Excerpt from DEADLY REBOOT by CJ Matthews

CJMatthew_DeadlyReboot_2500pxGinger Odom tapped a finger on the steering wheel, impatient for the red light to turn green. From out of nowhere, a Peachwood PD patrol car loomed in the rearview mirror and rolled to a stop behind her. “Not tonight,” she groaned and blotted the perspiration from her upper lip. She’d never put much stock in the concept of Karma. Instead her life fulfilled the adage that no good deed went unpunished.

Earlier today, in a marshmallow moment, she’d agreed to cover for a fellow waitress with a sick kid. Ended up working a full second shift at the Shamrock Café. Besides helping a friend, the extra money would add to her growing savings for nursing school. The fulfilling career of her dreams, especially now that she lived alone. Just after 2:00 a.m., her feet screaming in protest, she’d stumbled out to the café parking lot. Only to discover the air-conditioning in her late husband’s old pickup had chosen tonight to completely conk out.

Now a traffic cop was stopped right behind her? Head throbbing in time to her heartbeat, she chewed on her lower lip. Maybe she’d expire from heatstroke before he figured out a reason to write her a ticket.

The signal turned green. Ginger winced as her aching foot pressed cautiously on the accelerator. She prayed the old clunker wouldn’t decide to act up now. The fact the rusted heap was paid for didn’t begin to make up for its history of sudden backfires, puddles of dripped oil, or frequent burping billows of smoke.

Strictly adhering to the posted speed limit, she approached her turnoff and once again checked her rearview. Thank heavens, no exhaust smoke. Plus, no blue flashing lights. A flicker of hope dared to tease her until the police car followed into the turn, staying right behind her.

She could barely make out the patrolman inside his automobile. On this dark stretch of road, even the street lamps seemed dim and too far apart. Ginger tilted her head and enjoyed the slight breeze from both the open windows. Almost home, she consoled herself, where the new AC unit in her small mobile home worked great. The deserted street wound through graded but otherwise undeveloped land. As she passed the neighborhood’s solitary construction site, Ginger relaxed her grip on the steering wheel.

Suddenly blue-and-red flashing lights filled the mirrors. Her heart thundered. What had she done wrong? Damn. A traffic ticket definitely had no place in her already anemic budget. She pulled over until half the truck was on the dirt shoulder, turned the key to shut down the engine, and dug for her wallet. Driver’s license and car registration in hand, she waited.

After several long minutes, the uniformed patrolman slowly approached her side of the truck. From a cautious angled position at the open window, he tipped his head slightly. “Do you know why I pulled you over?”

She gritted her teeth but managed a pleasant voice. “No, Officer. No idea.”

“Your right taillight’s not working. License, please.”

“Sorry.” She extended the laminated document through the open window.

“Stay right here, Ms. Odom.” Head down, he strolled back to his police car. Sliding behind the wheel, he pulled his door closed.

While the oppressive Georgia heat made her aching body reek of fried grease and her deodorant fail, he sat in air-Knights chessconditioned comfort. Did he have to keep those lights flashing? Talk about humiliating. Twin beads of sweat rolled down her forehead. How much did a ticket for a burned-out taillight cost? More than she’d made in tips tonight?

A new unbudgeted expense meant she’d need to pick up yet another extra shift. No way was she dipping into her nursing school tuition savings. Tears burned at the back of her eyes. She had no one to blame. Since her husband’s death, the responsibility of maintaining the truck fell to her.

Headlights from another vehicle appeared in her side mirror. Then just as quickly clicked off as the new arrival pulled to a stop behind the patrol car.

Ginger’s self-pity evaporated. Replaced by hot indignation. She gritted her teeth. The uniformed traffic cop checking her license had called for backup? For a routine traffic stop? At what point had she or her crap pickup truck presented a threat?

Squinting at the rearview mirror, she couldn’t see anything but the garish colors of the pulsing lights. She switched back to her side mirror. Through the strobe effect, she watched a dark outline step from the newly arrived car. Was it an unmarked vehicle? Maybe the patrolman’s supervisor checking up on him? Somewhat comforted at the thought, her anger ratcheted down a couple of notches.

The shadowy figure crossed behind the patrol car and moved along the passenger side. The dark outline finally stopped in her blind spot near her truck’s tailgate and right rear fender. She recognized the positioning from TV police shows and movies.

No doubt in her mind, the new arrival was here as backup. Jeez.

Finally, the uniformed cop stepped out of his car and approached her window. She strained to hear any sounds, voices. The two didn’t exchange a greeting that she could hear. Apparently full of newfound bravery thanks to backup buddy, this time the officer stood squarely in her window frame. Bent forward a bit, and she could see his face.

“I cited you for the nonfunctioning taillight.” He eased a metal ticket holder toward her. “You need to sign at the bottom.”

Ginger thought she heard a faint crunching sound. Footsteps in the dirt. Approaching the open window of her front passenger door. She started to turn, to check it out, when the cop with the ticket said, “It’s not an admission of guilt.” Readjusting her gaze, she looked him square in the eye.

“You’re simply agreeing,” he said, “to appear at—”

A gunshot exploded across the inside of the truck. The deafening sound reverberated through the interior. Ears numb, she screamed but couldn’t hear her voice.

The ticket holder and a pen dropped into her lap. Grabbing for his neck, the traffic officer made a horrible gurgling sound. Warm blood spurted through the window, splattering on her face. Ginger froze in horror.

A second shot blasted through the car. It drove the patrolman back with one staggering step. He wobbled, pitched backward, and landed flat on his back in the road.

She gasped for air. Screamed again. Her heart thundered in her chest. She had to help him. Gripping the bloody door handle, she craned her neck to see out the window. The top half of his body was visible. But it was enough.

Blood from his neck wound drenched his shirt. Stained the pavement around his head. A dark circle, the bullet hole in his forehead slowly oozed blood. Lifeless eyes stared up at the night sky. He was dead.

Ginger screamed again and again. Gagged as her dinner rose in her throat. She swallowed fast. Dipped her head to fight the blackness and nausea. That’s when she noticed his ticket holder in her lap. Her driver’s license clipped to the corner. Everything was spattered with the dead policeman’s blood.

He’d been murdered. A new fear clenched at her chest. Was she next? She whipped her head around, searching for the backup guy. The killer.

Shadow man had disappeared. The only thing framed in the open passenger window was darkness. Her startled gaze dropped to the passenger seat. Her purse was gone.

In its place, on top of her grease-stained work apron, was a big gun. Like the one Dirty Harry used in the movie. Next to the gun sat two crumpled latex gloves.


Ginger Odom has sworn to become self-reliant…

Until she is arrested in a small town and framed for the murder of a police officer. Seems everyone in the community wants her behind bars, regardless of the truth, so her aunt enlists the help of the Paladin Group. A team of wounded former military men and woman, now civilian lawyers and investigators, they rescue people in serious trouble.

Hale Peters is determined to ignore his knee injury…

The former Air Force Pararescueman, wounded during a rocket attack on Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, accepts his first reboot for Paladin. His mission—keep Ginger safe until he can prove her innocence—becomes a bigger challenge than expected when he and Ginger clash over who’s in charge.

