An Interview with Veronica Scott

GhostOfTheNile_1000x1500What inspired Ghost of the Nile?

Thanks for having me as your guest again! Ghost of the Nile is the latest in my “Gods of Egypt” paranormal series set in ancient Egypt. For quite a while I’d been fascinated with the idea of writing a story set on an estate in the 1550 BCE era. One of the interesting things about Egypt was that for literally hundreds of years the climate and the daily life stayed pretty much the same. Pharaohs came and went but the more ordinary folk had quite an unchanging routine, linked to the Nile’s floods. I felt my hero could return from the Afterlife and fit right into his old home, although as a guest, not a resident. I thought the challenges for him could be intriguing.

The Egyptians of 3000 years ago believed that unless you were buried in the soil of Egypt and had all the proper rituals recited for you, as well as your name preserved, you couldn’t enter the Afterlife. So my hero Periseneb, who was murdered and didn’t receive the rites at the time of his death, has been condemned to roam the fringes of the Afterlife and wage endless battles against demons and giant snakes.

I’m always fascinated with the goddess Ma’at, who represented truth, balance, justice…and who happened to be the goddess of second chances. I’m a Libra myself – scales, balance…. She was one of the Judges who weighed the heart of a dead person, to see if they deserved the Afterlife. So I decided she’d need a champion to accomplish some task in Egypt, and selects Periseneb, who she believes deserves a second chance at entry to paradise. A favorite old movie of mine is the 1963 version of “Jason and the Argonauts”. I love how the goddess Hera tells Jason she’ll help him three times along the way. I decided Ma’at would help Periseneb, and you’ll see in the book how he has to call for her assistance.

The next intriguing concept this novel allowed me to play with was the ancient Egyptian idea of the terrifying nature of ghosts, or akhs. Periseneb himself is uncomfortable with being an akh returned to Egypt, and worries a lot about inadvertently loosing the evil powers he now possesses on the innocents around him.

How likely are people you meet to end up in your next book?

Not very, especially not in the novels set in ancient Egypt! I don’t draw much inspiration from my own life for those stories.

Give us an elevator pitch for your book.

Can he solve his own murder 200 years later?

Do you have a view in your writing space? 

I do have a view out my balcony, where I can see several trees and the foothills across a small valley. It’s very pleasant. I also have two cats who keep me company, bring me toys, generally supervise my writing! I also keep several statues on my desk for inspiration – a Pharaoh, an ancient Egyptian dancer, a Roman centurion on a rearing stallion and a miniature garden scene from ancient Egypt.

What do you have planned for the future?

This year I want to write and release four new science fiction romances – I have two in the works, either being edited or formatted right now, which will be out in March and April. I have a number of plot ideas for the next  book so I just have to settle on one and start writing. In the Gods of Egypt series, I’ll be releasing a novella that is currently only available in an anthology. And I’m hoping to write the sequel to Dancer of the Nile. Oh, and I’ll be releasing the next audiobook. My narrators are recording it now. Sounds ambitious and crazy busy, I know, but last year I went full time as an author so if I stay focused, I ought to be able to get most of the plan done. Knock on wood!

How far do you plan ahead?

About a year at a time. I’m not a hugely detailed planner, as you can probably tell.  I like to see what new opportunities arise, or how the publishing business is changing, rather than get locked into any one way of thinking.

Do you have any words of inspiration for aspiring authors?

Try to write at least a little every day. Don’t edit yourself too much on the first draft! And remember the publishing world is in a state of flux, with many opportunities and challenges, so be open to trying various paths to your success. Self publishing, traditional publishing, agent, no agent…there’s no one path that works for everyone, to do what feels right for you.

Please tell my readers a little bit about your book.

1550 BCE

Betrayed, murdered, and buried without proper ceremony, Egyptian warrior Periseneb is doomed to roam the gray deserts of the dead as a ghost for all eternity.

But then the goddess of truth offers him a bargain: return to the world of the living as her champion for 30 days. If he completes his mission, he’ll be guaranteed entry into Paradise. Periseneb agrees to the bargain but, when he returns to the living world, two hundred years have passed and nothing is quite as he expected.

Neithamun is a woman fighting to hang onto her family’s estate against an unscrupulous nobleman who desires the land as well as the lady. All seems lost until a mysterious yet appealing ex-soldier, Periseneb, appears out of nowhere to help her fight off the noble’s repeated attacks.

Meanwhile, Periseneb’s thirty days are rushing by, and he’s powerless against the growing attraction between himself and Neithamun. But their love can never be. For his Fate is to return to the Afterlife, and Death cannot wed with Life…

A short excerpt:

In the morning, he rose with the dawn, grabbing a meat roll and a handful of dates from the communal table and heading off to walk the estate. Happy as he was to be in the world of the living again, the tour began first to depress and then anger him. Broken fences, unplanted fields, and drooping crops all spoke to the difficulties the estate was facing. He believed Neithamun was doing her best, given the limited resources, but the losing battle she was waging was all too obvious to him.

But when he topped the ridge and faced the cracked expanse of dirt and scrub grass where the marsh that gave the place its name used to be, he stopped in his tracks and swore. By the look of it, the marsh had been gone for years. Now he had the explanation why the nearest fields were fallow, since the estate had relied on the wetlands for irrigation.

He came down the hillside and walked a short way out onto the baked earth of the marsh, spinning in a slow circle to see the scope of the devastation. A few spindly trees struggling for survival in a cluster were the extent of greenery. Periseneb shut his eyes for a long moment, remembering the marsh as it was in his time—cool, green and thickly surrounded by trees, a refuge for the stately herons, cranes and ibis, stocked with fish, redolent with lotus and lilies, an amazing year-round haven in the hot, dry nome.

Cool water splashed his ankles and he inhaled the perfume of abundant lotus flowers. The cry of a startled bird sounded and he opened his eyes to find himself standing at the edge of the marsh as he remembered it. “By the gods, what sorcery is this?” He stared in disbelief, reached a cupped hand to the water’s surface, and tasted the sweet, crystalline liquid cautiously. A fish jumped nearby to catch a careless flying insect and a white ibis swooped in to snare the fish, just missing and winging away with a harsh cry of disappointment. Periseneb glanced behind him. Sure enough, there were his tracks in the dusty hillside, leading to the water’s edge. “Am I going mad? This cannot be here!” He bent to pluck a single blue lotus and as the stem broke, releasing the fragrant flower, the marsh disappeared, leaving him standing on the hot, cracked lakebed.

Holding a blue lotus.

His tattoo burned on his shoulder.

Periseneb felt a wave of vertigo, as if the ground moved under his feet. Hastily, he retraced his steps, ascending the slope, tucking the amazing lotus into his belt. Making his way to the great house, he went in search of the mistress of Heron Marsh. He found her at the grain silos to the rear of the house.

“We need to talk,” he said, striding over to her.

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Veronica Scott square photoAuthor Bio:

Best Selling Science Fiction & Paranormal Romance author and “SciFi Encounters” columnist for the USA Today Happily Ever After blog, Veronica Scott grew up in a house with a library as its heart. Dad loved science fiction, Mom loved ancient history and Veronica thought there needed to be more romance in everything. When she ran out of books to read, she started writing her own stories.

Veronica writes novels set in the far future, often involving a disaster to kick the action off, as well as a fantasy romance series set in ancient Egypt. Her most recent release is Star Cruise: Marooned.

Three time winner of the SFR Galaxy Award, as well as a National Excellence in Romance Fiction Award, Veronica is also the proud recipient of a NASA Exceptional Service Medal relating to her former day job, not her romances!

Mother of two, grandmother  of one, companion to two cats….




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Nancy Lee Badger and Medieval Redemption

11219233_10206939397275869_601120718873488373_nToday I am sharing an awesome collaboration between myself and three other talented authors. We banded together to create a boxed set that is taking the world by storm. The book, Medieval Redemption, contains over 1,000 pages of bad boys from ancient times, and the women who redeem them.  Here is the Book Blurb for My Banished Highlander, my contribution to this boxed set:

When his clan convicts Cameron Robeson of treason in 1598 Scotland, the last thing he thought his cousin the Laird would do was banish him to the future. With a certain woman on his mind, he plans revenge.

Iona Mackenzie is worried about her friend, Haven, and searches for answers among the tents at the present-day Highland games. Whom can she trust to help? The tall, golden-haired Highlander?

When a magical amulet and an angry sorcerer send this unlikely couple back through time, more than one heart will be broken. Danger, intrigue, and threats surround them, and feelings between Iona and Cameron grow hot and steamy. With a letter in her hand and a Highlander at her back, what could go wrong?

