What do you have planned for the future?

I hope to have the historical romance finished and start shopping it off to agents this fall/winter. I also have some contemporary westerns I’d like to write this year.


Singing to the Heart Book 2


Sara Walter Ellwood

Releasing January 5, 2015 in both ebook and print


Gabriel McKenna is living the dream. A rising country music star he’s no stranger to fame, money, or beautiful women. Despite his bad boy image, he’s also got a heart of gold, and when his ten-year-old brother is orphaned, he wants to take him under his wing. But the judge on the case is less than impressed by Gabe’s reputation and awards custody to the grandfather Gabe knows firsthand is abusive.

Michaela Finn is no stranger to heartache. Years ago she was engaged to Gabe McKenna, but two days before their wedding he ran off to Nashville with a female talent scout. Now Gabe is back in her life with an insane plan. Marry him, so he can get custody of his younger brother. Michaela can’t bear to think of any child being hurt, but she’s just not sure her heart can carry a happy tune when Gabe is playing lead…


“Okay.” Michaela breathed the word.

“You’ll marry me?” Gabe didn’t bother hiding his surprise.

She drained her glass with a wince. “Damn, I’ve never liked champagne.” Michaela headed for the fridge. “Do you have any beer in here?”

He was more uncertain now than he’d been before he started thinking about this crazy idea. “Yeah. Lone Star. Get me one, too.” When she turned with the longneck bottles in hand, he chuckled. “A two hundred dollar bottle of fine French bubbly, but we’d rather drink Texas beer.”

“I’m a country girl, Gabe. You’ve always known that.” She handed him one of the

bottles. “I’ve actually been thinking the same thing–that if I were married the judge would’ve given me Jesse. But the only man I can think of is Cash Nelson.” She twisted the top off the beer and took a long draw. “But he would read too much into the agreement. I never considered you. Hell, the whole town knows I can’t even stand you. How is this gonna work?”

Gabe didn’t like the way his heart pinched at her words. He tossed the cap from his beer beside hers on the island top and took a drink. “We’ll have to convince them otherwise. We have a history and we’ve been working together”–he grinned as he remembered the custody hearing– “or against each other for weeks now. Everyone knows there’s a fine line between love and hate.”

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Although Sara Walter Ellwood has long ago left the farm for the glamour of the big town, she draws on her experiences growing up on a small hobby farm in West Central Pennsylvania to write her contemporary westerns. She’s been married to her college sweetheart for over 20 years, and they have two teenagers and one very spoiled rescue cat named Penny. She longs to visit the places she writes about and jokes she’s a cowgirl at heart stuck in Pennsylvania suburbia. Sara Walter Ellwood is a multi-published and international Amazon bestselling author of the anthology set Cowboy Up. She also publishes paranormal romantic suspense under the pen name Cera duBois.

 Author Links:






HeartsongTour copyThe other books in Singing to the Heart…

Heartstrings, Book 1 is now available and Heartland, Book 3 is available for pre-order

Heartstrings: Amazon:

Heartland: Amazon:

For other links and book information check out my website page:

Rafflecopter Giveaway – Ebook copy of Heartsong

a Rafflecopter giveaway

An Interview with Jacintha Topaz

BlackStormPackSkidLightningFrontCoverAReHow did you get started writing?

Frankly, I began writing because my characters were stalking me. They haunted me everywhere until I put fingers to keyboard and finally put their stories down. I’m a pantser all the way and only accepted that process of creation (as opposed to plotting) when I finally let go and began to trust my characters. If anything feels off in the story, I dig deep and bide my time until I get it right with a character-driven, character-sourced plot. I never know how the story will turn out, how A gets to Z. I only know that I’ll get to Z, which is the Happy For Now (HFN) or Happily Ever After (HEA).

What genre(s) do you write in and why?

I write LGBT new adult, sci-fi, paranormal shifter and erotic romance with kinky elements. These characters fascinate me, because I never know how they will clash and how the sparks will fly. Yes, it has to be romance, because the story is about how the characters grow in strength and in love and become a positive magnetic force that is greater than themselves.