The Devil Dogs just want to help…

The group of older veterans steps up to assist, but when Ginger’s life is threatened by the real killer, Hale and Ginger need to work together if they hope to stay alive.

Amazon Kindle: http://amzn.to/1QnmjLm

B&N Nook: http://bit.ly/1TKkU0k

Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/deadly-reboot


CJ at DellCJ Matthew grew up in an Air Force family traveling and living all over the US and around the world. It proved to be the perfect experience for gathering ideas and material for future books. And for meeting real heroes and heroines in uniforms or flightsuits.

When she isn’t writing or reading romances, CJ enjoys spending time with her two grown children and their spouses, her brilliant grandson, and feisty cat, Max. Schedule permitting, CJ loves to travel, to discover new favorite places as well as meeting new friends in both the US and around the world.

Max flatly refuses to travel.

CJ also writes a paranormal romantic suspense series. The Dolphin Shore Shifters features dolphins capable of shape shifting into human form. Posing as humans, they are committed to protecting the oceans at any cost through their high-profile conservation corporation, Save Blue Water, based in Santa Barbara, California.

Website: www.cjmatthew.com

Facebook author page: https://www.facebook.com/CJMatthewauthor

Twitter: twitter.com/cjmatthew

Amazon author page: amazon.com/author/cjmatthew

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/CJMatthew

GUIDED TO WRITE by Caryn Moya Block

TrappedinShadow_Medium2Do you believe in ESP and Angels? I do. There’s a reason I write paranormal romance books. This is the story of how I became an author.

I love to write almost as much as I love to read. I had always wanted to write a book and put it out into the world until a college professor told me I’d never be good enough. So, I put that dream away even though I continued to write while following my husband who was in the Air Force around the world.

In late 2010, I joined a writing group who met once a month at the county library. I took workshops on writing and psychic healing modalities while working on my psychic gifts. I was recovering from an illness and financial difficulty and couldn’t work. Writing a novel became a “Bucket List” item, the fulfillment of a life-long dream. I worked on visualizing my success and believing in myself.

In early January 2011, I went to one of the healing workshops I liked to attend and announced that I was going to manifest the e-publishing of my book. I felt the energy come in and happily went on my way knowing that somehow I would bring this into the world.

I continued to write, and started volunteering with the Arts Foundation that sponsored the writing group, but I didn’t work on revising “Alpha’s Mate” (my first novel) much at all. I knew it was too short, but I wasn’t feeling anything coming in. I often get a dream or ‘get inspired’ by something that leads me to write.

In June, while serving on the board of the Arts Foundation, I met a woman who was also writing a book, a civil war historical fiction. We hit it off right away.

As we got to know each other, It came out that she was also psychic and a ghost hunter. I was excited to find someone who shared that other world and similar experiences. She mentioned that she was going to the Universal Light Expo in October. I hinted around that I would like to go, but she said “no” as it was to be a special trip for her and a girlfriend. I really felt like I was supposed to go with her, but I put it out of my mind. From attending workshops and learning more about the metaphysical world, I had realized that my number one spiritual gift is: knowing. However, I also feel you can’t push the Universe. Things will come when they come.

I got really busy with my volunteering. Suddenly, the holidays were looming and October was here. I received a call from my friend, who asked me if I wanted to go with her tomorrow to the Universal Light Expo. Her other friend became ill and had to cancel. Everything was already paid for I just needed money for food and souvenirs. My husband said he didn’t mind and we laughed when I said, “see I knew I was supposed to go.”

My friend suggested I get on-line to see the list of vendors and who offered readings. Once I choose someone I’d need to go to his or her location at the Expo and get on his or her list first thing when we arrived to get an appointment or miss my chance at one.

I agreed and went online. I found someone who looked interesting, checked out her website, took a chance, and emailed her for an appointment. She wrote me into her calendar and gave me a time in the afternoon. I had just saved myself from running around when we first arrived at the Expo and took the ease of scheduling to be a sign from the divine.

I packed my bags to have a grand adventure. I’d never been to Columbus, Ohio. But I love to travel and was excited about the opportunity. My friend and I drove through beautiful fall foliage and checked into a lovely suite downtown.

We went to the Expo the next day and had a great time. Afternoon came along and it was time for my reading with Judee. She used tarot cards to help focus her energy and asked me why I was getting a reading when I should be giving them. I explained that she was my ‘back up,’ so I’d know I was getting a clear message that wasn’t my ego talking.

She understood and pulled the first card.

“You have a book in your future, in fact, I see three books. But you are way behind. You should have the first one out already. I see you on roller-skates, so get ready things are going to happen quickly. The third book will make you famous. It’s supposed to be a self-help kind of book.”

My first reaction to her words was guilt. I’d been really lazy about getting “Alpha’s Mate” completed. The Universe had already given me the clue which book to publish first when, at a healing workshop, a lady told me she picked up the name “Violet,” the heroine in “Alpha’s Mate.” I decided right then I needed to get to work and publish my book like I’d said I would.

Then I thought about the non-fiction book comment. I’d never written non-fiction before except for term papers in college. How was I supposed to know what to write? I decided that Judee misinterpreted the message. I was focused on “Alpha’s Mate.”

When we returned home I pulled up “Alpha’s Mate” and set to writing. I added some foreshadowing, wrote a new scene, and reworked others, and finally the word count was up to 41,000. The book was done and I gave it to friends to read. Everyone loved it.

I joined an author’s support group called “Selling Your Novel Idea.” I started researching different e-publishing sites. I asked my friends in the writer’s group for advice and I asked the authors in the support group for advice. I was in high gear and flying.

I started researching how to format the book and how to convert it into the different E-publishing files. My friend and mentor told me which sites she used. I researched the fine print. Did they charge a fee up front? Did they charge you an annual fee? Remember, I didn’t have a lot of money I could use to pay someone else to do this for me. It took me hours to get through all the small print.

I consulted my friends about the energies of the New Year. I was really feeling led to release the book on New Year’s Day 2012. They talked about the energy of Capricorn and stuff I really didn’t know much about. But these were my friends and I knew they would steer me in the right direction. So, it looked like New Year’s Day was the day to publish.

The morning dawns brightly. Here we were at the beginning of 2012. I went to Amazon to upload the book and their site was having technical work done. I started to panic. Was I doing something wrong? Nope, it was just that Amazon thought people had better things to do than upload books on New Year’s Day.

So I went to Smashwords and uploaded there. Everything went through smoothly. No errors were found. I uploaded my picture and bio to the site and gave a sigh of relief that at least my book was up on one site.

We drove to my son’s apartment to celebrate New Years and watch the Rose Parade on TV. I took my little HP mini and the flash drive with my book files. I really didn’t want to miss this release day. I knew I needed to get this book out today. I had this sense of urgency that I was behind and I needed to get this done.

I tried Amazon and the site was still down. So, I watched the Rose Parade and visited with my daughter-in-law. She’d received a Kindle for Christmas and wanted to be the first to download my book.

Finally, after the parade was over, I was able to get the book to upload on Amazon without a problem. I’d priced it at ninety-nine cents since I was an unknown author.

I’d never thought past that point. I was so proud of myself for getting it done. I realized how the Universe had helped me and pushed me to get it out there. I sent emails to all my friends and family. Then I put a notification on Facebook with the links. One of my beta readers put notices on her Facebook page and on her reader’s group page. I was in business.