My Banished Highlander Excerpt (PG-13)

Iona leaned in and kissed Jake on the mouth. Cameron blinked. A roar thundered through the tent’s small space, and the bundle hit the ground. His vision wavered as his feet moved toward the couple. He shoved Iona away, then grabbed Jake.

Iona screamed.

Jake coughed, and gasped for air.

Cameron stared at fingers circling the blacksmith’s neck. The man’s eye’s bulged, while the odor of sweat and leather scented the air. Cameron sensed someone at his elbow, and when small hands gripped his, and pulled, he growled.

“Let go,” she whispered.

Iona’s flowery fragrance suddenly filled Cameron’s nostrils, stamping out the earthy, manly scents. Her voice snapped him out of his trance. He glared at her and then at her fingers that tugged at his circling Jake’s throat.

Cameron let go. Jake collapsed into Iona’s arms, and he turned away from her concerned expression for the lad. Cameron stomped from the tent.

“Cameron! Wait!”

He stopped against his will, his legs aching to continue, and waited for her to catch up. When she stood beside him, with the swell of her breasts rising and falling with her every breath, he thought stunning. The urge to do more than simply look was overpowering. Instead, he bit the inside of his mouth, grabbed her by the wrist, and started down the hill.

Medieval Redemption, a four-author boxed set, was released November 13th and includes over 1.000 pages. It is available at AMAZON for only $.99 (Free for Kindle Unlimited subscribers) The titles include:

12227065_10207831382279796_6721532942349321384_nThe Honor of a Highlander by April Holthaus:  Blog  Facebook

Celtic Fury by Ria Cantrell: Twitter  Facebook

My Banished Highlander by Nancy Lee Badger: Website  Facebook

Gavril of Aquina by Aurrora St. James: Website  Facebook

More About Nancy Lee Badger

After growing up in Huntington, New York, award-winning author Nancy Lee Badger attended

College in New Hampshire, married, and raised two sons in a small town in the shadow of New Hampshire’s White Mountains. She is the proud mother of an Army veteran. She moved to North Carolina where she writes full-time. She is a member of Romance Writers of America, Heart of Carolina Romance Writers, Fantasy-Futuristic & Paranormal Romance Writers, the Celtic Heart Romance Writers, and the Triangle Association of Freelancers. Nancy and her family volunteer each fall at the New Hampshire Highland Games surrounded by…kilts! Contact Nancy Lee Badger here…

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An Interview with Alison Aimes

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000039_00009]How did you get started writing?

I started out as a graduate student of European historian, but my imagination kept getting the better of me—as did my urge for a happy ending. So, while at home with my newborn, I decided to give it a go. I had so much fun. My first romance novel was a historical regency, but soon enough I was branching out to contemporaries and science fiction romance. I’m so glad I did. 

What genre(s) do you write in and why?

I am currently writing a sexy sci-fi romance series called The Condemned. Book One, TRAPPED, is available for  pre-order now. Book Two, TAKEN, will release in August. The series takes place on the brutal prison planet Dragath25 and is chocked full of sexy convict bad-boys and equally tough resourceful heroines. Full of raw lust, love, and danger, the post-apocalyptic series is amazing to write.

I also have a hot new contemporary coming out with Entangled this summer. A smoldering story about a cynical businessman and the ex-con artist framed for a crime she didn’t commit, Belong To Me is filled with romance, drama, and a dash of suspense as well.

I truly love writing in different genres. Though I usually write one book at a time, shifting between genres allows me to stay fresh and engaged. Plus, sometimes I want to revel in the drama of the present day and sometimes I need the dark thrill of a post-apocalyptic era. 

Tell us about your current series. 

My current series is centered on the Condemned, humans from Earth who have been sentenced by the Council Command to live and die on the notorious penal planet Dragath25. Though most of the Condemned are brutal rapists and murderers, some are not. Some were once honest men and women. Some were liars and criminals who skirted the law. Some were decent people twisted by their current brutal existence. None deserve to end their days on Dragath25, fighting to keep themselves safe from vicious criminals, dangerous local predators, and vicious threats. But sometimes salvation is possible. Sometimes lust and raw need can lead to far more. And sometimes redemption, healing, and even love is achievable, even on Dragath25.

In the first book, TRAPPED, when Bella West crash lands on penal planet Dragath25, the only thing standing between her and a mass of brutal criminals is one of their own, a ruthless loner known only as 673. But what starts out as a desperate trade based on protection and raw lust soon blossoms into a scorching need that will push them both to the edge.

In the second book, TAKEN, Ana Davies is abducted and imprisoned within a labor camp deep within Dragath25’s core, a sweltering maze of caves overrun by brutal prisoners-turned-slaves. Her only chance for survival? A fellow-prisoner with his own reasons for wanting her dead. But raw, blood-pounding need is a potent force. And even the best-laid plans can be laid to waste, especially on Dragath25.

Though the third in the series is still in the early stages, I have many more characters demanding their due. Then, there’s Earth, a post-apocalyptic planet plagued by famine and blight where the corrupt Council Command reigns supreme. Suffice to say, there are numerous conflicts, love interests, and sexy heroes and heroines I can’t wait to explore.

What is your next project and when will it be released?

My next project is a contemporary romance to be released this summer through Entangled’s Indulgence line. Full of emotion, drama, and passion, BELONG TO ME was pure pleasure to write. I can’t wait to share it with everyone.

What is your typical day like?

I’m part mom, part author so I spend my day trying to balance both. I get the kids off to school and then settle down to write for a few hours. Then, it’s back to chauffeuring and trying to interpret teenage grunts.  I feel truly lucky to have the time to do both, though there are many days I’m certain I’ve done neither well. Case in point, there are many, many jokes in my house about trying to talk to me while I’m staring blankly into space. And the number of times I’ve burned a meal? Too high to count.

How much time do you spend promoting your books?  What works best for you?

Since I’m a relatively new author I don’t spend a lot of time promoting my books. I’ve been told by authors with far more experience that the best use of a new authors’ time is to write, write, write and so that’s what I’m doing. Of course, that doesn’t mean I’ve done nothing promo-wise. I’ve posted information about my books releases on my own facebook and twitter feeds, posted on a few free facebook promo sites, done a blog tour (including coming here today J ), and put my first book in the Condemned Series up on NetGalley for review.  I suspect when I have more books under my belt, I will experiment with free and reduced price promotions as well.

But my favorite non-writing activity is interacting with my readers. I don’t think I could ever have predicted how their passion and enthusiasm would fuel and inspire me. I’ve been awed by how generous my readers are with their time and their encouragement and when I hear that someone couldn’t put my story down or fell hard for one of my heroes or can’t wait to read what’s coming next, I feel energized to keep going, even through the hard writing days.

 How has your experience with self-publishing been?

I’m new to self-publishing and some times find all the details—from writing, to marketing, to promoting and everything in between—to be daunting (especially as my tech skills are far from impressive), but it’s also incredibly liberating to be able to be involved in everything from the cover look to the blurb to how the book is categorized in the bookstore. And though I have had plenty of stumbles already (I somehow made my book go live when I was only trying to set up the pre-order), I learn from each mistake. It’s also the case that the self-publishing community is one of the most helpful, open, supportive communities I’ve been lucky enough to be part of—and that is always energizing and comforting.  

Do you have a view in your writing space?  What does your space look like? 

I don’t know if it’s good or bad to admit, but my most common morning writing space is my bed. It’s been that way since elementary school. There’s just something about settling into my cozy pillows that allows me to both focus and take creative risks. Plus, my dog snuggles right up to my side and allows me to pet him when I need to feel as if I’m doing something while mulling over a plot point. However, if I’m able to get some writing time in the afternoon, I usually gravitate toward the kitchen table or the sunny windows in the living room. Wherever I write my uniform is always the same: pjs. I can only imagine what my mailwoman thinks I’m doing with my days.

What genres are you drawn to as a reader?

I’m as all over the map in the books I read as those I write. I read literary fiction, thrillers, mysteries, historical fiction as well as non-fiction, but I read romance the most. Contemporary romance, historicals, science fiction romance, fantasy romance, romantic suspense, new adult, erotica, western romance—I love it all!  If the story grabs me, I’m sold. No matter the genre. And the same goes for my favorite authors. I don’t care what genre they write in. If I love them, I’ll read it. I know and trust their stories, their characters, and their instincts—and I’ve never been disappointed yet.

What’s next for you?