I find writing about LGBT characters with partiality to BDSM an interesting blend because fiction is about exploring the edges of reality and realism, fantasy and fancy. Eroticism is also a double-edged sword. It’s a touch-and-taboo topic, where women are supposed to know enough to be sexy but not too much so they won’t show up as slutty. Writing erotic romance is about giving permission for us to explore these borders. I encounter a lot of creative license to play with identity issues, especially when the fictional couples explore kink—fetish, role play, and more. Like I said before, the characters fascinate me.

Tell us about your current series.

I’m in the midst of three concurrent projects:

One of my projects, The Miseducation, is a spinoff serial of the Purr Billionaire BDSM Trio serial, which features a bisexual female awakening to her sexuality, a standoffish lesbian Dominatrix, and a heterosexual alpha male Dominant. First slated as a five-part serial, it ended up being six parts. The first part, Purr Scent I: The Meeting, is free at all retail sites. The Miseducation travels back in time and will cover how the lesbian Domme came into being.

Another of my projects springs out of the DykeLove Quickies set of short stories and features F/F sparks on the road. Kicking off this next incarnation of DykeLove is The Invitation, in which a dancer from the tropical island of Guam is recruited to star in a show by a kinky artistic director in the U.S. mainland.

Finally, I had debuted an M/M werewolf story entitled Skid in a holiday anthology in 2015. Skid is the first book (a prequel) in the Black Storm Pack series. (You can scroll down for an excerpt.) I found it enjoyable to write from Skid’s perspective. The project I’m working on in that series is now from Alpha’s perspective.

Aside from the three concurrent projects I’ve been working on, the two series that are on the back burner (aka stalled) star a bisexual female college freshman in modern times named Sy (Bi Girls Do It series) and a transgender man in a futuristic sci-fi space opera setting named Vaughn (Man X Chronicles series).

 What is your favorite part of writing?

My favorite part of writing is immersing in the character’s world and trying my darnedest to get it right on the computer screen. It’s a satisfying feeling when I find the right word choice after grasping at air. Even more satisfying is being able to type The End. Most satisfying of all is clicking the Publish button to get the book live and direct to readers. That’s the most amazing feeling—birthing a book.

 What is your least favorite part of writing?

My least favorite part of writing is getting writer’s block. My version of writer’s block is being stumped, stupefied or mystified by my characters’ actions and having to give them the time off to work things out. That time off happens to be indefinite, no matter how frustrating it can feel.

Instead of pressuring myself to bulldoze through a story as I had before, I’d pick up from where I left off on a different story until I’ve gained sufficient insight on the first story to flesh it out more. To dance between multiple stories in a short period of time (fondly coined as “schizophrenic”) is quite taxing on the nerves.

As an indie author, I have self-imposed deadlines that I’ve never quite been able to meet because of the unforeseen duration I’ve taken off from a particular story. At the same time, it is nice to be indie because I don’t have to stick to any particular official release date schedule.

How has your experience with self-publishing been?

Self-publishing has never been more accessible and acceptable than it is today. It’s been about two years since I began dedicating time and space to write. After dabbling with a few M/F stories, the kinky LGBT characters sprang up and hit me like a brick in April 2014. I hadn’t wanted to approach traditional publishers, small press or e-publishers because I wasn’t sure how the material would be received. I went with indie because I wanted real-time feedback from customers, readers, on the stories.

I’m pleased with the results so far. What began as zero income in my first month of publication (April 2014) increased to a one-digit income in May 2014, a two-digit income in July 2014, and a three-digit income in December 2014. Since then, I’ve averaged a low three-digit income figure per month. In 2016, I look forward to breaking into a higher three-digit monthly income bracket.

What advice do you have for other authors wanting to self-publish?

Currently, I’ve got three tenets for the indie author newbie: (1) Go Write. (2) Go Broad. (3) Go Tell.

ON WRITING: Write. Write. Write. Books are the best promotion for all the other books you’ve written and will write. If you’ve got little time and energy to do much else, then focus on the writing. Generate the content and the consumers will find you.