I gave a huge sigh of happiness and release. I accomplished my goal, which I had been working on for two years. I gave myself a pat on the back and did a happy dance. Two hours later my daughter-in-law downloaded the book onto her Kindle. It was official I was an author.

The rest of January I researched and learned how to put a website up on WordPress and started a blog, which I titled “Moon-Kissed.” I watched the other authors in my genre and I knew that marketing meant getting your name out there and making a connection with your readers.

My husband and I celebrated when I broke into Amazon’s top 5000. I wasn’t expecting anything, so each new step forward was a reason to celebrate. I kept reading online about how to market a book. My author’s support group gave me ideas. My writers group celebrated my success. The book moved to 1028 on the Amazon list and then 125.

All the messages I kept getting from my angels were “Yes, you’re on the right track. Good things are coming. You’re going to get your heart’s desire.”

Now, I write three different paranormal romance series and I am just about to release my second book for psychic kids. I probably wouldn’t have done it at all if my Angels and the universe hadn’t pushed me.

For information please visit CarynMoyaBlock.com

Coming April 25, 2016


Trapped In Shadow

Book Four in the Shadow Walker Tribe Romance Series

Stacey Johnson is all about secrets. She’s an operative for the government and kills people on command. Love has no place in her life. Even when she dreams about Hugh Thunder Hoof, the one man who makes her wish for a different lifestyle. With him she can believe that happy endings are possible.

Hugh Thunder Hoof, Shadow Walker, left the service after being injured. Now he walks with a slight limp. The one thing he still craves from that crazy lifestyle is his last partner, Stacey Johnson. When she shows up in his life five years later, he thinks he’ll finally get his wish. But Stacey isn’t going to make it easy on him and once again when the mission is finished she disappears. Only this time, he’s going after her.


“Target is entering the building. Mission is a go, Stinger.”

Stinger readied the poison ring and nonchalantly walked across the lobby of the five star hotel. The marble floors bounced the light of the crystal chandeliers illuminating the room in a warm glow. Her stiletto heels clicked out a message of death with each step. The noise blended with the conversations of the movers and shakers of Washington D.C. who mingled with upper class tourists and visiting international dignitaries.

Tonight, she went by the name of Linda Howell. Her cover being a starlet that just had her big break. A bright red wig covered her normally blond hair and her outfit dripped trè chic.

Her target, a South American arms dealer selling to America’s enemies, walked in the door. With a jolt, Stinger was surprised to see a small girl holding the man’s hand. She skipped to keep up with the large stride of the adult, her dark curls bouncing with every step. Nobody mentioned a child in the mission briefing, only a spouse the target had eliminated. The little girl looked to be around six, the same age Stinger was when covert agents murdered her mother.

“What’s with the little girl?” she whispered through the two-way radio piece in her ear, signaling her partner waiting outside.

Amazon Link:  http://amzn.com/B01D6NA95S


Caryn Moya Block burst onto the paranormal romance scene with her debut e-book Alpha’s Mate in January of 2012, which won the “Global Ebook Award for 2012” in contemporary romance. She was also named one of the “Top 50 Indie Authors for April 2012” from E-Reader Reviews. A Siberian Werewolf in Paris was chosen as a finalist in the 2014 RomCon.com Readers’ Choice Awards in the paranormal category.

Caryn has continued to write, giving her readers three different series to choose from,  The Shadow Walkers Romance Series, The Witch Guardian Romance Series, and the very popular, Siberian Volkov Pack Romance Series.

She also has two children’s books published under the pen name Caryn Block and has her new adult non-fiction book, “Joy, My Journey of Awakening.”

Caryn loves romantic movies and stories that end “Happily Ever After.” She is an avid reader and writer who lives in the Virginia Piedmont. Her pack consists of her husband of more than thirty years, two grown sons, two beautiful daughters-in-law, and two granddaughters, as well as a cat, a turtle, and three Shetland sheepdogs. She suffers from “Multiple Sheltie Syndrome,” because one is never enough. After seeing her first ghost when she was three, she has been intrigued with the paranormal. She would love to hear from you at: CarynMoyaBlock@gmail.com

Or sign up for her newsletter at: http://carynmoyablock.com/sign-up-for-my-newsletter/

An Interview with Jane Goodger

How to please a lady

What genre(s) do you write in and why? I love historical romance, although I have written contemporaries under the pen name Jane Blackwood. I have more half-way written contemporaries than I care to think about. My first love, my true love, is historical romances. I love the Victorian age, as it was such an exciting time in the world. I am an author who cares about history and I always strive to make history more than just wallpaper.
Tell us about your current series. I’m in the middle of my “Lost Heiresses” series. It’s a series of very loosely connected books that are all stand-alone. You’ll see a few characters from past books pop up now and then, but if you haven’t started from the beginning, you definitely won’t be lost (like my heiresses ha ha). The first book is Behind a Lady’s Smile, and How to Please a Lady is the second installment. The first two books are set in England and America. Lady Lost, set on the moors of England, will be released later this year, and I’m currently working on a new series that I’m very excited about!.
What inspired your latest book? Back before the Internet made research easy, I spent the day in the Boston Public Library going through old newspapers on microfiche and stumbled across a small story about a German princess who escape a planned marriage and came to America with the help of a servant. Things went very badly for the poor princess. The servant stole her money and jewels, and left destitute and in the middle of a blizzard in New York City, she attempted to walk to the home of a wealthy American diplomat who she hoped could help her. She made it as far as his front door before collapsing. The wealthy American found her, but she died days later of pneumonia. You’ll see bits and pieces of that tragic story in How to Please a Lady, though my story ends much happier!
How likely are people you meet to end up in your next book? I love this question! Actually, pretty likely, particularly if they are people with big personalities. I met a physician at a recent convention and he was so flamboyantly wonderful, he made it in a small role in an upcoming release. If you’re a jerk, you have a much better chance of becoming a nasty character. Jerks are more memorable. Ha!
Has your muse always known what genre you would write and be published in? Yes. I can’t help it. Believe me, I’ve tried to write other kinds of fiction but my muse always introduces a romance. My kids are a bit embarrassed by my writing HowToPleaseaLadyTour copyand have urged me for years to write other genres. Even my mom, who loves my books, has suggested writing “a real” historical fiction book. I suppose I would if I could, but my brain always looks for the romance. I tend to re-write movies or books that end badly. Castaway? Tom Hanks ends up heading toward that lady with the angel wings and they fall in love. Gone with the Wind? She gets Rhett back, by the way. Just sayin’
What are you currently working on? I adore my current project. Both my hero and heroine are wonderfully complex characters, particularly my hero, who blames himself for his best friend’s suicide—a friend who happens to be my heroine’s brother. It takes place during the 1870s, and part of the plot involves a little known human catastrophe, the famines of that decade that history has mostly forgotten. Don’t worry, it’s not a downer, but I’m hoping it’s inspirational. My hero is a true hero in this book, an admirable man with a heart as big as a mountain.
What did you want to be when you were a child?  A shortstop for the Boston Red Sox. Really. I was pretty devastated when I realized there were no girls on the team.