More books. More romance. More chances to engage with readers and give them the kind of stories for which they’re looking.

Thank you all for letting me come and talk with you today. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to get in touch through one of the myriad of links below. And I sincerely hope that if you do decide to read one of my books, you’ll get in touch to tell me what you think. I’d love to hear from you.

 I also want to thank Cindy too for letting me come and blog about myself today. I’m a big fan of her western romances and it’s always an honor and a great thrill to ride the blog coattails of someone you respect and admire.  All the best, Alison

Release date: March 1, 2016

Sub-genre promoting: SciFi/Fantasy Romance

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Recently Awarded Top Reader Pick by Night Owl Review….

A tale of unbridled desire, stunning sacrifice, and unwavering love, Trapped is an action-packed, sexy sci-fi romance that takes you to the brink of oblivion on a prison planet where only the strong survive….

Cadet Bella West has one simple objective when she joins the scientific mission to Dragath25, the notorious penal planet housing Earth’s condemned. Earn the credits necessary to save her family from starvation. But when her shuttle crashes and the majority of her crew perish, her simple mission becomes complicated fast. Now, to stay alive she’ll have to depend on one of Dragath’s own. But such protection doesn’t come free.

Convicted of a crime he didn’t commit, 673 has become more beast than man after eight grueling years on an unforgiving, hazardous planet of dirt and rock—and even more treacherous inhabitants. He doesn’t look out for anyone but himself and he certainly never grows attached. So when the bold female offers him pleasure in return for protection, he takes the deal without hesitation. He never expects how her touch will alter him. Or the growing realization that saving her may be the key to his own salvation.

But as dangers mount and their ‘simple’ deal unravels will he prove to be her surprise savior or her ultimate downfall? Because caring for someone on Dragath25 may prove the greatest hazard of all.

The first book in the Condemned Series, Trapped has a HEA and can be read as a stand-alone.


A splash sounded. Powerful ripples washed against her back like a surging tide. He was coming for her.
She whirled and discovered small bubbles on the surface of the water. An inky cloud of red and brown streamed in all directions followed by foamy white. Then a dark head broke the surface and he was standing before her, waist high in the water, a mud man no more.
Her mouth opened on a tiny o.
Without the dirt, dark, thick hair, shorn close to his scalp, was now visible. Along with olive skin, a wide forehead, low brows, firm lips, and a square jaw. Tiny droplets left his long lashes spikey while rivulets of water tracked over chiseled cheekbones down his sculpted chest and abdomen to a small trail of dark hair that snaked from his belly button to disappear into the water. Scars of various length and width tracked across miles of pure, hard muscle.
My God, mud man was a flesh and blood man—an incredibly masculine one. If she’d met him at the Academy or the barracks on Earth, she would have been unable to stop staring. He was that beautiful.
Then his hand shot out and her daze shattered.
With a hiss, she stumbled back.
One dark eyebrow rose. “Here.”
She looked down to see a small white bar in his hand.
“It’s soap.” His tone was brusque. “The drones dump trash from Earth. Use it.”
“Thank you.” It took all her courage to reach out and take the bar from his hand. “I—I’ve never used it before. The Academy only allows lasers for cleaning. The use of water was banned a long time ago.” She stopped short. 
Of course, he knew that. He wasn’t from some distant galaxy. He was from Earth. He just wasn’t welcome there anymore.
His lips flat lined. “I’ve been here a while, but not as long as that.”
Was that a joke? His expression offered no clue.
“Of course.” Hands shaking, she took the soap and rubbed it against her arm. The blood stayed put. She rubbed harder.
She hadn’t expected this…this talking. Or the kindness of a bath—with soap. It was confusing.
“You need the water to make it work.” Rough hands reached out and took the soap, dunking it under the water, making that same foamy circle she’d seen before.
“Turn around.” His voice had gone husky again.
That overworked heart of hers started up double time once again. Her feet remained planted where they were.
He waited for longer than she would have expected before he spoke again, his jaw locked tight. “Anything?” It was a reminder. A reproach. A challenge.
And her last chance to change her mind.
Her eyes sunk shut.  I can do this. I need to do this.
She whirled around, bracing for a grab. A strike. But the deliberate slow glide of a calloused fingertip down the bumps of her spine slammed through her with more force than any blow.
© 2015 | Kristina Sherk Photography |

© 2015 | Kristina Sherk Photography |

About the Author

Alison Aimes is the award-winning author of the sexy sci fi romance series the Condemned as well as the sizzling contemporary romance Billionaires’ Revenge series. A sci fi fanatic with a PhD in Modern History, she’s an all over the map kind of woman whose always had a love for dramatic stories and great books, no matter the era. Now, she’s creating her own stories full of intrigue and passion, but always with a happy-ever-after ending. She lives in Maryland with her husband, two kids, and her dog. When not in front of the computer, she can be found hanging with family and friends, hiking, trying to turn herself into a pretzel through yoga, listening to a fabulous TED talk, or, last but not least, sitting on the couch imagining her characters’ next great adventures.

Alison can be found on line at

Connect with Alison Aimes:


Facebook: https://www.facebook/alisonaimes



Interview with Janice Maynard

Hot For the Scot FINALThanks for having me today! You suggested answering a few questions for your readers, so here they are in no particular order…  J

Tell us about your current series.

As a mom, I would never be able to love one of my daughters more than the others. But when it comes to books I’ve written, I have to admit that my Kilted Heroes series has been so much fun to create.

I happen to be an Outlander addict. If you’ve read the books or seen the TV show, you know what that means. So I came up with the idea of three friends (equally obsessed with Outlander) who travel to Scotland in search of adventure and romance. The Kilted Heroes series is a trilogy. I hope by the time readers finish all three books they will love Scotland as much as I do!

What is your least favorite part of writing?

That one’s easy. I really don’t like reading the final galleys…checking for boo-boos. By then I’ve looked at the same words and paragraphs so many times, I’m over it! It would be nice to farm that part out to an assistant, but since I’m a control freak, I’m stuck with it.

What did you want to be when you were a child?

 I honestly don’t remember as far back as childhood aspirations, but I do know that when I was fourteen I wanted to be an interpreter at the U.N. I loved foreign languages, and I thought that job would make me very exotic. Sigh…

Do you have critique partners?

 Oddly perhaps, the answer is no. I have a very tight writing schedule, which leaves little time for passing chapters around and meeting to discuss them. I have six books coming out in 2016, only one of which is a re-release. Even my agent doesn’t read my work, unless it is a brand new project we are trying to sell.

HotFortheScotTour copyWhat is your favorite dessert/food?

 I’m going to cheat and answer both. Favorite dessert? Homemade chocolate chip cookies. Favorite food? Steak, salad, and baked potato…if the meal is very good. No sense wasting calories on sub-par cooking.  J

Do you have a view in your writing space? What does it look like?

 I’m not a sit-at-the-desk kind of writer. I roam. I wander. I take my laptop all over the house. Even though I do have an official office, it’s not where I do my creative work. One of my favorite places is a chair in our bedroom where I can look out at our wooded backyard. Though I can’t see the actual Smoky Mountains, I can see the foothills. Very beautiful and peaceful.

 What do you have planned for the future?

 Some days the future seems hazy. A crystal ball would be nice! I like to plan out the year, but with many obligations, both personal and professional, there are always surprises in the mix. I feel very fortunate to be doing what I love fulltime. At the moment, I have four more books contracted with Harlequin and another four in the works with Kensington.

Having achieved your goal to be a published author, what is the most rewarding thing?

 Without a doubt, the people I have met. Readers, other writers, editors, industry professionals…so many women (and a few men) who care very much about stories with happy endings that enrich lives and bring joy to the reader. Writing is by its nature a solitary profession. But at conferences and via e-mail and social media, I’m able to connect with friends and colleagues. It’s a great blessing to be part of such a wonderful community!

Thanks for having me today. Happy Spring and Happy Reading!