If you’re not sure about your writing, then read a lot in your genre and beyond. Notice what kinds of covers, stories, etc attract and repel you. Learn from other authors and apply to your own book. The most important thing? Write. Do the work.

A corollary to this tenet is to do what you excel in. Hopefully, you know that it’s your unique way of spinning a story that wins you readers. That means leave the professional stuff to others: editing, cover design, etc.

However, if you’ve got design experience, you can get your own stock images to make book covers or your own ads. Among the free trials I’ve tried, Bigstock has the best deal right now – 70 free images (5/day for 14 days). They take down your credit card at entry so they can bill 3 days in advance of the trial’s end date. So if you cancel, be sure to do so three days before. The Standard License allows you to use the images as cover art for up to 250,000 sales of your book. Thereafter, you can purchase the Extended License or switch to a fresh image, if you feel so inclined.

ON GOING BROAD: Even though it may be a huge learning curve at the very beginning, I wholeheartedly encourage you to publish direct to the five major online retailers (Amazon, Apple/iBooks, Barnes and Noble/Nook, Kobo, and Google Play*) because you’ll be able to keep the royalties, the reviews, and the sales rankings without having to start from scratch if you’ve gone through a middle man (an aggregator).

*If Google Play is not currently accepting publishers, then you can go through Pronoun for now, as they currently do not take a royalty cut after the retail site (e.g., Google Play) takes theirs for hosting your product on their site.

About Aggregators: To reach other markets that may at first generate little to insignificant sales numbers, you can go through an aggregate such as Smashwords or Draft2Digital, both of which take a 10% cut from post-retail royalties. Yes, they do distribute to iBooks, BN, and Kobo. So if you want to buy yourself some time by doing one upload instead of several before you’ve gotten the hang of it, then by all means distribute through them first.

ON TELLING: Even if you have no idea when you’ll actually self-publish your own book, it’s best to build your list of people who love what you have to tell them. A lot of email marketing programs are free up to a 2000-subscriber limit. A popular choice is MailChimp. You can stick the newsletter sign-up form in your bio, your email signature, your website, your cards, and so forth even if you have nothing published yet. Building your list is the best way to start building a platform, a following that may one day be huge enough to land you on a bestselling list in the preorder phase. Yes, dream big. Start small. Start somewhere.

Do you have a view in your writing space?  What does your space look like? 

LOL. If you only saw my writing space! It’s a disaster. The only space I have on my desk for writing is the space reserved for my computer. Almost every inch otherwise is … well, occupied. I’m not even going to start listing the bizarre array of contents. Given that, it’s a miracle that I actually get any writing done. Such is the life of a stay-at-home mother who’s still nursing her youngest child.

The most important thing about a writing space is that there is space. Second to that is the time you take to write. When you establish a routine that works for you, you set yourself up for success. When it comes down to writing, the only things that matter are time and space and committing the time and space. 🙂

So yeah, I’m not going to tell you how the rest of my writing space looks like. I can sum that up in one

word: cluttered.

Do you prefer to read in the same genres you write in or do you avoid reading that genre? Why?

I try to read different genres to stretch my mind. I read within my genre to keep up-to-date. That being said, I actually don’t have that much time to read. There are a lot of awesome authors with great works out there that I haven’t even read because I’m strapped for time. So the little time I do have to read I regard it as a luxury.

In fact, that’s my kind of vacation—sit back or lay down and read. As long as I have a book or an ebook in hand, I can be anywhere. In fact, I like being domestic. Why travel somewhere when I’ve got all the conveniences at my fingertips and within walking distance? I don’t need to drive or fly anywhere. All I need to do to escape into another world is have the book in hand.

Do you have any words of inspiration for aspiring authors?

Believe in yourself, your work, and your ability to deliver it consistently. Have a blast!


Without further ado, here is the blurb, followed by an excerpt, to my latest release: Skid, a gay paranormal werewolf shapeshifter erotic romance in the Black Storm Pack series.