Please tell my readers a little bit about your book.  How to Please a Lady is a book that’s been brewing for years ever since I read that newspaper article about the German princess who was escaping a terrible planned marriage. At first I thought my heroine would fall in love with the wealthy diplomat. But Charlie, my hero, would have none of that. After all, he’d been in love with Rose for years and wasn’t about to let her go. In How to Please a Lady, I explore the unlikely romance between a high born lady and her servant. The challenge was to ground this in reality, because it was extremely unlikely (actually unheard of) for the daughter of an earl to even think about marrying a servant. So she doesn’t. You’ll have to read the book to find out if she finally comes around and whether Charlie finally gets the girl!

How To Please A Lady

Run though they might, love will find them…

Lady Rose Dunford is shocked–and titillated–by the number of female visitors coming and going from her mysterious new neighbor’s Manhattan brownstone. Recently widowed by the death of her very sweet, but not very exciting husband, Rose finds it difficult to imagine just what the attraction could be.

And then she meets the bachelor in question. Not only is Charlie Avery dashing and outrageously good looking–she knows him! He is none other than the man who once helped her escape the dreary matchmaking plans of her father, the man she once dreamed she could love. Can Charlie’s presence next door be an accident? Or has he come to show her everything he has learned about…


Amazon http://www.amazon.com/How-Please-Lady-Jane-Goodger-ebook/dp/B010ZZY13Q/

Barnes & Noble http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/how-to-please-a-lady-jane-goodger/1122252679?ean=9781601834515

Kobo https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/how-to-please-a-lady

GooglePlay https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Jane_Goodger_How_To_Please_A_Lady?id=HRMZCgAAQBAJ

Kensington Books http://www.kensingtonbooks.com/book.aspx/32163




JaneGoodgerAuthor Bio

Jane Goodger lives in Rhode Island with her husband, three children, Chihuahua, one-eyed cat, and a ferret. She works full-time, and operates an editing service in between writing Victorian-set historical romances. In her free time (hahahaha), Jane watches HGTV and dreams of fixing up her 1940s colonial. A former journalist, Jane has lived in Virginia, Washington, D.C., and Pozzuoli, Italy.






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Laced by Love by Linda Carroll-Bradd



The empty space looked out onto a gentle incline down to a bend in the river. A variety of trees lined the moving water, and dried grasses waved along the ground.

“Park facing outward between the saloon here and those shops down there.” He pointed toward the fork in the road. “Flynn, the equipment wagon goes closest to the saloon. There’s a slope on the back side so don’t forget to set the blocks on the wheels.”

“Really?” Nola scoffed. “Doesn’t he realize we’ve done this enough times and in all types of terrain to know the routine?” She shook her head as she angled the wagon to the uphill side of the road.

Dorrie and Cinnia hopped to the ground to perform their roles as parking guides. They walked near the front wheel and shouted instructions as Nola cajoled the horses to back the showman’s wagon into position. Each driver repeated the action, making sure to allow walking space between the wagon wheels. Soon, the six wagons stood in a straight line, tongues facing the street. This time, their lavender wagon was positioned next to Mr. Thomas’s, who had parked close to a building that looked like a newly constructed shop of some type.

Within minutes, the area was a beehive of activity. Sturdy rope lines strung between the trees and square wooden posts the men hammered into the ground created a temporary corral. The horses were unharnessed and let loose into the grass-covered space.

With a long-legged stride, Nola walked Captain and Skipper down to the river to let them drink their fill after the day-long journey. Other drivers followed her path with their horses. Whistled notes of an unknown tune floated on the late afternoon air.

Arney, the juggler, joined them, rolling a wheelbarrow for collecting rocks to create the fire pit for cooking. Others opened windows to air out the wagons or set out folding stools for evening use.

Dorrie and Cinnia unclamped a roll of wire netting and poles from the underside of the wagon. Working together like they had many times in the past, they set the poles and then wrapped the netting around the outside. Simple cord ties secured the netting to the uprights, and when they finished, a rectangular pen for the dogs stood only a few feet away from the wagon’s filigreed metal steps.

Gigi and Queenie rolled in the grass and chased each other, happy for the freedom after being cooped up in the wagon or restrained by leashes for hours.

Tasks that were everyday and routine to the troupe seemed to be of interest to the townspeople. As Cinnia set out their three folding stools, she heard whispers from the front of the wagon. When she leaned over and looked underneath, she saw five or six sets of small-sized feet. Good. Children were often the best ambassadors of advertisement for the shows, because they pestered their parents to attend. Families always had an enjoyable time because of the variety of the acts—an entertainment for everyone.

What she hadn’t expected was the tall blond-haired man who leaned against a clapboard building just past Mr. Thomas’ wagon. Dressed in a buff-colored shirt and denim trousers held up with suspenders, he looked like a shopkeeper, rather than a miner. But, even from twenty feet away, she could feel the intensity of his gaze as he watched her movements. Different from the leers she often had to endure, she sensed this man’s scrutiny was more curious, like he wasn’t sure what he observed.

The long day of travel undoubtedly had taken a toll on her appearance. Being in the direct sunlight had probably increased the number of freckles dotting her cheeks. Encountering a steady breeze while traveling on the prairie was a given. She slipped a hand up her neck to check for any stray hairs coming loose from her bun. Maybe not too much fixing would be needed to make herself more presentable.

“Who are you primping for?” Nola nudged her with an elbow as she passed.

Cinnia stumbled off-balance then clamped her jaw tight. Leave it to her older sister to be obvious and obnoxious. She picked up a stool to relocate it, taking a peek over her shoulder, only to spy the bare plank wall of the building. Her shoulders slumped.

Her mystery man had disappeared.

Purchase Link: Amazon


As a young girl, Linda was often found lying on her bed reading about fascinating characters having exciting adventures in places far away and in other time periods. In later years, she read and then started writing romances and achieved her first publication–a confession story. Married with 4 adult children and 2 granddaughters, Linda writes heartwarming contemporary and historical stories with a touch of humor from her home in the southern California mountains.

Linda’s Links:

Website           Blog    Facebook         Twitter                        Goodreads

An Interview with Lee Prescott


Thank you, Cindy for welcoming me to your wonderful blog. This is one of my favorite places to search for great books! I am pleased to highlight my romantic suspense series, The Roger and Bess Mysteries in this post. There are three books in this series with the fourth coming in fall of 2016.

What genre(s) do you write in and why? ?

I write the books I love to read — contemporary romances, mysteries (three different series), and YA fiction. I enjoy reading biographies, but I doubt I will ever attempt to write one! I’ve published three nonfiction books in my field of literacy education.

Tell us about your current series.

The first Roger and Bess mystery, A Friend of Silence, was written twenty eight years ago. I wrote the second and third titles, In the Name of Silence and The Silence of Memory, more recently, and I am drafting book #4 right now. The setting is a New England coastal village, where Bess teaches at a Quaker School, hence the silence in the titles. Sergeant Roger Demaris, Bess’ former lover, investigates a vicious murder at Old Harbor Friends School and the two reunited after twenty years. Their developing relationship forms the heart of this series as they work together to solve murders and other crimes.

What is your favorite part of writing?

Getting carried away by my characters. A cup of tea, a story unfolding before me, and I gleefully step into my fictional worlds. I also love revising, but am a terrible proofreader.

What is your least favorite part of writing?