Janice Maynard


In Janice Maynard’s sweet and sexy new series, three childhood friends with a shared passion for the Outlander novels and TV show decide to travel to Scotland looking for adventure—and their very own Highland heroes…

 It’s a dream come true for schoolteacher Hayley Smith. No homework to grade, no students to corral, no social media, Internet or cell phone…just a month amid the heather and rolling hills around Inverness. A brawny alpha male in a kilt is probably too much to ask for. But Hayley is in heaven ambling around Loch Ness, gazing and then…falling into the icy water, before being rescued by a strong, chivalrous local hero…

Retired soccer star Angus Munro, aka Angus the Angler, is a little insulted and a whole lot intrigued when Hayley doesn’t recognize him. How long has it been since anyone saw beyond his wealth and fame? And how long before the macho athlete and his modern-day American damsel in distress act on an attraction that could make even the misty Scottish moors sizzle with heat? Long enough, maybe, for both to figure out if this is an affair to remember…or the start of something everlasting…





Janice Maynard Bio PicAuthor bio:

USA Today bestselling author Janice Maynard knew she loved books and writing by the time she was eight years old. But it took multiple rejections and many years of trying before she sold her first three novels. After teaching kindergarten and second grade for a number of years, Janice took a leap of faith and quit her day job. Since then she has written and sold over thirty-five books and novellas.

During a recent trip to Scotland, Janice enjoyed getting to know the “motherland”. Her grandfather’s parents emigrated from the home of bagpipes, heather, and kilts. Janice lives in east Tennessee with her husband, Charles. They love hiking, traveling, and spending time with family.

Hearing from readers is one of the best perks of the job!

Rafflecopter Giveaway –  HOT FOR THE SCOT ebook

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Introducing Sloan McBride – Writer Extraordinaire

TheFury2_1400Hi, it’s me Sloan McBride <waving>.  For those who don’t know me I’m a paranormal romance author who likes to hop around in time.  No, not personally.  I’m still working on the blueprints for my time machine.  However, all my stories (so far) deal with some kind of “time” issue.  Today, I’ll be talking about my Time Walker Series.  These hotties are basically gods.  What grown woman would not want that?

I am doing a 4-part Blog Hop discussing the mythology research I’ve done and how it’s helped me build the Time Walker World.  Today’s post is Part 3.  If you missed Parts 1 and 2, hop over to my website for the links in the Exciting News box or on my News page.

Research:  The average Sumerian home was a small one-story mud-brick structure with several rooms grouped around an open court.  The well-to-do Sumerians lived in two-story houses with a dozen rooms, built of brick, plastered, and white-washed inside and out. The family mausoleum was often below the house.

Sumerians believed that the souls of the dead traveled to the Underworld, and life continued there in some way as on Earth.  They buried the dead with their pots, tools, weapons and jewels.  The earlier kings had their courtiers, servants and attendants buried with them.  (That would totally suck for the courtiers and servants.)  It is from tombs that archeologists learned about the material culture of ancient Sumerians.

There are several stories about the Goddess Inanna and her trip to the Underworld to visit her sister, Ereshkigal, the Queen of the Underworld.  While there she was condemned to death by the Anuna and she died. Enki sent two servants/messengers with the water of life and brought her back. To escape her fate she had to find someone to take her place.

TheTreasure2_1400My Stories:   When the Anuna, 7 generals of the military faction, attempted to overthrow the King because they didn’t feel they were being represented fairly, they and all demonkind were banished to the Underworld to live forever.  Most of demonkind live in the Underworld just as we do here on Earth—they go to jobs every day, shop, live life.  I give you a small glimpse of that in Book 2 – “The Treasure” (up for pre-order now for a special price at various retailers).  Other members of demonkind have decided to follow Kur, the creature (See Part 2) in his fight against the gods.  Because of this, the Goddess Inanna called for the Time Walker Army to do battle against Kur and his followers.

Posting comments to this blog will get you entered for a drawing to win Book 1 – “The Fury.” If you already have Book 1, I will let you pick another one of my books or a different format for “The Fury” than the one you have.  I would also appreciate you signing up for my quarterly newsletter.

I will assign each person a number and will draw the winner with number generator.


~~From the Heavens comes a hero who will take your breath away.~~

Reese Whittaker dreams of falling for a man who shares her love of archeology and ancient civilizations. But being attacked by a horde of demons and rescued by a Sumerian God—a well-armed, gorgeous Sumerian God—opens up a world she never knew existed, attracting all kinds of supernatural attention.

Dagan, son of the Air God and a Time Walker, is sworn to protect the human race in general, and one young woman in particular—Reese. He’s not the only one mysteriously attracted to her powerful life force. Underworld leader Kur craves it for the untold power it will give him to strike a blow at the deities of Dilmun.

Dagan is forbidden by law to interact with Reese, but from the moment he sees her, the fury—an intense sexual need for bonding—blinds him to all the rules. Should the pantheon discover he has fallen for a human, the punishment could mean death for him and Reese.


Dagan materialized in the dank stone hallway of Mount Cradacus, the oldest and most active volcano of all time. Buried inside the hidden world of the Pantheon, it could not be seen by the human eye. The sulfuric, acrid air of the volcano violated his keen sense of smell. He strolled into the huge antechamber where Pyre and three others worked endlessly to create weapons to help the time walkers fight the minions of the Underworld and their leader.

“Hey, P, how’s it hanging?” Dagan clasped hands with his brother-at-arms.

“Longer and stronger than you’ll ever know, you purebred cur.”

“Is that any way to talk to one of your oldest and dearest friends? Not to mention one of your best customers?” Dagan winked.

“I say it like it is.”

Pyre’s voice had grown raspy from working in this lethal environment for so long. Although he, too, was a purebred, when the call had come, Pyre begged the Goddess Inanna to allow him to serve by forging the weapons the army would need. He had always enjoyed working with his hands. The minerals that lay deep inside Mount Cradacus were perfect for molding. With the precise balance and tensile strength, the weapons were unbreakable and could penetrate any surface. Blades sharpened to perfection sliced through a galla’s form like butter, and bullets left huge holes in the enemy. Pyre was fully capable of fighting the battle, but chose to arm the soldiers with the right tools to win.

“So tell me what has you in such an uproar as to bring me to this vile place?”

“I’ve been working on a sword for you.”

“A sword?”

Pyre walked away from the fiery pit where he forged the weapons and headed down a long, narrow, strangely cool tempered hallway. The walls twinkled with an abundance of minerals and stones.

Dagan followed his friend farther away from the fierce heat to a cooler clime.

“I wanted something you could swing with one hand, but would be light enough to carry under your coat.” He stopped in a smaller antechamber where a wide variety of weapons hung from the wall and lay upon tables made of rock. Reaching up, he gently lifted a shiny blade from its hanger. Pyre held the object like a precious child and its silver coloring reflected bright in his eyes.

“It has a leaf-shaped blade and is double-edged. It’s light.” He swung it in demonstration. “The hilt is large enough to accommodate the size of your hand.” He placed it back in the baldric and handed it to Dagan. “You hang it over your right shoulder across your back and it will go unseen under your coat.”

Dagan unsheathed the sword and swung it through the air crisscross in front of his body. “It swings evenly.”

Pyre nodded. “Just remember that it’s double-edged so you don’t slice off a finger.”

“I’ll remember.” Dagan slid the baldric over his shoulder, brought his other arm through and adjusted his new weapon to sit between his shoulder blades. He then practiced bringing his hand behind his head, grabbing the hilt and pulling the sword free.

“If you can manage to do that every time without cutting off an ear, it will be a miracle,” Pyre mumbled.

“It’s a fine sword, P. Thanks.”

“And the human? You did what you were supposed to do, right?”

“Yes. It’s done.”

Pyre clapped his hands together. “Damn good then. She won’t remember you, and you will do your job and be gone.”

Gone. That thought didn’t sit well with him.

“Go on and get out of here so I can continue my work.”

Dagan faced Pyre. They both placed their fisted right hands over the left side of their chests and then took the same fisted hands and banged knuckles.

“To duty until peace,” Dagan said.

“To disposal of the creature,” Pyre replied.

Both men grinned.



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So you want to write a book? by Cheri Allan

Deal Me In cover kindleIt’s true. The moment you publish a book, you become an expert on writing. I know this, because it happened to me. Now that my book babies are out in the world, I’ve had numerous people share with me their literary aspirations.

This, of course, is deeply flattering. Me! An expert! But while I do have some tips for aspiring authors, it does feel a bit as if I’ve just successfully popped open the spout on a box of wine and now people are coming out of the woodwork asking for my advice on choosing the best vintage and talking about woodsy notes and ‘finish.’ Um, I opened a box of wine. It seems both a good thing (wine!) and surprisingly mundane (I know other wine drinkers. Some of them even use corkscrews!) But while I know I have a lot more to learn, let’s assume that writing seven novels and publishing four gives me some level of insight into the subject.