Alpha finds a mate in the most unlikely man and place

At thirteen, Skid knew he needed to leave his government subsidy-sucking foster family under the cover of dark. Caught in a forest fire as an arson suspect by a werewolf pack, Skid comes face to face with Alpha. Two questions—that’s all it takes for Alpha to take Skid under his wings until the fateful day Skid turns eighteen.

Chapter One

A faint stir in the woodlands wind made Skid hug his winter jacket even closer to his skin. The bitter chill had him hiss out a breath into the air just before he licked his bottom lip.

Damn. Wrong move. The moisture left his lip to sting in the harsh cold. He wished he’d thought of packing chapstick, a scarf, and mittens. He huddled further into his jacket and willed the freeze to depart from his ears, his cheeks, his waist, his jeans, and every place that creaked of icicles in his body.

When he’d left that dark early morning, he had high hopes of crossing several county lines to get as far away as he could from the Denver cityscape. He’d known to go north before he headed west, just in case people were looking for him. He hadn’t made it easy, though, because he had hot-wired someone’s motorbike to go north before hot-wiring another bike to go west. He’d abandoned that second vehicle by the side of a main road before hiking off into a rural area. Not long after, he chanced about these thick woodlands.

Now he wished he’d kept at least one of those motorbikes for convenience of travel as well as for a possible windbreak. He huddled closer to the base of the tree for some measure of relief, only to find none. Worse, another breeze swept past him, carrying the scent of—

“Smoke!” His eyes fluttered open disbelievingly. Had he dreamt it? He took another whiff. No, he wasn’t mistaken. He glanced around and saw that in the far horizon a huge inferno of glowing orange spewed thick clouds of smoke that licked and fused with the dark skies. He snapped upright to gain a sense of reference, but the moonlight he’d seen previously was now fully obliterated by the hovering carcinogenic blanket.

Damn. He’d need to get away from the wooded areas—fast. If only he could recall exactly how he’d arrived at the base of this tree, then he’d know which route to flee upon. No time to ponder. Every second was precious.

So Skid got to his feet and retrieved his minimalist gear—a backpack with a basic DIY first aid kit along with several days’ supply of granola bars, a serving size pack of his favorite hard candies and several pouches of water. Then he ambled with the aid of his flashlight to find his way out.

Although the fire was distant enough, the wind was picking up and blowing even more of the smoke in his direction. If he didn’t make a move on it, then his vision—not just his lungs—would be further compromised.

Vying with the crackling of the wood and the roar of the fire were the cacophonous calls of wildlife scrambling for exit routes. As the sound of fleeing animals neared all around him, Skid realized that he might have another thing to fear: carnivores.

Then again, what creature would want to eat him in the midst of its own flight? Surely, even if he was mauled to death, the fire would finish him off. No animal would come back to reclaim the dead meat; it’d be gone.


Lost in thought as he scrambled over twigs, soil, and dry leaves, he wondered if he’d split his latest foster home at a wise time. The greedy suckers had taken their monthly stipend—subsidies that were supposed to care for him—and then split for summer vacation without him. He’d thought he’d have a head start by running away the day after they’d left for their month-long trip to the Bahamas.

A snarl at his left stopped him in his tracks. A similar sound came at his right. Ten O’Clock and Two O’Clock were closing in. Skid took one step back and a growl came at his eight o’clock at the very same time a huff came at his four o’clock.

Damn. He was surrounded.

is available at these online retail sites:

Amazon  |  Apple  |  Barnes and Noble  |  Google Play  |  Kobo  |  Nook UK  |  Smashwords  |  All Romance eBooks

JacinthaTopaz150x150Jacintha Topaz is the author of Purr Erotica Romance, devoted to F/F, M/M, LGBT, Menage and More BDSM erotic romance reads. When inspired, she’s on permanent deadline. When not writing, she can be found indulging in cashews and kefir and her secret love of armchair gardening. For exclusive news and specials on forthcoming releases, sign up for her newsletter:

You can find Jacintha on Facebook, Goodreads, Twitter and her Website Blog. Her books are available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Google Play, iBooks, Kobo, Smashwords, and other fine retail sites.