Rereading one of my published books and finding typos despite expert copyediting and proofing. I feel like I’ve let my readers down and they deserve a clean, perfect book every time!

What is your next project and when will it be released?

My next projects are book #4 in the Ricky Steele series, book #4 of my Morgan’s Run, contemporary romance series, (for those of you who know the series, this will be Sam and Rose’s story) and the fourth Roger and Bess book. All three aforementioned books are in early drafts. If I had to guess, I’d say the Morgan’s Run title will be published first, in late summer and the others in the fall of 2016. If you sign up for my newsletter or push the yellow “follower button” on Amazon, you’ll have access to my updates as publishing dates draw near.

How has your experience with self-publishing been?

Terrific from day one! The best part is hearing from readers who love the books and want more. I am so grateful to them, one and all.

Give us an elevator pitch for your book.

Full of suspense, danger and romance, the Roger and Bess Mysteries are peopled strong, deeply human characters who will make you smile, laugh, cry and care. The stories will touch your heart, keep you on the edge of your seat, and have you guessing right up to the end!

Tell us about your hero.  Give us one of his strengths and one of his weaknesses.

Rough around the edges, the darkly handsome forty something, Roger Demaris’ possesses a smoldering anger tempered with mindfulness as the series progresses. An acute listener and keen observer, he heads a team of fiercely loyal detectives. He does anything to shelter and protect the people he loves – his team, his family and Bess, whom he has loved since their high school romance.

Tell us about your heroine.  Give us one of her strengths and one of her weaknesses.

As the series opens, forty something Bess Dore still grieves the death of her beloved husband, Mac. Soft around the edges, the shy, lovely schoolteacher’s quiet presence presents a sharp contrast to that of her fiery former lover. Readers find her interesting, but wish she had more of a backbone. They also wish she would take a more active role in solving the mysteries. I’m happy to say that she does in book #4!

Please tell my readers a little bit about your book.

 A Friend of Silence

What safer haven could there be than a Quaker boarding school in a tiny New England coastal village?  What secrets lie beneath its serene and quiet beauty?

Out of the blue, the campus is laid open, the peace of Old Harbor Friends shattered by the murder of lascivious, comptroller, Milt Wickie.  Wickie is discovered in his office, a scrimshaw knife protruding from his chest, a knife belonging to beloved teacher and grieving widow, Bess Dore.

Initially a suspect, the forty-two year old, Bess is soon exonerated and jumps headlong into a murder investigation along with old flame, police detective, Roger Demaris, and Harry Winthrop, an amateur sleuth, prolific writer, and the son of the school’s wealthiest patron.

Will Bess find romance along the way, giving her heart to the gruff police officer, who still adores her, or to the fly-by-night, but charming Harry who is clearly smitten?  Will the killer strike again?  Will the silence and calm of the 200-year old Friends school ever again be restored?

In the Name of Silence

A shocking murder on the eve of a wedding sends Roger Demaris, and his elite homicide team to the village of Old Harbor where the son of the village’s wealthiest citizen is found dead in the woods with an arrow through his heart.

No hunting accident, Demaris’ team pursues a ruthless killer as they delve into the victim’s past and what lies beneath the silence. Six weeks away from marriage to Bess Dore, a local teacher and old flame of Demaris, the deceased has left a string of women who loved him and a village mourning a popular, generous citizen. What lies beneath the silence? What or who hides behind a name?

 The Silence of Memory     

Once again the quiet, seaside village of Old Harbor is shaken by a series of murders. Someone is killing members of a women’s mystery book club and all clues lead back to lothario, Dennis Harrison, who appears to have slept with half the women within a ten-mile radius. When a child goes missing and a woman’s body is found in the woods zipped into a golf bag belonging to Harrison, Roger Demaris, head of RHD, an elite regional homicide team, is yanked from his honeymoon to investigate.

As newlyweds Roger and Bess move into their new house and anticipate the arrival of his children for a visit, RHD races to find a killer before he or she strikes again. Then, another member of the book club is killed, a third viciously attacked, and two villagers vanish. Will Roger, Pete, Greta and Brendan find them in time or has a stealthy predator slipped the noose again?

Excerpt from Book #1: A Friend of Silence

Chapter 6

School comptroller, Carol Richards, turned on the junior officer. “This is ridiculous.  How long must we stay cooped up in this room, for goodness sakes?  Garrett and I have checked our offices.  Nothing’s out of place, so what is the point?  I ask you, what is the bloody point?”

When these words had no effect on Pete Dugan, she strode up to him, her face inches from his freckles. “Officer, you know perfectly well where I live. Why the bloody hell can’t your high and mighty Sergeant what’s his name come up to my apartment when he finally decides to show up?”

“Sorry, miss,” Dugan mumbled for the tenth time. “Won’t be much longer now.  He’ll be along directly.” Carol resumed her pacing. Dugan stepped back, perhaps fearing the stiletto heels were coming a little too close.

Bess wondered why the business manager had bothered to dress in heels and a silk suit to come out in the middle of the night. She had seen Carol earlier in the day and she had not been wearing the black and white checked suit with flaming red, gossamer-thin blouse and two inch, black patent leather heels she wore now. I’d have remembered that outfit, Bess thought, her head beginning to pound to the rhythm of the relentless clicking heels. Turning back to the headmaster, she was embarrassed to find he’d been talking to her.

“What do you think, Bess?”

“I’m sorry Peter, I’m afraid I wasn’t listening.” She blushed, pushing strands of hair from her face. Desperately tired, she longed for the warmth of her bed, piled high with eiderdowns, a pot of herbal tea on her bedside table and an hour to lose herself in her Anne Greyson mystery. “I’m just a little tired, Peter, forgive me, you were saying?”

“Do you suppose they’ll question us en masse or one at a time?”

“I haven’t any idea.  I….”  Her voice trailed off, as the door opened and Roger Demaris stepped into the room. Of course, it would be Roger, who else would they send?  Why hadn’t she thought of it before?  The detective’s eyes scanned the room, resting briefly on her own before moving on.

“Well, it’s about bloody time.”  Carol stalked up, confronting the short, stocky sergeant. “Now, see here, you. I insist upon being questioned first. I’ve got nothing whatsoever to do with this matter and I’ve had a very long day, not to mention a busy day tomorrow.  I have absolutely nothing to contribute to this inquiry, so, if you would just —”

“Take a seat, Miss?”

“Richards, and I will not take a seat.”

Demaris regarded her, anger flashing for an instant in the icy blue eyes.  “Miss Richards, please take a seat.” His voice was calm, soft. “We’ll get to you as soon as we can.  We’ve all had busy days and no one wants to keep you here a minute longer than necessary. I’ll be talking with the children first, if you don’t mind.” As she opened her mouth to speak, he added, “And, we’ll be the judge of what you might contribute, thank you. Pete, did you find us a place?”

“Yes sir. Next door, janitor’s put on the lights. Do you want to go upstairs first?”

“Already seen him [murder victim], thanks. Now, then, Mrs. Dore, why don’t you bring the two girls and follow me. That’s right, you can come with them. Come on.”

Like he’s talking to a two-year-old, Bess thought, rising obediently. As they followed the sergeant out of the study hall, his hand grazed her back sending shivers up her spine. She dared not glance in Carol Richards’ direction.