So you want to write a book? Excellent! Go for it! But, really, just go for it. If you wait for the optimal time, the muse to strike, the perfect starting point, you won’t write the book. Because, like taking up running, you won’t run a marathon right out of the gate, and you’re unlikely to write the next bestseller the moment pen hits paper. It takes time. Training. Actually doing the thing you want to do and figuring out how to do it better and more efficiently. So do it. No one else will want to write your story more than you. And the only thing getting in your way is…

You. That’s right. You will probably be your own biggest obstacle. You will, having never run a marathon/written a bestseller/opened boxed wine before, doubt yourself. What if you do it wrong? (Likely.) What if you look silly out there? (Highly likely.) Your fears and doubts are your own worst enemies, and you won’t ever start until your fear of never having tried grows bigger than your fear of looking foolish.

Speaking of looking foolish. Here’s the bald truth. Your first attempts? They will, more than likely, be cringe-worthy. It’s okay. Except for a few brilliant exceptions, everyone’s first attempts are cringe-worthy. Do we expect to play Mozart flawlessly the first time we pick up the violin? Of course not. Then why do we set unrealistic expectations for our first attempts at writing an actual book? This is a skill like anything else. You might be able to write clever turns of phrase, but unless you understand how to put those pieces together into the larger whole, you have some work ahead of you.

Accept the crap. Embrace the worst garbage you can’t make your cursor swallow fast enough, because those words are the clay from which you will sculpt your finished book. Every author everywhere goes through revisions. It is a part of the process. I equate it to choosing the perfect outfit. Think of writing as mixing and matching different words like shoes and scarves and blouses until everything is just right. Your manuscript isn’t ready for the bid day of publication until you’ve given it that same head-to-toe scrutiny. And if you’re not sure the leopard print is too wild for your audience or that red accent piece works? Phone a friend.

Surround yourself with those who will tell you when you look flawless and also when you have spinach in your teeth. (Gently and discreetly so that you don’t sob into your pillow that you are never. Going. To smile. Again.) Writing takes time and is fraught with obstacles. Make the journey easier by finding a writing or other support group (RWA! NaNoWriMo!) that cheers you on in your efforts but also helps you grow. Be prepared to be challenged. Welcome the opportunity to get even better. Resolve not to grow defensive.

And, most importantly, know why you want to write before you even start. Do you want to support your family with your writing? Do you want to write a family memoir? What’s the goal and who is your audience? Be clear. Be specific. Do a little research. Ask questions! Once you’ve sorted it out, commit your goals and reasons to paper and post them in a prominent place to encourage you when you begin to doubt yourself or your efforts.

Why do I write? I write because I want to make it my career to make people happy and hopeful. Knowing this makes it easier to brave the internet trolls, the hell of designing a Facebook ad and struggling through more than one muddy middle. That said, this is what my happy ending looks like: more hopeful, humorous romances like DEAL ME IN.

What does your happy ending look like? What’s stopping you? Or, more importantly, what keeps you moving forward?


If only they’d been dealt an easier hand…

Grace McIntyre never planned to lose her virginity in a seedy motel to the hottie with the eagle tattoo, but she knew Jeff Dayton was The One–until a heart-wrenching goodbye proved he wasn’t. But staying behind in small town Sugar Falls, NH, doesn’t mean Grace hasn’t moved on. She’s a business owner and member of the Civic Pride committee–a responsible adult no longer given to impulsively showing all her cards.

Jeff Dayton left Sugar Falls determined to make something of his life. But after three tours of duty, this Army veteran no longer dreams of faraway places. He’s a small town cop now, keeping the lid on his past and his eccentric family so his sister can win a seat in the state senate. Jeff’s tattoos are covered, his rock-n-roll father is under wraps, and everything is aces… Except his feelings for the free-spirited Grace are anything but contained.


Grace and Jeff have managed to dance around their rocky past since Jeff returned to town. But when they’re thrown together to plan the Harvest Festival, their attraction sparks to life, igniting both old passions and burning regrets. It’s time to let go of the past and search for the strength to begin anew. Because half the fun of the game of love is winning… and the other half is deciding to play.


Bet on a sure thing with this poignant, humorous journey to love—get your copy of Deal Me In today!


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Cheri Allan author pic 9-2015
Cheri Allan is an Amazon Romantic Comedy bestselling author of hopeful, humorous contemporary romances. She lives in a charming fixer-upper in rural New Hampshire with her husband, two children, two dogs, five cats and an excessive amount of optimism (and pet hair.) Her ‘Betting on Romance’ novels have been nominated for both the Carolyn Readers Choice Award and the Golden Quill. Betting on romance… because every woman deserves to get lucky.


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Interview with Sarah Hegger

getPart (4)What genre(s) do you write in and why?

 I write both medieval and contemporary romance.

Medieval draws me because of the magical and fantasy elements of knights and castles. I’ve always loved wandering around ruins and making up stories about the people who lived there.

Contemporary has a different appeal for me. It enables me to tell the stories that I see around me in every day life. It gives me an outlet to delve into issues around women that I want to explore.

In Nobody’s Princess, I explore the idea of how women perceive themselves to have value. I think as women we spend far too much time allowing people to value us by the way we look.

What is your favorite part of writing?

Actually, I really enjoy editing my first draft and shaping it into a second and third draft. I’m a plotter, so my first draft is more of a color by numbers exercise as I fill in the gaps between one plot point and the other. Once I have the story down on paper comes the fun part of making the characters come to life, and building the world around their story.

What is your least favorite part of writing?

I have two. I don’t love getting that first draft on paper. It seems a little mechanical to me. Working out the plot before I fill in the words is wonderful, and then making the story and characters come to life is equally fulfilling. The way I work means that I need to get that first draft on the page before I can do anything with it, so it’s often a bit of a word slog.

The next bit I don’t like is going through the galley, which is the last time I see the book before publication. Again, it’s a mechanical exercise and at that point all I’m doing is checking for typos and mistakes. Reading through a galley brings all my writer insecurities up to choke me. Maybe it’s the knowledge that I can’t change much anymore that suddenly makes me hyper aware of all the things that I should have changed before we got to this point.

What is your next project and when will it be released?

I’m tackling two new projects at the moment. As I write in two genres, I have one of each on the go.

On the medieval side, I am finishing off books 3, 4 and 5 of my Sir Arthur’s Legacy series, telling the stories of Sir Arthur’s remaining children William, Roger and Henry. Book 3, Conquering William is scheduled for release at the end of August this year.

On the contemporary front, I’ve started a new series called “The Ghost Falls Series” (I’m still working on this series title). It’s a small town romance series set on the Utah/Colorado border and the first, “Positively Pippa” in due for release summer 2017. If you’re a fan of “What not to Wear” and “Love, Lust or Run” you might be interested to know I used Stacy London as the inspiration for my heroine, Pippa.

How likely are people you meet to end up in your next book?

Very likely, so be warned. I can’t say that I’ve ever taken an entire person and put them in a book, more like bits and pieces that caught my imagination, or phrases they’ve used that I just loved.

Was your road to publication fraught with peril or a walk in the park?

A little of both. Other romance writers have been the biggest support system in my journey. Unfortunately, I might have getPart (3)saved myself a good portion of struggle if I’d listened to all the wonderful advice given to me before I made the mistakes I made.

No, my first manuscript was nowhere near ready for publication when I submitted it. Yes, I did make all the newbie writers mistakes in it, and no, I didn’t do my research on who I was submitting to before I went for it.

It took me a while to realize that people really did know what they were talking about, and I would have saved myself a lot of heartache if I’d just listened.

What genres are you drawn to as a reader?

I’ll read just about any genre. What draws me into a book are strong characters, and if you make me love your character, I’ll enter any world you want me to and stay there for the duration of your character’s journey.

Has your muse always known what genre you would write and be published in?

No. In fact, I started out wanting to be a modern day Georgette Heyer, and wanted to write Regency romance. Once I’d written my first manuscript in Regency, I realized that it wasn’t for me. I was much more suited to the rough and tumble of the medieval period. My husband made the suggestion that I try contemporary, and he’s unashamedly claimed credit ever since.

What did you want to be when you were a child? 

 I wanted to be an actress when I grew up. I started down that path as a young adult, only to end up doing a variety of different jobs to make ends meet. Strangely enough, writing was the one constant throughout all my career reincarnations. It seemed to be a tool I used whether workshopping theatre pieces, writing press releases when I drifted into PR, designing questionnaires for my brief stint in market research, or even drafting copy for the advertising industry.

Did you always know you wanted to be a writer?

I’ve always had this idea in the back of my mind that I would write, but it wasn’t until my fortieth birthday that I decided to pursue it seriously. My twenties and thirties are littered with projects I started and then stopped, but something about turning forty made me realize that if not now, then when.