An Interview with Mackenzie Crowne

ToWinHerTrust1000x666How did you get started writing?

Ha! It’s funny, considering my current series is sports romance, but I think I was ten when I wrote my first story about a boy who dreamed of becoming a hockey star. Just don’t ask me where it is. I have a hard enough time remembering where my cell phone is.

What is your favorite part of writing?

I’m a total pantser, and love those moments when a character reveals a detail or element I didn’t see coming.

What is your least favorite part of writing?

See my previous answer. As a pantser, I often don’t have a clue where the story is going. As you can imagine, that can be quite daunting, especially when I have a deadline looming.

What is your typical day like?

I’m an early riser and with cup of coffee in hand, I open my laptop to begin my day. Email and the day’s promotional tasks come first. Some days that means several hours. I hate those days because I can’t give the WIP the five to six hours I try to maintain. I’m usually toast by mid-afternoon and don’t normally do a lot of writing after three. Unless I’m chasing a deadline, then all bets are off. Somewhere in there I fit in all the real life stuff.

Do you have critique partners?

I have three fabulous critique partners, AJ Nuest, Kelly Moran, and Vonnie Davis. All three are incredibly talented authors who have talked me down from the ledge on numerous occasions. Seriously. I couldn’t survive without them, and our association comes with some rockin’ fringe benefits. First and foremost is their friendship. This business is a solitary one and having friends around you who understand the ups and downs of a writer’s world makes all the difference. Second, when I say they are talented, that’s an understatement. My greedy reader’s heart skips a beat each time one of their chapters arrives in my inbox. I can’t tell you how often I’ve sent back a file with a sigh and a serious case of writer envy.

getPartDo you have a view in your writing space?  What does your space look like?

I just happen to have a picture of my office. I recently spent an entire day mucking out the random stuff stored in there. I swear, my family thinks it’s a storage closet, but it’s clean now and I’m amazed at how nice it is to write in a clutter-free environment. You can’t tell from the pic, but the view through the window is a peaceful one of the pool and swaying palms in my back yard.

Tell us about your hero.  Give us one of his strengths and one of his weaknesses.

Hmmm how do I describe Tuck? Well, he’s a famous wide receiver for the Manhattan Marauders, and a total rascal, but he has a good heart. He’d probably scoff at hearing compassion is one of his strengths, but it is. The thing about Tuck is, he has none of the baggage so many romance heroes do. He comes from a loving family, has a career he loves, and no broken relationships have left a scar on his heart. He’s happy and whether he realizes it or not, he can’t resist stepping in to help others to be happy as well. On the flip side, he’s led something of a charmed life and, as you can imagine, having everything makes him a bit spoiled.

CrowneTour copyDo you have any words of inspiration for aspiring authors?

Most important: Keep writing. The more you do something, the better you get. And start building a solid social media platform sooner rather than later. I thought writing the story was the hard part, but was blown away by the amount of time required to promote my work. There are millions of authors out there who have been where you are. Follow a few of them and watch what they do that works. It will save you time and frustration later.


Her gaze dropped to his legs. “You’re limping.”

“Yeah, I am.” He blasted her with a wicked smile. “I had a little accident the other day.”

Her scowl immediately became defensive. “I didn’t ask you to jump into the middle of things. If you’re hurt, it’s your own fault.”

The vehemence of her response surprised him. He raised a brow and glanced at Walter. The dog’s rear end wagged so vigorously he was amazed the animal managed to remain on his feet.

“I’ll tell you what.” He met her gaze and kept his smile in place. “I promise not to sue, if you promise—”

“Ha! Try it, pal. I’ll countersue you for public molestation.”

He chuckled. She had a point, and wouldn’t that spectacle go over well with the league front office? “You didn’t let me finish.”

Suspicion darkened those eyes he’d stared into in his dirty dream, but she didn’t interrupt again.

“I promise not to sue, if you promise to accept my gift.”

Long, dark blond lashes fluttered when she blinked. “What gift?”

He tucked a hand in his back pocket, retrieved the small envelope, and held it out. “Go ahead. Take it.” When she refused, he dipped his head closer. “Did I mention I have a really good lawyer?”