About Lee

M.LeePrescott-author-SMALLLee Prescott is the author of dozens of works of fiction for adults, young adults and children, among them The Ricky Steele Mysteries (Prepped to Kill, Gadfly, Lost in Spindle City), The Roger and Bess Mysteries (A Friend of Silence, In the Name of Silence and The Silence of Memory) Jigsaw, Song of the Spirit, and her newest contemporary romance series, Morgan’s Run Romances, (Emma’s Dream, Lang’s Return and Jeb’s Promise). Three of her nonfiction titles have been published by Heinemann and she has published numerous articles in her field of literacy education. Lee is a professor of education at a small New England liberal arts college where she teaches reading and writing pedagogy. Her current research focuses on mindfulness and connections to reading and writing. She regularly teaches abroad, most recently in Singapore. Lee loves to hear from readers. Email her anytime at mleeprescott@gmail.com, and visit her website to hear the latest and sign up for her newsletter.



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How I Bring Frontier Romance to Life: Tons of Research by Shirleen Davies

ShirleenDavies_ColinsQuest800One of the reasons I love historical novels is they transport the reader to another world in a way no contemporary story can—no matter how compelling. Reading a good historical romance is like going back in time. The period adds a lush, delicious layer to the escapism we all love to get from a captivating romance book.

There’s another side to writing historicals. A side that is less dreamy and more an intellectual challenge and constant labor of love for me as the writer. Research.

In order for escapism to work, there has to be detail. There has to be accuracy. The whole setup must be seamlessly convincing, full and rich, an intimate glimpse into our nation’s history and into the hearts and lives of the people who lived back then. How does a writer know about life on the frontier? Or how the people spoke or how they managed their chores? How would a writer even know what the chores were?

The answer is research—endless, constant research. When I’m writing an historical novel, I research before I start and continue checking sources throughout the development of the story. Both of these are important to the final product.

There are certain events I know I’ll have to research. Because the period of western expansion was one of rapid change, I always confirm political and geographical facts of the particular time period and location where my stories are set.

Some questions repeat themselves:

What parts of the country were settled during the period of the story? How regions were divided and what were the boundaries? What laws governed the people? Were there any specific, common known events that took place around the time period?

A settler’s journey westward can be as big a part of the story as a character’s life once they’ve reached the west, making the hardships of travel another substantial research topic. It certainly required a lot of my attention while I was writing Colin’s Quest! I started writing with the basic facts. As the story developed, I continued to research until I found the detail needed to create an accurate picture of easterners traveling west by wagon train.

I spent some time in college studying American history, which gave me a good knowledge base. As I’ve written and researched more and more, I’ve built on that knowledge. However, like anything else, I can always learn more.

When I write a romance, I need details that make the setting come alive. A readers expects to know how women’s clothes looked from one end of the country to the other, how a man protected his family from danger, and know how people expressed themselves. What were their social lives like? How would a young family have outfitted their kitchen? What did their cookware and dishes look like?

It’s these details I have to catch, correct, and fact-check as I’m writing. Sometimes I find myself backtracking because what first appears to be a simple factual error. I would be lying if I said this wasn’t challenging.

The great aspect about research is it builds on itself, and the process is a skill you can hone as a writer. Every time I create a story, every time I make and correct a mistake, I’ve learned for the next book. I use several resources over and over again, which are a godsend when I’m researching.

Here are a few of my favorites from my quick, convenient resource cheat sheet.

Webster’s Dictionary: I use two editions of the dictionary to check my word choice. For historicals, I always check the Webster’s 1828 online dictionary first. http://webstersdictionary1828.com  If a word appears in this resource, I’m comfortable using it. The second is the current Webster’s online edition. The modern edition of Webster’s will often offer the approximate date of first usage.

www.HistoricalTidbits.blogspot.com: This blog is great for looking up whatever topic comes to mind during the creation of a story. The blog is authored by Lynn Coleman, a fellow historical novelist, so it’s no wonder the information she chooses to feature is so interesting and useful to me.

www.USHist.com: This is one of the resources I use to learn about period clothing. This site sells highly accurate, custom-made reproductions of frontier clothing, and is chock full of information and pictures of the everyday items of 19th century life. These folks are good enough that museums buy their wares!

Redwood’s Medical Edge http://jordynredwood.blogspot.com  Let’s all take a moment to thank our lucky stars we don’t live with the medicine of the 19th century. Illness and injury are facts of life, and were even more so on the tough western frontier. This blog is dedicated to “Medical Fact for your Fiction” and has several posts about 1860s medicine. Some of it is pretty grisly, but interesting once you stop squirming in your chair.

www.IdiomSite.com: This one isn’t specifically historical, but it is helpful when a phrase is on the tip of my tongue.

Conner Prairie Interactive Park www.connerprairie.org This is a great resource for learning about the daily lives of women and families on the frontier. It is organized by a non-profit with a physical site in Indiana. There is plenty of helpful information and pictures on their website for writers or those who are simply curious.

I’ve enjoyed putting this post together and hope you find the information useful—as a reader or a writer!

Colin’s Quest, Book One, MacLarens of Boundary Mountain Historical Western Romance Series

For An Undying Love…

When Colin MacLaren headed west on a wagon train, he hoped to find adventure and perhaps a little danger in untamed California. He never expected to meet the girl he would love forever. He also never expected her to be the daughter of his family’s age-old enemy, but Sarah was a MacGregor and the anger he anticipated soon became a reality. Her father would not be swayed, vehemently refusing to allow marriage to a MacLaren.

Time Has No Effect…

Forced apart for five years, Sarah never forgot Colin—nor did she give up on his promise to come for her. Carrying the brooch he gave her as proof of their secret betrothal, she scans the trail from California, waiting for Colin to claim her. Unfortunately, her father has other plans.

And Enemies Hold No Power.

Nothing can stop Colin from locating Sarah. Not outlaws, runaways, or miles of difficult trails. However, reuniting is only the beginning. Together they must find the courage to fight the men who would keep them apart—and conquer the challenge of uniting two independent hearts.

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Colin lowered himself next to Sarah, letting their thighs touch as he ran his hands through his hair, squeezing out the moisture. Lowering his hands, he turned toward her, his heart swelling at the look of adoration in her eyes.

“I’ve missed you,” he whispered so no one else could hear, grasping her hand in his. “We have to talk.”

“I know, but how? Da doesn’t let me get more than a few feet away from the wagon.” She threaded her fingers through his and squeezed.

“Everyone will be busy for the next two days, cleaning up after the storm, searching for lost animals, and repairing wagons. Your da can’t watch you every minute. We’ll find a way.” He leaned toward her, wishing he could brush his lips across hers. He’d kissed her for a brief moment once and couldn’t forget the taste of her. He had no intention of ever forgetting.

“Robena, Sarah, are you in there?”

Sarah’s frightened eyes locked on Colin at the sound of her father’s voice. Without thought, he leaned over and placed a kiss on her cheek before launching himself out the front of the wagon as the back flap flew open.


