OHHHH! I;m so happy. Redeemed by a Rebel is now available for sale, earlier than it’s planned release date of January 31st. I hope if you like this excerpt that you’ll try the book. So here goes the next seven paragraphs in our story.
Miss Sutter was a pretty little blond woman, who seemed quite capable of running the business without any help from a husband or a brother. Definitely not the simpering miss type to be treated with kid gloves. She was all business and didn’t take shit off anyone. Yet, there wasn’t a miner or merchant or mother that walked out of her store without a smile on their face. Jake was impressed.
Liam approached the counter with Jake in his wake. “Miss Sutter? I’m Liam Anderson,” he said using their real name, “and this is my brother, Jake.”
“Misters Anderson, I’m glad you finally made it.” She wiped her hands on the front of her white apron and then held her hand out to Liam.
He took the dainty appendage and said, “So am I. Can you give me directions to the claim? I’d like to get set up before nightfall.”
“Certainly. The claim is still being worked for me but now that you’re here, you’ll be able to do the work yourself. I’ve got a map all done for you. I didn’t know when you’d be here, so I’ve kept the paperwork ready. Here it is.”
She reached under the counter and two pieces of paper which she handed to Liam. A map was drawn on one and the transfer of the claim to Liam was on the other.
“Thank you, Miss Sutter. I appreciate your keeping the claim open for me by having someone work it.”
Here are the buy links:
Amazon – http://amzn.com/B00I1GZAU0
Barnes & Noble – http://tinyurl.com/klf5546
Google Play – https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Cynthia_Woolf_Redeemed_by_a_Rebel?id=OXGpAgAAQBAJ&hl=en
All Romance eBooks – https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-redeemedbyarebel-1404938-158.html
Sounds interesting. I hope that things work out for them. Claims weren’t always on the up and up but the nice Miss Sutter seems like she wouldn’t cheat them.
Sound like a great book. Not sure what time frame this takes place, but whenever it was I wish them luck.
Hey Cindy, Love the cover! I’ve got you up on my website, FB & Twitter. You go girl and best of luck with the new series.
Love that cover! Keep those cowboys coming!
Great excerpt. I can’t wait to read the book. Thanks for sharing, Cindy.