She hesitated a moment, her lips flattening further, then snatched the envelope from his fingers with ill grace. Her brows puckered as she read the embossed label. “Paws Finishing School?”

“It’s a certificate for a week-long obedience program. I thought Walter could use some lessons in manners.”

Her gaze flicked to her dog, who was attempting to stretch his leash far enough to lift his leg on her neighbor’s rose bush. “He could definitely use some lessons in manners but”, she held out the envelope, “I can’t take this.”

Tuck shoved both hands into the front pockets of his jeans and grinned. “A really great lawyer.”

She sighed. “Look. I appreciate the thought, and to tell the truth, I’ve been planning to enroll him somewhere, but—”

“Perfect. Now you’re all set.”

“But I can’t let you pay for it. Why would you, anyway?”

He waved off her question. “It’s no big deal. I won the certificate at a silent auction.” A big fat whopper if he’d ever told one, but the white lie was for a good cause. “I don’t have a dog, so if you don’t take it, I’ll just give it to someone else.”

“What about that idiot mutt you mentioned?”

He smiled. “Oh, he’s not mine. We just hang out sometimes.”

She cocked her head. A butterscotch curl escaped the knot of hair gathered at the top of her head, sliding over her forehead to wrap around her chin. His fingers tingled with the desire to tuck the glossy lock behind her ear, just for the chance to touch her.

“Why would you bid on a dog obedience program when you don’t have a dog?”

Prickly and beautiful. Major turn-on. “It was for a good cause.”

His own.


To Win Her Trust by Mackenzie Crowne

Can she trust this player with her heart?

Ever since experiencing a childhood trauma, reclusive artist CC Calhoun has suffered from panic attacks. But when a fateful kiss from handsome wide receiver, Kevin “Tuck” Tucker, is enough to stop one of those episodes cold, she wonders if guarding her heart has been the right choice. Will going on a test date with Tuck open her to trusting someone for the first time in years? Or will she wind up being just another notch in the football player’s bedpost?

Tuck has a reputation for charming women into bed, but after his kiss with CC, he’s left aching for more. When he proposes a second date, his attraction to the sexy blonde looks like the makings of true love—something he’s never quite believed in—until now. But when Tuck discovers CC’s childhood secrets, will the pro athlete be tough enough to stay by her side—or will he betray her hard-earned trust?

Head shot 2014Author Bio

Wife, mother and really young grandmother, Mackenzie lives with her high school sweet heart husband, a neurotic Pomeranian, and a blind cat. She calls Phoenix home because the southwest feeds her soul. Though her friends claim she’s a princess, she disagrees. After all, one can’t raise two rambunctious boys to wonderful men without getting a little dirt under their nails. A lover of the romance genre, her resolve to share her stories with others was sharpened by a bout with breast cancer. Today she is an award-winning author and eight year survivor, living the dream. Her friends call her Mac. She hopes you will, too. Connect with her at, and


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Interview with P. J. MacLayne

51HztYaXRPL._SX318_BO1,204,203,200_How did you get started writing?

I’ve always been a reader. It seemed natural that I wanted to write stories as well. I started with essays in grade school, moved on to poetry in high school, and stayed with poetry much of my adult life. Then a few years ago, I had a story that just wouldn’t work as a poem. I wrote it as a novel, and I’ve been writing fiction ever since.

Tell us about your current series.

I currently have two series.  The first is The Free Wolves. The first book, Wolves’ Pawn, was meant to be a stand-alone, but the characters kept bugging me, so now it’s a series. I just released Wolves’ Knight and there are more stories rolling around inside my head.

My other series was meant to be a series from the start. They are the Oak Grove Mysteries, and I’d put them halfway between a general mystery and a cozy mystery. The main character, Harmony Duprie, is the kind of person I’d like to have as a friend, and I enjoy telling her stories.

What is your least favorite part of writing?

Editing! It’s hard enough to get the words down in some sort of readable fashion, but then to edit them and whip them into readable shape is hard! And I hate it when I realize large chunks of what I’ve written need to go away.