Colin’s Quest Buy Links

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B016C4QH3Q

iBooks: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/id1048224779

GooglePlay: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=ENm7CgAAQBAJ

Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B016C4QH3Q

Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/colins-quest-maclarens-of-boundary-mountain-historical-western-romance-series-book-1-shirleen-davies/1123025452?ean=2940158072673

Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/search?Query=Colin%27s+Quest

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27786636-colin-s-quest

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/598492


dsc_0254_0120 cropped -SM useAmazon Author Page Information and General Bio for Books

Shirleen Davies writes romance—historical, contemporary, and romantic suspense. She grew up in Southern California, attended Oregon State University, and has degrees from San Diego State University and the University of Maryland. During the day she provides consulting services to small and mid-sized businesses. But her real passion is writing emotionally charged stories of flawed people who find redemption through love and acceptance.  She now lives with her husband in a beautiful town in northern Arizona.


Shirleen loves to hear from her readers.

Write to her at:  shirleen@shirleendavies.com

Visit her website:   http://www.shirleendavies.com

Check out her book: http://www.shirleendavies.com/books.html

Comment on her blog:   http://www.shirleendavies.com/blog.html

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New release! When Love Conquers Time

WLCT 4 Book Banner (1)

Nancy Lee Badger has banded together with three other talented authors to create a boxed set released on March 2nd. The collection, When Love Conquers Time, contains over 1,000 pages of time travel romances set from the 14th century to the late 20th century.  Kilted Highlanders, shape-shifters, vampires, pirates, dragons, soldiers, and more will give readers hours of adventurous reading. Here are the Book blurbs:

MORAG’S TEARS (Celtic Storm Series Book 5) by Ria Cantrell

Step back in time to the beautiful Highlands of Scotland in the 14th century. Come and sit with us by the warm peat fire as Morag, the much loved character from Ria Cantrell’s bestselling Celtic Storm series tells the story of her life. From a child, gifted in the ancient ways, to a beautiful young woman in love, Morag weaves her rich tapestry of tales. She is a mystical seer, healer, manipulator of time and chatelaine to the clan MacCollum. You will feel as if you are walking alongside her on her life’s journey. Share her tears of joy as well as a few sad ones, as she recounts the triumphs and tribulations of a long life filled with love in its many guises.

SEA PANTHER by Dawn Marie Hamilton

Can love mend a fractured soul? After evading arrest for Jacobite activities, Scottish nobleman Robert MacLachlan turns privateer. A Caribbean Voodoo priestess curses him to an eternal existence as a vampire shifter torn between the dual natures of a Florida panther and an immortal blood-thirsting man. For centuries, he seeks to reverse the black magic whilst maintaining his honor. Cruising the twenty-first century Atlantic, he becomes shorthanded to sail his 90-foot yacht, Sea Panther. The last thing he wants is a female crewmember and the call of her blood.
Although she swore never to sail again after her father died in a sailing accident, Kimberly Scot answers the captain’s crew wanted ad to escape a hit man. She’s lost everything, her fiancé, her job, and most of her money, along with money belonging to her ex-clients. A taste of Kimberly’s blood convinces Robert she is the one woman who can claim the panther’s heart. To break the curse, they travel back in time to where it all began—Jamaica 1715.


Skye Gunn could not prevent her husband’s death, and will risk everything to defeat the sorcerer she blames. When he attacks her nephew, she is taken, instead. She escapes by plunging into the North Sea, and a spell takes her back to the future, to Jake. The woman who haunted his dreams since she blackmailed him into traveling back in time falls from the sky, beaten and bloody. He must trust her as they return to ancient Scotland. To survive, he and Skye must dare to love in the time they have.

As a result of a head injury suffered in the Gulf War, antiques dealer, Jason Hobbs is the victim of total amnesia. After investing a great deal of time and money trying to unlock his past, he has resigned himself to the fact that he may never fully know his own true identity. Life goes on and in the course of his business Jason acquires an old dresser with an oval mirror among a shipment of antique pieces from England. That same evening, strange images start to appear, reflected in the old mirror, and the mournful sound of a woman weeping can be heard, echoing through the night air. As he searches for answers to the mysterious events which began the day the dresser came into his possession, the past and present collide, bringing events from World War 1 crashing to his doorstep. A shocking revelation will rock his world, changing his perception of who he really is.

When Love Conquers Time NEWESTWhen Love Conquers Time, a four-author boxed set, is available at AMAZON for only $.99 (Free for Kindle Unlimited subscribers)

Also available HERE for Amazon UK Readers

Learn more about the authors:

 Morag’s Tears by Ria Cantrell:  Facebook Twitter

Sea Panther by Dawn Marie Hamilton:  Facebook Twitter

My Reluctant Highlander by Nancy Lee Badger: Website  Facebook

Reflections of Love  by Paul A. Crust:  Facebook

Interview with Jenny Gardiner

JennyGardiner_ThroneForALoop2_200Having achieved your goal to be a published author, what is the most rewarding thing?   

The best thing is being able to write books that readers love to read. I’m so lucky to be able to do this for a living and sure there will be people who just hate your book, but there are so many more who take pleasure in the story and it gives them a chance to escape and get lost in the world you’ve built up. It’s a pretty cool thing to get to do!

Are you a member of any writing organizations and, if so, have they helped

Over the years I’ve belonged to a number of organizations—I used to be on Backspace which was a great site, so much collaboration and writers helping each other in so many ways. I joined RWA in my early days as an author and that has been a great resource for networking and learning a lot about the industry. NINC is now a huge go-to group for me—so much great information to share with others who have been publishing for a while. I also have a few group blogs and things that I’m on, like the Girlfriends Book Club, and we support each other a lot. It can be a tough business so it’s essential to surround yourself with people who can help you and you can conversely help them when they need it.

Will you share some encouraging words for authors still struggling for that first contract? 

Absolutely! Most importantly, have faith in yourself. Publishing can be fraught with rejection, but you have to trust in your gut and know that what you’re doing is what you want to be doing and that you will be able to usher that book to publication—now there are so many ways in which to do it so it makes it a little bit easier. But be your own biggest supporter because sometimes you’ll find you are the only one standing up for yourself. And nowadays, the best thing you can do is write and write and write some more. Stay away from Facebook haha!

What’s next for you?

I’m working on more books in the It’s Reigning Men series—I’m having a lot of fun writing it and people keep asking for more. I’m also noodling on a few new series so in my spare time I’m going to get writing some of them as well. At some point I’ll work on some single titles I’ve started but not picked back up on, but that’s down the road a bit.

Do you have a view in your writing space?  What does your space look like? 

It depends on the day. My desk it a built-in desk in my kitchen, so I’m looking at pretty Italian tile “backsplash”, which I like a lot because I chose the tile when we built this house nearly 20 years ago. But behind me is a beautiful wooded lot, it’s very quiet, if anything you might hear barking dogs nearby but not much else. Sometimes I’ll go on the back deck and write though the deck chairs are uncomfortable and then if the deer come and start eating my flowers then I get distracted into yelling at them! On a nice day I write on my porch swing, which I love—I see flowering trees and neighbors houses and flower beds. It’s very peaceful and all I hear are chittering squirrels and birds chirping. In the wintertime I usually sit in the living room with a fire in the fireplace and write there—it’s super cozy and makes me happy.

What did you want to be when you were a child?  Did you always know you wanted to be a writer?