Do you or have you belonged to a writing organization?

I’m a member of the Romance Writer’s of America, and they’ve been the most incredible support system. Everything from shoulders to cry on, through craft workshops, advise on submission and publication, and all the way to individual authors like Terri Osburn and Madeline Hunter who have gone out of their way to help me.

RWA is more of a community than anything else, and the generosity of its members to writers at all stages in their journey make it a must for anyone wanting to write romance.

Will you share some encouraging words for authors still struggling for that first contract? 

I want to share the same words of encouragement I heard at my very first Romance Writers of America conference – just keep writing. Write, write and write some more and you’ll get there in the end.

Nobody’s Princess Book Blurb:

Sarah Hegger is back with another delightful Willow Park Romance, but this time the road to love might be a little bumpy…

Tiffany Desjardins has a plan. Well, she had a plan, until her past and all its complications came back to haunt her. Her not-quite-ex-husband, Luke, is missing, and suddenly everyone needs to find him–including Tiffany, if she wants to marry the true man of her dreams. Then there’s Thomas Hunter, Luke’s brawny friend, who won’t take “no road trip” for an answer–and who won’t stop showing up in her daydreams…

Thomas couldn’t care less about Luke’s personal life, but he needs to find him if he’s going to make his fledgling minerals and metals company a reality. And if that means following Tiffany, who’s taken off in Luke’s rare Lamborghini Miura, he’s more than willing–especially if there might be a chance to negotiate some of Tiffany’s lovely curves. As Tiffany and Thomas speed along without a map, the only destination that seems certain is being together…

“Sarah Hegger’s voice is rich and witty and in a word, addictive.”–Terri Osburn, author of the bestselling Anchor Island series

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Author Bio:

Born British and raised in South Africa, Sarah Hegger suffers from an incurable case of wanderlust. Her match? A hot Canadian engineer, whose marriage proposal she accepted six short weeks after they first met. Together they’ve made homes in seven different cities across three different continents (and back again once or twice). If only it made her multilingual, but the best she can manage is idiosyncratic English, fluent Afrikaans, conversant Russian, pigeon Portuguese, even worse Zulu and enough French to get herself into trouble.

Mimicking her globe trotting adventures, Sarah’s career path began as a gainfully employed actress, drifted into public relations, settled a moment in advertising, and eventually took root in the fertile soil of her first love, writing. She also moonlights as a wife and mother.

She currently lives in Littleton, Colorado, with her teenage daughters, two Golden Retrievers and aforementioned husband. Part footloose buccaneer, part quixotic observer of life, Sarah’s restless heart is most content when reading or writing books.

She loves to hear from readers and you can find her at any of the places below.



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Anson’s Mail Order Bride by Kit Morgan

KitMorgan_AnsonsMailOrderBride_HRWhat an honor and a privilege it was to be able to write a story for Debra Holland’s Montana Sky Kindle Worlds! I first met Debra at a writer’s conference in 2014. She’s a wonderful person, not to mention a fantastic writer! If you love the books in her Montana Sky Kindle Worlds, and haven’t read the actual Montana Sky Series, then you’re in for a real treat! I’d read several before being invited to work on this project, so was somewhat familiar with Sweetwater Springs, but Morgan’s Crossing was a little new to me, and it was even more fun getting to know the town and the characters before introducing Anson Jones and his mail-order bride Zadie Barrett to the little community.

As to Anson and Zadie, here’s a little more about their story: When Anson Jones discovers one of the men who embezzled money from his family’s company hid the loot near Morgan’s Crossing in Montana Territory, he leaves Oregon and travels there under the guise of setting up a horse ranch. Then all he has to do is wait for the culprit to slink into town, dig up the money, and have him arrested. There’s only one problem. Anson just sent train fare to the Pettigrew Bridal Agency for his mail-order bride! He can’t bring a woman into such danger and telegraphs the agency to stop everything. But when his message to Mrs. Pettigrew is altered, she thinks he wants her to send his bride to Montana! Misunderstandings, a loony villain, plenty of romance and a few surprises make for a fun romp.

For a taste, here’s an excerpt!

“I have a list,” Anson said and pulled it from his shirt pocket. “Would you mind filling it while I go pay a visit to the bathhouse?”

Ralph’s bushy brown mustache twitched as he took the list and scanned it. “Sure. Oh, and ya got a message here.”

“I do?”

Ralph went to the other end of the counter where a small pile of mail sat and snatched an envelope off the top. “El Davis dropped it off when he came to town yesterday. I told him I’d give it to ya the next time ya came in.”

“Much obliged,” Anson said and took it from him. It was probably a letter from his father or uncle. But no, it couldn’t be – the envelope had just his name on it. No address at all, not even the name of the town. “That’s odd.”

“Maybe it’s from someone in Sweetwater Springs. Ya got more horses comin’ in?”

“No, not yet. A lot depends on how sales go the next few months.” Not bothering to wait and read it in private, Anson tore the envelope open and … “Great Scott!”

Ralph’s eyes widened. “What?”

Anson slapped his forehead and pulled his hand down his face, but his shocked expression remained. “I have to go!”

“Go? Ya just got here.”

“I mean I … I have an emergency!”

Ralph’s face twisted up in confusion. “What kinda ‘mergency?”

“I … well, I sent for a mail-order bride a while back, and …”

Just then several women entered and went straight to where the fabric was hung. “You were saying?” Ralph urged. “What about your mail-order bride?”

“Mail-order bride?” one of the women said, turning to them with a smile. “Oh, how lovely!”

Anson shook his head in panic. “No, not exactly …”

“What do you mean?” another asked. The two began to approach.

Anson started to sweat. No matter how small the town, if there was one thing he’d learned over the years, it was that a woman about to be added to the ranks always caused a stir.

“Is your bride on her way?”

“What?” Anson said, his thoughts racing around in his head like a whirlwind.

“Your mail-order bride,” the first woman repeated. “If she’s here, we’d like to meet her.”

For the first time, Anson noticed her Southern accent. As thick as it was, he should have caught it the first time she spoke. Clearly he was rattled. “Uh, well …”

“Good grief, does that letter say she’s in Sweetwater Springs?” Ralph asked. He noticed Anson’s horrified expression, slapped the counter and laughed. “Now don’t that beat all! Ha! You didn’t know she was comin’, did ya?”

Anson swallowed hard. He was sinking deeper into the pit of raging gossip, and quicker than he could climb out. If he didn’t do it, though, he’d drown in a growing sea of whispers as it spread all over town. (Or worse, get caught in the riptide of his own tortured analogy.)

It didn’t matter that there were farms and ranches all over kingdom come between here and Sweetwater Springs – folks would eventually find out he had a bride. In fact, all they’d have to do was attend church in Sweetwater Springs and that would be it. Any chance of quietly sending his bride to Clear Creek to wait things out would be lost. And he needed to send her away, because if Mortimer Penworthy came sniffing around after the stolen money, he might figure out who Anson really was and high-tail it out of Montana altogether.

An Interview with Louella Nelson

RhysReprieve (3) FinalWhere do you get the ideas for your stories?

Ideas for stories usually arrive in my sleep/wake state at four a.m. Years back, I learned from my Harlequin editors that romance readers want the hero and heroine to meet right away, so my brain took care of that. In the opening of Rye’s Reprieve, mid-scene…

Reflexively Rye glanced her way. The redhead. She beaded down on him with a big-bore rifle. Naked, gleaming, and armed. She drew back the bolt with a snap. “I said—”

“I’m not, I’m not.” He reached for his stud’s trailing reins, took a step toward the stirrup.

Metal clicked when she shot the bolt. “Don’t you move,” she demanded.

He froze.

Missouri Harper and her three sisters had just come off four months of travel crossing the prairie and they were sprucing themselves up in, as it turns out, Rye Rawlin’s favorite fishing hole and reflecting pool on Morgan’s River, about five miles from the gold mining camp where Rye works. He’d been out hunting. The sisters hadn’t planned on a good-looking man in a western hat and boots showing up at their private bathing spot, toting a rifle.

Planning to meet their widowed aunt in town, they couldn’t wait to find safe harbor at Auntie’s luxurious home and ranch. But the luxury home the sisters were bound for? The place wasn’t exactly a mansion. I’ll leave you to discover what happens.

Back to how this novel came about…

I rose when the muse struck (with spurs). I wrote for several hours, until the scene was complete, including setting, the central idea of the story, and the key characters—the four Harper sisters, their prize horseflesh, Rye, and his stud Black Bart, named after a poet-outlaw from San Francisco.