What is your next project and when will it be released?

I’m working on the third book of the Oak Grove Mysteries. It’s tentatively titled “the Baron’s Cufflinks.’ (All the Oak Grove books have a jewelry sub-plot.) It’s giving me problems, however, so I haven’t set a release date for it.

What is most difficult for you to write?  Characters, conflict or emotions?  Why?

Emotion is the hardest thing for me to write. My stories are action driven, and it feels like throwing in emotions slows the story down. And although there is romance in each story, I say I write action with a touch of romance.

Tell us about your heroine.  Give us one of her strengths and one of her weaknesses.

Tasha Roeper is the main character and heroine of Wolves’ Knight. She first appeared in a minor role in Wolves’ Pawn and has grown a lot since there. Her biggest strengths are her loyalty and her willingness to do what it takes to get the job done. (I couldn’t pick just one!) Her weakness is that she’s trying to succeed in a non-traditional role while holding on to tradition at the same time, and the contradiction causes some unique issues.

Do you prefer to read in the same genres you write in or do you avoid reading that genre? Why?

When I wrote Wolves’ Pawn, I didn’t read anything else in the paranormal romance genre until I was done writing it. I wanted the story to be “pure” and uninfluenced by other similar books. Now that I’ve got the characters and world firmly planted in my head, I can read other books of the genre and not worry about them influencing my stories too heavily.


Do you write under a pen name?   Why or why not?

Yes, P.J. MacLayne is a pen name. I’s not that I don’t like my “real” name, but it doesn’t have that something “special” to make it memorial. I think P.J. MacLayne is catchier!

What do you have planned for the future?

I’ve got the makings for about three more books in The Free Wolves series, at least one more in the Oak Grove Mysteries, and I’ve got a completed book that I need to take a look at and see if I can whip it into shape for release. In my spare time, of course.

Do you or have you belonged to a writing organization?  Which one?  Have the helped you with your writing?  How?

I’ve belonged to several critique groups. That was back when I was writing poetry. The first group was non-exclusive—writers from many areas got together together to share their work and critique everyone else’s. We had people who wrote articles for publication, some who were writing fiction, and others who wrote poetry, like me. It didn’t matter. I learned so much from that group, and I miss it. The only reason I left it was because I moved away.

The second group focused on poetry. I learned a lot from that group as well, and I’ve tried to bring those lessons into my current writing. Especially in using compressed imagery to create a scene.  Poetry tends to use only a few words to convey a larger scene, and I try to incorporate that into my fiction writing.

Please tell my readers a little bit about your book.

My current release is Wolves’ Knight, the second book in the Free Wolves series.  Tasha Roeper, a wolf shifter, had been sent away to an allied pack after being captured and rescued during a pack war.  Now she’s back, and a force to be reckoned with. So when her friend Dot is threatened, Tasha takes it personally.



She lay on the ground, wiggled her belly a few times to work away the pebbles under it, and put her nose between her forepaws. Even close up, with her eyes open only a crack, an unwary observer might think she slept. From the distance, she might look like a large rock.

It was a technique she’d learned to snag game. Find a spot along a trail, settle in and slow her breathing, wait, pounce when an unsuspecting animal happened by. She could stay in the same position for hours if need be. But the game she hunted tonight wasn’t meant to end up as her supper, and she didn’t have hours to wait.

The wind picked up and a gust almost covered the sound. Tasha’s ears pricked forward at the shuffle of footsteps. A figure inched along the side of the building, stopping at a window. Tasha tightened her muscles, but didn’t move.

Then he went on. Tasha was positive it was a male although the wind blew the wrong direction for her to catch his scent. Not even her tail twitched as he stopped at another window. Her ears caught the sound of him tapping on the glass. He moved again.

The third window sat in a pool of darkness. But Tasha’s eyes watched as he raised the window. He grasped the window frame and started to lift himself inside.

And Tasha exploded into a snarling mass of muscle and fangs.