I think I knew eventually I’d be a writer—it was just what came naturally to me. Plus I seriously sucked at math (and still do sadly) so it limited my options—not like I could have been an engineer, or doctor 😉

What is your favorite part of writing?

Just making stuff up out of thin air! I started out as a journalist and had to be so married to the truth, so it was very liberating to no longer have to worry about that! I also love to hear from readers. You write these books and then they’re out there and it’s great to hear when people enjoy  them!

What is your least favorite part of writing?

Edits/reivsions—hate them!

What is your next project and when will it be released?

It’s Getting Hot in Heir, book 7 of the It’s Reigning Men series releases May 24! I’ve got my work cut out for me!

How much time do you spend promoting your books?  What works best for you?

Not nearly enough but it just gets tiresome—just a lot of throwing spaghetti at the wall. I do a newsletter, Facebook/Twitter announcements, I’ll sometimes do BookBub ads when I can get them, but after that, I return to writing…

How has your experience with self-publishing been?

It’s been great but it really means you are an entire publishing house, which can be exhausting.

Where do you get the ideas for your stories?

I often hear things in the news that sound like interesting launching points for a book. Or else I just think of something that would be interesting to me to read and then go from there…


Sawyer Patterson has never been one to care much about first impressions, except when it comes to royalty, because snagging a palace endorsement could make or break his fledgling catering business in Monaforte—the European principality where he’s settled following culinary school and an apprenticeship at a renowned French patisserie. Despite his anti-royalist upbringing, when he’s hired for a birthday party for Princess Isabella, he doubles down to ensure the birthday cake he makes for her will leave a lasting impression…

To support her good friend Clementine’s new event planning business, Isabella Annelisa Violetta Stefania, Princess Royal of Monaforte, hires her friend to help plan an epic birthday bash for herself. The occasion is the talk of the town, and she has faith Clementine will hire only the best to pull it off. It’s bad enough when Bella’s nemesis from boarding school shows up as the hired caterer, but when his cake ends up making her the laughingstock of the party, the gloves are off and she’s determined he’ll never get business in her town again..


Isabella Annelisa Violetta Stefania Easton was perfectly suited to be the princess royal of Monaforte because she liked nothing better than a good party. And who spends more time celebrating at festive occasions than royalty, for whom life always seems to be one big fête?

So it was kismet when her dear friend Clementine sort of stumbled into an event-planning business. Isabella, always up for helping others, wanted to support her friend’s enterprising spirit. Plus, she was in the mood to celebrate her upcoming birthday. No doubt, someone would have organized some sort of gathering for the event without enlisting her friend’s help, but it seemed like more of an adventure to put it all in Clementine’s capable hands and see what sort of bash she cultivated with only the seeds of an idea from Isabella.

The two of them hatched the plan over drinks while warming by a fireplace at their favorite restaurant on a bitterly cold January evening. The holidays had concluded and it seemed a good time to start thinking of something else they could do to stave off the winter funk that always wanted to settle in at this time of year.

“Your birthday falls on the weekend that everyone will be celebrating Valentine’s Day,” Clementine said. “So it seems obvious to go with the whole red hearts and valentines theme. Hmmm, let’s think how we could vary this so it’s not too clichéd.”

“Not queen of hearts,” Isabella said, tapping her pointer finger against her cheek in thought. “Because I’m not the queen. Mother wouldn’t appreciate that.”

“Would princess of hearts be weird?”

Isabella scrunched her nose. “Yeah, sorta. Reminds me of Princess Diana, and I don’t want people thinking that.”

“How about we shun the whole annoyingly predictable-slash-hackneyed Valentine’s Day trope and go for a lonely hearts theme.”

Isabella knit her brow and looked at her friend in disbelief. “Really? You’re suggesting my birthday party be a loser-girl bash? Because, in case you haven’t noticed, it’s not like I have a boyfriend anyhow. Such a theme will only reinforce the status quo in everyone’s eyes.”

“Yeah, but that’s just because you scare men off.”

Her friend’s eyes popped wide open. “What?”

“Well, not you, personally, but your position. Your status. I mean, being princess can be a little off-putting, amiright?”

JennyGardiner#10546Jenny Gardiner is the #1 Bestselling Kindle author of the novel Slim to None and the award-winning novel Sleeping with Ward Cleaver. Her latest works are the It’s Reigning Men contemporary romance series, featuring the best-selling Something in the Heir, Heir Today Gone Tomorrow, Bad to the Throne, Love is in the Heir, Shame of Thrones, Throne for a Loop, and the upcoming It’s Getting Hot in Heir. She also published a memoir, four other novels and an essay collection. Her work has been found in Ladies Home Journal, the Washington Post, Marie-Claire.com, and on NPR’s Day to Day. She has worked as a professional photographer, an orthodontic assistant as well as a publicist to a United States Senator (where she first  learned to write fiction). She’s photographed Prince Charles (and her assistant husband got him to chuckle!), Elizabeth Taylor, and the president of Uganda. She and her family now live a less exotic life in Virginia.

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Throne for a Loop is now available here:

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JUST ONE FRIEND — How it came about By June Shaw


photo (3)Some people ask why I changed from selling mysteries—a series of humorous mysteries with romance and a suspense—to creating work in other genres. Here is how that came to be.

My eight-year-old granddaughter asked me to. Sweet Claire asked if I’d hurry and finish my latest mystery and write a book with her. How could I say no? What kind of book would you like to write? I asked but she didn’t know. I thought about it and discussed my ideas with her, and we came up with How to Take Care of Your Pet Ghost. The publishers I was selling to only did mysteries, and we couldn’t wait since she was so young. That’s why I ventured into self-publishing. We have a fun book for young children that Claire helped sell at various places (giving hard stares at anyone who passed by without buying our book.) She bought an iPad with her first earnings and has earned a lot of extra cash since then.

And then my mother died. She was an amazing who went to college and became a businesswoman way before her time (Mom was born in 1906.) Widowed at an early age, she pressed on with outstanding values, and when she was aged seventy, started dating. That made her way fun to be with. She exercised and lost weight and danced all evening until a month before she passed on—at the age of 102—and a half. She told everyone that half really counted once a person reached 100. She also told a man who asked her, when she was 95, how she looked so amazing and did she take many pills. “One,” she said, and when he asked what for, Mom looked at me and then told the man, “Birth control.”

Mom’s favorite dances were The Freeze and Macarena, and everybody insisted I write a book about her. They wanted to know her secrets—exercises, foods, attitudes….. I wanted to have it out while so many people still remembered her, so again I self-published. That book, which many have called extremely inspirational, is called Nora 102 ½: A Lesson on Aging Well.

Awhile after that, my teen granddaughters Brooke and Caroline, who are sisters, asked to write a book with me. “Do you just want money, or do you really want to write a book?” I asked, and both assured me they thought writing a book would be fun. They were avid readers, and we all loved the Hunger Games books. Thus my latest work was born.

Just One Friend takes place after warfare destroyed most of the country, and only one area exists where it’s known that people can survive. Because of limited resources and space, the Leader decreed that each person can have only one friend. A lonely teenage girl believes things should be otherwise. If she is wrong, she and someone very dear to her will meet with a horrible death.

Our book has done well and received excellent reviews. Thanks for letting me share my writing voyage thus far. I hope you’ll check out my (our) work.          June                        www.juneshaw.com


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