The next event in my publishing adventure was life-changing. I sent the scene to my friend Debra Holland. She took it on the plane en route to a conference in Florida, where she met with the people from Amazon’s Kindle World. During that meeting, blame it on my muse, Debra’s Montana Sky Kindle World came into being. And now you can buy my first historical novel. I share this honor with 13 other Montana Sky Kindle World authors.

What advice do you have for other authors wanting to self-publish?

At book-signings, I used to sign my novels, “Go for your dreams.” I still ascribe to that advice.

Be willing to let others help you get there. I’ve found that writers in Orange County, California, where I live, are generous with their time to critique, advise, guide, share books sales figures, and more. The OCC/RWA group, one of the largest in the nation, is full of authors with 25-50-100 books to their credit. Seek a group close to you and reach out for the help and encouragement you need.

After you write your book, your success affirmation might be: Gather a team of brilliant people who are following the vision you create, and be definite about your purpose. Secondly, don’t focus on the fight, focus on the dream.

Do you have critique partners?

I run two professional critique groups, but I have no critique partners for my own writing.

However, New York Times best-selling author Debra Holland and I are long-time friends, I am her developmental editor, and she learned to write novels in my critique groups years ago. So while I was writing Rye’s Reprieve (The Harper Sisters, Book 1) at my dining table in Orange County, Debra was right there at the end of the table, working on her computer, writing her books. I say books because, during those months that I wrote Rye’s Reprieve, she completed two projects, the upcoming Mystic Montana Sky (on pre-order for June 28, 2016) and the novella Mail-Order Brides of the West: Bertha, which released in February 2016.

As she completed sections of her projects, I developmentally edited them along with working on my book, and she also edited some of the chapters of my book. In addition, I had my novel professionally copy- or line-edited for typos, misspellings, etc.

This was the first time in my writing career that I enjoyed the pleasure of good company while I wrote; and the first time I hired a copy editor prior to publication. In years past, my contemporary novels were edited by my former publisher, Harlequin, and the process was much more lonely.

By the way, the days of in-house editors working on your book are slipping away….

Give us an elevator pitch for your book.

Log line for Rye’s Reprieve:

In 1886 Montana Territory, a surgeon’s secret keeps him from the rancher he loves—a woman who must remain a spinster to protect her land and family.

My elevator pitch for Rye’s Reprieve:

In 1886 Montana Territory, gifted surgeon Rye Rawlins is trapped by a tragic secret so painful that he denies his profession and buries himself in a gold mine. Veterinarian and horse rancher Missouri Harper endures dangerous storms, privation, and wild predators to protect her three beautiful sisters and an ailing aunt. As they fall in love, Rye’s secret and Missouri’s promise to remain a spinster to protect the land for her family force them to look within to discover the cost of love.

Do you have a view in your writing space?  What does your space look like? 

I have a view, and it’s pastoral. In my yard: orange, peach, apricot, and pomegranate trees, grass, and a white picket fence. Down over the slope: a creek with ducks and a family of white egrets that frog-gig at dawn, a running path to the ocean, a meadow of grass, ornate slides and other playground equipment, and sycamore trees. I sit at my dining table to write, and when I need to rest my eyes and my mind, I gaze to my right through the patio slider and see this view, with kitties in the foreground. I was once a photographer. A view is everything.

Tell us about your hero.  Give us one of his strengths and one of his weaknesses.

In the mining hamlet of Morgan’s Crossing, nobody knows Rye Rawlins is a gifted surgeon. They think he’s a gold miner with a penchant for mending broken fingers and dispensing herbal remedies. He’s hard-working, warm-hearted to people and animals, fond of his favorite fishing hole, and cannot turn away a person in need.

But he tells lies, too. Those lies protect him from a painful, tragic past. He is unaware, though, that his boss, powerful mine-owner Michael Morgan, knows more than Rye thinks he does and can use that knowledge to his own advantage.

Tell us about your heroine.  Give us one of her strengths and one of her weaknesses.

Because Missouri Harper is so focused on protecting her sisters and their legacy of the horse ranch they have come to Montana Territory to establish, it never occurs to Missouri that she can accept a proposal AND prove-up the land.

And yet, she’s right to hesitate where the handsome gold miner is concerned, because she doesn’t know he’s a gifted surgeon from a leading San Francisco family, a surgeon who has good reason to run from his past. She’s loyal and driven. Sometimes those qualities blindfold her to life’s possibilities.

What genres are you drawn to as a reader?

My reader-meter is related to my demanding eclectic writing-muse. They are brothers. I read suspense, romance, historical, contemporary, literary, gardening and fishing nonfiction, and any old thing that looks good. See my answers about my muse….

Has your muse always known what genre you would write and be published in?

My muse is an eclectic little brat. It wants me to write contemporary fiction (the best-selling Mail-Order Mate and others); nonfiction (a handbook on Point of View that is written but not yet released, many trade magazine feature stories, press releases, and technical reports); literary fiction (“Cora Lee” made it to #5 in Amazon’s Top 100 Short Fiction in January 2015); fantasy sci/fi (“Atlas Shrugged Again” takes place in a fantasy-generating lab at a space station), and now historical romance (Rye’s Reprieve, set in Montana Territory in the late nineteenth century).

My muse lives in chaos and is extremely demanding, and I am its slave. Because if you’re a writer, you can’t just not write. The muse will bug you till you do, often with spurs.

What are you currently working on?

Next on my plate is Book 2 in the Harper Sisters Series, planned for launch in August 2016. Help! I need a title. If you’re commenting, please leave me a few ideas!

The heroine is a slight woman with suffragette leanings, a writer with midnight hair and blue eyes. Jessamine “Jess” Harper was raised by an independent-thinking Presbyterian mother.

Her hero is a very large, strong, bearded fellow with the unusual name of Bethesda “Beth” Janes, a Jewish man of Polish roots who works in the gold mine in Morgan’s Crossing. He is Rye’s best friend. The hidden side of Beth Janes is that he’s an artist-metalsmith, working with wrought iron and gold, and he loves music.

Jess and Beth meet in Rye’s Reprieve at a dance to welcome Bertha to the mining camp.

As soon as we come up with a title, I’ll post more about this book on my website,

Other avenues for conversation:
Twitter: @LouellaNelson
Facebook: Louella Nelson Author/Louella Nelson

Do you or have you belonged to a writing organization?  Which one?  Have the helped you with your writing?  How?

My key organization is the Romance Writers of America. My local chapter in Orange County, California, is filled with supportive, loving fellow writers such as Debra Holland as well as Linda Carroll-Bradd and Patricia Thayer, authors in Debra’s Kindle World.

Many of my writing students end up becoming members of OCC/RWA, so the monthly meetings are an opportunity to be among friends, talking shop and learning tricks of the trade. I served as chapter president and I also served as conference chair for one of our illustrious national conventions. The organization provides a foundation for everything I do in publishing, including enjoying the honor of being part of Cynthia Woolf’s blog.

Rye’s Reprieve Amazon Link:


Rye’s Reprieve
(The Harper Sisters Book 1)

by Louella Nelson

In 1886, gifted surgeon Rye Rawlins is trapped by a tragic secret so painful that he denies his profession and buries himself in a gold mine in Montana Territory. But saving people is second nature, whether it’s doctoring a man mauled by a mountain lion or battling a wolf to save a child.

Veterinarian and horse rancher Missouri Harper suffers through the worst winter in Montana history to provide for three beautiful sisters and an ailing aunt. Dangerous storms, privation, and wild predators make survival precarious.

Rye comes to Missouri’s aid, putting his life in danger and Missouri in his debt. As they fall in love, his secret and her promise to remain a spinster to protect the land for her family force them to look within to discover the cost of love.

Louella Nelson’s Bio61wv6oC41WL._UX250_

Louella Nelson is an award-winning University of California instructor, best-selling author, and developmental editor for Amazon and numerous best-selling and aspiring authors.

A writers’ mentor, teacher, and editor, Louella Nelson writes romantic fiction, literary fiction, and nonfiction such as BestSeller Secrets for Novel and Memoir Writers (a series of handbooks in development), blogs, and other instructional materials.

Her novel-writing credits include Rye’s Reprieve (Feb 2016) and the best-selling novel Mail-Order Mate, among others; the Amazon best-seller “Cora Lee: A Short Story” and other shorts; and poetry as well as scholarly works for the journals Onyx and Calliope.