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pjmaclayne 1-2-16Author Bio: Born and raised among the rolling hills of western Pennsylvania, P.J. MacLayne still finds inspiration for her books in that landscapes. She is a computer geek by day and a writer by night who currently lives in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains. When she’s not in front of a computer screen, she might be found exploring the back roads of the nearby national forests and parks. In addition to the Free Wolves’ stories, she is also the author of the Oak Grove series.

P.J. MacLayne can be reached on:  Facebook


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CORA, Bride of South Dakota by Susan Horsnell

Cora, Bride of South Dakota is fortieth in the unprecedented 50-book American Mail-Order Brides series.
Cora Ancelet’s father hates her.
When a fire ravages the factory where she works, her father orders her to find another source of employment or marry his evil political ally, a man old enough to be her grandfather.
After being handed a Grooms’ Gazette, Cora takes the desperate step of becoming a Mail Order Bride.
John Franklin wants a woman to wake up to. A woman who will love him and his ranch, and ultimately give him the children he craves.
Will placing an advertisement for a Mail Order Bride turn out to be the best decision he has ever made for both him and Cora or, is tragedy afoot?
If you enjoyed reading this book, there are 49 more in the series! Find out about the rest of the American Mail-Order Brides here,
Cora stepped onto the platform in Rapid City and glanced around. She searched for John amongst the milling crowd. Her hands shook nervously as she clutched her reticule. This is it. You’re about to meet the man who is to be your husband.
“Miss Brown. Miss Rose Brown?” the station porter asked.
“Yes,” she answered.
“Your luggage is by the waiting room for you,” the man said.
Before Cora could thank him and offer a coin, he scurried away. She returned to searching the thinning crowd for John’s face.
Then, not ten feet away, she saw him for the first time. He seemed to be searching for her but how he was ever expecting to find her, she didn’t know. Cora had never sent him a picture, only a description.
She took advantage of her knowledge to study her intended. His picture did not do him justice. This was the man who was to become her husband and wow, what a man! He was tall, really tall. His blonde hair showed signs of being bleached by long hours in the sun. His skin was golden brown, his lips full and definitely kissable. But, his eyes were what snared her attention. They were the brightest blue she had ever seen, bluer than the sky on a bright summer’s day.
Her eyes continued their perusal. His coat was unbuttoned, his shirt pulled taut against his broad chest. A belt with a large buckle cinched the jeans at his narrow waist. His legs were long but judging by how tight his pants hugged his thighs, they were also muscular. She sighed loudly. The man was more handsome than she’d dreamed despite the scar on his face. She swallowed hard and tentatively stepped towards him.
“Mr. Franklin, I’m Cora” Her voice was husky with nerves and she offered a shaky, gloved hand.
“But, the porter called you, Miss Brown.” John was confused, he ignored Cora’s hand and his beautiful blue eyes narrowed. “I assume you have an explanation. I can’t abide liars.”
The tone of his voice was more serious than angry but it still caused Cora to tremble and step back a pace. What if he didn’t understand and sent her back?
“Mr. Franklin, I promise I can explain if you give me a chance. Is there somewhere we can go and talk?”
John heard the pleading note in her voice and his annoyance settled. “Very well.” She was so beautiful it took his breath away. He couldn’t stay mad. He spun around and spoke to another man standing nearby. “Sam, can you get Miss Ancelet’s luggage to the wagon? I’ll take her to Lilly’s for tea so we can talk.”
“Sure thing, John. Henry, Frank and me will grab a drink at the saloon while we’re waiting.” Sam ambled away with the two other men.
John placed his arm on Cora’s elbow to escort her away. A jolt so powerful caused stars to dance in front of her eyes, she became breathless and stumbled. His arm whipped around her waist to steady her and he gazed into her eyes questioningly. Had he felt it too?
“Sorry,” she murmured. “I felt a little light headed. I must have been affected by the long journey.”
“No need to apologize.” His deep voice caressed her. “Maybe you need something to eat.”
They left the station arm in arm.

I grew up in Sydney but now live in sunny Queensland where I spend my days walking my dogs, reading, writing and renovating our home. Married for almost 42 years, my husband and I also enjoy a great deal of travel.