She is a former president of the Orange County RWA and coordinator for the national RWA conference. In addition to speaking regionally and nationally, she hosts seminars, class series, editorial consulting sessions, and critique groups for fiction and creative nonfiction/memoir writers.

On the personal side, Lou enjoys nature in all its wildness, danger, and beauty, especially cats and horses wild and tame; fishing; bears, oceans, rivers, lakes, woods, the desert if it’s not too sizzling–and all the creatures therein except scorpions and spiders, which she leaves to the expertise and appreciation of the entomologists

Thorpe’s Mail-Order Bride

Last year I was privileged to be asked to write a book for Debra Holland’s Kindle World. Her world includes Sweetwater Springs and Morgan’s Crossing, both in Montana. My story for this world is Thorpe’s Mail-Order Bride. The following is an excerpt from that book.

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Lena DuBois never knew her father until he suddenly reappeared in her life to tell her he’s arranged for her to marry one of his business partners. Lena flees, deciding to become a mail-order bride, where at least she’s the one doing the choosing. Her future husband, John Thorpe, has requested a woman of good moral character which Lena considers herself to be. The problem is her mother is the most celebrated madam in all New Orleans. What will happen if he discovers her secret?


Lena looked at her reflection in the small mirror over the wash stand. Patting her hair into place, she turned and gazed around the room. The furnishings were austere in the extreme. With the bit of furniture present the space was all but used. In addition to the washstand was a simple four-poster with a patchwork quilt and a bureau. Pegs fastened to the wall held various items of clothing.

A few minutes later, Mrs. Norton returned with a copper kettle, the handle of which was wrapped with a towel. She poured hot water into the basin and cooler water from the chipped rose-patterned pitcher from the bureau.

“The towels next to the ewer are clean. When you’ve finished washing, come meet your groom. I sent him next door to get my husband. We’ll get you two married shortly.”

“Married? I know we are supposed to marry right away but thought we might get to know each other for a few hours.”

“That won’t be possible. He has to return to his business in Morgan’s Crossing right away. Unless, of course, accompany him now and marry in a couple of weeks.” Mrs. Norton frowned. “But I don’t think you’d want to take that action. Your reputation, which you so diligently defended little more than an hour ago, would be ruined.”

Lena swallowed hard. A marriage and changing her name was the best way to stay hidden. “Well then,” She jutted her chin. “Let’s get this wedding started.”

She followed Mrs. Norton back to the parlor.

Dominating the room was the largest man Lena had ever seen. He was easily a foot taller than she was and very wide, though he did not appear to be fat. He wore a black suit, the same one as in the photograph he’d sent. His face was covered with a thick, well-trimmed beard and mustache, though his coal black hair was a little on the long side, as it curled over his collar, but his deep blue eyes caught her attention. They were not only a beautiful dark blue, but she saw kindness in them as well.

The man moved forward to greet her, and Lena was surprised at how graceful he was.

He extended his hand. “I’m John Thorpe.”

She grasped his hand, calloused from hard work. “Lena DuBois. Pleased to meet you.”

“And I you. I’m sorry I was late. The snow delayed me.”

Lena nodded. “Mrs. Norton said as much.”

“Would you like to get married now, Lena?”

“I’m ready. I understand you have to get back to your work.”

John worried the brim of his hat. “Yes, I do. I’m the only blacksmith in town and folks do depend on me. But we can sit and talk for a while before the ceremony if that would make you more comfortable.”

She shook her head. He was so sweet to make such an offer. “No, please, that’s fine. I’m ready to get married if you are. I didn’t come all this way to back out now.”

He smiled. “I’m very glad, Lena. Very glad indeed.”

“Sit down children.” Mrs. Norton pointed at the sofa.

Lena sat on one end and smoothed her skirts.

John sat on the other end. He held his hat in his hands between his knees.

“You are getting quite the feisty woman for your bride, John. I witnessed her defend her honor a short while ago when she was accosted by a drunk from the saloon.” Mrs. Norton then related everything she’d seen.

John grinned and arched an eyebrow. “Good for you Miss DuBois.”

Lena’s cheeks heated, and she dipped her head. “I was simply doing what any self-respecting young woman would have done.”

“No, that’s not true,” said John. “You saved yourself and didn’t wait to be saved by someone else. Not a lot of women would have beaten off their attacker with an umbrella.”

“That reminds me, John,” said Mrs. Norton. “You must buy her a new umbrella. She broke hers over that drunks head.”

Reverend Norton entered the living room.

“Ah, I see everyone is here. Are you two ready to get married?”

Lena and John looked at each other.

“Well?” asked John.

“I’m ready if you are,” responded Lena.

John stood and walked to the reverend.

The men shook hands.

“We are ready, Reverend.”

Mrs. Norton and Lena both stood as well.

“I think we can do the ceremony right here. Lena, you and John stand behind the sofa and the Reverend will stand in front of it. I’ll be over here just behind Lena.”

The couple did as Mrs. Norton instructed.

The reverend took out a small notebook and a pencil from his pocket. “Before we start, I need to know your full names.”

“Helena Marguerite DuBois.”

“John Wilfred Thorpe.”

“Wilfred?” Lena giggled.

John smiled and blushed. “It was my grandfather’s name.”

Lena nodded. “Marguerite was my grandmother’s name. It would appear we have the same traditions, at least as far as naming children.”

The reverend opened the good book and began the ceremony.

“Please join hands. Dearly beloved we are gathered here…”

Soon Lena’s turn to take her vows arrived.

“Do you Helena Marguerite DuBois, take John Wilfred Thorpe, to be thy wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part, according to God’s holy ordinance; and thereto pledge to forsake all others?”

Excitement ran through her like a lightning bolt. “I do.” She put the ring she’d bought in Denver on John’s finger. The circle of gold went up to the second knuckle and stopped. Eyes wide, she looked up at him. “Oh, my.” Quickly she took the ring off his third finger and slid it on his little finger. It fit. “That will have to do until we can get is sized correctly.”

The reverend repeated the vows for John who answered “I do.” He put on the plain gold band he had for her and it was too big.

She took it off and put it on her middle finger which fit the ring perfectly. “That will do, don’t you think?” asked Lena with a smile.

John grinned. “I believe it will.”

Reverend Norton smiled. “You may now kiss your bride.”

John’s grin disappeared and he studied her face. He bent until his face was next to hers and then touched his lips to hers in a sweet, gentle kiss.

Her first kiss.

When he pulled back he winked.

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Cynthia Woolf is the award winning and best-selling author of nineteen historical western romance books and two short stories with more books on the way. She was born in Denver, Colorado and raised in the mountains west of Golden. She spent her early years running wild around the mountain side with her friends.
Their closest neighbor was about one quarter of a mile away, so her little brother was her playmate and her best friend. That fierce friendship lasted until his death in 2006.
Cynthia loves writing and reading romance. Her first western romance Tame A Wild Heart, was inspired by the story her mother told her of meeting Cynthia’s father on a ranch in Creede, Colorado. Although Tame A Wild Heart takes place in Creede that is the only similarity between the stories. Her father was a cowboy not a bounty hunter and her mother was a nursemaid (called a nanny now) not the ranch owner.

Cynthia credits her wonderfully supportive husband Jim and the great friends she’s made at CRW for saving her sanity and allowing her to explore her creativity.


GENEVIEVE: Bride of Nevada, American Mail-Order Brides Series

THE HUNTER BRIDE – Hope’s Crossing, Book 1

GIDEON – The Surprise Brides

MAIL ORDER OUTLAW – The Brides of Tombstone, Book 1

MAIL ORDER DOCTOR – The Brides of Tombstone, Book 2

MAIL ORDER BARON – The Brides of Tombstone, Book 3

NELLIE – The Brides of San Francisco 1

ANNIE – The Brides of San Francisco 2

CORA – The Brides of San Francisco 3

JAKE (Book 1, Destiny in Deadwood series)

LIAM (Book 2, Destiny in Deadwood series)

ZACH (Book 3, Destiny in Deadwood series)

CAPITAL BRIDE (Book 1, Matchmaker & Co. series)

HEIRESS BRIDE (Book 2, Matchmaker & Co. series)

FIERY BRIDE (Book 3, Matchmaker & Co. series)

TAME A WILD HEART (Book 1, Tame series)

TAME A WILD WIND (Book 2, Tame series)

TAME A WILD BRIDE (Book 3, Tame series)

TAME A SUMMER HEART (short story, Tame series)

TAME A HONEYMOON HEART (novella, Tame series)